OH fuck yeah. Finally a reason to build more than one ship. It always made no sense how all your other ships are just unused in an imaginary hanger. Now we just need to be able to set companions to pilot them and we'll be all set. Sam Coe needs to put that PIlot skill to use!
v1.1 is out! Some bug fixes and now you can adjust the follow distance in Game Options! :D FAQ: Q: Can I assign my crew to my active fleet? A: Not at this time. Q: Does my active fleet follow each other or follow me? A: Your active fleet will follow you whenever you are >800m away. The reason it may look like they follow each other is they likely are flying at different speeds and will decelerate at those different speeds and come to a full stop at different points. This is also why formations are unlikely to be implemented, or even if they were implemented, they wouldn't be properly maintained. Q: Can my active fleet die? Do they respawn? A: It depends on your Game Settings options. By default, no. The only option in which they can be killed is the "dispensable" option. The appropriate safeguards were added for Shield Loss and HP Loss to ensure they cannot be killed. Dead ships do not respawn, or at least Fleet Commander does not offer a respawn option. Q: What do the Set Home Ship options do? Why are they there? A: These are optional in case there are any unexpected conflicts with other mods/creations. But also to more quickly change your home ship to move your crew over to a ship you want to swap with. This would enable you to have a mothership/dropship relationship with your fleet, if that was your desired playstyle. Q: Shared cargo? Why would I want to turn this off? A: Some people may find this cheaty (I disagree, but to each their own). Also in case some kind of conflict makes this a problem for you, it can be turned off. Q: So I have a large fleet. I mean, like bigly LARGE... L-A-R-G-E. Will Fleet Commander let me use all of my ships? A: Fleet Commander currently supports up to 50 ships in your hanger. You can have up to 4 assigned to your active fleet, 1 per skill point added to "Ship Commander". Q: My shielded cargo max capacity for my fleet doesn't show while not onboard a ship... Korodic why you suck? A: This was a limitation of what the engine would let me do. What I was able to do was offset your cargo capacity while off your ship. So! What this means is you will always have the correct cargo max capacity for your home ship + fleet AND shielded cargo will display properly when being scanned (in space, which you will definitely be in a ship) so, in the words of Todd Howard, "it just works". Q: 300 credits? You whore! This look like it took 5 minutes to make. Like 5 minute crafts on youtube! A: 5 minute crafts is a lie. 300 credits is the ask and for those who don't value it as such there is an alternative ship follower mod available on Nexus/Creations for free. This has been in the works for over a month, non-stop, with a lot of people QA'ing it to ensure the best experience for a feature I know that I and many others have been wanting since launch. Q: What if Bethesda releases this as a feature in the future? Can I get a refund? A: I know as much as you do, nothing has been confirmed or denied. If it was guaranteed as future content, I wouldn't have bothered. While Bethesda does allow for refunds of Creations back in the form of credits (anyone saying otherwise is misinformed), there is not a written policy that I'm aware of. As we've not encountered this scenario yet, idk what they will/won't do. I hope that people who decide to use my Creations are doing so to support me for me - and I sincerely appreciate you doing so.
OMG, my ships are all M class. A cruiser bristling with turrets, a relatively small Destroyer with direct fire weapons and an explorer with a mixed setup. Every single one of them can singlehandely kill the whole Crimson Fleet at the key. I can't even imagine what would happen with all of them together. We need new mods with threats that can actually challenge a fleet.
I've always thought Bethesda would incorporate a function like this. Like a fleet pack. With the ships you own, or pay others for their services. Like Ecliptic mercs to come to aid for support when called upon for the right price. Or have a battle cruiser on standby by paying a fee or set up an outpost to connect n send helium or materials to keep it running. So many possibilities. Glad modders beat them to the punch
so may RP options, super cool. Like fly a large carrier with a bunch of small fighter support ships or, a convoy of large haulers and you are defending them in a small fighter.
Absolute game changer - been waiting for this since day 1. I've just been releasing some ship mods on Nexus - can't wait to build a squadron of UC Sabre fighters!
We are getting ever closer to a Starfield version of the build your own guild mod from Skyrim. Definitely going to use this for the Crimson Fleet Storyline/Pirate play through where they are all ships with EM and laser only weapons and I chase down galbank ships.
I’ve been saving my last few precious credits before spending money on more for a mod to come around that blows me away and this is it. Gonna download this today. Love, love, LOVE this
I love this video crimson, you really are out to help the gaming community and that means a lot to me. This is a mod that it's definitely a great addition and quality of life improvement , now my question is do they actually follow you when you land on a planet? Or do you have to wait until you get back in space before you meet up with them? Because I'm sure they're probably orbiting the planet waiting for you if they don't land. But if they land with you that would be an even better improvement.
@@CrimsonFlyboy I assume you meant to say when you land.. that's okay though, this is still a great man and a great concept, hopefully that's something that will be able to be changed eventually.
You know what? This is freaking awesome. Hands down a game changer. Finally, a real reason to have more than one ship. Gonna grab this as quickly as possible.
Been desperately looking for a mod like this, been wanting two medium sized fighters to escort me in my colossal battleship like the legendary ships...
This mod, make wanna build a small fighter ship and made a flag ship for my self. P.S i come across your youtube by accident and your videos really helps me by how these mods look and works.
This is a fantastic conceptual idea. I just wonder how much it will shift combat balance. Almost seems like Extreme difficulty would be required to not feel massively overpowered. Definitely interesting but I just have the nagging feeling that we will need something else to balance out the sudden, massive combat multiplier this mod will bring.
@@nolgroth this is true it does shift the dynamic, although it is generally earned as tailored ships are expensive. You could make them dispensable to increase difficulty or rely on health. I am also adding “fleet repair” to my Variable Ship Repair Cost creation in a coming update to offer another form of credit sink/balance. My Heatleech Infestations has also received an update to make it so you won’t get infected by docking/undocking with members of your own fleet as this could make it happen way more frequently than intended. I’m always trying to add value where I can and it makes sense even on already available creations, paid or free.
yes at last i would love to see my other ships in battle i would fly to Kryx and see what happens lol 😜 see how many we can take out 👍 but yes crimsonflyboy fantastic video this is what i would defo use.
There will be a fix if you happen to experience any temporary loss in player carry weight while using ships in your fleet with shielded cargo for the next update. It would seem that perks that apply to the ship, if the player also has the same Actor Value, that both are effected. The update will correct the unexpected behavior.
One thing that I noticed with the game option Flee Combat when Low Shield is that when you jump or launch into orbit, the other ships only appear for one split second and then jumps away. At first, I thought this mod didn't work at all because I was trying to find my escort ships but they're nowhere to be found. Until I did a few testing and noticed the blue ally icon appear for one split second and they just jump away. I'm assuming that when they spawn, they don't have their reactor powers distributed to their shields yet so the mod simply thinks they're Low on shield so they proceed to jump away. When I set this option to Low Health, they jump in and fly with my Home ship just fine.
Was there an option to let you choose a ship when landing on a planet as well as for docking with a station? It'd finally be reasonable to fly around in a giant class-M which is too large to land and then have a little shuttle ship just for landing. I guess you can just dock with it. In that case the "shuttle" might not fare well in combat unless there's an option to pick which ones will fight or you buff it up a bit. I was also wondering how you'd capture an enemy ship if your fleet pulverizes any ship you try to cripple. It'd be cool if there was an EM toggle hotkey. I hope that you can at least assign "generic" crew with skills to them and get bonuses; eventually if not now. There's a definite lack of pilots for hire though! I'll definitely be getting this just so I can make small escort ships and try the whole shuttle idea. Edit: I've played with this a bit now. I disabled the automatic home ship transfer on docking or travelling since I'd rather not have all my crew and cargo transfer every time I do that. Unfortunately, if you land on a planet with a ship then Starfield automatically makes that ship your home ship anyway. So, once I land my entire crew is jammed into a tiny ship, at least in my case. I really wish there was a way to avoid that but it's an existing game mechanic. I've had that happen to me plenty of times in Starfield when capturing a landed ship when I didn't want it to as well. For my first test I flew with 3 follower ships straight to The Key on Kryx and a large number of Crimson Fleet ships. The standard ship AI does well enough in combat, as well as the enemy ships anyway, and they mixed it up with the fleet right away and all survived. My only issue was that the follower ships with their blue symbols stopped showing up and just the enemy ships were on the scope. I expect that's just the vanilla game code. There were lots of ships (at first). There's no game mechanic to assign crew members to specific ships as far as I could tell; at least not intentionally. I enabled the shared cargo just because it's going to all get transferred to the home ship anyway and I wanted the following ships to have access to Ship repair parts.
This is awesome. Aside from this mod plus other paid mods that are good, the cc is being flooded with trash paid mods that seem to of not been qa tested or reviewed. The menu is getting cluttered and flooding out the actual good paid mods. I would love a mod to make a space station or a class m placed in orbit (like an outpost) and we can fly up to it and dock it and move it.
There is a mod like that. I think it's called 1-of-a-kind space station? Might be wrong, but there is a space station player home and also one where you build a ss yourself. Edit - just looked it up for you and it's called 1-of-a-kind outpost starstation by ColomboCoder. This is on creations, not sure about nexus as I don't really use that.
So you could spend a million credits and get 4 PrivateerIII ships to follow you around? That would probably be rather scary: they pair hard hitting particle turrets with an array of auto cannons for when they get close to enemies. I wonder if fleet AI incurs bounties or draws hostility for friendly fire though, or does it get ignored because only the player can trigger it? I was planning on my next playthrough being a Bounty Hunter anyway, so it would be fun to counter-ambush ambushers.
Let's be honest, this is pathetic. Why should I pay for a fleet commander mod? This should have already been included in the $100 base game. We've got NMS releasing free content nonstop meanwhile BGS and these nasty modders keep sharting out "content" at obscene prices.
It’s a shame that it’s a paid mod, though at least the price is a good example of where you should be pricing. There’s only one other options for the moment, but I know that’s not going to last. $3 might not be a bad deal to hold one over until a full space flight overhaul is done. Oh… and if you want scary? Think about a fleet from this using ships built using DarkStar Astrodynamics? Ooooo……
When I enable the Cargo sharing between ships in my fleet, the carry weight of my character drops SIGNIFICANTLY down to only 47. With this, I will not use the mod at all because cargo sharing was was attracted me to it... anyone else noticing this?
It’s to be resolved in the next update. An unexpected side effect of a perk that was meant/configured for the ship but also affects the player. Edit: update is out and seems to work fine.
i’ve just got this and it won’t let me use it i e made the terminal and it says error insufficient credentials then bellow please report for ship command training ive i done something wrong?
hello could someone help me I have a problem with the fleet commander mod this error message appears on the mod console (error. insufficient credentials!) please report for ship command training
Any idea if this creation plays nice with Astrogate or any other manual inter-planetary travel mods? Like if I'm boosting from one planet to another, will the follower ships be able to keep up?
Yep, just tested it out, boosting between planets with Astrogate leaves your follower ships behind, but they catch back up on fast travel. Would be cool if someday there was a feature or patch to make them follow you at those speeds, but I'm not really expecting it.
I just found the craziest bug with this fleet commander mod I was standing in the key when I opened the menu to select the ship tab to see where Emily was And low and behold I'm allowed to purchase the key for 0 credits I'm able to use the key as storage I'm able to make the key my home ship. I wonder if this works on the eye
This is a mod That I have desired. Now can someone please develop a mod that enables using parts of a ship on another ship without spending money? I need such a mod for my role playing playthrough.
Woo hoo, UC and CF there's a new 'FLEET' in town! Thanks to @korhdic for the mod and @Crimson for the commentary. Thanks for limiting the fleet to four ships, if players had more control they would become a Faction.
Отличный мод, то что нужно на экстремальной сложности, теперь вопрос если униятожат корабль под командованием, будет ли он оканчательно утерян, было бы прикольно если при уничтожение они вычеркиваются из списка владения игрока. И насколько будет совместим с StarSim: MC
OK, so there's already a mod like this recently released on Nexus, so for money, this fella needs to add more indeed. If I CAN assign CREW, and board one of the fleet follower ships, and SEE say, idk... Simeon, Hadrian and half dozen Generic Crew there at work, and board another and see the same, with different companions and generic crew... this would be EPIC.... but tuning your ships in to allied drones just doesn't seem sophisticated enough to be spending money on.
That nexus mod is a mess and can easily be broken - this looks FAR more polished in its implementation. Well worth 300cr - especially consider the other crap on Creations which is costed fa worse. That said, crew features etc. would be awesome if it can be implemented
The existing mod requires the use of items being in your inventory to "assign" premade ships to follow you. Fleet Commander allows you to pick and choose from your own fleet, by name, via terminal, which should feel more intuitive. Additionally Fleet Commander adds Shared Cargo to utilize your fleet as a trading caravan and can allow for a mothership/dropship relationship between your current home ship and a member of your active fleet by changing home ship on docking and adding your previous home ship back to the active fleet. These are the current big differences. Some may not perceive this as much, but under the hood it's VERY different. Crew assignment is not a thing, yet.
@@RobbieB2606 All mods can break the game, and tbh, across Skyrim, Fallout and now Starfield, I've regularly found myself much more disappointed with mods I've gotten from the BGS CC than from. Nexus.
@@JaredKohr The terminal might be a little better but anyone running any decent ship mod, like Darkstar Astrodynamic, or ship building overhauls, is going to have cargo covered. I run Darkstar, my ships all have 30k+ cargo, I don't run it for that, but for having all modules in one place, and improved reactors and grav drives, so I can feel like my ships scaled with my lvl 276 character, and didn't hit max capabilities at lvl 60, the cargo is just a bonus, so a mod like this, for many of us, would just be an RP addition. That's why crew allocation and interaction would make this mod stand a cut above free mods. Just my opinion.
No paid mod is worth it. If starfield was good it wouldn’t need mods in the first place. At 70$ I’m not giving anyone money to increase a shit experience by a couple points.
OH fuck yeah. Finally a reason to build more than one ship. It always made no sense how all your other ships are just unused in an imaginary hanger. Now we just need to be able to set companions to pilot them and we'll be all set. Sam Coe needs to put that PIlot skill to use!
v1.1 is out! Some bug fixes and now you can adjust the follow distance in Game Options! :D
Q: Can I assign my crew to my active fleet?
A: Not at this time.
Q: Does my active fleet follow each other or follow me?
A: Your active fleet will follow you whenever you are >800m away. The reason it may look like they follow each other is they likely are flying at different speeds and will decelerate at those different speeds and come to a full stop at different points. This is also why formations are unlikely to be implemented, or even if they were implemented, they wouldn't be properly maintained.
Q: Can my active fleet die? Do they respawn?
A: It depends on your Game Settings options. By default, no. The only option in which they can be killed is the "dispensable" option. The appropriate safeguards were added for Shield Loss and HP Loss to ensure they cannot be killed. Dead ships do not respawn, or at least Fleet Commander does not offer a respawn option.
Q: What do the Set Home Ship options do? Why are they there?
A: These are optional in case there are any unexpected conflicts with other mods/creations. But also to more quickly change your home ship to move your crew over to a ship you want to swap with. This would enable you to have a mothership/dropship relationship with your fleet, if that was your desired playstyle.
Q: Shared cargo? Why would I want to turn this off?
A: Some people may find this cheaty (I disagree, but to each their own). Also in case some kind of conflict makes this a problem for you, it can be turned off.
Q: So I have a large fleet. I mean, like bigly LARGE... L-A-R-G-E. Will Fleet Commander let me use all of my ships?
A: Fleet Commander currently supports up to 50 ships in your hanger. You can have up to 4 assigned to your active fleet, 1 per skill point added to "Ship Commander".
Q: My shielded cargo max capacity for my fleet doesn't show while not onboard a ship... Korodic why you suck?
A: This was a limitation of what the engine would let me do. What I was able to do was offset your cargo capacity while off your ship. So! What this means is you will always have the correct cargo max capacity for your home ship + fleet AND shielded cargo will display properly when being scanned (in space, which you will definitely be in a ship) so, in the words of Todd Howard, "it just works".
Q: 300 credits? You whore! This look like it took 5 minutes to make. Like 5 minute crafts on youtube!
A: 5 minute crafts is a lie. 300 credits is the ask and for those who don't value it as such there is an alternative ship follower mod available on Nexus/Creations for free. This has been in the works for over a month, non-stop, with a lot of people QA'ing it to ensure the best experience for a feature I know that I and many others have been wanting since launch.
Q: What if Bethesda releases this as a feature in the future? Can I get a refund?
A: I know as much as you do, nothing has been confirmed or denied. If it was guaranteed as future content, I wouldn't have bothered. While Bethesda does allow for refunds of Creations back in the form of credits (anyone saying otherwise is misinformed), there is not a written policy that I'm aware of. As we've not encountered this scenario yet, idk what they will/won't do. I hope that people who decide to use my Creations are doing so to support me for me - and I sincerely appreciate you doing so.
Thanks for the synopsis, I was surprised that you didn't use 'Leadership' as the Fleet Commander skill but then again I AM NOT A MOD CREATOR!
Здравствуйте, спасибо за мод, а возможно за 200 кредитов?
300 credits is criminaly low price for a true high-quality gamplay mod like yours.
@@アグル-y5b I understand, but I only have 200 credits and to top up a hundred I’ll have to climb through ass.
I'm using the mod - built the screen but can't select any ships in the menu...
OMG, my ships are all M class. A cruiser bristling with turrets, a relatively small Destroyer with direct fire weapons and an explorer with a mixed setup. Every single one of them can singlehandely kill the whole Crimson Fleet at the key. I can't even imagine what would happen with all of them together. We need new mods with threats that can actually challenge a fleet.
I've always thought Bethesda would incorporate a function like this. Like a fleet pack. With the ships you own, or pay others for their services. Like Ecliptic mercs to come to aid for support when called upon for the right price. Or have a battle cruiser on standby by paying a fee or set up an outpost to connect n send helium or materials to keep it running. So many possibilities. Glad modders beat them to the punch
so may RP options, super cool. Like fly a large carrier with a bunch of small fighter support ships or, a convoy of large haulers and you are defending them in a small fighter.
Holy shit ... this is AMAZING. Looks like I might finally have a paid mod that will be worth the credits on.
Absolute game changer - been waiting for this since day 1. I've just been releasing some ship mods on Nexus - can't wait to build a squadron of UC Sabre fighters!
This is the pinnacle of starfield mods right here
Here we go! Been waiting for a mod like this
This mod looks awesome, just take my money 💴. In the future would love to see the ability to assign crew to the ships 😱👍🏻😱
Gonna be an instant buy. Even if it has a minor bug or two. As long as there is nothing game breaking, this is gonna live in the load order
Oh yah finally getting to the awesome mods that i've been waiting for. Now others can expand on this with a crew management system for each ship.
We are getting ever closer to a Starfield version of the build your own guild mod from Skyrim. Definitely going to use this for the Crimson Fleet Storyline/Pirate play through where they are all ships with EM and laser only weapons and I chase down galbank ships.
I like the idea of building an independent mercenary outfit as a counterbalance to ecliptic
Coffee time! Yeah, I’m impressed. If it works as planned this will change the game. Great review thanks for the video.
This looks very cool…Thanks for the sneak peak CFB! 👍
I’ve been saving my last few precious credits before spending money on more for a mod to come around that blows me away and this is it. Gonna download this today. Love, love, LOVE this
I love this video crimson, you really are out to help the gaming community and that means a lot to me. This is a mod that it's definitely a great addition and quality of life improvement , now my question is do they actually follow you when you land on a planet? Or do you have to wait until you get back in space before you meet up with them? Because I'm sure they're probably orbiting the planet waiting for you if they don't land. But if they land with you that would be an even better improvement.
They can't follow you when you land sadly, they will wait in orbit for you
@@CrimsonFlyboythe games shitty design wouldn't even allow it since there's barely space for 1 ship in most ports
@@CrimsonFlyboy I assume you meant to say when you land.. that's okay though, this is still a great man and a great concept, hopefully that's something that will be able to be changed eventually.
You know what? This is freaking awesome. Hands down a game changer. Finally, a real reason to have more than one ship. Gonna grab this as quickly as possible.
Been desperately looking for a mod like this, been wanting two medium sized fighters to escort me in my colossal battleship like the legendary ships...
This mod, make wanna build a small fighter ship and made a flag ship for my self.
P.S i come across your youtube by accident and your videos really helps me by how these mods look and works.
Yes I have been waiting for something like this!
This is a fantastic conceptual idea. I just wonder how much it will shift combat balance. Almost seems like Extreme difficulty would be required to not feel massively overpowered.
Definitely interesting but I just have the nagging feeling that we will need something else to balance out the sudden, massive combat multiplier this mod will bring.
@@nolgroth this is true it does shift the dynamic, although it is generally earned as tailored ships are expensive. You could make them dispensable to increase difficulty or rely on health. I am also adding “fleet repair” to my Variable Ship Repair Cost creation in a coming update to offer another form of credit sink/balance.
My Heatleech Infestations has also received an update to make it so you won’t get infected by docking/undocking with members of your own fleet as this could make it happen way more frequently than intended.
I’m always trying to add value where I can and it makes sense even on already available creations, paid or free.
Nice mod. Now this is something worth supporting. Great job crimson for another great review.
yes at last i would love to see my other ships in battle i would fly to Kryx and see what happens lol 😜 see how many we can take out 👍 but yes crimsonflyboy fantastic video this is what i would defo use.
Shared cargo is game changing imo, great mod, great video
There will be a fix if you happen to experience any temporary loss in player carry weight while using ships in your fleet with shielded cargo for the next update. It would seem that perks that apply to the ship, if the player also has the same Actor Value, that both are effected. The update will correct the unexpected behavior.
One thing that I noticed with the game option Flee Combat when Low Shield is that when you jump or launch into orbit, the other ships only appear for one split second and then jumps away. At first, I thought this mod didn't work at all because I was trying to find my escort ships but they're nowhere to be found. Until I did a few testing and noticed the blue ally icon appear for one split second and they just jump away.
I'm assuming that when they spawn, they don't have their reactor powers distributed to their shields yet so the mod simply thinks they're Low on shield so they proceed to jump away. When I set this option to Low Health, they jump in and fly with my Home ship just fine.
Thanks for pointing this out!
Was there an option to let you choose a ship when landing on a planet as well as for docking with a station? It'd finally be reasonable to fly around in a giant class-M which is too large to land and then have a little shuttle ship just for landing. I guess you can just dock with it. In that case the "shuttle" might not fare well in combat unless there's an option to pick which ones will fight or you buff it up a bit.
I was also wondering how you'd capture an enemy ship if your fleet pulverizes any ship you try to cripple. It'd be cool if there was an EM toggle hotkey.
I hope that you can at least assign "generic" crew with skills to them and get bonuses; eventually if not now. There's a definite lack of pilots for hire though!
I'll definitely be getting this just so I can make small escort ships and try the whole shuttle idea.
Edit: I've played with this a bit now. I disabled the automatic home ship transfer on docking or travelling since I'd rather not have all my crew and cargo transfer every time I do that. Unfortunately, if you land on a planet with a ship then Starfield automatically makes that ship your home ship anyway. So, once I land my entire crew is jammed into a tiny ship, at least in my case. I really wish there was a way to avoid that but it's an existing game mechanic. I've had that happen to me plenty of times in Starfield when capturing a landed ship when I didn't want it to as well.
For my first test I flew with 3 follower ships straight to The Key on Kryx and a large number of Crimson Fleet ships. The standard ship AI does well enough in combat, as well as the enemy ships anyway, and they mixed it up with the fleet right away and all survived. My only issue was that the follower ships with their blue symbols stopped showing up and just the enemy ships were on the scope. I expect that's just the vanilla game code. There were lots of ships (at first).
There's no game mechanic to assign crew members to specific ships as far as I could tell; at least not intentionally. I enabled the shared cargo just because it's going to all get transferred to the home ship anyway and I wanted the following ships to have access to Ship repair parts.
Wait , your own fleet oh hell yes
Very nice! I'm already designing a huge capital mothership and four mini fighters! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY CREDITS!!!!
Whaaaat this is so cool!
Lets gooooo love your vids man!
This is awesome. Aside from this mod plus other paid mods that are good, the cc is being flooded with trash paid mods that seem to of not been qa tested or reviewed. The menu is getting cluttered and flooding out the actual good paid mods. I would love a mod to make a space station or a class m placed in orbit (like an outpost) and we can fly up to it and dock it and move it.
There is a mod like that. I think it's called 1-of-a-kind space station? Might be wrong, but there is a space station player home and also one where you build a ss yourself. Edit - just looked it up for you and it's called 1-of-a-kind outpost starstation by ColomboCoder. This is on creations, not sure about nexus as I don't really use that.
"Guys guys I said Crimon'S Fleet! THERE'S AN S DON'T SHOOT!"
"it's cool it sets your home ship at dock" as every time I load into my drop ship 20 ppl board it
This is brilliant
So you could spend a million credits and get 4 PrivateerIII ships to follow you around? That would probably be rather scary: they pair hard hitting particle turrets with an array of auto cannons for when they get close to enemies. I wonder if fleet AI incurs bounties or draws hostility for friendly fire though, or does it get ignored because only the player can trigger it? I was planning on my next playthrough being a Bounty Hunter anyway, so it would be fun to counter-ambush ambushers.
lol Those bounty hunters are gonna need a bigger squad if they want to hunt me down now.
What a game changer then ❤
Let's be honest, this is pathetic. Why should I pay for a fleet commander mod? This should have already been included in the $100 base game. We've got NMS releasing free content nonstop meanwhile BGS and these nasty modders keep sharting out "content" at obscene prices.
$100 base game? What? I got it for $20.
Can't wait
looks great.
It’s a shame that it’s a paid mod, though at least the price is a good example of where you should be pricing. There’s only one other options for the moment, but I know that’s not going to last. $3 might not be a bad deal to hold one over until a full space flight overhaul is done. Oh… and if you want scary? Think about a fleet from this using ships built using DarkStar Astrodynamics? Ooooo……
When I enable the Cargo sharing between ships in my fleet, the carry weight of my character drops SIGNIFICANTLY down to only 47. With this, I will not use the mod at all because cargo sharing was was attracted me to it... anyone else noticing this?
It’s to be resolved in the next update. An unexpected side effect of a perk that was meant/configured for the ship but also affects the player.
Edit: update is out and seems to work fine.
i’ve just got this and it won’t let me use it i e made the terminal and it says error insufficient credentials
then bellow please report for ship command training ive i done something wrong?
i’ve just worked it out it’s in my perks did t realise i had to have that to will sort it sorry thick moment lol
All good, I should have mentioned the perk requirement in the video
hello could someone help me I have a problem with the fleet commander mod this error message appears on the mod console (error. insufficient credentials!) please report for ship command training
You need to level your ship command skill
Any idea if this creation plays nice with Astrogate or any other manual inter-planetary travel mods? Like if I'm boosting from one planet to another, will the follower ships be able to keep up?
I dont think so, as they are two very different mods. The best guess is they would slowly follow the player if they super cruise
Yep, just tested it out, boosting between planets with Astrogate leaves your follower ships behind, but they catch back up on fast travel. Would be cool if someday there was a feature or patch to make them follow you at those speeds, but I'm not really expecting it.
I just found the craziest bug with this fleet commander mod
I was standing in the key when I opened the menu to select the ship tab to see where Emily was
And low and behold I'm allowed to purchase the key for 0 credits
I'm able to use the key as storage
I'm able to make the key my home ship.
I wonder if this works on the eye
It doesn't let me select any, do I have to have more than one?
Same - I'm using the mod - built the screen but can't select any ships in the menu...
Yes, you need to own multiple ships to assign them to your fleet
You also need at least 1 skill point in Ship Command.
This is a mod That I have desired. Now can someone please develop a mod that enables using parts of a ship on another ship without spending money? I need such a mod for my role playing playthrough.
Doesn't seem like you get experience for other ships blowing up enemies
Where is the link or the mod ?
Mod won't be out for another few hours
@crimsonflyboy my ship is to big to land on poi 😂 can i use that mod without changing homeship so that i can use a shuttle to land?😂
This kills awards right
How is the mod work with Astrogate? Will your fleet supercurse with you together?
They will not, astrogate does not account for a fleet. The ship will rejoin you on next travel/fast travel/grav jump
@@JaredKohr Thanks for the reply! Do you have a plan for crew assignment or some kind of paycheck system in the future?
@ not really a plan for either. Crew payment is outside the scope of the mod. Crew assignment is a maybe. It would be a whole other can of worms.
Cannot find this mod, neither Nexus nor in creations. Where can I get it?
It will be out in a few hours
In my load order, should I load it in ‘followers’ ‘gameplay’ or ‘ships’ ?
It doesn't really matter where you place it ad it shouldn't conflict with anything
Has this been released yet? I don’t see it in Creations
Not yet. It will launch on a few hours with the next wave of paid mods
Like the idea but I searched both creations & nexus and there is no mention of this mod dose anyone have a link
It will be launching in a few hours with the next wave of paid mods
Wait, do I have to lvl up the skill name SHIP COMMAND?
Yes you do
Good video
Well let's just say ill he sitting at like 300k cargo space, my collection of resources shall be even more extreme
Woo hoo, UC and CF there's a new 'FLEET' in town! Thanks to @korhdic for the mod and @Crimson for the commentary. Thanks for limiting the fleet to four ships, if players had more control they would become a Faction.
My don't let me add do I have to lvl up a skill for this?
Yeah you need to level the skill that adds more crew to your ship
OmG thanks I being deleting it back and forth and moving it from file order THANKS
Wait you mean the skill name SHIP COMMAND?
The computer won’t set and active ship for me
My too
Lvl up the skill
Отличный мод, то что нужно на экстремальной сложности, теперь вопрос если униятожат корабль под командованием, будет ли он оканчательно утерян, было бы прикольно если при уничтожение они вычеркиваются из списка владения игрока.
И насколько будет совместим с StarSim: MC
Там настройка есть
Is their a way to contact the creator
What issues are you having
This should have been included in the game. Having to pay a la carte for game features is a ripoff.
cool mod. should have been part of the base game, but i'll take it.
OK, so there's already a mod like this recently released on Nexus, so for money, this fella needs to add more indeed.
If I CAN assign CREW, and board one of the fleet follower ships, and SEE say, idk... Simeon, Hadrian and half dozen Generic Crew there at work, and board another and see the same, with different companions and generic crew... this would be EPIC.... but tuning your ships in to allied drones just doesn't seem sophisticated enough to be spending money on.
That nexus mod is a mess and can easily be broken - this looks FAR more polished in its implementation. Well worth 300cr - especially consider the other crap on Creations which is costed fa worse. That said, crew features etc. would be awesome if it can be implemented
The existing mod requires the use of items being in your inventory to "assign" premade ships to follow you. Fleet Commander allows you to pick and choose from your own fleet, by name, via terminal, which should feel more intuitive. Additionally Fleet Commander adds Shared Cargo to utilize your fleet as a trading caravan and can allow for a mothership/dropship relationship between your current home ship and a member of your active fleet by changing home ship on docking and adding your previous home ship back to the active fleet. These are the current big differences. Some may not perceive this as much, but under the hood it's VERY different. Crew assignment is not a thing, yet.
@@RobbieB2606 All mods can break the game, and tbh, across Skyrim, Fallout and now Starfield, I've regularly found myself much more disappointed with mods I've gotten from the BGS CC than from. Nexus.
@@JaredKohr The terminal might be a little better but anyone running any decent ship mod, like Darkstar Astrodynamic, or ship building overhauls, is going to have cargo covered. I run Darkstar, my ships all have 30k+ cargo, I don't run it for that, but for having all modules in one place, and improved reactors and grav drives, so I can feel like my ships scaled with my lvl 276 character, and didn't hit max capabilities at lvl 60, the cargo is just a bonus, so a mod like this, for many of us, would just be an RP addition. That's why crew allocation and interaction would make this mod stand a cut above free mods.
Just my opinion.
@ no disagreements here. In theory the assignment of crew is possible but I wonder how cumbersome it would be to manage.
No paid mod is worth it. If starfield was good it wouldn’t need mods in the first place. At 70$ I’m not giving anyone money to increase a shit experience by a couple points.