@@odinreggae8490 i didn't know about his emotes since I don't watch any streamer on twitch. I just watch their games on their respective YT channel or highlight channels
@@sparkbag_ IKR if he actually gave it a chance he would see, although the second season is worse unfortunately. I wish more anime had such badass characters that want to take over the world. that show sent so many chills down my spine lol.
UA-cam chat you're right league of legends its a perfect game and there is no broken champion in this game especially Akali, Irelia, Graves or any champion that receives a skin and gets buff in the next patch it's just a coincidence, it's not like they want to force us to buy the skin in a certain way.
Darius just got massive buffs and that pretty awesome skin that allegedly speeds up his w and is completely pay to win Hashinshin said right? Well why did I just watch him get dumpstered ?
@@SasNolan I said no over sexualization, Gragas is the biggest culprit of them all. Like I want him to bend me over and shove his fat donger in my nexus
yea i quit 2 days ago. last match was me as olaf vs a ryze top with phase rush. get dominated in lane by a range top with phase rush and then get outscaled, feels gooooood.
What are you talking about ? Overlord ? As if it was an complete Ecchi or something like that ? Wow, did you even looked the anime or read the manga ? Do you know anything about the differents stories in it ? With geopolitical conflicts, guilds, secrets organisations, outlanders part, exploration, war and investigation in city ? I mean, let's be real. Ppl who claim that Overlord is a sort of harem bullshit just because they saw 2 characters in love with the protagonist (who btw completly know it) are just stupids.
I mean, we are all humans (for example i like these type of anime in a Yuri context) so we need sometimes to fulfil our necessities and that is not a bad thing, but making a lot of these anime in my point of view is not good. With this I mean, that the industry need these type of anime but in less amount.
Overlord isn’t about fan service, it’s about the main character trying adapt to his new land that he was placed in. The characters are brought to life and they serve under him. They are all loyal to him until a spoiler moment. He doesn’t know what overlord is actually about. If he only watched the second episode. Also to fight a cass, it’s not that hard. Wait for her to waste w, dodge q and run at her. Cassio isn’t broken, he just doesn’t know how to play against her.
It's funny that Hash's opinion on Overlord is so on point despite his usually being so provably wrong on so very many fronts. Case in point: Talking about counterplay (as opposed to counterpicking) to ranged champions while playing a champ whose sole reason for existence is the fact that he hardcounters any melee champ without outrageous mobility and hard CC.
This brings my memory back to when hash lane against Rioter complaining cass is broken and LS made a vod review out of it. He still hasn't changed LUL.
He's openly about money, he does not enjoy the game. What else would you do? I too complain about my workplace every single day I'm there. What's the difference?
Well Hash should seriously not complain about ranged champs beating darius who is a melee shredder that is supposed to kill anything that gets into range while having a hard time to get and stay into. Also its silly that he says: there is no way to get into range of opponents what is completely wrong considering we have items like righterous glory, Frozen Mallet or Black cleaver not to mention that he actually could try to counter phase rush with glacial augment just as an idea but sure thats Hashinshin: 30% right ideas and 70% Bias
Are you stupid? How does Frozen Mallet makes it easier to approach an enemy? Darius has enough slows, he doesn't need that, it's waste of gold and I've never seen someone build it first item because it's not fucking worth it apart from the fact that even in late game almost no one builds it because you need better stats. Righteous Glory is a no no vs ap champs and it fits only on so many champs. He had Trinity which does the same as Black Cleaver and even gives him more moving speed. Glacial augment is the same as Frozen Mallet, useless pick that kills off his dmg, it's good only on casters that have active items that slow. I doubt you're playing top lane and have any idea what you're talking about.
MattBG67 to make that one clear: i know that the items/ the rune i mentioned are not (exept bc) good items on Darius and i would not say that he would win his lane with them i just said that there ARE items and ways to stick on the enemy although they are not the solution for the countermatchup. I just want to proof his point wrong that there is no way for melee champs to win lane against ranged champs because they got no way to reach and stick on them. Sure there is no way to win lane as darius if the cassio player knows what he is doing but his whole rant is clearly pointless because ranged champs in toplane usually aren't a dominating way above 50% win class(excluding quinn). They annoy and ruin your day until you got items and youre starting teamfights where you're usually get 1 Target fished out of the enemy team and win with zoning the enemy team and peeling the carries on your team PS: you should take care what you say and not directly insult other people for their oppinion
Darius doesn’t build righteous glory and frozen mallet isn’t worth it for him. Black Cleaver doesn’t help you engage it’s gives health, damage and armor penetration.
Cassi used to be a huge skill champion before her changes, then e buff. You don't even have to issue individual movement commands after pressing e, you can click in a spot and cass will continue to follow that movement command after casting her e.
How to beat cass in a nutshell, rush mercs and hexdrinker, potentially get deadman for ms to close more distance or the speed buff engage tank item thing(forgot it's name).
basically what he wants is everything to be removed and changed so that its like season 2 again where you don't actually need any sort of skill and everyone was bad
So the dude looked at the first ep of Overlord... immedialy disregard it as a harem anime because of that one scene and dropped it without looking at the next episode. Missing out bud, should have gave it the 3 episode rule.
That's why Sword Art Online is the weirdest harem. Because there IS a canon pairing. They're fucking married. And yet there's also a harem of extras going "no I want that dual-wielding dick now". 9:30 Glacial Augment has been super broken for a long while now. The playerbase is creatively bankrupt and no one wanted to try it. The same thing happened with Aatrox. When people actually fucking played with it they were like "oh this is actually kind of good let's use it." But it takes forever for these things to happen.
LMFAO, I bet all people that liked the comment are all silvers/golds. Do you even know top lane and played above diamond? if you dont shove the lane and let the opponent controls the wave, the minions will be accumulated and forms into a huge wave under your turret. Thats where u always get poked and dived, and u cant even fight back becasue the minions do around the same damage as the turret at that point ;) your statement of waiting for kha is invalid as fk if you ever heard of counter ganks. AND MOVEMENT SPEED BUFF + PHASE RUSH + ULT ARE ESCAPES. There is no match unless players have huge diff in skill level.
"Lose all your cs and exp waiting for a jungler who will not come" Cass Will just get more strong if you just sit there doing absolutely nothing and leaving the lane free to the enemy. Anyways, good luck in Iron IV next season!
“Stay under tower and lose CS and exp while waiting for a jungle that’ll probably never come top and just prioritize bot lane. Don’t worry though you will still get dove into when the enemy bot lane decides to come top.
Man, you made some really inaccurate assumptions about Overlord. The main character is extremely different from a normal harem anime protagonist and it isn't even really a harem anime. There are two girls who like him and it's not that he is indecisive, he just actually doesn't have the same feelings for them.
And it's not even because he doesn't have feelings for them, his body is a skeleton, he doesn't ever sleep, he is too busy trying to take over the world/finding anyone other people from yggdrasil and also he realizes they are npc's and not real people. The only reason he's so brutal in the show is because he realizes that nobody he sees is an actual person.
Hard engage counters range. Jax, Irelia, Riven, Camille and Kled are good options. Poke masters like Aatrox and Urgot are nice. Bot of course. Cassio, Viktor. They have more than range
*Puts ability on cooldown in front of Cass, doesn't bait ultimate to avoid stun, doesn't upgrade boots early to beat Cass' passive* Complains about Cassiopia for an hour
This shit is great lol! "Hi i'm hashinshin, if i'm ever in an unfavorable matchup it's riots fault because counterpicks are unhealthy for the game" Your counter is to stop shoving the lane and overextending by yourself... I swear... Mid lane gets it... If your a Viegar mid with a Yi jg against a Leblanc mid/Lee sin Jg... You don't fucking shove the lane! Mid players understand this! Bot lane gets it too, Kai'sa Sona doesn't want to push a Draven Nami lane, especially pre 6... Nami presses E and maybe W and Draven can chase you for 6 miles, because Draven... So... instead what you do is freeze the wave and focus on farm until your jungle comes... then burst down the Nami since she's easier to kill, Exhaust the Draven and finish him off! If jungle doesn't come... waste Draven's time with wave manipulation... put him in a situation to where if he goes mid, he'll lose bot turret. If he stays bot, he doesn't get anything. It's not hard... I understand the season 2 players want to play a single player game in a moba... but please... your team needs to have some fucking agency too lol.
And now in 2019 riot buff cassio again and on her w minim cast range from 500 to 100 so now you can't even reach the melee range beacose she can cast her w under her gj riot
4:40 no fucking shit, not every champion can win every matchup. If you could play Darius into anyone then Darius would be the broken one. YOU as a player need to play other champs, not expect the game developer to change unfavourable matchups to meet your needs.
Imo Glacial Augment isnt even remotely broken. The main reason people pick it up is because Riot decided to nerf damage keystones, so people realised that going for a utility rune might be more beneficial.
Toplaners that counter the meta without reasonable counterplay "this is stupid and riot should nerf this" Assassins that counter ADCs so hard that they 1 shot you with half as many items while missing 2/4 abilities "ADCs always bitch and complain they need to shut up"
Actually though Hash can't judge a show off its first episode and pretend to know whats going to happen because he's watched something similar. He can talk about it but I don't think the opinion holds any value if he can't even get to the second episode. What show have you watched where everything is as expected when you got to the end lol. 100% recommend watching Overlord and Overlord 2 to anyone out there. watch 3 episodes then come tell me it was a waste of time.
I've watched a lot of great shows. But I totally stopped watching Over Lord for the exact same reason lol. I think I actually got to a little bit of episode 2 and was done.
To each their own, I think you just don't like the genre of fantasy if you quit the show so quickly. Overlord is probably one of the best ecchi or fantasy anime out right now.
@@feallike7880 No I like fantasy. I liked Sword art, didn't love it, but liked it. I liked uhhh, Inuyashia as a kid. I liked JoJo's, Naruto, and FMA, i'm pretty sure those are fantasies. Oh! I loved HxH, that's like my top 3 favorite, I think I like fantasy, but OverLord kinda sucks. Shit I even like GoT a lot, and that's as fantasy as it gets, may not be an anime, but still!
Ranged toplanes are really... problematic. Personally, I do not feel there is an easy fix to the range/melee disparity. However, I agree that "olafing" that just are not good for the game makes sense. Overnerf stuff that is unhealthy+hard to fix, until you get time to do some proper work. For champs like azir/kalista/ryze, they should be quicker to make the decisions of "okay, will balance them for competitive only until we have time and a good idea to actually try a fix!". I mean, its not as they dont do that stuff. Blitzcrank is intentionally "weak" in general, cause of his super unfun mechanics. Old poppy was intentionally weak - riot even outright stated this. I get that its "hard" to make a decision like that, especially as youll always alienate some of your playerbase with big nerfs... But goddamn, its their fucking job to make decisions like this. There is a lot of improvement happening in riots attitude and balance philosophy(despite the shitty state the game is in right now) - but they seriously need to grow some balls and make the hard choices, bite that apple.
just saying that every champ has its sepcific design that includes the job that this champion should do....and Cassio's job is to shred Tanks..........
Sad to hear he didnt give overlord a chance... But I get that seeing some anime-tropes like that can turn you off - they turn me off, too. But viewed like that, you really wouldn't guess what Overlord is actually about and how it is structured, tbh.
Forming an opinion requires a reasonable amount of research. For example, Sword art online's first episode is actually quite good, the remainder of the anime is where the plot goes to hell.
@@SasNolan I mean people play him and I believe there are a few challenger Mordes in Korea, he was popular in the very beginning of Season 8 when bruisers were going bot but he's fallen out of favor
How do you fight cass? DON'T! Imagine not fighting 24/7. She neutralizes the lane, and if you try to stop that from happening, she does her job, which is to kill you if you try to fight without items.
Darius has no gapcloser because his kit is HORSESHIT. The only thing you have to use your brain on is hitting the edge of his q, thank fucking riot they reworked that into a delayed "skillshot." The thing about picking ranged champions in top is that their team no longer has the paradigm of a tanky toplaner on their team, in favor of something like kennen who is heavy engage instead of tankiness or ridiculous sustained damage. Darius is actually a DUMB champion for a reason, when he work's it fucking sucks to play against almost as bad as Casseio (except there is more counterplay to Darius, Casseio just mindlessly tries to poke you out). Champs like lux and cassio need to have their Risk vs Reward ratios reconsidered, as Lux can assasinate you from 1500 units away and Cassio just throws her low mana cost q's at you, and if she hits one, she goes apeshit aggressive smashing her finger into the E button. Champions just need to have their kits balanced.
This popped up as a recommended video.... the only thing i can say is that Hash is the least flexible league player on earth, those who cannot adapt don't climb the ladder, as easy as that, he's been like that for years.
I don't understand the complaint of sexism when on the other side of the spectrum they have reverse harem animes with female mains and male leads and yuri and yaoi. Like, seems like pointless complaining to me
Does Hashinshin base everything he hates on one thing that annoys him? I can't wait to see him get a girlfriend. "Yeah she left the toothpaste open. So I thought to myself 'Oh she's gonna be that type of girlfriend'. So I got rid of her."
Hashinshin is the type of person to read the plot in hentai shows.
I am that kind of person and i'm far from this level of autism
plot is all that matters
@@amakusashirou3679 lately hentai plots have gone full retarded tbh
i rather watch two furry's fuk each other than finding a plot in a loliporn
and then misunderstands part of it and complains
i really want to see a video where Hashinshin visits Riotcorp..
that would be the funniest shit ever
Everyone in Riot would probably be dead.
Or the other way around...
Take tyler1 there too with hashinshin, i can confirm the deaths of the balance team.
Follow these 2 easy steps:
1. Uninstall league
2. Go outside and take a deep breath
3. Decide that you are too addicted to stop, so you install it again
you dont just quit league, league quits you
If he does that, no streamer $$$$$.
Needs $$$$$ for Snowball(Kitty)'s failing kidneys.
This man is a genious
I uninstalled the league of legends but after two months I came back
I've actually never seen Hashinshin discuss anime before. I actually like that segment
fallenangel010277 ironic with how many weebmotes he has
@@odinreggae8490 i didn't know about his emotes since I don't watch any streamer on twitch. I just watch their games on their respective YT channel or highlight channels
He talks about dbz all da time
he's wrong tho, overlord is amazing
@@sparkbag_ IKR if he actually gave it a chance he would see, although the second season is worse unfortunately. I wish more anime had such badass characters that want to take over the world. that show sent so many chills down my spine lol.
I dont get why people hates hashinshin's complaining like i love hearing him say these obvious facts
UA-cam chat you're right league of legends its a perfect game and there is no broken champion in this game especially Akali, Irelia, Graves or any champion that receives a skin and gets buff in the next patch it's just a coincidence, it's not like they want to force us to buy the skin in a certain way.
RazorRipperZ because you’ve chosen a situation that’s completely circumstantial 😂😂
Darius just got massive buffs and that pretty awesome skin that allegedly speeds up his w and is completely pay to win Hashinshin said right? Well why did I just watch him get dumpstered ?
@KING Pimp Faker and Caps dont use skins
because Kai'sa and Evelynn are like 100% pick/bann in high elo solo que and kaisa has like 90% winrate in competetive.
I dont think riot is forcing anyone to buy skins. Its up to player
I feel like if he made a moba every champ except the one he plays would be trash and his would be god tier
Most likely there would be little mobility, no over sexualization and no range
So we are talking about League, but with one champ - Gragas.
@@SasNolan I said no over sexualization, Gragas is the biggest culprit of them all. Like I want him to bend me over and shove his fat donger in my nexus
Im sorry that u can't climb with ur op ADC role :(
@Gloomy Lobster
That sarcasm was so fat, that its even bigger than Gragas.
yea i quit 2 days ago. last match was me as olaf vs a ryze top with phase rush. get dominated in lane by a range top with phase rush and then get outscaled, feels gooooood.
Then again, olaf gets outscaled hard and ranged top fucks everyone
Hashinshin has found a way to complain about every single champion in league of legends, someone give this man an award
2:58 Wrong. Highschool DXD
And Nisekoi(but fuck that shitty garbage)
Ehem..... Shuffle..... Ehem..... Look like im late
2:19 autoattack didn't do damage rofl
You diddint see past episode one!? But all The good shit happens after that!
I mean the 80% of the modern anime is like Overlord (Male protagonist and a harem of girls what are hungry for some "D"), is a shame.
You are in the minority who would protest against such a thing.
correct that idea WAS introduced in the 1st episode before they explored other ideas and had the hero go out into the world
What are you talking about ? Overlord ? As if it was an complete Ecchi or something like that ?
Wow, did you even looked the anime or read the manga ? Do you know anything about the differents stories in it ? With geopolitical conflicts, guilds, secrets organisations, outlanders part, exploration, war and investigation in city ? I mean, let's be real. Ppl who claim that Overlord is a sort of harem bullshit just because they saw 2 characters in love with the protagonist (who btw completly know it) are just stupids.
I mean, we are all humans (for example i like these type of anime in a Yuri context) so we need sometimes to fulfil our necessities and that is not a bad thing, but making a lot of these anime in my point of view is not good. With this I mean, that the industry need these type of anime but in less amount.
no, thats like game of thrones, all shit is sex focused, i mean i'd rather watch normal porn.
7:05 OMFG that's hilarious XD
Overlord isn’t about fan service, it’s about the main character trying adapt to his new land that he was placed in. The characters are brought to life and they serve under him. They are all loyal to him until a spoiler moment. He doesn’t know what overlord is actually about. If he only watched the second episode.
Also to fight a cass, it’s not that hard. Wait for her to waste w, dodge q and run at her. Cassio isn’t broken, he just doesn’t know how to play against her.
Hashinshin should have been a politician,change my mind.So much wasted potential on one god-i mean man.
It's funny that Hash's opinion on Overlord is so on point despite his usually being so provably wrong on so very many fronts.
Case in point: Talking about counterplay (as opposed to counterpicking) to ranged champions while playing a champ whose sole reason for existence is the fact that he hardcounters any melee champ without outrageous mobility and hard CC.
This brings my memory back to when hash lane against Rioter complaining cass is broken and LS made a vod review out of it. He still hasn't changed LUL.
Is it on youtube to watch?
it still baffles me how one man can complain every game for his entire stream for 365 days a year
Guess what, moneeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
He's openly about money, he does not enjoy the game. What else would you do?
I too complain about my workplace every single day I'm there. What's the difference?
-It's in my head...
Well Hash should seriously not complain about ranged champs beating darius who is a melee shredder that is supposed to kill anything that gets into range while having a hard time to get and stay into.
Also its silly that he says: there is no way to get into range of opponents what is completely wrong considering we have items like righterous glory, Frozen Mallet or Black cleaver not to mention that he actually could try to counter phase rush with glacial augment just as an idea but sure thats Hashinshin: 30% right ideas and 70% Bias
He should have use phase rush too conquer is literally useless against enemy comp
Are you stupid?
How does Frozen Mallet makes it easier to approach an enemy? Darius has enough slows, he doesn't need that, it's waste of gold and I've never seen someone build it first item because it's not fucking worth it apart from the fact that even in late game almost no one builds it because you need better stats.
Righteous Glory is a no no vs ap champs and it fits only on so many champs. He had Trinity which does the same as Black Cleaver and even gives him more moving speed.
Glacial augment is the same as Frozen Mallet, useless pick that kills off his dmg, it's good only on casters that have active items that slow.
I doubt you're playing top lane and have any idea what you're talking about.
glacial augment against something that negates slows, smart
MattBG67 to make that one clear: i know that the items/ the rune i mentioned are not (exept bc) good items on Darius and i would not say that he would win his lane with them i just said that there ARE items and ways to stick on the enemy although they are not the solution for the countermatchup. I just want to proof his point wrong that there is no way for melee champs to win lane against ranged champs because they got no way to reach and stick on them. Sure there is no way to win lane as darius if the cassio player knows what he is doing but his whole rant is clearly pointless because ranged champs in toplane usually aren't a dominating way above 50% win class(excluding quinn). They annoy and ruin your day until you got items and youre starting teamfights where you're usually get 1 Target fished out of the enemy team and win with zoning the enemy team and peeling the carries on your team
PS: you should take care what you say and not directly insult other people for their oppinion
Darius doesn’t build righteous glory and frozen mallet isn’t worth it for him. Black Cleaver doesn’t help you engage it’s gives health, damage and armor penetration.
Even Dark Souls or Bloodborne is more Balanced than Leauge Of Legends
I dont think Moba games are ever meant to be "balanced". The game in a sense balance it self out via having one champion stronger than other and so on
No that doesn't make sense
Cassi used to be a huge skill champion before her changes, then e buff. You don't even have to issue individual movement commands after pressing e, you can click in a spot and cass will continue to follow that movement command after casting her e.
You think Darius is weak but he literally beats every other melee unskillfully because of his passive
How to beat cass in a nutshell, rush mercs and hexdrinker, potentially get deadman for ms to close more distance or the speed buff engage tank item thing(forgot it's name).
Deadmans... silver
and still right to this day, ranged cancer is still not nerfed enough, feelsbadman
im kinda sad that he didnt get to episode 2...
its actualy pretty good
I actually agree with hashin, if your lane gets counter picked you lose in loading screen
Hashinshin doesn't realizeHE IS A MAIN CHARACTER
basically what he wants is everything to be removed and changed so that its like season 2 again where you don't actually need any sort of skill and everyone was bad
So the dude looked at the first ep of Overlord... immedialy disregard it as a harem anime because of that one scene and dropped it without looking at the next episode. Missing out bud, should have gave it the 3 episode rule.
hey u know that one item it’s called like adaptive helm that riot made LITERALLY to counter cassiopeia right after her rework
He built it in this game lol
After Trinity force
taking second wind, finishing adaptive helm, respecting lee sin and maybe taking phase rush yourself might have helped.
"Am I right? I am right." Your ego is showing
His ego is immense indeed
When I hear Hashinshin say stop buffing Gnar, I stop and wonder when the last time Gnar got buffed actually was.
Hash you could go over 100% slow resistance and it would speed you up when they try to slow you if you see glacial too much.
If Hashinshin had is way there would be nothing but 10 brusiers just smaking on each other the entire game
That's why Sword Art Online is the weirdest harem. Because there IS a canon pairing. They're fucking married. And yet there's also a harem of extras going "no I want that dual-wielding dick now".
9:30 Glacial Augment has been super broken for a long while now. The playerbase is creatively bankrupt and no one wanted to try it. The same thing happened with Aatrox. When people actually fucking played with it they were like "oh this is actually kind of good let's use it." But it takes forever for these things to happen.
2:35 This is literally how he thinks everything he says is true
Damn that cass styled on this guy
Hashinshin complaining about Cass, is this a repeat video :laugh:
The counter pick to a ranged champ top lane is triple rejuve beads
If you have an unfavourable match up against a champion that has 0 escapes maybe dont shove the lane and wait for kha lmfao
Arniakas .fcg this is like masters, if u let cass shove u to tower u will not get any cs and be poked to death
Wait for Kha aka don't play the game..Well..
LMFAO, I bet all people that liked the comment are all silvers/golds. Do you even know top lane and played above diamond? if you dont shove the lane and let the opponent controls the wave, the minions will be accumulated and forms into a huge wave under your turret. Thats where u always get poked and dived, and u cant even fight back becasue the minions do around the same damage as the turret at that point ;) your statement of waiting for kha is invalid as fk if you ever heard of counter ganks. AND MOVEMENT SPEED BUFF + PHASE RUSH + ULT ARE ESCAPES. There is no match unless players have huge diff in skill level.
"Lose all your cs and exp waiting for a jungler who will not come" Cass Will just get more strong if you just sit there doing absolutely nothing and leaving the lane free to the enemy.
Anyways, good luck in Iron IV next season!
“Stay under tower and lose CS and exp while waiting for a jungle that’ll probably never come top and just prioritize bot lane. Don’t worry though you will still get dove into when the enemy bot lane decides to come top.
Man, you made some really inaccurate assumptions about Overlord. The main character is extremely different from a normal harem anime protagonist and it isn't even really a harem anime. There are two girls who like him and it's not that he is indecisive, he just actually doesn't have the same feelings for them.
And it's not even because he doesn't have feelings for them, his body is a skeleton, he doesn't ever sleep, he is too busy trying to take over the world/finding anyone other people from yggdrasil and also he realizes they are npc's and not real people. The only reason he's so brutal in the show is because he realizes that nobody he sees is an actual person.
It's funny when he's describing the anime chicks he's also describing female League characters...
When he says they buffed cass but darius got a massive buff istead
Shots fired
This is a clip by clip re upload of someone else highlight for this stream. I know it's all coopying each other but at least try lol
Hashinshin should make his own Moe anime
I agree with Hashinshin about overlord.
Hard engage counters range. Jax, Irelia, Riven, Camille and Kled are good options. Poke masters like Aatrox and Urgot are nice.
Bot of course. Cassio, Viktor. They have more than range
*Puts ability on cooldown in front of Cass, doesn't bait ultimate to avoid stun, doesn't upgrade boots early to beat Cass' passive*
Complains about Cassiopia for an hour
The biggest counter to darius is semi tank Morgana top lmao, when even he goes to E just use black shield lel
The title should be "rant about harem anime"
In hashinshin's case even a meh double kill is montage worthy. :D
This shit is great lol! "Hi i'm hashinshin, if i'm ever in an unfavorable matchup it's riots fault because counterpicks are unhealthy for the game"
Your counter is to stop shoving the lane and overextending by yourself... I swear... Mid lane gets it... If your a Viegar mid with a Yi jg against a Leblanc mid/Lee sin Jg... You don't fucking shove the lane! Mid players understand this!
Bot lane gets it too, Kai'sa Sona doesn't want to push a Draven Nami lane, especially pre 6... Nami presses E and maybe W and Draven can chase you for 6 miles, because Draven... So... instead what you do is freeze the wave and focus on farm until your jungle comes... then burst down the Nami since she's easier to kill, Exhaust the Draven and finish him off! If jungle doesn't come... waste Draven's time with wave manipulation... put him in a situation to where if he goes mid, he'll lose bot turret. If he stays bot, he doesn't get anything.
It's not hard... I understand the season 2 players want to play a single player game in a moba... but please... your team needs to have some fucking agency too lol.
And now in 2019 riot buff cassio again and on her w minim cast range from 500 to 100 so now you can't even reach the melee range beacose she can cast her w under her gj riot
Corrupting pots beat poke.
Midlane crisis for Xerath mains.
I never heard about a permanent %ms boost on cassio and also who uses Glacial Augment other than Ahri?
Here's the real question why are we seeing the subscribe text on UA-cam :/
If hashinshin liked good anime he'd be higher ranked
Jade Wukong true, but overlord is not one of those anime
@@HikikomoriZone unlike SAO, right?
Jade Wukong nah, all isekais are trash
I agree fuck lord of the rings
Jade Wukong Sao is pure trash
Welp at least he is flaming Champs and riot instead of players directly
he says all these things while playing darius.....
The thing is Overlord is actually amazing , he obviously didn't care to watch enough of it
Originally i thought it sucked, but my friend got me to continue to watch it and i quickly really got into it.
Overlord is shit 😂
Used prime sub, why is the banner not disappearing from the screen.
4:40 no fucking shit, not every champion can win every matchup. If you could play Darius into anyone then Darius would be the broken one. YOU as a player need to play other champs, not expect the game developer to change unfavourable matchups to meet your needs.
"2 lolis" actually one of them is a shota
2:25 why do i feel like he is talking about BNS?
wow, this dude drinks seawater for breakfast?
a shame. besides the first episode overlord is realy great
Not really, no anime has been great in the past few years, imo
It has like 3 good moments in the first season and all the rest is just harem shit.
If you dont see this you are already lost to the weebs.
Worth watching?
not really. watch the highlights on youtube, thats enough
nn navid namami my hero academia?
Imo Glacial Augment isnt even remotely broken. The main reason people pick it up is because Riot decided to nerf damage keystones, so people realised that going for a utility rune might be more beneficial.
Whats the name of that beautiful piece of art in 10:28 ? Sounds a bit like Epica
Nightwish - Kingslayer
Toplaners that counter the meta without reasonable counterplay "this is stupid and riot should nerf this"
Assassins that counter ADCs so hard that they 1 shot you with half as many items while missing 2/4 abilities "ADCs always bitch and complain they need to shut up"
>male anime characters whine all the time
>Proceeds to whine about riot during the whole fucking stream
Top kek hashinshin
Actually though Hash can't judge a show off its first episode and pretend to know whats going to happen because he's watched something similar. He can talk about it but I don't think the opinion holds any value if he can't even get to the second episode. What show have you watched where everything is as expected when you got to the end lol. 100% recommend watching Overlord and Overlord 2 to anyone out there. watch 3 episodes then come tell me it was a waste of time.
I've watched a lot of great shows. But I totally stopped watching Over Lord for the exact same reason lol. I think I actually got to a little bit of episode 2 and was done.
People quitting because of bit of fanservice on the first episode like him can't critique the anime
To each their own, I think you just don't like the genre of fantasy if you quit the show so quickly. Overlord is probably one of the best ecchi or fantasy anime out right now.
@@feallike7880 No I like fantasy. I liked Sword art, didn't love it, but liked it. I liked uhhh, Inuyashia as a kid. I liked JoJo's, Naruto, and FMA, i'm pretty sure those are fantasies. Oh! I loved HxH, that's like my top 3 favorite, I think I like fantasy, but OverLord kinda sucks. Shit I even like GoT a lot, and that's as fantasy as it gets, may not be an anime, but still!
@@feallike7880 it's not even ecchi tho. There's a vew crude jokes here and there but the vast majority of the show is plot
Overlord is shit.
hashinshin needs 2 work at riot
did he just suggest K-on?
If you want a harem anime get rid of the male character- Hashinshin
But then it’s not a harem anime...
It could be, if the main character is female.
Is this Lee greek? His name looks like it is..
Looks like the "Hashinshin" anime doesn't need a male characters either
Ranged toplanes are really... problematic. Personally, I do not feel there is an easy fix to the range/melee disparity.
However, I agree that "olafing" that just are not good for the game makes sense. Overnerf stuff that is unhealthy+hard to fix, until you get time to do some proper work. For champs like azir/kalista/ryze, they should be quicker to make the decisions of "okay, will balance them for competitive only until we have time and a good idea to actually try a fix!".
I mean, its not as they dont do that stuff. Blitzcrank is intentionally "weak" in general, cause of his super unfun mechanics. Old poppy was intentionally weak - riot even outright stated this. I get that its "hard" to make a decision like that, especially as youll always alienate some of your playerbase with big nerfs... But goddamn, its their fucking job to make decisions like this. There is a lot of improvement happening in riots attitude and balance philosophy(despite the shitty state the game is in right now) - but they seriously need to grow some balls and make the hard choices, bite that apple.
just saying that every champ has its sepcific design that includes the job that this champion should do....and Cassio's job is to shred Tanks..........
Overlord is pretty good if you don't stereotype it.
Hashinshin watches anime?!? Holy shit
hes stating the truth with animes
Sad to hear he didnt give overlord a chance... But I get that seeing some anime-tropes like that can turn you off - they turn me off, too. But viewed like that, you really wouldn't guess what Overlord is actually about and how it is structured, tbh.
If any character betas hashinshin, he complains about it
Truer words about Overlord have never been said on a screen before
Did you even watch it?
@@brupts7297 Yep, I have no clue why it's so popular, first episode made me cringe so hard, that I deleted the whole thing from my hard drive
>Watched the first episode then proceeds to delete the anime without watching the rest.
@@iberis361 Stay jealous about people not wasting their life on a pretentious isekai garbage
Forming an opinion requires a reasonable amount of research. For example, Sword art online's first episode is actually quite good, the remainder of the anime is where the plot goes to hell.
Would really like to know Hashinshins stance towards Mordekaiser :^)
Who ? What ?
Oooooooooh, this one champ noone plays in years. Last time ive seen Morder is pre-Liandrys nerf. When was it ?
@@SasNolan I mean people play him and I believe there are a few challenger Mordes in Korea, he was popular in the very beginning of Season 8 when bruisers were going bot but he's fallen out of favor
this dude literally lives off of hash (just pointing it out)
imagine talking about darius, when he is one of the stronger toplaners in solo queue :P
range champion op cuz i cant run straight at them and kill them. ;////// me cant kill them = me cant win. ;////
How do you fight cass? DON'T! Imagine not fighting 24/7. She neutralizes the lane, and if you try to stop that from happening, she does her job, which is to kill you if you try to fight without items.
Darius has no gapcloser because his kit is HORSESHIT. The only thing you have to use your brain on is hitting the edge of his q, thank fucking riot they reworked that into a delayed "skillshot." The thing about picking ranged champions in top is that their team no longer has the paradigm of a tanky toplaner on their team, in favor of something like kennen who is heavy engage instead of tankiness or ridiculous sustained damage. Darius is actually a DUMB champion for a reason, when he work's it fucking sucks to play against almost as bad as Casseio (except there is more counterplay to Darius, Casseio just mindlessly tries to poke you out). Champs like lux and cassio need to have their Risk vs Reward ratios reconsidered, as Lux can assasinate you from 1500 units away and Cassio just throws her low mana cost q's at you, and if she hits one, she goes apeshit aggressive smashing her finger into the E button. Champions just need to have their kits balanced.
This popped up as a recommended video.... the only thing i can say is that Hash is the least flexible league player on earth, those who cannot adapt don't climb the ladder, as easy as that, he's been like that for years.
So im not the only one that just stopped watching overlord after the first episode
I was a yorick against a kaisa top and it was the most annoying match i even been in
I don't understand the complaint of sexism when on the other side of the spectrum they have reverse harem animes with female mains and male leads and yuri and yaoi. Like, seems like pointless complaining to me
Does Hashinshin base everything he hates on one thing that annoys him? I can't wait to see him get a girlfriend.
"Yeah she left the toothpaste open. So I thought to myself 'Oh she's gonna be that type of girlfriend'. So I got rid of her."