2/3 | John MacArthur Can't Recall Conversion; Claims He 'Always Believed' [in context]

  • Опубліковано 11 жов 2024


  • @JordanRossMackenzie
    @JordanRossMackenzie 14 років тому +2

    His parents obviously did a good job raising him. For those of us who had crappy upbringings, may have gotten into drugs, sexual immorality, gangs and violence, obviously it is going to be more obvious to us when we cam to the Lord.
    And as far as absolutes go, John doesn't claim to know everything. He claims that the Bible is the absolute truth and represents it well. Just because he doesn't know something doesn't take away the credibility he has earnt in preaching the gospel.
    God Bless.

  • @SkiesVibrant
    @SkiesVibrant 13 років тому +2

    Kevin, I always enjoy your videos. I agree with you on almost everything. I appreciate that you use excellent discernment skills, but most of all I admire your sincerity. On this issue, I have to depart. John was raised in a Godly home. When you are raised on scripture it becomes part of a person's worldview. Not EVERYONE has a conversion experience because they have essentially ALWAYS believed in Christ and the Christian life. What are you objecting to specifically? Thanks Brother.

  • @1metooyou1
    @1metooyou1 14 років тому +2

    John admits to being a sinner saved by Grace. This was an interview and an answer to a simple question. Any Preacher can make up a conversion story, JM was just being an honest man. He was raised in a godily home and taught the truth from his birth. You sound like a jealous man. Check yourself. You both sound as arrogant men poking fun of a brother. YOU DO NOT SOUND LIKE MEN DEFENDING THE GOSPEL YOU SOUND AS MEAN JEALOUS AND TRYING TO DESTROY a persons reputation.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  13 років тому

    @5857612, the excerpts of MacArthur are from an interview done in 2004. He has been asked about his comments repeatedly, but has denied clarifying. He was in the comfort of his own studio, and no one had a gun held to his head. And the interview excerpt is presented in context, so that it is clear what MacArthur meant.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  13 років тому

    @SkiesVibrant, you should understand I am not the one featured in this video. That is Pastor John Coleman of Los Angeles, CA. So I am not objecting to anything.
    However if I were to raise one, it would be the fact that his account of his "conversion" CONTRADICTS SCRIPTURE, as well as what he teaches in HIS OWN BIBLE COMMENTARIES. He said he "always believed in the gospel", was "always responsive to the things of Christ", and "never rebelled". NO person is born "believing" and "obedient"

  • @MrAngates
    @MrAngates 14 років тому +1

    There is a belife that dose not save! Even the devils belive and tremble.The devils,always belived,but they are not saved are they. He never said tht he was always saved. That would be a problem.
    So much for the gotcha game.....

  • @trident343
    @trident343 14 років тому

    I finally understand why Macarthurists accuse others of "decisional regeneration" LOL

  • @AnthonyGrant231
    @AnthonyGrant231 13 років тому +1

    -NO person is born "believing" and "obedient"-
    Psa 22:9 Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother's breasts.
    Luk 1:41 And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,
    Luk 1:44 For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    tynialoveschrist, if the video is "pointless", then why did you leave a comment?
    ▪ I'm not concerned about your 5 year old daughter, or whether or not she's converted. That's not the issue here.
    ▪ Rather, the ISSUE, madam, is the fact that MacArthur's account of his supposed "conversion" (or lack thereof) CONTRADICTS SCRIPTURE, as well as what he teaches in HIS OWN BIBLE COMMENTARIES.
    ▪ You are angry because of your irrational love for John MacArthur. You should pray about that.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    @ctu74211, thank you for your comment. But will all due respect, I don't care how "preeminent" MacArthur -- he is NOT exempt from scrutiny because of his stature amongst men.
    This video is presented for the public to judge whether MacArthur's statements conform to the clear, consistent teaching of scripture. If you are satisfied that what he says passes the test, then so be it.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    1) It is not "slander" to issue a legitimate criticism.
    2) I am not the one featured in the clip. What you hear is an excerpt from a podcast by John Coleman. He recorded it in his own studio and uploaded it on his own website. This is the United States of America, and the last time I checked, he has free speech rights to express his opinion in any manner he wishes.
    3) The only reason you are upset is because the great John MacArthur is being criticized.

  • @4TheMostHighJesus
    @4TheMostHighJesus 14 років тому

    I find it strange that a man can be so certain about so much in doctrince, for example he teaches that women cannot be pastors, yet he can't remember being born again? I was 7 1/2 years old when I got born again. I cannot ever forget it. I can see it in my memory right now while writing this. He cannot remember confessing The Lord Jesus Christ... wow. I once heard a pastor say, I don't remember who, that when we get to heaven we will be shocked at who is there and who is not there. Maranatha.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    1) Nothing you said makes any sense.
    2) I am not trying "expose" JM and I am neither of the speakers in this video.
    3) What JM says IS a "big deal" and IS "problematic". His account of his "conversion" CONTRADICTS SCRIPTURE, as well as what he teaches in HIS OWN BIBLE COMMENTARIES. He said he could not discern his conversion AT ALL, that he "always believed in the gospel", was "always responsive to the things of Christ", and "never rebelled" against the gospel or God.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  15 років тому

    The issue IS NOT his remembering the exact day he was saved. He said that he did not remember conversion AT ALL IN HIS LIFE. Not only that, but he said he "always believed in the gospel", was "always responsive to the things of Christ", and "never rebelled" against the gospel or God. This is disturbing considering this is a leading evangelical and Reformed theologian/apologist.
    It's what he SAID in this interview that CONTRADICTS SCRIPTURE; not his ability to remember a precise moment.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    @1metooyou1, it is Pastor John Coleman of Los Angeles, CA featured in the video, and not me. I know Coleman personally, and can tell you the idea he is jealous of or trying to destroy MacArthur is laughable. Coleman was graduated from the same seminary as MacArthur, and knows him personally.
    In any event, none of what you said has anything to with what MacArthur said (which was both ridiculous and contradictory to scripture). THAT is the issue -- not these men.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    @educatedthug15, it is quite obvious you have not listened to JM or read the transcript of his interview. You do not know the facts and you're directing your hostilities towards me, instead of dealing with the subject at hand.
    Go back and listen carefully to what JM said. He said he "always believed in the gospel", was "ALWAYS responsive to the things of Christ", and "NEVER rebelled" against the gospel or God. He also said there was NO discernible "transformation in [his] heart".

  • @Slippin22
    @Slippin22 10 років тому +1

    I myself had a dramatic conversion and dont know of any other way to be converted other than by the spirit of truth.none of which was my decision.
    1 John 2:20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.
    1 Corinthians 2:14 The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned
    John 14:17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
    1 Corinthians 12:3 no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.
    John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
    John 1:13 They are reborn--not with a physical birth resulting from human decision or plan, but a birth that comes from God.
    John 3:7 You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again

  • @edwina328
    @edwina328 9 років тому +1

    It just goes to show you that someone can teach very well the Bible but not have the SPIRIT. He is well respected by deceived people.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    @educatedthug15, would you mind explaining this in a more "educated" fashion?

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    @MrAngates, I have better things to do with my time.
    MacArthur made the statements in the comfort of his own studio and under no pressure. I didn't put a gun to his head.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  13 років тому

    @xhemexx, I have no clue as to what you're talking about. John MacArthur is not under "attack" here. And the issue IS NOT remembering a date on a calendar. Foolishness...
    Please open your ears.

  • @4TheMostHighJesus
    @4TheMostHighJesus 14 років тому

    I have to say something else, The Scriptures are clear, you MUST confess The Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart that Yahweh has raised Him (Jesus/Yeshua) from the dead. How can anyone not remember that? The Bible says you must be of an age that is accountable, indicating there must be a conscious decision and commitment, a knowing that is unmistakable. I am shocked and amazed at MacArthur's statements and he should be confronted and made accountable for them. He needs to explain this.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    @AnthonyE1778, the commentator didn't say anything about remembering a date or such being a condition for salvation (for some reason, people are not listening very carefully to what is being said).
    The commentator is taking issue with MacArthur's statements which conflicts with what scripture teaches regarding conversion. For example, MacArthur said the discerned no transformation in is heart when he was supposedly converted. He also said he "always believed the gospel". Very problematic...

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    justasimplechristian, you hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see. If you can't listen and determine what MacArthur said was inconsistent with scripture, then I really don't know what to say to you.

  • @elmyra.jackson
    @elmyra.jackson 9 років тому

    I am deeply concerned when a person says to me "I've always been saved".........or " I've been saved all my life?" How does this happen? Is one saved by default? Lots of people grew up in christian homes who weren't particularly rebellious!
    Also this is the same apologetic "scholar" who said Jesus condoned slavery......hmmmmm

  • @MrAngates
    @MrAngates 14 років тому

    There is a belife that do not save! even the devils belive and tremble! Are they saved? No they are not. I have no problem with someone always remembering that belive. He did not say,he was always saved. That would be a problem. Stop ths mess plz......

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  15 років тому

    1) ALL of your responses were posted.
    2) You do not have an exclusive, God-given right to "express yourself" on my pages. I suggest you make your own videos expressing yourself. That way, you can dicate how comments are to be handled, instead of telling me how I should manage my affairs here.
    3) I don't have a problem with John MacArthur's preaching, sir. My problem with him is that he stated things about converstion that were AGAINST scripture.
    Be blessed.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    MrAngates, I honestly don't understand why you're so upset. Regardless of how emotionally rocked you are, there are big problems with MacArthur's statements.
    He clearly said he "always believed the gospel" and "never rebelled against it".
    If that doesn't translate to "always saved", then I don't know what else does.

  • @BlendahTom
    @BlendahTom 14 років тому

    Good stuff.. the only thing I would disagree in terms of the commentary is the statement that John Macarthur is the face of Reformed Evangelicals .. eek I hope not.. I would say John Piper would be.. my .02
    John isn't reformed in the traditional sense he is Calvinistic in terms of God's Sovereignty. He is one of the few dispensational calvinist's out there from what I know..

  • @SkiesVibrant
    @SkiesVibrant 13 років тому

    @NotYourTypicalNegro Thanks for your reply. I sent you a short pm to try to explain my experience with this. God Bless Brother.

  • @worldupsidedown1
    @worldupsidedown1 13 років тому

    JM's teaching has always come across rather legalistic to me. Interesting for someone who is so concerned about the do's and dont's that he treats his so-called belief in Christ non-chalantly. Your are right, NYTN, that his stance here is not Biblical. He is treading in some very shallow water here.

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  13 років тому

    @TheAnthonyGrant, I agree with you 100%.

  • @MrAngates
    @MrAngates 14 років тому

    I was four years old when i got lost in
    lazurus! a dept store. I do not remember
    it. i remember hearing about it a lot when
    i was a child. when i tlk of insident. i tlk
    of it as if i did remember. Why? BECAUSE tht story is part of me. And i really do belive tht i was lost in the store
    all those years ago! He always belived. so

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro  14 років тому

    Again, MrAngates. You are WRONG. He DID -- in effect -- say that. And noone is playing a "gotcha game" (pure foolishness). MacArthur's statements are presented for scrutiny, and he is not special just because he's the great John MacArthur. He made statements that are CONTRARY to what scripture teaches regarding conversion. And that cannot be disputed.
    Good day.

  • @MrAngates
    @MrAngates 14 років тому

    The Bible makes it clear tht just beliving will not save! most people belive that
    christ was born! tht he was a great teacher! like mormans,and muslims.
    There belife will never translate in to salvation. will it.