Unvaccinated Quebecers majority of hospitalizations

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • “COVID patients are taking up the beds,” says nurse Naveed Hussain, as Quebec’s ICUs are filling up with unvaccinated patients. Samsara Rainville reports.


  • @fedup5248
    @fedup5248 3 роки тому +30

    Are you still using the numbers from January until July?

    • @thejeffinvade
      @thejeffinvade 3 роки тому +4

      Highly contagious delta variant now making up to 91.9% per cent of COVID-19 cases in Ontario in the week of July 18 to 24.
      The data from the past month shows: If you are unvaccinated, daily covid cases per 100,000 of inhabitants per day is at 106.8. If you got the vaccine, it's at 16.1.
      So that means you are 7.1 times less likely to catch delta if you are vaccinated. 27 fold less likely to end up in hopsital, 42 fold less likely in ICU.

    • @Drex...
      @Drex... 3 роки тому +3

      @@thejeffinvade Different groups are tested at vastly different pcr cycle threshold... you forgot to mention that bud.

    • @thejeffinvade
      @thejeffinvade 3 роки тому +2

      @@Drex... Have you ever used a PCR machine yourself? Do you know anything about primer design?

    • @Drex...
      @Drex... 3 роки тому +1

      @@thejeffinvade 'Have you ever thrown a ball and it went up and back down thus confirming gravity exists?' What kind of loaded question are you trying to push? Does one need to be a lab technician conducting the pcr(many of whom aren't even qualified and are literally janitor hires/not joking about that btw) to know how a pcr test cycle threshold works. When we look up and see the sun shining we cannot confirm it exists unless we wear a white lab costume and have a phd in front of our names?

    • @thejeffinvade
      @thejeffinvade 3 роки тому +5

      @@Drex... You don't know how PCR works, you don't know what is primer design. So stop pretending that you do.
      With the right primer design that is specific enough, one that doesn't self-annealing for example, if you don't have covid, no matter how many the cycle you run, you won't reach the threshold.

  • @moniquestjean8302
    @moniquestjean8302 3 роки тому +24

    Lies lies lies

  • @bobross6593
    @bobross6593 3 роки тому +31

    lol and hospital workers are saying its more vaccinated.

    • @ZelosSama
      @ZelosSama 3 роки тому

      what ? what is more vaccinated?

  • @jaybeaton9301
    @jaybeaton9301 3 роки тому +33

    Journalism died decades ago. City should have stuck to Electric Circus.

    • @UzumakiNaruto_
      @UzumakiNaruto_ 3 роки тому +2

      @larry lawrence
      Do you know that 40,000+ people die in Canada of heart disease every single year? How come you don't care about THOSE deaths and want to do everything possible to prevent those people from dying?

    • @ZelosSama
      @ZelosSama 3 роки тому

      @larry lawrence dont bother. they think a youtube comment section full of dumb people like them empowers them and make them think they are the majority. but we both know they are delusional and smart people don't waste time arguing with morons here.

  • @Sky-fj6ec
    @Sky-fj6ec 3 роки тому +5

    The vaccinated are spreading covid like no tomorrow right now. They have 251x viral load. So whoever is getting variants it's from the vaccinated. In Israel where most people are vaccinated. The vaxxed have the most deaths and are most hospitalized.

  • @jaybeaton9301
    @jaybeaton9301 3 роки тому +42

    They are fudging the PRC Cycle threshold.

    • @monicasmall8631
      @monicasmall8631 3 роки тому +2

      yes they are..over 40 cycles makes it positive

    • @thejeffinvade
      @thejeffinvade 3 роки тому +2

      Over 82% of people in Ontario got at least one jab already, but if you read youtube comment, you feel its completely the other way around.
      I guess those poorly educated anti vaxers must have unproportionally big mouth since they have more free time unemployed.

    • @boghopper5463
      @boghopper5463 3 роки тому +1

      this is a little bit of reading that seem to have been missed.
      Genetic Non-Discrimination Act
      S.C. 2017, c. 3
      Assented to 2017-05-04
      An Act to prohibit and prevent genetic discrimination
      Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
      Short Title
      Marginal note:Short title
      1 This Act may be cited as the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act.
      Marginal note:Definitions
      2 The following definitions apply in this Act.
      disclose includes to authorize disclosure. (communiquer)
      genetic test means a test that analyzes DNA, RNA or chromosomes for purposes such as the prediction of disease or vertical transmission risks, or monitoring, diagnosis or prognosis. (test génétique)
      health care practitioner means a person lawfully entitled under the law of a province to provide health services in the place in which the services are provided by that person. (professionnel de la santé)
      Marginal note:Genetic test
      3 (1) It is prohibited for any person to require an individual to undergo a genetic test as a condition of
      (a) providing goods or services to that individual;
      (b) entering into or continuing a contract or agreement with that individual; or
      (c) offering or continuing specific terms or conditions in a contract or agreement with that individual.
      Marginal note:Refusal to undergo genetic test
      (2) It is prohibited for any person to refuse to engage in an activity described in any of paragraphs (1)(a) to (c) in respect of an individual on the grounds that the individual has refused to undergo a genetic test.
      Marginal note:Disclosure of results
      4 (1) It is prohibited for any person to require an individual to disclose the results of a genetic test as a condition of engaging in an activity described in any of paragraphs 3(1)(a) to (c).
      Marginal note:Refusal to disclose results
      (2) It is prohibited for any person to refuse to engage in an activity described in any of paragraphs 3(1)(a) to (c) in respect of an individual on the grounds that the individual has refused to disclose the results of a genetic test.
      Marginal note:Written consent
      5 It is prohibited for any person who is engaged in an activity described in any of paragraphs 3(1)(a) to (c) in respect of an individual to collect, use or disclose the results of a genetic test of the individual without the individual’s written consent.
      Marginal note:Exceptions: health care practitioners and researchers
      6 Sections 3 to 5 do not apply to
      (a) a physician, a pharmacist or any other health care practitioner in respect of an individual to whom they are providing health services; or
      (b) a person who is conducting medical, pharmaceutical or scientific research in respect of an individual who is a participant in the research.
      Offences and Punishment
      Marginal note:Contravention of sections 3 to 5
      7 Every person who contravenes any of sections 3 to 5 is guilty of an offence and is liable
      (a) on conviction on indictment, to a fine not exceeding $1,000,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or to both; or
      (b) on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $300,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months, or to both.

    • @TheRealNewWhirledOrder
      @TheRealNewWhirledOrder 3 роки тому +3

      @@thejeffinvade All we get is numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers and more numbers but there is NEVER any representation of those numbers in real life.
      People with cancer who've been given weeks to live, accident victims and people who've died from other causes and illnesses all had "Covid-19" put on their death certificates. That's been admitted officially on the mainstream news. Their deaths and sufferings have certainly been expedited and amplified by their lack of access to many different life saving or prolonging treatments and procedures.
      None of the tests are even looking for any kind of virus at all. Especially not a covid-19. All the tests are doing is they are looking for things that may or may not be there if there maybe was a virus present (not specifically covid-19) but those things may or may not be there for a variety of other reasons too. One of those reasons being if you've ever had a flu shot. There is no true covid-19 test because there is no covid-19. Nobody has ever been legitimately or honestly diagnosed with covid-19.
      If this were a real pandemic then we would all know someone who legitimately (and that's absolutely impossible for reasons stated above) has, has had or has died from covid-19 by ZERO DEGREES of separation and we do not. That is not the definition of a pandemic. Most of us don't even know anyone who has been sick with anything.
      My children will not be wearing masks, having their temperature checked, getting tested, sitting in "sugar cubes", using hand sanitizer or washing their hands hundreds of times a day, using any tracking apps or being vaccinated when they go back to school (or ever) and any nurses or doctors that visit their school will not be granted access to them. In fact, I'm not even going to send them to school to be exposed to any of the nonsense that's taking place there.
      Vaccines have all kinds of harmful and toxic chemicals and ingredients in them but along with those awful things they also contain aborted dead baby human parts. No way. I will never get a vacinne. Especially for a fake virus. Who knows what the long term affects will be for this rushed out vacinne as well.
      Where are all of the sick people? Where are all of the dying and the dead? Where are all of the grieving families? Why are there so many people across the world uploading videos of empty hospitals that were claimed to have been filled to capacity and overwhelmed? Why did Italy admit that ninety nine percent of their coronavirus deaths also had other more serious health issues, were very old or both? Why has the CDC issued orders to label any deaths doctors can as coronavirus deaths even when there are other more serious health issues that they have died from? Why are there so many families suing because their family members are being dishonestly labeled as having died from coronavirus? I have tons of other questions like that too. Also, there's this :
      "Common colds are among the most common illnesses. Many different viruses (rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, coronaviruses, and human metapneumoviruses) cause colds, but rhinoviruses (of which there are more than 100 subtypes) cause most colds. Colds caused by rhinoviruses occur more commonly in the spring and fall. Other viruses cause common coldlike illnesses at other times of the year."
      Go ahead and verify that with however many sources you wish. If you have any old medical textbooks or books dealing with viruses, they will state the same also.
      Covid-19 is a H O A X.
      Show me the evidence that convinced you that you should surrender all of your rights, freedoms, the ability to provide for yourself and your family, months (so far) of your life, the world economy, the lives of all the people who required life saving and/or life extending treatments and procedures but could not get them due to a H O A X and were later most likely labeled as having died from covid-19 and sooooo much more and then explain to me how that wasn't a huge mistake.
      Face masks are the new aluminium foil hats except for that aluminium foil hats don't limit your oxygen intake by up to twenty percent and force you to breathe your own carbon dioxide. That's not good for you for a ton of reasons. One of them being that it will drastically lower your immune system which will make it easier for you to catch non H O A X related illnesses. They will also make you a lot more susceptible to things like heart attacks, strokes and even cancer.
      Before the covid-19 H O A X, in the state of New York for example, if you wanted to wear a face mask on the job for occupations like drywallling, landscaping, construction, painting etc...you had to get checked out by and have a form filled out by a doctor stating that you are healthy enough to wear a face mask and even then, they're still a health hazard.
      Recently two Chinese students died because they were wearing face masks all the time and a Chinese man had his left lung collapse after jogging a couple of miles while wearing a face mask.
      My medical condition is that I absolutely require one hundred percent of the oxygen available to me as well as having to expel one hundred percent of the carbon dioxide within me with each exhale. They also cannot force you to disclose your medical reasons for not wearing a face mask. If you don't want a hassle, tell them you cannot wear one for medical reasons. I'm just going to tell them "NO".
      Go onto the city of Toronto website (For example. Feel free to use other resources to check into it too.) and have a look for yourself. Anyone and everyone is exempt from wearing a face mask. All you have to do is tell them you're exempt. It is against the law for any establishment, store, arena, museum etc...to harass you about it, treat you differently or even ask you why. Even if it wasn't the law I would still never comply with any of this H O A X but it is so go take a look.
      Any store that gives me a problem with not wearing a mask is never going to get my business again. Ever. Not in person, online or in any other capacity. I'll also give them a horrible review on every available platform.
      Covid-19 is fraud. Social distancing is useless. No masks, tests, drugs, quarantines, steroids, vacinnes, temperature checks, immunity passports, social bubbles, social circles, circles drawn on the ground or trackers for me or my family. EVER.
      I'm not about to give anyone my personal information for a plate of spaghetti or any other reason at all either. Ever.
      Stop participating with all of the nonsense. At this point in time your willful ignorance is inexcusable and dangerous to yourself as well as others. You're really just as guilty as the ones who are intentionally doing this to us.
      For anyone who is somehow still managing to believe there's a real pandemic taking place, how much longer would this have to continue and how much worse will you allow their "rules" and "recommendations" to get before you will have had enough? Where exactly do you draw the line? Take a look at what your complicity and compliance is doing to yourself and everyone else. You're ruining lives, killing people and destroying the world as we know it. You're the ones enabling them to continue to do this to us. Stop wearing the masks. Stop getting tested. Stop "social distancing" yourself from others and especially your own family and friends. Stop living in fear. Live your lives how you used to before this giant lie of a pandemic began or it will never end. They'll just keep taking and taking and taking from you as long as you keep giving and giving and giving until there is nothing left.
      When you hold a protest, you're asking for permission and then when you leave without getting what you came for, you're giving your consent and complying with what you went to protest against. Everyone, or at least the majority of people, needs to stop complying with and consenting to anything and everything related to this enormous lie. Open your businesses and conduct business as you used to before this H O A X, carry on in your personal lives just as you used to before this fraud and do everything you're told not to do and nothing you are being told you should. Mass noncompliance. That's the only way this ends. The pandemic is an enormous lie. Covid-19 is a H O A X.
      All of our "leaders" and most news media are lying, treasonous criminals who need to be removed from their positions and dealt with appropriately.

    • @granmabern5283
      @granmabern5283 3 роки тому

      boghopper apples and oranges. The pcr test is NOT a « genetic test »

  • @olivierlafleur8862
    @olivierlafleur8862 3 роки тому +14

    That's straight up false

  • @wakandapanther8495
    @wakandapanther8495 3 роки тому +13

    Where is the part where they ask for the vaccine before dying?

    • @thejeffinvade
      @thejeffinvade 3 роки тому

      @Butwhy According to ontario science table, the data from the past month shows: If you are unvaccinated, daily covid cases per 100,000 of inhabitants per day is at 106.8. If you got the vaccine, it's at 16.1.
      So that means you are 7.1 times less likely to catch delta (92% of all cases in ontario is delta) if you are vaccinated.

    • @ZelosSama
      @ZelosSama 3 роки тому

      @Butwhy well, 80 % of the covid death were unvaccinated. the death rate of a vaccine side effects is below 5%. You only hear what you wanna hear because you just want to be against convention for the sake of being against it. That what being a sheep is all about

    • @redneck4200000
      @redneck4200000 3 роки тому

      @@thejeffinvade no one cares except people that feel they have a morale obligation to save humanity, the rest of us want freedom of choice

    • @thejeffinvade
      @thejeffinvade 3 роки тому

      @@redneck4200000 Not moral obligation, It's about money.
      The unvaccinated is 25 times more likely to end up in hospital compared to a vaccinated individual, each covid patient costs the taxpayers 50k to treat. If you choose to not get vaccinated, you need to pay for the financial consequences of your choice, you need to pay 25 times more taxes on healthcare. This is just the medical bill, not to mention the cost of lockdowns caused by the unvaccinated.

  • @alanmalcheski8882
    @alanmalcheski8882 3 роки тому +34

    They're quitting because they don't want to be found guilty when the trials start.

    • @monicasmall8631
      @monicasmall8631 3 роки тому +3

      thats right..NUREMBURG..lets get this going..And take Tam too

    • @brantfordnews4839
      @brantfordnews4839 3 роки тому

      They don't want the vaccine from Remington to be injected into them.

    • @thejeffinvade
      @thejeffinvade 3 роки тому

      Over 82% of people in Ontario got at least one jab already, but if you read youtube comment, you feel its completely the other way around.
      I guess those mostly poorly educated anti vaxers must have unproportionally big mouth, or they are russian bots.

    • @alanmalcheski8882
      @alanmalcheski8882 3 роки тому +3

      @@thejeffinvade wrong, b*tch. A third of all healthcare workers in OR refused the jab, there are stories about it.
      Where do you live?

    • @alanmalcheski8882
      @alanmalcheski8882 3 роки тому +1

      @@thejeffinvade what's your first language? Which country did you spawn from?

  • @jaybeaton9301
    @jaybeaton9301 3 роки тому +33

    The harder they try, the harder I will resist.

    • @tossthis5626
      @tossthis5626 3 роки тому +5

      Nice, hopefully all the way to the morgue. I am rooting for ya buddy.

    • @DS-me7kk
      @DS-me7kk 3 роки тому +2

      @@tossthis5626 that's not nice

    • @tossthis5626
      @tossthis5626 3 роки тому +1

      @Poop Soup ohhhhh no you didn’t 😂

    • @jaybeaton9301
      @jaybeaton9301 3 роки тому +6

      @Poop Soup
      Meanwhile the truth is it's the vaccinated that are as vulnerable. Israel, Iceland, and a few other countries prove that point nicely. Enjoy your 10th jab.

    • @jaybeaton9301
      @jaybeaton9301 3 роки тому +2

      I ain't going to no morgue. But keep wishing that I do.

  • @matthewstanwick3331
    @matthewstanwick3331 3 роки тому +29

    Your news is the most untrustworthy news ever.

    • @DamianMasters
      @DamianMasters 3 роки тому +5

      I used to work here - it’s a complete joke of a news station

  • @dhlmlh6715
    @dhlmlh6715 3 роки тому +28

    PCR was deemed invalid for a while moreons. Keep up.

    • @thejeffinvade
      @thejeffinvade 3 роки тому

      Have you ever used a PCR machine? Do you even have a basic undergraduate degree? Stop spreading lies and get your jabs.

    • @TheRealNewWhirledOrder
      @TheRealNewWhirledOrder 3 роки тому +4

      @@thejeffinvade Lookup "credentials fallacy".
      There are thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and scientists who are all saying the pandemic is fraud if you need to hear it from someone like them though.
      All we get is numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers and more numbers but there is NEVER any representation of those numbers in real life.
      People with cancer who've been given weeks to live, accident victims and people who've died from other causes and illnesses all had "Covid-19" put on their death certificates. That's been admitted officially on the mainstream news. Their deaths and sufferings have certainly been expedited and amplified by their lack of access to many different life saving or prolonging treatments and procedures.
      None of the tests are even looking for any kind of virus at all. Especially not a covid-19. All the tests are doing is they are looking for things that may or may not be there if there maybe was a virus present (not specifically covid-19) but those things may or may not be there for a variety of other reasons too. One of those reasons being if you've ever had a flu shot. There is no true covid-19 test because there is no covid-19. Nobody has ever been legitimately or honestly diagnosed with covid-19.
      If this were a real pandemic then we would all know someone who legitimately (and that's absolutely impossible for reasons stated above) has, has had or has died from covid-19 by ZERO DEGREES of separation and we do not. That is not the definition of a pandemic. Most of us don't even know anyone who has been sick with anything.
      My children will not be wearing masks, having their temperature checked, getting tested, sitting in "sugar cubes", using hand sanitizer or washing their hands hundreds of times a day, using any tracking apps or being vaccinated when they go back to school (or ever) and any nurses or doctors that visit their school will not be granted access to them. In fact, I'm not even going to send them to school to be exposed to any of the nonsense that's taking place there.
      Vaccines have all kinds of harmful and toxic chemicals and ingredients in them but along with those awful things they also contain aborted dead baby human parts. No way. I will never get a vacinne. Especially for a fake virus. Who knows what the long term affects will be for this rushed out vacinne as well.
      Where are all of the sick people? Where are all of the dying and the dead? Where are all of the grieving families? Why are there so many people across the world uploading videos of empty hospitals that were claimed to have been filled to capacity and overwhelmed? Why did Italy admit that ninety nine percent of their coronavirus deaths also had other more serious health issues, were very old or both? Why has the CDC issued orders to label any deaths doctors can as coronavirus deaths even when there are other more serious health issues that they have died from? Why are there so many families suing because their family members are being dishonestly labeled as having died from coronavirus? I have tons of other questions like that too. Also, there's this :
      "Common colds are among the most common illnesses. Many different viruses (rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, coronaviruses, and human metapneumoviruses) cause colds, but rhinoviruses (of which there are more than 100 subtypes) cause most colds. Colds caused by rhinoviruses occur more commonly in the spring and fall. Other viruses cause common coldlike illnesses at other times of the year."
      Go ahead and verify that with however many sources you wish. If you have any old medical textbooks or books dealing with viruses, they will state the same also.
      Covid-19 is a H O A X.
      Show me the evidence that convinced you that you should surrender all of your rights, freedoms, the ability to provide for yourself and your family, months (so far) of your life, the world economy, the lives of all the people who required life saving and/or life extending treatments and procedures but could not get them due to a H O A X and were later most likely labeled as having died from covid-19 and sooooo much more and then explain to me how that wasn't a huge mistake.
      Face masks are the new aluminium foil hats except for that aluminium foil hats don't limit your oxygen intake by up to twenty percent and force you to breathe your own carbon dioxide. That's not good for you for a ton of reasons. One of them being that it will drastically lower your immune system which will make it easier for you to catch non H O A X related illnesses. They will also make you a lot more susceptible to things like heart attacks, strokes and even cancer.
      Before the covid-19 H O A X, in the state of New York for example, if you wanted to wear a face mask on the job for occupations like drywallling, landscaping, construction, painting etc...you had to get checked out by and have a form filled out by a doctor stating that you are healthy enough to wear a face mask and even then, they're still a health hazard.
      Recently two Chinese students died because they were wearing face masks all the time and a Chinese man had his left lung collapse after jogging a couple of miles while wearing a face mask.
      My medical condition is that I absolutely require one hundred percent of the oxygen available to me as well as having to expel one hundred percent of the carbon dioxide within me with each exhale. They also cannot force you to disclose your medical reasons for not wearing a face mask. If you don't want a hassle, tell them you cannot wear one for medical reasons. I'm just going to tell them "NO".
      Go onto the city of Toronto website (For example. Feel free to use other resources to check into it too.) and have a look for yourself. Anyone and everyone is exempt from wearing a face mask. All you have to do is tell them you're exempt. It is against the law for any establishment, store, arena, museum etc...to harass you about it, treat you differently or even ask you why. Even if it wasn't the law I would still never comply with any of this H O A X but it is so go take a look.
      Any store that gives me a problem with not wearing a mask is never going to get my business again. Ever. Not in person, online or in any other capacity. I'll also give them a horrible review on every available platform.
      Covid-19 is fraud. Social distancing is useless. No masks, tests, drugs, quarantines, steroids, vacinnes, temperature checks, immunity passports, social bubbles, social circles, circles drawn on the ground or trackers for me or my family. EVER.
      I'm not about to give anyone my personal information for a plate of spaghetti or any other reason at all either. Ever.
      Stop participating with all of the nonsense. At this point in time your willful ignorance is inexcusable and dangerous to yourself as well as others. You're really just as guilty as the ones who are intentionally doing this to us.
      For anyone who is somehow still managing to believe there's a real pandemic taking place, how much longer would this have to continue and how much worse will you allow their "rules" and "recommendations" to get before you will have had enough? Where exactly do you draw the line? Take a look at what your complicity and compliance is doing to yourself and everyone else. You're ruining lives, killing people and destroying the world as we know it. You're the ones enabling them to continue to do this to us. Stop wearing the masks. Stop getting tested. Stop "social distancing" yourself from others and especially your own family and friends. Stop living in fear. Live your lives how you used to before this giant lie of a pandemic began or it will never end. They'll just keep taking and taking and taking from you as long as you keep giving and giving and giving until there is nothing left.
      When you hold a protest, you're asking for permission and then when you leave without getting what you came for, you're giving your consent and complying with what you went to protest against. Everyone, or at least the majority of people, needs to stop complying with and consenting to anything and everything related to this enormous lie. Open your businesses and conduct business as you used to before this H O A X, carry on in your personal lives just as you used to before this fraud and do everything you're told not to do and nothing you are being told you should. Mass noncompliance. That's the only way this ends. The pandemic is an enormous lie. Covid-19 is a H O A X.
      All of our "leaders" and most news media are lying, treasonous criminals who need to be removed from their positions and dealt with appropriately.

  • @Johnny_Doe
    @Johnny_Doe 3 роки тому +14

    "Mainly" is not a number. What are the numbers? Let's see the specific breakdown of the numbers.

    • @canconservative8976
      @canconservative8976 3 роки тому +5

      True... lately they've been saying Unvaccinated = ONE DOSE or UNKNOWN or unvaccinated... but they make it sound like it's just UN-vaccinated.

  • @W140MercedesS600
    @W140MercedesS600 3 роки тому +29

    Blaming the unvaccinated again!

  • @lewissarkozi
    @lewissarkozi 3 роки тому +25

    Liars!! They will go down hard!!

  • @KT3E
    @KT3E 3 роки тому +8


  • @flodareltih9825
    @flodareltih9825 3 роки тому +5

    99% harmless

  • @jayclark6364
    @jayclark6364 3 роки тому +14

    Oh now it’s all about money I see I believe you’re still getting paid a lot

  • @gennarosullo
    @gennarosullo 3 роки тому +9

    So much gas lightning.

  • @jaybeaton9301
    @jaybeaton9301 3 роки тому +1

    “COVID patients are taking up the beds"
    So are smokers and junk food junkies, to name but a few additional categories. What about all the old people who have lived 5-10 beyond life expectancy and have a dozen comorbities?

  • @karlbrousseau4103
    @karlbrousseau4103 3 роки тому +3

    Still old and unhealthy folks in the beds. Stop being jerks and blaming everyone for your broken system.

    • @ZelosSama
      @ZelosSama 3 роки тому

      they are still the majority of our current population. Lots more of old people and poor /unhealthy people than there is rich and young people. The system is to blame yes, but we can't change the fact that this is the majority of people

  • @michelinemichaud1462
    @michelinemichaud1462 3 роки тому +7

    lies lies lies

    • @skyemac8
      @skyemac8 3 роки тому

      You’re the liar

  • @mightykidd426
    @mightykidd426 3 роки тому +3


  • @yvanboucher3778
    @yvanboucher3778 3 роки тому +4

    lies, lies and lies. so why is Israel exactly the opposite ?

    • @mathewvanostin7118
      @mathewvanostin7118 3 роки тому +1

      True. There is no one more worried about the health of its people like israel. Its even a national security importance because countries surrounding them want them wiped out
      Israel says covid vaccine offer small protection that wears off after 6 months. And it gives quite often health problem (noticed or unoticed by patients)
      They say best wear to be immune is catch covid and naturaly beating it. Its the best way to get your immune system too much powerfull for covid
      Vaccines is only recommand for age group and health group that wouldnt survive a first covid infection

    • @ZelosSama
      @ZelosSama 3 роки тому

      @@mathewvanostin7118 some vaccine has to be taken multiple times, it's nothing new. this vaccine is probably no exception . We need to because it's a virus that mutates. Even if you get natural immunity to this state of the vaccine, you could still catch it later because it would have mutated beyond your immune system's data.
      Vaccine has an weakened form of the virus, with some more chemical agents that i couldn't name, and the purpose is to infect you with it's weakened form so that your immune system recognise it faster and with less risk than the real deal. That's how vacicne works.
      Plus vaccine helps with herd immunity. Makes easier for everyon to protect against it, without weakening your own immunity system.

    • @skyemac8
      @skyemac8 3 роки тому

      You’re the liar

    • @redneck4200000
      @redneck4200000 3 роки тому

      @@ZelosSama the question is how long are you willing to take boosters for?

    • @ZelosSama
      @ZelosSama 3 роки тому

      @@redneck4200000 for as long as needed. Took shots for some diseases when i was younger , for hini , ebola ,( strange , we havent seen that kind of reaction during those vaccination wave , thats weird , huh?) And i've always been fine. Most of the earth's populationare getting vaccinated and are fine.

  • @nicolasneveu298
    @nicolasneveu298 3 роки тому +1

    So the 125 hospitalisation in the province are all at the chum hospital!?!?
    Yeah right

  • @TMG56
    @TMG56 3 роки тому +10

    Most of the people in the comments section seem to know it all so why don’t y’all replace the reporters, Dr.’s
    etc. and make your own channels!?

    • @1stblackpm
      @1stblackpm 3 роки тому +10

      If you still place your trust in the governemnt media and government doctors, I'm sure you can't be too bright....

    • @boghopper5463
      @boghopper5463 3 роки тому +2

      @@jayrideau and the science behind the truth.

  • @jaybeaton9301
    @jaybeaton9301 3 роки тому +12

    "Many" - the science of weasel words.

  • @Infinity-gq5um
    @Infinity-gq5um 3 роки тому +8

    A narrative, some video footages, and voilà there is your news.

    • @ericachristine7648
      @ericachristine7648 3 роки тому +1

      I live next to a Hospital and I dont see what they are talking about on the news and I would hear ambulance everyday all day and now since 2020 when covid hit I heard them less and this year 2021 some days I dont hear any its very strange and this is summer time my windows are always open and in the summer the trafic of police and ambulance is to the point of anoying some time I would wounder if its the end of the world lol but that was before covid.

  • @derekbooker3677
    @derekbooker3677 2 роки тому

    Where can I find these stats for hospitalization by vaccine status? Ontario is transparent on their site.

  • @TheRealNewWhirledOrder
    @TheRealNewWhirledOrder 3 роки тому +18

    They've placed them in a less obvious spot but you can still tell that all of these d'actors and "experts" are very obviously reading from and performing scripts.

    • @thejeffinvade
      @thejeffinvade 3 роки тому +1

      Over 96% of US practicing physicans are fully vaccinated, comparing to 52% in general population. I guess the 48% of people, who are mostly poorly educated, must know something that 96% of doctors don't.

    • @TheRealNewWhirledOrder
      @TheRealNewWhirledOrder 3 роки тому +4

      @@thejeffinvade Not that the covid-19 "vaccines" are actually vaccines but if anybody had bothered to take a look at when the trial dates for those "vaccines" are supposed to end, they'd see that " the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine has been given an “estimated study completion date” of Jan. 31, 2023. For the COVID-19 vaccine created by Moderna, studies are expected to end on Oct. 27, 2022".

    • @TheRealNewWhirledOrder
      @TheRealNewWhirledOrder 3 роки тому +5

      @@thejeffinvade Even if you believe in the flimflamdemic and the "vaccines", you're putting something into your body that, as far as we've been told, isn't even fully tested for use and you have absolutely no idea what can go wrong with your health in the future as a result of what you've needlessly and ignorantly done to yourselves willingly.

    • @TheRealNewWhirledOrder
      @TheRealNewWhirledOrder 3 роки тому +5

      @@thejeffinvade No covid concoctions for me, my family or friends. EVER.
      If you're looking forward to being "vaccinated", PLEASE reconsider. Don't let anyone who's already been "vaccinated" talk you into being "vaccinated". A lot of them most likely regret, or are very nervous about, what they've done to themselves and don't want to be alone with their scary, nightmarish, bad decision so they'll say anything to get you to do it too. Even your best friends and family.

    • @TheRealNewWhirledOrder
      @TheRealNewWhirledOrder 3 роки тому +5

      @@thejeffinvade There's no way I could go the rest of my life always having to worry about when things will go wrong with my health or my childrens health due to our taking some covid-19 "vaccine" in the past. Could you? I couldn't do it and I also couldn't put my family through it. Our health and peace of mind is worth a heck of a lot more to us than any of that.
      Lookup "Mississippi man partially paralyzed, unable to talk after J&J vaccine". That's just one of a ton of examples and there's loads more every day.
      They're all unsafe and unnecessary. Doesn't matter what brand they're under. It's the illusion of choice. Kinda like when you vote.
      Asking us to roll up our sleeves is the equivalent of a r a p i s t telling their victim to pull down their pants.
      Once it goes in, you'll never get it out. Be absolutely certain that this is something you reallllllllly want to do to yourself and your family.
      Anyone who says they want a covid-19 "vaccine" is either a liar or a fool.
      If you've already allowed any of their concoctions into your body, you're going to have go the rest of your life worrying about when something will go wrong.
      Lookup "covid-19 vaccines false positives" and "covid-19 vaccines blood clots". Kinda scary. Why would you want to put those concoctions into your body or your childrens bodies over a fake virus and a fraudulent pandemic?
      The covid-19
      "vaccines" are
      Results with
      If you want to try out a crazy new hairstyle or even get a tattoo, you know your hair will eventually grow out again or you could have the tattoo removed if you ever decide it doesn't suit you anymore but there's absolutely no getting their "jab" out of you after it's gone in. That loaf of bread cannot be unbaked.
      Your place of employment cannot force you to be "vaccinated" against covid-19. Even if they could, I'd quit before I injected any of those covid-19 concoctions into my body.
      There will be tons of options for people who choose not to be "vaccinated" for covid-19. Don't believe the propaganda and absolutely do not allow your current place of employment to encourage you to do it either through carrot and stick tactics or peer pressure.
      At this point most people should have noticed that it really does not matter who you vote for. Name one politician who isn't at least pushing vaccines. Some may be claiming to be on the side of the people and for freedom but they are still propagandizing dangerous mRNA "vaccines" as the way to get there.

  • @Hanaha2222
    @Hanaha2222 3 роки тому +1

    Lie or truth, I don’t care. Apartheid for unvac and vac, different hospital, different bus, different flights, different restaurants, everyone will be happy.

    • @ZelosSama
      @ZelosSama 3 роки тому

      i am sorry , but you know we will pay for all those expenses right ? no thank you

  • @annonymeandfish
    @annonymeandfish 3 роки тому +1

    Tasted the new vaccine. Bad after taste and I feel aweful. 0/10

  • @kristinsmith9033
    @kristinsmith9033 3 роки тому +7

    Hmm well early at home treatment with safe and effective medications that you guys currently are refusing to use, could’ve kept most of if not all of them HOME.

  • @Neo-je4bi
    @Neo-je4bi 3 роки тому +1

    Imagine that person that can't be vaccinated who died because someone that didn't want to be vaccinated was on the last reanimation bed... Is paranoïa viral?

  • @kenparsons6202
    @kenparsons6202 3 роки тому +3

    Bunch of babies

  • @lumiere_61
    @lumiere_61 3 роки тому

    Liars ! Liars ! Liars !

  • @icecream9576
    @icecream9576 3 роки тому +2

    another day another lie

    • @skyemac8
      @skyemac8 3 роки тому

      You’re the lie

  • @Jcrashnss
    @Jcrashnss 3 роки тому +1

    thats BS!

  • @chrisguimond4237
    @chrisguimond4237 3 роки тому

    fake news

  • @lunarimaberengere8555
    @lunarimaberengere8555 3 роки тому +1

    N'importe quoi. Ça doit être payant de mentir à la télévision

  • @louispouliot4102
    @louispouliot4102 3 роки тому +1

    ????? Really, why giving them your precious time then ????? Everybody know in 2021 that giving attention to narcissist lead to a waisted of time. Hey Mr.Hussain, you can count on us to get ourselves vaccinated so we can help you and your hard task passing trought all this. Tx you for working Mr.Hussain.

  • @yttakl.1020
    @yttakl.1020 3 роки тому


    • @skyemac8
      @skyemac8 3 роки тому

      You’re the liar

  • @Freeeeeeeeed323
    @Freeeeeeeeed323 3 роки тому

    Fake news

  • @MrTitsybaby
    @MrTitsybaby 3 роки тому +5

    I feel sorry for people that can't spare 10 seconds of their life to get vaccinated. Ya 10 seconds. The time it takes for a nurse to poke you with a needle. We live in a sad world

    • @jaybeaton9301
      @jaybeaton9301 3 роки тому +22

      I feel sorry for people who still think it's a vaccine.

    • @1stblackpm
      @1stblackpm 3 роки тому +19

      You are a part of the problem plaguing society. A person's vaccine status DOES NOT affect you if you've been vaccinated.

    • @boghopper5463
      @boghopper5463 3 роки тому +7

      in the Public Heath England Technical Briefing 20, Aug 6, there are reported 5 times more deaths in the vaccinated population than in the unvaccinated from the delta variant.

    • @Ty-ng7yo
      @Ty-ng7yo 3 роки тому +11

      I feel sorry for you believing whatever they want you to believe blowing numbers up to put fear in gullible people like you knowing that blind people like you will get jabbed 10 times if they tell you to

    • @tossthis5626
      @tossthis5626 3 роки тому +2

      @john doe lol look at this idiot he crawled into the wrong chat. This is about vaccines not masks.

  • @laminekalamine1254
    @laminekalamine1254 3 роки тому

    if unvaccinated people is a menace for the healthcare system. how much do you think is the value to get vaccinated. 100 thousand $$$ for a chance to get sick for the rest of my life, i think is fair.

    • @ZelosSama
      @ZelosSama 3 роки тому

      what ?

    • @laminekalamine1254
      @laminekalamine1254 3 роки тому

      @@ZelosSama a take the shot for 100 000 $.

    • @ZelosSama
      @ZelosSama 3 роки тому

      @@laminekalamine1254 what do you mean ? The vaccine is free, not sure what you are talking about

    • @laminekalamine1254
      @laminekalamine1254 3 роки тому

      @Yaninou babidou I am not vaccinated and if they want me to be vaccinated, they will have to pay me $ 100,000

  • @dadotron666
    @dadotron666 3 роки тому +1


  • @jorgebustamante1601
    @jorgebustamante1601 3 роки тому

    I work in the field , 30% nurses in urgency section has quite, and now august 29th , inside the covid section 90% are Non vaccinated patiens , ( nobody want to take care of them) , so this patients dont expect to get a very good full service .....

    • @markallen6115
      @markallen6115 3 роки тому