The difference between Poland and the UK is that Poland have a troublesome past, but a bright future. The UK on the otherhand have a wondreful past, but a very hard future. Good Luck to both.
spoon Wonderful past? What about the 2 world wars in the last 100 years? England and Poland have both been through shit. Countries like Sweden have had wonderful pasts selling weapons to the nazis in WW2
@rando no because all those ground breaking inventions and medical breakthroughs didnt help the rest of the world did it?? Are you messing? The UK basically created the modern world we live in. Without the UK the world would be a vastly different place. Go and look up some british inventions.
@rando oh well, shit happens. Most countries are guilt of something if you go far enough back, its just the way it is unfortunately. You cant moan about it now, it's like complaining to Denmark, Norway or Sweden about the Vikings and the millions they killed.
I am half Hungarian, half Italian and also came to live to Poland like 4 years ago. You have a beautiful country. Take care of it! Polak, Węgier dwa bratanki!
I also left the U.K for Poland.....Started teaching in a university and now run my very own successful language school.I find that living in Poland is a lot easier than living in the U.K although like many Poles , still face the normal day to day problems as in any country.But I have to say, thank you to Poland. It has been good to me.
He is so right. Poland is a beautifully developed country. I live in Germany but I honestly see a future only in Poland. Poland is the most patriotic country in Europe. They have values, tradition, pride and a strong bond. Poland is all about family, faith and culture. I love Poland and Polish people with all my heart.
krol. your hatred of islam shows how backward your country is. you do NOT belong in the EU. Russia should kick your ass like it has done many times before, to the land of the cowards. Stay home , noone wants you in the Eu.
We do because our country was flooded with our blood, not to mention that at one point it was not even on the map. I think he was disrespectful with his comment about i want to show Polish people ............. We know what country we live in and it was build on the corpses and blood of our forefathers. And i would not be surprised he got his head bashed in because someone saw him say that on you tube. Be respectful and not cocky. And if he thinks he thinks in Polish, then I am superman.
@@alanakbhar7456 Poland had the most applications for residence in the whole of EU even more than the UK in 2017. But yeah, please keep telling us how Poland doesn't accept any immigrants lol.
I'm a Brit living in Poland...I've been here since 2010....I live in Kolobrzeg, which is up on the Baltic coast with my Polish wife and our son, who was born in the UK...! A beautiful, beautiful place.
I drove from Moscow to Belgrade trough Poland and back, and am very happy to say that I was amaized how Poland look nice and prosperous! Good job pals, just continue! Greatings from Serbia.
I left the USA for Poland and I don't have any plans to return to the USA. Patrick, I'm envious of your skills in Polish. I've only been learning (mostly self-taught) for about 3 years, but hopefully I'll get to your level one of these days. I've been really fortunate in Poland. And while I make only a small fraction of what I made in the States - I have everything I need here. I would also say my life is better here.
Patrick is little cheater here about learning Polish ;) In UK are lot of Polish, and He must heard many of times that language on streets, pubs, shops etc or maybe He knows some kind of there, maybe work with some Pl in London or Edinburgh, I don't know but that absolutely helpful. I know many British who just know Polish because they heard and work with Polish without any real learning:)
I am English and feel just as strong about Poland as this guy ! He talks sense when a Pole says their your friend they do really really mean it God Bless You Polska
my fiance is American.We live in UK.He went with me to Poland last summer and he love it so much that we are planning to move to Poland.He loves polish food and 3city.We are going to Poland again in one month time and he is the one talking abt this all the time ☺
It's wonderful to watch you guys just chit chat so freely and talk about our homeland in such a way. You know, one man once said that to be Polish, does not mean to be born here, it is inside your heart and soul. You are Polish by the very definition. Pozdrowienia z Warszawy.
There are tons of Polanians not born in Poland, that doesn't change your DNA/blood. If your parents come from Poland, you come from Poland. That's how it is with most countries.
As an American I respect Poland. Winged Husars defeating Muslims, much needed fighter pilots helping Great Britain during WW2, bringing down the Soviet Union. It is sad the Allies let Russia have Poland. General Patton was right.
+Patrick Ney widziałam! Oboje mieliście dziwnie skoncentrowane spojrzenia, jakbyście chcieli zrozumieć co mówi ten drugi. Ale stwierdziłam, że mi się tylko tak wydaje :'D
it's amazing to hear an American and a Brit speaking Polish to each other. I wish I could experience it more often. I have emigrated myself from Poland to UK, but planning on coming back, despite what everyone says that Poland isn't a good prospective atm. Seeing this video, Patrick immigrating from UK to my home country, makes me somewhat believe that actually there are prospectives and it ain't that bad. Respect for learning Polish, well done, sir!
Had vacation in Poland last year. Best vacation ever! So much culture and modern at same time. Polish people are also very polite and know how to enjoy life. Definitely want to go back...
Less than a year ago I wouldn't believe that someone would like to move from the UK to Poland but, after one semester at uni in Scotland, I slowly start to understand it and actually miss Poland. The UK is great but still. Awesome video! I love hearing foreigners speak Polish and yours is very good. :D
He learnt the language, integrated, respects & loves their culture, so he is welcomed. Unlike many comunities in other countries that do not learn the language, do not repect the culture and yet are deffended by the weak polititians who believe in a multiculural utopia. Well done Poland for holding your stance against the EU and their mass immigration policy!
Jesteście świetnymi gośćmi. nie przestawajcie robić tego co robicie. Ryan uwielbiam Twój kanał. Jestes tak bardzo prawdziwy i tak szczery ze z przyjemnością ogląda się Twoje filmy. Myślę że Patricka kanal będzie kolejnym moim ulubionym :) Pozdrawiam.
I am a Brit, although my grandad was a pole so I have now gained my Polish citizenship. I've been building a house out there for me, my wife and 2 daughters for the last 2 years. Tomorrow, we drive. 1 way ticket. Didn't realise how sad I'd feel to leave my parents behind. Had to watch a few more of these videos to remember I'm making the right choice. Will just have to put the effort in to stay in touch with my parents. Good video guys, thanks.x
@@KultAmerica about 35 mins drive South of Krakow. A little village called Sławkowice. Just have the uphill battle of learning the language now. Getting there on duo lingo. The toughest challenges are the most rewarding right.
@@AntonioVanderas1973 thanks. Its been nearly 4 years now and the best decision of my life so far. Language is still a struggle but I can have a simple conversation and get by in the shops etc.
wow I am 61 and live in Milwaukee WI USA my grandma and grandpa on my dads side was from Poland making me second generation American. When I was very small around 6 or so my dad would take me to visit grandma and grandpa and they would speak only polish. My parents would speak polish at the supper table so myself and brother and sister would not know what they were talking about. When I hear someone talking polish it always makes me tear up a little. When grandma died at 87 I was 24 and went to se her. She still had a very strong grip when I held her hand. Very tough lady.
Thank you for this video! I was waiting for a sign that i should come back to my country. Listening to you both foreigners which live in Poland helped me a lot. I was struggling with decision for so long, 2 years already passed since i left. The only reason were money but now i have them and i can afford a nice car, phone etc and i feel miserable more than ever. I miss my family, my friends, summer nights in Poland, lakes, forest...list goes on and on. Thank you both again and i`m glad i can call you my compatriots for the love we share to our beautiful country.
Lepiej juz nie mowic glosno, ze taka wspaniala ta nasza Polska, bo wszyscy brytyjczycy tam emigruja, pozakladaja szkoly angielskiego a my zostaniemy tu na zawsze, z naszym wyuczonym angielskim, do czyszczenia toalet brytyjskim emerytom jak juz wszyscy ich mlodzi beda zyc w Polsce. Zawsze serdeczni bylismy dla cudzoziemcow i to sa fakty pomimo propagandy. Szkoda, ze incydenty sie zdarzaja ale tak jest niestety wszedzie. Tak czy inaczej zycze autorom video szczescia w mojej Polsce a ja musze zostac w Szkocji gdzie nie da sie kariery robic na polskiej szkole jezykowej i na zawsze pozostane "bloody polish". Ty Arturze jak tylko mozesz to wracaj albo przenies s.tam gdzie beda Cie traktowac chocby w polowie tak jak Polacy Brytyjczykow.
Tu gdzie jestem nie traktuja mnie zle, ale ja nadal czuje, ze nie jestem wsrod swoich. Moje kochane Mazury mnie wzywaja...Pomimo glosow plynacych od moich znajomych jak to im zle pod rzadami PiSu ja i tak zdania nie zmienie. Wracam i bede pracowal w kraju, ktory kocham.
Wow! This video made my day. Never have I heard before two foreigners speaking so warmly about my (and consecutively also their) home. And with such wit and humor. Thanks for this guys! Greetings from Pole living nowadays in UAE. Both your Polish skills are amazing, Ryan record some more in PL too, please. PS. Missing this bread you told about. attempting to make sourdough starter to bake it here too. Cheers!
Bardzo dobrze mówicie po polsku. Ogólnie bardzo mało błędów popełniacie w odmianie, co jest wielkim plusem. A najlepsze jest to, że mówicie bardzo naturalnie rozmawiając ze sobą, nie używając zdań z podręcznika. :)
salam14111 Beacuse Polish nation is one of the most honorable and brave one, its is immortal through ages and it is impossible to destroy Polish people and their culture. Russia, Prussia, Austria, Germany and Turkey tried and even if Poland as a country wasnt existing for 123 years, Polish nation wasnt destroyed. We are patriots and we are always ready to fight. We are working hard, we are inventing lots of stuff, we are proud of our heritage.
you are fantastic guys and you have to know that no matter how you speak Polish we appreciate that you try to communicate with us and I feel sorry for your accident I hope that this never happen in your life wish you guys all the best and enjoy 👌
This is so amazing to watch! I'm in so much awe seeing two foreigners speak so well of Poland and just as well in Polish as the two of you. Gratuluje ;)
Jakże zaskoczył mnie ten wywiad! Nie sądziłam, że Panowie się kiedyś spotkają na pogaduszki :D Zawsze doceniałam pracę, jaką włożyli w naukę nie tylko naszego języka ale również poznanie polskiej kultury. Dziękuję i czekam na wspólny projekt ;)
I'm so glad that some British like Poland. And learn the language (from completely different group than yours), which makes you the national heroes! You've done an incredible job👍
Nie wytrzymałem jak zaczęliście mówić po polsku. Szczery śmiech :D Rozbroiliście mnie. Jedna z najwspanialszych i najrozweselających rzeczy jakie w życiu widziałem. :)
Guys, your polish is brilliant! I'm really supprised ! Well done and keep forward! I used to live in US and now since over four years in Ireland. You're right that polish people looking for better life outside the country and do not appreciate many goods and favours they have in Poland. Thumb Up for your videos! Greetings from Dublin.
Patrick Ney, I'm fascinated by you. Your loyalty, courage, and bravery will continue to inspire me for the rest of my life. You've done a magnificent job through the plight of your stay in Poland to bring awareness to our society about the Polish pride. Thank you both of you to help me undo my shame, influenced by the poverty and martyrology. I will back to Poland as money oriented people kill us here in UK. You will never know what a difference you made to me as a person. God Bless you.
haha jesteście wspaniali :D i ta rozmowa po polsku :D bomba :D miło słyszeć że ktoś się tak bardzo angażuje żeby poznać kraj, język :)) wszystkiego dobrego
Awesome interview. I love talking to foreigners and getting to now how they like our country and what's their opinion about lot's of stuff... Great to have such nice people over here! Have a nice one mates!
Thanks a lot about so much nice and sometimes reall honest words, even if it might hurt a little... It's necessary :) It was fantastic to hear you suddenly jump to speaking Polish!
Guys, you make mistakes (who doesn't) but you rock!! Really, I am so happy there are people who decide to come to Poland and live here AND learn Polish language so others can learn more about our country.
Guys, I'll be absolutely honest, not many videos on youtube make me go wow!. This was one of those few and far between moments. Thanks for making my day.
10 lat w Angli jusz mieszkam, i wyjechalem jak mialem tylko 7 lat. Ja niestety pszesto nie moge muwic tak dobrze po polsku (i pisac nawet, plus ja mam angielska klawiature), ale ja planuje wrucic ewentualnie, by chcialbym zeby muj Polski byl lepszy nisz teraz. Osobiscie ja mysle ze kiedy muwie wiencej nisz jeden jezyk and ze mieszkam w innym kraju, czuje sie bardzej jako Europejczyk. Ale nigdy, powtarzam, nigdy nie zapomne skad ja pochodze! :)
Dasz rade! Tylko cwicz jezyk :D Ja wyjechalem jak mialem 11 i siedze juz ponad 9 lat i wiem jak to jest, chociaz na szczescie udalo mi sie utrzymac dobra znajomosc jezyka :) Powiem Ci, ze i tak Ci niezle idzie! Pozdrawiam
Ryan what a great job you do ! That videos are very interestin and entertaining and I enjoy watching them. I don't know why but I'm so curious about opinions of foreginers who live here. I think you should also travel to different parts of Poland and give your comments on it. Even we don't know so many very interesting places to visit here in Poland.
It's so amazing to watch two guy from America and Great Britain sitting and talking in polish. Really like the video. Very positive and funny. Regards :-)
Guys i would like so much to just sit down with you two, drink a beer and just chat about our countries. to show you every little bit of our country i know (like Auschwitz or Project Riese) and to find out more of this country misteries that i haven't yet learned about. So happy you've found piece and happienes here :)
Panowie nie dziwcie się...że Polacy sa piekni (bajeczni ) mamy fenomenalna historię, tragiczną. I pamietamy o tym...Mamy serce. Serce wojownika i przyjaciela. Przyjaciela z bloku,sasiada, z klasy... !! Cenimy sobie takie wartosci których na zachodzie nie ma i juz nigdy nie bedzie
Guys, you are great! You're showing us (Polish people) that it's actually possible to live in our country. I moved to Italy, but I use to live in UK too. I miss Poland so much, but I found second home here, and I'm happy where I am :)
Hey guys, great video! I admire your language skills and I believe that what you do is simply perfect. It's really awesome for us, polish people, when we hear such opinions and poems from foreigners. However, I know that's it's all because of the girls :D Good job!
The moment they started speaking in Polish was so adorable! They had this noticeable accent and made those tiny mistakes connected to declension in Polish language but they speak and you can tell how much heart they put to learn it. I love you guys!
The difference between Poland and the UK is that Poland have a troublesome past, but a bright future. The UK on the otherhand have a wondreful past, but a very hard future. Good Luck to both.
spoon Wonderful past? What about the 2 world wars in the last 100 years? England and Poland have both been through shit. Countries like Sweden have had wonderful pasts selling weapons to the nazis in WW2
Completely agree my friend completely agree
@rando no because all those ground breaking inventions and medical breakthroughs didnt help the rest of the world did it?? Are you messing? The UK basically created the modern world we live in. Without the UK the world would be a vastly different place. Go and look up some british inventions.
@rando oh well, shit happens. Most countries are guilt of something if you go far enough back, its just the way it is unfortunately. You cant moan about it now, it's like complaining to Denmark, Norway or Sweden about the Vikings and the millions they killed.
I am half Hungarian, half Italian and also came to live to Poland like 4 years ago.
You have a beautiful country. Take care of it!
Polak, Węgier dwa bratanki!
Hungary is also nice ;) I was just thinking to move to Hungary ;p
I do szabli,i do szklanki!
I also left the U.K for Poland.....Started teaching in a university and now run my very own successful language school.I find that living in Poland is a lot easier than living in the U.K although like many Poles , still face the normal day to day problems as in any country.But I have to say, thank you to Poland. It has been good to me.
Thanks and good luck with everything mate!
Welcome in Polan d Peter!
Hope you`ll enjoy your living here :)
Peter Dowell welcome in Poland Pater! all the best 😃
ha ha ha in your place i left quickly this antihuman country
Poles that are leaving Poland for UK usually say thats its easier to live in UK, me included
He is so right. Poland is a beautifully developed country. I live in Germany but I honestly see a future only in Poland. Poland is the most patriotic country in Europe. They have values, tradition, pride and a strong bond. Poland is all about family, faith and culture. I love Poland and Polish people with all my heart.
OP comment sponsored by the Polish tourist board. Polish Informatiebureau Polskiej Organizacji Turystycznej
krol. your hatred of islam shows how backward your country is. you do NOT belong in the EU. Russia should kick your ass like it has done many times before, to the land of the cowards. Stay home , noone wants you in the Eu.
Alan Akbhar, we have white skin, blue eyes and we don`t need muslims in Poland.
We do because our country was flooded with our blood, not to mention that at one point it was not even on the map. I think he was disrespectful with his comment about i want to show Polish people ............. We know what country we live in and it was build on the corpses and blood of our forefathers. And i would not be surprised he got his head bashed in because someone saw him say that on you tube. Be respectful and not cocky. And if he thinks he thinks in Polish, then I am superman.
@@alanakbhar7456 Poland had the most applications for residence in the whole of EU even more than the UK in 2017. But yeah, please keep telling us how Poland doesn't accept any immigrants lol.
I'm a Brit living in Poland...I've been here since 2010....I live in Kolobrzeg, which is up on the Baltic coast with my Polish wife and our son, who was born in the UK...! A beautiful, beautiful place.
How do you find living there, is it difficult with the languages? Seems like a great place to live
You can go to a Beach there.
I drove from Moscow to Belgrade trough Poland and back, and am very happy to say that I was amaized how Poland look nice and prosperous! Good job pals, just continue!
Greatings from Serbia.
I left the USA for Poland and I don't have any plans to return to the USA. Patrick, I'm envious of your skills in Polish. I've only been learning (mostly self-taught) for about 3 years, but hopefully I'll get to your level one of these days.
I've been really fortunate in Poland. And while I make only a small fraction of what I made in the States - I have everything I need here. I would also say my life is better here.
The Foreign Citizen hi there, does Poland provide citizenship to foreigners?
of course Ali .
The Foreign Citizen
Patrick is little cheater here about learning Polish ;) In UK are lot of Polish, and He must heard many of times that language on streets, pubs, shops etc or maybe He knows some kind of there, maybe work with some Pl in London or Edinburgh, I don't know but that absolutely helpful. I know many British who just know Polish because they heard and work with Polish without any real learning:)
What do you do for work in Poland? I was thinking of moving to Slovakia with my wife, but I couldn’t do anything but teach English.
Niesamowite uczucie usłyszeć dwóch obcokrajowców rozmawiających ze sobą po polsku. Dawno nie czułem tego "czegoś" w środku, chyba dumy :D
To było zawsze obecne w naszej kulturze komuna była wyjątkiem.
Nestel Berg sam jesteś udawaczem idioto.
I am English and feel just as strong about Poland as this guy ! He talks sense when a Pole says their your friend they do really really mean it God Bless You Polska
Much respect to Poles for building such a beautiful country.
Absolutely! And for deffending their integrety and standing up for their values.
Oleg Koorza thank u very much
Literally! So much respect for them. I hope that leftists don't destroy this beautiful country like the rest 😒
my fiance is American.We live in UK.He went with me to Poland last summer and he love it so much that we are planning to move to Poland.He loves polish food and 3city.We are going to Poland again in one month time and he is the one talking abt this all the time ☺
Are you lesbian? LOL
Roksana Paradowska ...
Roksana Paradowska I just moved from Ireland to 3City. Hope I'll see you here guys!! If need place to stay PM me😉
Not a good idea.
It's wonderful to watch you guys just chit chat so freely and talk about our homeland in such a way. You know, one man once said that to be Polish, does not mean to be born here, it is inside your heart and soul. You are Polish by the very definition. Pozdrowienia z Warszawy.
masz racje
There are tons of Polanians not born in Poland, that doesn't change your DNA/blood. If your parents come from Poland, you come from Poland. That's how it is with most countries.
dobrze powiedziane
That's so true
I absolutely adore the way you both speak Polish;-))Best greetings from London;-)
I have moved to Poland over a year ago now with my family and love it
Good luck in Poland Liam
As an American I respect Poland. Winged Husars defeating Muslims, much needed fighter pilots helping Great Britain during WW2, bringing down the Soviet Union. It is sad the Allies let Russia have Poland. General Patton was right.
You are right! Thanks, greetings to America from a polish dude:D
True American
Patton was a hero but he was unfortunately killed by Illuminati I wish he destroy Bolsheviks
Its true.
haha, 2 foreigners talking in Polish, its so fun to heard :D
And the best: both of them have english as national lenguage :'D
+Patrick Ney widziałam! Oboje mieliście dziwnie skoncentrowane spojrzenia, jakbyście chcieli zrozumieć co mówi ten drugi. Ale stwierdziłam, że mi się tylko tak wydaje :'D
Patrick Ney Jak większość foreignersów w UK:D
Prawdę mówiąc ja się poczułem dumny.
To be honest I felt proud.
This guy is simply awesome! He is so positive and funny. Greets :)
it's amazing to hear an American and a Brit speaking Polish to each other. I wish I could experience it more often. I have emigrated myself from Poland to UK, but planning on coming back, despite what everyone says that Poland isn't a good prospective atm. Seeing this video, Patrick immigrating from UK to my home country, makes me somewhat believe that actually there are prospectives and it ain't that bad. Respect for learning Polish, well done, sir!
Well said
thank you, sir.
ukończyłem tutaj prawo, ale nie wiem czy chcę się tym zajmować w życiu. czas pokaże. dziękuję i wzajemnie wszystkiego dobrego dla Ciebie.
amazingzone ...
As Hungarians...we want to move back as well..HARD to be homesick...
też tak myślę. dla chcącego nic trudnego.
Had vacation in Poland last year. Best vacation ever! So much culture and modern at same time. Polish people are also very polite and know how to enjoy life. Definitely want to go back...
Less than a year ago I wouldn't believe that someone would like to move from the UK to Poland but, after one semester at uni in Scotland, I slowly start to understand it and actually miss Poland. The UK is great but still. Awesome video! I love hearing foreigners speak Polish and yours is very good. :D
I'm here just for uni so it's more like longer travelling than actually staying here and I come back all the time. Greetings from Kielce/Dundee
Wait few years and you will see How many UK citizens will search safe assylum in Poland.
Not so unusual. My brother left the UK and moved to Wrocław in Poland in 1999. He has no plans to move back to the UK.
+Patrick Ney He's on ATM Rozrywka TV with a show called '5 o'Clark' at the moment if you are interested in seeing it.
What a treat! I would love to see you guys doing Polish tongue twisters together. Thank you for directing us to Patrick's site.
I can't wait. Paddislaw, you have the magical ability to always put a smile on my face. See you on your site. Greetings from Connecticut.
nie wierzyłem że doczekam się czasów w których to obcokrajowcy (Z ZACHODU) będą mówili tak pięknie po polsku
He learnt the language, integrated, respects & loves their culture, so he is welcomed. Unlike many comunities in other countries that do not learn the language, do not repect the culture and yet are deffended by the weak polititians who believe in a multiculural utopia. Well done Poland for holding your stance against the EU and their mass immigration policy!
Patrick, Ryan, jesteście świetnymi facetami!
Dobrze mowicie po polsku
Dziki_Dzik dobre
Chciałbym by polacy w Anglii mówili tak po angielsku jak ty po polsku :D. Chce nauczyć kolegę mówić po polsku. Jakaś wskazówka? Pozdrawiam :)
+Patrick Ney jeżeli chodzi o interpunkcje, to idzie ci z tym lepiej niż niejednemu polakowi. :d
Dziki_Dzik ale ma polski akcent
no ... jestem w szoku jakie robisz postępy w poprawnym mówieniu po polsku - znam polaków, którzy mówią gorzej. Brawo.
Greetings from Magyarország! Keep up the good work!
I just wonder are they know what is mean Magyarország :) that is Hi lvl ;p Regards Hungarian friend
Lengyel, magyar - két jó barát, együtt harcol, s issza borát
I shed few tears when they started to talk in Polish... ok I cried like a baby..I miss my country so much😢
Poland - Heart of Europe
Read history and You will understand why :)
@@alanakbhar7456 What, just because they stopped the invasion of your people and saved Europe? :)
you mean, when they handed over tens of thousands of innocent jews to the nazis.
@@alanakbhar7456 ligma
Alan Akbhar go back to your terrorized country please
Jesteście świetnymi gośćmi. nie przestawajcie robić tego co robicie. Ryan uwielbiam Twój kanał. Jestes tak bardzo prawdziwy i tak szczery ze z przyjemnością ogląda się Twoje filmy. Myślę że Patricka kanal będzie kolejnym moim ulubionym :) Pozdrawiam.
I am a Brit, although my grandad was a pole so I have now gained my Polish citizenship. I've been building a house out there for me, my wife and 2 daughters for the last 2 years. Tomorrow, we drive. 1 way ticket. Didn't realise how sad I'd feel to leave my parents behind. Had to watch a few more of these videos to remember I'm making the right choice. Will just have to put the effort in to stay in touch with my parents. Good video guys, thanks.x
Wow, that is touching. What part of Poland?
@@KultAmerica about 35 mins drive South of Krakow. A little village called Sławkowice. Just have the uphill battle of learning the language now. Getting there on duo lingo. The toughest challenges are the most rewarding right.
Bold decision. Good luck! Over time you will come across people like yourself or Patrick there...
@@AntonioVanderas1973 thanks. Its been nearly 4 years now and the best decision of my life so far. Language is still a struggle but I can have a simple conversation and get by in the shops etc.
Great to hear, Michael... I did not even realise the date of your original post
dwóch obcokrajowców mówiących polsku♡
Hidden Gamees urocze :)
wow I am 61 and live in Milwaukee WI USA my grandma and grandpa on my dads side was from Poland making me second generation American. When I was very small around 6 or so my dad would take me to visit grandma and grandpa and they would speak only polish. My parents would speak polish at the supper table so myself and brother and sister would not know what they were talking about. When I hear someone talking polish it always makes me tear up a little. When grandma died at 87 I was 24 and went to se her. She still had a very strong grip when I held her hand. Very tough lady.
lovely story
Thank you for this video! I was waiting for a sign that i should come back to my country. Listening to you both foreigners which live in Poland helped me a lot. I was struggling with decision for so long, 2 years already passed since i left. The only reason were money but now i have them and i can afford a nice car, phone etc and i feel miserable more than ever. I miss my family, my friends, summer nights in Poland, lakes, forest...list goes on and on. Thank you both again and i`m glad i can call you my compatriots for the love we share to our beautiful country.
Lepiej juz nie mowic glosno, ze taka wspaniala ta nasza Polska, bo wszyscy brytyjczycy tam emigruja, pozakladaja szkoly angielskiego a my zostaniemy tu na zawsze, z naszym wyuczonym angielskim, do czyszczenia toalet brytyjskim emerytom jak juz wszyscy ich mlodzi beda zyc w Polsce. Zawsze serdeczni bylismy dla cudzoziemcow i to sa fakty pomimo propagandy. Szkoda, ze incydenty sie zdarzaja ale tak jest niestety wszedzie. Tak czy inaczej zycze autorom video szczescia w mojej Polsce a ja musze zostac w Szkocji gdzie nie da sie kariery robic na polskiej szkole jezykowej i na zawsze pozostane "bloody polish". Ty Arturze jak tylko mozesz to wracaj albo przenies s.tam gdzie beda Cie traktowac chocby w polowie tak jak Polacy Brytyjczykow.
Tu gdzie jestem nie traktuja mnie zle, ale ja nadal czuje, ze nie jestem wsrod swoich. Moje kochane Mazury mnie wzywaja...Pomimo glosow plynacych od moich znajomych jak to im zle pod rzadami PiSu ja i tak zdania nie zmienie. Wracam i bede pracowal w kraju, ktory kocham.
No shit! Poland is perceived to be more attractive country to live in eyes of foreigners than for poles themselves. Paradox
supersonic Myślę, że to właśnie nasza największa wada i problem - nie doceniamy tego co mamy
W końcu ktoś to może doceni nasz dywizjon 303 :)
Poland was communist until 1989 what do you expect? I would say: still is.
Moving is retarded, but brining euro's to Poland is very smart
yee, and this is main reason why poles dont wanna live in this country. Because the minimal salary eg in Germany is good salary in Poland.
i love your videos man.Keep it up :) Greetings from Slovakia.
One of the best interviews I've seen so far! Love it and I'm soooo proud of both of you! Your Polish is amazing
Wow! This video made my day. Never have I heard before two foreigners speaking so warmly about my (and consecutively also their) home. And with such wit and humor. Thanks for this guys! Greetings from Pole living nowadays in UAE. Both your Polish skills are amazing, Ryan record some more in PL too, please.
PS. Missing this bread you told about. attempting to make sourdough starter to bake it here too. Cheers!
Thank you both for all the nice words about Poland and thanks for being a part of our community!
Bardzo dobrze mówicie po polsku. Ogólnie bardzo mało błędów popełniacie w odmianie, co jest wielkim plusem. A najlepsze jest to, że mówicie bardzo naturalnie rozmawiając ze sobą, nie używając zdań z podręcznika. :)
I am proud to be Polish. I always was.
why not?
Because our land was object of war over centuries, and we are still on map.
Beacuse Polish nation is one of the most honorable and brave one, its is immortal through ages and it is impossible to destroy Polish people and their culture. Russia, Prussia, Austria, Germany and Turkey tried and even if Poland as a country wasnt existing for 123 years, Polish nation wasnt destroyed. We are patriots and we are always ready to fight. We are working hard, we are inventing lots of stuff, we are proud of our heritage.
ave Polska duma narodowa
Nareszcie Ryan więcej jak 1 zdanie w j. polskim ☺ Super się tego słucha :)
you are fantastic guys and you have to know that no matter how you speak Polish we appreciate that you try to communicate with us and I feel sorry for your accident I hope that this never happen in your life wish you guys all the best and enjoy 👌
Gratulacje Panowie 👍🇵🇱🇬🇧🇺🇸
This is so amazing to watch! I'm in so much awe seeing two foreigners speak so well of Poland and just as well in Polish as the two of you. Gratuluje ;)
Jakże zaskoczył mnie ten wywiad! Nie sądziłam, że Panowie się kiedyś spotkają na pogaduszki :D Zawsze doceniałam pracę, jaką włożyli w naukę nie tylko naszego języka ale również poznanie polskiej kultury. Dziękuję i czekam na wspólny projekt ;)
Fantastyczny wywiad! Swietnie sie slucha Waszej rozmowy po polsku. I rzeczywiscie polski Patryka jest obledny. 😁
I'm from Poland and I love this channel. I love to watch how foreigners see my country I admire more each year!
Also thanks to You guys!
Thank you!
Milo sie oglada tak pozytywne osoby .Dziekuje i pozdrawiam !!!
Greetings from Polska to Sverige ❤️
I'm so glad that some British like Poland. And learn the language (from completely different group than yours), which makes you the national heroes! You've done an incredible job👍
Nie wytrzymałem jak zaczęliście mówić po polsku. Szczery śmiech :D Rozbroiliście mnie. Jedna z najwspanialszych i najrozweselających rzeczy jakie w życiu widziałem. :)
I really appricieate what you guys do for our country, for me you are one of us. Greetings from Szczecin and happy easter.
Guys, your polish is brilliant! I'm really supprised ! Well done and keep forward! I used to live in US and now since over four years in Ireland. You're right that polish people looking for better life outside the country and do not appreciate many goods and favours they have in Poland. Thumb Up for your videos! Greetings from Dublin.
Ireland us beautiful friendly fun and great
What a nice interview for both of you young men. Best to you. Thank you
I have a feeling we are going to see a lot more videos like this in the future
grate. its nice to hear a foreigner speaks so nice about Poland.
Miło się was ogląda. Dobry wywiad.
Holy guacamoly, ta końcówka, to jedna z najbardziej uroczych rzeczy jaką kiedykolwiek usłyszałam
Patrick Ney, I'm fascinated by you. Your loyalty, courage, and bravery will continue to inspire me for the rest of my life. You've done a magnificent job through the plight of your stay in Poland to bring awareness to our society about the Polish pride. Thank you both of you to help me undo my shame, influenced by the poverty and martyrology. I will back to Poland as money oriented people kill us here in UK. You will never know what a difference you made to me as a person. God Bless you.
Dziękujemy że jesteś Polska potrzebuje takich ludzi jak ty z innym spojrzeniem i innym doświadczeniami
Jaki świetny filmik! To są prawdziwi Polacy! Jednak miejsca urodzenia nas nie definiują...
Chłopaki jesteście najlepsi ! Dziękuję serdecznie za to co mówicie o nas i o naszym kraju . Pozdrowienia z Krakowa :)
I'm impressed with your Polish.
haha jesteście wspaniali :D i ta rozmowa po polsku :D bomba :D miło słyszeć że ktoś się tak bardzo angażuje żeby poznać kraj, język :)) wszystkiego dobrego
Miło Was widzieć w Polsce.
panowie milo sie was slucha,swietny odcinek cieplo pozdrawiam
The video is so cool you can hear how much the accents are different... I'm so into this kind of things
Awesome interview. I love talking to foreigners and getting to now how they like our country and what's their opinion about lot's of stuff... Great to have such nice people over here! Have a nice one mates!
Jesteście niesamowici :)
Dziękuję Wam Ryan i Patrick!
This makes me so happy! I am a native from Poland myself and live in the great world of Britain. It is amazing to hear that you love it there!
Wonderful polish Patrick ♥ greetings for u guys :)
Thanks a lot about so much nice and sometimes reall honest words, even if it might hurt a little... It's necessary :) It was fantastic to hear you suddenly jump to speaking Polish!
Guys, you make mistakes (who doesn't) but you rock!! Really, I am so happy there are people who decide to come to Poland and live here AND learn Polish language so others can learn more about our country.
Niee mogę wyjść z zachwytu :D To jak Patric mówi płynnie po polsku jednocześnie z tym akcentem jest świetne.
Guys, I'll be absolutely honest, not many videos on youtube make me go wow!. This was one of those few and far between moments. Thanks for making my day.
10 lat w Angli jusz mieszkam, i wyjechalem jak mialem tylko 7 lat. Ja niestety pszesto nie moge muwic tak dobrze po polsku (i pisac nawet, plus ja mam angielska klawiature), ale ja planuje wrucic ewentualnie, by chcialbym zeby muj Polski byl lepszy nisz teraz.
Osobiscie ja mysle ze kiedy muwie wiencej nisz jeden jezyk and ze mieszkam w innym kraju, czuje sie bardzej jako Europejczyk. Ale nigdy, powtarzam, nigdy nie zapomne skad ja pochodze! :)
Dasz rade! Tylko cwicz jezyk :D Ja wyjechalem jak mialem 11 i siedze juz ponad 9 lat i wiem jak to jest, chociaz na szczescie udalo mi sie utrzymac dobra znajomosc jezyka :) Powiem Ci, ze i tak Ci niezle idzie! Pozdrawiam
dajesz rade. Ja z ortografii zawsze 1 dostałem. Ćwicz, a będzie Ci dane ;)
Tak samo ze mna
Brawo! Bravo! Pozdrawiam z Sydney
Eyyyyy Mieszkam w Irlandii i moja rodzina jest z Polski mogę mówić po polsku całkiem OK, ale nie mogę pisać, więc używam tłumacza
you are amazing guys!
Wesołych Świąt !
ale jestem z Was dumna! swietnie mowicie po polsku haha:)
Ale się uśmiałem jak gadacie po polsku. W sensie pozytywnym - to niesamowicie sympatyczne zjawisko. Brawo! :D
Ale fajnie usłyszeć rozmowę dwóch chłopaków którzy się nauczyli mówić po Polsku! :]]
Pozdrawiam, bardzo dobry materiał! ;)
Świetny filmik, jeden z moich ulubionych :)
the best Interview that I've ever heard
Lovely video good luck to you both and keep Poland safe .
Ryan what a great job you do ! That videos are very interestin and entertaining and I enjoy watching them. I don't know why but I'm so curious about opinions of foreginers who live here. I think you should also travel to different parts of Poland and give your comments on it. Even we don't know so many very interesting places to visit here in Poland.
Poland and Hungary the only two countries in Europe with any common sense.
Fajnie posłuchać. Nice to hear such a good words.
It's so amazing to watch two guy from America and Great Britain sitting and talking in polish. Really like the video. Very positive and funny. Regards :-)
Wow! Big respect guys!
both of u guys speaking polish at the end- da bomb! nice video, thanks!
omg, i laughed so hard when you guys spoke polish. I understood 100% but the way you pronounce things and those little mistakes are lovely :D.
Guys i would like so much to just sit down with you two, drink a beer and just chat about our countries. to show you every little bit of our country i know (like Auschwitz or Project Riese) and to find out more of this country misteries that i haven't yet learned about. So happy you've found piece and happienes here :)
Panowie nie dziwcie się...że Polacy sa piekni (bajeczni ) mamy fenomenalna historię, tragiczną. I pamietamy o tym...Mamy serce. Serce wojownika i przyjaciela. Przyjaciela z bloku,sasiada, z klasy... !! Cenimy sobie takie wartosci których na zachodzie nie ma i juz nigdy nie bedzie
That video make me smile ! Thank you for that guys
Greetings for you from a Polish living in Budapest, Hungary. Pozdrowienia dla was z Budapesztu. :)
Jesteście niesamowici!!!
Zasługujesz na więcej subskrypcji!❤
Guys, you are great! You're showing us (Polish people) that it's actually possible to live in our country. I moved to Italy, but I use to live in UK too. I miss Poland so much, but I found second home here, and I'm happy where I am :)
Hey guys, great video! I admire your language skills and I believe that what you do is simply perfect. It's really awesome for us, polish people, when we hear such opinions and poems from foreigners.
However, I know that's it's all because of the girls :D
Good job!
I want to move to Poland!
Greetings from Bulgarian living in Germany
The moment they started speaking in Polish was so adorable! They had this noticeable accent and made those tiny mistakes connected to declension in Polish language but they speak and you can tell how much heart they put to learn it. I love you guys!