I'm curious how many people still have the misconceptions that 10x gives better results. There's no proven difference between 10x and singles, it's mostly just RNG and confirmation bias. Personally, I tend to do singles at the start and above 40-50 pity in case the 6* comes early, saves 1-9 pulls and I can enjoy the pulling session for longer. But if you're the type to go straight 10x then no problem with that either.
I don't believe in either, however I believe skip-luck is real. I got about 23 six-stars from my 300 pulls mostly the banner characters. That's also how Kyostin got his double Texas in the same multi.
I feel you man This was also my worst luck limited banner I've ever pulled on It cost me 261 pulls to get her(Pulled 2 Penances and 3 off banner 6*-s before she came home) So I'm here to let you know you're not alone with the rotten luck on this banner kekw
Back when skadi had her banner I was still somewhat new to Arknights so I didn’t know Kal was not limited I ended up sparkling a non limited character so it could be worse.
I'm still in the process of obtaining her. I'm at 245 pulls and so far I only got 6 copies of Penance and 2 copies of Hellugar (for some reason). I burnt all my originum, from all my saved up to all available in the shop, I have nothing left. I'm waiting for the monthly reset for the Distinction and if all else fails, I'm gonna have to spend some money. I'm so desperate rn that I started Originum Farming just to pull a little bit. Hoping that before this event ends I get to have TexAlter, but until then I'm just gonna hope for the best. congrats btw 😃
had tickets for five pulls and got Penance on the fifth. Two ten pulls later I got Texas lmao, the most insane luck I've ever had. Glad you got her in the end!
This is scary. I have a session that's actually worst than this, 300 pulls on Ling/Lee banner without a single Lee. Gladly I'm really not pulling for Lee, my target is Ling and Nian. But imagine if it goes vice versa, that's gonna be heart breaking.
This is actually what happend to me with penance. I‘m at 288 pulls with no single penance, but a pot 7 (theoretically) texalter which is nice. Even tho I would want a penance, I‘m still glad it’s this way around and not the other
During that banner I wanted to get Dusk, Nian and Ling (or at least one of the three), after 150 pulls (I think) I got 4 Lee and one other 6 star I can't remember now, fortunately at the last day of the banner I managed to get Ling, still no Nian or dusk :c
Nearlter and Texas in the same ten pull at 50 and rosmontis at 107 I'm currently at 123 pulls and I'm planning on buying the 38 pulls from the shop to try and get skalter and penance (mostly skalter)
Lol I got like 20 different 6 stars, mostly penance and Texas from my 300 pulls, i got texas on my first pull on the banner, then got her again 3 pulls later, along with 2 normal back to back ch'en's from recruitment, and then sparked Nealter, and got at least 8 or 9 skins cuz' I'd really been looking forward to all the badass skins.
I remember playing and pulling in Genshin and it says that they favor 10 pulls or something. I wonder if the same can be said in AK. Anyway 120 pulls with Texalter, Penance, Eben, Carnelian, Flametail
I started around 25/04/2023. I used all my beginners luck on the banner and in around 8 ten summons I got 6 6*. Unluckily however is that I didn't get any pots for penance or Texalt.
had absolutely terrible luck trying to get limited on past 3 banners, so i thought my luck would finally come around. nope - took me 209 pulls for texas to finally come home. 4x penance and 3 off-banner (though one of those was horn who i didn't have, so not too sad about that one). even got a rosmontis -___- decided to just go and spark skalter since i was this far in and i don't have her, actually ended up pulling another 2 texas in those rolls.
was trying to get pot3 texas alter so i can pot 5 her with the 6* tokens, ended up with only pot2 at 180 pulls. i have to pull out and ready for yato alter, no point going all out right now.
Best luck I have ever had and now I dont know what to do? Saved 300 pulls and got texas and penance with the free pulls they gave us. Now if I want skadi will have to spend 300 , can't decide whether to still do it or save them
My first free 10 pull brought texas home, then on the next 10 pull I got two copies of Penance. For the next 250 pulls I got two more double Penance in a 10 pull, one more Texas and one Ifrit(didn't have her) and then one more penance to complete 7. I didn't even want Penance, I wanted more texas pots, but won't complain about that lol. Currently trying to hit 300 to spark NTRK. (Also got a new Magallan)
sitting at 250 rn, gonna get to 300 before event ends with gold certs and whatever op I have left. Got texas to pot 3, penance to pot 3, NTR knight (friend got her for me lmao) and my 2nd ifrit. yeah, my lucks pretty much depleted for the coming months I suppose.
Just went 271 pulls, I got MAX Penance and two Texas, but it's the WRONG Texas. Now have to wait till store refresh to get yellow cert Headhunting tickets to get to 300 and spark her. This happened before with Near Light Banner.
Got Texas with the free 10 pull. 2nd time this happens for me already 😅 (1st time was Mlynar on his banner). Still pulling to see if I can grab Penance or Nearl before it ends
It cost me 373 pulls to finally get Penance, and i got 5x Texas. I just wanted ONE penance out of this banner and that is all. Didnt buy her from the shop, cause might as well keep pulling until the banner is over and if i get Penance might as well buy Nearl. In the end I spend like 460 $
I feel bad for you 😭 on my way to sparking skalter I legit got my Texas alter to P4 and Penance to P4, and now if I wait a bit I can just get store tokens or cc tokens to P5 both lol
This was actually my best banner in general, I got texas with the free 10x pull (never happened to me before, only read about it on internet and a friend once got his limited character like that) and the rest of my pulls went to try and get penance, which I got along with another texas and in the way I got an off banner 6*. really this banner was really kind to me :'3
I feel you brother my pulls mostly went the same as yours with 2 offbanners that I already had and one texas and two penance in 280 pulls.. guess I exhausted my luck or that I'm gonna get really really lucky in the future banners ( i hope it's the latter) still I'm glad that I could at least clear the banner by getting both texas and penance. Seeing some people in the comments with 300-ish pulls with no texas makes me very grateful for what I did get in the end.
i was really scared but got texas in almost 30 pulls, i could have more but spent it for greyyalter and trying to get grumpy horse and stainless. So happy rn
Im pulling for penance but im currently at 213 pulls and all I got are: 3 texalter 1 hellagur 1eyja 1Silverash 1 irene 1 rosmontis 1stainless I just want my law mommy to judge me and all I got was a whole ass constellation of 6 stars
I saved 300 for ages just to pull Texalter in first (free) ten. Then Penance and another Texalter in next 20... I wanted to go deep with my pulls after saving for so long ... >.>
I did 600 pulls and got: 5 Texas Alter 6 Penance 1 Skalter 1 Silverwolf The scary thing for me was I got Pot6 Penance kind of early around 480 pulls in or so. At around 540 pulls, I was still stuck with a Pot4 Texas. Thankfully got the fifth Texas around 580, then I bought 4 tokens at Secret Sanctuary for the final copy.
I SWEAR they put worst ratings on 6* when its an alter run, I have no nearl alter, no specter alter, right now I am 200 pulls deep and I have NO TEXAS ALTER :(((
300 pulls, 4 texas 3 penance, no off rates T.T I skipped a lot of banners for this one so I'm hoping to get those charas that I skipped in dis banner but welp
300 pulls becoming pot 6 texas, 5 pot penance, 1 fartooth, and 1 Skalter sadly that i didnt get mylnar off rate ;; probably gonna use my spark for full pot penance
my worst limited banner pulls was definitely skalter + kalsit banner, p3 skalter and a couple off-banners (iirc saria and exu pots). only got kalsit after about 275 pulls, about $100+ was wasted. and long after that was chalter banner which gave me p3 mizuki and i didn't wanna spend anymore so no chalter on my account 💀 this was actually a lesson to me to save alot of orundums next time and noticing how lucky i was at the beginning
110 pulls, 1 Penance, 1 (pot 2) Mountain, 1 Texas, in that order. Mountain was the last rate off, which popped up during Nearl exactly a year ago. Since then I've been 2/2 on every Limited banner using under 120 pulls, for a straight year. Now i know why they locked the man up.
hit me at surpised that people have been saving over 200 roll which i was only got 60k orundum and with 20 headhunter permit saving since Graviel event, i know saving it was pretty much easy but still wow at how you guy manage to get to 200 roll with out event spending money
It entails not having spent too much on Gavial and maybe not pulling on other banners along the way. In my case, I cleared the banner within 50 pulls despite having around 200 saved and I only pulled for Mlynar, Dorothy, and Horn along the way. Granted I do buy monthly card, but you can totally get 200+ without spending if you don't pull on those banners like I did
On this banner I did 150 pulls got 1x dupe Skadi 1xdupe Rosmontis and at 150 I got Texalter, these pulls remind me of when I pulled for Chalter did 270 pulls got 10 rate offs + 3 Mizukis and didn't get chalter in the end
My Chen was 5 rate offs, 2 Mizukis (couldn't even give me an on banner spook), 0 Chen. Lucky that the rate offs were Suzu+Aak, then Schwarz+Archetto in 2 separate double 6* bags. That was some insane (un)luck. There was a pot 3 Mudrock between those as well. Mudrock and Ifrit are my highest 6*s and I literally spent 0 effort chasing them. Got 2 Mudrocks in my very first week playing back in May 2021 lol and have gotten 3 Ifrits, all through Top Op tags.
the worst banner im get is 3nd aniversary im not even get gravial but this time creator games not make me disappointed 46 pulls and im get both texas and penance
I sadly did not get her Had only 120 pulls saved up and all i got was Nearl Alter at 60th and Penance at 120th pull I mean i am still happy with what i got, I am not even playing for a full year yet but still Having texas would have been nice
i got Texas Alter with the 10 free pull in my alt account and later got Penance after 30 pulls. meanwhile, in my main i got penance after 50 pulls, got spooked by Hoshiguma in 70 pulls, and finally got Texas Alter in 90 pulls which was my last pull as i was a f2p newbie. needless to say, i was very happy i got both the featured ops and i am currently burning my sanity trying to raise these girls. i used to think my luck was shit because my alt acc taunted me but i feel gratefull after watching your pulls.
Damn the luck on your Alt is almost the same as mine in my main account. I got Penance in the free 10 pulls then 20 pulls after that i got 2 Texas Alter's in one 10 pull. I didn't even touch my orundum since i had 20 Headhunting Ticket
My best luck was on Stultifera, bc I got 3 new six stars in 87 pulls (specter alt , W , Irene) my worst is Ling. I just kept getting BS and Lee on 160 or so I got Ling... I got Texas alt on 60 something pulls with a Mudrock... Hopping I can get a Penance out of free pulls
This was def my worst luck banner ever, but good lord def way better than this. I had to spend 36k originum (60 pulls) of my 46k i had been saving for Texas and the free 10 pull in order to get Texas.
Got both on about 90 pulls, well i guess i am lucky enough i got both of them all by use resource i have. i don't like pull one by one is really slow and got bad result so i am staying pull 10 at once is suit and better result for me
405 pulls, irene, w, texas, ntrk, flametail, texas, suzuran, penance, penance, penance, chen, texas, texas, too many off rate... use up my luck in thorn banner
I initially used 273 tickets to only get 4 6 stars lol so I feel your pain. I also got a bunch of Lunacubs or whatever the 5 star archer's name is lol.
soo i'm back playing this game again because kinda bored at the time. loging in and see texalter one of my fav op got alter kinda exicited, can't believe it its still there i think i already pass it. play the game grinding for some pull, and turn out i just need 86 pull to get skalter, texalter, and penance. and at the moment i think this game become more generous, but after see this and other ytber pull damn i wrong XD
got both in 60 pulls. i didnt have to touch red rocks so im rolling my remaining over into Reed The Warcrime and then praying for luck with getting Chris Readfield (Chongyu)
In the free 10 pull I got Irene.. which scared me cause the last time I tried getting irene she took nearly 200 pulls! this time was a bit better though because I got penance and texas in less than 92 pulls afterwards,, glad she finally came home for you tho,, looks like a rough ride;;
For me this is the best banner i pull since i play, even though it's cost me 175 pull to get Texas i also manage to get 2 penance 2 skalter eyja and aak
For me this was my luckiest banner ever, probably to make up for my terrible luck in the last limited banner where I did 110 pulls and only got one 6* (Pozyomka). This banner I got 8 6* in 147 pulls: NTR Pot 3 Penance Pot 2 Skalter Po2 Texalter (Got both from the free daily pulls after running out of orundums and originites) Awesome that I got NTR and Skalter as well cause there's no way I was saving 300 pulls to spark for them.
I had to do exactly 100 Pulls (using only Tickets) to get Penance [x2] and Texas. I'm so happy that I saved for months. Now I will go FULL saving to go for my waifu, _Yato x Kirin._ I wouldn't have any problems with her, since thanks to the green and yellow certificates that the Banner gave me, I was able to recover part of my investment and I still have all the Orundums/O.Primes that I've been saving for months [All of that being still a F2P] *I wish everyone the best of luck for this Banner and for the Monster Hunter one.*
@@RozaliyaDelta Yeah, I do not. With so many ops in the game and new coming all the time I dont see any fkin sense to go 6x harder than needed just for -2 deployment cost, especialy when we have myrtle and bagpipe printing...
@@D00RYA nananana you see…monster hunter is a fun game. And I guess for the novelty of a true limited 6* at pot6? I play monster hunter alot and just seeing the bladedance in arknights makes me want to get it to pot6. I play r6 more than mh but i wasnt playing arknights at that time.
@@RozaliyaDelta Still, i see no point in pot6. Even the novelty is beyond me, because you feel it at the time, but no longer after a month. Efficiency is much more important to me, and trading 6 new great ops for a -2 deployment cost on 1 op is just laughable idea. There are mobies where dupes are SUPER IMPORTANT (Dislyte for eg.), but arknights is not one of them. The calculation is simple as fuck. I hope you are not into money investements, because I feel like you would end up homeless lol
Arknight is that one game that suits me perfectly, Now I see why I've only won once in 50/50 in genshin impact lol. As in every limited Banners, I get the limited character in under 30 pulls and my most highest pity one was at 56 from Chalter banner. The only regret I have rn is that I returned to Arknights when the first alter skadi released. Didn't get her but encouraged me to get the others. I am hoping all of you get what you want just keep going!
Nice, im glad that you're so lucky Arknights has some good rng and alot of free reward Very f2p friendly When I played genshin I don't have a single 5 star and only manage to upgrade 1 character to a usable state
I'm curious how many people still have the misconceptions that 10x gives better results. There's no proven difference between 10x and singles, it's mostly just RNG and confirmation bias.
Personally, I tend to do singles at the start and above 40-50 pity in case the 6* comes early, saves 1-9 pulls and I can enjoy the pulling session for longer. But if you're the type to go straight 10x then no problem with that either.
I don't believe in either, however I believe skip-luck is real. I got about 23 six-stars from my 300 pulls mostly the banner characters. That's also how Kyostin got his double Texas in the same multi.
I just press the skip button, 380 pulls max pot Texas and pot 3 penance for me.
@@ANTSPlantation Thasss wut I'm saying bruh. It actually works. Even Kyostinv couldn't pull a SINGLE TEXAS UNTIL HE SKIP-MULTI'D
@@nathanclinton11 I know right? skip luck is real.
@@nathanclinton11damn 23 six stars within 300 pulls????
I feel you man
This was also my worst luck limited banner I've ever pulled on
It cost me 261 pulls to get her(Pulled 2 Penances and 3 off banner 6*-s before she came home)
So I'm here to let you know you're not alone with the rotten luck on this banner kekw
I feel you. Im at 182 pulls and i still havent gotten her. Im out of resources...):
On the brighter side of things, i pulled 3 Penances.
Here aswell, but at 295 with p4 penance and 3 offbanners...
Funny I’m at 261 myself 4 penances and 2 off banner. Went in not wanting penance :’(
doing 180 pull i got Skadi the Corrupting Heart and rosmontis but not texas
Don't know what you all talking about. 253 pulls full pot Texas and 3 pot Penance. Not even single off banner.
Back when skadi had her banner I was still somewhat new to Arknights so I didn’t know Kal was not limited I ended up sparkling a non limited character so it could be worse.
Honestly, id spend my pulls for Med Mommy
I'm still in the process of obtaining her. I'm at 245 pulls and so far I only got 6 copies of Penance and 2 copies of Hellugar (for some reason). I burnt all my originum, from all my saved up to all available in the shop, I have nothing left. I'm waiting for the monthly reset for the Distinction and if all else fails, I'm gonna have to spend some money. I'm so desperate rn that I started Originum Farming just to pull a little bit. Hoping that before this event ends I get to have TexAlter, but until then I'm just gonna hope for the best.
congrats btw 😃
damn, I was the other way around. I wanted Penance max pot but got Texas p6 instead with 380 pulls
gacha is annoying like that.. I wanted thorns back then, couldnt pull one.. then i got texas with the free 10 pull this time.
@@SilentSpica bro i literally get 3 pennace in 110 rolls and no texas :(((
Did u end up getting her
I got 6 stars back to back to back to back. It was all penance. Now shes pot 4.
had tickets for five pulls and got Penance on the fifth. Two ten pulls later I got Texas lmao, the most insane luck I've ever had. Glad you got her in the end!
Bro I got Texas(twice), Penance and Shining in 20 pulls. Luckiest day of arknights
Lucky you, i got penance twice, but didn’t get texas within my 93 pills which was all i can pull.
..I got both of them at 80 pulls..wkwkwk..
I got texas in my 15th pull
Got penance on the free 10x pull and then the 2nd ten pull I got texas, my luckiest so far.
I got Texalter after 291 pulls. Worried me a bit (a lot) cuz I was planning on sparking for Nearl (that full plate armour skin is beautiful)
This is scary.
I have a session that's actually worst than this, 300 pulls on Ling/Lee banner without a single Lee. Gladly I'm really not pulling for Lee, my target is Ling and Nian. But imagine if it goes vice versa, that's gonna be heart breaking.
This is actually what happend to me with penance. I‘m at 288 pulls with no single penance, but a pot 7 (theoretically) texalter which is nice. Even tho I would want a penance, I‘m still glad it’s this way around and not the other
During that banner I wanted to get Dusk, Nian and Ling (or at least one of the three), after 150 pulls (I think) I got 4 Lee and one other 6 star I can't remember now, fortunately at the last day of the banner I managed to get Ling, still no Nian or dusk :c
Nearlter and Texas in the same ten pull at 50 and rosmontis at 107 I'm currently at 123 pulls and I'm planning on buying the 38 pulls from the shop to try and get skalter and penance (mostly skalter)
Lol I got like 20 different 6 stars, mostly penance and Texas from my 300 pulls, i got texas on my first pull on the banner, then got her again 3 pulls later, along with 2 normal back to back ch'en's from recruitment, and then sparked Nealter, and got at least 8 or 9 skins cuz' I'd really been looking forward to all the badass skins.
I remember playing and pulling in Genshin and it says that they favor 10 pulls or something. I wonder if the same can be said in AK.
Anyway 120 pulls with Texalter, Penance, Eben, Carnelian, Flametail
Mind explains what you mean by favor?
I started around 25/04/2023. I used all my beginners luck on the banner and in around 8 ten summons I got 6 6*.
Unluckily however is that I didn't get any pots for penance or Texalt.
had absolutely terrible luck trying to get limited on past 3 banners, so i thought my luck would finally come around. nope - took me 209 pulls for texas to finally come home. 4x penance and 3 off-banner (though one of those was horn who i didn't have, so not too sad about that one). even got a rosmontis -___- decided to just go and spark skalter since i was this far in and i don't have her, actually ended up pulling another 2 texas in those rolls.
I feel your pain, it put me back $250
You could've saved
@@D00RYA no I couldn’t of
@@whoisAPT38 then suffer lol
got lee in 57th and texas alt in 79th
stopped pulling since to save pulls for mh collab
was trying to get pot3 texas alter so i can pot 5 her with the 6* tokens, ended up with only pot2 at 180 pulls. i have to pull out and ready for yato alter, no point going all out right now.
Best luck I have ever had and now I dont know what to do? Saved 300 pulls and got texas and penance with the free pulls they gave us. Now if I want skadi will have to spend 300 , can't decide whether to still do it or save them
I'm a week late, but I had to spark Texas. I was ready for it with 440 rolls. Hurts to see my stockpile go though.
My first free 10 pull brought texas home, then on the next 10 pull I got two copies of Penance. For the next 250 pulls I got two more double Penance in a 10 pull, one more Texas and one Ifrit(didn't have her) and then one more penance to complete 7. I didn't even want Penance, I wanted more texas pots, but won't complain about that lol. Currently trying to hit 300 to spark NTRK. (Also got a new Magallan)
sitting at 250 rn, gonna get to 300 before event ends with gold certs and whatever op I have left.
Got texas to pot 3, penance to pot 3, NTR knight (friend got her for me lmao) and my 2nd ifrit.
yeah, my lucks pretty much depleted for the coming months I suppose.
Yo voy a esperar si junto para llegar al pity y ahí muere la cosa,o en todo caso utilizar los singles q tengo
Just went 271 pulls, I got MAX Penance and two Texas, but it's the WRONG Texas. Now have to wait till store refresh to get yellow cert Headhunting tickets to get to 300 and spark her. This happened before with Near Light Banner.
Got Texas with the free 10 pull. 2nd time this happens for me already 😅 (1st time was Mlynar on his banner). Still pulling to see if I can grab Penance or Nearl before it ends
It cost me 373 pulls to finally get Penance, and i got 5x Texas. I just wanted ONE penance out of this banner and that is all. Didnt buy her from the shop, cause might as well keep pulling until the banner is over and if i get Penance might as well buy Nearl. In the end I spend like 460 $
It took about 140- 150 pulls for texas and total i pulled 220pulls and ended with 3 penance and 1 texas
I did 180, ran out of 10pull permits, I hope Reed Alter won't be coming too soon.
But hey at least I got Texas Alt twice.
im currently at 230 and ive only gotten 3 6*s (pennace nearl alter and a pozy pot) so im in marginal pain too
I feel bad for you 😭 on my way to sparking skalter I legit got my Texas alter to P4 and Penance to P4, and now if I wait a bit I can just get store tokens or cc tokens to P5 both lol
Took me a spark to get her :< but yeah from what i have seen a lot of my friends also had to pull 200+ to get her
This was actually my best banner in general, I got texas with the free 10x pull (never happened to me before, only read about it on internet and a friend once got his limited character like that) and the rest of my pulls went to try and get penance, which I got along with another texas and in the way I got an off banner 6*. really this banner was really kind to me :'3
After having watched Kukki pulling, this brought me back to reality.
took me 350 pulls for penance, got 5 texas on the way though. was shooting for multiple copies of texas and one penance.
I feel you brother my pulls mostly went the same as yours with 2 offbanners that I already had and one texas and two penance in 280 pulls.. guess I exhausted my luck or that I'm gonna get really really lucky in the future banners ( i hope it's the latter) still I'm glad that I could at least clear the banner by getting both texas and penance. Seeing some people in the comments with 300-ish pulls with no texas makes me very grateful for what I did get in the end.
i was really scared but got texas in almost 30 pulls, i could have more but spent it for greyyalter and trying to get grumpy horse and stainless. So happy rn
Happened to me on Specter Alter and Irene banner except i didn't get specter alter so i left the game for a very long time
I got one of my friend to pull using the free 10 pull ticket and she immediately got Texas for me, her luck is insane 💀💀
Same here, got her in free 10. Had 300 saved...
im still hoping ill get penance from the free summons. already got texas alter yesterday, have to save orundum for the next limited
I'm new to this game, and she kept coming at me from the free pulls. She's currently at potential 5 lol
Sometimes lucks is not always on our side...
Im pulling for penance but im currently at 213 pulls and all I got are:
3 texalter
1 hellagur
1 irene
1 rosmontis
I just want my law mommy to judge me and all I got was a whole ass constellation of 6 stars
this was my luckiest banner, 150 free pulls saved and i got a full pot texas alter along with pot 2 penance. I got NTR knight and stainless as well
I saved 300 for ages just to pull Texalter in first (free) ten. Then Penance and another Texalter in next 20... I wanted to go deep with my pulls after saving for so long ... >.>
I got texas on the 5th pull. Later on I got her pot 1 on 45 pulls and tried pulling for the last ten pulls and I got penance only in 87 pulls
I did 600 pulls and got:
5 Texas Alter
6 Penance
1 Skalter
1 Silverwolf
The scary thing for me was I got Pot6 Penance kind of early around 480 pulls in or so. At around 540 pulls, I was still stuck with a Pot4 Texas. Thankfully got the fifth Texas around 580, then I bought 4 tokens at Secret Sanctuary for the final copy.
289 pulls, and no texas alter. My best hope lies in the remaining free pulls or sparking... but I really want another limited operator...
I SWEAR they put worst ratings on 6* when its an alter run, I have no nearl alter, no specter alter, right now I am 200 pulls deep and I have NO TEXAS ALTER :(((
it cost me 100x pull, the first 50 got penance, and the last 50 got 2 limited that once I skipped which is NTRknights with omertosa 🙏
I had enough pulls to about 130, I got Penance, Skalter and max pot Lunacub
300 pulls, 4 texas 3 penance, no off rates T.T I skipped a lot of banners for this one so I'm hoping to get those charas that I skipped in dis banner but welp
1 Texas 5 Penances and 1 Passanger
So u are not in so bad spot
288 puls for now for me
I also hope for a off rate limited but 275 pulls 2 texas 4 penances 1 sailech 1 aak. Hope last 25 pulls gonna get something
300 pulls becoming pot 6 texas, 5 pot penance, 1 fartooth, and 1 Skalter
sadly that i didnt get mylnar off rate ;;
probably gonna use my spark for full pot penance
@@NascitaA i would use that spark to protect urself since u wasted all of ur luck
@@Charlett i use my 6 month worth of luck afterall
its been overflowing into HSR too.
just need to save for another 6 month to get ho’oh :’)
I got pot 4 Texas Alter and pot 2 Penance with 181 pulls. I admit it hurt seeing that much bad luck. Good luck on the next limited banner.
20 pools were enough for me at Gavial, Pozemka, Texas and Penence
my worst limited banner pulls was definitely skalter + kalsit banner, p3 skalter and a couple off-banners (iirc saria and exu pots). only got kalsit after about 275 pulls, about $100+ was wasted. and long after that was chalter banner which gave me p3 mizuki and i didn't wanna spend anymore so no chalter on my account 💀
this was actually a lesson to me to save alot of orundums next time and noticing how lucky i was at the beginning
Got Texalter from the free 10 pull and went to 120 to get Penance and a pot 3 Texalter.
saved 300 to spark Skadi but yeah my pulls were not the best either... got off-banners of units I already had
110 pulls, 1 Penance, 1 (pot 2) Mountain, 1 Texas, in that order.
Mountain was the last rate off, which popped up during Nearl exactly a year ago. Since then I've been 2/2 on every Limited banner using under 120 pulls, for a straight year. Now i know why they locked the man up.
hit me at surpised that people have been saving over 200 roll which i was only got 60k orundum and with 20 headhunter permit saving since Graviel event, i know saving it was pretty much easy but still wow at how you guy manage to get to 200 roll with out event spending money
It entails not having spent too much on Gavial and maybe not pulling on other banners along the way. In my case, I cleared the banner within 50 pulls despite having around 200 saved and I only pulled for Mlynar, Dorothy, and Horn along the way. Granted I do buy monthly card, but you can totally get 200+ without spending if you don't pull on those banners like I did
I got Penance and Texas with my free pulls back to back, all my luck is gone and I am never getting anything again.
As a player who got her on my 3rd single pulls, it terrifies me that im one of the few lucky ones to get her without spending orundum.
may u be curse and get bad luck in the future banners
On this banner I did 150 pulls got 1x dupe Skadi 1xdupe Rosmontis and at 150 I got Texalter, these pulls remind me of when I pulled for Chalter did 270 pulls got 10 rate offs + 3 Mizukis and didn't get chalter in the end
My Chen was 5 rate offs, 2 Mizukis (couldn't even give me an on banner spook), 0 Chen.
Lucky that the rate offs were Suzu+Aak, then Schwarz+Archetto in 2 separate double 6* bags. That was some insane (un)luck. There was a pot 3 Mudrock between those as well. Mudrock and Ifrit are my highest 6*s and I literally spent 0 effort chasing them. Got 2 Mudrocks in my very first week playing back in May 2021 lol and have gotten 3 Ifrits, all through Top Op tags.
new player here started playing today, got her at 13 pulls is she good
straight up broken
the worst banner im get is 3nd aniversary im not even get gravial but this time creator games not make me disappointed 46 pulls and im get both texas and penance
Did 200 pulls got 3 penance qnd no texalter 😢
I got texas on my first free draw and i got one on my 1st ten pull so i gonna save mine on the nxt banner
I got a pot 5 Penance before my first Texalter at 244 pulls lol, so I feel your pain as well.
I sadly did not get her
Had only 120 pulls saved up and all i got was Nearl Alter at 60th and Penance at 120th pull
I mean i am still happy with what i got, I am not even playing for a full year yet but still
Having texas would have been nice
5 pot penance….. then I got a 1 pot for Nearl and yesterday I got Texas…… had enough to get me a W so I’m well chuffed with what I got now.
i got Texas Alter with the 10 free pull in my alt account and later got Penance after 30 pulls. meanwhile, in my main i got penance after 50 pulls, got spooked by Hoshiguma in 70 pulls, and finally got Texas Alter in 90 pulls which was my last pull as i was a f2p newbie. needless to say, i was very happy i got both the featured ops and i am currently burning my sanity trying to raise these girls. i used to think my luck was shit because my alt acc taunted me but i feel gratefull after watching your pulls.
Damn the luck on your Alt is almost the same as mine in my main account. I got Penance in the free 10 pulls then 20 pulls after that i got 2 Texas Alter's in one 10 pull. I didn't even touch my orundum since i had 20 Headhunting Ticket
My best luck was on Stultifera, bc I got 3 new six stars in 87 pulls (specter alt , W , Irene) my worst is Ling. I just kept getting BS and Lee on 160 or so I got Ling... I got Texas alt on 60 something pulls with a Mudrock... Hopping I can get a Penance out of free pulls
i started the game a month ago i got nearl the radiant knight and penance i think i was lucky enough so far
In my experience, this banner are the best since i got Skalter and Texas for 120 pulls.
This was def my worst luck banner ever, but good lord def way better than this. I had to spend 36k originum (60 pulls) of my 46k i had been saving for Texas and the free 10 pull in order to get Texas.
Did 300+ pulls and didn’t get Penance once but P5 Texas. Not the worst outcome but I kinda wanted penance too! 😅
this was by far my most lucky banner iv ever pulled on! i ended up getting 6 texas and 2 penance is 125 pulls, and the first 59 were dead 😨
Im at 269 pulls and no texas. 3 penance and 4 off banner pull but no limited.
Got both on about 90 pulls, well i guess i am lucky enough i got both of them all by use resource i have. i don't like pull one by one is really slow and got bad result so i am staying pull 10 at once is suit and better result for me
405 pulls, irene, w, texas, ntrk, flametail, texas, suzuran, penance, penance, penance, chen, texas, texas, too many off rate... use up my luck in thorn banner
Currently 258 pulls, still no Texas alter….👍🏻👍🏻
I initially used 273 tickets to only get 4 6 stars lol so I feel your pain. I also got a bunch of Lunacubs or whatever the 5 star archer's name is lol.
i got texas alter on my 15th pull and therefore spent seven years worth of luck
I had the best luck in this banner literally during the first free 10 pulls I got texalt and skadi alt and during the next 10 pull I got penance
soo i'm back playing this game again because kinda bored at the time. loging in and see texalter one of my fav op got alter kinda exicited, can't believe it its still there i think i already pass it. play the game grinding for some pull, and turn out i just need 86 pull to get skalter, texalter, and penance. and at the moment i think this game become more generous, but after see this and other ytber pull damn i wrong XD
All just good ol' RNG
I pulled for penance. 300 pulls ltr got 4 texalters, goldenglow, kaltsit, thorns, ntr, ebenholz, macdonalds no penance
I have 300+ pulls before and
got Texas the omertosa, Penance, Saga, Mizuki, Ifrit, Bagpipe, Pallas and Goldenglow
got both in 60 pulls. i didnt have to touch red rocks so im rolling my remaining over into Reed The Warcrime and then praying for luck with getting Chris Readfield (Chongyu)
In the free 10 pull I got Irene.. which scared me cause the last time I tried getting irene she took nearly 200 pulls! this time was a bit better though because I got penance and texas in less than 92 pulls afterwards,, glad she finally came home for you tho,, looks like a rough ride;;
I got Texalter in 15 pulls during afterschool luck spike at level 22💀 (player level)
158 pulls which is all I got... 1 Angelina, 1 Rosa and 1 Penance and no texas alter. I feel u man
Same here. 221 pull till Texas, my friend did 273 till got her.
For me this is the best banner i pull since i play, even though it's cost me 175 pull to get Texas i also manage to get 2 penance 2 skalter eyja and aak
I did 321 pulls and got pot 5 Penance with 2 potentials for Schwarz, had to buy Texas with spark eventually (
For me this was my luckiest banner ever, probably to make up for my terrible luck in the last limited banner where I did 110 pulls and only got one 6* (Pozyomka).
This banner I got 8 6* in 147 pulls:
Pot 3 Penance
Pot 2 Skalter
Po2 Texalter (Got both from the free daily pulls after running out of orundums and originites)
Awesome that I got NTR and Skalter as well cause there's no way I was saving 300 pulls to spark for them.
I cleared the banner at 120 pulls got Fartooth and a Horn dupe, used my certs and some primes to pull
Zamn you got her at exactly 250 pulls
I had to do exactly 100 Pulls (using only Tickets) to get Penance [x2] and Texas. I'm so happy that I saved for months. Now I will go FULL saving to go for my waifu, _Yato x Kirin._
I wouldn't have any problems with her, since thanks to the green and yellow certificates that the Banner gave me, I was able to recover part of my investment and I still have all the Orundums/O.Primes that I've been saving for months [All of that being still a F2P]
*I wish everyone the best of luck for this Banner and for the Monster Hunter one.*
You dont need full saving for Yato, she only takes 120 pulls.
@@D00RYA No, you don’t understand. Pot6 Kirin Yato Babyyyyyyy.
@@RozaliyaDelta Yeah, I do not. With so many ops in the game and new coming all the time I dont see any fkin sense to go 6x harder than needed just for -2 deployment cost, especialy when we have myrtle and bagpipe printing...
@@D00RYA nananana you see…monster hunter is a fun game. And I guess for the novelty of a true limited 6* at pot6?
I play monster hunter alot and just seeing the bladedance in arknights makes me want to get it to pot6. I play r6 more than mh but i wasnt playing arknights at that time.
@@RozaliyaDelta Still, i see no point in pot6. Even the novelty is beyond me, because you feel it at the time, but no longer after a month. Efficiency is much more important to me, and trading 6 new great ops for a -2 deployment cost on 1 op is just laughable idea. There are mobies where dupes are SUPER IMPORTANT (Dislyte for eg.), but arknights is not one of them. The calculation is simple as fuck. I hope you are not into money investements, because I feel like you would end up homeless lol
100 pulls 1 rosmontis 1 saileach 3 texas 2 penance
pretty good
It's better than my Gavial banner experience...
Arknight is that one game that suits me perfectly, Now I see why I've only won once in 50/50 in genshin impact lol. As in every limited Banners, I get the limited character in under 30 pulls and my most highest pity one was at 56 from Chalter banner. The only regret I have rn is that I returned to Arknights when the first alter skadi released. Didn't get her but encouraged me to get the others. I am hoping all of you get what you want just keep going!
Nice, im glad that you're so lucky
Arknights has some good rng and alot of free reward
Very f2p friendly
When I played genshin I don't have a single 5 star and only manage to upgrade 1 character to a usable state
heh, took me 79 tries on this one
Is now a bad time to say I got her on my 11th pull?
My biggest flex this month is I got Texalter in my the 3rd day of free pull without using the free 10 pull yet😎🤣🤣🤣
you should bring some pocky, this trick gave me Texas alter on 1 single pull with the 1st free daily pull