Hi, to fix the issue with the Path Genie, just change the print statement. For example in line 33 change "print currentControls" to "print(currentControls)". Maya changed from python 2 to python 3.
Thanks so much for this mate! I was facing a huge folder organization and was procrastinating cause of these texture files. I knew of method 1 but method 2 saved my bacon! So much time and headache saved!
Sir we can use this method for this eg : i have probelm when i copied my maya files with project folder and i opened tbis file on another laptop but i cant see the textures
Hello I have simple question... is it ok to uv Unwrap after detailing and completing all my work in zbrush .... Or i have to do uv Unwrap befor detailing
My custom textures link to my pc's sourceimages folder for example(C:disk/Users/PC/Documents/maya/projects/My_Project_Folder_Name_Sourceimages/texture_name/) If I want to send my project to someone elese they are cant open my project correctly.How can ı fix that ?
thanks it worked for the repath but for the cosmos tree plants for vray i have to relink the Vmesh manually.. thogh i have kept them all in one folder.. but again save much time in case of texture relink.. thanks again.
There's a FileTextureManager Script as well. But in that i can't convert the texture images to tx. Is there a newer version of it, that has updated that feature as well?
I've been trying to fix this problem and tried multiple things but nothing ever worked. Probably need to redo the way I organize my files on the Desktop but I don't know the right/correct way to set that up. "Set project" didn't work for me, renaming the path to the file where my textures/images were located didn't work, couldn't find any scripts online either.
If scripts and set project didn't work, I'd start with file organization first. Also, don't start folder names with numbers, I've noticed Maya has issues with that sometimes.
Great tutorial very helpful keep it up. I have a question regarding rendering Turntable with maya and Vray 5. Is the process same as we used to do with arnold ? Do i need to use batchrender or sequence render
The 1Click Text Path Genie gives a syntax error, and the other script says "cannot find procedure". Does anyone have a fix for one or the other? (using Maya 2022.3)
Hi, I made a little script that should automatically update textures in real-time. It's not ideal and it might eat up a bit of ram but it gets the job done especially if you were trying to do something like hand-painted textures in photoshop and use maya as a viewer( like i was). I hope this helps! Just save as a .mel, drop into Maya and then click start: //Update Textures function global proc reloadTexture() { string $files[] = `ls -type "file"`; for ( $file in $files ) { string $fileName = `getAttr ( $file + ".fileTextureName" )`; setAttr ( $file + ".fileTextureName") -type "string" $fileName; } } global proc int onbuttonPressed(string $button, int $process) { int $isRun=`getAttr isRunningGroup.isRunAttr`;
hi thanks for this tutorial. i got a question. if i downloaded two different character assets online for my own project, each of the asset got their own pacage/texture path. how should i make sure they all read their own textures in my new project(with both of the two characters in). is that possible to change the texture path permenantly?
Yeah, just move all the textures into one folder and then use the File Path editor to change the texture location in your Maya project. That should fix it.
Hi, to fix the issue with the Path Genie, just change the print statement. For example in line 33 change "print currentControls" to "print(currentControls)". Maya changed from python 2 to python 3.
That was it! Thank you for the fix!
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
import os
defaultSearchPath = "C:/"
version = 1.0
windowWidth = 550
pathStrHeight = 25
colorPatternPass = [(.2,.25,.2),(.25,.3,.25)]
colorPatternFail = [(.25,.2,.2),(.3,.25,.25)]
passColor = [.2,.5,.2]
failColor = [.5,.2,.2]
progressBarName = "searching"
if(cmds.window('texFix_Window', q=1, ex=1)):
if(cmds.windowPref('texFix_Window', q=1, ex=1)):
cmds.windowPref('texFix_Window', r=1)
global fileTextures
fileTextures = cmds.ls(typ="file")
def populatePathList(*args):
global fileTextures
fileTextures = cmds.ls(typ="file")
currentControls = []
currentControls = cmds.columnLayout("uiColWrapper2", q=1, ca=1)
if(currentControls == None):
currentControls = []
print currentControls
if(len(currentControls) > 0):
for control in currentControls:
cmds.deleteUI( control, control=True )
tmpColorPatListPass = colorPatternPass
tmpColorPatListFail = colorPatternFail
rowLayOutCount = 0
for tex in fileTextures:
queryPath = cmds.getAttr("%s.fileTextureName"%(tex))
initResultPre = os.path.exists(queryPath)
cmds.rowLayout('_%i_rowLayout'%(rowLayOutCount), nc=2, cw2=[(int(windowWidth * .8)),(int(windowWidth * .2))], adj=1, p="uiColWrapper2")
if(initResultPre == True):
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), l = "%s"%(queryPath),al="left", bgc=tmpColorPatListPass[0], w=(int(windowWidth * .5)), h=pathStrHeight, p = '_%i_rowLayout'%(rowLayOutCount))
elif(initResultPre == False):
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), l = "%s"%(queryPath),al="left", bgc=tmpColorPatListFail[0], w=(int(windowWidth * .5)), h=pathStrHeight, p = '_%i_rowLayout'%(rowLayOutCount))
cmds.button('_%i_texSelectButton'%(rowLayOutCount), l="%s"%(tex), w=(int(windowWidth * .4)), c='cmds.select("%s")'%(tex), p='_%i_rowLayout'%(rowLayOutCount))
tmpColorPass = tmpColorPatListPass[0]
del tmpColorPatListPass[0]
tmpColorFail = tmpColorPatListFail[0]
del tmpColorPatListFail[0]
rowLayOutCount += 1
cmds.button("StartTextureSearch", e=1, en=1)
def resourceAllTextures(*args):
orphanSearchPath = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp('Dir', q=1, text=1)
widgetQueryListPre = cmds.columnLayout("uiColWrapper2", q=1, ca=1)
widgetCount = 0
widgetQueryList = []
for f in widgetQueryListPre:
rowLayoutList = cmds.rowLayout("%s"%(f), q=1, ca=1)
rowLayoutList = []
if(len(rowLayoutList) != 0):
for x in rowLayoutList:
if(x[0] != "_"):
widgetCount = len(widgetQueryList)
commonLocations = []
for tex in widgetQueryList:
queryPath = cmds.getAttr("%s.fileTextureName"%(tex))
initResult = os.path.exists(queryPath)
queryPath = queryPath.replace("\\","/")
splitPath = queryPath.split("/")
searchFile = splitPath[-1]
lostOrFound = 0
if((initResult != True) and (len(commonLocations) != 0)):
for commonLoc in commonLocations:
formattedTestPath0 = commonLoc.replace("\\","/")
formattedTestPath1 = formattedTestPath0[::-1]
formattedTestPath2 = formattedTestPath1.split("/", 1)[-1]
formattedTestPath3 = formattedTestPath2[::-1]
commonPathResult = os.path.exists("%s/%s"%(formattedTestPath3,searchFile))
if(commonPathResult == True):
resolvedPath = "%s/%s"%(formattedTestPath3,searchFile)
resolvedPath = resolvedPath.replace("/","\\")
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, bgc=passColor)
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, l=resolvedPath)
cmds.setAttr("%s.fileTextureName"%(tex), resolvedPath, type="string")
lostOrFound = 1
elif((initResult != True) and (len(commonLocations) == 0) and (lostOrFound == 0)):
searchCount = 0
for (path) in os.walk(orphanSearchPath):
searchCount += 1
resolvedPath = queryPath
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, bgc=failColor)
print "resourcing %s"%(tex)
makeProgressBar(progressBarName, searchCount)
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(orphanSearchPath):
print "searching in path: %s"%(path)
moveProgressBar(progressBarName, 1)
path = path.replace("/","\\")
if(searchFile in files):
resolvedPath = "%s\\%s"%(path, searchFile)
resolvedPath = resolvedPath.replace("/","\\")
lostOrFound = 1
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, bgc=passColor)
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, l=resolvedPath)
resolvedPath = resolvedPath.replace("/","\\")
cmds.setAttr("%s.fileTextureName"%(tex), resolvedPath, type="string")
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, bgc=passColor)
cmds.scrollLayout("scrollLayout", e=1, sbp=["down", 25])
def browseIt():
searchPathRaw = cmds.fileDialog2(fm=2, cap="Browse for a directory to search within..", dir=defaultSearchPath, okc="Choose Directory", dialogStyle=2)
searchPath = searchPathRaw[0].replace("/", "\\")
if(len(searchPath) == 2 and searchPath[-1] == ":"):
searchPath = searchPath + "\\"
cmds.textFieldButtonGrp('Dir', e=1, text=searchPath)
return 1
def makeProgressBar(name, maxVal):
if(cmds.window("%s"%(name), q=1, ex=1)):
if(cmds.windowPref("%s"%(name), q=1, ex=1)):
cmds.windowPref("%s"%(name), r=1)
progWindow = cmds.window("%s"%(name), title="%s Progress Window"%(name), widthHeight=(300, 50))
cmds.columnLayout("%s_colLayout", p="%s"%(name))
progressControl = cmds.progressBar("%s_Progress"%(name), maxValue=maxVal, width=300, height=50)
cmds.showWindow( progWindow )
def moveProgressBar(name, stepSize):
cmds.progressBar("%s_Progress"%(name), edit=True, step=stepSize)
def killProgressWindow(name):
if(cmds.window("%s"%(name), q=1, ex=1)):
if(cmds.windowPref("%s"%(name), q=1, ex=1)):
cmds.windowPref("%s"%(name), r=1)
def makeGui():
texFix_Window = cmds.window('texFix_Window', title="Texture Search/Source Tool - V%s"%(version), iconName='texFix_Window', widthHeight=(windowWidth+15, 400) )
scrollLayout = cmds.scrollLayout("scrollLayout", w=windowWidth, cr=1, p="texFix_Window" )
cmds.columnLayout('uiColWrapper', w = (windowWidth - 10), adj=1, adjustableColumn=True, p="scrollLayout")
cmds.text(l = "Automatic 1-click texture resource tool", bgc=[1,1,1], p = 'uiColWrapper')
cmds.separator( height=10, style='double', p = 'uiColWrapper')
cmds.textFieldButtonGrp('Dir', label="Root path for search", ad3=2 , cw3 = [105,380,50], text=defaultSearchPath, buttonLabel='browse', buttonCommand=browseIt, parent = 'uiColWrapper')
cmds.button('populateResultArea', l = "-Display Texture Paths-", bgc = [.35, .35, .35], h=40, c = populatePathList, parent = 'uiColWrapper' )
cmds.button('StartTextureSearch', l = "-Fix Texture Paths-", bgc = [.35, .6, .35], h=40, en=0, c = resourceAllTextures, parent = 'uiColWrapper' )
cmds.separator( height=10, style='double', p = 'uiColWrapper')
cmds.columnLayout('uiColWrapper2', w = (windowWidth - 10), adjustableColumn=True, p="scrollLayout")
cmds.showWindow( texFix_Window )
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
import os
defaultSearchPath = "C:/"
version = 1.0
windowWidth = 550
pathStrHeight = 25
colorPatternPass = [(.2,.25,.2),(.25,.3,.25)]
colorPatternFail = [(.25,.2,.2),(.3,.25,.25)]
passColor = [.2,.5,.2]
failColor = [.5,.2,.2]
progressBarName = "searching"
if(cmds.window('texFix_Window', q=1, ex=1)):
if(cmds.windowPref('texFix_Window', q=1, ex=1)):
cmds.windowPref('texFix_Window', r=1)
global fileTextures
fileTextures = cmds.ls(typ="file")
def populatePathList(*args):
global fileTextures
fileTextures = cmds.ls(typ="file")
currentControls = []
currentControls = cmds.columnLayout("uiColWrapper2", q=1, ca=1)
if(currentControls == None):
currentControls = []
if(len(currentControls) > 0):
for control in currentControls:
cmds.deleteUI( control, control=True )
tmpColorPatListPass = colorPatternPass
tmpColorPatListFail = colorPatternFail
rowLayOutCount = 0
for tex in fileTextures:
queryPath = cmds.getAttr("%s.fileTextureName"%(tex))
initResultPre = os.path.exists(queryPath)
cmds.rowLayout('_%i_rowLayout'%(rowLayOutCount), nc=2, cw2=[(int(windowWidth * .8)),(int(windowWidth * .2))], adj=1, p="uiColWrapper2")
if(initResultPre == True):
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), l = "%s"%(queryPath),al="left", bgc=tmpColorPatListPass[0], w=(int(windowWidth * .5)), h=pathStrHeight, p = '_%i_rowLayout'%(rowLayOutCount))
elif(initResultPre == False):
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), l = "%s"%(queryPath),al="left", bgc=tmpColorPatListFail[0], w=(int(windowWidth * .5)), h=pathStrHeight, p = '_%i_rowLayout'%(rowLayOutCount))
cmds.button('_%i_texSelectButton'%(rowLayOutCount), l="%s"%(tex), w=(int(windowWidth * .4)), c='cmds.select("%s")'%(tex), p='_%i_rowLayout'%(rowLayOutCount))
tmpColorPass = tmpColorPatListPass[0]
del tmpColorPatListPass[0]
tmpColorFail = tmpColorPatListFail[0]
del tmpColorPatListFail[0]
rowLayOutCount += 1
cmds.button("StartTextureSearch", e=1, en=1)
def resourceAllTextures(*args):
orphanSearchPath = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp('Dir', q=1, text=1)
widgetQueryListPre = cmds.columnLayout("uiColWrapper2", q=1, ca=1)
widgetCount = 0
widgetQueryList = []
for f in widgetQueryListPre:
rowLayoutList = cmds.rowLayout("%s"%(f), q=1, ca=1)
rowLayoutList = []
if(len(rowLayoutList) != 0):
for x in rowLayoutList:
if(x[0] != "_"):
widgetCount = len(widgetQueryList)
commonLocations = []
for tex in widgetQueryList:
queryPath = cmds.getAttr("%s.fileTextureName"%(tex))
initResult = os.path.exists(queryPath)
queryPath = queryPath.replace("\\","/")
splitPath = queryPath.split("/")
searchFile = splitPath[-1]
lostOrFound = 0
if((initResult != True) and (len(commonLocations) != 0)):
for commonLoc in commonLocations:
formattedTestPath0 = commonLoc.replace("\\","/")
formattedTestPath1 = formattedTestPath0[::-1]
formattedTestPath2 = formattedTestPath1.split("/", 1)[-1]
formattedTestPath3 = formattedTestPath2[::-1]
commonPathResult = os.path.exists("%s/%s"%(formattedTestPath3,searchFile))
if(commonPathResult == True):
resolvedPath = "%s/%s"%(formattedTestPath3,searchFile)
resolvedPath = resolvedPath.replace("/","\\")
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, bgc=passColor)
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, l=resolvedPath)
cmds.setAttr("%s.fileTextureName"%(tex), resolvedPath, type="string")
lostOrFound = 1
elif((initResult != True) and (len(commonLocations) == 0) and (lostOrFound == 0)):
searchCount = 0
for (path) in os.walk(orphanSearchPath):
searchCount += 1
resolvedPath = queryPath
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, bgc=failColor)
print("resourcing %s"%(tex))
makeProgressBar(progressBarName, searchCount)
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(orphanSearchPath):
print("searching in path: %s"%(path))
moveProgressBar(progressBarName, 1)
path = path.replace("/","\\")
if(searchFile in files):
resolvedPath = "%s\\%s"%(path, searchFile)
resolvedPath = resolvedPath.replace("/","\\")
lostOrFound = 1
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, bgc=passColor)
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, l=resolvedPath)
resolvedPath = resolvedPath.replace("/","\\")
cmds.setAttr("%s.fileTextureName"%(tex), resolvedPath, type="string")
cmds.text("%s"%(tex), e=1, bgc=passColor)
cmds.scrollLayout("scrollLayout", e=1, sbp=["down", 25])
def browseIt():
searchPathRaw = cmds.fileDialog2(fm=2, cap="Browse for a directory to search within..", dir=defaultSearchPath, okc="Choose Directory", dialogStyle=2)
searchPath = searchPathRaw[0].replace("/", "\\")
if(len(searchPath) == 2 and searchPath[-1] == ":"):
searchPath = searchPath + "\\"
cmds.textFieldButtonGrp('Dir', e=1, text=searchPath)
return 1
def makeProgressBar(name, maxVal):
if(cmds.window("%s"%(name), q=1, ex=1)):
if(cmds.windowPref("%s"%(name), q=1, ex=1)):
cmds.windowPref("%s"%(name), r=1)
progWindow = cmds.window("%s"%(name), title="%s Progress Window"%(name), widthHeight=(300, 50))
cmds.columnLayout("%s_colLayout", p="%s"%(name))
progressControl = cmds.progressBar("%s_Progress"%(name), maxValue=maxVal, width=300, height=50)
cmds.showWindow( progWindow )
def moveProgressBar(name, stepSize):
cmds.progressBar("%s_Progress"%(name), edit=True, step=stepSize)
def killProgressWindow(name):
if(cmds.window("%s"%(name), q=1, ex=1)):
if(cmds.windowPref("%s"%(name), q=1, ex=1)):
cmds.windowPref("%s"%(name), r=1)
def makeGui():
texFix_Window = cmds.window('texFix_Window', title="Texture Search/Source Tool - V%s"%(version), iconName='texFix_Window', widthHeight=(windowWidth+15, 400) )
scrollLayout = cmds.scrollLayout("scrollLayout", w=windowWidth, cr=1, p="texFix_Window" )
cmds.columnLayout('uiColWrapper', w = (windowWidth - 10), adj=1, adjustableColumn=True, p="scrollLayout")
cmds.text(l = "Automatic 1-click texture resource tool", bgc=[1,1,1], p = 'uiColWrapper')
cmds.separator( height=10, style='double', p = 'uiColWrapper')
cmds.textFieldButtonGrp('Dir', label="Root path for search", ad3=2 , cw3 = [105,380,50], text=defaultSearchPath, buttonLabel='browse', buttonCommand=browseIt, parent = 'uiColWrapper')
cmds.button('populateResultArea', l = "-Display Texture Paths-", bgc = [.35, .35, .35], h=40, c = populatePathList, parent = 'uiColWrapper' )
cmds.button('StartTextureSearch', l = "-Fix Texture Paths-", bgc = [.35, .6, .35], h=40, en=0, c = resourceAllTextures, parent = 'uiColWrapper' )
cmds.separator( height=10, style='double', p = 'uiColWrapper')
cmds.columnLayout('uiColWrapper2', w = (windowWidth - 10), adjustableColumn=True, p="scrollLayout")
cmds.showWindow( texFix_Window )
I have updated and pasted the updated script for py 3
this was so helpful. saved me a lot of time. I was going to reconnect everything by hand before I watched this.
Thanks so much for this mate! I was facing a huge folder organization and was procrastinating cause of these texture files. I knew of method 1 but method 2 saved my bacon! So much time and headache saved!
Glad I could help!
The repath files worked with Arnold to put textures on a character
So many wasted hours of constantly clicking Reload...Thank you so much for this!
Sir we can use this method for this eg : i have probelm when i copied my maya files with project folder and i opened tbis file on another laptop but i cant see the textures
Hello I have simple question...
is it ok to uv Unwrap after detailing and completing all my work in zbrush ....
Or i have to do uv Unwrap befor detailing
As long as you unwrap the low poly models before texture baking, that's all that matters.
Thanks 😊
hi how can i compress the files along with textures to sent to someone else? thank you for the video
Maya has a vray renderer?
My custom textures link to my pc's sourceimages folder for example(C:disk/Users/PC/Documents/maya/projects/My_Project_Folder_Name_Sourceimages/texture_name/) If I want to send my project to someone elese they are cant open my project correctly.How can ı fix that ?
Thank you so much 💗
No problem 😊
Note to future self: This is probably what you're looking for 3:41
Thank you so much
Thank you so much you just saved me so much time at work :D !
Glad to hear it!
thanks it worked for the repath but for the cosmos tree plants for vray i have to relink the Vmesh manually.. thogh i have kept them all in one folder.. but again save much time in case of texture relink.. thanks again.
Glad it helped!
There's a FileTextureManager Script as well. But in that i can't convert the texture images to tx. Is there a newer version of it, that has updated that feature as well?
thank you. It's very helpful for me.😊
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you so much!
thanks you man
thank you very much sir, you are lifesaving
You are most welcome!
The download link is broken now. Where can I get the script for Texture path Genie?
Always helpful, Thanks!
No problem!
something informative sir thanks always
My pleasure!
I've been trying to fix this problem and tried multiple things but nothing ever worked. Probably need to redo the way I organize my files on the Desktop but I don't know the right/correct way to set that up.
"Set project" didn't work for me, renaming the path to the file where my textures/images were located didn't work, couldn't find any scripts online either.
If scripts and set project didn't work, I'd start with file organization first. Also, don't start folder names with numbers, I've noticed Maya has issues with that sometimes.
Great tutorial very helpful keep it up.
I have a question regarding rendering Turntable with maya and Vray 5. Is the process same as we used to do with arnold ? Do i need to use batchrender or sequence render
Maya and V-Ray supports both the batch render and sequence render with V-Ray 5, so it would be up to you based on your preference.
do u know why my model is filled by color instead my texture map? yes I have the uv
Man, thanks
The 1Click Text Path Genie gives a syntax error, and the other script says "cannot find procedure". Does anyone have a fix for one or the other? (using Maya 2022.3)
Maya 2022 updated to Python 3.0 so all older scripts need to be updated, hopefully my other methods helped you out.
@@OnMars3D they have, thank you. Let's hope whoever created these scripts will update them soon.
Hi, I made a little script that should automatically update textures in real-time. It's not ideal and it might eat up a bit of ram but it gets the job done especially if you were trying to do something like hand-painted textures in photoshop and use maya as a viewer( like i was). I hope this helps!
Just save as a .mel, drop into Maya and then click start:
//Update Textures function
global proc reloadTexture()
string $files[] = `ls -type "file"`;
for ( $file in $files )
string $fileName = `getAttr ( $file + ".fileTextureName" )`;
setAttr ( $file + ".fileTextureName") -type "string" $fileName;
global proc int onbuttonPressed(string $button, int $process)
int $isRun=`getAttr isRunningGroup.isRunAttr`;
if ($isRun==0)
$processID = `scriptJob -e "idle" "reloadTexture" `;
button -edit -label "Stop" $button;
setAttr isRunningGroup.isRunAttr true;
return 0;
else if ($isRun>0)
scriptJob -ka -force;
button -edit -label "Start" $button;
setAttr isRunningGroup.isRunAttr false;
return 0;
return 0;
global proc buildTextureReload()
window -width 200 -title "Texture Updater" ExampleWindow10;
//define customNode(static variables)
group -em -name "isRunningGroup";
addAttr -ln "isRunAttr" -at bool ;
setAttr isRunningGroup.isRunAttr false;
// Create the button.
global int $processID;
global string $buttonA;
$buttonA = `button -label "Start"`;
global string $buttonCmd;
$buttonCmd = "onbuttonPressed($buttonA,$processID)";
button -edit -command $buttonCmd $buttonA;
showWindow ExampleWindow10;
hi thanks for this tutorial. i got a question. if i downloaded two different character assets online for my own project, each of the asset got their own pacage/texture path. how should i make sure they all read their own textures in my new project(with both of the two characters in). is that possible to change the texture path permenantly?
Yeah, just move all the textures into one folder and then use the File Path editor to change the texture location in your Maya project. That should fix it.
@@OnMars3D thanks mate.