@@ForKhali He got cooked?? If anything this basement dweller reddit guy with no job, living with mommy and daddy using their money for college, was definitely the one getting cooked for being a loser irl
You missed the point, he meant he's playing easy champs that stat check. I like tyler but it's true, skill wise hes not in the top 20 of streamers lol.
@@ReallyGnashty626 It does not matter, those "unskilled stat check champs" have been, as Tyler said, C tier. Urgot is irrelevant and Cho gath is complete garbage, and by the way, Fiora, has been at least tier 2 if not 1 for the last 5 years and beats those "unskilled stat check" champs with ease I fucking hate Fiora lol
@@duc2133 He didn't even show the play, he spent 5 minutes talking about OTP and not showing the clip even though Tyler asked 10x. And he talked about outpeaking when this guy told him he doesn't know what he's talking about. 5 role challenger btw.
nah this guy lost it when he said illaoi was a considered a bruiser. Bro was hard reaching. He even snickered "exactly" like urgot was a top tier champ.
Exactly what I thought. What is he going to do? Q and E? Fiora Parries that np and will literally proc 3 vitals in that stun time frame. You do not fight Fiora early unless you’re Kled and even then thats a skill matchup
@@yoihks3239 just buffer it my guy or dash out of it if you’re that scared. We’re talking top grade, most skilled otp’s. Jax would need to fully commit and even then its MAYBE a 50/50
@@zachtemoro2116 im saying it as a jax player. You can just let E run the full duration of her parry then stun her after. and you only E when she Q's in. So she can never Q in. thats why its a counter
@@zachtemoro2116 The fiora player has to be 3x better to win the matchup. Its especially a fiora counter at lower elos cause the fiora has to play perfectly
@@jakeh2528 you can end E early with a second cast after a short delay, don't have to let it last the full duration. fiora w lasts 0.75 seconds jax e has a 1 second window where it can be ended early (2 second duration, 1 second delay on second cast) so if you know the matchup properly you can bait out w by qing onto fiora early instead of when youd instantly cast and then force the cast once the w ends, if she adapts to this and starts holding w then you can shake up the timing etc etc its literally skill matchup basically
I’m sorry ya’ll. Who ever is trying to defend this Fiora, they need help. Fiora is literally pulling random stuff to try and just one up T1. The argument was about the play. When the Fio said “You wouldn’t know because…” it was all over. Also with Fio vs Jax is a skill match up. He kept losing these one ups and attacks his real life statuses. If you go there… you a str8 big narcissist.
This seems like what happened. This guy 'one upping' witb random stuff, probably sitting there with a smug whilst losing every one up. He probably has this narcistic view of being 'way smarter' because of his math degree, invalidating opinions of others because they are not on his level.
Tyler was toxic af for flexing with his irl success and challenger achievements for every role, but the Fiora was defiently the catalyst. He was oozing arrogance the entire time, making factually nonsensical takes on classes, and trying to tell a clearly better player why exactly is he a loser 💀 He is probably the kind of guy who easily gets his ego hurt when getting into an argument and keeps going on with a smug grin without any self-criticism. Thats unsure though, he could have been tilted the same as Tyler, I just don't think so
Tyler really does default to "you're a loser and I'm a famous millionare streamer" too often for my liking. I know he plays a persona often (and irl he's a good guy) but this really felt personal from his part and not a bit. Then again he's been streaming 12+ hours a day for the past month, 400 games stuck in the same elo. Truly built different.
@@Klon337 Dude you are another random on the internet too. who cares if tyler1 is famous the kid was defending his case properly not trying to flex his wealth on nobody. thats some real loser shit.
@@adlos1270 Yeah. To be clear the Fiora guy also seemed like a bit of a jackass. Should have just stuck to talking about the actual play in question that started the toxicity to begin with, which Tyler actually agreed he threw, instead of just trying to one up each other in a dick measuring contest for 5 minutes without showing the play.
guy has a point tho, tyler does throw games all the time and trolls. Sure he can do insane when he trys but he normally isisnt trying and doesnt give af
As a resident T1 fanboy, I did some investigative journalism on our Super Top here. Dude has never been Challenger. His peak was GM in Season 2023/S1 after over 500 games that split alone and he had previously been hardstuck D5/low Master. He's also getting 25+ LP per win and only losing 15 per loss, which is baby mode MMR for an account. He brags about his champ pool win rates but he feeds horrendously on anything that isn't Fiora. I assumed he was just mugging for the camera and playing part in a bit but I've encountered so many of these worthless one tricks in Master + elo. Players who hit GM or Master 100LP ONCE and suddenly think they're the best player in the world. Also "Math at University of Utah" nice degree my man. Enjoy paying off that student loan at Costco!
Do people not work while going to college anymore? 💀 What is up with people thinking every degree comes with a student loan at about 20k plus 😂 why would a mf that's living with their parents have student loan? most of the student loans are for housing aka mfs that live on campus or on their own
it's funny how people keep mentioning how many games T1 plays each time he makes one of those arguments, the dude is a streamer, and on an average day of his stream, he plays around 15 games! 400 games are just an average of 3 weeks!
Exactly. For him it’s a job, for the losers than end up in his games it isn’t and they’ll still invest as much time 😂. That’s where the difference lies
@@aR0ttenBANANA You guys defend t1 so hard even if he's shitting in your mama's mouth lol. Every time tyler looks like an idiot or loses an argument he starts talking about being popular and being challenger all roles even when in that specific scenario he's wrong. You guys do realize there are people out there who may not be popular but are just as intelligent and successful and play league for fun? In fact its more cringe to talk about your league accomplishments when its literally your job and other people are just as good at it as a side hobby. Maybe they aren't as popular and can't stream but they're just as good lol.
@@duc2133for real, also the guy seemed way more grounded and well-mannered in terms of trying to make a point. His point was valid and wasn‘t even that outrageous in terms of where it came from. Reality being, people can praise T1 all they want and I still find him very likeable, but spending a good 40 % + of your lifetime in front of a screen playing this game and letting it enslave you as a „job“, isn‘t something to really idolize, in my opinion. I still believe Tyler peaked as a variety streamer to this day.
@@duc2133 you're weird. In this particular case, the person in question was NOT even remotely close to him. The dude literally lied about his rank so how can that be anything but cringe according to your own logic? What argument are you even yapping about? If you think someone wasting as many hours as Tyler as a "hobby" is normal you need to get your shit checked. That's literally what the whole comment was about. It's not praise for Tyler but at least he's getting something out of it. The losers with 2000 games on ranked that AREN'T streamers/pros are inherently losers because there's no way you're spending that much time on a game and doing something productive IRL.
Bcs sadly its quite a useless bachelor's when you could have gone for engineering, CS, statistics, physics, etc. Math is cool but it certainly would not get you anywhere unless you do postgraduate studies or you are a fucking field medal candidate.
“I’m pretty sure I wasn’t egoing, I’m pretty sure I was just trolling. I don’t even remember what the play was. I’m pretty sure I was just actually griefing.”
People who think getting a degree means youre better than someone are too funny. Lots of people make more money without a degree and without going into debt.
On average people with degrees are more intelligent than those without and also make more money than those without. Furthermore the jobs that people with degrees do are generally viewed as more desirable than high paying non-degree requring jobs such as working on an oil rig. The reality is that the average person with a stem degree is ”better” than the average person without a degree.
Yeah nobody should think they are better then others because they have a degree. But on average they are much more likely to have higher earnings. According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, workers with a bachelor's degree had median weekly earnings of $1,305, compared to $746 for those with only a high school diploma. Workers with a master's degree or higher had even higher median weekly earnings of $1,545.
the guy started making it personal by calling him a loser for playing lol 16h a day. Thats like the dumbest thing to say vs the biggest lol streamer. Of course Tyler1 will clap back saying he is the biggest lol streamer making tons of money by playing the game
I'm pretty sure Tyler started it after realizing he was wrong and started talking about out peaking him. Then the guy obviously had to point out he plays 16 hours a a day and had 400 games while the dude played 80 something and had higher wr.
@@JuckJuckersT1 tilts a lot of people. I've had him on my team several times and he just starts running it down at random when he gets upset. Anybody else would've been permabanned years ago for all the shit he's done.
@@acetropics4142 You are beta if you think that, must be your mechanism to safe yourself from the truth. Some People can just use their head, If I wanna know how an absolute disgrace to humanity sounds like, I send discord and have a laugh. Its not a big deal to send a link, is it? Maybe you are challenged by that, but most are capable doing it just as a reflex.
guys tyler starts going off because this guy starts trying to randomly insult tyler outside the game, he never even showed where tyler griefed in game he's just trying to sit there and ego tyler1, the other weirdo was surely not trying to banter or be cool he absolutely deserved to be told that he's a nobody lol
I'll say that Tyler 1 is not someone that is respected. Besides mainly financial reasons and that he's definitely a funny, successful streamer who's got great vibes when he's talking on stream, I don't really think I'd enjoy what does for living, more than going to study math. Honestly some ppl's actions in league are not normal.
I'd say this argument is completely tyler1 sided, because tbh the fiora got cooked the only thing he counters tyler1 with is the fact that he has a lot of games every season not reaching a high rank, fact is hes mostly entertainment first. when you think of tyler1 you dont think of a pro player practicing for worlds. you think of a loud man playing rage game. meanwhile the fiora himself confirms hes an unemployed math graduate from the university of utah without student debt (probably paid by his parents) living at his parents house. From the comments of other people he's also never reached challenger before meanwhile yapping on about tyler1 400 games 16 hours a day, and about the degree debate I'd say from my subjective view the value of a degree is proportionate to how well you could use it, thinking about everything that has to go into it. 4 years in unversity, cost, gas. meanwhile tyler1 withdrew to pursue streaming which probably made/will make more than anything whatever kind of degree Math Fiora will make.
Don't agree. The guy has more valid points. 1 being the juggernaut argument, while it's pretty bad on face value, i get what he means and he's definitely right. Tyler BESIDES draven, does not play mechanical champs, and when he does - gp for example, he performs HORRIBLY
@@eagle5818 he didnt have any valid points tho. The juggernaut point makes no sense. Illaoi is a bruiser/figher. The guy lied about hitting chally, that speaks for itself. One tricking fiora, a broken s tier champ, doesnt equate to being a good overall player. lmao calling a millionaire a loser bc they stream games for money is insane. By no standard at all is that remotely true, you would then have to apply that to other industries like professional athletes who play sports for money, ig they are losers 'by societal standards' 😂. You dont need a degree to be sucessful homie. Wealth is how success is mesaured. Grinding ranked while unemployed with parents and no wealth is what a loser is.
@@chrisprilloisebola Okay bro, a professional sports athelete is in the same category as a streamer sitting in front of a computer, i'm not gonna read further. Braindead.
The problem is a math degree won't make you a better person. This guy is probably very egotistical IRL, he even went to the point to straight up lie about his performance, because he couldn't accept criticism. I get it that its just in a game, but its exactly because of this reason for why I believe he's kinda an insecure narcissist IRL, and nobody can get along with those people :D
@@eagle5818 He literally said bruisers are skirmishers, it wasn't directly but its not that much different. Also, skirmishers are just straight up better for soloq most of the time, and again, this came from a Fiora OTP. As it turns out, he lied about his champ pool as well. Also, LoL is mostly a strategy game, being good at a champion or only playing "skill" champs doesn't mean anything. Pro players pick easy champs sometimes, its about consistency and game knowledge. Now, that is true skill :D
Tyler did him dirty, the whole conversation became a dick measuring contest when the Fiora player started bragging about knowing more than Tyler about a game he has been playing for ages (BTW the Fiora is not even a Challenger player) Tyler even kept trying to save the guy from embarrassing himself by telling him to run the clip and he didn't, guy had so much ego he thought he could shit talk tyler and he got clapped back, good riddance.
T1 is reformed... i don't think anyone can out shit talk T1 if he ever got serious enough to shit talk hes just entertaining 4 fun but old T1 shit that was a different man.
Hard tyler1 fanboy relax ITs fine if tyler can't play Fiora/Akali/Gwen/Camille to challenger level, he's still a good player ( you know champs you need a lot more skill than fucking illaoi) Getting grubs on Fiora 99% of the time means you can crush side lane even if Jax clears wave under turret. People that don't play splitpushers top lane will never understand
@@emperorborgpalpatine i think he means every champs has classifications like sion is a tank, but more specifically, hes a juggernaut, or lulu being an enchanter/mage. yone is indeed classified as a duelist, not really a bruiser, so the guy has a point, tyler plays urgot a jugg/bruiser illaoi jugg/bruiser cho jugg /ap bruiser.
@@emperorborgpalpatine He said "every character I just listed" to Tyler's question on what are bruisers. He confused bruiser and skirmisher together, but then again bruisers aren't even a class. They are more of a synonym for the fighter class
I mean, the guy isn't wrong though. T1 quite literally ruins games for content and has created this spam ff culture that we have today. I really don't see how he was getting flamed at all actually.
Have you actually watched any T1 stream? The amount of games hes in that are more than ruined just cause hes in it is insane. But yeah every game tbh is winnable under a certain elo, being like challenger. Cause under challenger people are so flippant and will throw
That's because it's a skill dependant matchup and that Fiora player is a jobless basement dweller loser. He does fit with other smelly nolife losers who play that garbage champion with 3h stuns that can parry or put insane slows because of how long it is. They're all the same.
Living with the parents thing is such an American insult thing. The corporates normalized that so that you become another tax heaven for them early on.
@@imtiazazad8128wrong if you still live with your parents you just haven’t fully grown up yet and there’s some things you can never understand until you live on your own
@@balhaddadinn Let me speak in a low IQ manner that you only know how speak: >"A champion that hinges on predictions". >Had 54% winrate in masters+ last patch... Yeah, i guess too many players are too good at "predictions". Mad cause dumb, pup?
@@balhaddadinn Let me speak in a low |Q manner that you only know how speak: >"A champion that hinges on perferct predictions". >Had 54% winrate in masters+ last patch... Yeah, i guess too many players are too good at "perfect predictions". Mad cause dumb, pup?
@@balhaddadinn Perfect predictions? The parry lasts forever, wtf are you talking about. And it still slows and have a big area of effect. In high elo there's no efforts involved for those OTPs to proc their op ult. How many times have Fiora players won their 1v1 because of their busted OP champion despite missing vitals and their stun? It's also a stat check champion.
Man I love tyler but he went a bit overboard with his character when insulting the other guy, like it stopped being banter. However to have that discussion while being tilted as fuck is something that I couldn't do (if I want to still have a streaming carreer), he's truly built different.
I don't get these type of fans calling it a character, I mean I watch his videos. I see his genuine side like the Dallas meetup and timthetatman Fortnite event ie: when he's not playing league on stream. He seems respectable and down to earth but I seriously think league tilts him here as it does everyone tbh and it's not him acting like a character
Desperate jobless basement dweller Fiora players thirsty for attention and fame because they have no money or recognition for wasting their time tryharding in this game I guess
Im going to be pretty blunt here. More than 90% of college degrees are giga-useless, ESPECIALLY math. Only high-demand majors such as Engineering or Pre-health majors have a good future. I majored in Neuroscience in Pre-Med and now am attending Medical School. People like Tyler1 are less than 1 percent of the population, so earning more than him is a nightmare. That Fiora player showed his true colors by trying to talk.
ego players are so cringe. dude constantly jerks himself off for playing the "le mechanical" champs. truthfully these champs are always the most overtuned and have the most tools to win a game. you're not special or especially good at the game for picking the fi/yone/cam if almost every high elo top laner is doing the same with moderate success. no matter what champ you pick you are simply good if you win the game. if you keep losing you are bad. its so simple.
@@shgalagalaa There are no high elo Garen mains, so he's playing in hard mode if the is really trying to climb with Garen. Your attempt to insult him didn't work, maybe try again.
@@JosephAlnasl 1. Gabungking hits kr chall every single season otping garen. 2. Climbing to top 5% of the playerbase on garen is infinitely easier than on a champion that actually requires hands. Its okay to play champs that were made for dad gamers. Just embrace the fact that you are not mechanically talented and enjoy the game rather than trying to cope your champion is skillful
@@shgalagalaa Wow you found one guy that managed to do it... Compared to hundreds of other players who climb playing the "skilled champions". It's obviously harder to climb with an outdated champ kit like garen compared to the most overturned champs that people climb with, like fiora. Just look at the statistics instead of using that delusional cope of yours. The "champions that require hands" are played way more and way have better winrate in high elo compared to Garen and somehow you think it's harder to climb to high elo with them. It's okay to play overtuned designed champs that were made for people to climb easier to high elo. Just embrace the fact that you are not mechanically talented and enjoy the game rather than trying to cope your champ is skillful. Most people climb using those champs after all, there's nothing special about it.
@@JosephAlnasl So we are just quickly pivoting from there are none to ”ok there is one” if i provide more your next step is ”ok there are some”? Also I never made the argument that climbing to high elo (as in literally challenger) is easier on garen than more mechanically complex champions. I made the claim that gettin to the top 5% is easier on garen, past this point the advantages mechanical champs have become overwhelming, not only can you have perfect macro on say riven but the champion also has a high skill ceiling allowing for more flexibility. Somehow you managed to read that as ”garen is easiest champ to hit challenger with” then again you play garen so you probably arent the fastest learner and its understanbale you would completely fail to grasp the most basic of concepts.
99% of the time i'm noticing people lose the game to themselves. They die once "gg", then start raging and throwing the game. Yet every game where people stayed calm and just worried about themselves, we made a comeback. People are dumb. Just play the game, stfu and don't worry about your teammates, focus on what you're doing so they can to.
guy sent some truth bombs on tyler then tyler inta turned into the "I'm rich and famous you're poor and a nobody" once the fiora player started making too much sense for his liking. Its funny to watch that happening to someone else but I bet no one in here would like to hear that being said to you from some twitch streamer wannabe celebrity that has done nothing in life other than stream his game to the same audience for the last 10 years. the same way the fiora guy sees tyler as a loser for not getting an education or a "real job" tyler sees him as a loser for not being famous in the league community. Everyone is a loser and a winner depending on from what perspective and see and what you value
@@mahad4930 tyler literally started the call by mocking the dude for his voice, both went into that call with the full intention of throwing stones at each other.
I mean even tyler knew he said too much, i watched the rest of this stream after what happened and he was pretty, and i mean pretty, tame and lost all his toxicity. He knew he went too much on him
@@vojtechlukas3153 yeah I watched it live too and he was kinda shook for the rest of the stream, might even have reached out to the dude later to make things clear, who knows
U new here or something? Tyler been like this as a character for stream for so long. If u think its a bad looks its prolly cause ur one of the things t1 described while talking to that loser redditor😂
@bannedagain-dt1oj I have touched GM few seasons ago but even if I didn't I'm allowed to criticize objectively. By you're logic we can't criticize our government cause all of us will never be where they're at ever. Can only punch down but not up?
hes literally having a normal conversation the entire time, you need to go outside and touch grass for real lmfao, is your perception on conversations so skewed you cant see this is a normal conversation
@@Supertoddy96 In what world does a grown man start a conversation with "sup bitch" and keep being heated during the whole argument while saying "im just better than you"? you are actually acoustic if you think T1 is talking to anybody like this.
I’d argue not even a skill match up, Fiora Favored even if slightly. Only champ that’s maybe dead even with her is Kled, which is a real skill based matchup. Entirely depends the Kled being able to remount in an all in. Jax either never commits or full commits
@@zachtemoro2116 Can tell your elo based on what you just said, jax v fiora is a skill matchup and no kled does not go even vs fiora, it's fiora favoured the entire game, you literally get a free parry with Kled's Q/Ult. Jax can poke a lot vs fiora especially with 6, stack ult passive, jump in, AA-W-AA, go back and you won the trade so no you're not only "full commiting" or "never commiting" with him if you actually know what you're doing.
@@nkskrb7195 oh yeah what elo is that? Because what you're saying is that the fiora is gonna stand around letting Jax do all that (she can literal slow him btw, not sure sure you know) and allow him to go back to his minions.
@@Trollrijas tell me you haven’t played Kled without telling me. Assuming you’re not brain dead, Kled has 2 different ways for her W to stun him, his Q2 or his ult. The best part is though 1) Your Q2 is optional, you can just walk away and get the Q1 poke (and lets say she does hit her W bc you screwed up, your Q comes back WAY faster than her W does), and 2) His ult is a knowledge gap. Ulting her from a mile away is the worst thing you can do, so after a remount or when you’re right on top of her, you Ult. Its a skilled based match up where Kled needs to snowball early, bc if he Snowballs he absolutely 100% rolls Fiora. It makes way more sense than Jax who literally only has 0.25 seconds to “outplay” her with his E
@@GodofKillers121t1 is still successful, way more than the random, not just financially. He loves streaming and its a very chill job for the money you earn (if you compare it with other big jobs). Bought his own house with a home gym, has a long healthy relationship, lots of money by doing what he likes(entertaining people), soon gonna be a father. You cant tell the guy isnt overall successful.
Tyler getting paid to play all day long, then he's making fun of people playing it as a hobby for no doubt outpeaking them. 😂 But at the end of the day it is the Fiora player that wanted this attention, Tyler just honored this player's wish.
@@yungslack7311 Don't think you understood what I wrote. Probably an angry Fiora main typing before evaluating what he is malding over. Maybe you need reading glasses. 🤓
I don't even think he wanted attention, he was just that narcissistic lmao Someone in the comments actually looked him up, and as it turns out he is solely a Fiora OTP who never even reached challenger. He was lying his ass off trying to salvage his shattered ego. I mean he could be like this just in LoL, but then again he mains Fiora
Only thing i will give the random is that just because tyler peaked above him does not mean much. He has an insanely valid point on playing higher skill champs, if we're gonna be honest, Tyler is probably one of the worst mechanical challenger players when he's not on draven. And there's also a point to be made about how much more games tyler plays so yeah.
@@ColonelSins of course you can but might wanna reconsider calling someone a loser when you haven’t achieved anything significant in comparison to the person your calling a loser
@@ahm898L nah. Tyler was really toxic that whole game. He’s been really toxic lately. It’s probably time for a break. Plus, it wasn’t like Tyler wasn’t spouting the same if not worse things at that guy.
There's lots of lower rent places. You just don't want to live there. But when your poor, you're supposed to live with the other poor people and climb. I guarantee there's a $2800 2 bedroom somewhere you can share with 3 other people. Double up each room and now you're paying $700 a piece. Your parents are doing you no favors by sheltering you.
"Champions that don't have mobility" "Gwen, Fiora" "Illaoi has mobility" "No, a dash" MY BROTHER IN CHRIST. The two champions you mentioned have ONE dash and stat check.
Jax has stopped countering Fiora since 2-3 seasons ago when they kept buffing Fiora's damage and tankiness. jAx coUnteRs mE is just an excuse for potential bad gameplay.
Everyone knows what he was trying to say though so that's immaterial. When he said "bruiser" I'm assuming he meant high skill cap champs because those are the champs he listed. And when he said "juggernaut" I'm guessing he meant "lane bullies". He's right though. Tyler tends to just play lane bullies in toplane (Yorick, Illaoi, Urgot, etc..., tanky low skill cap champs that just safely push forever). You're not gonna see him on Yasuo or Yone or Fiora. Champs where you have to know the exact limits and timings of your champ (and your opponent's champ as well really) when and where you can all-in or you're gonna get rolled. What the Fiora's really trying to say is Tyler's a high game knowledge, low mechanics player. But he says it like it's an insult when at this point you can climb much faster with game knowledge as long as you meet some mechanical skill floor.
Sadly i thought they can Argus about the ingame Situation and disguss the loss.but it was again only an Ego 1v1. Would Love to See more selfcritical content and the will to Argue politely
@@uchiwalaumdilala then he has no rights to talk about tyler 1 playing 400 games when the dude plays on multiple accounts? I dont think he has multiple accounts
I mean the guy has a point (how tyler plays the game and lowkey trolls the games he plays because he does not give a fk) while tyler is literally just yelling for no reason. Dont even know why he brought up lp and peak when their goal of the argument was to justify their actions in one game.
This guy thinks he's more successful than tyler (a multi millionaire) because he went to college. What is success? Tyler has money, a wife, and a kid on the way
By league standards, this was a casual chitchat over tea and biscuits.
This shit is hilarious. Riot should have added voice chat for league.
tyler would get cooked like this more often it would be hilarious
@@ForKhali He got cooked?? If anything this basement dweller reddit guy with no job, living with mommy and daddy using their money for college, was definitely the one getting cooked for being a loser irl
@@ForKhali how did tyler get cooked? The fiora player is delusional and has a useless degree LMFAO
and you have a degree in?@@AGXJDM
He is obviously trolling him, wdym@@AGXJDM
He really is a normal human for a Fiora player
anyone who goes to uni to study math isnt normal
@@surprise7002so math teachers ain't normal?
@@pedrosantos1503 no?
@@pedrosantos1503 I mean, some probably are but usually the math teachers are the weirdest ones out there :/
@@fioragaming19 are you implying my mother isn't normal? Oh boy, my life is just full of lies
Did a Fiora player just complained about bruisers and juggernauts? lol
bro stuck in season 5
He's nose high in copium
You missed the point, he meant he's playing easy champs that stat check. I like tyler but it's true, skill wise hes not in the top 20 of streamers lol.
@@ReallyGnashty626 It does not matter, those "unskilled stat check champs" have been, as Tyler said, C tier. Urgot is irrelevant and Cho gath is complete garbage, and by the way, Fiora, has been at least tier 2 if not 1 for the last 5 years and beats those "unskilled stat check" champs with ease
I fucking hate Fiora lol
So just playing top tiers is harder??? esp with overtuned stats like fiora for example lmfao@@ReallyGnashty626
tyler loses an argument to himself when he acts like this lmao
Notice he starts talking about out peaking when he realized he was probably wrong but won't admit it
@@duc2133 He didn't even show the play, he spent 5 minutes talking about OTP and not showing the clip even though Tyler asked 10x. And he talked about outpeaking when this guy told him he doesn't know what he's talking about. 5 role challenger btw.
nah this guy lost it when he said illaoi was a considered a bruiser. Bro was hard reaching. He even snickered "exactly" like urgot was a top tier champ.
@@CantCookForLife he meant stat check ooga booga "run you down" champs like garen darius illaoi mordekaiser olaf
those are juggernauts
guy went 0-11 against solarbacca lmao
Fiora vs gp is gp favored lmao. Fiora also wins the jax mu 😂
I mean Gp HARD counters Fiora in challenger
And solar bacca is a beast
If you asked me what game an unemployed college graduate plays I would say league every day of the week
Thinking Jax still counters Fiora is funny because no the fuck he doesn't.
Exactly what I thought. What is he going to do? Q and E? Fiora Parries that np and will literally proc 3 vitals in that stun time frame. You do not fight Fiora early unless you’re Kled and even then thats a skill matchup
Its jax sided 100%. Fiora has to parry jax E. which is hard cause her parry is way shorter than his E. She ONLY wins if she parries it
@@yoihks3239 just buffer it my guy or dash out of it if you’re that scared. We’re talking top grade, most skilled otp’s. Jax would need to fully commit and even then its MAYBE a 50/50
@@zachtemoro2116 im saying it as a jax player. You can just let E run the full duration of her parry then stun her after. and you only E when she Q's in. So she can never Q in. thats why its a counter
@@zachtemoro2116 The fiora player has to be 3x better to win the matchup. Its especially a fiora counter at lower elos cause the fiora has to play perfectly
For anyone wondering the Jax "counter" pick has a 44% in master/diamond games against Fiora.
Jax literally can't use e against fiora. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about
skill matchup with jax slightly favourite you cna check TF blade opinion on the matchup cause jax E you can controle when to use the stun
@@mous7470 "cause jax E you can controle when to use the stun".
you donuts, he is making fun of the Jax for counter picking with him. He is literally saying he could 1 v 2 all game.
@@jakeh2528 you can end E early with a second cast after a short delay, don't have to let it last the full duration.
fiora w lasts 0.75 seconds
jax e has a 1 second window where it can be ended early (2 second duration, 1 second delay on second cast)
so if you know the matchup properly you can bait out w by qing onto fiora early instead of when youd instantly cast and then force the cast once the w ends, if she adapts to this and starts holding w then you can shake up the timing etc etc
its literally skill matchup basically
I’m sorry ya’ll. Who ever is trying to defend this Fiora, they need help.
Fiora is literally pulling random stuff to try and just one up T1. The argument was about the play. When the Fio said “You wouldn’t know because…” it was all over. Also with Fio vs Jax is a skill match up.
He kept losing these one ups and attacks his real life statuses. If you go there… you a str8 big narcissist.
This seems like what happened. This guy 'one upping' witb random stuff, probably sitting there with a smug whilst losing every one up.
He probably has this narcistic view of being 'way smarter' because of his math degree, invalidating opinions of others because they are not on his level.
Tyler was toxic af for flexing with his irl success and challenger achievements for every role, but the Fiora was defiently the catalyst.
He was oozing arrogance the entire time, making factually nonsensical takes on classes, and trying to tell a clearly better player why exactly is he a loser 💀
He is probably the kind of guy who easily gets his ego hurt when getting into an argument and keeps going on with a smug grin without any self-criticism. Thats unsure though, he could have been tilted the same as Tyler, I just don't think so
I'm not defending the Fiora but T1 is a moron. Hate both parties.
7:00 "So are you just washed now...or?" LMAOO
The argument didn't even make sense. It just sounded like a burn but it was pure nonsense. He still did it, nothing changes the accomplishments.
tbh the fiora player was the one that started it at 3:19 saying the most beta thing "I know you dont know cause..."
2 challenger players calling each other garbage lol. This why rank doesn’t mean shit.
Tyler really does default to "you're a loser and I'm a famous millionare streamer" too often for my liking. I know he plays a persona often (and irl he's a good guy) but this really felt personal from his part and not a bit. Then again he's been streaming 12+ hours a day for the past month, 400 games stuck in the same elo. Truly built different.
when he says that he is not wrong tho who is this random
You cant shame him for not having a degree when he left to become a millionaire tho
@@Klon337 Dude you are another random on the internet too. who cares if tyler1 is famous the kid was defending his case properly not trying to flex his wealth on nobody. thats some real loser shit.
@@adlos1270 Yeah. To be clear the Fiora guy also seemed like a bit of a jackass. Should have just stuck to talking about the actual play in question that started the toxicity to begin with, which Tyler actually agreed he threw, instead of just trying to one up each other in a dick measuring contest for 5 minutes without showing the play.
@@Toadster115 tbh the fiora player was the one that started it at 3:19 saying the most beta thing "I know you dont know cause..."
guy has a point tho, tyler does throw games all the time and trolls. Sure he can do insane when he trys but he normally isisnt trying and doesnt give af
Fiora player complaining about stat checking champions is the biggest form of irony I've ever seen
As a resident T1 fanboy, I did some investigative journalism on our Super Top here. Dude has never been Challenger. His peak was GM in Season 2023/S1 after over 500 games that split alone and he had previously been hardstuck D5/low Master.
He's also getting 25+ LP per win and only losing 15 per loss, which is baby mode MMR for an account. He brags about his champ pool win rates but he feeds horrendously on anything that isn't Fiora. I assumed he was just mugging for the camera and playing part in a bit but I've encountered so many of these worthless one tricks in Master + elo. Players who hit GM or Master 100LP ONCE and suddenly think they're the best player in the world.
Also "Math at University of Utah" nice degree my man. Enjoy paying off that student loan at Costco!
LOL that fiora player got owned by tyler
Hope T1 sees this lil bro
Do people not work while going to college anymore? 💀 What is up with people thinking every degree comes with a student loan at about 20k plus 😂 why would a mf that's living with their parents have student loan? most of the student loans are for housing aka mfs that live on campus or on their own
@@urbigbro4025he's probably 21 too lol
@@urbigbro4025 Idk how it works in America but im pretty sure a math degree is a highly valued degree plus T1 fanboys are surprisingly delusional lmao
funniest part of the stream
it's funny how people keep mentioning how many games T1 plays each time he makes one of those arguments, the dude is a streamer, and on an average day of his stream, he plays around 15 games! 400 games are just an average of 3 weeks!
Exactly. For him it’s a job, for the losers than end up in his games it isn’t and they’ll still invest as much time 😂. That’s where the difference lies
bro rage queued like 18hrs a day for a week and peaked in masters, and a lot of it was off stream!!! you're missing the point lmao.
@@aR0ttenBANANA You guys defend t1 so hard even if he's shitting in your mama's mouth lol. Every time tyler looks like an idiot or loses an argument he starts talking about being popular and being challenger all roles even when in that specific scenario he's wrong. You guys do realize there are people out there who may not be popular but are just as intelligent and successful and play league for fun? In fact its more cringe to talk about your league accomplishments when its literally your job and other people are just as good at it as a side hobby. Maybe they aren't as popular and can't stream but they're just as good lol.
@@duc2133for real, also the guy seemed way more grounded and well-mannered in terms of trying to make a point. His point was valid and wasn‘t even that outrageous in terms of where it came from. Reality being, people can praise T1 all they want and I still find him very likeable, but spending a good 40 % + of your lifetime in front of a screen playing this game and letting it enslave you as a „job“, isn‘t something to really idolize, in my opinion. I still believe Tyler peaked as a variety streamer to this day.
@@duc2133 you're weird. In this particular case, the person in question was NOT even remotely close to him.
The dude literally lied about his rank so how can that be anything but cringe according to your own logic? What argument are you even yapping about?
If you think someone wasting as many hours as Tyler as a "hobby" is normal you need to get your shit checked. That's literally what the whole comment was about. It's not praise for Tyler but at least he's getting something out of it. The losers with 2000 games on ranked that AREN'T streamers/pros are inherently losers because there's no way you're spending that much time on a game and doing something productive IRL.
Bro chill slow cooked tyler
he was loving the interaction with T1. He is a fan.
by embarrassing himself? lmaoo
All I hear from those guys in your comment “gawk gawk” 😂😂
lmao IiI bro in the reply better zip up that rando after you're done. must be sore 💀
This was brilliant, real Tyler came out again
D1 meatriding
How can anyone think that finishing a Math degree is for losers? wtf?
Usual NPC opinion from people who suck at math.
Math is fun af and quite challenging, so I can admire this dude.
And how can anyone think Tyler is a loser?
How can anyone think that earning milions every month is for losers? 😅
what jobs u can get with a math degree
Bcs sadly its quite a useless bachelor's when you could have gone for engineering, CS, statistics, physics, etc. Math is cool but it certainly would not get you anywhere unless you do postgraduate studies or you are a fucking field medal candidate.
“I’m pretty sure I wasn’t egoing, I’m pretty sure I was just trolling. I don’t even remember what the play was. I’m pretty sure I was just actually griefing.”
jesus tyler projecting like craaazy
i love how tyler just dive in. he takes these argues too seriously
People who think getting a degree means youre better than someone are too funny. Lots of people make more money without a degree and without going into debt.
On average people with degrees are more intelligent than those without and also make more money than those without. Furthermore the jobs that people with degrees do are generally viewed as more desirable than high paying non-degree requring jobs such as working on an oil rig. The reality is that the average person with a stem degree is ”better” than the average person without a degree.
@@shgalagalaa "On average people with degrees are more intelligent than those without" source: my ass
Yeah nobody should think they are better then others because they have a degree. But on average they are much more likely to have higher earnings.
According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, workers with a bachelor's degree had median weekly earnings of $1,305, compared to $746 for those with only a high school diploma. Workers with a master's degree or higher had even higher median weekly earnings of $1,545.
@tmdiz4579 Yeah, Tim down at the hardware store is really hitting the books every time he gets off work to learn more
@@tmdiz4579 my man said source like it aint common sense unless u and your family are high school dropouts which would make sense in your case.
the guy started making it personal by calling him a loser for playing lol 16h a day. Thats like the dumbest thing to say vs the biggest lol streamer. Of course Tyler1 will clap back saying he is the biggest lol streamer making tons of money by playing the game
I'm pretty sure Tyler started it after realizing he was wrong and started talking about out peaking him. Then the guy obviously had to point out he plays 16 hours a a day and had 400 games while the dude played 80 something and had higher wr.
guy told him he is a loser because he spends most of the 16 hour stream sesh trolling people for fun. Keep d-riding tho
@@duc2133 it was the other way around homie. bro did not play the clip, so just started attacking tyler. u not watch?
Ngl the Fiora player was chillin loved triggering T1 lol
T1 was triggered but fiora was tilted over losing the game and sent discord
@@JuckJuckers because tyler said she ruined the game
Anyone who adds after games is never just chillin lmao. That’s the biggest sign you took the game that personal to heart
@@JuckJuckersT1 tilts a lot of people. I've had him on my team several times and he just starts running it down at random when he gets upset. Anybody else would've been permabanned years ago for all the shit he's done.
@@acetropics4142 You are beta if you think that, must be your mechanism to safe yourself from the truth. Some People can just use their head, If I wanna know how an absolute disgrace to humanity sounds like, I send discord and have a laugh.
Its not a big deal to send a link, is it? Maybe you are challenged by that, but most are capable doing it just as a reflex.
guys tyler starts going off because this guy starts trying to randomly insult tyler outside the game, he never even showed where tyler griefed in game he's just trying to sit there and ego tyler1, the other weirdo was surely not trying to banter or be cool he absolutely deserved to be told that he's a nobody lol
nah it's cause tyler was getting cooked and it was hilarious.
Exactly, then randomly brought up irl achievements Fiora probably wants just some fame.
Why are they always the fake calm sounding MFs
LOL guy is legit a synatra clone, he said "surely we can push bot, no?" 🤖🤖🤖🤖
4:10 every single champ that has been listed here is in fact NOT a bruiser, but a duelist
“Degree in math”
That guy will make no money in his career
I mean you do not know plus so what?
lmao math degrees are valued in tech industry wtf are you on about
this is not actually true. degree in math is absolute insanity. the opportunities are enormous
@@omgwat You conflate math with Engineering.
I'll say that Tyler 1 is not someone that is respected. Besides mainly financial reasons and that he's definitely a funny, successful streamer who's got great vibes when he's talking on stream, I don't really think I'd enjoy what does for living, more than going to study math. Honestly some ppl's actions in league are not normal.
I'd say this argument is completely tyler1 sided, because tbh the fiora got cooked the only thing he counters tyler1 with is the fact that he has a lot of games every season not reaching a high rank, fact is hes mostly entertainment first. when you think of tyler1 you dont think of a pro player practicing for worlds. you think of a loud man playing rage game. meanwhile the fiora himself confirms hes an unemployed math graduate from the university of utah without student debt (probably paid by his parents) living at his parents house.
From the comments of other people he's also never reached challenger before meanwhile yapping on about tyler1 400 games 16 hours a day, and about the degree debate I'd say from my subjective view the value of a degree is proportionate to how well you could use it, thinking about everything that has to go into it. 4 years in unversity, cost, gas. meanwhile tyler1 withdrew to pursue streaming which probably made/will make more than anything whatever kind of degree Math Fiora will make.
Don't agree. The guy has more valid points. 1 being the juggernaut argument, while it's pretty bad on face value, i get what he means and he's definitely right. Tyler BESIDES draven, does not play mechanical champs, and when he does - gp for example, he performs HORRIBLY
@@eagle5818 he didnt have any valid points tho. The juggernaut point makes no sense. Illaoi is a bruiser/figher.
The guy lied about hitting chally, that speaks for itself. One tricking fiora, a broken s tier champ, doesnt equate to being a good overall player.
lmao calling a millionaire a loser bc they stream games for money is insane. By no standard at all is that remotely true, you would then have to apply that to other industries like professional athletes who play sports for money, ig they are losers 'by societal standards' 😂. You dont need a degree to be sucessful homie. Wealth is how success is mesaured. Grinding ranked while unemployed with parents and no wealth is what a loser is.
@@chrisprilloisebola Okay bro, a professional sports athelete is in the same category as a streamer sitting in front of a computer, i'm not gonna read further. Braindead.
The problem is a math degree won't make you a better person. This guy is probably very egotistical IRL, he even went to the point to straight up lie about his performance, because he couldn't accept criticism. I get it that its just in a game, but its exactly because of this reason for why I believe he's kinda an insecure narcissist IRL, and nobody can get along with those people :D
@@eagle5818 He literally said bruisers are skirmishers, it wasn't directly but its not that much different. Also, skirmishers are just straight up better for soloq most of the time, and again, this came from a Fiora OTP. As it turns out, he lied about his champ pool as well.
Also, LoL is mostly a strategy game, being good at a champion or only playing "skill" champs doesn't mean anything. Pro players pick easy champs sometimes, its about consistency and game knowledge. Now, that is true skill :D
That guy was so chill and T1 raged the entire call XDD
funniest stream i've ever seen 😂
this guy kinda cooked lmao
Tyler did him dirty, the whole conversation became a dick measuring contest when the Fiora player started bragging about knowing more than Tyler about a game he has been playing for ages (BTW the Fiora is not even a Challenger player) Tyler even kept trying to save the guy from embarrassing himself by telling him to run the clip and he didn't, guy had so much ego he thought he could shit talk tyler and he got clapped back, good riddance.
it's not that deep kid
It kinda is kid
@Mikey-uj3dc the entire convo flew over your head, Tyler unironically asked him to play the vod five times
T1 is reformed... i don't think anyone can out shit talk T1 if he ever got serious enough to shit talk hes just entertaining 4 fun but old T1 shit that was a different man.
Hard tyler1 fanboy relax
ITs fine if tyler can't play Fiora/Akali/Gwen/Camille to challenger level, he's still a good player ( you know champs you need a lot more skill than fucking illaoi)
Getting grubs on Fiora 99% of the time means you can crush side lane even if Jax clears wave under turret. People that don't play splitpushers top lane will never understand
uhhh what, yones a duelist not a bruiser.
he didn't say that.
@@emperorborgpalpatine i think he means every champs has classifications like sion is a tank, but more specifically, hes a juggernaut, or lulu being an enchanter/mage. yone is indeed classified as a duelist, not really a bruiser, so the guy has a point, tyler plays urgot a jugg/bruiser illaoi jugg/bruiser cho jugg /ap bruiser.
duelist? are we playing valorant
@@emperorborgpalpatine He said "every character I just listed" to Tyler's question on what are bruisers. He confused bruiser and skirmisher together, but then again bruisers aren't even a class. They are more of a synonym for the fighter class
I mean, the guy isn't wrong though. T1 quite literally ruins games for content and has created this spam ff culture that we have today. I really don't see how he was getting flamed at all actually.
And yet you're still watching
@@TheMpmpmpmpmpmp popped up on my page haha. Do you clean him and zip him up after?
@@TheMpmpmpmpmpmp Can still find T1 entertaining while acknowledging the obvious
@@getgudcyber924 they def do 🤣they think that comment is clever
Have you actually watched any T1 stream? The amount of games hes in that are more than ruined just cause hes in it is insane. But yeah every game tbh is winnable under a certain elo, being like challenger. Cause under challenger people are so flippant and will throw
That guy got so shook at the end, i can hear the shakiness in his voice. What a 🐈
fax all these comments thinking he cooked tyler are braindead
shit got hilarious when they started throwing life achievements
i got counterpicked by jax
isnt that lane literally skill whether jax can hit his stun or fiora parries the stun lmao
That's because it's a skill dependant matchup and that Fiora player is a jobless basement dweller loser. He does fit with other smelly nolife losers who play that garbage champion with 3h stuns that can parry or put insane slows because of how long it is. They're all the same.
the way this guy is calm and not disrespectful makes tyler looking like chihuahua with all his ad personam style of barking
When he hit him with the I bet you live with your parents right? It was over for the other guy
nothing wrong with living with your parents tbh, i think if youre married its necessary for a house but before that, its good to save money nowadays
Idk bro, living out here when rent is like my 2/3 paycheck makes me wanna move back in
Living with the parents thing is such an American insult thing. The corporates normalized that so that you become another tax heaven for them early on.
@@intermilan9731 based take
@@imtiazazad8128wrong if you still live with your parents you just haven’t fully grown up yet and there’s some things you can never understand until you live on your own
we all can agree that 65% on 400+ game is actually crazy right?😂
A fiora player talking about other people having no skill is so funny lol
>a champion that hinges on perfect predictions
>nah it's unskilled
Mad cause bad, pup?
Let me speak in a low IQ manner that you only know how speak:
>"A champion that hinges on predictions".
>Had 54% winrate in masters+ last patch... Yeah, i guess too many players are too good at "predictions".
Mad cause dumb, pup?
Let me speak in a low |Q manner that you only know how speak:
>"A champion that hinges on perferct predictions".
>Had 54% winrate in masters+ last patch... Yeah, i guess too many players are too good at "perfect predictions".
Mad cause dumb, pup?
@@balhaddadinn Perfect predictions? The parry lasts forever, wtf are you talking about. And it still slows and have a big area of effect. In high elo there's no efforts involved for those OTPs to proc their op ult. How many times have Fiora players won their 1v1 because of their busted OP champion despite missing vitals and their stun? It's also a stat check champion.
This is causal League chat errryday.
ngl t1 was cringe as fuck here
Still less cringy than a delusional jobless Fiora player living in his parents basement thirsty for some fame.
Man I love tyler but he went a bit overboard with his character when insulting the other guy, like it stopped being banter.
However to have that discussion while being tilted as fuck is something that I couldn't do (if I want to still have a streaming carreer), he's truly built different.
I don't get these type of fans calling it a character, I mean I watch his videos. I see his genuine side like the Dallas meetup and timthetatman Fortnite event ie: when he's not playing league on stream. He seems respectable and down to earth but I seriously think league tilts him here as it does everyone tbh and it's not him acting like a character
he's not in character ever
tbh it's the other dude who started it calling him a loser who plays 16 hours a day. Could have kept the trash talk specific to league
tbh the fiora player was the one that started it at 3:19 saying the most beta thing "I know you dont know cause..."
If the other side throws ad hominem. Its natural to return it.
Who the hell gives Tyler the chance to speak. Insta mute the second he starts scolding my ass lmao
Desperate jobless basement dweller Fiora players thirsty for attention and fame because they have no money or recognition for wasting their time tryharding in this game I guess
Im going to be pretty blunt here. More than 90% of college degrees are giga-useless, ESPECIALLY math. Only high-demand majors such as Engineering or Pre-health majors have a good future. I majored in Neuroscience in Pre-Med and now am attending Medical School. People like Tyler1 are less than 1 percent of the population, so earning more than him is a nightmare. That Fiora player showed his true colors by trying to talk.
I thought Fiora counter Jax? Which is why most Jax otp ban Fiora. Or am I missing something
It does, this guy was just shit
No its jax favoured
@@amshash in silver maybe. But above that jax has around 40% to 45% winrate vs fiora. Above masters its even around 30% lmao
This guy kinda cooked Tyler LOL
Bro no he did not ☠☠
ego players are so cringe. dude constantly jerks himself off for playing the "le mechanical" champs. truthfully these champs are always the most overtuned and have the most tools to win a game. you're not special or especially good at the game for picking the fi/yone/cam if almost every high elo top laner is doing the same with moderate success.
no matter what champ you pick you are simply good if you win the game. if you keep losing you are bad. its so simple.
Garen main cope
@@shgalagalaa There are no high elo Garen mains, so he's playing in hard mode if the is really trying to climb with Garen. Your attempt to insult him didn't work, maybe try again.
@@JosephAlnasl 1. Gabungking hits kr chall every single season otping garen.
2. Climbing to top 5% of the playerbase on garen is infinitely easier than on a champion that actually requires hands.
Its okay to play champs that were made for dad gamers. Just embrace the fact that you are not mechanically talented and enjoy the game rather than trying to cope your champion is skillful
@@shgalagalaa Wow you found one guy that managed to do it... Compared to hundreds of other players who climb playing the "skilled champions". It's obviously harder to climb with an outdated champ kit like garen compared to the most overturned champs that people climb with, like fiora. Just look at the statistics instead of using that delusional cope of yours. The "champions that require hands" are played way more and way have better winrate in high elo compared to Garen and somehow you think it's harder to climb to high elo with them.
It's okay to play overtuned designed champs that were made for people to climb easier to high elo. Just embrace the fact that you are not mechanically talented and enjoy the game rather than trying to cope your champ is skillful. Most people climb using those champs after all, there's nothing special about it.
@@JosephAlnasl So we are just quickly pivoting from there are none to ”ok there is one” if i provide more your next step is ”ok there are some”?
Also I never made the argument that climbing to high elo (as in literally challenger) is easier on garen than more mechanically complex champions. I made the claim that gettin to the top 5% is easier on garen, past this point the advantages mechanical champs have become overwhelming, not only can you have perfect macro on say riven but the champion also has a high skill ceiling allowing for more flexibility. Somehow you managed to read that as ”garen is easiest champ to hit challenger with” then again you play garen so you probably arent the fastest learner and its understanbale you would completely fail to grasp the most basic of concepts.
99% of the time i'm noticing people lose the game to themselves. They die once "gg", then start raging and throwing the game. Yet every game where people stayed calm and just worried about themselves, we made a comeback. People are dumb. Just play the game, stfu and don't worry about your teammates, focus on what you're doing so they can to.
07:23 T1got nuked
Hell nah
Wrong he’s a millionaire doing this for hours a day lol
hahaahhahah he spent 16 hours a day making money what are you talking about
Nice video. Keep It going ! Tyler1 has something he stands for. A strong character. Can't mess with him !
'' do you enjoy playing 400 games '' roasted him ngl
400 games for 400k a year? too ez
I dont even watch Tyler1 often, but this shit is hilarious and should be a recurring bit
guy sent some truth bombs on tyler then tyler inta turned into the "I'm rich and famous you're poor and a nobody" once the fiora player started making too much sense for his liking.
Its funny to watch that happening to someone else but I bet no one in here would like to hear that being said to you from some twitch streamer wannabe celebrity that has done nothing in life other than stream his game to the same audience for the last 10 years. the same way the fiora guy sees tyler as a loser for not getting an education or a "real job" tyler sees him as a loser for not being famous in the league community.
Everyone is a loser and a winner depending on from what perspective and see and what you value
fioras the one who called him a loser, tyler stood on biz
Quit coping you nerd
@@mahad4930 tyler literally started the call by mocking the dude for his voice, both went into that call with the full intention of throwing stones at each other.
I mean even tyler knew he said too much, i watched the rest of this stream after what happened and he was pretty, and i mean pretty, tame and lost all his toxicity. He knew he went too much on him
@@vojtechlukas3153 yeah I watched it live too and he was kinda shook for the rest of the stream, might even have reached out to the dude later to make things clear, who knows
The true question is why in the description says that the game its Wow!.
Guy didn't sound like a Melvin or anything. Better voice than Tyler 100%.
loser sounds like tarzaned. already a tick against him.
gwen is a bruiser, illaoi is a juggernaut and ksante is a titan. that check out?
i mean i love T1 but when celebrities shit on normal ppl for being a normie it doesn't look good
Ik bro did call tyler1 a loser so ofc he gonna clap back
He aint gonna sit around and let bro bitch him
Grow tf up tyler1 was actually helping this dude giving him life advice lol
“I’m not tryna add this guy.” Literally next sentence “how do I add this guy”
to the DM not the friends list
this is such a bad look for tyler wtf
na its funny
U new here or something? Tyler been like this as a character for stream for so long. If u think its a bad looks its prolly cause ur one of the things t1 described while talking to that loser redditor😂
How tf?
hes literally playing a character
That didn't seem like a character, league genuinely gets to him sometimes
Fiora is a fighter. Gwen is a fighter that can build bruiser. Camille is a fighter bruiser. Illaoi is a bruiser.
bro really got under his nails lmao
Bro the guy refuse to play the clip. P sure this guy is was also hard stuck masters for like 4 years
@bannedagain-dt1oj I have touched GM few seasons ago but even if I didn't I'm allowed to criticize objectively. By you're logic we can't criticize our government cause all of us will never be where they're at ever. Can only punch down but not up?
@@CantCookForLife huh? did u get a stroke the 2nd half of ur reply?
Ngl Tyler owned this fraud LMFAO guy is delusional
Tyler can’t have a conversation… gets triggered so easily 😂😂😂
hes literally having a normal conversation the entire time, you need to go outside and touch grass for real lmfao, is your perception on conversations so skewed you cant see this is a normal conversation
ill give it to op that tyler went off after like 6min
talking to an unemployed femboy league player would probably piss me off too
@@Supertoddy96 In what world does a grown man start a conversation with "sup bitch" and keep being heated during the whole argument while saying "im just better than you"? you are actually acoustic if you think T1 is talking to anybody like this.
@@Supertoddy96 prob 8 years watching of tyler1
Tyler giving tips to viewers: Just don't get offended! xd
Fiora players have the zest in them
Jax doesn't even smash fiora. Literal skill matchup. Not skillmatchup if fiora even picks grasp.
I’d argue not even a skill match up, Fiora Favored even if slightly. Only champ that’s maybe dead even with her is Kled, which is a real skill based matchup. Entirely depends the Kled being able to remount in an all in. Jax either never commits or full commits
@@zachtemoro2116 Can tell your elo based on what you just said, jax v fiora is a skill matchup and no kled does not go even vs fiora, it's fiora favoured the entire game, you literally get a free parry with Kled's Q/Ult. Jax can poke a lot vs fiora especially with 6, stack ult passive, jump in, AA-W-AA, go back and you won the trade so no you're not only "full commiting" or "never commiting" with him if you actually know what you're doing.
@@nkskrb7195 oh yeah what elo is that?
Because what you're saying is that the fiora is gonna stand around letting Jax do all that (she can literal slow him btw, not sure sure you know) and allow him to go back to his minions.
@@zachtemoro2116fiora hard rolls kled lmfao u never played this game
@@Trollrijas tell me you haven’t played Kled without telling me.
Assuming you’re not brain dead, Kled has 2 different ways for her W to stun him, his Q2 or his ult. The best part is though 1) Your Q2 is optional, you can just walk away and get the Q1 poke (and lets say she does hit her W bc you screwed up, your Q comes back WAY faster than her W does), and 2) His ult is a knowledge gap. Ulting her from a mile away is the worst thing you can do, so after a remount or when you’re right on top of her, you Ult.
Its a skilled based match up where Kled needs to snowball early, bc if he Snowballs he absolutely 100% rolls Fiora. It makes way more sense than Jax who literally only has 0.25 seconds to “outplay” her with his E
tylers kid is so cooked her dad has the conversation skills of a 13 yr old black ops player
I wish i could argue stuff like this guy. Instead i argue like Tyler, losing shit
"you clearly dont know a lot". Kinda stupid thing to say to someone who's played to challenger on every position
Bro calls himself an entertainer like he doesn’t play league like a 9/5
Makes more money than you do, pipe down
@@Khaled-xl6vh I think hes talking about the fiora, not tyler1
@@Khaled-xl6vh bro’s meat riding a streamer 💀💀ur parents must be proud
@@Khaled-xl6vh I do like what the fiora player said tho "financial success doesn't equate to success"
@@GodofKillers121t1 is still successful, way more than the random, not just financially. He loves streaming and its a very chill job for the money you earn (if you compare it with other big jobs). Bought his own house with a home gym, has a long healthy relationship, lots of money by doing what he likes(entertaining people), soon gonna be a father.
You cant tell the guy isnt overall successful.
Tyler getting paid to play all day long, then he's making fun of people playing it as a hobby for no doubt outpeaking them. 😂
But at the end of the day it is the Fiora player that wanted this attention, Tyler just honored this player's wish.
Nah dont cope this is a rare tyler L
@@yungslack7311 Don't think you understood what I wrote. Probably an angry Fiora main typing before evaluating what he is malding over. Maybe you need reading glasses. 🤓
I don't even think he wanted attention, he was just that narcissistic lmao
Someone in the comments actually looked him up, and as it turns out he is solely a Fiora OTP who never even reached challenger. He was lying his ass off trying to salvage his shattered ego. I mean he could be like this just in LoL, but then again he mains Fiora
Only thing i will give the random is that just because tyler peaked above him does not mean much. He has an insanely valid point on playing higher skill champs, if we're gonna be honest, Tyler is probably one of the worst mechanical challenger players when he's not on draven. And there's also a point to be made about how much more games tyler plays so yeah.
That stream was kinda hard to watch. The guy did get him though.
idk who was correct game wise but the guy was the one living at his parents at 25 so...
@@ahm898L what’s your point? People can’t do that now?
@@ColonelSins of course you can but might wanna reconsider calling someone a loser when you haven’t achieved anything significant in comparison to the person your calling a loser
@@ahm898L nah. Tyler was really toxic that whole game. He’s been really toxic lately. It’s probably time for a break. Plus, it wasn’t like Tyler wasn’t spouting the same if not worse things at that guy.
@@ahm898L ah a degree being nothing significant is potentially your issue in life. stop comparing yourself to everyone else lmao
bro this is sooooo funny. the guy remaining so calm is like A1 comedy
im 29 at my parents house cause i cant afford to leave :( when RENT AVERAGE is 2300 alone its fucking near impossible, and also sickening
Okay ??
There's lots of lower rent places. You just don't want to live there. But when your poor, you're supposed to live with the other poor people and climb. I guarantee there's a $2800 2 bedroom somewhere you can share with 3 other people. Double up each room and now you're paying $700 a piece. Your parents are doing you no favors by sheltering you.
@@boomshakalaka8567 said the incel wannabe business bro
@@xoxonaotchan_7902 You don't even make sense.
@@xoxonaotchan_7902 Move out of your parents' basement and maybe you'll start making sense.
Chat calling him kappapride over his voice goes to show how out of touch these twitch viewers are, bruh.
The guy graduated a math major which is pretty impressive. He's not only intelligent but has game sense and mechanical skill.
"Champions that don't have mobility"
"Gwen, Fiora"
"Illaoi has mobility"
"No, a dash"
MY BROTHER IN CHRIST. The two champions you mentioned have ONE dash and stat check.
Jax has stopped countering Fiora since 2-3 seasons ago when they kept buffing Fiora's damage and tankiness. jAx coUnteRs mE is just an excuse for potential bad gameplay.
Jax is not a counter, it's a skill matchup slightly favoured to Jax but very winnable for either side. Poppy is an actual counter to Fiora
I have never heard of someone used the term Juggernaut that doesnt refer to a bruiser?
Everyone knows what he was trying to say though so that's immaterial. When he said "bruiser" I'm assuming he meant high skill cap champs because those are the champs he listed. And when he said "juggernaut" I'm guessing he meant "lane bullies". He's right though. Tyler tends to just play lane bullies in toplane (Yorick, Illaoi, Urgot, etc..., tanky low skill cap champs that just safely push forever). You're not gonna see him on Yasuo or Yone or Fiora. Champs where you have to know the exact limits and timings of your champ (and your opponent's champ as well really) when and where you can all-in or you're gonna get rolled. What the Fiora's really trying to say is Tyler's a high game knowledge, low mechanics player. But he says it like it's an insult when at this point you can climb much faster with game knowledge as long as you meet some mechanical skill floor.
@@boomshakalaka8567 lmao tyler doesn't play yorick, he despises that champ with a passion.
@@boomshakalaka8567 climbing with those champions is infinitely harder than playing op fiora homie.
@@chrisprilloisebolaOnly if you can play those champions. Hence, high skill cap.
@@boomshakalaka8567 anyone can play those champs bro huh? That's what one tricking is
T1 got cooked bro hahahaha
Sadly i thought they can Argus about the ingame Situation and disguss the loss.but it was again only an Ego 1v1. Would Love to See more selfcritical content and the will to Argue politely
Math at University of Utah is a terrible degree lmfao
Why so
University of Utah is dog water and math is a terrible degree to have lol
@@WARHIGH15 at my uni there is Applied math course and it seemed interesting and good in terms of having a career
@@WARHIGH15 Ok how do you know lol?
@@WARHIGH15math is a terrible degree? what planet are you living on
I just checked his league graphs, the guy never hit challenger
did you check all his accounts ?
@@uchiwalaumdilala then he has no rights to talk about tyler 1 playing 400 games when the dude plays on multiple accounts? I dont think he has multiple accounts
Bragging about playing league all day is pretty cringe. Tyler’s massive ego persona gets old quick when he is genuinely using it as an insult/defense.
let this guy cook, lmao.
so funny.
bro got flamed
Tyler so insecure
Insecure about what? He's literally a millionaire, he's just playing a character.
@@ellysium9462 Are you implying millionaire cant be insecure?
@@ellysium9462 Clearly it was not a character this time. Body language, facial expressions and voice tone.
@@gustaaavodefinitely a character… there’s no way he’s not joshing around he does this all day…
@@gustaaavo "body language" 🤡🤡
I mean the guy has a point (how tyler plays the game and lowkey trolls the games he plays because he does not give a fk) while tyler is literally just yelling for no reason. Dont even know why he brought up lp and peak when their goal of the argument was to justify their actions in one game.
He kinda cooked him
Least sad insecure tyler rant
This guy thinks he's more successful than tyler (a multi millionaire) because he went to college.
What is success? Tyler has money, a wife, and a kid on the way
Nobody looks up to him though. Except 14 year olds with adhd and anger issues.
you sound like one of them @@trivial50
@@trivial50i am 19 rich and sexy and look up to him
@@trivial50ik for a fact ur a loser like that guy