How Jesus and Mary Appeared To Mystic Marie Julie-Jahenny with a Gift for the End-Times!

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @ggrds4268
    @ggrds4268 18 днів тому

    They are a must to have in these in times

  • @edwardvinson5041
    @edwardvinson5041 Рік тому +5

    Thanks and Blessings

  • @Eyes3rd
    @Eyes3rd Рік тому +5

    Thanks for the helpful, loving message. Ave Father Thy will be done ❤

  • @simonedunham8150
    @simonedunham8150 Рік тому +3

    I ordered my 10 purple scapulars ❤❤❤ Thank you

  • @ggrds4268
    @ggrds4268 18 днів тому

    I have them in my home and have given out a few of them

  • @josephlario1818
    @josephlario1818 Рік тому +2

    Pray That I Will Keep The Ten Commandments Pray The Rosary The Stations Of The Cross Recite The Divine Mercy Poor Souls In Purgatory Prayer In Schools That My Property Belongings Will Be Blessed That I Will Live Peacefully With My Neighbors Forgiveness Of Enemies

  • @josephmills7861
    @josephmills7861 Рік тому +3

    For the 3 days of darkness

    • @zebakhawaja
      @zebakhawaja Місяць тому

      Indeed, We gave Moses the Scripture and sent Messengers after him in successive series. We also gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear arguments and strengthened him with the blessed word of God. (Is it not then unjust on your part that) whenever a Messenger came to you (O Jews!) with that (teaching) which did not suit your fancies, you behaved arrogantly? You belied some (Messengers) while others you seek to kill (even now).
      They said, `Our hearts are storehouse of knowledge (so that we stand in no need of further teaching.)´ Rather Allâh has deprived them of His mercy for their disbelief, with the result that little they believe.
      And (now) when there has come to them the glorious Book from Allâh, fulfilling that (Prophecy) which is already with them, and previous to that they had been praying for victory over those who disbelieved, yet when that (long awaited Prophet and the Qur´ân) came to them which they recognised (also to be the truth), they disbelieved in it. (And because of this rejection) the disapproval of Allâh is the due for the disbelievers.
      Evil is that thing they have sold themselves for that they should reject that (source of guidance) which Allâh has revealed, grudging that Allâh should send down His grace on such of His servants as He pleases. Thus they have incurred (His) displeasure after displeasure. There awaits these disbelievers a humiliating punishment.
      When it is said to them, `Believe in that (- the Qur´ân) which Allâh has sent down.´ They say, `We believe only in that (- the Torah) which has been sent down to us.´ And they deny every thing other than that (and which has since been revealed); though it (- the Qur´ân) is the lasting truth and corroborates that which is already with them (in their own Scriptures). Say, `Why, then, did you seek to kill the Prophets of Allâh in former times if you were (real) believers (in the former Scriptures)?´
      Moses did come to you with clear arguments yet you took to the (worship of) the calf in his absence and you were not justified in doing so.
      And (recall) when We took a covenant from you, (while you had encamped at the foot of Sinai) with (the summits of) the Mount towering above you, (and We had said,) `Hold fast to that which we have given you and obey.´ (But) those (of you who were given this commandment) said, `We hear and we disobey.´ Their hearts were, in fact, permeated with (the love of) the calf (worship) due to their disbelief. Say, `Evil is the way to which your faith leads you, if you are believers at all.´
      Say, `If the last Abode with Allâh is especially reserved for you excluding all other people, then invoke death (upon yourself standing against the Prophet of Islam) if you are on the right.´
      But never shall they invoke it, on account of that which their own hands have sent before. Allâh knows these wrong doers very well.
      And you shall of course find them the greediest of all people for (this base) life and even more (greedy) than those who set up equals (to God). Each one of them would love to be granted a life of a thousand years, yet his being spared for a long life shall, by no means keep him away from the punishment. And Allâh is Watchful of all their doings.
      Say, `He who is an enemy to Gabriel, because it is he who has brought down this (Qur´ân) on your heart by the command of Allâh, and which confirms (the Scriptures) which preceded it, and is a guidance and good tidings to the believers,
      `(Let him bear in mind that) whoever is an enemy to Allâh and His angels and His Messengers and Gabriel and Michael, then, of course, Allâh (Himself) is an enemy to such disbelievers.´
      And We indeed have sent down to you clear arguments which none but the disobedient reject.
      Is it not a fact that every time they made a covenant, some of them cast it away? Rather most of them have no (true) faith.
      And (now) when a great Messenger (Muhammad) has come to them from Allâh confirming that (Scripture) which is with them, a party of those who were given the Scripture cast away the Book of Allâh behind their backs, as if they know (it) not.
      Moreover, they (- the Jews of the Prophet´s time) pursue (the same tactics) which the rebels had followed against the empire of Solomon. And it was not Solomon that had committed breach of faith, but it was the rebels that had committed breach of faith. They (- the Jews of Madînah) teach the people the modes of intriguing; and also (pursue) that which had (once) been revealed to the two angels, Hârût and Mârût in Babylon. But these two would not teach (anything to) anyone without first declaring, `We are but a trial (for you here), do not, therefore commit breach of faith.´ So they (- the followers of Hârût and Mârût), learnt from them that (teaching) by which they made a distinction between man and his wife, (- they taught men only and not women), yet they would not harm anyone thereby (by their practice), save by the command of Allâh. But these people (- the Jews of the Prophet´s time, on the contrary) are learning things that would harm them and do them no good. (They do it) even though they know that he who adopts this course will have no share (of good) in the Hereafter. Indeed, evil is that thing which they have sold themselves for. Had they but known (this fact).
      And if these (Jews) had kept their faith and guarded against these evils, surely they would have received a better reward from Allâh. Had they but known (it).
      O you who believe! say not (while addressing the Prophet), `Râ`inâ!´ (listen to us - a word used also for showing disrespect for the person addressed), rather say (an equivocal phrase), `Unzurna!´ (- we beg your attention), and listen to him attentively, (that you stand not in need of any such phrases that have double meanings, one in a good sense, the other in a bad one). Indeed there awaits the disbelievers a grievous punishment.
      Neither those from among the people of the Scripture who disbelieved, nor the polytheists like that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord. But Allâh singles out for His mercy whomsoever He wishes (to receive His mercy), and Allâh is of abounding bounty.
      Whatever Message We abrogate or abandon it, We bring a better (Message) than that or (at least) the like of it. Do you not know that Allâh is indeed Possessor of power to do all He will.
      Do you not know that to Allâh alone belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and that you have, apart from Allâh, neither a protecting friend, nor a helper.
      Rather you (Jews!) like to question your Messenger (unduly) as Moses was questioned before? And he who adopts disbelief instead of belief, had undoubtedly strayed from the straight direction of the path.
      Many of the people of the Scripture would love to turn you back after your having believed, into disbelievers, out of selfish envy, and after the truth (of this Qur´ân) has become apparent to them. But pardon (them) and overlook, until Allâh shall make manifest His will, indeed Allâh is Possessor of every power to do all He will.
      And observe the Prayer and present the Zakât (- purifying alms) and whatever good you send forward for yourselves you will find it with Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Watchful of all that you do.
      And they (- the Jews and the Christians) say (respectively about themselves), `None shall ever enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.´ These are their wishful beliefs. Say, `Bring forth your vivid proof (of what you state) if you are right.´
      The truth of the matter is, whosoever submits himself entirely to Allâh and he is a doer of good to others shall have his reward with his Lord. They shall have nothing to fear and nothing to grieve at.
      The Jews say, `The Christians have no valid ground whatsoever (for their belief),´ while the Christians assert, `The Jews have no valid ground (at all for their belief),´ while they both read the same Scripture. Exactly such (ill-founded) things say those who have no knowledge. But Allâh shall judge between them on the Day of Resurrection with regard to all that about which they had been disagreeing.
      And who can be more unjust than those who prohibit the name of Allâh from being extolled in (any of His) houses of worship and strive to ruin them. It was not proper for such, ever to enter these (places) except in fear and awe. For them is disgrace in this world, and there awaits them a severe punishment in the Hereafter.
      And to Allâh belongs the east and the west; so whichsoever way you may turn (you will find) there is Allâh´s attention. Surely, Allâh is All-Pervading, All-Knowing.
      Moreover they (- the unjust people) say, `Allâh has taken (to Himself) a son.´ Glory be to Him. Rather, all that is in the heavens and the earth, belongs to Him. All are obedient to Him.
      (God is) the Wonderful Originator without depending upon any matter or pattern of the heavens and the earth; and when He issues a decree He does but say to it, `Be´ and it comes to be.

    • @zebakhawaja
      @zebakhawaja Місяць тому

      And (recall the time) when Jesus, son of Mary, said, `O Children of Israel! surely I am a Messenger sent to you by Allâh fulfilling (the prophecies contained in) the Torah which preceded me and pronouncing the good news of (the advent of) a great Messenger named Ahmad, who will come after me.´ But when he (- the Prophet Muhammad) came to them with clear proofs, they said, `His are the enchanting ways separating (us from our people).´
      But who is more unjust than he (who believes in the trinity of God), who forges a lie in the name of Allâh (by calling Jesus the son of God), while he is called (to join the fold of Islam). And Allâh guides no unjust people to the ways of success.
      They desire to extinguish the light of Allâh with (the breath of) their mouths. But Allâh will perfect His light even though the disbelievers consider it hard.

    • @zebakhawaja
      @zebakhawaja Місяць тому

      And (recall the time) when Jesus, son of Mary, said, `O Children of Israel! surely I am a Messenger sent to you by Allâh fulfilling (the prophecies contained in) the Torah which preceded me and pronouncing the good news of (the advent of) a great Messenger named Ahmad, who will come after me.´ But when he (- the Prophet Muhammad) came to them with clear proofs, they said, `His are the enchanting ways separating (us from our people).´
      But who is more unjust than he (who believes in the trinity of God), who forges a lie in the name of Allâh (by calling Jesus the son of God), while he is called (to join the fold of Islam). And Allâh guides no unjust people to the ways of success.
      They desire to extinguish the light of Allâh with (the breath of) their mouths. But Allâh will perfect His light even though the disbelievers consider it hard.

  • @TTG504
    @TTG504 Рік тому +3


  • @xavierayral2689
    @xavierayral2689 9 місяців тому +1

    Well done. As always. 😊

  • @janettedavis6627
    @janettedavis6627 Рік тому +2

    Remember the Video where Mary was telling Catholics the concoction for Samaritan oil. Just about 6 expensive essential oils plus a good carrier imagine Mary asking the poor to use this .
    It was a scam the people that set it up had an advert for where the expensive oils could be purchased They had an Aromatherapy massage shop and this was an excellent sales pitch.
    If you believe that God became Man, suffered and died for you and live an honest and goid life you are saved. The Apostles Creed contemplate on it.

    • @Paixpeacehippy
      @Paixpeacehippy 7 місяців тому +1

      Oh heck no watch out for those scams our Lady will never ask for expensive things from us

  • @felicidaddelo8766
    @felicidaddelo8766 Рік тому +3

    Where can we get the purple scapular..thank you

  • @cynthiax56
    @cynthiax56 13 днів тому


  • @marychavez9379
    @marychavez9379 Рік тому +4

    I'm just sad for all the homeless and financially devistated who don't have &/or can't afford blessed & excorcised salt, grapes, oils, bees wax candle, or access to purple scapular.... I'm one of those who must truely trust in Jesus and His promises. Maybe I will be blessed to obtain one OR Jesus will just continue to teach me to truely trust Him.🙂🙃🙂🙄🥺😢😩🙂🙃😔

    • @jmj5388
      @jmj5388 Рік тому +3

      The Lord knows your circumstances, Sister. Pray that He provides you with those sacramentals, either through others or miraculously from Himself, or that you receive all the graces and blessings of protection without possessing them. Pax Christi.

    • @janettedavis6627
      @janettedavis6627 Рік тому +1

      You are fully correct Mary and Jesus are not recommending these things . One was saying to buy essential oils calling the various concoction Samaritan Oils. I started to notice an advert for essential oils by a woman that sold aromatherapy stuff in her shop.

    • @janettedavis6627
      @janettedavis6627 Рік тому +1

      @@jmj5388 What a load of Rubbish. Read Scripture and include the Psalms. There was a video telling Catholics to use Samaritan oil Mary was telling the poor to buy these expensive oils No Mary wasnt It was a scam the people had an aromatherapy shop and the video was to get people to buy these expensive oils.
      Virgin Mary will only recommend read the Word say the rosary.

    • @jmj5388
      @jmj5388 Рік тому +2

      @@janettedavis6627 Punctuation is your friend, sister.
      No Catholic is obliged to put faith in any private revelation, even that which is Church-approved. The information is provided for those who wish to give it consideration, and you need not interfere with their freedom to do so.
      Some brands of oils are expensive, but it is possible to get them for 7-8 USD apiece…plus a bottle of olive oil, and do the math; many “Good Samaritans” will mail bottles of their oil with those who can’t afford it, or who do not have access to it. Grapes frequently go on sale, and there is no charge for a priestly blessing on food. Altar candles are made of beeswax and are blessed, and a pastor would likely give away stubs of a good size, if he were asked.

  • @glennvanzuylen3582
    @glennvanzuylen3582 8 місяців тому

    Great video ❤

  • @Paixpeacehippy
    @Paixpeacehippy 7 місяців тому

    Brown scapular 3:50
    Green scapular 32:08

  • @zebakhawaja
    @zebakhawaja Місяць тому

    Jesus is a Messiah of God. `O My servants who believe! take your Lord as a shield. There is a good reward for those who do good in (the life of) this world. And (if you are persecuted for your faith know that) the earth of Allâh is vast and spacious (enough to provide you shelter). Certainly the patiently, persevering and steadfast will be given their reward beyond measure.´

  • @tonycrump1983
    @tonycrump1983 Рік тому +1

    Wonderful, Where can we obtain these in the UK .?.

  • @Anthony-p1q
    @Anthony-p1q 3 місяці тому

    According to her what do we do with hawthorn from now? Just trying to prophylax for a huge deadly plague if that's actually gonna happen

  • @sarahpadillasiapno5703
    @sarahpadillasiapno5703 Рік тому +1

    hello , a blessed day ro all of you , i got the purple scapular from the MARY FOUNDATION , do i have to bless it by the priest ?

  • @maryannenaavus8894
    @maryannenaavus8894 Рік тому +1

    How can I get one?

  • @Pam-jh5dm
    @Pam-jh5dm Рік тому

    Mary foundation , Catholic city, made according specifications. I just sent one back toAmazon
    due to strings not made from wool. Maybe I read too much. God bless.

    • @helenabara2092
      @helenabara2092 Рік тому

      From where do we.get this Scapulars .From India.

  • @rosemaryward-co6zn
    @rosemaryward-co6zn Рік тому

    Can we get it from

  • @janettedavis6627
    @janettedavis6627 Рік тому +1

    Is Virgin Mary not happy with the Brown Scapulars? Remember the Samaritan oils She was recommending? Very expensive oils a scam by a woman that owned an Aromatherapy massage shop.

    • @janet4232
      @janet4232 Рік тому

      There are 5 scapulars.

  • @annmariemullen6080
    @annmariemullen6080 Рік тому

    Where do we find it