When a BB blunders into your torp spread: "Damn this ship is actually good!" When you get spotted for 10 seconds, targeted by everyone and their mother, and deleted before you can smoke up: "Nevermind, it's worthless."
Totally agreeable, as I first started playing Sejong that I won from the random bundle, it became apparent that reload mod was better and more fun than range mod. Also having to be closer to the enemies due to limited range also allowed better usage of torps too, making things even more fun at times. I had atrocious games with range mod initially, but started having dramatically different games with reload mod.
DD machine gun drivers would never rush a Smolensk, or Minotar to get into a gun fight...they will come straight at you in this ship...and win the gunfight.....this ship is ok...not good...you make your money in this ship with the torps, but that is very situational. You get radared at close range and you're going to die, everything pens and damages, and you have very low hp. It definitely is not a tier X Atlanta or a Colbert.
Considering that Jinan can use reload mod in slot 6 and has access to improved Demolition Expert, she has actually higher theoretical fires/min than Smolensk. But ofc Smolensk has better arcs, range and dispersion than Jinan.
Torpedo detection in the 5th slot is also an option, Im noticing that some people playing like this. It makes you feel a little more safe in smokes. (btw I personnaly dot have this line :D)
Honestly it's not a line I'll probably ever grind but still, quite the interesting gameplay Also regarding what happened with the CV, just remember what LWM said about AA This ship has good AA Great, so CV will stop attack me? No Will it reduce damage I take from CVs ? No Will it make dodging their attack easier ? No Will it discourage CVs from attacking me ? No Will it make harder for CV to attack me ? No You do more damage to planes than other ships So I make bigger numbers flash on your screen Yes And you've made my ship worst at other traits that actually affects gameplay for this privilege Yes ... Buy your Texas/Tulsa/ California/Atlanta today
This video perfectly shows why I left this game and moved on, this ship line is supposed to have one of the best AAs and yet it's unable to defend itself against a Midway, then good and smart positioning ruined by endless submarine pinging and their homing torps gimmick that makes no sense.
Yahh, my first run with this ship was very challenging as well. Many painful learning rounds early on. The things that I think dial in it's strengths. 1. Get that commander Da Rong. His SE and fire chance boosts are solid. Go for the heavy HE for sure. Concealment and the torp buffs. And yes instead of the increased range, go for the rate of fire instead. This ships guns have the same moon shot high arcs that US ships do. It becomes very difficult to do any real damage at very long range with these guns. 2. It's too easy to fall under the spell of it's torps capabilities and you'll end up losing a lot of potential damage from your guns as you waste a lot of time trying to find the perfect situation to drop a ship with your torps. You need to play it for both scenarios. 3. This ship play suffers unless you have opponents willing to push in and this game is soo passive these days with BBs and heavy cruisers spending a lot of the game keeping way back. Your opportunities for meaningful torpedo runs that can drop ships are not plentiful. Modes like Brawl and and Ranked force you not to camp so this ship can do well under those terms, but in randoms, it's sometimes very hard to get alot of torp damage in games when you half the lineups are DDs and subs, while most of the BBs sit way back for most of the game. If BBs see a Sejong or Jinan in the lineups, they'll likely play even more passively as they know pushing in is a bigger risk. 4. You have to monitor your concealment vs that 13km torp range carefully. It's tough to find a good spot for Torps shots and not unnecessarily compromise yourself in the process which can lead to death. 5. Smoke is useful, but they're torp magnets and try to slow down a bit before popping smoke . This ship doesn't stop on a dime and many times you hit smoke, and your bow ends up exposed for a long time after and you take a lot of damage in the process. 6. The guns are excellent at starting fires and farming HE damage. Put them to use. Use the torps when you got cruisers and BBs pushing if you can get the angles right.
I dont use the extra heal, so i use instead the +10% damage on torpedoes. You heal so few since the major damage came from citadels that maneged into the 16mm armor.
That sub influenced the Stalin more than anything, otherwise that Stalin could have done so much more. It was free farming while the sub caused it to run for its life. Any cruiser could done the same damage in that situation farming a Stalin that's getting torp spammed by a sub, infact a better cruiser would have actually done more damage and probably gotten the kill
I like the jinan except that it really needs hydro in my opinion. In games where there is a lot of dd's, not being able to spot torps in smoke can be a really bad counter to this ship.
Need to reconsider Harbin too, it was "fine, if meh". That said, it's getting a (needless, IMO) nerf IIRC, maybe too late. Chumphon's still a stinker though - mainly due to the slow shells and too few torp tubes and reload bosters.
It could be very fun to play Jinan as a 'brawling' cruiser. It's very risky and she lacks many tools aka hydro in close quaters, but the DPM and torpedo power in combine is no joke. But the ship is still very, very situational - sometimes in random you are just not allowed to play the game when all enemy BBs are sniping 20kms away and your team just leave you in the front dodging all torpedoes with pure skill.
I am a DD main and Jinan has become my favorite ship. I think I have had it about two weeks and have more 150k+ games than any of the other ship 200+ ships I have. I am built for guns and fires and I spam all the torps I can. Great ship imho!
I've always liked the Pan-Asian line of DD and the Cruisers... When you have a good game, they're amazing. If you get tooooo aggressive, you pay though. lol Also find that it's very team dependent in Randoms.
As a die hard BB player I know that if not blip the Jinan at the first possible opportunity I'd rather stay away from its obnoxious gun range .... not to mention the walls of torps they unleash ....
:P The Jinan is one of my best CLs, especially if you like Torps you can rack up great dmg. I saccrafice heavy SAP for +15% dmg on torps as te HE shatters to much to actually make sense for me (and I get consistent 4-5 torp hits per game). The key for torps is to play like a DD and not fire your mainguns until you got your torps out and running for a while. Especially the very first set of torps at the start of the game is the most important as the enemy dies not know you are on the flank yet, saccraficing 3-4min of dpm for 3-4 torp hits is well worth it.
Great content Potato, I only have the tier 6 ship, I have not gone far , they look promising watching you learn definitely make me want to run down this line.,
Atlanta is my second most played ship (Belfast first). I've been mixed on going up this line but seeing this video (after seeing your first one) is going to cause me to play this line this weekend for sure.
Just be warned - Chumphon stinks, it's not a patch on Atlanta or Flint. Harbin's workable, if underwhelming. Sejong and Jinan are where you get "Smolensk-lite" games with circumstantial torpedo abuse.
I also tried an aggressive build, just with the 2 AA skills (they help a lot against CVs). But the Jinan is way worse to play than the Sejong. I played over 24 games with it and got an average 34k damage output. You felt save against a Stalingrad in this game, but it isn't. Once you are visible, you are pretty much dead. On the other hand, with my San Diego, also an Atlanta based model, I can kite T10 ships even w/o any smoke and it works well. Unfortunately it has enough armor, that everything fuses. It's now 1 year later after your review and I think the MM is more in favor for the Sejong now, than it is for the Jinan. Thats why the Sejong works and the Jinan don't. In these Jinan games, I barely find enemies willing to come close enough. Pretty much everyone was camping in the back and when you are in a ship with only 14.5km range, it can be challenging to even get in range of something you are able to hit (even the San Diego got a lower shell arc AND SAP!). Good luck hitting DDs from more than 10km... And now you are stuck in games, where every big target is back at spawn and only noobs are pushing. Totally different to T8 games....
I hate them, in my Kremlin and one of these was behind an island shooting at me for 10 mins, it was not the shell dmg it was the fire dmg, i was on fire all the time, to be honest, every game i am always on fire, but it is so frustrating just like having a sub ping you again and again for 10 mins. (world of why am i always on fire!!!!!)
I noticed you didn’t use any AP On broad siding cruisers? Is the AP shells garbage for this ship? Or DOES HE just out DPM AP even when citadels are possible?
Dude. It sucks. Sure, once in a while you get a game where paid actors sail through the middle, one after the other, and only one radar is used. When you are safe. And your dd is competent to clear your flank from crossfire. But, in all the other games, where battleships actually shoot at you, you just explode. The Jinan is ridiculously weak and can disappear in seconds from full health. Everyone likes to shoot at it, because it is so easy to citadel. The Asashio is a far superior deep water torpedo platform. It has much better concealment, no citadel, turns faster, and it is tier 8. I also had the occasional great game in the Sejong, but this line is too weak. They give up their gun power, useful consumables and survivability in order to gain a few torps. You sail in a piñata for a gimmick. Reasonable people do not associate with this line.
been screamin this myself!(prob on a couple of your vids too! ;) but i accepted the overall notion that it was not great simply bc most of that contingent wouldnt enjoy most light cruisers. The irian has been in my top 5 cruisers for a while, and they basically gave her smokes. ive been VERY enjoying the line since the git go! o7
Due to how AA and Squadrons work, CVs always get 1 strike off regardless of your AA. Still if you can kill the planes attackers before they bug out that's a win.
I had a 277k dmg game in Jinan in the recent 9vs9 Brawls, I average around 90k dmg randoms with it. It's not a bad ship by any means, it just can be abit hit and miss.
I'm a long ways away from unlocking the T10. But the T6 isn't bad. I've carried a few games with it. Though, I've been first strike deleted in it, as well. Fire Trajectory and detection is like a typical American light cruiser, but with it's own smoke and torpedo's. So, basically, I play it, similar to a Helena or Dallas and hope for an island-y map..
the jinan hes been an all or nothing ship for me, i have a great game or i die fast. i don't mid it cause the good games still make me smile when i think back on them.
if you see most of the jinan replay vids that are considered epic, they all use it very aggressively... go in the very center and keep themselves hidden as much as possible and keep firing torpedoes when its ready at all possible locations... and just farm fire dmg... if dd comes close jinan kills them... if cruisers and bb are in range fire the torps and set them on fire when the torps are almost at their detectable range... some of them really destroy the enemies with the jinan... its a fine line between needing to stay hidden and aggressively attack the enemies till they die... you pretty much figured it out in this video already that you needed to stay hidden sometimes even if the enemy is right next to you...
its probably why his hp is only 35k... imagine if he had more hp and can aggressively hunt all above water ships.... this ship is very good in the right hands... high skill ceiling and also high skills required to even considered playing this ship... but if you are good enough with this ship, it is very dangerous to their opponents... a multi purpose all rounder ship that can sink almost everything in game... except planes and subs...
I was just in ranked game with the cossack and was reported and insulted in chat because I apparently had less dmg than the opponent dd. 3 caps and killed the enemy dd 1vs1 I finished first and had 1100 EP in the losing team. The problem with this game is the many frustrated players... by the way - best WOWS channel
HE spamming, smoke, sit behind island, deepwater trops to fuck bbs and cruisers up that don't have hydro, trop reload booster and a heal aka, it's a colbert but chinese and better. the end
It's funny that the Russians pat themselves on the back with the best Damage Control in the game, when in reality they lost a space age destroyer and the Moskva to runaway fires.
When a BB blunders into your torp spread: "Damn this ship is actually good!"
When you get spotted for 10 seconds, targeted by everyone and their mother, and deleted before you can smoke up: "Nevermind, it's worthless."
Totally agreeable, as I first started playing Sejong that I won from the random bundle, it became apparent that reload mod was better and more fun than range mod. Also having to be closer to the enemies due to limited range also allowed better usage of torps too, making things even more fun at times. I had atrocious games with range mod initially, but started having dramatically different games with reload mod.
I believe that reload mod is a much better option on smoke cruisers with low-earth orbit shell arcs than heavy cruisers imo, probably how that went
Thank you , I’m going to try it and see if I feel the same way. I’ve been running range mod and it’s not great.
DD machine gun drivers would never rush a Smolensk, or Minotar to get into a gun fight...they will come straight at you in this ship...and win the gunfight.....this ship is ok...not good...you make your money in this ship with the torps, but that is very situational. You get radared at close range and you're going to die, everything pens and damages, and you have very low hp. It definitely is not a tier X Atlanta or a Colbert.
Considering that Jinan can use reload mod in slot 6 and has access to improved Demolition Expert, she has actually higher theoretical fires/min than Smolensk. But ofc Smolensk has better arcs, range and dispersion than Jinan.
Torpedo detection in the 5th slot is also an option, Im noticing that some people playing like this. It makes you feel a little more safe in smokes. (btw I personnaly dot have this line :D)
I'm glad you found your groove. I've had so much fun in the Jinan and it's one of the few T10 light cruisers I play.
Honestly it's not a line I'll probably ever grind but still, quite the interesting gameplay
Also regarding what happened with the CV, just remember what LWM said about AA
This ship has good AA
Great, so CV will stop attack me?
Will it reduce damage I take from CVs ?
Will it make dodging their attack easier ?
Will it discourage CVs from attacking me ?
Will it make harder for CV to attack me ?
You do more damage to planes than other ships
So I make bigger numbers flash on your screen
And you've made my ship worst at other traits that actually affects gameplay for this privilege
Buy your Texas/Tulsa/ California/Atlanta today
This video perfectly shows why I left this game and moved on, this ship line is supposed to have one of the best AAs and yet it's unable to defend itself against a Midway, then good and smart positioning ruined by endless submarine pinging and their homing torps gimmick that makes no sense.
Yahh, my first run with this ship was very challenging as well. Many painful learning rounds early on. The things that I think dial in it's strengths.
1. Get that commander Da Rong. His SE and fire chance boosts are solid. Go for the heavy HE for sure. Concealment and the torp buffs. And yes instead of the increased range, go for the rate of fire instead. This ships guns have the same moon shot high arcs that US ships do. It becomes very difficult to do any real damage at very long range with these guns.
2. It's too easy to fall under the spell of it's torps capabilities and you'll end up losing a lot of potential damage from your guns as you waste a lot of time trying to find the perfect situation to drop a ship with your torps. You need to play it for both scenarios.
3. This ship play suffers unless you have opponents willing to push in and this game is soo passive these days with BBs and heavy cruisers spending a lot of the game keeping way back. Your opportunities for meaningful torpedo runs that can drop ships are not plentiful. Modes like Brawl and and Ranked force you not to camp so this ship can do well under those terms, but in randoms, it's sometimes very hard to get alot of torp damage in games when you half the lineups are DDs and subs, while most of the BBs sit way back for most of the game. If BBs see a Sejong or Jinan in the lineups, they'll likely play even more passively as they know pushing in is a bigger risk.
4. You have to monitor your concealment vs that 13km torp range carefully. It's tough to find a good spot for Torps shots and not unnecessarily compromise yourself in the process which can lead to death.
5. Smoke is useful, but they're torp magnets and try to slow down a bit before popping smoke . This ship doesn't stop on a dime and many times you hit smoke, and your bow ends up exposed for a long time after and you take a lot of damage in the process.
6. The guns are excellent at starting fires and farming HE damage. Put them to use. Use the torps when you got cruisers and BBs pushing if you can get the angles right.
I dont use the extra heal, so i use instead the +10% damage on torpedoes.
You heal so few since the major damage came from citadels that maneged into the 16mm armor.
That sub influenced the Stalin more than anything, otherwise that Stalin could have done so much more. It was free farming while the sub caused it to run for its life. Any cruiser could done the same damage in that situation farming a Stalin that's getting torp spammed by a sub, infact a better cruiser would have actually done more damage and probably gotten the kill
I like the jinan except that it really needs hydro in my opinion. In games where there is a lot of dd's, not being able to spot torps in smoke can be a really bad counter to this ship.
For real. With hydro, I could maybe look upon this ship again.
Need to reconsider Harbin too, it was "fine, if meh". That said, it's getting a (needless, IMO) nerf IIRC, maybe too late. Chumphon's still a stinker though - mainly due to the slow shells and too few torp tubes and reload bosters.
It could be very fun to play Jinan as a 'brawling' cruiser. It's very risky and she lacks many tools aka hydro in close quaters, but the DPM and torpedo power in combine is no joke. But the ship is still very, very situational - sometimes in random you are just not allowed to play the game when all enemy BBs are sniping 20kms away and your team just leave you in the front dodging all torpedoes with pure skill.
I am a DD main and Jinan has become my favorite ship. I think I have had it about two weeks and have more 150k+ games than any of the other ship 200+ ships I have. I am built for guns and fires and I spam all the torps I can.
Great ship imho!
I've always liked the Pan-Asian line of DD and the Cruisers... When you have a good game, they're amazing. If you get tooooo aggressive, you pay though. lol
Also find that it's very team dependent in Randoms.
As a die hard BB player I know that if not blip the Jinan at the first possible opportunity I'd rather stay away from its obnoxious gun range .... not to mention the walls of torps they unleash ....
I'm grinding Harbin and Maerker in rank this season. Teammates please forgive me LOL
:P The Jinan is one of my best CLs, especially if you like Torps you can rack up great dmg. I saccrafice heavy SAP for +15% dmg on torps as te HE shatters to much to actually make sense for me (and I get consistent 4-5 torp hits per game).
The key for torps is to play like a DD and not fire your mainguns until you got your torps out and running for a while. Especially the very first set of torps at the start of the game is the most important as the enemy dies not know you are on the flank yet, saccraficing 3-4min of dpm for 3-4 torp hits is well worth it.
Very good point on the shatters.
Great content Potato, I only have the tier 6 ship, I have not gone far , they look promising watching you learn definitely make me want to run down this line.,
When the red push the Jinan, it's god tier, when they kite you, it's weak sauce
Atlanta is my second most played ship (Belfast first). I've been mixed on going up this line but seeing this video (after seeing your first one) is going to cause me to play this line this weekend for sure.
Just be warned - Chumphon stinks, it's not a patch on Atlanta or Flint. Harbin's workable, if underwhelming. Sejong and Jinan are where you get "Smolensk-lite" games with circumstantial torpedo abuse.
I also tried an aggressive build, just with the 2 AA skills (they help a lot against CVs). But the Jinan is way worse to play than the Sejong. I played over 24 games with it and got an average 34k damage output. You felt save against a Stalingrad in this game, but it isn't. Once you are visible, you are pretty much dead.
On the other hand, with my San Diego, also an Atlanta based model, I can kite T10 ships even w/o any smoke and it works well. Unfortunately it has enough armor, that everything fuses.
It's now 1 year later after your review and I think the MM is more in favor for the Sejong now, than it is for the Jinan. Thats why the Sejong works and the Jinan don't. In these Jinan games, I barely find enemies willing to come close enough. Pretty much everyone was camping in the back and when you are in a ship with only 14.5km range, it can be challenging to even get in range of something you are able to hit (even the San Diego got a lower shell arc AND SAP!). Good luck hitting DDs from more than 10km...
And now you are stuck in games, where every big target is back at spawn and only noobs are pushing. Totally different to T8 games....
Did you just perma-killed both torpedo tubes of that Schlieffen at the start? :hidethepain
I hate them, in my Kremlin and one of these was behind an island shooting at me for 10 mins, it was not the shell dmg it was the fire dmg, i was on fire all the time, to be honest, every game i am always on fire, but it is so frustrating just like having a sub ping you again and again for 10 mins. (world of why am i always on fire!!!!!)
Are you planning on covering the ITA dd's? I'm having a blast playing them with super-unicum stats for each one (T7 and below so far).
I love the T2, I want the Yolo Emilio, but so far I absolutely hate the rest of the line with it's handgun range cannons.
The only reason I want the jinan is to make it a destroyer with a citadel, focusing everything on the torpedoes
I love the Jinan. It can be a AA MONSTER. I have it built to max out AA and it SHREDS planes!
it shreds poor CV player's planes, good players will drop outside of your range, so your AA does nothing.
I noticed you didn’t use any AP On broad siding cruisers? Is the AP shells garbage for this ship? Or DOES HE just out DPM AP even when citadels are possible?
Dunno, isn't the He penetration too low to properly work on bbs? Even with IFHE it's not going above 26mm,right?
Dude. It sucks. Sure, once in a while you get a game where paid actors sail through the middle, one after the other, and only one radar is used. When you are safe. And your dd is competent to clear your flank from crossfire.
But, in all the other games, where battleships actually shoot at you, you just explode. The Jinan is ridiculously weak and can disappear in seconds from full health. Everyone likes to shoot at it, because it is so easy to citadel.
The Asashio is a far superior deep water torpedo platform. It has much better concealment, no citadel, turns faster, and it is tier 8.
I also had the occasional great game in the Sejong, but this line is too weak. They give up their gun power, useful consumables and survivability in order to gain a few torps. You sail in a piñata for a gimmick.
Reasonable people do not associate with this line.
Jinan's shell arc is really uncomfortable
It's like the Kidd
@@matthewyang7893 it’s like any American dd really
Where do you get mods besides mod station?
Anybody know what set of mods Mr. Potato is running to get his ribbons to look like that?
been screamin this myself!(prob on a couple of your vids too! ;) but i accepted the overall notion that it was not great simply bc most of that contingent wouldnt enjoy most light cruisers. The irian has been in my top 5 cruisers for a while, and they basically gave her smokes. ive been VERY enjoying the line since the git go! o7
Due to how AA and Squadrons work, CVs always get 1 strike off regardless of your AA. Still if you can kill the planes attackers before they bug out that's a win.
Jinan is OP 280 k .. glorious defeat.
I had a 277k dmg game in Jinan in the recent 9vs9 Brawls, I average around 90k dmg randoms with it. It's not a bad ship by any means, it just can be abit hit and miss.
A comparison to the American Steel cruiser would be great (don't remeber the name).
I'm a long ways away from unlocking the T10. But the T6 isn't bad. I've carried a few games with it. Though, I've been first strike deleted in it, as well. Fire Trajectory and detection is like a typical American light cruiser, but with it's own smoke and torpedo's. So, basically, I play it, similar to a Helena or Dallas and hope for an island-y map..
the jinan hes been an all or nothing ship for me, i have a great game or i die fast. i don't mid it cause the good games still make me smile when i think back on them.
if you see most of the jinan replay vids that are considered epic, they all use it very aggressively... go in the very center and keep themselves hidden as much as possible and keep firing torpedoes when its ready at all possible locations... and just farm fire dmg... if dd comes close jinan kills them... if cruisers and bb are in range fire the torps and set them on fire when the torps are almost at their detectable range... some of them really destroy the enemies with the jinan... its a fine line between needing to stay hidden and aggressively attack the enemies till they die... you pretty much figured it out in this video already that you needed to stay hidden sometimes even if the enemy is right next to you...
its probably why his hp is only 35k... imagine if he had more hp and can aggressively hunt all above water ships.... this ship is very good in the right hands... high skill ceiling and also high skills required to even considered playing this ship... but if you are good enough with this ship, it is very dangerous to their opponents... a multi purpose all rounder ship that can sink almost everything in game... except planes and subs...
i won't even consider picking up the jinan.... its too technical for me... i rather get the forrest sherman...
Yes this ship is way better than what I thought it was going to be!! I’ve had tons of fun in it
So is this the last circle game?
hated them...sold them...f WGing
*Has bad AA
*Gets a casual AADE
I need help with Des Moines!!
I was just in ranked game with the cossack and was reported and insulted in chat because I apparently had less dmg than the opponent dd.
3 caps and killed the enemy dd 1vs1
I finished first and had 1100 EP in the losing team. The problem with this game is the many frustrated players...
by the way - best WOWS channel
Is the ship competitive ? Walking citadel , maybe u hit a torp or 2 ? Junk
that was a good game, fun to watch
Hey PQ come play CB with COUP! We will help you get the steel for mecklenburg!
Wooster and minotaur a nevsky smolenks outclassed jinan
Stalingrad shot HE at your jinan, i lold
Oh come on it's piece of junk.
Mecklenburg when?
Haha i knew youd come around. Full torp build is the shit
HE spamming, smoke, sit behind island, deepwater trops to fuck bbs and cruisers up that don't have hydro, trop reload booster and a heal
aka, it's a colbert but chinese and better. the end
I just had 200k dmg, 2.150 base XP game in Jinan. In a damn loss :D
Yea, jinan is pretty good.
I freking hate having to deal with thoose buggers.
For some reason they just smoke up in front of me full broadside so that I can slap them easily via smoke fire
It's funny that the Russians pat themselves on the back with the best Damage Control in the game, when in reality they lost a space age destroyer and the Moskva to runaway fires.
the best damage control that the germans also get... hmmm, i smell ignorance
You know that aluminium ships BURN when there is a fire? Yes, the metal BURNS like wood.
Too bad Tier X has become atrocious to play.
Do I dare say third?!