Lovely. Yes give them hope but keep it real. The future is unknown, not because it cannot be known, but because it is ever changing based on our words and actions of today that ripple through time and space. Give them hope by making the unknown exciting, not terrifying.
Being a student of this specific teacher, I can say that this statement is true and without a doubt, It is effective, so I agree with this statement
Lovely. Yes give them hope but keep it real. The future is unknown, not because it cannot be known, but because it is ever changing based on our words and actions of today that ripple through time and space. Give them hope by making the unknown exciting, not terrifying.
Love this!
Amazing info thank you 😊
I love it #Ramamathmasti😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
I think control and hope are correlated but probably not causal. In what do you personally hope Cathleen when you have limited control?