I Need Help With This Portrait Drawing!!

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024


  • @bluegreygreen
    @bluegreygreen 17 годин тому +2

    It doesn’t matter… I’m just super impressed with your willingness to make yourself vulnerable in a public space. It sends a message to the rest of us that it’s ok to struggle sometimes. It’s part of the process and it’s more than ok. Thank you. 🙏🏻

  • @Mmothership68
    @Mmothership68 22 години тому +7

    Change how you look at it. That helps me. Use a mirror or turn the reference photo upside down. It really is quite lovely, and only you can "see" the improvement needed.

  • @hollystop
    @hollystop День тому +7

    The NOSEEEE! I think the shadow to the left of the nose makes it look like a sausage? I would keep the shadow under the eye but make sure the lightness blends into the nose.

  • @JayJay-if5rl
    @JayJay-if5rl День тому +2

    Your drawing is amazing and it’s so great that you share your concerns about likeness. I think great art is about our personal truths and having the courage to be vulnerable. I think it’s this courage that is inspiring.
    I’m nowhere near your skill level - I can’t shade at all - so I may be wrong but I think the left cheek is too narrow and I did wonder initially if the eyes were too big but I think that that was the “before” drawing.
    Likeness is so fascinating and elusive. I can never figure out how I can get a tiny portion of a face like one eye or the nose, spot-on while the rest is way off.
    Thanks again for all you do

  • @cherylyork8556
    @cherylyork8556 День тому +3

    Lovely, Clara! I often find a very tiny proportional adjustment helps me. So, your model's left forehead edge could go back a little bit at upper corner. The right side of the face is a bit too narrow. The bridge of the nose where it meets the highlight needs to be slightly less curved. The straight bridge of the nose starts fractionally higher. But sometimes adjustments aren't really the point -- it's an interpretation after all.

  • @ax356
    @ax356 День тому +2

    Minus the eyes maybe needing a bit more highlighting this is seriously AMAZING!!!

  • @ArtFlowersBeeze8815
    @ArtFlowersBeeze8815 День тому +1

    I was looking at this yesterday. Its the nose that throws things off for me. The eyes aren't quite a 3/4 view. Sometimes you don't have to follow the photograph exactly. I see you did some fill in of the white areas from yesterday and it looks much better! Turn your work upside down to check and see if that helps. Its does for me.

  • @louisklubien1197
    @louisklubien1197 День тому +4

    I’m not sure, but I think if you imagine the centerline through the face, you might find that the placement of the mouth is a bit off to the side. It would also help with general placement of the features.
    Maybe construct the nose a bit more, I can see it’s hard to see in the reference photo because it’s so bright, but the likeness of the nose could be better done…
    And also maybe try to darken the whole side of the face that’s in the dark. The darkest light is lighter than the lightest dark and so on…
    But cool portrait 😊 and also it’s very subjective giving feedback, I think it looks great as it is :)

    • @mysterymccarthy6851
      @mysterymccarthy6851 День тому +2

      I was going to say the same thing about imagining a vertical center line through the middle of the face. The nose isn't located between the eyes. Left side of face should be darker as it is in shadow. When in doubt, go back to the basic shapes you are trying to form and imagine how the light source would describe that shape. Stay true to the light source.

    • @winterkeptuswarm
      @winterkeptuswarm 23 години тому

      I agree with you, I think the mouth is maybe too far to our left?
      I also agree with making the half of the face to our right darker. Making the darks darker will bring out the light parts in the eye to our left.
      I also think the angle of the cheekbone and forehead on our left might also not be quite right??
      It's hard to tell, I scrolled this short a few times. It's very close to the reference. ❤

  • @blaineh9180
    @blaineh9180 День тому +1

    I think the main thing that I can see is that the face and skull needs to be wider. Looking at your drawing, there's not enough distance for the side plane of the face and the skull itself as the right eye and ear are too close compared to the photo reference.
    Maybe as well round the jaw a little bit as it's a bit too chiseled.
    Other than these, I think you've captured the rest of his portrait very well! I love the tones and the texture from the graphite powder. It enhances his expression of fear in a more dark-like atmosphere.
    Hope this helps and I just want to say I'm glad to discover this channel! :)

  • @TheCoolAC
    @TheCoolAC День тому +1

    The nose just pops out in the wrong way, try maybe moving the light on it or redrawing the round middle part.
    It does look amazing but your right about lowering the hairline by a bit too
    I have been doing renaissance and a bit of romanticism so everything about faces like that look odd to me but I think these few changes will fix it up

  • @cleols5433
    @cleols5433 День тому +1

    I make a guess : thicken the beard hair on his left from my point of view + in the space between his nose and upper lip ? I think it's a gorgeous artwork already though!!! 😍😍👌👌

  • @nns3147
    @nns3147 День тому +1

    I think his eye brows are lower in your portrait which might make the forehead look longer. It also makes him look more worried than in the picture. He is also looking up in the photo whereas the portrait shows him looking down. There is also a larger strip of hair between his ear and his cheek in the photo. It’s beautiful though! 💛

  • @RafaelDrumondRego
    @RafaelDrumondRego День тому

    I think it looks good. I tried once projecting the original image with a projector, but I am not sure if that's a good solution.
    I changed my beard shape several times, and I noticed that every beard cut I tried changed how I perceived the rest of my face. Maybe in the picture, his beard has a round shape, and yours is sharper? (But honestly i had to look for a veeeeery long time, and forced to be picky)

  • @tylers3229
    @tylers3229 День тому +2

    There’s some missing “mass” on left side of his jaw/beard area. The general shape of his beard in the reference photo looks like a crescent moon 🌙, yours has the shape of a croissant 🥐 (a bit thicker in the chin area and thinner on the side).
    Also his neck seems longer and slimmer than the reference.

  • @EssentialBlue
    @EssentialBlue День тому

    Great drawing! My own ideas: darken the right corner of the mouth a bit more and try to make the shadows around the left eye less dark thab the shadows arpund the other eye. And of course the light in the yes ... For me the photo is of someone who might have a positive outlook at the future or looks at something/someone positive beside any and all baggage so the eyes should be the focus. It might help to compare with the photo looking at the whole expression and not the details (because you did great with a lot of them already!) I also noticed the eyebrows look a bit different. Can't say what it is exactly but as they are they don't make him positive enough.

  • @condog5400
    @condog5400 День тому

    Cool tip: Take a photo of the drawing and re-size or crop it the same as the source. The. Bring them both into the photos app on your phone or tablet. Then you can quickly switch between them using the thumbnail strip (on an iPhone at least) and better see what’s off.

  • @amandanorris8
    @amandanorris8 День тому +1

    Hmmm i think you were right at the beginning before shrinking the side of the face...the ear is just way too close to ricks eye and doesnt line up with the sternokleidomastoid(don't check spelling haha) ...You nailed the wrinkles though (you always do) jealous!

  • @drew6237
    @drew6237 День тому

    I think it’s great! Compared to the reference, I think the brow angle is off and there is not enough cheek in the right side of the drawing (Rick’s left cheek). The beard starts too high on the face and cheek is too narrow.

  • @eevee9323
    @eevee9323 День тому

    For me the way the shading was done on the nose affects a lot on the perspective it give to the viewer. It'sifs his face is straight directed to you, but his nose is turned as if it was almost like looked from the side.
    The size of his left cheek also seems off. What i could advise you is for you to pick the size of one this in the photo, such as width of one of the eyes or something like that, and use that to measure everything else and see if the match. Like check how many timr the size of the eye it would take to be the size of the mouth, how many time the size of the ear would need to make the size of the head, and so on. This is a technique used more for observational drawing, but i think it can work for photographs just fine

  • @maryamzadehgholam2594
    @maryamzadehgholam2594 13 годин тому

    the actual face is wider. his nose is more straight, the wrinkle between his eyes are more straight. the outer. corner of his eyes is upper which makes him to look younger, the mouth is open. overall, its done very good

  • @bongbonglelina4895
    @bongbonglelina4895 День тому +8

    The eyes. Add "life" to the eyes.

    • @amandanorris8
      @amandanorris8 19 годин тому

      But it's the WALKING DEAD! Lol I couldn't help that...

  • @foesnt
    @foesnt День тому

    look at the space between the ear and the eye - in your drawing it is about 1 ear width wide, but in the image, that area is much wider - i think we should be seeing more of the side of his head

  • @sherenspilker140
    @sherenspilker140 День тому

    I think it’s excellent as is, it’s not a photograph 🙂

  • @JoanieBC
    @JoanieBC День тому

    Lower/add more hair to the forehead. Remove part of the furthest side of his face or just go back and shadow some more of it. Then brighten his eyes just a.smidge.

  • @lukausedsteal1026
    @lukausedsteal1026 День тому

    Your art looks amazing! I think you should touch up the eyes and ears to really make them pop out instead having them dematwrialize into the heavy graphite for the hair. This is just my two cents though. I can’t wait to see more art from you! Always subscribe to talented artists

  • @backtoart2832
    @backtoart2832 День тому

    It could be that the right side of the face should be wider or that the eyes are too close to one another
    But its awesome you only see it if you want to find something
    Its sooo much bester then the first sketch

  • @tammyj.m4955
    @tammyj.m4955 19 годин тому

    I think the eyes and nose are right on the money, the ear is too close just needs to move about a quarter inch to the right which also means t h e beard hair moves over also making the face just a tad wider. The mouth needs to go up and over to the right about a quarter inch.once you do that you'll see that the beard point needs to come up a little more then a half inch! Then you will lose that feeling of too long a face!

  • @lindyashford7744
    @lindyashford7744 22 години тому

    He looks more anxious in your drawing because of the bit between his eyes and his beard is a bit less rounded. However it is a fantastically good likeness and these are expressive adjustments not his actual facial structure. So it could be an authentic expression of his. So it is up to you to decide whether you want to remove or retain what looks to me like an intentional angularity. I do not think it is about proportion, you have nailed that. And it is an artists prerogative to emphasise certain aspects in order to make a portrait be more authentic rather than more realistic. If you mess around with it further do you think it will improve it?

  • @vaneta6937
    @vaneta6937 19 годин тому

    To me, the face is to narrow from ear to ear, in that pork chop sideburns area, I feel they are eating up too far inwards towards the other features. Your graphic is amazing, great talent!

  • @akadorcass3172
    @akadorcass3172 День тому

    I'd put it away for a week before you look at it again. It's hard to not want to just push through and force the face to change, but you will just be putting yourself in portrait pergatory. But then again, portrait pergatory lasts forever (for me, at least), so on any given day you will either feel it's complete and a success, or you will be mortified by all the "flaws" that show up. And that will just happen over and over for the rest of your life 😂. That being said, I think fluffing out his lower left cheek and messing with the values in his beard hair will help.

  • @DuaAzizshahim
    @DuaAzizshahim День тому

    The left eye is at a slight angle

  • @blendermain9300
    @blendermain9300 День тому

    The cheekbone is not defined. Give it more "meat" to the bones on the left side and I think it will help fix the right side as well.

  • @AsterDisaster
    @AsterDisaster День тому

    maybe print it to this size, lay over ( window could work) and see where it went incorrectly.

  • @bbwest1138
    @bbwest1138 День тому


  • @adondriel
    @adondriel День тому

    his head is still too wide in the back? Like, it looks like he has a halo around his head? of just... hair. i think his hair on the right side needs to move a bit to the left. like, he has some sort of double chin action happen on the bottom right.
    As i rewatch it more, it might just be the depth on the hair. In the original, the right side of the hair looks much further back than in your drawing.
    You are a really great artist! Keep up the great work! (So much better than anything I could do)

  • @harshdeepkaur2654
    @harshdeepkaur2654 День тому

    The distance between the eyes and ear looks shorter, the wrinkle above the left eye needs to be worked on but altogether beautiful work.

  • @roroharp64
    @roroharp64 День тому

    I think the nose on the light side looks a little less 3D than the rest of the face, but it looks amazing nonetheless!

  • @elmaladner4629
    @elmaladner4629 День тому

    Is the ear too far forward. I'm always sticking ears too high or too low 😂

  • @JalonTan
    @JalonTan 10 годин тому

    The nose for sure. But thank you for your honesty. That’s the spirit.

  • @Aka.Sacchan
    @Aka.Sacchan День тому

    Maybe it's just that, you've been looking at it for too long. Im sure most people have gotten this advice before, but it seriously does help, just take a break for a couple of hours, maybe a day, and then get back to it. It'll give you a fresh look and you'll notice all those little mistakes that you were too focused to notice

  • @Slowpokegamer2004
    @Slowpokegamer2004 День тому

    This is rick from the walking dead right

  • @sanchiamcquiston725
    @sanchiamcquiston725 День тому


  • @lavidiaz
    @lavidiaz День тому

    Prof d proportion between nose n lips is somewhat off

  • @charmmaeonineza1501
    @charmmaeonineza1501 13 годин тому

    Maybe step out for a bit and get back to it later. Sometimes all that's needed is a well-rested pair of eyes.

  • @fxbootstraps
    @fxbootstraps День тому

    his right eye is too near the middle.

  • @SantieAmery
    @SantieAmery День тому

    The ear is to close to the face...