Très heureux de découvrir des personnes qui portent la France et sa culture dans le coeur, à travers le monde. Merci beaucoup et longue vie à votre chaîne !
You’re absolutely right about taking our time to eat and relax. Then there’s that moment during the Sunday family lunch where the discussion suddenly turns into a heated political debate, a part of our culture that I both love and hate. XD
I'm a French parisian and I lived 10 years in the UK. A big difference is English don't really care about good food, nice architecture, etc. It's really a culture thing. Personnaly I love Asian culture (Japan, China, Korea) and I plan to visit one day.
It's interesting to explore different cultures indeed. Please do visit Asia one day and you'll be delighted as well. The three countries that you mentioned are already so different!
@@remy2824 always sad people on internet posting negative comments on stuff they don't know. You really don't have better to do in your life? I don't know maybe watch Le dîner de cons, le Père Noël est une ordure, La classe américaine, Mozinor (early), OSS117, les Inconnus, les Nuls, Mission Cléopâtre, La Flamme, Le Flambeau, Broute, le Palmashow, Tout simplement noir, Un p'tit truc en plus, Florence Foresti, Naïm, Laure Felpin, Roman Frayssinet, Haroune, Marie Reno, Franjo etc. you will then understand a bit better French humor, which is a lot about self-derision, parody, parody and parody, 2nd degree, 3rd degree and more
Thank you ❤ I also love French imagination and creativity A certain pride but mostly a high respect for harmony , history , esthetics , colors Poetry and romanticism too French culture is so varied 💫
A lot of idealization and romanticizing, but I can understand it. We do the same with what we love. But there is a lot of truth: our way of living and approaching life comes directly from philosophies like Romanticism, Rationalism, and Existentialism. (This is why a lot of people around the world think that French people always complain and are never happy... But in fact, we are just realistic and feel the sadness of the human condition.) And so, there is a bit of Spleen and melancholy. This explains a lot about the way we see life and how we live. But at the same time, we don't see a lot of what foreigners see about France and fall in love with. Because for us, it's just our everyday life. But yes, France is beautiful, not only Paris. You can go everywhere and be surrounded by beauty, history, and culture. The more I travel across the country, the more my love grows. The more I read and listen to French literature and songs, the more I love the language and the deep meaning you can put into it...
I too love France. Currently learning French so when I retire to France in roughly 2 years I'll be able to speak some French. Not fluently of course but at least I'll be on my way before I retire to France. J'adore la France.
@@basementstudio7574 il faut parler français et le lire pour l'administratif... Les français se donnent beaucoup de mal pour apprendre l'anglais, c'est pas facile 🙄
Bonjour, je tombe par hasard sur votre vidéo à propos de la Culture française et je suis heureux de voir des amis de la France telles que vous exprimer leur amour de notre pays en général ;) Vous avez raison, la France ce n'est pas que la Mode (souvent hors de prix ou superficielle), la Cuisine ou les monuments historiques, c'est une manière d'être et de partager un idéal commun : préserver la beauté du monde et le patrimoine pour les generations futures sans renier la modernité et le progrès individuel. Cela existe bien sûr dans d'autres pays aussi soucieux de leur héritage culturel mais la manière de penser est souvent différente car les Français sont en quête de liberté, d'amitié et d'universalité avec le reste des humains de notre planète. Bravo pour votre compréhension si approfondie de ce qui fait l'essence même de la France ou des Français toujours ouverts vis à vis des gens de l'extérieur désirant partager les plaisirs de la vie ;)
There's an important book called "Mémoires du chanvre français", written by Alexis Chanebau. In this book, you learn in detail how one of the first element of french economy was natural hemp and how it was the most cultivated surface (along with wheat) until the 18th century. A must.
Gosh what an ode to my country and culture by a very open-minded and clever person ... Amazing. Merci Beaucoup... ça met du baume au cœur au moment où ce pays semble s'écrouler dans le déclin à vitesse grand V. :) I was reflecting that how have you been able to catch the french spirit, culture, way of Life by haing lived only few months in toulouse... that have surely needed a true passion and research on france on the Net, on forums... what a quantity of work have you produced to obtain this so accurate and clever knowledge that not even half of native French are not even guessing a little part of what you said in your so interesting speech. We should use you as the next Marianne ;)
How kind of you to leave this encouraging comment. Thank you very much, and I hope that one day I will be able to truly 'taste' it in person and share a first-hand reflection of my love for this culture.
In truth, French culture was a 1000 times more important in the past centuries, compared to today. Charlemagne *made* Europe, everyone copied the cathedrales then Versailles, and of course in the 1960's Bardot and the new cinema (Audiard dialogue, De Funes comedy..etc) Today let's be real : the US is the trend setter in 2024. That and Japanese anime. 😄
Always very endeering to hear a declaration of love to a country like France coming from someone who grew up in as different and fascinating a culture as China's. It seems you're currently in the honeymoon phase, which is wonderful: may this phase last as long as can be! In time, you may get a more balanced perception with regards to modern day France and it too will be a good thing! Wishing you the best experience of everything French!
C'est toujours surprenant d'être regardé par un oeil nouveau. Tout ce qui est dit est certanement vrai mais on ne s'en rend plus compte. En revanche j'ai peur avec la nouvelle génération qui n'apporte pas beaucoup d'interêt à la langue par exemple. C'est à nous les adultes d'insister sur l'importance et les nuances de notre culture car internet a la facheuse tendance de tout lisser. Merci en tout cas, c'est très flatteur pour la france. Vous faite une très bonne ambassadrice !
Why do these videos always end up in the youtube feed of french people ? :D Anyway, it's always lovely to see foreigners interested in french culture, thank you boss !
Merci beaucoup d'apprécier notre culture. Je suis personnellement très attiré par la culture chinoise (dont Hong-Kong fait partie, indépendamment des contingences politiques actuelles qui ne réjouissent peut-être pas les Hong-Kongais) que je trouve fascinante.
Merci beaucoup d'avoir compris ce qui s'est passé à Hong Kong. C'est vrai, j'aime Hong Kong, mais pas sa situation politique. Je pense que c'est le cas partout dans le monde, malheureusement.
For me, french, our language has straight sounds almost square.. when UK and your english has much more flowing and ups and downs and just more wavy ....feels more romantic and enchanting ! Litterally the word wavy with french accent has 2 vowels: é, i. In english, its more like ... Oo, oe, è, i e,i ,ii 6 or 7 !
I know! English is lovely because it has many sounds and tones. But what I find romantic about French is how softly people speak it and how they link the words together. That’s not something the Chinese language can do LOL
Quand je vois qu'il y a des gens capables de trouver que la France de 2024 est géniale, je me dis que ça doit être un sacré bazard dans le reste du monde.
That's unusual! For the last few years, it has become fashion to just look down at every single aspect of our society. 😂 Not that all of them are wrong. I personally criticise my country when we make mistakes... But the French aren't worse than anyone else. And if we sometimes sound rude, or arrogant... It's just because we don't fake our feelings. We don't play roles. And we can show love or affection to the people we like as simply as the way we show anger and despise to the people we don't like! --> Call it the disadvantages of our qualities. 😂 But that's the way we are! Hate it or love it, that's what makes us French, and proud to be. 😅 To be honest, i spent quite some time in Asia. Met my woman there... And i was so frustrated, not to be able to hug or kiss her in public. Because you don't do that in Asia! And i can accept it, but i feel like a different person. But guess what?? When i took her to Paris for the very first time... She instantly forgot all the "barriers" of her culture. 😂 She realised how great it is to simply feel free and forget about other people's opinion. And now, even in Asia she kisses me in public. 😌 Mission accomplished ✅
That's really interesting, and I totally understand how your wife feels for worrying about others' judgement when hugging or kissing in public in Asia.
@@francocanuck I'm very much grateful for the sheer luck of being able to complain all the time (+ the healthcare system, though in rough shape rn, and other things), but I was just pointing out the irony of me watching this video when I could be watching sth similar about another country I may not know
Thank you for your touching video about our country France loves you too! Glad you liked the Olympic ceremony, Celion Dion did such an awesome show. I can only recommand you to have a new try on the Gojira show as well They were a good reminder that we're now a republic for a reason, and Macron should maybe remember that history lesson and pay more respect to democracy
Les gens sont ambivalents sur les français. En vrai le passeport français permet de voyager dans la plupart des pays, donc on n'a pas tant d'ennemis que ça. C'est juste qu'on est considéré comme râleur & insupportable. Mais sinon c'est tout bon ! 😁
La France est effectivement un très beau pays ( je suis Français ) mais il y a aussi beaucoup de très belles choses à voir ailleurs dans le monde 🙂 Je comprends votre démarche puisque j'ai la même avec l'Anglais parce qu'il ouvre les portes du monde entier. Je travaille beaucoup mois aussi pour maitriser parfaitement la langue de shakespeare. N'ayez aucun complexe à parler Français, c'est la seule façon de progresser 😊
Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien ! J'espère que vous prendrez plaisir à apprendre l'anglais, car le Royaume-Uni a aussi ses propres beautés ! Ils sont tellement différents.
Opening ceremony of Olympics was far more a Parisian "bobo" entre-soi culture (almost woke agenda) than french culture. We might be crazy but we have our limits. What is being french? hard to say, i would say we speak more frankly than in other countries, being french is a constant paradox we dream a lot: but at a point you have to get back to earth and you have to work hard and if some talented french handle this very well others might struggle.
I'm "francophone" from belgium and even we understand french culture, we find them (depending on the region) unfriendly and that they re complaining all the time lol
I know 😅🙈 mistake when doing editing. Hopefully I will get a chance to share my photos back in the old days in Toulouse with you all. Thanks for watching my video !
Pour info, "as a french" est incorrect. Je sais que beaucoup de Français disent ça sur les RS, mais ça ne se dit pas. French est un adjectif, mais jamais un nom commun, sauf dans le sens pluriel de "Les Français" (The French). Il faut dire As a French person, as a Frenchman, as a French woman/boy/girl/guy... ou tout simplement: French here. Ou "I'm French and...".
@@JustinCase99999 Ouais, c'est une faute d'inattention, j'ai squizé le mot "person" comme on peut squizer un "pas" dans une phrase négative (ça m'arrive beaucoup trop souvent, bonjour les qui pro quo). Mais merci quand même. ^^
5:38 I'm sorry to say that in France you will be continuously judged about everything, whether what you wear, what you said, how you said it. We're a very judgmental country (maybe it's because as you said we're not afraid to tell the things we think). Especially as someone "not French", if you try to speak french you have something than 1 in 2 risk to get mocked :( Of course there are also genuinly nice people !
@ukbossmama Yep, we have something that is called "hypercorrection" where we overcorrect our french and use more complicated rules thant the real ones for our language. And it's the same for clothes, a lot of people just wear neutral clothes to not be judged and you need a very high fortitude to held your head high with something different. Though it is slowly changing, when I was young it seemed much worse.
Cette vidéo me fait penser à Hayao Miyazaki et Isao Takahata qui avait un profond intérêt pour la France, sa culture et ses artistes (notamment Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Jean-François Millet et Maurice Leblanc). Belle vidéo ! 🇭🇰🇫🇷
Ça fait toujours plaisir de voir que des étrangers apprécient notre pays et notre culture. Mais je trouve qu'il ne faut pas idéaliser un pays ou une culture. La France a quand même beaucoup de problèmes...comme dans tous les pays.
We have really nice stuff here and I'm proud to be French but I lived in many cultures and countries and I can say that the constant pessimism in the country along with its toxic school system and work culture (France is the champion of burnouts in Europe according to different surveys) has made me consider leaving it.
@ukbossmama For the Olympic Games at no time was it the decision of the French, it does not represent French culture, it is only the government that did everything that the French did not want, making Aya Nakamura sing at the Olympic Games, everyone was against it, and even worse having insulted religion, in France we are ashamed of what happened.
@@philv3941 Je ne sais plus si c'est d'une pièce de théâtre ou d'un film américain, la réplique : "Qu'ils viennent me chercher !" Ce mec est un mauvais président qui méprise ses compatriotes et qui s'évertue à effacer l'identité française au profit d'une utopique identité européenne dont personne ne veut dans les autres pays de l'UE à part lui.
That's true! Just like how we say that London is not very British. I'm glad that the first place I stayed in France was Toulouse, which already made me fall in love with the country. Paris also has its own beauty, though.
Since you're not too old you can live without speaking French in some areas in France especially Paris. Perfect for non French speaking jobs as well. You will be able to build a circles of friends who speak English fluently. Of course eventually it's better for your husband to learn French at least to be able to understand what's going on around him even if he can't speak it fluently. But many people live in France without speaking French.
I found your video, and I found it very interesting that there are quite a few people that love and appreciate French culture. I live in Texas and there is not that much french culture here, however, I travel once or twice a year to Paris since 2015. No other country in Europe I feel more welcome than in France, mon francais pas parfait mais, je peux communiquer avec les gens. I can say that I share that fascination with french culture. When I hear La Marseillaise, I feel the deep patriotism from the french that warms my heart. During my last visit to France, I was lucky enough to assist to Mylene Farmer Nevermore concert which was awesome and on our way to visit Le Mont Saint Michel and Puy du Fou, I was asked by just regular people, if I had gone to the concert, being that I wore the Nevermore t-shirt. The stereotype of rude french people is not true at all. When I am missing products from France, I do have a FNAC account,, and buy the products I cannot live without such as La Mere Poulard cookies etc... , when I retire, one of my goals is to live in France.
Hé bien Madame j’espère que vous pourrez vous installer en France un jour et y faire votre vie Le droit à la déconnexion n’est pas très respecté 😊 mais au mois cela permet de contrôler les employeurs abusifs
C’est vraiment gentil de ta part. Merci beaucoup ! Je suis contente que tu me dises plus sur la réalité en France. La technologie rend la séparation entre le travail et la vie plus difficile.
@ oui c’est inévitable d’une certaine manière. À titre personnel il m’arrive de regarder mes mails le dimanche soir pour préparer ma semaine de travail. D’un autre coté quand je suis en télétravail, je fais plus facilement des choses personnelles. Il ne faut pas être trop rigide. Comme on dit en Français : il y a la loi et l’esprit de la loi, les Francais adorent les lois et réglementations et adorent protester contre les lois et réglementations car ils veulent tous les adapter à leurs besoins. Nous sommes un peuple à la fois individualiste et égalitaire : c’est un peu contradictoire et cela donne une société pas toujours facile à comprendre pour un étranger, mais ça fonctionne, c’est un désordre apparent en réalité plutôt bien organisé. Bien sûr nous avons les mêmes problèmes que toutes les sociétés occidentales actuellement, le pays ne va pas très bien en ce moment, mais si vous vivez en GB, vous connaissez tout ça. Et - je dis ça sans chauvinisme - je préfère encore vivre en France qu’aux USa ou en Angleterre
3:14 the right to disconnect has sprung in 2017 and is a legal arsenal Yet in reality peer pressure and lifestyle can sadly step over that right It boils down to the corporate culture and how cxos embrace it
Merci mais tu es trop gentille, France is way overated, la cérémonie a été une demi catastrophe pas forcement par les thèmes LGBT woke de la ville de Paris, tout le monde s'y attendait, non, la réalisation était médiocre techniquement, les Athlètes peu présent, les marques de luxes trop, puis trop de hauts et de bas, trop de cheval aquatique, le thème assassin creed trop présent, Paris était un écrin déjà merveilleux, ils en ont fait un truc sans imagination et paresseux, à part le ballon, les minions, les chanteurs et le laser à la fin avec C.Dion 1/3 du programme, le reste laissé à désirer, bref Paris n'est pas la France et ne représente à mon gout qu'une fraction de ses merveilles
It's always strange to listen about the way foreigners describe France, positively or negatively, because it's like you have a "filter". I'm happy that you had a good experience in Toulouse, but maybe another region or city would have been very different and maybe disappointing. People in Paris, Lille, Strasbourg, Rennes or Marseille would be very different. Likewise, living in the city centers, in the close suburbs or in the countryside is also very different. What I mean is, you had a good experience and that's great, but please be cautious if you come back visiting us, as 'the "Paris syndrome" is a real thing : you talk about the romance of the french language, I assure you it can be as ugly, agressive and disgusting as every other one. Maybe with some added flair I guess. By the way, describing our tongue as "musical", why we have the LESS singing language of the world is baffling. There is no tone (unlike Chinese or Vietnamese) nor even stressed syllables (unlike German or Italian). For my french ears, nearly every other langage sounds singing while our sounds flat. And even flatter is the french accent when speaking another language. How can English speaker find the french accent to be sexy or seductive ? It boggles the mind.
That's true! Just like how we say that London is not very British. I'm glad that the first place I stayed in France was Toulouse, which made me fall in love with the country. Paris also has its own beauty, though. I will want to explore a lot more different places in this country. French accents sound sexy or seductive because, to me, they sound very soft, and the way every word is linked makes it feel like singing. Unlike Chinese, where every word needs to be sounded out, which can seem quite loud or harsh. English is beautiful too, especially the British accent, which makes speaking English feel like singing as well (and they also have different tones). That’s why I love the British accent too. Both are beautiful in their own way :))
Plusieurs pistes pour comprendre : 1. Pendant plusieurs siècles, le français a été la langue de la diplomatie et des arts, où la parole joue un rôle prépondérant. De fait, il est indéniable que le français bénéficie d'une association à l'art oratoire fortement ancrée dans la perception que les non-francophones ont de la langue; 2. Avec trente-six phonèmes natifs et un d'emprunt pour les anglicismes modernes, le français est de loin la langue latine la plus riche à cet égard, loin devant l'italien avec trente phonèmes plus un d'emprunt. Ces phonèmes présentent également beaucoup de diversité dans les points d'articulation. Le français possède également quatre voyelles nasalisées ("an", "in", "on" et "un"), le double du portugais et du polonais, seules autres langues européennes à en avoir. Les voyelles nasalisées sont en revanche communes dans les langues du sous-continent indien, d'Asie du sud-est et de Chine, particularité qui m'amène au point suivant; 3. Avec sa diversité phonétique, le français semble posséder, du point de vue des autres langues "majeures" parlées dans le monde, d'un équilibre entre familiarité et exotisme qui le rend naturellement attractif. Cela s'associe au fait que, sans ton ni stress, un discours en français est un flux continu de sonorités. Cette fluidité, si elle nous paraît plate à nous autres locuteurs natifs, s'apparente davantage à une mélodie pour ceux dont ce n'est pas la langue maternelle. Plusieurs linguistes ont étudié le phénomène de la perception d'une langue par un non-locuteur pour essayer d'en comprendre les causes, et au final il semblerait que la perception particulière d'une langue dépende d'un mélange de propriétés intrinsèques et d'association culturelle.
Bonjour, cette vidéo est très intéressante mais j'aimerais trouver ce pays dans le monde réel, votre vision semble à la fois irréelle et hors du temps même s'il y a évidemment de éléments de réalité. Pour l'essentiel, les libertés dont vous parlez disparaissent comme à travers le monde, les dirigeants politiques et médiatiques croient que la culture nationale est quelque chose de raciste et une entrave à la culture mondiale uniformisée qui est leur rêve, pour diverses raisons. Cela supprime donc la liberté d'être un individu et la liberté d'expression qui est de plus en plus associée à la désinformation, si vous suivez l'actualité sans lunettes roses, vous le verrez. Enfin, le mot qui définit le mieux la France, c'est le raffinement, c'est un rabbin français du Xème siècle (?) qui l'a utilisé pour nommer la France en hébreu, Tsarfat. Ce qui veut dire que les Français n'ont pas la liberté des extrêmes culturels, il y a une obligation de bonnes manières et aussi une grande peur du ridicule qui interdit la liberté de style et d'expression d'une manière assez puissante aussi. Bienvenue dans la France réelle donc ! Sans oublier le fait qu'un nombre croissant d'Africains arrive, du nord et du reste du continent et ils n'ont certainement pas l'amour la culture française ayant déjà une culture forte , un vrai ressentiment envers ce pays et qu'ils ont plutôt envie de préserver leur identité de sorte que la population française nouvelle est en train de faire disparaître le monde d'avant comme le souhaite M. Macron.
Thanks for writing this comment, as it has given me another perspective on the real France. I don’t actually live here (although I’d love to!), so it’s always fascinating to learn more. The balance between welcoming globalisation and preserving national culture is a constant dilemma, and I think it’s a challenge for most countries in the world nowadays-especially because it’s so easy to move around and settle in another country in this generation. I believe that if someone can do their best to showcase the beauty of their home country, that’s already an excellent contribution. I personally find the culture of Hong Kong (my hometown) beautiful, and I’ve noticed that even when many Hongkongers leave Hong Kong to settle in another country, they work very hard to integrate into the new culture and show respect for it, while also preserving their own cultural heritage within their community or family. I think being considerate and making an effort to integrate are very important qualities for immigrants.
@ukbossmama Hello, this is certainly a beautiful and true way of seeing things but the situation is greatly complicated by the wars between African, Muslim and European cultures throughout past millenia, just like between Japan and its neighbors, there is definitely culture wars happening following Mao's vision and the communist movement as with Black Lives Matter or the antifa is far from being just about the right balance. The world is at war in many ways, there's nuclear proliferation and old empires wanting to resurge so your vision, again, is not realistic or timely. There is a real degree of insanity governing the world and populations, when people think they can identify as animals or with the sex or ethnicity of their whims, it's become impossible to have any real kind of peace and society, don't you see all that? And now the U.F.O. drones in the U.S. and elsewher around military and nuclear plants? May you wake up from your sweet dreams, the alarms and alerts have been sounding for years and the end is in sight!
French culture ? The things is dying if not already dead. France ain't even France anymore, a lot of place ain't even Occidental european civilisation anymore. I don't know what you are on but the Paris and France of the 1920 is dead. We changed thoses secular values for insecurity, humanism and enslaved ourself for the others. Beetween the émergence of consumérism, entilted person, the sect of south mediterean and his welcome absurd demography, the culpability culture, and the naïvety and moral push lead us for like 80 years, with resulted with accept everything, no matter what, and the fact that School system suck and his full of ideology leading french that don't even spoke a correct one Sûre is good 👍
Viens dans la vraie campagne, nous sommes préservés ! Après tu n'es pas le seul à sortir ce genre de discours, et à raison. Mais c'est partiellement faux. Je ne sais pas si tu es français, mais même intra-muros certains ont le même discours que toi, car ils ne connaissent même pas leur propre pays. C'est souvent des citadins, des banlieusards, et ceux dans des villes qu'ils appellent campagne (alors que non, vu la proximité des métropoles, et le nombre d'habitants) qui d'ailleurs, préfèrent déserter et s'expatrier, ils ne valent pas mieux que certains collabo'. (À mon humble avis)
Très heureux de découvrir des personnes qui portent la France et sa culture dans le coeur, à travers le monde. Merci beaucoup et longue vie à votre chaîne !
Vous parlez de la culture française avec votre cœur, et c'est très beau. Continuez! (à aimer la culture française et à développer votre chaîne)
C'est très gentil. Merci beaucoup pour votre support!
About the beauty, Kant wrote a whole essay about the French way to turn everything so beautiful and called it a civilisation fact ^^
I'm gonna check this out. Thanks for sharing!
Do you have the title of that essay please, can't find it...
Je suis française, alors j'apprécie ! J'aime mon beau pays et ceux qui l'aiment
Je suis heureuse que vous soyez originaire de ce beau pays!
Thank you so much for saying such nice things about my country that I love !
You’re absolutely right about taking our time to eat and relax. Then there’s that moment during the Sunday family lunch where the discussion suddenly turns into a heated political debate, a part of our culture that I both love and hate. XD
What a love letter to the French !
Woah, as a French I wish I could visit this country she is talking about, sounds wicked!!!
Funny comment.
Pareil, jamais vu ce pays à part dans les délires d'étrangers
You probably live in Saint Étienne
Heureuse de savoir que notre belle culture rayonne ❤
You desserve more followers... Later, I'll say, I was there when you started.
Contenu de qualité, bravo.
I'm deeply moved and thank you so much. Merci beaucoup pour votre support !
I'm a French parisian and I lived 10 years in the UK. A big difference is English don't really care about good food, nice architecture, etc. It's really a culture thing. Personnaly I love Asian culture (Japan, China, Korea) and I plan to visit one day.
It's interesting to explore different cultures indeed. Please do visit Asia one day and you'll be delighted as well. The three countries that you mentioned are already so different!
There is also the French humor, humor is such a pillar of the culture at everylevel, everyday, everywhere and the extent of it is pretty unique.
Understanding humour is another level of language learning! It will take me a while to get there, but I’m looking forward to it. :))
French humor is a coin with two sides it can be relieving at times but it is also a survival trick to not speak true and avoid sharing true feelings
Now there is the French humor in movies and stand up but it is very poor : it basically consists in trash talking
@@remy2824 quoicoubé (peak humor)
@@remy2824 always sad people on internet posting negative comments on stuff they don't know. You really don't have better to do in your life? I don't know maybe watch Le dîner de cons, le Père Noël est une ordure, La classe américaine, Mozinor (early), OSS117, les Inconnus, les Nuls, Mission Cléopâtre, La Flamme, Le Flambeau, Broute, le Palmashow, Tout simplement noir, Un p'tit truc en plus, Florence Foresti, Naïm, Laure Felpin, Roman Frayssinet, Haroune, Marie Reno, Franjo etc. you will then understand a bit better French humor, which is a lot about self-derision, parody, parody and parody, 2nd degree, 3rd degree and more
Je suis heureux que vous aimiez mon pays comme je l'aime. Vous y êtes une éternelle bienvenue 😊
Merci beaucoup !
Thank you ❤
I also love French imagination and creativity
A certain pride but mostly a high respect for harmony , history , esthetics , colors
Poetry and romanticism too
French culture is so varied 💫
That's true!
A lot of idealization and romanticizing, but I can understand it. We do the same with what we love. But there is a lot of truth: our way of living and approaching life comes directly from philosophies like Romanticism, Rationalism, and Existentialism. (This is why a lot of people around the world think that French people always complain and are never happy... But in fact, we are just realistic and feel the sadness of the human condition.) And so, there is a bit of Spleen and melancholy. This explains a lot about the way we see life and how we live.
But at the same time, we don't see a lot of what foreigners see about France and fall in love with. Because for us, it's just our everyday life. But yes, France is beautiful, not only Paris. You can go everywhere and be surrounded by beauty, history, and culture. The more I travel across the country, the more my love grows. The more I read and listen to French literature and songs, the more I love the language and the deep meaning you can put into it...
I too love France. Currently learning French so when I retire to France in roughly 2 years I'll be able to speak some French. Not fluently of course but at least I'll be on my way before I retire to France. J'adore la France.
@@basementstudio7574 merci, bienvenu chez nous
@@basementstudio7574 il faut parler français et le lire pour l'administratif... Les français se donnent beaucoup de mal pour apprendre l'anglais, c'est pas facile 🙄
You must let me know when you finally make it and I will be so happy for you! Keep it up!
Don‘t underestimate the level of French you can achieve after 2 years. I can tell you that from experience
@@michaelbecker510 That very encouraging. Thanks.
Bonjour, je tombe par hasard sur votre vidéo à propos de la Culture française et je suis heureux de voir des amis de la France telles que vous exprimer leur amour de notre pays en général ;) Vous avez raison, la France ce n'est pas que la Mode (souvent hors de prix ou superficielle), la Cuisine ou les monuments historiques, c'est une manière d'être et de partager un idéal commun : préserver la beauté du monde et le patrimoine pour les generations futures sans renier la modernité et le progrès individuel. Cela existe bien sûr dans d'autres pays aussi soucieux de leur héritage culturel mais la manière de penser est souvent différente car les Français sont en quête de liberté, d'amitié et d'universalité avec le reste des humains de notre planète. Bravo pour votre compréhension si approfondie de ce qui fait l'essence même de la France ou des Français toujours ouverts vis à vis des gens de l'extérieur désirant partager les plaisirs de la vie ;)
Je suis très heureuse de voir ton message et contente que ce que j’ai partagé dans la vidéo résonne avec toi. Merci beaucoup pour votre support :))
There's an important book called "Mémoires du chanvre français", written by Alexis Chanebau. In this book, you learn in detail how one of the first element of french economy was natural hemp and how it was the most cultivated surface (along with wheat) until the 18th century. A must.
Will check that out! Thanks for your recommendation :)
Well, I'm French, so I obviously agree with everything that's been said. We don't bite, we love you ;)
Gosh what an ode to my country and culture by a very open-minded and clever person ... Amazing. Merci Beaucoup... ça met du baume au cœur au moment où ce pays semble s'écrouler dans le déclin à vitesse grand V. :) I was reflecting that how have you been able to catch the french spirit, culture, way of Life by haing lived only few months in toulouse... that have surely needed a true passion and research on france on the Net, on forums... what a quantity of work have you produced to obtain this so accurate and clever knowledge that not even half of native French are not even guessing a little part of what you said in your so interesting speech. We should use you as the next Marianne ;)
How kind of you to leave this encouraging comment. Thank you very much, and I hope that one day I will be able to truly 'taste' it in person and share a first-hand reflection of my love for this culture.
In truth, French culture was a 1000 times more important in the past centuries, compared to today.
Charlemagne *made* Europe, everyone copied the cathedrales then Versailles, and of course in the 1960's Bardot and the new cinema (Audiard dialogue, De Funes comedy..etc)
Today let's be real : the US is the trend setter in 2024. That and Japanese anime. 😄
Always very endeering to hear a declaration of love to a country like France coming from someone who grew up in as different and fascinating a culture as China's. It seems you're currently in the honeymoon phase, which is wonderful: may this phase last as long as can be! In time, you may get a more balanced perception with regards to modern day France and it too will be a good thing! Wishing you the best experience of everything French!
That's very kind of you. Thank you very much :))
As a French, i feel like Italian is the most charming and romantic language.
C'est toujours surprenant d'être regardé par un oeil nouveau. Tout ce qui est dit est certanement vrai mais on ne s'en rend plus compte. En revanche j'ai peur avec la nouvelle génération qui n'apporte pas beaucoup d'interêt à la langue par exemple. C'est à nous les adultes d'insister sur l'importance et les nuances de notre culture car internet a la facheuse tendance de tout lisser. Merci en tout cas, c'est très flatteur pour la france. Vous faite une très bonne ambassadrice !
Why do these videos always end up in the youtube feed of french people ? :D
Anyway, it's always lovely to see foreigners interested in french culture, thank you boss !
Thank you for your support. UA-cam is bringing me closer to French now :))
Merci beaucoup d'apprécier notre culture. Je suis personnellement très attiré par la culture chinoise (dont Hong-Kong fait partie, indépendamment des contingences politiques actuelles qui ne réjouissent peut-être pas les Hong-Kongais) que je trouve fascinante.
Merci beaucoup d'avoir compris ce qui s'est passé à Hong Kong. C'est vrai, j'aime Hong Kong, mais pas sa situation politique. Je pense que c'est le cas partout dans le monde, malheureusement.
I'm French and i love you my friend... you are always Welcome in France
For me, french, our language has straight sounds almost square.. when UK and your english has much more flowing and ups and downs and just more wavy ....feels more romantic and enchanting !
Litterally the word wavy with french accent has 2 vowels: é, i.
In english, its more like ... Oo, oe, è, i e,i ,ii 6 or 7 !
I know! English is lovely because it has many sounds and tones. But what I find romantic about French is how softly people speak it and how they link the words together. That’s not something the Chinese language can do LOL
Quand je vois qu'il y a des gens capables de trouver que la France de 2024 est géniale, je me dis que ça doit être un sacré bazard dans le reste du monde.
bravo ta connaissance de notre peuple m impressionne felicitation pour ta video merci a toi et VIVE LA FRANCE :_)
The music of Louis Couperin.
This video lasts 11:11 .
That's clearly an hint at one of France best humorists ever, Pierre Desproges. ; )
That's unusual!
For the last few years, it has become fashion to just look down at every single aspect of our society. 😂
Not that all of them are wrong. I personally criticise my country when we make mistakes...
But the French aren't worse than anyone else. And if we sometimes sound rude, or arrogant... It's just because we don't fake our feelings. We don't play roles. And we can show love or affection to the people we like as simply as the way we show anger and despise to the people we don't like!
--> Call it the disadvantages of our qualities. 😂 But that's the way we are! Hate it or love it, that's what makes us French, and proud to be. 😅
To be honest, i spent quite some time in Asia. Met my woman there... And i was so frustrated, not to be able to hug or kiss her in public. Because you don't do that in Asia! And i can accept it, but i feel like a different person.
But guess what?? When i took her to Paris for the very first time... She instantly forgot all the "barriers" of her culture. 😂 She realised how great it is to simply feel free and forget about other people's opinion. And now, even in Asia she kisses me in public. 😌 Mission accomplished ✅
That's really interesting, and I totally understand how your wife feels for worrying about others' judgement when hugging or kissing in public in Asia.
why am I watching this, I'm french
moi aussi mais c'est super intéressant !
You may learn something about yourself, and how lucky you are to be living in France and complaining all the times
@@francocanuck I'm very much grateful for the sheer luck of being able to complain all the time (+ the healthcare system, though in rough shape rn, and other things), but I was just pointing out the irony of me watching this video when I could be watching sth similar about another country I may not know
@@mbrrrrr de ouf mais je me demande quand même pq j'ai eu la reco
I would see this as a recognition :))
Hope my sharing in this video resonates with you !
Thank you for your touching video about our country
France loves you too!
Glad you liked the Olympic ceremony, Celion Dion did such an awesome show. I can only recommand you to have a new try on the Gojira show as well
They were a good reminder that we're now a republic for a reason, and Macron should maybe remember that history lesson and pay more respect to democracy
Ptdr quelqu un qui nous aime 😂 Jme méfie...d'habitude on prend tarif sur le web.
Les gens sont ambivalents sur les français.
En vrai le passeport français permet de voyager dans la plupart des pays, donc on n'a pas tant d'ennemis que ça.
C'est juste qu'on est considéré comme râleur & insupportable. Mais sinon c'est tout bon ! 😁
La France est effectivement un très beau pays ( je suis Français ) mais il y a aussi beaucoup de très belles choses à voir ailleurs dans le monde 🙂
Je comprends votre démarche puisque j'ai la même avec l'Anglais parce qu'il ouvre les portes du monde entier. Je travaille beaucoup mois aussi pour maitriser parfaitement la langue de shakespeare.
N'ayez aucun complexe à parler Français, c'est la seule façon de progresser 😊
Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien ! J'espère que vous prendrez plaisir à apprendre l'anglais, car le Royaume-Uni a aussi ses propres beautés ! Ils sont tellement différents.
"Mois aussi" ? 😊
Si tu aimes vraiment la France, alors sors de Paris !!! Tu seras charmée :)
J'aimerais découvrir d'autres endroits en France :)
Opening ceremony of Olympics was far more a Parisian "bobo" entre-soi culture (almost woke agenda) than french culture. We might be crazy but we have our limits. What is being french? hard to say, i would say we speak more frankly than in other countries, being french is a constant paradox we dream a lot: but at a point you have to get back to earth and you have to work hard and if some talented french handle this very well others might struggle.
hi i am from toulouse too 🖐
Bonjour 👋🏻 Toulouse is such a lovely place!
I'm "francophone" from belgium and even we understand french culture, we find them (depending on the region) unfriendly and that they re complaining all the time lol
But now we gonna be french arabic culture... It's the last hours of the little girl of church...
Cela nous change du French bashing ! Merci
Super vidéo ! Bravo. (1:15 not Toulouse ;). )
Merci beaucoup pour votre support !
@ukbossmama En français, on dirait plutôt soutien que support ;)
@@dekoto9817 oui alors là on arrive à des niveaux de langue stratosphériques !
At the beginning you said Toulouse and it's a video of Lyon 😅
I know 😅🙈 mistake when doing editing. Hopefully I will get a chance to share my photos back in the old days in Toulouse with you all. Thanks for watching my video !
As a french, I'm proud of our strikes and our bread.
Pour info, "as a french" est incorrect. Je sais que beaucoup de Français disent ça sur les RS, mais ça ne se dit pas. French est un adjectif, mais jamais un nom commun, sauf dans le sens pluriel de "Les Français" (The French). Il faut dire As a French person, as a Frenchman, as a French woman/boy/girl/guy... ou tout simplement: French here. Ou "I'm French and...".
@@JustinCase99999 Ouais, c'est une faute d'inattention, j'ai squizé le mot "person" comme on peut squizer un "pas" dans une phrase négative (ça m'arrive beaucoup trop souvent, bonjour les qui pro quo).
Mais merci quand même. ^^
@Leslie-Risse De rien quand même 😊
Wait, you mean to tell me some people aren't obsessed with our culture?
5:38 I'm sorry to say that in France you will be continuously judged about everything, whether what you wear, what you said, how you said it. We're a very judgmental country (maybe it's because as you said we're not afraid to tell the things we think). Especially as someone "not French", if you try to speak french you have something than 1 in 2 risk to get mocked :(
Of course there are also genuinly nice people !
Just curious, will French people, at the same time, be afraid and worried to be judged by other French people ?
@ukbossmama Yep, we have something that is called "hypercorrection" where we overcorrect our french and use more complicated rules thant the real ones for our language. And it's the same for clothes, a lot of people just wear neutral clothes to not be judged and you need a very high fortitude to held your head high with something different. Though it is slowly changing, when I was young it seemed much worse.
Cette vidéo me fait penser à Hayao Miyazaki et Isao Takahata qui avait un profond intérêt pour la France, sa culture et ses artistes (notamment Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Jean-François Millet et Maurice Leblanc). Belle vidéo ! 🇭🇰🇫🇷
Now we have the Quoicoubeh culture, that's something else
lol, I don't think she knows about that. 🤭
Let's keep the dream alive, shall we.
Ça fait toujours plaisir de voir que des étrangers apprécient notre pays et notre culture. Mais je trouve qu'il ne faut pas idéaliser un pays ou une culture. La France a quand même beaucoup de problèmes...comme dans tous les pays.
C'est vrai !
We have really nice stuff here and I'm proud to be French but I lived in many cultures and countries and I can say that the constant pessimism in the country along with its toxic school system and work culture (France is the champion of burnouts in Europe according to different surveys) has made me consider leaving it.
True, but "doing tourism in a country" and "working in a country" are two different things.
True, and this actually happens to a lot of countries like Japan - providing the best tourism but people are too stressed and burnouts.
@ukbossmama Yes, Japan is best example of that.
8:12 it's l'apéro*
Thank you :)
@ukbossmama For the Olympic Games at no time was it the decision of the French, it does not represent French culture, it is only the government that did everything that the French did not want, making Aya Nakamura sing at the Olympic Games, everyone was against it, and even worse having insulted religion, in France we are ashamed of what happened.
Le droit à la détonation 😂
French Culture: Emmanuel Macron left the chat... 😗
Macron: "Moi, la culture francaise, je ne l'ai pas vue."
This guy is cultured, though, and can quote french théâtre by memory.
@@philv3941 Je ne sais plus si c'est d'une pièce de théâtre ou d'un film américain, la réplique : "Qu'ils viennent me chercher !"
Ce mec est un mauvais président qui méprise ses compatriotes et qui s'évertue à effacer l'identité française au profit d'une utopique identité européenne dont personne ne veut dans les autres pays de l'UE à part lui.
@@philv3941 Who? Macron? That same guy who said what i commented earlier? It can't be, after all, according to him, "french culture doesn't exists".
Bonjour de France 🇫🇷, êtes vous une des merveilles du monde??🤔😉😘
Very glad you being francophile ... however, to discover "l'art de vivre", it remains better to stay out of Paris.
That's true! Just like how we say that London is not very British.
I'm glad that the first place I stayed in France was Toulouse, which already made me fall in love with the country. Paris also has its own beauty, though.
@ukbossmama True, but only for a couple of days ^^
Enjoy French culture when you still can, in 20-30 years it's gone.
ça m'étonnerait !
Since you're not too old you can live without speaking French in some areas in France especially Paris. Perfect for non French speaking jobs as well. You will be able to build a circles of friends who speak English fluently. Of course eventually it's better for your husband to learn French at least to be able to understand what's going on around him even if he can't speak it fluently. But many people live in France without speaking French.
Thank you for your sharing. That's true, and you never know, that could really be one of our goals !
Vous pourrez vivre sans parler français😮😂😅 arrêtez de vous faire plaisir.
@PascalDupont-ft7hd Et vous sortez de chez vous, le monde est vaste.
@PascalDupont-ft7hd Et vous sortez un peu, rencontrez du monde, apprenez ce qu'il se passe dans votre ville, ça vous fera du bien.
You like French culture?
Go to the countryside, Paris is not French anymore.
True, it's like London is not really so British. I'd love to explore different parts of France as well!
Vous aimez plus la france que la plupart des français eux même.
I found your video, and I found it very interesting that there are quite a few people that love and appreciate French culture. I live in Texas and there is not that much french culture here, however, I travel once or twice a year to Paris since 2015. No other country in Europe I feel more welcome than in France, mon francais pas parfait mais, je peux communiquer avec les gens. I can say that I share that fascination with french culture. When I hear La Marseillaise, I feel the deep patriotism from the french that warms my heart. During my last visit to France, I was lucky enough to assist to Mylene Farmer Nevermore concert which was awesome and on our way to visit Le Mont Saint Michel and Puy du Fou, I was asked by just regular people, if I had gone to the concert, being that I wore the Nevermore t-shirt. The stereotype of rude french people is not true at all. When I am missing products from France, I do have a FNAC account,, and buy the products I cannot live without such as La Mere Poulard cookies etc... , when I retire, one of my goals is to live in France.
Bravo ! I wish your dream comes true soon :))
Hé bien Madame j’espère que vous pourrez vous installer en France un jour et y faire votre vie
Le droit à la déconnexion n’est pas très respecté 😊 mais au mois cela permet de contrôler les employeurs abusifs
C’est vraiment gentil de ta part. Merci beaucoup ! Je suis contente que tu me dises plus sur la réalité en France. La technologie rend la séparation entre le travail et la vie plus difficile.
@ oui c’est inévitable d’une certaine manière. À titre personnel il m’arrive de regarder mes mails le dimanche soir pour préparer ma semaine de travail. D’un autre coté quand je suis en télétravail, je fais plus facilement des choses personnelles. Il ne faut pas être trop rigide. Comme on dit en Français : il y a la loi et l’esprit de la loi, les Francais adorent les lois et réglementations et adorent protester contre les lois et réglementations car ils veulent tous les adapter à leurs besoins. Nous sommes un peuple à la fois individualiste et égalitaire : c’est un peu contradictoire et cela donne une société pas toujours facile à comprendre pour un étranger, mais ça fonctionne, c’est un désordre apparent en réalité plutôt bien organisé. Bien sûr nous avons les mêmes problèmes que toutes les sociétés occidentales actuellement, le pays ne va pas très bien en ce moment, mais si vous vivez en GB, vous connaissez tout ça. Et - je dis ça sans chauvinisme - je préfère encore vivre en France qu’aux USa ou en Angleterre
3:14 the right to disconnect has sprung in 2017 and is a legal arsenal
Yet in reality peer pressure and lifestyle can sadly step over that right
It boils down to the corporate culture and how cxos embrace it
Don't listen to peer pressure.
If the smartphone rings and it's off hours, no-can-do.
It can wait till Monday.
@@goofygrandlouis6296 easier said than done
really cxos have to endorse the thing for it be effective
il y a que des french dans les coms? exprimez pas tros vos fièrté^^
Pourquoi ?
Merci mais tu es trop gentille, France is way overated, la cérémonie a été une demi catastrophe pas forcement par les thèmes LGBT woke de la ville de Paris, tout le monde s'y attendait, non, la réalisation était médiocre techniquement, les Athlètes peu présent, les marques de luxes trop, puis trop de hauts et de bas, trop de cheval aquatique, le thème assassin creed trop présent, Paris était un écrin déjà merveilleux, ils en ont fait un truc sans imagination et paresseux, à part le ballon, les minions, les chanteurs et le laser à la fin avec C.Dion 1/3 du programme, le reste laissé à désirer, bref Paris n'est pas la France et ne représente à mon gout qu'une fraction de ses merveilles
Quel tas de haine. Consultes.
You should not
There are a lot if fascists here
It's always strange to listen about the way foreigners describe France, positively or negatively, because it's like you have a "filter". I'm happy that you had a good experience in Toulouse, but maybe another region or city would have been very different and maybe disappointing. People in Paris, Lille, Strasbourg, Rennes or Marseille would be very different. Likewise, living in the city centers, in the close suburbs or in the countryside is also very different.
What I mean is, you had a good experience and that's great, but please be cautious if you come back visiting us, as 'the "Paris syndrome" is a real thing : you talk about the romance of the french language, I assure you it can be as ugly, agressive and disgusting as every other one. Maybe with some added flair I guess.
By the way, describing our tongue as "musical", why we have the LESS singing language of the world is baffling. There is no tone (unlike Chinese or Vietnamese) nor even stressed syllables (unlike German or Italian). For my french ears, nearly every other langage sounds singing while our sounds flat. And even flatter is the french accent when speaking another language. How can English speaker find the french accent to be sexy or seductive ? It boggles the mind.
That's true! Just like how we say that London is not very British.
I'm glad that the first place I stayed in France was Toulouse, which made me fall in love with the country. Paris also has its own beauty, though. I will want to explore a lot more different places in this country.
French accents sound sexy or seductive because, to me, they sound very soft, and the way every word is linked makes it feel like singing. Unlike Chinese, where every word needs to be sounded out, which can seem quite loud or harsh. English is beautiful too, especially the British accent, which makes speaking English feel like singing as well (and they also have different tones). That’s why I love the British accent too. Both are beautiful in their own way :))
Plusieurs pistes pour comprendre :
1. Pendant plusieurs siècles, le français a été la langue de la diplomatie et des arts, où la parole joue un rôle prépondérant. De fait, il est indéniable que le français bénéficie d'une association à l'art oratoire fortement ancrée dans la perception que les non-francophones ont de la langue;
2. Avec trente-six phonèmes natifs et un d'emprunt pour les anglicismes modernes, le français est de loin la langue latine la plus riche à cet égard, loin devant l'italien avec trente phonèmes plus un d'emprunt. Ces phonèmes présentent également beaucoup de diversité dans les points d'articulation. Le français possède également quatre voyelles nasalisées ("an", "in", "on" et "un"), le double du portugais et du polonais, seules autres langues européennes à en avoir. Les voyelles nasalisées sont en revanche communes dans les langues du sous-continent indien, d'Asie du sud-est et de Chine, particularité qui m'amène au point suivant;
3. Avec sa diversité phonétique, le français semble posséder, du point de vue des autres langues "majeures" parlées dans le monde, d'un équilibre entre familiarité et exotisme qui le rend naturellement attractif. Cela s'associe au fait que, sans ton ni stress, un discours en français est un flux continu de sonorités. Cette fluidité, si elle nous paraît plate à nous autres locuteurs natifs, s'apparente davantage à une mélodie pour ceux dont ce n'est pas la langue maternelle.
Plusieurs linguistes ont étudié le phénomène de la perception d'une langue par un non-locuteur pour essayer d'en comprendre les causes, et au final il semblerait que la perception particulière d'une langue dépende d'un mélange de propriétés intrinsèques et d'association culturelle.
Bonjour, cette vidéo est très intéressante mais j'aimerais trouver ce pays dans le monde réel, votre vision semble à la fois irréelle et hors du temps même s'il y a évidemment de éléments de réalité. Pour l'essentiel, les libertés dont vous parlez disparaissent comme à travers le monde, les dirigeants politiques et médiatiques croient que la culture nationale est quelque chose de raciste et une entrave à la culture mondiale uniformisée qui est leur rêve, pour diverses raisons. Cela supprime donc la liberté d'être un individu et la liberté d'expression qui est de plus en plus associée à la désinformation, si vous suivez l'actualité sans lunettes roses, vous le verrez. Enfin, le mot qui définit le mieux la France, c'est le raffinement, c'est un rabbin français du Xème siècle (?) qui l'a utilisé pour nommer la France en hébreu, Tsarfat. Ce qui veut dire que les Français n'ont pas la liberté des extrêmes culturels, il y a une obligation de bonnes manières et aussi une grande peur du ridicule qui interdit la liberté de style et d'expression d'une manière assez puissante aussi. Bienvenue dans la France réelle donc ! Sans oublier le fait qu'un nombre croissant d'Africains arrive, du nord et du reste du continent et ils n'ont certainement pas l'amour la culture française ayant déjà une culture forte , un vrai ressentiment envers ce pays et qu'ils ont plutôt envie de préserver leur identité de sorte que la population française nouvelle est en train de faire disparaître le monde d'avant comme le souhaite M. Macron.
Thanks for writing this comment, as it has given me another perspective on the real France. I don’t actually live here (although I’d love to!), so it’s always fascinating to learn more. The balance between welcoming globalisation and preserving national culture is a constant dilemma, and I think it’s a challenge for most countries in the world nowadays-especially because it’s so easy to move around and settle in another country in this generation.
I believe that if someone can do their best to showcase the beauty of their home country, that’s already an excellent contribution. I personally find the culture of Hong Kong (my hometown) beautiful, and I’ve noticed that even when many Hongkongers leave Hong Kong to settle in another country, they work very hard to integrate into the new culture and show respect for it, while also preserving their own cultural heritage within their community or family.
I think being considerate and making an effort to integrate are very important qualities for immigrants.
@ukbossmama Hello, this is certainly a beautiful and true way of seeing things but the situation is greatly complicated by the wars between African, Muslim and European cultures throughout past millenia, just like between Japan and its neighbors, there is definitely culture wars happening following Mao's vision and the communist movement as with Black Lives Matter or the antifa is far from being just about the right balance. The world is at war in many ways, there's nuclear proliferation and old empires wanting to resurge so your vision, again, is not realistic or timely. There is a real degree of insanity governing the world and populations, when people think they can identify as animals or with the sex or ethnicity of their whims, it's become impossible to have any real kind of peace and society, don't you see all that? And now the U.F.O. drones in the U.S. and elsewher around military and nuclear plants? May you wake up from your sweet dreams, the alarms and alerts have been sounding for years and the end is in sight!
French culture is so overrated. About everything is done better somewhere else, without making a fuss about it.
Example ?
French culture ? The things is dying if not already dead. France ain't even France anymore, a lot of place ain't even Occidental european civilisation anymore. I don't know what you are on but the Paris and France of the 1920 is dead. We changed thoses secular values for insecurity, humanism and enslaved ourself for the others.
Beetween the émergence of consumérism, entilted person, the sect of south mediterean and his welcome absurd demography, the culpability culture, and the naïvety and moral push lead us for like 80 years, with resulted with accept everything, no matter what, and the fact that School system suck and his full of ideology leading french that don't even spoke a correct one Sûre is good 👍
Viens dans la vraie campagne, nous sommes préservés ! Après tu n'es pas le seul à sortir ce genre de discours, et à raison. Mais c'est partiellement faux.
Je ne sais pas si tu es français, mais même intra-muros certains ont le même discours que toi, car ils ne connaissent même pas leur propre pays. C'est souvent des citadins, des banlieusards, et ceux dans des villes qu'ils appellent campagne (alors que non, vu la proximité des métropoles, et le nombre d'habitants) qui d'ailleurs, préfèrent déserter et s'expatrier, ils ne valent pas mieux que certains collabo'. (À mon humble avis)
I'm French and I agree but it is the same issue in all Western Europe