really interesting that you don't have to adjust anything else to offset the agitation! would the final extraction be similar? how close were the total brew times?
In my experience, I found that most people prefer the higher ratio Melodrip style coffee than the high agitation ones. I approach each coffee differently depending on their notes and what I want to get out of them on that day. Also, that Esmeralda looks insane.
So like 1:17 or more with mellow drip works better than 1:15? I think that makes sense. Making up for some temperature loss and lack of agitation with more water passing through.
$127 for 4 oz wouldn't shake my careful brewing, pouring. Having that Cute girl standing right by me as I brew/pour a cup would make my hands shake uncontrollably. AND noOne would wanna drink that cup. OverExtraction. Bitter. A real Mess.
$127 for 4 oz wouldn't shake my careful brewing, pouring. Having that Cute guy standing right by me as l brew/pour a cup would make my hands shake uncontrollably. AND noOne would wanna drink that cup. OverExtraction. Bitter. A real Mess.
what grind of the EK
really interesting that you don't have to adjust anything else to offset the agitation! would the final extraction be similar? how close were the total brew times?
In my experience, I found that most people prefer the higher ratio Melodrip style coffee than the high agitation ones.
I approach each coffee differently depending on their notes and what I want to get out of them on that day.
Also, that Esmeralda looks insane.
So like 1:17 or more with mellow drip works better than 1:15? I think that makes sense. Making up for some temperature loss and lack of agitation with more water passing through.
Oh, happy to see Korean there!
So balmuda the brew coffee machine was correct all along the mellow droplets method 💧
$127 for 4oz is crazy
Not entirely. Coffee in general is underpriced. Due to the amount of labor and shipping involved with all of it
However, that is so much. Hopefully the producer got a decent cut.
$127 for 4 oz wouldn't shake my careful brewing, pouring.
Having that Cute girl standing right by me as I brew/pour a cup would make my hands shake uncontrollably. AND noOne would wanna drink that cup. OverExtraction. Bitter. A real Mess.
$127 for 4 oz wouldn't shake my careful brewing, pouring.
Having that Cute guy standing right by me as l brew/pour a cup would make my hands shake uncontrollably. AND noOne would wanna drink that cup. OverExtraction. Bitter. A real Mess.
Just do the cupping eh?, grind a bit coarse and tada😊