How to be League player: - say you do not care - almost cry - say you making money boosting - be unable to create single sentence without hard stutter - say that people are plat - say you do not care
I love to talk on discord with these kind of people after games. Just talking calmly makes them so insanely angry, its odd. I feel sorry for their mothers
he just inted the game because of velkoz and is willing to que up agaisn't him and give him back his lp because "he doesn't care" what a fucking moron lmao
He pinged the shit out of the guy and was pretty toxic tbh. i personally dont give a shit and do the same thing all the time but don't act like he did nothing lol
@@AMArchy if you think spam pinging is toxic you must be a pretty emotional type of person. It's a game. Chill out. Will probably help you keep your mental.
Because he obviously doesn't have anything going on in his life besides League, so it's impossible for him to pretend that he doesn't care. Poor guy must hate waking up every morning realizing he's still in his body.
As a therapist, I'm actually glad you did what you did. You used a form of therapy called person centered talk therapy, which basically means you didn't add or contribute to anything he did by letting him speak and process everything he did from his own perspective. All's you did was point out things from his perspective but in a different way. That's called acting as a sounding board. It's actually a really good way of preventing people from just shutting down and walking away. People like him have probably had people in his life just constantly shut him down for most of his life. Notice that he didn't walk away when you gave him a platform to speak. By giving this person a chance to speak and explain himself, despite not being capable of giving you any form of credit, there's way more of a chance that he might actually change and process his own behaviors after that conversation you had with him compared to if you hadn't. I might actually do this to people in my games to understand them. But i've actually talked to people in chat in similar ways and then they end up calming down and asking to group. People are usually just having a bad day and mad about it. you did a good job at diffusing the situation. But the guy you spoke to 100% has serious issues. He's not a danger. he just needs serious help. By the way, when you wondered what kind of behaviors involve hurting other people for the sake of enjoyment or pleasure without caring, they're actually not narcissistic traits; those are antisocial traits. People who have narcissistic personality disorder, AKA those you *might* refer to as narcissistic (not everybody who has narcissistic traits has narcissistic personality disorder, and likewise is true for antisocial traits and antisocial personality disorder), actually care QUITE deeply about what others think despite projecting the image to others that they don't. An approach like this usually diffuses people with NPD and gets them to open up. The traits this person was exhibiting were definitely narcissistic to a degree, but were way more antisocial in nature. Personality disorders are not just displays of specific personality traits but, rather, complex and pervasive patterns of behaviors that negatively impact a person's life across multiple life domains, *not just their online persona.* Personality disorders have genetic predispositions sometimes, but all personality disorders are rooted or triggered by some form of trauma that the person experienced. Nobody develops a personality disorder without some form of trauma that they went through, and most likely didn't yet process in a healthy way. But it's not your job to help these people, it's mine. But I respect what you did because that person is now 100 times more likely to actually seek help because of what you did, so props to you dude.
That was insanely interesting to read. Any recommendations for books in your science field? I want to learn more about stuff like this. (How to talk to people with problems, seeing symptoms etc). appreciated
@@hiragy1842 thank you! As far as books go, there's plenty of decent self help books out there. But the problem is that they're not written by people with a strong background in mental health. Also, keep in mind that 1) everybody finds different kinds of books interesting and 2) I'm not an avid reader. But since you asked for recommendations, I'll share with you the two books that stood out to me during my studies: 1) building motivational interviewing skills: a practitioner's workbook by David b rosengren And 2) man's search for meaning by Viktor e Frankl The first book really helped me understand what Motivates people and how to help build motivation. The second book is just a really profound read. A bit dry, but it's all about learning how people develop meaning by facing suffering with dignity. I definitely want to reread it with the perspective that I have now, 10 years after I've first read it. Now that I recommended the other two books, a 3rd book/series also came to mind that I feel also shaped the way I think about others. That series is the ender's game series, particularly the books: speaker for the dead, xenocide, and children of the mind. The last 3 books touch on a lot of different philosophical viewpoints that influenced how I make decisions and how I treat people. But this series isn't directly related to the mental health field.
as a person with some anger issues, and as much as this makes me empathise with him a little more, i want to say something nice but i'm a cunt, this guy just gives me cancer, ticks so many cringe cliché boxes i'm shocked he's not joking. very curbstompable fella, props to you and azzapp
I think this behavior comes from doing a lot of eloboost. It is like he played so many games below from his real elo and he thinks that all the players should help him because he is the only person that can carry the game. Like youre diamond but you play flex with your 4 bronze friends you think only you can carry the game and tell them do what ever you say. He needs to play on his real elo and need to understand what are the other game states he needs to consider.
@@bloodthirstytft7416 nahhh it's just a weak mental child who can't fathom the fact that he made a mistake. seen this behavior from people who definitely do not eloboost
he actually had a valid point, Azzap was playing bad, starting with bad positioning and not acknowledging the jng path of reksai, continued with not going to help jng when he was not needed in lane (enemy sup was smart enough to do so - and they got kill on reksai while he is stronger than rengar early, and he was lvl 1 too)
@@mariyanpetrov2328 look at it realistically, why engage too soon when your jng is pathing your way, and you must admit that zapzap bush face check was noobish af
@@no-one-you-know-really thats not only on azzapp though, it was on the cait too, and even then it was only because of synergy dif, he expected the cait to ward and thought they were going in when cait wanted to get out. It happens. Yes it sucks, but then why as a jungler would you see that and then proceed to try and contest crab/invade knowing your supp is level 1, your adc is going b, and enemy bot lane has a tempo advantage. This is basic gold level macro lol.
This video made me realise so many things about myself and my approach to other people. Sometimes you just need to hear from someone you do not know irl. I hope he realised his state of mind. Your calmness and approach was the best part.
I work at a call center. I have customers like that once per 2 weeks. People who just think everything HAS to go their way and YOU specifically make them mad because YOU don't give them exactly what they want. It doesn't matter if you can or can't. In their mind YOU should do what they want. I always try to find the best way to close the phone as fast as possible on people like that, but Azzapp went on this call voluntarily and kept his mental. How can a human being even do that. He is on another level.
@@nofailure99 Oh it is 100% and usually those people are obnoxious people to be around as well. I still remember that guy who wouldn't let me put a word in and at some point his wife was telling him something, and he was like "Can you stop, I am a man I know how to do it" XD.
"Why are you here?" Bro said "to make you more mad" Like what? He's the one who mad. Respect to azzap handling him so calm if that's me i would never be that calm
he was trying to prove a point so it makes sense he was so patient. You usually don't bother or avoid as fast as you can if you come across people like him
The "game is lost" attitude is people stealing a chess concept and misusing it. A chess game could be "lost" on move 2 if you somehow manage to blunder your queen. This would be like giving all enemy champions 5000 gold and disconnecting one of your players, so the opponent has a forcing winning strategy from there due to the advantage. It barely applies to e-sport games at all, and it definitely doesn't apply to a game state that's 5.2k vs 5.4k gold at minute 2.
Even accounting for league’s bias towards snowballing, the concept would only ever apply if every champion in the game was point and click and evading attacks wasn’t an option, so trades would be the only way of progressing the game state, with everything being fixed value. Absolutely not true for league, where abilities can wildly impact the game if used correctly.
Well, I'm not the kind of player to troll and cry when something gets bad, but I do understand why some players say that a game is lost in the first minutes, like if there's a invade and draven somehow gets +3 kills it feels impossible for botlane to play, or if top lane you get dived with a big wave with no TP the enemy it's gonna have such a big advantage that they can't play anymore. Obviously if your team is also popping off then there's hope to win but if they are even or also behind the game is already over most of the time.
Even in chess you can lose queen on move 2 and still win unless you play against someone with an actual title. There is always a chance that your opponent will blunder as much as you do so the whole "game is lost" shit just does not work (at least at the start of the game) I saw a guy play pawn e4 king e2 (which is possibly the worst first 2 moves and is considered to be a meme opening) and win against someone with 2000+ lichess elo, which is equivalent to LoL's high diamond In a game against a human there is always a room for a mistake. Chess is not lost at move 2, LoL game is not lost at minute 5. "Game is lost" mindset is always a fucked up way of saying "im tilted and delusional"
definitely a jg only moment, i think every laner should play a little bit of jungle and every jungler should play a little bit of a solo lane, just to understand better what can and can't be done, like I get flamed by junglers 24/7 after I ping them to back off fighting the enemy jg in the river since a wave is crashing into my turret and I have 0 prio and my laner is moving while I can't and then they have 30 seconds to just disengage, but they decide to fight and int a kill to my laner, like if I move at that moment I automatically lose the lane, I lose the wave under my turret and if I die in that fight I continue to lose farm since the wave is pushing away, every jg main should understand lane priority
Fr... and the thing is, even if Vlad roams it's still losing. Jax matches and gets there like 2 seconds later, they HARD lose that 2v2, and Jax's wave will naturally crash. Vlad loses 1.5 waves of experience and gold like you said and then has to come back to a wave pushing away from him at an item and level disadvantage.
@@adamdecoder1 exactly, after that vlad's lane is unplayable, to lose that much farm and then get zoned from even more farm as a hard scaler like vlad is a death sentence
@@kentuckyfriedchildren5385 "definitely a jg only moment, i think every laner should play a little bit of jungle and every jungler should play a little bit of a solo lane, just to understand better what can and can't be done, like I get flamed by junglers 24/7 after I ping them to back off fighting the enemy jg in the river since a wave is crashing into my turret and I have 0 prio and my laner is " im always so surprised actually how even emerald players and higher seem to miss that. like the season i started watching guides on how to play league was season 6 or 7 (like the season where we still had runes and masteries with fervor of battle and what not) and even there things like lane prios etc where brought up constantly. how can now almost 7 years later not everyone who plays this game even just a little bit with the intent to climb not know things like this? how proxying affects tempo timers, how and why the person with tp plays cross map or why you clearing to top side is a bad idea when your laner is a nasus who definitely has to give up the first crash of the top wave is basically ancient lore at this point.
Pretty sure he was insisting and yapping and fully understood the situation. These kind of ppl in their right minds know what to do but when they are not they just want things to go their ways. Even down the drain they just dont care. They starve for attention and recognition at that point.
“I just wanted you to lose”. At the beginning he tried. He doesnt believe in his capabilities, and thought “I cant do anything” so then the ego protection kicks in a he starts to “lose on purpose” and he then says “I only lost because I wanted to, I could’ve won if I played normally” he even admitted to it by accident during the video. He flopped between “I couldve won if I tried” and “I cant win because of my team” xD anything to avoid facing a feeling of incompetence
I can relate. I made an account on euw to try out that server (i play on eune), my team was a 4 stack, i hovered urgot since i wanted to try him out. My jg banned my urgot, i hovered illao mid banned my illaoi, so i waited, picked sett after ban phase, went toplane double killed toplane at min 3 went followed my mid for rest of the game taking every friendly camp or farm i could, ff at 20. I had a good laugh about it in dc with my friends.
@@hyd3334 eh thats different imo! Im assuming it was completely malicious on their part banning your stuff. If youre doing something petty after that at least it truly is a tit for tat. Dude in the vid realized he was outclassed, felt incompetent, so wants to flip the script to “this loss is because I choose not to win” and not “I have no idea what to do and am now losing” x)
@@krisp422 agreed.. it is much easier to run it down and force a loss, so players who don't know what to do often resort to that behavior to remove the discomfort from lack of control (which really comes from lack of understanding). There is no chance this jungler has ever legitimately been even masters (and maybe not even diamond or gold) because even those players know how to look at the minimap and tell the difference between a play they wish would work, and a play that will actually work. More likely he believes himself to be that good from inflated self worth, bought a high ranked account, and is now getting a dose of reality.
@@Scoresvy but he doesn't deserve any of those, once he actually tries and does something to achieve them yes, he technically needs them but it's irrelevant if he does nothing to gain them. quite the contrary, people seeing a deranged human like him getting those things will affect them negatively, especially guys his age.
Bro im diamond, and the fact that these guy answers the macro questions like that makes me feel so confident about my jungle and game knowledge overall. How is that guy high elo?
Azzap's mental is incredible to sit through this guy ranting and not losing his cool. props man you dont just talk the talk you walk the walk time and time again
i have an friendship with a person who is similar to this guy. its not that it wouldnt be hard to not get crazy. its just he overreacted that much that ur only esponse is to laugh or not take it seriously. u just cant get angry cause he is alltimes.
I'm a social butterfly and it gets really complicated to maintain friendships with about 40 people, to say things like that he must not have a SINGLE friend in his life. makes me really sad for him and I understand his frustration
"You would work at Mc Donalds if it wasn't for this game" one minute later "I don't care, I boost, I just play for money". My guy, flipping burgers helps society MORE than your copium of a "job".
this flipping burger thing is and always has been projection. these people know they have no real life skills outside of league and thus are scared of ending up there themselves. and yes i agree these min wage jobs keep society running, making fun of food service workers, dishwashers or garbage men etc is ridicoulous. they deliver labor in very harsh conditions and dont get paid enough frankly.
"The game is over cause me, single player in a TEAM game, can't play cause my mental is made of paper marche and I instantly give up at the slightest inconvenience"
This is one of my favorite videos you uploaded. I really enyoj watching your league videos from the days you were uploading in Bosnian to today and I'm not even playing lol for 4 years. Cheers mate and wish you all good
One of the things that helped me get a better mental when playing league was working with children for a few years. The best way to handle players like this is the same way you handle a 4 year old.
the thing is, i know this guy he's name is marwan he's from alex egypt, and that's not the first time i see him doing that tbh, and i watched all of the video you were right about every word and i liked how you responded to him, how calm you were, you're one of the few streamers that i really like , best of luck man and just let it go ❤❤
The worst part is that the kid genuinely thinks he won that argument. Literally in his mind hes thinking "I JUST MADE AZZAP RAGE QUIT XDDDDDD" when in reality the biggest loser here was him
Much respect in the way you handled the entire situation, acting very mature and considerate going about such a menial conversation about league. To your future kids, they’ll have an incredible figure to guide them through life!
@@kavishU0902He plays 10+ games a day. And he plays at absolutely random times no gap for work/school. There is zero chance he is successfully finishing even a sociology degree
@@WowoWinn-lc9qb specially in early year uni some of cry babies that still did not develop emotional control, and in this is one of the case. The stubbornnes in that argument still shown alot showcasing that he is indeed still a young teen whose everything provided at house with lack of respect to other. (Sorry for bad English coz its not my first language)
Like i must admit one thing here. This dude clearly inted the game and then went to discord with STREAMER to admit he was actually Intentionally feeding to not let his team win a game. There is right now a VIDEO on YT as a evidence of this person admiting it was NOT A BAD GAME! It is impossible that this account did not get banned, it clearly show how bad the system of punishing players look like. I have checked right now the account and is still playing rankeds. In last 40 games IN 3 DAYS got 13/27 win/lose. I just hate, really hate that it is possible to person to do such a thing. Admiting live his intentions and then just go next games and be unpished. Incredible!
@@AmonTerrible we have highly accurate open source voice to speech algorithms with or without AI. We have highly accurate open source image-to-text algorithms with or without AI. We have report from match history. Riot is a billion dollar company. So there is no reason that in report, we can't link videos like this, with evidence of identification (he had to share his discord name to azzapp), and confession (admitting he lost on purpose). It's not riot can't. It's riot doesn't want to, because they are doing the bare minimum to not piss off too many players that the skin sales go down. This is what happens when there is no competition. Yes, riot has competition in the "game" area, but not "pc moba game". And that market will always be theirs, and they will always be bitches to their player base, until a better game show up, and compete for the market.
I legit just got out of a game where I had exact same thing happen to me and opened youtube to see this. Was playing jungle, did first full clear, mid gets ganked, dies, starts pinging me saying im a wintrader and should've been there, then starts trolling. Afterwards botlane gets 2v2'd while im topside, they start soft afk'ing (following mid/me around and not farming anymore). It's so goddamn frustrating how even top 0.1% of players are just absolutely terrible at the game, and mentally unstable. this was in 500 lp masters btw. Also feel league streamers like Druta and yamato have made a huge impact on the community mental, because nowadays every missed hook, failed gank, death, or anything you do wrong is "Wintrading me" like anyone even knows any of the random solo Q players except their family.
@@DishLiquidGB Interesting, mind expanding on that? how me getting called a wintrader and trolled by 2 lanes at minute 3 is "me being like him"??? Like u must be trolling to say stuff like that
druta and yamato? did you see Tyler in 2015-16? 20 thousand people watched him lose his mind and run through mid, Yamato and Drutut never had such an online even in total. and you say that they are the ones who have some kind of influence with their relatively small audiences. When there are guys who set an example for a much larger number of people.
All he had to do into Rengar was counter gank and farm, still went 2/12 :DD Kinda sad honestly, tho, cuz i see a variation of my younger self in his words. And the words i used to speak came from fear, anger, sadness, loneliness and such generally negative emotions. Never have i ever thought about acting or talking maliciously when i was actually satisfied with my own life. All of it has always been in order to prove myself not to me, but to other people. Poor kid is gonna have it real tough if he doesn't learn how to integrate this part of himself, but w/e. Can't teach a person anything if he already believes he knows everything.
In the beginning I felt like skipping because it was just too much but Im happy I stayed through the video. Thanks for very interesting almost educational video. Thanks Azzap.
In Italy there's a saying: "chi é causa del suo mal, pianga se stesso". That literally translates into "who is the cause of harm to himself is the one that has to cry for himself". Meaning that if you fuck up it's your fault and you can't blame others. We are protecting idiots too much and taking away THEIR responsibility at the point that they are running the world and ruining other people's lives. He's 19 and there's still time to fix him, hardware and ip ban and therapy could do something....but people need to understand that people like this exist and are dangerous for them and the one around them.
@@TheGabbia I definitely agree with the protecing too much part. People need to learn they have to take responsibilities, it's insane that only a minority of people are willing to take responsibility, at least in my experience. In league of legends that minority is not even big enough to be called a minority, it's full of people stuck in a middle-schooler mentality. If you like Azzapp for his mentality, I can pretty much guarantee you guys will love Broken By Concept. Amazing people, great advice let it be in life or league or any competitive scheme.
You can feel who is winning the fight when the kid is cussing every second and zapzap is calm and respectable to the guy. Bro deserve the quote define aura
I want to know who's the first npc that came up with this logic of "if you're cursing someone then you lose the argument instantly" 😂 what's even the reasoning behind this? You win argument by being the smartest party not by not cursing
It's not about winning or losing, I could tell you azzap lost because he wasted his time talking to a wall and could've done more "fun" things which is the main objective of playing games. In reality he did more than the basic win or lose.
@@Samy-j9hbecause hes cursing because hes mad and doesnt have anything to say other than insult him, and azzap on the other hand is perfectly calm and being respectful even if hes not being respected
@@Samy-j9hits basic argument rules, when debating you instantly lose if you start to personally attack someone instead of their argument. Besides this it just shows immaturity and lack of knowledge.
Clearly boosted or bought account. And that's only 1 minute into the vid. When it comes to League delusions, something like this is like the top 3 on my list. Sadly, it ain't the worst of the worst. Edit: 3 minutes in and...I can't believe that's an adult. I doubt that's a kid. A manchild tho, sure.
I loved the content! great conversation, azzap was so chill during the whole thing is admirable. also i would change the title on this video, he's not delusional, he just needs help
I can agree with you conclusion at the end of the talk. I‘m actually in therapy because of some bad things that happened in my life. I had a game where I ran it down with the same mindset as him and it actually took me a while to reflect on my behaviour and I had similar problems and motives as you talked about. As I commented a while back on some other content of you - I really am happy that I found you in my shorts. You really are an interesting and inspiring person. Keep going.
not a problem running games down, if people don't have sympathy for you why should you have for them? sometimes the emotional gets to you and words can make it worse. I do my best to respect my teammates and be supportive, sometimes the person is just having a bad day. We should be kind and have empathy towards someone who is tilted, instead azzap made an example out of this guy and belittled him in front of hundreds of people for content.
25:00 I think what Azzapp said at the end was super important. We all have the potential to become people like that, and its a highly beneficial opportunity for self reflection when confronted with a case like this. In other words, "that could've been me."
That was actually really educational. I played league for a long time and my friends and I would get mad over it to a ridiculous extend. If you're watching someone it is easy to see his delusion, but it is also easy to fall into similliar patterns. If you play this game when you are unhappy with yourself and state of your life, the worst of you will come out. It is a privilige to see someone else losing control of their emotion over a game, socyou can see a reflection of yourself from the outside, calm perspective and can view yourself through different lenses. Thank you Azzap for this display of calmness and genuine care. I hope can learn from this and decide to be behave better. It would be such a fantastic game if people would do more to take control over their life, have interests and goals outside the game and good relationships and most importantly a good relationship with themselves. This way we all could be more forgiving towards other, accept own and teammates mistakes as well as losses. It is just a game, because there is so much more to life than rank and LP
This is the mindset of someone who doesn’t want things to be hard, they want things to be easy. Because the very notion that they might have to try and fail, that they might apply themselves to learn something new and not grasp it immediately frightens them more than anything else. This whole thing seems like an unhealthy coping mechanism for someone who is unable to handle perceived failures, either their own or perceived in others around them.
As someone who personally has an overwhelming fear, that whenever I am at my current peak, that it's the highest peak I'll achieve and that I can't be any better, I can relate to him to a certain extent. I'm not nearly as delusional as him, but I've had my fair share of games that I got tilted enough to troll, it's always like the 6th loss in a row, but that's not an excuse. I still take responsibility for myself in most games, it's easier to do after the game than during the game. My fear of failure and not being good enough is by far the most overwhelming and crushing force in my life, idk how others dealt with it, or if they just never developed it, but it does suck.
@@RampagingKnight2 Theres nothing to be afraid of lol. How do you learn a champ? by limit testing. Now take that further. How do you learn league? by failing. Failing isn't the right word here. Its called learning. You cannot fail when you are learning. Failure is a much deeper and sad word. Failure in its true essence means to have nothing left, Noone to stand back up and learn from it. Failure is complete annihilation of your army in a war. Not something as small as losing a league game. You get back up, you learn, and get better. All there is to it. I felt the same way as you on other games. "Do i really deserve this rank"? "Was it just luck" etc etc. Turned out to be false worrys. Went much higher, top 40 to be exact, and consistently could get that rank on multiple different accounts. Breaking through the initial doubts might be a little worrying, but dont worry. You couldnt of got where u did without actually being that ranks skill in the first place. The loss streaks might hurt your confidence, but if you truly begin to understand the game, then you will also understand if it was really your fault or not and what u could of done better. So, go get it boss.
I have personal feelings with this as I have a very hard time with failure it absolutely destroys me and most of that came from going through school all the way to 12th grade I would just ace everything with out having to try then I get to my college/uni hybrid program and aced the first year and bombed the second year. Then bombed the 2nd year again. I got hella depressed and now when I have an exam I feel not confident i just don't go instead of just trying even if it means I barley pass... reading that comment i feel for this guy even if he delusional
Honestly, respect to you for the way you drove that situation. I can only applaude, not sure I could stay that calm througout this conversation. I probly would've ended it in the first 2 minutes
Anyone with half a brain realised that there is more to this situation than perfect play and win trading. It's literally a false dichotomy. If you are a jungle you need to take lane situations into consideration before making a decision. This guy goes "I beat rengar early with help" and dies cause no one can come to him. Having a disagreement on potentially the best play of waiting for a gank before trading might be valid if anything is communicated instead of assumed. Add to that the absurd overreaction, fallacious argumentation and lack of hesitance in blaming others for his own lack of thinking. This is a disgusting display of human nature and someone gaining access beyond his level.
Nice analysis and description. You know how to word out situations, also add resorting to personal insults irrelevant to the topic at every chance(the weapon of the idiot)
I do not watch your streams, but I'm your biggest fan when I do see you here. I respect your attitude and I'm so happy to find another person like me when it comes to talking to angry people. Stay calm and brave brother.
Bro i'm watching LoL content and Azzap deliver a lesson of life, a lesson of humility, of being a good human being, of not being selfish. That's why I watch you Azzap you're so real for this!
I feel sorry for him, he really needs to leave the game and go see a psychiatrist. I know a lot of players who have been affected by anger and nervousness and deny it. Until they left the game, their lives started to improve.
There is zero doubt that this kid is abused at home. One or both of his parents is unable to take responsibility for their actions. The game is his escape from that life, but some things you can’t leave behind.
@@SamkoKalajdzini you honestly asking or just trolling? If u really wanna know I’d recommend some videos by AloisNL. This whole wave manipulation is imo most important in top but a concept a good player should have understood
This guy right here. People like him are why I just don't play league as much as I would really love to. I like playing league. I love learning and playing champs, figuring out builds, and just trying to figure out the path to victory every game. Being competitive is fun. But especially in the average player elos of silver/gold. You get a lot of people like this. And as much as I can mute pings and turn off chat. There is no way to stop someone from ACTING like this. And what sucks is you experience these kinds of people no matter the multiplayer game you play.
players like this legitimately drove me away from the game. I just watch other people play and play the occasional arena. if the game were full of reasonable adults who respected each other, I might come back. but I'm not gonna subject myself to being trapped in a game with a delusional antisocial kid like the guest star of this video. my time and irl mental are more valuable than that.
@@organicsatanic If they added voice chat, maybe that would be possible. So people could talk to each other, and make each other better people overtime. Thats how it works. Its like we have 1000's of years of history to see this exact concept in action, multiple other games less toxic then league while being 10x more competitive. Yet league, minecraft, roblox, all these "text chat" games with no voice chat turn out to be the most toxic ones...? weird. i can only wonder why. (If you ever played minecraft servers, and saw how some people talk in text chat, compared to how they talk to you in discord you would understand EXACTLY what i mean. Super toxic in text chat, and then absolute angels in discord). So scared of toxicity, that in a attempt to block it, you make it worse then it could ever be if u didnt block it. Crazy how that works huh. Almost like mother nature herself, gave us the solution to our problems (real time communcation, aka talking) and league devs instead deny it.
You don't get a lot of people like this and if you are better than them you're going to climb. The statistical chance to have such a player in your team is 4/9 but for the enemy team it's 5/9. So statistically if you are not tilting like him and try your best to improve then you'll climb because the enemy will more often get players like him. Players like him exist but they are a minority and they definitely can't stop you from improving and climbing. How would you explain other people climbing when they have to deal with the same things that you have to deal with? Is it just luck? Cmon. Don't be as delusional as him. Elo hell doesn't exist. If you like the game and want to improve and find being competitive fun then play it. If you don't find it fun then don't play it.
@@RestTarRr Bub, calm down a little. I am not delusional. And it's not about climbing. It's just about sometimes you just wanna sit down and have a good time being competitive win or lose. A 4/9 chance someone you get matched with that is going to rain on your parade. Sitting down excited to play then 2 games in a row you get people sucking the fun out of the game with poor sportsmanship/ mental doesn't make me wanna queue up for more.
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin I agree that vc would improve league a lot, i think there is too many players who sit alone on their PC just spamming soloq games and getting silently mad, if they could hear people in the game and could understand their plays that would help. But there is other side of the coin (but easily countered by mute button), if you ever played Rust you would know how toxic people can be through vc. Literally 12 years old russians cursing out your family 3 generations into future, I even heard a lot of guys like this reksai literally crying into mic about how i'm dogshit after i won fight vs them.
I haven't played league in over 5+years, and was never even good at it. Even I can see, both supports died at the same time, they see you go into their jungle, guess who's going to be there quicker? Surprise, the one that has a shorter way and the one that does not have to catch the way. He went into the game thinking I am invading, no matter what. It backfired and needed someone to blame it on.
Classic case of a guy buying an account because he got hardstuck below where he believed he deserved* to be, not because of matchmaking being bad or anything, but because he plays the exact same way every game and isn't skilled enough to do more than coinflip the early game. Turns out that not being good enough or knowledgeable enough to climb out of the rank you belong in means you definitely aren't good enough to maintain a higher rank on an account you bought. *this assumes he didn't get boosted to wherever he was before he bought this account. We all know he wasn't good enough to get boosted this high.
I admire your patience, this type of situation happend so many times I feel we all got a lil therapy moment. Ill just try my best ignore and send positivity to them and not be affected by this sorta attitude for example: jgl and adc goes to the drake, mid doesn't have prio, supp had to base. They start the drake and died cuz of enenmi prio and flame the midlane for not coming... when he was pushed under tower... and then we play the typing game xD Actually we should laugh bout those situations and move on. Sorry for my english, stay all healthy 🐣
Actually have to agree with that psychologist guy in the chat. You have insane amount of patience. My friends and family consider me an incredibly patient person, but even I would be mad at this guy after a few minutes of talking.
I swear it’s really concerning to see people so clueless and especially just a bad person. He is such hypocrite and realizes that he solo lost so plays the “i was inting card” just so sad.
Where's the disadvantage? Its 2 waves incl. cannon that are being pushed to their turret. Isn't there a timing here for vlad to move, while Jax has 6 minions to clear to complete his push? In that time, vlad can move to jgl, assist in the rengar kill, then move back to tower and farm the two waves? He only loses them if they lose the 2v1 against Rengar, or if Jax moves to assist, in which case Jax sacks an entire wave in order to be there in time.
@@D1GDUG vlad loses if he comes to help he , jax can fast push and take plates whille vlad loses xp and gold , or jax fast push and goes for the 2v2 so no vlad is in disadvantage
@@D1GDUGIt’s risky to roam when you don’t have priority since the enemy can just shove the wave under tower making you lose waves+plates or match your roam 2 seconds later while the wave naturally pushes under tower anyways making the vlad lose more. And we all know who would’ve won the 2v2 there.
@@themarketgardener I agree that its risky, but for timing we're not talking about a roam to mid here. Vlad has a timing to do something, the wave is pushing to him regardless of whether he's in lane or not. All he needs to do is help reksai protect his blue camp from being stolen, then he can move back to his tower and collect the waves that are crashing. I wouldn't think that if there wasn't an allied wave still to be cleared, but there is, so has got what, 15 seconds before the tower is removing any of the farm he wants to collect?
I heard Latino as well, but I realised after the first 5 times, that he is saying "p-latinu-m". His accent is definitely not Danish, but at least in Danish, platinum is "pla-tin". If a Danish person were to pronounce platinum without phonemic knowledge, they'd say "plaTInum" with emphasis on "ti", not "pla-t-num". I assume somewhat the same is the case in his native language.
It's amazing that, as a newer silver player myself whose crawled through the hellish gates of iron 4, I hear THE EXACT SAME THINGS. This isn't my main, I'm just running it down, I'm just boosting this account for a friend, 1v1 me bro, if everyone played exactly the way i want them too (including the enemy) I would win every game, I PINGED (pings do dmg now btw), I know everything about every wave-state in every lane, I know every ability, every counter, every best mouse click. You can be iron, you can be challenger, YOU ALL SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME. The real problem is a lot of people ARE this guy and don't realize. Good friends let their buddies know when they are being overly toxic, don't be or have bad friends.
I love how you tried namy times to find connection with him even he showed you how much help he needs... I feel bad for these people when I can't find the way to communicate and help them!
Bro. You handled this so well. Mad respect. The other guy doesn't even admit he messed up and just straight up yaps. I have had players like this in almost every ranked match in the ME server which has stunted my ranked growth. But we move. I get mad when I lose games in low elo, can't even imagine a challenger jg running it down.
The patience you’ve shown in this video is amazing, Azzapp. I am very happy to know that there are polite, smart and masculine people like you in lol community. Wish you the best in life🤝🙌
I've had so many conversations like this in random 5 stacks of league and I'm also fascinated by their psychology. It's really interesting, and it's surprising how blind a lot of people are to their own their own thought patterns. But actually discovering them and confronting it is really difficult. I'm impressed by the way you handled this conversation honestly. It's pretty rare to meet people that think deeply about things like that, so I was surprised to hear your thoughts on it. I'd love to talk to you about it sometime actually.
Same here. I've had 4 out of 5 teammates AND enemy team players telling my jungler he made mistake after mistake without anyone being able to help him and still they'd think they were right. Junglers in general are a weird breed.
@@skoodlemooseyeah , it just remind me of my relationship with my father , my father is like that guy super emotional snd start shouting without breathing over irrelevant things and i would stay calm and answer him with solutions to said problems , my calmness always infuriated him even more lol
Hey! this is the first time I watched your vid and I'm glad this is the video I watched, you handled it perfectly and all the things you said, loved it.
I started playing league last December, but was always familiar with attitudes like this from low elo players, since my cousin has been playing for many years now. I am a silver player myself, made some progress starting from iron in the 9 months that have passed. It's a bit slow but I was REALLY bad at the beginning (I'm still bad but not that much and I'm getting better). What I can't believe tho is the fact that people in high elo can be that messed up, I thought this was only on my silver lobbies lol, so many insecure people play this game, insecurities that will never let them get any better. I personally try to avoid chatting in game even if I fail sometimes, unless it's for fun interactions, which dont really exist lately unless you play aram or normal games
I will never understand why Riot doesn't hire some good players who will go over high elo games individually and straight up perma ban incidents like this.
Here's how to understand: $$$$$ If they start removing the least desirable players every other month, then they'll soon find themselves without a game. They need active players. This guy probably plays 24/7, so he's "contributing" activity.
I've been the 18 year old kid who was exactly like this. I agree with your analysis as that's the case with many young gamers who have enough talent to feel supremacy in any environment they dedicate time towards. However I don't think it's an issue to the extent where he needs to talk to someone and get help or worse case end up shooting a school. He just needs to eventually learn not everybody can or is willing to think like he is and that he needs to become a leader for people to follow his ideals and that naturally comes with experience. Judging by his talent in video games (despite how he's portrayed, he's still probably master+ and top percentile in the world) he's probably intelligent enough to overcome his flaws. I actually believe that he has 300+ friends as almost every young kid has 300+ acquaintances just from school alone and the definition of friendship is ambiguous at such an early age. He's just trying to say he's not a loser and is capable of developing friendships which is just a consequence of baseline intelligence. As much as I don't condone this type of behavior, I think you as an influencer and more life experienced teacher to your viewers should recognize how common this type of behavior is especially in the gaming industry and not scrutinize him too much, but rather try to explain this philosophy and educate him by relating to him with your own life experiences in his language. I've seen enough of your content to understand your desire to promote positive mindset and community building which is great, but I'm simply suggesting by being able to relate to the opposition you can perhaps make a bigger impact. This man certainly did not learn anything besides relieve his frustration and will probably continue to act like this. If you were able to relate to him by acknowledging the lack of help for the jungler, he may have at least agreed him intentionally losing the game was toxic. I think once you started trying to frame him a narcissist (which in this case he was, but so is almost every other kid who lies on the positive end of the bell curve in any environment cuz they're.. kids aka people who haven't first hand experienced leadership or other necessary social skills), you only opened the door to the game of who can make the other person feel worse. I think all this guy is saying is 'I'm challenger so all you noobs should play around me, and if you are too dumb to understand when to take a free win in life, i wish to try to teach you by giving you a free loss.' With his logic, that's correct. Assuming he is the best player on the team for macro/micro because he's hard smurfing, then the team should play around his timing and his direction for the best chance to win. Is this logic and behavior toxic? Yes. Is this bad for the community and should people like Azzapp stand against it or perhaps even make example out of it? Perhaps. I just wish for everyone to try and understand where people are coming from despite the circumstance. I don't think people are born evil or born with ill intentions. It's an influence of their environment, upbringing, and a huge list of factors we can relate to. I probably wrote less than 10 comments my whole life but because I stand up for what you do for the community Azzapp and I felt for the guy being attacked, I had to write an essay.
How to be League player:
- say you do not care
- almost cry
- say you making money boosting
- be unable to create single sentence without hard stutter
- say that people are plat
- say you do not care
I dont care 🤑😂 you s-s-uck at the game
Also: say you dont care
also say u have 300 friends so u dont care
Also, he doesnt care
when did he almost cry?
Bro is shit talking with tears in his eyes
Then saying “ i dont care all the time” its amazing lmao
Got it off 666 let’s go. 667th like.
I love to talk on discord with these kind of people after games. Just talking calmly makes them so insanely angry, its odd. I feel sorry for their mothers
I'm not crying - YOU'RE crying!
I think thats just accent
i lvove people that say "im not mad im chill" and proceed to lose their fucking minds
he just inted the game because of velkoz and is willing to que up agaisn't him and give him back his lp because "he doesn't care" what a fucking moron lmao
It's amazing how Azzap handled this conversation. Acting generally neutral and curious. It's crazy how insane some people are over this game.
nah he knows hes getting insane content out of this. It doesnt take a genius to be calm and rake in the free views
He pinged the shit out of the guy and was pretty toxic tbh. i personally dont give a shit and do the same thing all the time but don't act like he did nothing lol
@@AMArchy if you think spam pinging is toxic you must be a pretty emotional type of person. It's a game. Chill out. Will probably help you keep your mental.
@@AMArchy Just mute the pings, running it down in this elo should be a device IP and IP ban IMO
Especially with a game with like 4 keybinds is crazy work.
"youre a higher elo chat, dont tell him" went under the radar...
Why does he sound like hes on the verge of tears every time he says he doesn't care 😂
thats just the natural result of being french, its a horrid condition, have pity on him he didn't choose to be born with such a burden
He said "I don't care, I just want you to lose" with a tear falling from her left eye
Bro's eyes ain't just wet, they goopy
Because he obviously doesn't have anything going on in his life besides League, so it's impossible for him to pretend that he doesn't care. Poor guy must hate waking up every morning realizing he's still in his body.
the 1k LP challenger lose 5 games in a row and is here feeling like he just lose the worlds XDDDD
As a therapist, I'm actually glad you did what you did. You used a form of therapy called person centered talk therapy, which basically means you didn't add or contribute to anything he did by letting him speak and process everything he did from his own perspective. All's you did was point out things from his perspective but in a different way. That's called acting as a sounding board. It's actually a really good way of preventing people from just shutting down and walking away. People like him have probably had people in his life just constantly shut him down for most of his life. Notice that he didn't walk away when you gave him a platform to speak. By giving this person a chance to speak and explain himself, despite not being capable of giving you any form of credit, there's way more of a chance that he might actually change and process his own behaviors after that conversation you had with him compared to if you hadn't.
I might actually do this to people in my games to understand them. But i've actually talked to people in chat in similar ways and then they end up calming down and asking to group. People are usually just having a bad day and mad about it.
you did a good job at diffusing the situation.
But the guy you spoke to 100% has serious issues. He's not a danger. he just needs serious help.
By the way, when you wondered what kind of behaviors involve hurting other people for the sake of enjoyment or pleasure without caring, they're actually not narcissistic traits; those are antisocial traits. People who have narcissistic personality disorder, AKA those you *might* refer to as narcissistic (not everybody who has narcissistic traits has narcissistic personality disorder, and likewise is true for antisocial traits and antisocial personality disorder), actually care QUITE deeply about what others think despite projecting the image to others that they don't. An approach like this usually diffuses people with NPD and gets them to open up.
The traits this person was exhibiting were definitely narcissistic to a degree, but were way more antisocial in nature.
Personality disorders are not just displays of specific personality traits but, rather, complex and pervasive patterns of behaviors that negatively impact a person's life across multiple life domains, *not just their online persona.* Personality disorders have genetic predispositions sometimes, but all personality disorders are rooted or triggered by some form of trauma that the person experienced. Nobody develops a personality disorder without some form of trauma that they went through, and most likely didn't yet process in a healthy way.
But it's not your job to help these people, it's mine. But I respect what you did because that person is now 100 times more likely to actually seek help because of what you did, so props to you dude.
That was insanely interesting to read. Any recommendations for books in your science field? I want to learn more about stuff like this. (How to talk to people with problems, seeing symptoms etc).
@@hiragy1842 thank you! As far as books go, there's plenty of decent self help books out there. But the problem is that they're not written by people with a strong background in mental health.
Also, keep in mind that 1) everybody finds different kinds of books interesting and 2) I'm not an avid reader.
But since you asked for recommendations, I'll share with you the two books that stood out to me during my studies:
1) building motivational interviewing skills: a practitioner's workbook by David b rosengren
2) man's search for meaning by Viktor e Frankl
The first book really helped me understand what Motivates people and how to help build motivation.
The second book is just a really profound read. A bit dry, but it's all about learning how people develop meaning by facing suffering with dignity. I definitely want to reread it with the perspective that I have now, 10 years after I've first read it.
Now that I recommended the other two books, a 3rd book/series also came to mind that I feel also shaped the way I think about others. That series is the ender's game series, particularly the books: speaker for the dead, xenocide, and children of the mind. The last 3 books touch on a lot of different philosophical viewpoints that influenced how I make decisions and how I treat people. But this series isn't directly related to the mental health field.
Damn, wish my therapist played league, (I don't have one yet. They're expensive and I'm trying to find a good fit)
do you think he'll visit/watch this video?
as a person with some anger issues, and as much as this makes me empathise with him a little more,
i want to say something nice but i'm a cunt, this guy just gives me cancer, ticks so many cringe cliché boxes i'm shocked he's not joking. very curbstompable fella, props to you and azzapp
His reasoning: You should help me even if it means you lose your lane because of my call. 😂
I think this behavior comes from doing a lot of eloboost. It is like he played so many games below from his real elo and he thinks that all the players should help him because he is the only person that can carry the game. Like youre diamond but you play flex with your 4 bronze friends you think only you can carry the game and tell them do what ever you say. He needs to play on his real elo and need to understand what are the other game states he needs to consider.
@@bloodthirstytft7416 nahhh it's just a weak mental child who can't fathom the fact that he made a mistake. seen this behavior from people who definitely do not eloboost
@@nam-dm1ut yeah could be I was kinda incorrect at what I wrote I mean this behavior is more likely to seen from eloboosters
accurate translation: if i int, you should int with me.
@@nam-dm1ut call them "main character" and "anime protagonist" in chat and agree to everything they say.
It's so fun.
Remember kids, if you don't have any valid points, just call the other guy disgusting 20 times and you will magically be right!
he actually had a valid point, Azzap was playing bad,
starting with bad positioning and not acknowledging the jng path of reksai, continued with not going to help jng when he was not needed in lane (enemy sup was smart enough to do so - and they got kill on reksai while he is stronger than rengar early, and he was lvl 1 too)
@@no-one-you-know-really bro you cant be real defending that guy lmao
@@no-one-you-know-really we found reksai's youtube account
@@mariyanpetrov2328 look at it realistically, why engage too soon when your jng is pathing your way,
and you must admit that zapzap bush face check was noobish af
@@no-one-you-know-really thats not only on azzapp though, it was on the cait too, and even then it was only because of synergy dif, he expected the cait to ward and thought they were going in when cait wanted to get out. It happens.
Yes it sucks, but then why as a jungler would you see that and then proceed to try and contest crab/invade knowing your supp is level 1, your adc is going b, and enemy bot lane has a tempo advantage. This is basic gold level macro lol.
This video made me realise so many things about myself and my approach to other people. Sometimes you just need to hear from someone you do not know irl. I hope he realised his state of mind. Your calmness and approach was the best part.
I work at a call center. I have customers like that once per 2 weeks.
People who just think everything HAS to go their way and YOU specifically make them mad because YOU don't give them exactly what they want. It doesn't matter if you can or can't. In their mind YOU should do what they want.
I always try to find the best way to close the phone as fast as possible on people like that, but Azzapp went on this call voluntarily and kept his mental. How can a human being even do that. He is on another level.
l call it main "character syndrome" ... How can a person evolve into that is a mystery to me
Azzap his challenger thats why
@@nofailure99 Oh it is 100% and usually those people are obnoxious people to be around as well. I still remember that guy who wouldn't let me put a word in and at some point his wife was telling him something, and he was like "Can you stop, I am a man I know how to do it" XD.
Yeah I get ppls like that as well, monitoring individuals like these is always draining, thankfully not everyone behaves like that
Bro's making content from it. Its so free
"Why are you here?"
Bro said "to make you more mad"
Like what? He's the one who mad. Respect to azzap handling him so calm if that's me i would never be that calm
Man Azzap was so patient with this guy, really impressive stuff. Already respected him a ton but we are reaching new levels.
he was trying to prove a point so it makes sense he was so patient. You usually don't bother or avoid as fast as you can if you come across people like him
This video is a breakthrough. This is honestly a lot of league players mindset. I wish this could reach more people.
The "game is lost" attitude is people stealing a chess concept and misusing it. A chess game could be "lost" on move 2 if you somehow manage to blunder your queen. This would be like giving all enemy champions 5000 gold and disconnecting one of your players, so the opponent has a forcing winning strategy from there due to the advantage.
It barely applies to e-sport games at all, and it definitely doesn't apply to a game state that's 5.2k vs 5.4k gold at minute 2.
Even accounting for league’s bias towards snowballing, the concept would only ever apply if every champion in the game was point and click and evading attacks wasn’t an option, so trades would be the only way of progressing the game state, with everything being fixed value. Absolutely not true for league, where abilities can wildly impact the game if used correctly.
Well, I'm not the kind of player to troll and cry when something gets bad, but I do understand why some players say that a game is lost in the first minutes, like if there's a invade and draven somehow gets +3 kills it feels impossible for botlane to play, or if top lane you get dived with a big wave with no TP the enemy it's gonna have such a big advantage that they can't play anymore. Obviously if your team is also popping off then there's hope to win but if they are even or also behind the game is already over most of the time.
Even in chess you can lose queen on move 2 and still win unless you play against someone with an actual title. There is always a chance that your opponent will blunder as much as you do so the whole "game is lost" shit just does not work (at least at the start of the game)
I saw a guy play pawn e4 king e2 (which is possibly the worst first 2 moves and is considered to be a meme opening) and win against someone with 2000+ lichess elo, which is equivalent to LoL's high diamond
In a game against a human there is always a room for a mistake. Chess is not lost at move 2, LoL game is not lost at minute 5. "Game is lost" mindset is always a fucked up way of saying "im tilted and delusional"
also, 5 minutes forward, up 1k gold and about 3 levels across the team
14:19 the genuine "what?" after being told vlad cant just drop 1,5 waves and give 2 plates to a jax to go on an adventure in the top jungle
definitely a jg only moment, i think every laner should play a little bit of jungle and every jungler should play a little bit of a solo lane, just to understand better what can and can't be done, like I get flamed by junglers 24/7 after I ping them to back off fighting the enemy jg in the river since a wave is crashing into my turret and I have 0 prio and my laner is moving while I can't and then they have 30 seconds to just disengage, but they decide to fight and int a kill to my laner, like if I move at that moment I automatically lose the lane, I lose the wave under my turret and if I die in that fight I continue to lose farm since the wave is pushing away, every jg main should understand lane priority
Fr... and the thing is, even if Vlad roams it's still losing. Jax matches and gets there like 2 seconds later, they HARD lose that 2v2, and Jax's wave will naturally crash. Vlad loses 1.5 waves of experience and gold like you said and then has to come back to a wave pushing away from him at an item and level disadvantage.
@@adamdecoder1 exactly, after that vlad's lane is unplayable, to lose that much farm and then get zoned from even more farm as a hard scaler like vlad is a death sentence
@@kentuckyfriedchildren5385 "definitely a jg only moment, i think every laner should play a little bit of jungle and every jungler should play a little bit of a solo lane, just to understand better what can and can't be done, like I get flamed by junglers 24/7 after I ping them to back off fighting the enemy jg in the river since a wave is crashing into my turret and I have 0 prio and my laner is "
im always so surprised actually how even emerald players and higher seem to miss that.
like the season i started watching guides on how to play league was season 6 or 7 (like the season where we still had runes and masteries with fervor of battle and what not)
and even there things like lane prios etc where brought up constantly.
how can now almost 7 years later not everyone who plays this game even just a little bit with the intent to climb not know things like this?
how proxying affects tempo timers, how and why the person with tp plays cross map or why you clearing to top side is a bad idea when your laner is a nasus who definitely has to give up the first crash of the top wave is basically ancient lore at this point.
Pretty sure he was insisting and yapping and fully understood the situation. These kind of ppl in their right minds know what to do but when they are not they just want things to go their ways. Even down the drain they just dont care. They starve for attention and recognition at that point.
“I just wanted you to lose”. At the beginning he tried. He doesnt believe in his capabilities, and thought “I cant do anything” so then the ego protection kicks in a he starts to “lose on purpose” and he then says “I only lost because I wanted to, I could’ve won if I played normally” he even admitted to it by accident during the video. He flopped between “I couldve won if I tried” and “I cant win because of my team” xD anything to avoid facing a feeling of incompetence
I can relate. I made an account on euw to try out that server (i play on eune), my team was a 4 stack, i hovered urgot since i wanted to try him out. My jg banned my urgot, i hovered illao mid banned my illaoi, so i waited, picked sett after ban phase, went toplane double killed toplane at min 3 went followed my mid for rest of the game taking every friendly camp or farm i could, ff at 20. I had a good laugh about it in dc with my friends.
@@hyd3334 eh thats different imo! Im assuming it was completely malicious on their part banning your stuff. If youre doing something petty after that at least it truly is a tit for tat. Dude in the vid realized he was outclassed, felt incompetent, so wants to flip the script to “this loss is because I choose not to win” and not “I have no idea what to do and am now losing” x)
@@krisp422 agreed.. it is much easier to run it down and force a loss, so players who don't know what to do often resort to that behavior to remove the discomfort from lack of control (which really comes from lack of understanding).
There is no chance this jungler has ever legitimately been even masters (and maybe not even diamond or gold) because even those players know how to look at the minimap and tell the difference between a play they wish would work, and a play that will actually work. More likely he believes himself to be that good from inflated self worth, bought a high ranked account, and is now getting a dose of reality.
@@hyd3334 This is just really sad bro. Why do you value your time so little and get such a kick out of griefing other people?
This guy needs therapy (I’m bronze but I can tell)
He needs a partner in life, a good job, a psychiatrist and of course, OF COURSE... Uninstall the freaking game. He will be way happier.
I don't even play league and i can tell.
It felt like I was looking at Shaclone but from Temu.
@@Scoresvy but he doesn't deserve any of those, once he actually tries and does something to achieve them yes, he technically needs them but it's irrelevant if he does nothing to gain them. quite the contrary, people seeing a deranged human like him getting those things will affect them negatively, especially guys his age.
@@Scoresvy he's a kid he needs a babysitter not a partner
Bro im diamond, and the fact that these guy answers the macro questions like that makes me feel so confident about my jungle and game knowledge overall. How is that guy high elo?
I hope the chap gets the help he needs; good for you, Azzapp, for being a genuine chap.
Azzap's mental is incredible to sit through this guy ranting and not losing his cool. props man you dont just talk the talk you walk the walk time and time again
I noticed that too. Impressed how he calmly went therapist mode.
@@oredazethe amount of shit spewed would make me blow my brains out
i have an friendship with a person who is similar to this guy. its not that it wouldnt be hard to not get crazy. its just he overreacted that much that ur only esponse is to laugh or not take it seriously. u just cant get angry cause he is alltimes.
"I don't care" said Dumbledore calmly
I dont care
8:18 "you are fucking PLATINIUM"
9:30 he started to invade blue with no info on Rengar or Galio, while Cait and Ekko have
that "300 friends" thing is almost heart breaking. Dude doesn't have a single friend. What a miserable life.
Holy fuck, the "300 friends real life" killed me 🤣
His school had 300 people i bet XD they bullied him tho
he has 300 friends on league and 2 of those talk to him to sell him weed 🤣🤣
I'm a social butterfly and it gets really complicated to maintain friendships with about 40 people, to say things like that he must not have a SINGLE friend in his life. makes me really sad for him and I understand his frustration
"You would work at Mc Donalds if it wasn't for this game" one minute later "I don't care, I boost, I just play for money". My guy, flipping burgers helps society MORE than your copium of a "job".
He is a student... he literally said it IN THE VERY BEGINNING.
You can work and study so im not sure what your point is@@hyd3334
@@hyd3334 I fail to see what you said have anything to do with op point XD
this flipping burger thing is and always has been projection. these people know they have no real life skills outside of league and thus are scared of ending up there themselves.
and yes i agree these min wage jobs keep society running, making fun of food service workers, dishwashers or garbage men etc is ridicoulous. they deliver labor in very harsh conditions and dont get paid enough frankly.
@@kyo250996 "My guy, flipping burgers helps society MORE than your copium of a "job"." Did you read the comment?
“i dont care”
*proceeds to care*
Dudes passionate let alone caring
"The game is over cause me, single player in a TEAM game, can't play cause my mental is made of paper marche and I instantly give up at the slightest inconvenience"
This is one of my favorite videos you uploaded. I really enyoj watching your league videos from the days you were uploading in Bosnian to today and I'm not even playing lol for 4 years. Cheers mate and wish you all good
One of the things that helped me get a better mental when playing league was working with children for a few years. The best way to handle players like this is the same way you handle a 4 year old.
Toss them out the window?
dangle them on one leg and until their face runs red?
Can you elaborate on how you handle them? Asking for a friend 😂
@@SpinFastEA not giving any attention, dont let em influence you
Overall reasoning "we didnt stomp them 300g on lvl 1 so I ran it down"
Acutal reasoning: mental maturity of a 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum
the thing is, i know this guy he's name is marwan he's from alex egypt, and that's not the first time i see him doing that tbh, and i watched all of the video you were right about every word and i liked how you responded to him, how calm you were, you're one of the few streamers that i really like , best of luck man and just let it go ❤❤
How do you know him
@@red7628 They're both boosters, same industry
And both from egypt@@willek1335
@@willek1335 Are u saying that this reksai is for real a high elo booster?
كنت متأكد الاكسنت دي مصري لازم 😂
Respect Azzap, genuine respect for this video, trying to understand him and having genuine empathy at the end, thank you.
Based Balkan guy
The worst part is that the kid genuinely thinks he won that argument. Literally in his mind hes thinking "I JUST MADE AZZAP RAGE QUIT XDDDDDD" when in reality the biggest loser here was him
trust me. he will think this anyway. there is no way to aguin with him.
You're not arguing to win or prove a point. You're arguing to understand it better for yourself.
He even talks like Yamato
nah, yamato has more clever insults or screams louder
@@omega7057yamato and clever in the same sentence xd
@@frozenx1337 the fact that the guy is restarted irl ingame doesn't mean he won't throw you the most attrocious insult followed by kappachungusdeluxe
@@omega7057 He screams louder, yeah, but they're both the same level of "_uninteligible noises_ you're just disgusting"
Nah this guy is for sure not german, he's from a random 3rd world country, this isnt a german accent.
"i'm chilling af" and throwing 1000 words per second
Much respect in the way you handled the entire situation, acting very mature and considerate going about such a menial conversation about league. To your future kids, they’ll have an incredible figure to guide them through life!
feel sorry for that kids mother. 19 years old trying to boost for money while using his moms house and internet, bro needs a real job
When there is so many things to insult him with why pick that lol. Who knows if he is in uni or has a job and this is just his side hustle?
@@kavishU0902Yeah, with that attitude and mental he for sure is in Uni. 😂
@@kavishU0902He plays 10+ games a day. And he plays at absolutely random times no gap for work/school. There is zero chance he is successfully finishing even a sociology degree
@@umi4356 unfortunately, there are still crybabies in Uni.
@@WowoWinn-lc9qb specially in early year uni some of cry babies that still did not develop emotional control, and in this is one of the case. The stubbornnes in that argument still shown alot showcasing that he is indeed still a young teen whose everything provided at house with lack of respect to other. (Sorry for bad English coz its not my first language)
Like i must admit one thing here. This dude clearly inted the game and then went to discord with STREAMER to admit he was actually Intentionally feeding to not let his team win a game. There is right now a VIDEO on YT as a evidence of this person admiting it was NOT A BAD GAME! It is impossible that this account did not get banned, it clearly show how bad the system of punishing players look like. I have checked right now the account and is still playing rankeds. In last 40 games IN 3 DAYS got 13/27 win/lose. I just hate, really hate that it is possible to person to do such a thing. Admiting live his intentions and then just go next games and be unpished. Incredible!
Like😂do you expect riot to check every stream without a report referring them😂😂🎉
@@AmonTerrible we have highly accurate open source voice to speech algorithms with or without AI. We have highly accurate open source image-to-text algorithms with or without AI. We have report from match history. Riot is a billion dollar company. So there is no reason that in report, we can't link videos like this, with evidence of identification (he had to share his discord name to azzapp), and confession (admitting he lost on purpose).
It's not riot can't. It's riot doesn't want to, because they are doing the bare minimum to not piss off too many players that the skin sales go down. This is what happens when there is no competition. Yes, riot has competition in the "game" area, but not "pc moba game". And that market will always be theirs, and they will always be bitches to their player base, until a better game show up, and compete for the market.
This is not acceptable proof for riot as it is not in game, not saying it's true but the guy talking coulb be anyone pretending to be the rek'sai.
I legit just got out of a game where I had exact same thing happen to me and opened youtube to see this. Was playing jungle, did first full clear, mid gets ganked, dies, starts pinging me saying im a wintrader and should've been there, then starts trolling. Afterwards botlane gets 2v2'd while im topside, they start soft afk'ing (following mid/me around and not farming anymore). It's so goddamn frustrating how even top 0.1% of players are just absolutely terrible at the game, and mentally unstable. this was in 500 lp masters btw.
Also feel league streamers like Druta and yamato have made a huge impact on the community mental, because nowadays every missed hook, failed gank, death, or anything you do wrong is "Wintrading me" like anyone even knows any of the random solo Q players except their family.
You are just like him you are only interested in your own narrative
@@DishLiquidGB Interesting, mind expanding on that? how me getting called a wintrader and trolled by 2 lanes at minute 3 is "me being like him"??? Like u must be trolling to say stuff like that
@@bilkari8753nah dw the other guy is legit trolling saying that
Dude this reksai would not reach gold without a boost, people like this do exist in all ranks though and that’s sad
druta and yamato? did you see Tyler in 2015-16? 20 thousand people watched him lose his mind and run through mid, Yamato and Drutut never had such an online even in total. and you say that they are the ones who have some kind of influence with their relatively small audiences. When there are guys who set an example for a much larger number of people.
All he had to do into Rengar was counter gank and farm, still went 2/12 :DD
Kinda sad honestly, tho, cuz i see a variation of my younger self in his words. And the words i used to speak came from fear, anger, sadness, loneliness and such generally negative emotions. Never have i ever thought about acting or talking maliciously when i was actually satisfied with my own life. All of it has always been in order to prove myself not to me, but to other people. Poor kid is gonna have it real tough if he doesn't learn how to integrate this part of himself, but w/e. Can't teach a person anything if he already believes he knows everything.
In the beginning I felt like skipping because it was just too much but Im happy I stayed through the video.
Thanks for very interesting almost educational video. Thanks Azzap.
This guy has mad delutions. Need mental help. Funny as hell but its borderline ethical to upload. I love to watch it, but man this guy is insane
In Italy there's a saying: "chi é causa del suo mal, pianga se stesso". That literally translates into "who is the cause of harm to himself is the one that has to cry for himself".
Meaning that if you fuck up it's your fault and you can't blame others.
We are protecting idiots too much and taking away THEIR responsibility at the point that they are running the world and ruining other people's lives.
He's 19 and there's still time to fix him, hardware and ip ban and therapy could do something....but people need to understand that people like this exist and are dangerous for them and the one around them.
@@TheGabbia well said, i agree
@@TheGabbia I definitely agree with the protecing too much part. People need to learn they have to take responsibilities, it's insane that only a minority of people are willing to take responsibility, at least in my experience. In league of legends that minority is not even big enough to be called a minority, it's full of people stuck in a middle-schooler mentality.
If you like Azzapp for his mentality, I can pretty much guarantee you guys will love Broken By Concept. Amazing people, great advice let it be in life or league or any competitive scheme.
You can feel who is winning the fight when the kid is cussing every second and zapzap is calm and respectable to the guy. Bro deserve the quote define aura
I want to know who's the first npc that came up with this logic of "if you're cursing someone then you lose the argument instantly" 😂 what's even the reasoning behind this? You win argument by being the smartest party not by not cursing
It's not about winning or losing, I could tell you azzap lost because he wasted his time talking to a wall and could've done more "fun" things which is the main objective of playing games. In reality he did more than the basic win or lose.
@@Samy-j9hbecause hes cursing because hes mad and doesnt have anything to say other than insult him, and azzap on the other hand is perfectly calm and being respectful even if hes not being respected
@@Samy-j9hits basic argument rules, when debating you instantly lose if you start to personally attack someone instead of their argument. Besides this it just shows immaturity and lack of knowledge.
I mean, he wasn't looking at it as if it was a fight. He's so ridiculously similar to actual Velkoz, an observer.
Clearly boosted or bought account.
And that's only 1 minute into the vid.
When it comes to League delusions, something like this is like the top 3 on my list. Sadly, it ain't the worst of the worst.
Edit: 3 minutes in and...I can't believe that's an adult. I doubt that's a kid. A manchild tho, sure.
I loved the content! great conversation, azzap was so chill during the whole thing is admirable. also i would change the title on this video, he's not delusional, he just needs help
I can agree with you conclusion at the end of the talk. I‘m actually in therapy because of some bad things that happened in my life. I had a game where I ran it down with the same mindset as him and it actually took me a while to reflect on my behaviour and I had similar problems and motives as you talked about.
As I commented a while back on some other content of you - I really am happy that I found you in my shorts. You really are an interesting and inspiring person. Keep going.
not a problem running games down, if people don't have sympathy for you why should you have for them? sometimes the emotional gets to you and words can make it worse. I do my best to respect my teammates and be supportive, sometimes the person is just having a bad day. We should be kind and have empathy towards someone who is tilted, instead azzap made an example out of this guy and belittled him in front of hundreds of people for content.
@@rdmvxxxg you are so sped
25:00 I think what Azzapp said at the end was super important. We all have the potential to become people like that, and its a highly beneficial opportunity for self reflection when confronted with a case like this.
In other words, "that could've been me."
we can become toxic but this person was not just toxic. those problems are way more deeply.
That was actually really educational. I played league for a long time and my friends and I would get mad over it to a ridiculous extend. If you're watching someone it is easy to see his delusion, but it is also easy to fall into similliar patterns. If you play this game when you are unhappy with yourself and state of your life, the worst of you will come out. It is a privilige to see someone else losing control of their emotion over a game, socyou can see a reflection of yourself from the outside, calm perspective and can view yourself through different lenses.
Thank you Azzap for this display of calmness and genuine care. I hope can learn from this and decide to be behave better. It would be such a fantastic game if people would do more to take control over their life, have interests and goals outside the game and good relationships and most importantly a good relationship with themselves. This way we all could be more forgiving towards other, accept own and teammates mistakes as well as losses. It is just a game, because there is so much more to life than rank and LP
This is the mindset of someone who doesn’t want things to be hard, they want things to be easy. Because the very notion that they might have to try and fail, that they might apply themselves to learn something new and not grasp it immediately frightens them more than anything else. This whole thing seems like an unhealthy coping mechanism for someone who is unable to handle perceived failures, either their own or perceived in others around them.
I feel like their mindset makes the game hard from themselves.
As someone who personally has an overwhelming fear, that whenever I am at my current peak, that it's the highest peak I'll achieve and that I can't be any better, I can relate to him to a certain extent. I'm not nearly as delusional as him, but I've had my fair share of games that I got tilted enough to troll, it's always like the 6th loss in a row, but that's not an excuse. I still take responsibility for myself in most games, it's easier to do after the game than during the game. My fear of failure and not being good enough is by far the most overwhelming and crushing force in my life, idk how others dealt with it, or if they just never developed it, but it does suck.
@@RampagingKnight2 Theres nothing to be afraid of lol. How do you learn a champ? by limit testing. Now take that further. How do you learn league? by failing. Failing isn't the right word here. Its called learning. You cannot fail when you are learning. Failure is a much deeper and sad word. Failure in its true essence means to have nothing left, Noone to stand back up and learn from it. Failure is complete annihilation of your army in a war. Not something as small as losing a league game. You get back up, you learn, and get better. All there is to it.
I felt the same way as you on other games. "Do i really deserve this rank"? "Was it just luck" etc etc. Turned out to be false worrys. Went much higher, top 40 to be exact, and consistently could get that rank on multiple different accounts. Breaking through the initial doubts might be a little worrying, but dont worry. You couldnt of got where u did without actually being that ranks skill in the first place. The loss streaks might hurt your confidence, but if you truly begin to understand the game, then you will also understand if it was really your fault or not and what u could of done better. So, go get it boss.
I have personal feelings with this as I have a very hard time with failure it absolutely destroys me and most of that came from going through school all the way to 12th grade I would just ace everything with out having to try then I get to my college/uni hybrid program and aced the first year and bombed the second year. Then bombed the 2nd year again. I got hella depressed and now when I have an exam I feel not confident i just don't go instead of just trying even if it means I barley pass... reading that comment i feel for this guy even if he delusional
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin beautiful comment
Honestly, respect to you for the way you drove that situation. I can only applaude, not sure I could stay that calm througout this conversation. I probly would've ended it in the first 2 minutes
This was captivating. And inspiring. And azzapp having a conversation in the same way he plays velkoz in game, wild 😮
Azzapp i honestly respect you so much for bein so patient and actually able staying calm and trying to understand a person like that
Anyone with half a brain realised that there is more to this situation than perfect play and win trading. It's literally a false dichotomy. If you are a jungle you need to take lane situations into consideration before making a decision.
This guy goes "I beat rengar early with help" and dies cause no one can come to him. Having a disagreement on potentially the best play of waiting for a gank before trading might be valid if anything is communicated instead of assumed.
Add to that the absurd overreaction, fallacious argumentation and lack of hesitance in blaming others for his own lack of thinking.
This is a disgusting display of human nature and someone gaining access beyond his level.
Nice analysis and description. You know how to word out situations,
also add resorting to personal insults irrelevant to the topic at every chance(the weapon of the idiot)
That kid is just a delusional convinced narcissist. He really need help to get back on track. Thanks for being patient and trying to help him.
They never do. This didn't help him, only fueled him further.
@@MomsRavioli i said trying to help. Thou you are right. This kinda fueled him more. Everything will fuel him more unless he seek real help.
I do not watch your streams, but I'm your biggest fan when I do see you here. I respect your attitude and I'm so happy to find another person like me when it comes to talking to angry people.
Stay calm and brave brother.
Bro i'm watching LoL content and Azzap deliver a lesson of life, a lesson of humility, of being a good human being, of not being selfish. That's why I watch you Azzap you're so real for this!
I feel sorry for him, he really needs to leave the game and go see a psychiatrist. I know a lot of players who have been affected by anger and nervousness and deny it. Until they left the game, their lives started to improve.
There is zero doubt that this kid is abused at home. One or both of his parents is unable to take responsibility for their actions. The game is his escape from that life, but some things you can’t leave behind.
Ive met absolute brats who have good parents.@@WRanger87
14:19 his way of saying "what" as if he just never heard of the concept "bounce" or even "wave state"
What is a wave bounce?
@@SamkoKalajdzini you honestly asking or just trolling? If u really wanna know I’d recommend some videos by AloisNL. This whole wave manipulation is imo most important in top but a concept a good player should have understood
@@merlin5822 nah im serious ima jungle main for 10 years i know nothings aboug laning
@@SamkoKalajdzini what elo are you?
@@N3207H05 hah gold 2 :/
I am fascinated by the mental state of those players. I also try to have a chat with them, since it's fucking great and extremely amusing!
and yeah, of course it's a terrible situation for those players to be in...
I just mute them. Let them seeth in their rage.
This really makes me want to talk to azzap IRL, he seems to have many good advices and a genuine care for others
Glad to see you have a genuine conversation with a "run it down", I'll try this in the TW server.
Cool Idea for a drinking game, everytime he says "Listen" take a shot.
You wanna kill people 💀
Also when "i dont care" u gotta empty 1 beer
Y'all wanna die😂
This guy right here. People like him are why I just don't play league as much as I would really love to.
I like playing league. I love learning and playing champs, figuring out builds, and just trying to figure out the path to victory every game. Being competitive is fun.
But especially in the average player elos of silver/gold. You get a lot of people like this.
And as much as I can mute pings and turn off chat. There is no way to stop someone from ACTING like this.
And what sucks is you experience these kinds of people no matter the multiplayer game you play.
players like this legitimately drove me away from the game. I just watch other people play and play the occasional arena. if the game were full of reasonable adults who respected each other, I might come back. but I'm not gonna subject myself to being trapped in a game with a delusional antisocial kid like the guest star of this video. my time and irl mental are more valuable than that.
@@organicsatanic If they added voice chat, maybe that would be possible. So people could talk to each other, and make each other better people overtime. Thats how it works. Its like we have 1000's of years of history to see this exact concept in action, multiple other games less toxic then league while being 10x more competitive. Yet league, minecraft, roblox, all these "text chat" games with no voice chat turn out to be the most toxic ones...? weird. i can only wonder why. (If you ever played minecraft servers, and saw how some people talk in text chat, compared to how they talk to you in discord you would understand EXACTLY what i mean. Super toxic in text chat, and then absolute angels in discord). So scared of toxicity, that in a attempt to block it, you make it worse then it could ever be if u didnt block it. Crazy how that works huh. Almost like mother nature herself, gave us the solution to our problems (real time communcation, aka talking) and league devs instead deny it.
You don't get a lot of people like this and if you are better than them you're going to climb. The statistical chance to have such a player in your team is 4/9 but for the enemy team it's 5/9. So statistically if you are not tilting like him and try your best to improve then you'll climb because the enemy will more often get players like him. Players like him exist but they are a minority and they definitely can't stop you from improving and climbing. How would you explain other people climbing when they have to deal with the same things that you have to deal with? Is it just luck? Cmon. Don't be as delusional as him. Elo hell doesn't exist. If you like the game and want to improve and find being competitive fun then play it. If you don't find it fun then don't play it.
@@RestTarRr Bub, calm down a little. I am not delusional. And it's not about climbing.
It's just about sometimes you just wanna sit down and have a good time being competitive win or lose. A 4/9 chance someone you get matched with that is going to rain on your parade.
Sitting down excited to play then 2 games in a row you get people sucking the fun out of the game with poor sportsmanship/ mental doesn't make me wanna queue up for more.
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin I agree that vc would improve league a lot, i think there is too many players who sit alone on their PC just spamming soloq games and getting silently mad, if they could hear people in the game and could understand their plays that would help.
But there is other side of the coin (but easily countered by mute button), if you ever played Rust you would know how toxic people can be through vc. Literally 12 years old russians cursing out your family 3 generations into future, I even heard a lot of guys like this reksai literally crying into mic about how i'm dogshit after i won fight vs them.
I haven't played league in over 5+years, and was never even good at it. Even I can see, both supports died at the same time, they see you go into their jungle, guess who's going to be there quicker? Surprise, the one that has a shorter way and the one that does not have to catch the way.
He went into the game thinking I am invading, no matter what. It backfired and needed someone to blame it on.
Classic case of a guy buying an account because he got hardstuck below where he believed he deserved* to be, not because of matchmaking being bad or anything, but because he plays the exact same way every game and isn't skilled enough to do more than coinflip the early game. Turns out that not being good enough or knowledgeable enough to climb out of the rank you belong in means you definitely aren't good enough to maintain a higher rank on an account you bought.
*this assumes he didn't get boosted to wherever he was before he bought this account. We all know he wasn't good enough to get boosted this high.
I admire your patience, this type of situation happend so many times I feel we all got a lil therapy moment. Ill just try my best ignore and send positivity to them and not be affected by this sorta attitude for example: jgl and adc goes to the drake, mid doesn't have prio, supp had to base. They start the drake and died cuz of enenmi prio and flame the midlane for not coming... when he was pushed under tower... and then we play the typing game xD Actually we should laugh bout those situations and move on. Sorry for my english, stay all healthy 🐣
massive respect to u bro, u dont have to go thru this
ure way smarter than people think
Azzapp dude you are so patient. its incredible. props to you
It's scary how he can tell himself such lies and then believe in and defend them with such fervor
Azzap: "Don't ff"
Evil Azzap: 2:05
Actually have to agree with that psychologist guy in the chat. You have insane amount of patience. My friends and family consider me an incredibly patient person, but even I would be mad at this guy after a few minutes of talking.
Dont lick ass
"why u mad" "I'm chilling" bro was struggling to breath in between all his yapping lol
You were very patient and I like what you said at the end, gg
Watching this live was somethin else fr
I swear it’s really concerning to see people so clueless and especially just a bad person. He is such hypocrite and realizes that he solo lost so plays the “i was inting card” just so sad.
Azzapp:Vladimir has a severe disadvantage in the wave state
The guy: what?
Azzapp What do you mean what?😂
Where's the disadvantage? Its 2 waves incl. cannon that are being pushed to their turret. Isn't there a timing here for vlad to move, while Jax has 6 minions to clear to complete his push? In that time, vlad can move to jgl, assist in the rengar kill, then move back to tower and farm the two waves? He only loses them if they lose the 2v1 against Rengar, or if Jax moves to assist, in which case Jax sacks an entire wave in order to be there in time.
I should add, the jgler in the call is clearly a horrible person, but in terms of purely addressing the macro, isn't he right?
@@D1GDUG vlad loses if he comes to help he , jax can fast push and take plates whille vlad loses xp and gold , or jax fast push and goes for the 2v2 so no vlad is in disadvantage
@@D1GDUGIt’s risky to roam when you don’t have priority since the enemy can just shove the wave under tower making you lose waves+plates or match your roam 2 seconds later while the wave naturally pushes under tower anyways making the vlad lose more.
And we all know who would’ve won the 2v2 there.
@@themarketgardener I agree that its risky, but for timing we're not talking about a roam to mid here. Vlad has a timing to do something, the wave is pushing to him regardless of whether he's in lane or not. All he needs to do is help reksai protect his blue camp from being stolen, then he can move back to his tower and collect the waves that are crashing. I wouldn't think that if there wasn't an allied wave still to be cleared, but there is, so has got what, 15 seconds before the tower is removing any of the farm he wants to collect?
19 isn't a kid,i'm 17 and this acting is problem of parenting
I heard Latino as well, but I realised after the first 5 times, that he is saying "p-latinu-m". His accent is definitely not Danish, but at least in Danish, platinum is "pla-tin". If a Danish person were to pronounce platinum without phonemic knowledge, they'd say "plaTInum" with emphasis on "ti", not "pla-t-num". I assume somewhat the same is the case in his native language.
It's amazing that, as a newer silver player myself whose crawled through the hellish gates of iron 4, I hear THE EXACT SAME THINGS. This isn't my main, I'm just running it down, I'm just boosting this account for a friend, 1v1 me bro, if everyone played exactly the way i want them too (including the enemy) I would win every game, I PINGED (pings do dmg now btw), I know everything about every wave-state in every lane, I know every ability, every counter, every best mouse click. You can be iron, you can be challenger, YOU ALL SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME. The real problem is a lot of people ARE this guy and don't realize. Good friends let their buddies know when they are being overly toxic, don't be or have bad friends.
Best thing you can do is just /mute all. in every game. Lol is not really a place to make friends.
When League players knows they did some shitty plays they will just say "you are too bad to let me explain why you are so bad"
mom needs to take away a computer
I love how you tried namy times to find connection with him even he showed you how much help he needs... I feel bad for these people when I can't find the way to communicate and help them!
Bro. You handled this so well. Mad respect. The other guy doesn't even admit he messed up and just straight up yaps.
I have had players like this in almost every ranked match in the ME server which has stunted my ranked growth. But we move. I get mad when I lose games in low elo, can't even imagine a challenger jg running it down.
The patience you’ve shown in this video is amazing, Azzapp.
I am very happy to know that there are polite, smart and masculine people like you in lol community.
Wish you the best in life🤝🙌
Malphite when you press Ctrl+2: 19:27
37sec? I should get a life
I've had so many conversations like this in random 5 stacks of league and I'm also fascinated by their psychology. It's really interesting, and it's surprising how blind a lot of people are to their own their own thought patterns. But actually discovering them and confronting it is really difficult. I'm impressed by the way you handled this conversation honestly. It's pretty rare to meet people that think deeply about things like that, so I was surprised to hear your thoughts on it. I'd love to talk to you about it sometime actually.
Same here. I've had 4 out of 5 teammates AND enemy team players telling my jungler he made mistake after mistake without anyone being able to help him and still they'd think they were right.
Junglers in general are a weird breed.
I love it dude the best insult you can ever say to someone is having genuine fear and concern for his livelihood it was so funny watching him respond
Azzapp, your mindset is the religion I chose for me
The guy in the video might need a psychologist but you need a priest and jesus above all
@snayketheboy4359 thanks but why do u think that?
Honestly, I'm just impressed Azzapp was able to stay so calm while he was hurling insults all the time
He got the (fanta) mental
We guys from Balkan are either chill asf or we shoot to kill lol. There is nothing in between
It's super easy to stay calm when you realize they person talking to you is actually insane and it's not personal
@@skoodlemooseyeah , it just remind me of my relationship with my father , my father is like that guy super emotional snd start shouting without breathing over irrelevant things and i would stay calm and answer him with solutions to said problems , my calmness always infuriated him even more lol
this game seriously needs perma ban by IP.
and also azzapp made more money with this video then this guys month salary xD. this guy makes azzapp rich
seriously so odd there are hate watchers, and then people like this thats hate giving free content XD "Hate Donating?" XD
IP bans don't do anything. It's quick, easy, and basically free, to change your IP
Hey! this is the first time I watched your vid and I'm glad this is the video I watched, you handled it perfectly and all the things you said, loved it.
i died when he said "so i go boo and they get scared? " LMFAOOOOO
I started playing league last December, but was always familiar with attitudes like this from low elo players, since my cousin has been playing for many years now. I am a silver player myself, made some progress starting from iron in the 9 months that have passed. It's a bit slow but I was REALLY bad at the beginning (I'm still bad but not that much and I'm getting better). What I can't believe tho is the fact that people in high elo can be that messed up, I thought this was only on my silver lobbies lol, so many insecure people play this game, insecurities that will never let them get any better. I personally try to avoid chatting in game even if I fail sometimes, unless it's for fun interactions, which dont really exist lately unless you play aram or normal games
I play in iron with my friend and it's always fun/funny even if we lose cuz the "plays" are always hilarious as shit
@@obiwancannoli1920 how difficult it is to find people having fun and truly enjoying playing this game
I will never understand why Riot doesn't hire some good players who will go over high elo games individually and straight up perma ban incidents like this.
Here's how to understand: $$$$$ If they start removing the least desirable players every other month, then they'll soon find themselves without a game. They need active players. This guy probably plays 24/7, so he's "contributing" activity.
Azzapp was so respectful during this idiotic meltdown, I’m so happy, we need more players like Azzapp
loved to have gotten to know you azzapp, really cool dude
I've been the 18 year old kid who was exactly like this. I agree with your analysis as that's the case with many young gamers who have enough talent to feel supremacy in any environment they dedicate time towards. However I don't think it's an issue to the extent where he needs to talk to someone and get help or worse case end up shooting a school. He just needs to eventually learn not everybody can or is willing to think like he is and that he needs to become a leader for people to follow his ideals and that naturally comes with experience. Judging by his talent in video games (despite how he's portrayed, he's still probably master+ and top percentile in the world) he's probably intelligent enough to overcome his flaws. I actually believe that he has 300+ friends as almost every young kid has 300+ acquaintances just from school alone and the definition of friendship is ambiguous at such an early age. He's just trying to say he's not a loser and is capable of developing friendships which is just a consequence of baseline intelligence. As much as I don't condone this type of behavior, I think you as an influencer and more life experienced teacher to your viewers should recognize how common this type of behavior is especially in the gaming industry and not scrutinize him too much, but rather try to explain this philosophy and educate him by relating to him with your own life experiences in his language. I've seen enough of your content to understand your desire to promote positive mindset and community building which is great, but I'm simply suggesting by being able to relate to the opposition you can perhaps make a bigger impact. This man certainly did not learn anything besides relieve his frustration and will probably continue to act like this. If you were able to relate to him by acknowledging the lack of help for the jungler, he may have at least agreed him intentionally losing the game was toxic. I think once you started trying to frame him a narcissist (which in this case he was, but so is almost every other kid who lies on the positive end of the bell curve in any environment cuz they're.. kids aka people who haven't first hand experienced leadership or other necessary social skills), you only opened the door to the game of who can make the other person feel worse. I think all this guy is saying is 'I'm challenger so all you noobs should play around me, and if you are too dumb to understand when to take a free win in life, i wish to try to teach you by giving you a free loss.' With his logic, that's correct. Assuming he is the best player on the team for macro/micro because he's hard smurfing, then the team should play around his timing and his direction for the best chance to win. Is this logic and behavior toxic? Yes. Is this bad for the community and should people like Azzapp stand against it or perhaps even make example out of it? Perhaps. I just wish for everyone to try and understand where people are coming from despite the circumstance. I don't think people are born evil or born with ill intentions. It's an influence of their environment, upbringing, and a huge list of factors we can relate to. I probably wrote less than 10 comments my whole life but because I stand up for what you do for the community Azzapp and I felt for the guy being attacked, I had to write an essay.
i’m reading allat
Dudes talking about scaring them with no regard to eco.... If he is actually plat I'm surprised.