20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 65)

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @sarahfaith316
    @sarahfaith316 2 роки тому +44

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
    1. 0:00 {Only One Way to Evangelize?} Before Jesus left, He gave us the Great Commission: "Go spread the Gospel and make Disciples." Sounds good, I can do that. But since Jesus didn't tell us exactly how to share the Gospel (He just tells us to do it), can we share the Gospel however we want, or do we have to do it a certain way?
    2. 13:05 {Is Modalism Heresy?} Why is modalism considered such heresy? I think it’s incorrect, but many people question the very salvation of those who hold to this doctrine. How vital to salvation is the correct understanding of the Trinity?
    3. 16:58 {When You’re Far from God} My heart is hardened, I’m backslidden, a carnal Christian…whatever you want to call it. I am so far from God right now. I want to love Him, but I don’t. I’m afraid of Hell. What can I do to heal?
    4. 21:23 {Why Didn’t Jesus Inherit Adam’s Sin?} Since Jesus was fully man, as well as fully God, according to the hypostatic union, how did He not inherit Adam's sin that all men inherit according to Psalm 51:5?
    5. 25:27 {Is the Resurrection Proof of Jesus’ Deity?} What should I say to someone who isn’t impressed with the resurrection of Jesus proving that He is God? I don’t think there is a better miracle explaining who God is and what He does.
    6. 28:17 {Advising Others on Theologically Bad Content} What do you say to Christians who say they have been blessed by the movie “The Shack” and other Progressive content, even though it is filled with New Age themes and Progressive Christianity?
    7. 31:37 {Explaining a Confusing Passage of Scripture} Is the man in Matthew 22: 11-13 thrown out for not doing good works, considering Revelation 19:8?
    8. 36:17 {Transubstantiation, Consubstantiation, & Symbolism} What are your thoughts on the Lutheran view of communion (consubstantiation in contrast to the Catholic transubstantiation)? What would be a good case for an entirely symbolic view?
    9. 44:36 {Exceptions to Marital Submission?} Your 1 Peter 3:1-6 teaching said Abigail's story was the only valid exception for wives not submitting to husbands. Why was “life threatening situations” the lens in which you interpreted her example?
    10. 47:17 {Is a Fear of Sin Biblical?} I find myself feeling paranoid and anxious because I'm scared to fall into sin. I'm no longer in bondage to sin, but I feel like the fear of sin can hold me captive. Is the fear of sin biblical?
    11. 48:59 {Help for Overcoming Pride} I struggle with pride. I hate that. Even with a past as filthy as mine that I’ve been forgiven for, I still catch myself looking at other people sideways. How can I be more loving?
    12. 54:12 {About “Not Boasting of Tomorrow”} In James 4: 13-17, The conclusion (v. 17) seems unrelated to vv. 13-16. I don’t see how it relates specifically to not boasting of tomorrow. Is it just a general statement that could be said after any command?
    13. 57:52 {Tongues: Heavenly or Earthly Language?} When we pray in tongues in private prayer time, is this a heavenly language, or an earthly language?
    14. 1:01:21 {About the Law, Works, & Salvation} I've watched both of your videos on the Old Testament law. I get that we don't need to keep the law, as we are now under grace, so how do I understand 1 Corinthians 6:9 which says adulterers won't inherit the Kingdom?
    15. 1:06:00 {How to Stay Focused during Bible Reading} I am a fast reader & I get distracted a lot. this effects my Bible reading/study time. Any tips or advice?
    16. 1:07:28 {Overcoming a Fear of War} How do I overcome a fear of war, thinking that the Ukrainian-Russian conflict will affect my country, too (I live in Europe)? I know in theory that God is in control, but my heart is still afraid.
    17. 1:11:33 {Discerning God’s Will in our Lives} How do I learn God's will for major life decisions like buying a pet, when and where to move, who I should marry, or if I should even get married? How do I know if it’s from God, or from my own desires?
    18. 1:16:03 {Where was Jesus After the Cross?} In a previous Mark series video, you mentioned that you don't believe Jesus descended into Hell after dying on the cross. If He didn't descend into hell, where did He go and what did He do?
    19. 1:18:40 {Help for a Tough Marital Situation} How does a wife whose husband hates church approach the issue when he convinces the kids (5 & 6 y.o.) that they can just stay home with him? How can I respectfully yet firmly advocate that they should come to church? Help!
    20. 1:19:48 {Having a Right Attitude about Sin} How do I have the appropriate attitude toward the seriousness of sin? I fear I lack it, which is displeasing to the Lord.

    • @ryanlittle643
      @ryanlittle643 2 роки тому +2

      Pastor Mike, thank you so much for taking my question on Abigail’s example/exception of not submitting to husbands. Mine was question #9.
      I want to apologize for possibly misrepresenting what you said by saying “life threatening”. I realized UA-cam would only allow my question to be 200 characters, and I tried to quickly trim my 900+ character question down to 200 characters. In that rush, I misled you into a discussion of harm vs “life threatening” harm…that’s my fault.
      Before I watched your 1 Peter 3:1-6 teaching, I would have interpreted Abigail and Nabal’s example differently (pointing to submission exceptions other than harm/life threatening conditions). From my perspective, Nabal’s stewardship of his household had three concerning characteristics: he seemingly made decisions out of selfishness rather than for the household’s well being, his decisions went against the good of the household (sometimes husbands are just factually incorrect and certain major decisions are indefensible), AND he wasn’t willing to listen to advice/counsel.
      Unless I’ve misunderstood your teaching, it seems like harm is the only exception to not submitting to a husband’s decision. Are there other cases in the Bible that debunk the three criteria I listed as a reason to not necessarily submit?
      Thanks so much!!!,
      Ryan Little

    • @NewCreationInChrist896
      @NewCreationInChrist896 2 роки тому +3

      17) Amen, do and acknowledge God, acknowledge God and do.
      Proverbs 3:5
      “in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

    • @-TheWordWasGod-
      @-TheWordWasGod- 2 роки тому +2

      Thank you Pastor Mike for answering my question on pride. God bless you and your family

    • @robertdouglas8895
      @robertdouglas8895 2 роки тому +2

      Following Christ is clear from our actions of love for one another. Behind that love is forgiveness. Actions speak clearer than words.
      Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

    • @Richardcontramundum
      @Richardcontramundum 2 роки тому +4

      Glad you are feeling much better Sarah! Praise you're back at Mike's side

  • @johnmayall7023
    @johnmayall7023 2 роки тому +72

    "You will not get saved when you live a better life. You will live a better life when you get saved." Mike Winger

    • @sheilasmith7779
      @sheilasmith7779 2 роки тому +1

      I don't care what you believe if you fail to LIVE that belief.
      It is true that living a " principled," life is good, but it must be from a foundation of Jesus Christ.
      However, we can believe the gospel, but not live it.
      Behavior matters.

    • @annbutler9658
      @annbutler9658 8 місяців тому +2

      I am writing this in my Bible

    • @Chris_Sheridan
      @Chris_Sheridan 4 місяці тому +1

      Read Matthew 24:13
      Nobody is 'saved' until the time that Jesus arrives to judge the nations and separates the sheep from the goats. - Matthew 25:31-33
      “When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left."
      The above is the deciding point - at Armageddon it will be a life and death decision - that decision will be final and sealed to eternity.
      No UA-cam preacher is leading you to salvation - neither are the clergy of Christendom's churches leading anyone to salvation.

    • @Alwizcaliteach
      @Alwizcaliteach 4 місяці тому

      @@Chris_Sheridan I know in whom I have believed. I have one job: to love Him, and to love Him well. I do not live in constant fear that I may not make it; that I might be one to whom Jesus says, "Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity!" I love God, and if He deems it best that I should go to hell, then I will sadly go knowing that I shall never behold His glorious face again; but I love Him enough to say I will gladly go because He deems that best. Perfect love casts out fear. Perfect love abides in Him. I place my faith in Him alone. Also, side note, I don't think you have listened to Winger at all. I advise you to get out of your preacher-shouting church, your preacher who resorts to shouting to sound very knowledgeable but is very off (doctrinally) in many things. Putting many scriptures together does not necessarily mean it is sound doctrine.

    • @Chris_Sheridan
      @Chris_Sheridan 4 місяці тому

      @@Alwizcaliteach .. John 14:15 says ..
      “If you love me, you will observe my commandments.
      John 15:10 says ..
      If you observe my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love.
      Which commandments do you observe? .. explain how.
      What makes you different to someone who does not observe Jesus' commandments?

  • @stephendenagy3396
    @stephendenagy3396 2 роки тому +61

    As a physician there are times someone is interested and is open to a Gospel discussion. It usually has to fast, fair and inclusive. Over the years I have settled on a presentation of the thief on the cross. The entire Gospel is there. First both thieves are cursing Jesus. They are having a bad day! But then one of them has an epiphany, a realization of his sin. So, he shuts down his comrade, confessing his sin ( we are getting what we deserve) but this man ( Jesus) has fine nothing to deserve this (sinless as he understood it). Then he identifies Jesus as Lord (Kurios) and throws himself of Jesus (remember me, a Hebraism of care- see the episode of the ark when the Lord “remembered” Noah), and sees him as a King with a Kingdom. Jesus responds with the dual Truly that they will be together in Paradise-Heaven as it were. Salvation has come to the thief. If I have time I will end with a explanation of tetelestai, that the “debt” (sin) is paid in full. It has been effective. Short, complete and with all the elements you mentioned. Recognition of sin (they are murderers at least), repentance (we deserve this), Jesus’ sinlessness, calling on Him as Lord to care for him, and glorification. In usually just a few minutes. And as this is in the Gospels there is a built in reference for prayer, reflection and further study.

    • @wedorecoverlifewithernesth3580
      @wedorecoverlifewithernesth3580 2 роки тому +3


    • @lovelifegalore
      @lovelifegalore Рік тому +2

      I love this! Indeed. Indeed.

    • @KM-zn3lx
      @KM-zn3lx Рік тому +2

      Wow! Never thought of this. So how do you begin your discussion to know they're "open" to the gospel!?

    • @iyaayas
      @iyaayas Рік тому

      ​@@KM-zn3lxI imagine it's someone going through a hard time who brings it up. If this is the case, someone or something has sown the initial seed. OP gets to continue the tilling and watering processes to help that seed take root and grow. Hopefully somebody else can come along to reap whoever OP doesn't. I figure OP doesn't see the immediate acceptance but hopefully someone has accepted Christ and told OP about his role in that process.

  • @abigailmartin1
    @abigailmartin1 2 роки тому +92

    Amanda, pray pray pray for God to soften his heart! Take your kids to church if you are able to without getting hurt (I was in an abusive relationship for years and took my children when I was able to but sometimes I couldn't.) and if you aren't able to, try to disciple to them at home! Don't feel guilty about it either way, just lean on God and He will be faithful. God values children so much and He will work in them regardless of your husband. Praying for you sister❤️

    • @anabaird3835
      @anabaird3835 2 роки тому +4

      What a darling young lady Abigail. 🌸

    • @Blablablahx3
      @Blablablahx3 2 роки тому +2

      Amen. Praying for you as well, sister Amanda. (sounds like I'm talking to a nun sigh lol)

    • @lynebenoit5124
      @lynebenoit5124 2 роки тому

      I wish my mother would of NOT bring us to those big buildings called church, it took me 22 years of lordship gospel and abused leadership to get out, to day I understand that we are the church not going to buildings, in my home we gather together and share the word of God without being sold t- shirts , CD, tickets to convention, giving 10 percent of my salary to pay big buildings and houses and plans to those false pastors who don’t care about no one but themselves.

    • @papapronator2476
      @papapronator2476 Рік тому +2

      @@lynebenoit5124 it sounds like you had bad experiences but church is important. Church can also mean home church for you of course but what happens when that home church outgrows the home and you still all want to meet together. That is where a building comes in. Paul also talks a lot about having Elders and Deacons and what not and giving money to support those who minister. So although I feel your pain, an organized church with headship and paid preachers is a completely biblical model.
      And I hope you mean you attend a home church and not just do church with your immediate family. That isn’t true fellowship, the biblical model involves outreaching outside of your home and making disciples all over the world and fellowshipping and worshipping with them which is what church is supposed to be.

  • @jeffwarren6906
    @jeffwarren6906 2 роки тому +55

    Hi Pastor Mike , I wanted to tell you that I have learned so much more from your teaching than I ever thought I would be capable of , and it has changed the way I look at everything now ,,, I really think that I am beginning to look at everything biblically . It feels so wonderful , that I don't even know how to explain it .. And I understand more fully now what Paul meant when he said " for me , to live is Christ " . . Now , even when i'm not reading reading the word , i'm seeing verses come to life in everyday life situations , and conversations . I am almost 70 now , and my journey in this life will be over before too many more years { time goes so quickly } . And now I feel more content and excited , in that by looking at everything biblically , I have a much better chance to finish stronger for the Lord .. Thank You Pastor Mike for helping me to open my eyes wider than I ever have before .. Sincerely ,, Jeff Warren

  • @MikeWinger
    @MikeWinger  2 роки тому +42

    At the moment the first few minutes of the stream are missing. I’m sorry about that. Sometimes UA-cam will resolve this sort of thing on their own and I’m hoping they do because those minutes were part of the live stream.
    I’m going to wait a bit and see what happens but if it doesn’t resolve on its own I may reupload the video. Unfortunately, that will drastically reduce its reach due to how YT works.

    • @paulharper5515
      @paulharper5515 2 роки тому +3

      Thankyou! Love your content!

    • @MusicalPlatypus101
      @MusicalPlatypus101 2 роки тому +3

      Yes, thank you! This is just what I needed to hear today. Peace from Minnesota.

    • @AntithesisFilms
      @AntithesisFilms 2 роки тому +1

      Also the audio is clipping bad. But that’s ok. I always love your commentaries and apologetics.

    • @FalconOfStorms
      @FalconOfStorms 2 роки тому +2

      but we stiww wuv yoo uwu

    • @TerriChannel
      @TerriChannel 2 роки тому +5

      I hope YT resolves it but if not, I hope you will re-upload it so I can hear the beginning. I think others would very much appreciate it. Thank you, Mike.

  • @kimmucka2001
    @kimmucka2001 2 роки тому +17

    Amanda - I have a similar situation. I would say for the age your kids are it's not the end of the world if they don't go with you to church services, BUT you need to be teaching them about the Lord, read scripture with them, talk to them about the things of God, etc. Then they will know the truth whether they go to a service or not. And when at all possible, take them with you as well. But if you instill in them a knowledge of the truth, hopefully it would become harder for your hubby to convince them otherwise 😉 It definitely is not an easy journey, but keep talking to the Lord about it, pray for your husband, pray for your kids. You could even talk to your husband about it, tell him how important it is to you that they are raised going to church / taught about God / or even with "Christian morals".. How you speak with him about it would depend on your exact circumstances, whether he has always been against God/church, or whether he turned away after you guys got married.. I hope these thoughts are helpful & may Jesus help you find what works best for you & your family 🤗

  • @Theninjakid2012
    @Theninjakid2012 2 роки тому +25

    Amanda- here are my thoughts. Encourage your children to go to church. Remember if they choose to stay at home with your husband doesn’t mean they can’t hear the word of God. Keep sharing Jesus with your children. You can teach them about Jesus even if they aren’t in church. I agree that ideally they should be in church. Church fellowship is important. But going to church won’t save them or your husband. Only Jesus can. And at home, let your light shine. Be that godly wife and mom who love Jesus and shows Christ’s love to her family. I know others have commented to be careful if there is abuse. But my answer in based on the the assumption there is not abuse in the home.

    • @Chris_Sheridan
      @Chris_Sheridan 4 місяці тому

      Christian women do not get into abusive relationships - the reason is simple - the bible teaches to 'marry only in the Lord' - this means that Christians only marry those from the same faith, who understand the responsibility of marriage and God's requirements.
      Those that choose to marry unbelievers are going against what the bible says. - 1 Corinthians 7:39
      A wife is bound as long as her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall asleep in death, she is free to be married to whomever she wants, only in the Lord.

    • @stop--
      @stop-- 3 місяці тому

      @@Chris_Sheridan Many stories in these comments include cases where the husband initially professed faith only to turn away later. It’s entirely possible for a Christian (man or woman) to be in an abusive marriage. Blanket statements implying no Christian would end up in such a scenario are helpful to no one.

  • @deborahsuarez32
    @deborahsuarez32 2 роки тому +5

    Amanda, as others have said, pray. Pray for your husband and pray for your kids. God will handle this I promise.
    Try to make a compromise with your kids to go at least once a month to church or every other week. Take them to Bible School or other non church related activities through the church. Teach them about Jesus and God's love everyday. I have a non believer husband also and this is what I did for many years. When my kids were old enough I strongly suggested they get into youth group. This is very important! My son has now been called to ministry and is currently going to school and working with the middle and high school students at our satellite church. My husband doesn't understand it but he accepts it and has even come to church a couple of times. God will work this out for your family, in His time and for His glory. 💜 I am praying for you all.

  • @yvonnecrozier4536
    @yvonnecrozier4536 2 роки тому +21

    Amanda, even more than church every Sunday, when they see your faith every day it will be a greater testimony... pick important passages to memorize and then get the kids to be your listeners to see if you have it right and talk with them about what that means, and marvel with them about how wonderful it is! 😊 eg. John 3. God bless 🙏

  • @nunyabiz2889
    @nunyabiz2889 2 роки тому +5

    Is a world of noise and confusion, I want to thank pastor Mike for being an honest, fair, and most importantly BIBLICAL teacher. You have restored my faith in the Church when I was having a hard time deciding on whether or not I belong there. Thank you.

  • @lanesworld21
    @lanesworld21 2 роки тому +3

    Amanda - I will be praying for you and your family. My daughter won't go to church and we started reading the Bible, one chapter a day, with commentary from Enduring word, which I love, love, love. We talk, we pray, she came out of depression, she got saved. We talk about forgiveness, mental health, struggles, pretty much everything and anything. It's been such a blessing! Make if fun! Bring good food! Make it comfy! Invite your husband!

  • @k9felinePeru
    @k9felinePeru 2 роки тому +35

    Thank you Pastor Mike for answering this question (#4) in different occasions. I am one of those people who stopped reading the Bible and praying, and singing. The pandemic isolated me from my family, moved to a diff country and the people I live around not one was a Christian plus I suffer from social anxiety. But I heard your answer again and again and I would read one day and stop the next 6 but tried again and cried a lot because I would do anything else but the right thing towards God. I know how much God loves me because He didn't let me go any farther away from Him. After probably 6 months of trial and failing I am back on track and I feel my heart being soften once again.

  • @sandidobberke9859
    @sandidobberke9859 2 роки тому +5

    My Dad actually accepted Christ Jesus when he was 29 it was amazing it was I'm a hospital chaple my Grandfather prayed with him my dad never went to church but at 61 I still know that he changed he was one way and then he was not and then he was another way and he was never the old way ever again from my age up until my 9th birthday he could have been absolutely horrible man some days after that day in the church chapel I will never forget the four years we had with him and the man that came out of the chapel God Jesus touched my dad and it was prayer he never set foot in a church hated Church he let us kids go but he did not like the church until he loved the church

  • @bdesign1816
    @bdesign1816 2 роки тому +10

    Dear Pastor Mike! When I asked my question on Friday, I couldn't listen to the whole live Q&A because here is Europe was already midnight. So imagine my surprize today after finding out, that my question was answered! Thank you very much for your answer and for everything you do! Your ministry is a real blessing to me, and I am grateful to God that I found you! It amazes me that God can use a man from the other side of the World to bring me comfort and knowledge! God bless you and your ministry abundantly! Greetings from a Hungarian sister from Europe!

    • @lmcc756
      @lmcc756 2 роки тому +2

      Bdesign- I just want you know how we are tirelessly praying for you all here in America. 🙏🙌💕
      I love Pastor Mike's advice. I, too, have thought through worst case scenarios in this way and it has really helped me. I thanked God for being in charge, knowing He is still good, and will work ALL things for the good of His people who love Him and are called according to His purpose. It's a good exercise in realizing the fullness of His power and love. God bless you, sister!

  • @heatherd4492
    @heatherd4492 2 роки тому +15

    Amanda, when I was around your children's age my dad turned away from God and stopped going to church. It affected my siblings and I and we quickly stopped going. My mom still believed but she stopped going too eventually. I don't think that forcing us would have been the right choice but incentives like getting a little treat afterwards might have inspired us to go. My dad had his influence against Christianity but other family showed me their commitment to it. If my mom would have kept going even without us I think that might have been good for everyone. Also it seemed to me that all the real discussion and commentary on the Bible was kind of dismissive or negative in our house so hearing more positive views from my mom or pushback on some of the negative things I'd heard might have caused me to be a bit more critical in my thinking and made it harder for me to reject it. As for your husband, why does he hate church? I pray you are able to work through that together. I hope this helps.

  • @elizabethard3620
    @elizabethard3620 2 роки тому +10

    God is so Good. I'm going through an acute phase of a chronic illness and I'm not handling it very well. Your response to question #16 was the answer to my hard struggle. I will TRUST God. He never fails. I see now that my fear had risen. So I will trust in my savior.

  • @steveseeger3130
    @steveseeger3130 2 роки тому +43

    I love the way you explain things, so peaceful yet experienced.Very very helpful! , Thank you 🎚️

  • @KatMTeach
    @KatMTeach 2 роки тому +3

    Really like what you said about fear and your earthquake phobia (or former phobia 😊) The biggest fear I’ve struggled with is that something terrible will happen to someone I love, mostly my husband and now my baby girl. When I get completely overwhelmed by fear and can’t stop thinking of terrible scenarios, I stop and say “even if that happened, God I know You’re good and You would take care of me”. And that is the only way I have peace!

  • @ChicagoLights
    @ChicagoLights 2 роки тому +9

    That’s amazing how I’m seeing Paul preach to the gentile crowd. That’s always been my thought process when talking to someone who isn’t really religious or believes in some other sort of stuff like astrology.
    1. Get them to understand/believe there is a God
    2. Then preach them about how God wants to connect to His people and how many religions claim to be the source of communication from God.
    3. Why Jesus is the true messiah and we must put our faith in Him.
    To see Paul doing that assures me I was in the right headspace.

  • @johnmartin4152
    @johnmartin4152 2 роки тому +5

    "If you were totally hardened..." yeah, your answer is right. R.C. Sproul made the same point on his radio show some years ago: Even wanting to be right with God is a sign that the Holy Spirit is at work in a person. I hope your correspondent took your words to heart.

  • @aonion37
    @aonion37 2 роки тому +3

    In response to question 3 about feeling hardened and far from God, I would include a couple of other suggestions based on my own experiences. First, I would recommend fasting. The quickest way to crucify the flesh is fasting. If you can say no to food, you can say no to just about anything. Start with a 24 hour water-only fast, and go longer from there (assuming that you can do it safely and you don't have any complicating medical conditions). Second, I would ask God to help you unpack idolatry in your life. All other sin is rooted in idolatry. All that we need is found in God alone. When we look to other things to find what we're looking for, it's idolatry. For example, my pornography addiction was idolatry at its core. Yes, there was lust and lack of self-control, both of which are sins. But at the root was idolatry. I was trying to find peace, comfort, and a sense of control through pornography. At that time in my life, I had crippling fear, deep-rooted insecurities, and I felt that so many things in life were outside of my control and that caused increased anxiety. Rather than turning to the Lord for help, I turned to pornography for a '"quick fix" to make me feel better. Once I recognized the underlying idolatry, I surrendered it to the Lord, and decided to find all that I needed in Him. It was then that I experienced true freedom and healing, and my relationship with the Lord has been so much stronger since then.

  • @triciadh1
    @triciadh1 2 роки тому +4

    To Amanda…
    I read another persons suggestion to pray, and that is probably the best suggestion.
    A couple other thoughts are…
    talk with your husband, privately, when there are minimal distractions…
    ask him why he thinks the kids should be able to stay at home, and listen to his reasons. Does he not like church because of something negative that happened? Is he concerned about what they might learn (for example, if they go to childrens church…or even the sermon)? I don’t know what your response should be, because it will depend on what he says.
    After considering what he’s said, tell him why you think it is important they go to church. Really consider that beforehand. Just my thought, but they don’t have to go to church to hear the gospel or learn about Christ, because they can get that from you, so I wouldn’t necessarily list that as a reason. But there may be many benefits to going to church, including the kids view on Christ. I wonder if your husband is a believer? I think that could change the dynamic. At any rate, God’s grace be with you. I hope some of these suggestions might be helpful.

  • @mariaknotts2963
    @mariaknotts2963 3 дні тому

    "You get married and they are now the one!" So much wisdom in that. Thank you Pastor Mike for all you do for HIS GLORY.

  • @ptl316
    @ptl316 2 роки тому +6

    Merci beaucoup Pastor Mike. Your exegeting of thé Scriptures opened my eyes n understanding of God's word.
    I thank those who asked those 20 questions. And Sarah for assisting u. God bless u, ur family n ur ministry. I m looking forward to thé day i will get to meet you, "on this side of heaven" or thé other side. 😘

  • @Peace-wm7vc
    @Peace-wm7vc 2 роки тому +4

    Great podcast. Thank you pastor Mike for the work you do. I’m growing more n more every time I watch your videos

  • @MrRyjax99
    @MrRyjax99 2 роки тому +6

    for question #14 continue and read verse 11..."And such WERE some of you"
    We used to do those things as sinners, BUT now our belief in the Gospel has justified us.
    Grace by faith NOT of works, it is a gift of God so no one can boast.

  • @cullensister99
    @cullensister99 2 роки тому +5

    Are you doing okay? Praying for you, Pastor Mike

  • @talisantos9967
    @talisantos9967 2 роки тому +2

    God for sure told me a man I was dating was not good for me and I didn’t listen and found myself miserable in sin and rebellion but when I was praying about my husband I truly got the same understanding as you did Mike. I felt like God gave me a peace that it was up to me, like he was a good choice and I was free to make that choice. God has blessed my marriage and I couldn’t imagine being married to anyone else. I love my husband and he loves me the very best he can as Christ loves the church.

  • @sharonmcaliley1414
    @sharonmcaliley1414 2 роки тому +4

    Amanda, Yes Pray. Pray for your husband while he is sleeping. Pray with you children when they are hurt or sad, at meals, whenever an opportunity presents itself. And I would sing scripture songs and praise songs and my children started singing along. My husband said he would go to church with me ONCE after our son was born and presented me with a list of requirements that must be met if he were ever to go with me again. Coincidentally, , one of his high school friends happened to be there that day.

  • @TGuard00014
    @TGuard00014 2 роки тому +2

    I have never read The Shack but I do pretty regularly pull what I find useful from a resource and ignore the rest of it. Sometimes that means really taking one sentence to heart and ignoring the rest of the book. So it might not be that people aren’t noticing, it might be that they are just discarding the parts that aren’t helpful for them.

  • @tgiese209
    @tgiese209 2 роки тому +13

    Best 20 questions, so much truth! Thanks Pastor Mike!

  • @SincerelyLASMR
    @SincerelyLASMR 2 роки тому +4

    This video was extremely valuable! Thank you Lord for speaking through Mike and helping those of us who needed to hear these teachings.

  • @nahomietchana5830
    @nahomietchana5830 2 роки тому +4

    Wow thank you so much. Your response to question 3 about the hardened heart was very helpful to me too.

  • @kristinenelson990
    @kristinenelson990 10 місяців тому

    I grew up in the LDS church and never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ shared until I was 21 years old. (Or at least it did not settle into my memory if it was shared).
    By the time life got a hold of me in my mid-twenties, I knew I could not be perfect or sustain life on my own power, and I started seeking outside mormonism.
    Many people share the gospel directly with me. It fell on my deaf ears. It took a certain set of circumstances and some obscure verses in the book of James for the Holy Spirit to come over me on a day in 1999.
    We all are just seed planters. The Holy Spirit does the work. It's important to share your story about how Jesus changed your life. These are the stories that impacted me most and made me wonder about & seek a different God outside of the LDS church.

  • @OverZel
    @OverZel 2 роки тому +7

    I love and agree with answer 17. I have trouble articulating that to my love ones around me. Some people have this idea that the Holy Spirit is giving them every detail to what they should do.

  • @skoods6974
    @skoods6974 2 роки тому +3

    That train analogy was really good I appreciate that thank you so much also I love your videos and have been watching for a good amount of time keep it up thank you.

  • @jeffsmith1819
    @jeffsmith1819 2 роки тому +1

    Great definition of modalism and gracious to boot! Thanks Mike!

  • @zealgaming9123
    @zealgaming9123 2 роки тому +5

    Ivan I just prayed for you, I love you and care about you brother. The enemy is trying to steal your joy. Come back to Christ, it’s so much more beautiful resting in His peace. God loves you and cares about every little detail in your life, He’s just waiting with arms open. Hope you get well, in Jesus name!

  • @Alwizcaliteach
    @Alwizcaliteach 4 місяці тому

    #3 I love that prayer "God soften my heart; open me up for me to see how bad my sin is so that I can look at it (sin) rightly, clearly..." I like this empowering prayer, too, "God thank you that you are strengthening me, helping me to overcome; that you are growing me up into you in all things (Eph. 4:15).

  • @laurensoileauleboeuf8038
    @laurensoileauleboeuf8038 2 роки тому +4

    Question no. 3 would be a great one to make a short clipped video of, so that it would be easy to share. Another great Q&A. Thank you!

  • @cbak1819
    @cbak1819 2 роки тому +3

    Q 6 . I came to know my sin of judging and being a unrighteous judge by The shake, I was making myself like God... I came to the Lord a few months later.. so many supernatural things happened after I read it.. The Holy Spirit was drawing me in.. I knew God wasn't a women tho. God lead me away from eastern religious practices and blocked the doors to other religions. I am going strong in we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus work for -13 years March 13. I came to Christ on a Friday the 13th. God is hilarious ....every Friday the 13 th I'm reminded of how he brought me out and into the light.

  • @HelpMamaRemote
    @HelpMamaRemote 2 роки тому +9

    This was so helpful, Mike about sharing the gospel.

  • @barbaralefevre5304
    @barbaralefevre5304 2 роки тому +3

    Pastor Mike~
    First of all, thank you so much for your faithfulness to God’s Word, your ability to teach it, and your humbleness, in life and practice, to it. I’ve learned a great deal and very much enjoy your insights. That said, I have comment on your view that modalism is not a deal breaker on whether one is a Christian or not. As taught in John 3, and especially verse 16, one must absolutely believe the elemental principles of the gospel… the who, the what, and the why to be a Christian. While understanding the Triune nature of God is not necessary for initial salvation, it is expected that believers will come to the correct understanding of the nature/essence of God. Preachers who hold to modalism and deny the Trinity (e.g. T.D. Jakes) are teaching a false gospel and are no different than those who hold to tritheism (Mormons). Those who believe either of these false doctrines also hold to other abhorrent doctrines. To be a modalist is to prove that one did not study the Word (2Ti 2:15) and did not check the Word (Act 17:11), inexcusable for any believer, and pastors will receive the “greater condemnation” (Jas 3:1) as you said. My point here is, if the correct understanding of the very person/nature of God is not an essential belief for one to be considered a Christian, then what other elements of John 3:16 can be ignored or altered without being excluded from God’s spiritual family? God bless you for your mighty work in His name!

  • @coffeeblack1057
    @coffeeblack1057 2 роки тому +3

    Love your work pastor Mike!

  • @mvmv9205
    @mvmv9205 2 роки тому +2

    Hello, brother Mike. Thank God for your knowledge, your teachings are really helpfull. You helped me so many times to explain the gospel to many people and for that i really thank our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And i thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Once again, God bless you and your loved ones, brother Mike. May Jesus gives you even more knowledge to sharing it with 100.000s of people around the world.

  • @b52challenges68
    @b52challenges68 3 місяці тому

    Mike please answer!
    How are there not people in hell right now? You are the first teacher I’ve heard say this. I’m a youth pastor and your minister has helped me SO much in my teaching and leading the youth to THINK BIBLICALLY!!!

  • @gloriaelmore9092
    @gloriaelmore9092 2 роки тому +2

    I appreciated your explanation of the wedding guest without the wedding garment. Thank you. I have wondered about that passage myself.

  • @BethanyNZ
    @BethanyNZ 2 роки тому +3

    Amanda, I’ve been through something similar and so has my good friend in Christ. Pray and submit. God always is faithful and miracles happen. My friend submitted to her husband and prayed and prayed for God to soften his heart and change his mind. It happened. This friend had been such an encouragement to me, she’s always submitted to her husband and rested in Gods promises. God has brought her through so much and blessed her so much for her obedience and faithfulness. I pray you see the same. I also encourage you, if possible, find an older wiser women that has/ had an unbelieving husband that has stayed faithful to God. They are true treasures and can offer so much wisdom in all the difficulties we face as being Christ believing women who has unbelieving husbands.

  • @rubygriffin2558
    @rubygriffin2558 2 роки тому +2

    Question 4:
    Luke Chapter 2 says the child grew and was strong in the Spirit. He wasn’t born through man (we were born through Adam) He was birthed through the sinless Holy Spirit.

  • @elliottedwards7778
    @elliottedwards7778 2 роки тому +5

    On the Adam Jesus sin issue. I believe an easy explanation is John 1, 1-14. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . And the Word became flesh.
    So Jesus being the Word was with God Before Adam.

  • @jeffsmith1819
    @jeffsmith1819 2 роки тому

    Wow loved the explanation of the Lutheran and Catholic view of communion. It just shows you how tradition causes people to believe this stuff rather than getting it from the scripture. You just plainly read from the word and it all makes sense!

    • @Mygoalwogel
      @Mygoalwogel 2 роки тому

      The Bible does not only say that the Lord's Supper is done in remembrance:
      Matthew 26:28 Jesus calls it the blood of the covenant.
      Hebrews 9:20 The author quotes Moses saying the exact same words about real blood. There is no precedent here for saying "is" means "represents."
      1 Corinthians 10:16 The bread and the cup are a koinonia (co-union/intimacy/participation/contribution/distribution) of the body and blood of Christ.
      1 Cor 11:20 There is an objectively true Lord's Supper. Unreconciled schism within the congregation make it objectively not the Lord's Supper.
      1 Cor 10:21-22 The Lord, whose name is Jealous, is jealous of his cup and his table.
      1 Cor 11:23 The Lord specifically and personally revealed the Supper to Paul.
      1 Cor 11:27 Misuse of the Lord's Supper is not just a bad reenactment. It makes you guilty of sin against the very body and blood of the Lord.
      1 Cor 11:28-30 Mere reenactments do not require earnest soul searching on pain of punishment and death.
      Therefore true Christian faith in these words: "This is my body which is for you, … This is my blood of the new covenant," must take all into account.
      1 Cor 5:11 We are not to eat even secular food with christians who do not accept correction. Guests, whose lives are unknown to the pastor, should be catechised first. "Revilers" (who insult our face value belief) are rightly excluded.

  • @lindawarner7496
    @lindawarner7496 Рік тому

    Such wise and powerful answers about handling fear. And grasping how bad sin really is.

  • @96Logan
    @96Logan 5 місяців тому

    1:11:33 Thank you for that. I am time stamping so I can return to it. ❤
    The primary way you know God's will for your life is not how you feel or what you perceive within yourself. The primary way is through the general principles of scripture and then you make a choice.

  • @gavinmcgwier862
    @gavinmcgwier862 2 роки тому +1

    #16. Good answer. With nuclear war as a possibility, the mountains might give way, and the waters may rise. Continue to trust in God. He is our ONLY hope.

  • @midimusicforever
    @midimusicforever 7 місяців тому

    Everyone needs Jesus!

  • @r.c.lol2
    @r.c.lol2 Рік тому

    Thanking God for you Pastor Mike. God bless you and yours. I have been so blessed through your teachings. I have learned to put even more thought to the words that are exceedingly heard throughout every day. So many words to filter through.

  • @zekdom
    @zekdom 2 роки тому +6

    2:03, 3:19, 4:10 - Acts 10:36-43
    3:35 - “peace with life” and reconciliation with God
    4:37 , 5:40 - Acts 26
    7:27 - Acts 17 and gentiles
    10:30 - Acts 17:30 and repentance
    11:18 - Acts 17:31 and Jesus
    5:19, 7:34 - Jews and gentiles
    12:55 - summary

  • @hollycondict7920
    @hollycondict7920 4 місяці тому

    I was thinking about a spayed female before you said it. I had a female who was sterile because of hormonal problems. She was the best match for my difficult-to-bond males. I keep both cages open at one end because neither of the males is willing to leave their cages. The female I had was not afraid to leave the cage and went back and forth between them. Whenever one of the males started annoying her, she would hop over next door and hang out with the other one instead for a day or two. It worked out really well until she passed away from a cervical tumor that the vet couldn't completely remove.

  • @kristis4147
    @kristis4147 2 роки тому +2

    So enjoy this channel and his character and sharing the gospel thru love. He shows all the fruits of the Holy Spirit when he speaks and teaches

  • @AlpacaLipps
    @AlpacaLipps 2 роки тому +3

    It is of vital importance to know that the only gospel that saves today is that Jesus died for your sins, that he was buried and he was resurected on the third day according to the scriptures. Believe in this and you will be saved.

    • @Chris_Sheridan
      @Chris_Sheridan 4 місяці тому

      .. you have a wrong 'gospel' - the main theme of Jesus' teaching is about God's kingdom - you should study the bible!
      Matthew 6:33
      Mark 13:10
      Matthew 24:14
      Matthew 28:19 & 20
      1 Timothy 4:16
      Get a decent online Bible - search 'kingdom of God' - that's what you need to study - it's the primary doctrine.
      Consider these questions:
      What is the kingdom of God?
      Why do we need the kingdom?
      What will God's kingdom accomplish?
      Genuine Christians know the answers .. millions haven't got a clue because they don't study and fail to research.
      Matthew 24:14 is being fulfilled - have you missed out?

  • @antunes6770
    @antunes6770 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you so much Mike, I really needed to hear this (16:58). I've been struggling, but this response edified me a lot. God bless you and your ministry!

  • @Mojo4884
    @Mojo4884 2 роки тому +5

    First Question was a God send Also, thank you brother Mike and who ever asked that question. I need to engrain those passages in my very being.

    • @SincerelyLASMR
      @SincerelyLASMR 2 роки тому +1

      Amen! I agree :) I will pray for you right now to remember this teaching and put it into practice in your daily life. We ARE the salt and light of the world 😃

  • @colton7373
    @colton7373 2 роки тому +1

    I completely agree with Mike’s view on “inherited guilt”.
    there’s a series by a teacher named Micheal Pearl about this very topic titled “democrats don’t have a sinful nature”
    It’s a somewhat strange title but I learned a lot from that series, it’s mainly about sinful nature and refuting certain common reformed teachings.

  • @Smart_cooky
    @Smart_cooky 8 місяців тому

    I needed your Compassionate and thoughtful answer to number three. Thank you.

  • @jamestruett2694
    @jamestruett2694 2 місяці тому


  • @craigtaylor115
    @craigtaylor115 2 роки тому

    I was going to make a comment to thank you but I ended up praying to Jesus to bless you

  • @yahuchanon37
    @yahuchanon37 2 роки тому +1

    How do you love Christ? How do you know that you know him? By following his instructions, by walking as he walked....

  • @peterkel4451
    @peterkel4451 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you Mike, appreciate you man

  • @linbat6148
    @linbat6148 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you, Pastor Mike!

  • @TrePryorRealtor
    @TrePryorRealtor 2 роки тому

    Great stuff! I pray that many are blessed through this ministry.

  • @robertdouglas8895
    @robertdouglas8895 2 роки тому

    Following Christ is clear from our actions of love for one another. Behind that love is forgiveness. Actions speak clearer than words.
    Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

  • @SaRKasTiKTurtl3
    @SaRKasTiKTurtl3 2 роки тому +1

    Amanda pray and continue to go to church. Ask for prayers at your church for God to soften your husbands heart. I was living with my wife (gf at the time, and already had a son with her) for 3 years before we got married. She knew nothing of Christ, nor had any interest in knowing Him. I prayed and cried because I loved her, but knew that without Christ in the center of our relationship this was not going to last. For 3 years I prayed and continued going to church and learning more about God, the Bible, Jesus, and everything therein. Then one day, she started asking questions here and there. I finally got an opportunity to share a little more of my faith with her. I began watching certain things in front of her. Sermons on tv, expos on UA-cam on the Bible, and even sharing why I do things they way I do and letting her know that the idea cam from scripture. Then one day her dad passed, and the day before he had passed unbeknownst to her and their family; I got to share the Gospel and my intention to take care of his daughter. I had already been through the loss of my mom and God helped me through that ordeal 10 years prior. I shared with her the Word and let her know what she means to God. For the first time we prayed together. I got to explain to her the Gospel, and let her know that Jesus' offer is still on the table. She cried and that day accepted Jesus into her heart. (still gives me goosebumps talking about it lol) 2 months later she and my stepdaughter got baptized, and we finally got married on February 17, 2015. We both still have a ways to go on our Journey with Christ, and we still face challenges here and there in our faith. She finally started coming with me to church consistently in 2019 until the pandemic in 2020. Again we are still working our way back to her coming with me again after the long break due to church closure. Point is, continue to pray sister! God CAN soften his heart. It may take time, but it will be extremely joyful when that day comes. Also continue going to church and living out your faith in front of your family. Sooner or later they will come to ask question here and there, be ready to answer them. As for the kids, share stories from the Bible with them. There are SOOO many for all ages really. I have an 8yr old son, so I talk to him about David and his 30 elite soldiers, about Gideon and his 300. Pray for them as well, that they will seek the Lord. I pray everyday that my family will know who to run to if I ever leave this earth before them. That they will turn to God even if I am no longer here. Stay strong in the faith and trust all things to work out according to God's will. Tough times may come as you are doing this, but where we find something impossible, know that God says "I'm Possible". (heard that years ago and wanted to share it lol) God bless sister, hope this helps.

  • @shellysmith6553
    @shellysmith6553 2 роки тому

    Great advice on decisions.

  • @duffgordon9005
    @duffgordon9005 2 роки тому

    If the message is not the greatest news a non Christian has ever heard, and their only 'complaint' is that's is TOO EASY to get eternal life", then I would have comfort believing that he/she 'heard the Gospel" message,

  • @terkaoranzova6345
    @terkaoranzova6345 2 роки тому

    Such a wonderful Q&A, thank you so much🤍

  • @joshuadarcher
    @joshuadarcher 2 роки тому +1

    I appreciate you being brave enough to admit that there are differing ways to explain the godhead that don’t constitute heresy. I don’t understand how we can claim that scriptures confirms the trinity but then say it does not confirm a oneness theology. I would say that I have tried to objectively look at both sides and I think there is truth in both. I also think that the 1 century church was much more graceful about these matters like you.

  • @andreashinault5678
    @andreashinault5678 2 роки тому +1

    The way i explain the nature of God as a trinity is like this: He created us in His image. We are a body, soul and spirit. Jesus is the body. God is the soul. And, of course, the Holy Spirit is the spirit. The difference, and why we're not gods, is that we cannot separate ourselves and have each part do its own thing....yet (and we still won't be gods then).

  • @kenjohnson5472
    @kenjohnson5472 Рік тому

    Down home we have a saying "if the good Lord wills and the creeks don't rise "

  • @beccagrantham5978
    @beccagrantham5978 11 місяців тому

    Thank you for answering the question on modalism. I've grown up Pentecostal and still attend a Pentecostal church but I'm seeking answers on this and on the topic of baptism (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost vs Jesus's name). Modalism and the baptism are the two things that keep me there because i haven't been able to find what i feel is sufficient Biblical rebuttals. I do believe that you're right, i just need to find some proof for myself before I'd feel comfortable leaving the church. And I've been really seeking out that proof, i think maybe the fact that I've grown up Pentecostal makes me blind to what is probably the truth. Idk if i just need it explained a certain way or what but i am struggling with this
    Through my research (and God opening my eyes) i have found out a couple of the Pentecostal beliefs i held were wrong. I believed that everyone speaking in tongues all together and it being kinda chaotic was okay, but after looking into it, now i don't think that's Biblical. Can't remember the verse but i believe it says something along the lines of only two or three people should do it in a service, it should be one at a time, and there should be an interpretation. Another thing is that i believed that you absolutely had to speak in tongues to be saved, that it was proof of the gift of the Holy Spirit, and i found evidence that that was incorrect. Again, can't remember the verse, but Paul talks about the gifts and he rhetorically asks "will all speak in tongues?" And the assumed answer is no. So those two issues I've found evidence for and am comfortable saying i no longer believe.
    Modalism and baptism are really what's holding me up and i hope and pray that God will open my eyes and show me the truth. And maybe the Pentecostals are right on those two ideas, i know the arguments they have for them are pretty convincing. But i just feel like if they're wrong on the speaking in tongues issues, perhaps there's more that isn't exactly correct, although i know their intentions are pure. But whatever the truth is, i just know i won't be comfortable and confident in my faith until i can find Biblical evidence backing up whichever point that can hold up to scrutiny. And I'm hoping and praying that God will show me and help me to accept His truth because i want to follow Him the right way. I struggle with sin a ton and I'm so far from perfect, it's crazy, but when it comes to doctrine, i just really want to have it down.
    Anyway, I'm really sorry for the rambling. God bless yall, and thank you so much Pastor Mike ❤
    Edit: when I say "leaving the church" I don't mean leaving all churches, I just mean leaving the Pentecostal church and seeking a different church. Wasn't sure if I was clear so I figured I'd add that lol

  • @brianevans4
    @brianevans4 2 роки тому

    If you want a good examle of a biblical gospel presentation, check out Ray Comfort. He mentions the law of Moses, how all men have violated it, how there will be a judgement, and then calls the person to repentance. He hits the nail on the head of the essential points.

  • @amybee40
    @amybee40 2 роки тому +2

    Amanda, if you were both Christians when you got married, you might try reminding your husband that this was an expectation you had coming into the marriage, something inherent in his promise. (I've been there.) Alternatively, see if he is willing to take seriously the idea of "being the priest of his own home" and leading home church services with you and the children. And yes, bathe everything in prayer. Not just ABOUT your husband, but FOR him and WITH him. Remember yourself, and remind him, that marriage means you are both on the same team.

  • @joeshmoe75
    @joeshmoe75 2 роки тому

    Pastor Mike, Great content on breaking down the Gospel. Ever since watching American Gospel, I've been going down this rabbit hole of "What did Jesus share when sharing the Gospel. What was his message. Because it seems we've whittled it down to Jesus's life, death, and resurrection. But it seems he was saying so much more. The Kingdom of Heaven coming to Earth. A call to live life in a new way. I find it absolutely fascinating. Do you have a video about what Jesus's Gospel was. Just curious.

  • @lindawarner7496
    @lindawarner7496 Рік тому +1

    Amanda. The story of how Lee Stroebel came to faith through his wife Leslie would encourage you. Watch his story-The Case for Christ on dvd. Now he is such a powerful man of God

  • @toddkeeran3479
    @toddkeeran3479 2 роки тому +1

    John 14:6 NIV No one can come to the Father but by Jesus, and no one can come to Jesus unless the Father enables him. John 6:65 That is why Jesus said. John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day. I have no doubt these words are the truth.

  • @Eben_Haezer
    @Eben_Haezer 2 роки тому

    Than you Pastor Mike for the video

  • @rubygriffin2558
    @rubygriffin2558 2 роки тому +1

    Amanda question #19
    Ephesians 5:22 says wives obey your husbands as to the Lord… so if the Lord says in Hebrews 10 don’t forsake the gathering together or in Proverbs 22:6 train a child in the way they should go, she should listen to the Lord.
    I think if she takes authority in what pleases God (Ephesians 5:10-12) it may be a challenge but if she does it without arguing or being mean (Proverbs 15:1) but instead through constant prayer God will favor her and eventually change his heart.
    “Babe we steer our kids in the direction that we think is best for them so that when their older they can make sound decisions but even if they don’t we did our part & obeyed God.”
    ““We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.” Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭5:28-29‬ ‭
    Lord even if the dad of his children isn’t getting all that he wants from church, if that church is honoring you please make a peaceful way for his family as you change his heart to align to Your will. In Jesus Name. Amen.

  • @misspiggy8247
    @misspiggy8247 2 роки тому +1

    Compare yourself ALWAYS to Jesus so you can grow in his image. Never measure yourself to other people.

  • @FireflowerDancer
    @FireflowerDancer 2 роки тому +10

    Will timestamps be added? Ty, I appreciate these QA videos that you do!

    • @sarahfaith316
      @sarahfaith316 2 роки тому +12

      Yes! We are waiting for a slight edit in the stream file to process, which sometimes takes UA-cam a few hours to complete - but after that, we will have the timestamps up as soon as possible! Sorry for the temporary delay. ~BibleThinker Staff

    • @sarahfaith316
      @sarahfaith316 2 роки тому +2

      Update: They are available now! :)

    • @FireflowerDancer
      @FireflowerDancer 2 роки тому +1


  • @laha44
    @laha44 2 роки тому +1

    A great resource for how to share the Gospel is "What is The Gospel?" By Greg Gilbert. Breaks it down into 4 points, God, Man, Christ, Response. It's been a wonderful resource and helps me to share the gospel like never before!

    • @AngelaYah
      @AngelaYah 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for sharing. I'll look that up now. Another book i am sharing with others is "Tactics 10th Aniversary Edition " by Greg Koukl. Hope this will expand your skills to share too.Yah Bless.

  • @JoshStribling
    @JoshStribling Рік тому

    Regarding Psalm 51:5 and the question at 21:23 on "Inherited Sin" (or "Original Sin" as it is often called)...
    I believe the answer to the question in Psalm 51 may lie in Isaiah 50:1
    Isaiah 50:1
    "Thus saith the Lord,
    Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put away?
    or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you?
    Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves,
    and for your transgressions is your mother put away."
    Who is the "mother"?
    Israel is the "mother", the "children of Israel" shall call God "My Father" because the "mother" (the "spiritual race/nation" of Israel) is His bride.
    This understanding makes this passage in Luke when Jesus was speaking of His disciples (as mother and brethren who hear the word of God and do it) more clear as well...
    Luke 8:18-21
    "Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.
    Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come at him for the press.
    And it was told him by certain which said, Thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to see thee.
    And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it."
    This is further explained in Jeremiah 3...
    Jeremiah 3:6-25
    "The Lord said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done?
    she is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there hath played the harlot.
    And I said after she had done all these things,
    Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it.
    And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away,
    and given her a bill of divorce;
    yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.
    And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks.
    And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith the Lord.
    And the Lord said unto me, The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah.
    Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say,
    Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord;
    and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you:
    for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger for ever.
    Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God,
    and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree,
    and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the Lord.
    Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you:
    and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion:
    And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
    And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the Lord,
    they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the Lord: neither shall it come to mind:
    neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.
    At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord;
    and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem:
    neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart.
    In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel,
    and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers.
    But I said, How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land,
    a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations?
    and I said,
    Thou shalt call me, My father; and shalt not turn away from me.
    Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband,
    so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the Lord.
    A voice was heard upon the high places, weeping and supplications of the children of Israel:
    for they have perverted their way, and they have forgotten the Lord their God.
    Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings.
    Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the Lord our God.
    Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills,
    and from the multitude of mountains:
    truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel.
    For shame hath devoured the labour of our fathers from our youth;
    their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters.
    We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us:
    for we have sinned against the Lord our God, we and our fathers,
    from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God."
    ...along with some mentions of Christ there in the text - "the Name of the Lord" - The LORD (Iehovah or Y'ah for short as in Hallelujah - which means Praise Yah - the Lord) is Salvation (which is "ishua" in Hebrew) -> Iehoshua (transliterated from Hebrew as Jehoshua/Joshua or rather "Yah-shua" as the letter "J" is a rather new addition as of 400 years ago) -> Jesus (transliterated from the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew .. as seen in Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 where OT Joshua is translated as Jesus in many translations such as the KJV, which comes from the Greek text)
    Ezekiel 18 also makes it clear that children do not inherit sin from their parents, and speaks MUCH of turning from righteousness to iniquity, and the call to repent and turn from your iniquity that you commit back to righteousness. Ezekiel 18 also mentions the "New Heart and New Spirit" from turning back to God (repenting) for the remission of sins.
    Ezekiel 33 echoes much of what is in Ezekiel 18, with some further context, leading to Ezekiel 36 which contains everyone's favorite "New Heart and New Spirit" passage.
    Then furthermore... What is the difference between "baptism" and "circumcision"?
    Baptism is a token/outward sign of the New Covenant (In Christ) in which you have turned away from the sins that you have committed, to faith in Christ.
    (hence the believer's baptism AFTER conversion)
    Circumcision was a token/outward sign of the Old Covenant to remind Israel that they were to have a pure (circumcised) heart, thus infants were circumcised as soon as it was safe to do so...
    Because infants are born with a pure heart, which has not yet been hardened by the deceitfulness of sin, through temptation and corruption which is in the world.
    In Adam, we were separated from the Tree of Life in the garden, because of the consequences of His Sin.
    In Christ, the ransom for the sin of the world has been paid, and we will all stand before Him one day in Judgement.
    All who turn away from sin and look to Christ, and confess Him before men (and continue in His Word in faith to the end), He will confess before the Father as His, and as believers our sins will not be mentioned, but we will be rewarded for the good works we have done by following after the Spirit rather than the flesh.
    All who deny Christ before men, He will deny before the Father, and none of your righteous works will be mentioned, and you will be judged by all of the wicked things you have done in the flesh.

  • @Derek_Baumgartner
    @Derek_Baumgartner 2 роки тому

    Thanks for these!

  • @mikecara8181
    @mikecara8181 2 роки тому

    The kingdom of God has come is the main message of Jesus throughout the gospels.
    I would say there are 1 million ways to proclaim the Good News
    But the Apostles after Pentecost mainly proclaim the death, burial and resurrection

  • @lolaparra9389
    @lolaparra9389 2 роки тому +2

    Amanda you have the upper hand if you are taking them to a congregation teaching sound doctrine, trust the Lord and take them
    On the other hand if the concern of your husband is because is a ,prosperity gospel church,a cult or a sect then your husband is right don’t take them.
    We pray.

  • @horridhenry9920
    @horridhenry9920 2 роки тому +3

    Question 13; speaking in tongues. What is the “tongues of angels “ ? How do you know and how do you distinguish it from babble and gibberish? Is it an unknown language or the supernatural ability to speak in known languages?
    Pentecostals claim that speaking in tongues is a sign of the Holy Spirit, but numerous pagan cults practiced a form of tongues. The Dionysian cult, the prophetess of Delphi and the maidens of Bacchus are examples of this.
    Glossolalia and ecstatic languages was practiced by the cults of Osiris, Mithras , and Eleusian ; all claiming them to be supernaturally induced languages. Even Plato , the Greek philosophy, made reference to people speaking tongues whilst praying.
    How is the Christian practice of praying in tongues any different from that practiced pagans and cults ?

    • @junederksen9205
      @junederksen9205 2 роки тому +1

      I have these questions too!!

    • @padillas4357
      @padillas4357 2 роки тому

      They are all spiritual/ supernatural in nature, and real. The difference is where the power to do so comes from. In the Christian practice, the power is from the Holy Spirit. In the Pagan practice, the power is from their gods, which is actually a Demon/ Fallen Angel.

    • @horridhenry9920
      @horridhenry9920 2 роки тому

      @@padillas4357 How do you know it’s real when nobody understands what is being said and in any event, what is the point of it. What is spiritual and supernatural and how do we test it ? I hear these claims from charlatans and snake oil salesmen, they evaporate when put to the test.

    • @padillas4357
      @padillas4357 2 роки тому

      @@horridhenry9920 I know because I have both seen it and done it. I was raised in a Pentecostal church, and I have relatives who practice what we Native Americans call The Old Ways. What is not naturally known or done is supernatural, plain and simple. The spirit realm is just a fact, no matter if Western cultures accept it or not. The point of it all depends on where the power is from and what is to be accomplished.

    • @horridhenry9920
      @horridhenry9920 2 роки тому

      @@padillas4357 Interesting. Tell me something that is not naturally known or done. I hear people say these things but invariably it is vague , incoherent and has no basis in reality.

  • @KM-zn3lx
    @KM-zn3lx 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for answer on communion. Sometimes I struggle with going back to RCC just for communion. Sometimes I feel Pentacostal church I attend doesn't value it and only has it monthly. They also seem to not want to acknowledge the church calendar either. I find this stopping me from becoming a member. I sometimes wonder if protestant churches want to deny all traditions. But many protestant churches that do more traditions appear to be going "woke!"

    • @padillas4357
      @padillas4357 2 роки тому +1

      Take into consideration that what we know as Communion is actually the Passover meal, with Jesus explaining the prophetic symbolism. This was only done once a year. I understand your feelings, and they are common to us humans. We need to remember that we don't need a ritual to worship and love God. Maybe think of communion as being such a special reminder that it is not done so frequently. If it is done all the time, then it becomes common and robotic.

    • @KM-zn3lx
      @KM-zn3lx Рік тому +1

      ​@@padillas4357 thanks! Sorry I saw this so late!

    • @padillas4357
      @padillas4357 Рік тому

      @@KM-zn3lx Your welcome. I hope it helps. Also consider that the "church calendar" that the RCC follows is primarily based on tradition, and not the Bible. For the most part, no one follows the Bible, not even Rabbinic Jews.

  • @ryanlittle643
    @ryanlittle643 2 роки тому +2

    Pastor Mike, thank you so much for taking my question on Abigail’s example/exception of not submitting to husbands. Mine was question #9.
    I want to apologize for possibly misrepresenting what you said by saying “life threatening”. I realized UA-cam would only allow my question to be 200 characters, and I tried to quickly trim my 900+ character question down to 200 characters. In that rush, I misled you into a discussion of harm vs “life threatening” harm…that’s my fault.
    Before I watched your 1 Peter 3:1-6 teaching, I would have interpreted Abigail and Nabal’s example differently (pointing to submission exceptions other than harm/life threatening conditions). From my perspective, Nabal’s stewardship of his household had three concerning characteristics: he seemingly made decisions out of selfishness rather than for the household’s well being, his decisions went against the good of the household (sometimes husbands are just factually incorrect and certain major decisions are indefensible), AND he wasn’t willing to listen to advice/counsel.
    Unless I’ve misunderstood your teaching, it seems like harm is the only exception to not submitting to a husband’s decision. Are there other cases in the Bible that debunk the three criteria I listed as a reason to not necessarily submit?
    Thanks so much!!!
    Ryan Little

    • @padillas4357
      @padillas4357 2 роки тому

      Just my opinion, but I think Calvary Chapel people are so indoctrinated into the teaching of their founder Pastor Chuck, that they ignore the fact that some of it is not just hypocritical, but flat out not Biblical. It will be interesting to see what he has to say.

  • @warren286
    @warren286 2 роки тому

    For the question of sin of man and if Jesus had the same sin (Question 4):
    In my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong), we all start off without sin as Adam did, but we have the temptations of the flesh which lead us astray from God (Sin being the moving away from God). This would explain why babies are saved, why Jesus is man and God at the same time; He cannot be tempted by sin by virtue of His very nature (God is perfectly Good).

  • @dand1485
    @dand1485 2 роки тому

    On #12, the boasting about tomorrow… I'm sure there are multiple levels of meaning to be found in the spirit, I see a very simple one immediately inverse 17 itself… "if you know to do good and don't do it".. i.e. Why are you putting it off?! You can do it right now!.. Don't say you'll come back Tomorrow and do it! 😉

  • @trashvomitstudios
    @trashvomitstudios Рік тому

    James verse 13 through 17 simply means: Your plans will get in the way of God's plans.