Carson literally said he knows truth by his feelings and confirmation of what happens and the evangelist says what if I am sent from God? Then God confirms it by sending his highschool friend who used to be Mormon and is now Christian who just happens to be in the same place at the same time. I pray Carson realizes that God literally just showed up BIG TIME for Carson.
Carson was dead on in his feelings (and not to "2nd guess" them - as many outsiders would want him too). I personally would never do that to anyone (regardless of their faith) The bible literally teaches the "fruits" of the spirit are peace, love, assurity, etc. (when you get that spiritual confirmation - you never forget it, nor should). Sounds like the interviewer guy is "cherry picking the bible" to cast doubts for Carson, - but he himself (interviewer - wants only physical proof). However you can never (in your hear, soul) know the truth - just by the physical. A higher knowledge requires a "higher source".
@@nute742 that is man's wisdom. The Bible is the physical proof and you don't have to cherry pick the Bible in order to show how contradictory the Bible is to the teachings of the Mormon church.
@@courtneyko1466 The bible teaches to trust the feelings of the spirit. I think many cherry pick to try an prove God is wrong (that he can't produce more works than just what was written back in the day). He is a living God but man wants only "historical documents". Christ taught its better to have faith in believe than just be given proof all the time. Religion is really more than about proving old documents and relics (and their locations). Its a message we can use today to better ourselves and understanding (and relationship with God) as well as our devine heritage. As "literal children of god" the sky is the limit (not sure why people would be threatened or think thats bad)? Anyway have you ever read the bom, or what more do you know about the church? Are you a past member? Okay take care.
@nute742 God can produce more works sure but he would not contradict previous revelation. I have read the bom and so has the interviewer on in the video if you can’t tell. The Bible does not teach to base trust on feeling of any sort, the heart is deceitful who can know it? But to verify any feeling or any question by previous revelation from Scripture.
God is so perfect. Even brought his old highschool Christian buddy to testify of the truth of the Gospel. Wow. Matthew 18:16 “But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.”
Carson was blessed to have that conversation. He was frustrated at the end because he was starting to be convinced that what he was being told was true. Seeds were planted and it will only be a matter of time before his heart and mind will see the truth.
Carson is on the verge- You can literally see it. I was never LDS, but when I became a Christian I had the same look. Like someone just opened my eyes. Way to go guys!
@@henkaistudio There is only one Jesus (just different views on details - that various sects teach) But all christians believe the basics: He was our savoir, born to mary, atoned for our sins, and is now resurrected (I don't think anyone who is a christian would dispute that)
@@nute742 The Bible warns about False Christs and many Christians have pointed out that some people actually worship False Christs and that’s what Mormons do they worship a False Christ known as The Mormon Jesus.
@@nute742Hey Mormons actually do believe in a different Jesus known as The Mormon Jesus who is Satans’ brother and a created being and not eternal and a God and a Pantheon of many Gods and that’s like saying they believe in a different God and you have to understand this not everyone believes in the same Jesus as Christians just so you know. The Bible actually warns about people preaching a different Jesus and here’s a Bible verse for it in 2 Corinthians 11:4 KJV For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. See that comes to show you that Mormons preach a False Gospel and a False Christ and they believe that Jesus died on the cross for all humanity to be simply resurrected but that’s what Mormonism teaches but however Biblical Christianity teaches that Jesus died on the cross and was buried and resurrected to take upon him the sins of the world so that those of us who had no power to save ourselves could place our faith in Christ surrender all of our burden and sin to him at the cross and come alive with a new identity and a relationship with Jesus Christ knowing that we’re forgiven and redeemed and we have the promise of eternal life. See that is why we should place our faith in The Real Jesus no matter what because he is God and created Satan and you and me and everyone on earth and the whole universe and he is Eternal and is God Almighty and he is the first and he is the last and he has The Power to save your soul eternally and he is the way and the truth and the life and no man comes through the father accept through him but The Mormon Jesus is the opposite of that and he doesn’t have the power to save your soul eternally at all.
If the lds church sends this young man on a mission with only a few weeks of being clean that’s putting him in a potential perilous place. As someone who worked in addiction medicine I’m concerned. I will be praying for a change of heart but also his health & safety.
@@apologiautahGLORY TO GOD, It Is his praise and his name we serve and to his means we shall be used! Amen brothers! Keep standing on the truth of Gods Word!
GOOBLES/GOOBLER/GOOBLY… lol. Brother- you killed that interaction. I appreciate you not only joining the conversation, but sticking around & further sharing the gospel with Carson. You’re incredible!! Still praying for your faith walk, my friend. Thanks for being on camera & for allowing us to witness Christ fully in action. ❤🙏🏽
Wow. Talk about being ready to give an answer for the hope thats within you. Andrew had text after text loaded in the chamber. Very encouraged and inspired by this! Thank you!
The fact that he was getting frustrated is a testament to God drawing him near. He knows that what he's hearing is the TRUTH but Satan is pulling him back, saying "let's go before you BELIEVE." Praying he stays in contact with his Christian friend and that God will take his heart of stone and turn it to flesh.
I got two of my Mormon neighbors to agree to a book study on the miracle of forgiveness. I’m about 1/5 of the way through myself. It’s quite the yoke of bondage so far I must say myself.
The Miracle of Forgiveness was the book that made me realize as a Mormon, that it would be impossible to ever reach the LDS Celestial Kingdom. The impossible gospel of mormonism spelled out clearly in this book.
Yes, that book (miracle of forgiveness is a "dozy" lol) But it does teach the seriousness of being away from God. (It has alot of good things in it too). But I would stick with the D&C, Book Of Mormon, Book of Abraham + Bible (of course)!
Such a God thing that his born again ex Mormon friend “just so happened” to be there and walk past at that moment . No such thing as coincidence and it’s so cool how his friend knew so much of the truth and Bible ! Amazing
2 street evangelists and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints;+ I feel like Carson is respectful, honest, humble, genuine and loving which are attributes of Jesus Christ. I hope these preachers are truely trying to lift people up. Would be good if they read what the BiG Book says about religion and people in recovery!
I'm grateful you guys are getting a bit nicer in your approaches. I do have one question, however. Which sins are you trying to justify by saying you aren't saved through your works? Latterday Saints believe we are saved by Christ absolutely. And we also believe you are rewarded by your works as stated in Revelations. If you take away from Revelations then you aren't doing what he asks of us, which is "if ye love me, keep my commandments."
"I will go peaceably and firmly to the Catholic Church: for if Faith is so important to our salvation, I will seek it where true Faith first began, seek it among those who received it from God Himself." ~ Elizabeth Ann Seton
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ, use the same scriptures to back up the triune nature of how God works. We believe Jesus is God, as the literal Son of God. It’s simply two people, reading the same scriptures-but having slightly different interpretations. The Spirit doesn’t manifest as a “feeling”. It’s much more piercing and pure than our human emotions. It’s undeniable. We believe the Son of God is the savior of the world. Our God. Our creator. But we pray to The Father, in Jesus’ name. As Jesus taught us to. Neither of these men are “wrong”. They both worship the Savior, and I wish we could focus on our mutual love for God. Peace is very hard to describe. And I believe both these men have experience with God. Apologia is misrepresenting out third article of faith. We don’t believe we aren’t fallen. Yes, we are in a fallen world. But we don’t believe we are actually punished for Adam’s personal sins. Apologia means well. But he’s weaponizing scripture and cherry-picking particular scriptures. That becomes myopic. Someone has to read ALL the scriptures to see the big picture
Who was Jesus praying to in the Garden of Gethsemane when he said, "If it be possible that this cup pass from me, nevertheless not my will, but thine be done. How is it possible that He would disagree with himself if He was only one entity?
You’re misunderstanding the doctrine of the Trinity. What you’re describing is the Trinitarian heresy known as Modalism. There is only ONE God. That one God exists in 3 co-equal, co-eternal persons. The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. The Father is not the Son or the Holy Spirit. The Son is not the Father or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not the Father or the Son. God the Son was praying to God the Father in the garden. Jesus is fully God and fully human. He had two wills. He was praying to God the Father as a fully human man.
Super good point! In addition there are so "many" other examples in the bible that illustrate this (and the nature of both god and jesus). However its always "Interpreted" away by those with a trinitarian tradition. Not sure why it threatens people to know God has form. The apostle Stephen himself saw both God and Jesus - sitting together (as separate beings).
@@SerenityNow22 It sounds like the way some describe the "One God" as more of a Team (so without one of the members - there is no God)?. However since they are separate - they are all still gods. Thus the word "tri" is plural meaning three. But God (The father) was God by himself (our god). He sent his son (Jesus) to help out - who told us how to pray to his father (God). The holy ghost also helps out too (each one of the godhead have godlike attributes and are singular in themselves). So would you say God (the father) has form? In the end though not sure why someone would feel threatened by God (having a physical body, like his son does). Everything the Father has, so does the son (Like father like son - really holds true)!
@@SerenityNow22 nope you misunderstand the doctrine of God and his son Jesus Christ. You are teaching false doctrine… Heresy. Read the Bible again. It should be clear to you if you can put aside your pride.
I’ve only ever heard Andrew on Cultish. He’s a straight street thug for Jesus. Graciously, lovingly bring the LOVE smack down to this lost sheep. Andrew, have you guys ever looked into The House of Yahweh in Abilene Texas? -Frank Christ or CHAOS
Revelation 22 11 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."
If a physical temple is not needed today, according to the Pastor, why did Isaiah prophecy of one being established in the latter-days? Isaiah Chapter 2-3 says: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.". So from this we know a few things: A physical temple will be established in the last days, or today as it were. Next, There is no current Jewish temple on earth today, but all nations will flow to this temple and all nationalities will enter into it to learn of the Lord and his ways. Interestingly, the US Federal government changed the name of Desseret to Utah. The meaning of the native American word "Utah" ia "in the rops of the mountains". The only building in the whole world that could fit this prophecy today is a Mormon or LDS temple. I also have something to mention regarding the pastor's use of Deuteronomy 18:22: "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him." He aays rhat Joseph Smith is a false prophet becauase the the building of the temple at Far West didn't happen in "this generation". The Lord, talking to his disiples in Matthew 24 also said regarding the second coming: "And he send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect feom the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." Well if the Lord meant his current disiples' generation, he was a false peophet according to the Pastor. What if what he was meant was a coming generation. Isn't it possible to interperate Joseph's "this generation" as a future one as well. Furthermore, under this pastor's interpretation of Deuteronomy 18:22, we would have to label Eziekel, Isaiah and David as false prophets and teachers because things they prophecied failed to come ro pass. We know Isaiah, for example, was a true prophet. Jesus even quotes Isaiah 61: "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me", etc. Ezekiel had a failed, so called, prophecy in Ezekial 29: "So I will make the land of Egypt a desolation in the midst of desolated lands, and her cities, in the midst of cities that are laid waste, will be desilate for fourty years and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations", etc. This never happened according to historians. Also in Isaiah 13 he prophecies against the Babylonians. He said that the Medes would slay men, women and children and that Babylon would "be as when God overthew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in feom generation to generation.". In 529 BC, Cyrus, king of the Medes and Persians, took Babylon without bloodshed. It remained inhabited for centuries afterword. So this prophecy failed too. There areany other examples, like Moses and Jeremiah. Just because a prophet gets it wrong sometimes doesn't mean hes not a prophet. Dont get sucked in by their lazy arguments. The Bible is way more complex than their single verse "gotchas!"
It seems like Mormons on the mission Mormon videos they all talk about feelings this feelings that, none of they feel is ground on scripture, they just go off feelings, intuition, confirmation.
The Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Chapter 1 1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. 2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression. 3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. 4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. 5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. 6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth. 7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth. 8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. 9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. 10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory. 11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. 12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. 13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. Joseph Smith.
We actually have a playlist with videos that actually handle each article of faith from Joseph Smith. These articles are neither scary or intimidating but according to the Old and New Testament they rightly separate JS teachings from the orthodox teachings of the Bible, which makes Mormonism, a cult.
No we are not and stop spreading that False Doctrine it’s not biblical Jesus Created you not that Mormon God named Elohim and we are not Satans brother at all.
@@henkaistudio Life didn't start at conception, or birth, & it won't end at death. GOD the FATHER, & HIS WIFE, GODDESS, our HOLY MOTHER, our Oldest Brother JESUS, second, LUCIFER, & US, already exists, in the Pre-Mortal Life, before Earth Life.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 No Christian on earth has ever said that God has a wife and that we are The Brothers of Satan and Jesus that’s not in the Bible that’s something you’re church taught you and you yourself actually believe that God aka Elohim and Mary had sex with each other to make The Mormon Jesus and that is so much blasphemy. Many Mormons then say no we don’t yes you do the problem is that you don’t even know what your own belief is. We are not in The Pre Mortal Existence that’s not biblical neither and we are the children of God only through adoption according to The Bible.
@@henkaistudio Satan must have been related to someone! (lol) As he was one of the high ones (before he fell, son of the morning) So why do people "presume" to know anything about it (unless they were taught) or also that others don't.
@@mr400meter 3 problems with the Bible, but not the whole Bible; 1st, missing Books. 2nd, forged. 3rd, translation. As a result, contradictions. 1 Colossians 16-17, is contradicting Revelation 12:7-10. Remember, the Bible has been corrupted, But not the whole Bible. JESUS, LUCIFER & US all, already exist, in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE. We were created by our ETERNAL PARENT'S in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE, before Earth Life.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 Colossians 1:16-17 does not contradict Revelation 12:7-10. Not even close. Next, go to your quad at the beginning of Colossians 1. Here is what it says at the beginning: "Redemption comes through Christ-He created all things"
@@mr400meter JESUS was created by GOD the Eternal FATHER and GODDESS the Eternal MOTHER, our Oldest obedient Brother, and LUCIFER our rebellious Brother, second to JESUS, in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE; And, GOD the Eternal FATHER, (Anointed) JESUS in the presence of GODDESS the Eternal MOTHER, to be our SAVIOR. And, how can you not understanding the contradictions between Colossians chapter 1 & Revelation chapter 12? CHRIST is not JESUS'S last name, CHRIST is JESUS Title, means Anointed. JESUS was Anointed by GOD by the authority of the MELCHEZEDIC PRIESTHOOD, by the order of GOD the Eternal FATHER, to do the creation. Have you ever studied the entire Bible and pray about the extreme severe contradictions of the Bible? not the whole Bible. Have you ever think of praying and fasting to our ETERNAL PARENT'S about that? That's why our ETERNAL PARENT'S restored THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS back on earth. Think about it.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 There is no contradiction between Colossians 1 and Revelation 12. They are not discussing opposing issues. In fact, since Jesus is God (see John 1:1-3) and created all things visible and invisible (ie, Colossians 1:16-17 including Lucifer and the demons as they are invisible), it stands that you are wrong and Scripture is correct. Also, is Jesus the God of the OT?
These men doesn't share a drop of sweat in bringing the Bible and talking like they are the Bible, knowing not what really the Bible is teaching. They tell only what makes them satisfied using the Bible. 2 Timothy 3 1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. 10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 "That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
@@henkaistudio You're just making a fool, out of yourself. You just don't know, what you're talking about, at all. You have the Spirit/Soul of extreme deception, rebellious, and lack of knowledge. The only TRUE CHURCH is, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. Do your homework, meaning counsel with GOD the Eternal FATHER, and HIS WIFE, GODDESS, our beloved HOLY Eternal MOTHER, to reveal to you that, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, is the only, TRUE CHURCH, period.
@@henkaistudio JESUS CHRIST told Apostle PETER, you're the ROCK, and on that ROCK, I JESUS CHRIST, build MY, CHURCH; When JESUS CHRIST said HIS CHURCH, meaning, name after HIS NAME, ( THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. You're extremely lacking knowledge, you don't know, what you're talking about, at all. So, do your homework. You're just making a fool, out of yourself.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 no your making a fool of yourself and you do your homework because You believe in The Book of Mormon and I don’t I only believe in The Bible only and also The Book of Mormon that book contracts what The Bible says and it has racism in The Book of Mormon just so you know.
@@henkaistudio Everything you've said in your comments, perfectly reveals lack of knowledge, deceitful, and rebellious. Again, you're obviously making a (fool,) out of yourself, what a shame, wow, you just don't know, what you're talking about, at all. Do your homework.
@@VAATAUSILI4139The things you said to me doesn’t make sense at all and you sound so ignorant too. Plus your a hypocrite Because you tell me that I’m making a fool of myself look at the way you are coming at me your making a fool of yourself by saying a bunch of nonsense like I’m rebellious and I have not done anything wrong to you. Plus in the Bible it says this Ephesians 2:8-9 We are saved by grace through faith and this is not your own doing. It is a gift from god, lest any man should boast. But 2 Nephi 25:23 For all that we know it is by grace that we are saved after all that you can do and that is unbiblical and a false doctrine and based on works and it literally contradicts what Ephesians 2:8:9 says right there and this right here comes to show you that The Book of Mormon does contradicts what The Bible says. Plus In The Book of Mormon it says that Jesus was born in Jerusalem as well while The Bible says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Another Contradiction right there.
If you think of "scriptures" as a chain, you either start on one end or the other as your a-priori axiom, and each end has a "prophet." On one end, you have Moses who ypu hold as a true prophet of G-d. Your base is the Old Testament, in which subsequent subsquent are held to. For Mormons (and I was one for 6 years) ypu start with the axoim that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and everything he said is true. You work backwards. The difference is what is held as the standard that scripture must conform to. As such, you start from two opposing ends.
The Bible doesn’t teach one being of God in three persons. That’s the trinitarian, non-biblical, explanation of God. If the Father is greater than the Son, how can they be the same being? John 14:28.
Mormons need to look up the meaning of prelest. It’s good to direct people to the Bible but that’s assuming they even have the right Bible and also that they can accurately interpret the Bible when they read it. You can’t separate the Bible from the Church and traditions that gave us the Bible.
Do you know that there are thousands of ancient copies of the Old and New Testament that contain the same Hebrew and Greek that we can look at today and read? The problem with the "the Bible is corrupted by translation" issue is that the Bible has not been translated the way that the LDS teaches. For example, the NASB translation (and almost every other modern English translation) was translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek that we have had from the beginning. The LDS teaches that translation is like a game of telephone where Hebrew is translated from language to language to language which would cause discrepancy. However, that is not how Bible translation has been done. At this moment, I can see Hebrew and Greek that have been validated in authenticity by the Dead Sea Scrolls. So, where did this translation failure happen if what we see today is the same that existed from before Christ came to Earth(Old Testament manuscripts) and the same Greek from the letters written by the Apostles in the New Testament?
@@VAATAUSILI4139 Based on the fact that you just reposted basically the same thing as before, I'm not sure how interested you are in actually learning anything. I just refuted the "problem" of translation and inadvertently refuted the other two "problems". If we have the actual verified copies that existed from old testament times and they are the same Hebrew as we have today, what was "forged" and what is missing? If you are concerned about forgery, look no further than Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. There are many verses of the Book of Mormon that are taken, in many cases, word for word from the King James Version of the Bible. How could that be since the BoM is supposed to be its own original book translated from Egyptian (not Hebrew) and the KJV didn't come into existence until 2000+ years after the events in the BoM are supposed to have taken place? There are many examples of this forgery, but I'll give you one that will blow your mind. Compare 2 Nephi 8:24-25 to Isaiah 52:1-2(KJV). It is exactly the same. Not only is it an exact copy of the KJV, but it's also a part of Isaiah that would not have been written by the time the brass plates were taken from Laban. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
The Bible has not been corrupted and Muslims say that too but man both Mormons and Muslims are so much alike when they say we believe in the Bible and then they say it has been corrupted but Christians do not believe that The Bible has been corrupted at all.
They always claim when they can’t refute that the bible that they themselves carry around to try an get in your front door with is mistranslated. But Joseph smith copied word for word many chapters out of Isaiah an put them in nephi. The Catholic Church is no better than the Mormon church they are both works based salvation. For straight is the gate an narrow is the way an FEW be that find it
If the catholic church is false (set up only by men, and not divine authority) then all others after would be also false (despite their best efforts). The only way a church would be "true" is if Jesus himelf + God - made it known to reestablish order (and clarify their gospel) amongst 1000s of different christian sects.
If Christ created all things in heaven and earth, did he create the Father and the Holy Ghost? Did he create planes, boats, trains, cities, etc? There’s always a context for this kind of verse.
no that is not true the gospel never was unrestored. Jesus said I will build my church and the gates of HELL will not prevail against it, Joseph Smith and other false prophets have sure tried but the word of God will not fall and needs no other testament.
@@austinjeschke6383 You just don't know, what you're talking; GOD the Eternal FATHER, and GODDESS our beloved HOLY Eternal MOTHER knows, that you're extremely lacking knowledge, of the mysteries of the eternities.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 you trust the words of conman Joseph Smith over those of Jesus Christ. Mormonism won’t save you. I urge you to know the truth before it’s too late.
41,000 different Christian churches in the world and these guys have no idea how to bring people to Christ. They think rattling off scriptures will do the trick.
“so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11
That’s incorrect because The LDS Church started in the 1800s and also there is no pre mortal existence just so you know. Joseph Smith had failed prophecies such as Jesus coming back during his time he did not and predicted that Jesus coming back in 1891 and it was proven false prophecy.
So the Bereans, like Apologia, didn’t have the Holy Ghost so they could only refer to the scriptures. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have the Holy Ghost to bear witness of the truth. John 14:26.
Mormonism is Fake Christianity and Fake Christianity isn’t Real Christianity and Christians and Mormons are not the same at all they are both different. Christians believe only what The Bible teaches and Mormons believe The Bible but trust The Book of Mormon more then The Bible and they put Mormon scriptures above The Bible and they add to it and to the word of God and The Bible says not to add to the word of God and The Bible.
Blasphemy. There is one God. Alike how you are one being in 3 persons. You are a soul. You are a spirit. And you are your flesh. You are not 3 different beings but one being made up of 3 persons. We are made IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. One God. Exists as Jesus who is God. The Father who is God. The Holy Spirit who is God.
@anthony magee ; Well, actually the confusion and unscriptural philosophy gets even worse, because if the one "Being" of God is allegedly "multi-personal" as three distinct "Persons." Then why doesn't it follow that he also has three distinct "Personalities" as well? Since part of being a distinct person is to have a distinct or unique personality doesn't it? So does God therefore have multiple personalities too, or he's actually schizoid? Trinitarians will of course say "no", God only has one personality. So then now, not only do you have to philosophically separate God's supposed "Persons" from his "Being." But also his alleged "Persons" must each be separated from having a distinct personality. "Persons separate from Being" and then Persons separate from personality." Wow, what an absolute and totally unscriptural mess ....
@@antonioterrell354 scripture says there is ONLY ONE GOD. Jesus is referred to as God. Holy Spirit is referred to as God. And the Father is referred to as God. and yet there is ONLY ONE GOD. how do you reconcile this without the trinity? I ONLY SPEAK BIBLE MY FRIEND
That’s a relief. Apologia are saying Jesus and Lucifer were never brothers but that Jesus is only the creator of the devil; a much more palatable doctrine. 🤪
Apologia always try to dissuade anyone from relying on the Holy Ghost but instead tell people to rely on the scriptures as Apologia interprets them. The Bible says Luke 24:32, John 14:26, John 15:26, John 16:13, Acts 1:2, Acts 5:32, 1 Corinthians 2:10-14, 1 Corinthians 12:3, 2 Peter 1:20,21. 1 John 5:6.
Apologia questions whether we can become perfect or deny ourselves of all ungodliness. The bible says Ephesians 4:13, 1John 1:7. Apologia is a faithless ministry preaching obedience to their interpretation of scripture.
Apologia teach that baptism is not an essential ordinance for salvation, basing all their preaching on things that Paul wrote, but dismissing the teachings of Jesus Christ himself; Mark 16:16, John 3:5. Talk about preaching another gospel; Galatians 1:8.
Pre Mortal Existence and Three Levels of Heaven and The Spirit World and Spirit Paradise and Sprit Prison and Outer Darkness does not exist because it’s made up. Muslims themselves believe that there are 7 levels of Heaven just so you know. But however Christians believe that there is only Heaven and Hell just so you know but Purgatory doesn’t exist because it’s made up.
@@devilsatan2973 Your extreme lack of knowledge and rebelliousness is, obvious. You left CHRISTIANITY, the TRUE CHURCH, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, that started in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE, with your endless excuses, lies, refused to obey some of the commandments, whatever it is. You're showing your misery, I thought you're happy, but now, i see you're not happy. Why? because you can't leave the TRUE CHURCH alone; THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS.
@@VAATAUSILI4139Oh quit that nonsense because you have been deceived and your church is teaching you a False Gospel and a False Christ and a False God and a different message then the one that is taught from The Bible.
I really dont like the fact that you ooze Jeff durbin vibes much.... It just shouldn't happen because you're not him. But, the videos, and evangelism are top notch.
Carson literally said he knows truth by his feelings and confirmation of what happens and the evangelist says what if I am sent from God? Then God confirms it by sending his highschool friend who used to be Mormon and is now Christian who just happens to be in the same place at the same time. I pray Carson realizes that God literally just showed up BIG TIME for Carson.
Carson was dead on in his feelings (and not to "2nd guess" them - as many outsiders would want him too). I personally would never do that to anyone (regardless of their faith) The bible literally teaches the "fruits" of the spirit are peace, love, assurity, etc. (when you get that spiritual confirmation - you never forget it, nor should). Sounds like the interviewer guy is "cherry picking the bible" to cast doubts for Carson, - but he himself (interviewer - wants only physical proof). However you can never (in your hear, soul) know the truth - just by the physical. A higher knowledge requires a "higher source".
@@nute742 that is man's wisdom. The Bible is the physical proof and you don't have to cherry pick the Bible in order to show how contradictory the Bible is to the teachings of the Mormon church.
@@courtneyko1466 The bible teaches to trust the feelings of the spirit. I think many cherry pick to try an prove God is wrong (that he can't produce more works than just what was written back in the day). He is a living God but man wants only "historical documents". Christ taught its better to have faith in believe than just be given proof all the time. Religion is really more than about proving old documents and relics (and their locations). Its a message we can use today to better ourselves and understanding (and relationship with God) as well as our devine heritage. As "literal children of god" the sky is the limit (not sure why people would be threatened or think thats bad)? Anyway have you ever read the bom, or what more do you know about the church? Are you a past member? Okay take care.
@nute742 God can produce more works sure but he would not contradict previous revelation. I have read the bom and so has the interviewer on in the video if you can’t tell. The Bible does not teach to base trust on feeling of any sort, the heart is deceitful who can know it? But to verify any feeling or any question by previous revelation from Scripture.
@@courtneyko1466 The Bible is proof that the Bible is not infallible and is not inerrant.
God is so perfect. Even brought his old highschool Christian buddy to testify of the truth of the Gospel. Wow. Matthew 18:16 “But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.”
I love the way you put this. How amazing.
Carson was blessed to have that conversation. He was frustrated at the end because he was starting to be convinced that what he was being told was true. Seeds were planted and it will only be a matter of time before his heart and mind will see the truth.
Praying for Carson I wanted to point out that it was good seeing another brother come up and confirm by 2 witnesses the gospel ❤
The divine timing of the second witness. God is faithful. 🙌🏻🖤
So sad, Carson if you watch this video and you read these comments, Know that we are all praying for you.
Carson is on the verge- You can literally see it. I was never LDS, but when I became a Christian I had the same look. Like someone just opened my eyes. Way to go guys!
Pray for him. I often wonder what he is doing.
@@apologiautahYeah and I hope he over comes his addiction and puts his faith in the Real Jesus.
@@henkaistudio There is only one Jesus (just different views on details - that various sects teach) But all christians believe the basics: He was our savoir, born to mary, atoned for our sins, and is now resurrected (I don't think anyone who is a christian would dispute that)
@@nute742 The Bible warns about False Christs and many Christians have pointed out that some people actually worship False Christs and that’s what Mormons do they worship a False Christ known as The Mormon Jesus.
@@nute742Hey Mormons actually do believe in a different Jesus known as The Mormon Jesus who is Satans’ brother and a created being and not eternal and a God and a Pantheon of many Gods and that’s like saying they believe in a different God and you have to understand this not everyone believes in the same Jesus as Christians just so you know. The Bible actually warns about people preaching a different Jesus and here’s a Bible verse for it in 2 Corinthians 11:4 KJV
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. See that comes to show you that Mormons preach a False Gospel and a False Christ and they believe that Jesus died on the cross for all humanity to be simply resurrected but that’s what Mormonism teaches but however Biblical Christianity teaches that Jesus died on the cross and was buried and resurrected to take upon him the sins of the world so that those of us who had no power to save ourselves could place our faith in Christ surrender all of our burden and sin to him at the cross and come alive with a new identity and a relationship with Jesus Christ knowing that we’re forgiven and redeemed and we have the promise of eternal life. See that is why we should place our faith in The Real Jesus no matter what because he is God and created Satan and you and me and everyone on earth and the whole universe and he is Eternal and is God Almighty and he is the first and he is the last and he has The Power to save your soul eternally and he is the way and the truth and the life and no man comes through the father accept through him but The Mormon Jesus is the opposite of that and he doesn’t have the power to save your soul eternally at all.
Very good conversation! Prayer for him in his continual recovery, as one only finds true recovery in Christ.
If the lds church sends this young man on a mission with only a few weeks of being clean that’s putting him in a potential perilous place.
As someone who worked in addiction medicine I’m concerned. I will be praying for a change of heart but also his health & safety.
Sitting here watching and witnessed the Holy Spirit work on UA-cam. When Goobs walked up being a born again Christian. Gave me goosebumps.
Seriously when this happened. It tripped me out in person. I couldn’t believe it. Praise God.
@@apologiautah Simply amazing movement of the Holy Spirit
@@apologiautahGLORY TO GOD, It Is his praise and his name we serve and to his means we shall be used! Amen brothers! Keep standing on the truth of Gods Word!
Brother- you killed that interaction. I appreciate you not only joining the conversation, but sticking around & further sharing the gospel with Carson. You’re incredible!! Still praying for your faith walk, my friend. Thanks for being on camera & for allowing us to witness Christ fully in action. ❤🙏🏽
Wow. Talk about being ready to give an answer for the hope thats within you. Andrew had text after text loaded in the chamber. Very encouraged and inspired by this! Thank you!
Way to go guys! This is awesome. Keep up the good work.
The fact that he was getting frustrated is a testament to God drawing him near. He knows that what he's hearing is the TRUTH but Satan is pulling him back, saying "let's go before you BELIEVE." Praying he stays in contact with his Christian friend and that God will take his heart of stone and turn it to flesh.
Wow you guys what wonderful conversation! I learned so much from this. Thank you!
You guys are amazing at what you’re doing. Keep up the good work. God is with you and we are praying for you!
I got two of my Mormon neighbors to agree to a book study on the miracle of forgiveness. I’m about 1/5 of the way through myself. It’s quite the yoke of bondage so far I must say myself.
The Miracle of Forgiveness was the book that made me realize as a Mormon, that it would be impossible to ever reach the LDS Celestial Kingdom. The impossible gospel of mormonism spelled out clearly in this book.
I am hoping they likewise see it as well and have the blinders lifted from their eyes.
Yes, that book (miracle of forgiveness is a "dozy" lol) But it does teach the seriousness of being away from God. (It has alot of good things in it too). But I would stick with the D&C, Book Of Mormon, Book of Abraham + Bible (of course)!
Such a God thing that his born again ex Mormon friend “just so happened” to be there and walk past at that moment . No such thing as coincidence and it’s so cool how his friend knew so much of the truth and Bible ! Amazing
Seriously blew my mind when it happened. Praise God.
I really hope and pray Carson did not relapse because of this conversation. Definitely a divine appointing!
2 street evangelists and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints;+ I feel like Carson is respectful, honest, humble, genuine and loving which are attributes of Jesus Christ. I hope these preachers are truely trying to lift people up. Would be good if they read what the BiG Book says about religion and people in recovery!
Beautiful discussion. The truth was powerful there.
Praying for him. Hoping for a follow up to hear he has been saved.
I'm grateful you guys are getting a bit nicer in your approaches. I do have one question, however. Which sins are you trying to justify by saying you aren't saved through your works? Latterday Saints believe we are saved by Christ absolutely. And we also believe you are rewarded by your works as stated in Revelations. If you take away from Revelations then you aren't doing what he asks of us, which is "if ye love me, keep my commandments."
"I will go peaceably and firmly to the Catholic Church: for if Faith is so important to our salvation, I will seek it where true Faith first began, seek it among those who received it from God Himself." ~ Elizabeth Ann Seton
Praying for Carson
I wish you guys would leave the handle name of the individuals being interviewed. I gotta give props to this Carston guy. 🎉
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ, use the same scriptures to back up the triune nature of how God works. We believe Jesus is God, as the literal Son of God. It’s simply two people, reading the same scriptures-but having slightly different interpretations.
The Spirit doesn’t manifest as a “feeling”. It’s much more piercing and pure than our human emotions. It’s undeniable.
We believe the Son of God is the savior of the world. Our God. Our creator. But we pray to The Father, in Jesus’ name. As Jesus taught us to.
Neither of these men are “wrong”. They both worship the Savior, and I wish we could focus on our mutual love for God.
Peace is very hard to describe. And I believe both these men have experience with God.
Apologia is misrepresenting out third article of faith. We don’t believe we aren’t fallen. Yes, we are in a fallen world. But we don’t believe we are actually punished for Adam’s personal sins.
Apologia means well. But he’s weaponizing scripture and cherry-picking particular scriptures. That becomes myopic. Someone has to read ALL the scriptures to see the big picture
Well said.
Can I live where God lives if I don't go to temple and learn hand gestures through a veil/curtain? Was your God once a mortal man?
Apologia just sounds like they’re setting the guy up. It sounds like a sales pitch
Yeah, just like the Morman Cult Missionaries do each day. So what is your point?
Who was Jesus praying to in the Garden of Gethsemane when he said, "If it be possible that this cup pass from me, nevertheless not my will, but thine be done. How is it possible that He would disagree with himself if He was only one entity?
You’re misunderstanding the doctrine of the Trinity. What you’re describing is the Trinitarian heresy known as Modalism.
There is only ONE God. That one God exists in 3 co-equal, co-eternal persons. The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. The Father is not the Son or the Holy Spirit. The Son is not the Father or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not the Father or the Son.
God the Son was praying to God the Father in the garden. Jesus is fully God and fully human. He had two wills. He was praying to God the Father as a fully human man.
Super good point! In addition there are so "many" other examples in the bible that illustrate this (and the nature of both god and jesus). However its always "Interpreted" away by those with a trinitarian tradition. Not sure why it threatens people to know God has form. The apostle Stephen himself saw both God and Jesus - sitting together (as separate beings).
@@SerenityNow22 It sounds like the way some describe the "One God" as more of a Team (so without one of the members - there is no God)?. However since they are separate - they are all still gods. Thus the word "tri" is plural meaning three. But God (The father) was God by himself (our god). He sent his son (Jesus) to help out - who told us how to pray to his father (God). The holy ghost also helps out too (each one of the godhead have godlike attributes and are singular in themselves). So would you say God (the father) has form? In the end though not sure why someone would feel threatened by God (having a physical body, like his son does). Everything the Father has, so does the son (Like father like son - really holds true)!
@@SerenityNow22 Nope, you've been suckered by man-made beliefs. The Bible is clear that Christ and God are separate and distinct beings.
@@SerenityNow22 nope you misunderstand the doctrine of God and his son Jesus Christ. You are teaching false doctrine… Heresy. Read the Bible again. It should be clear to you if you can put aside your pride.
I’ve only ever heard Andrew on Cultish. He’s a straight street thug for Jesus. Graciously, lovingly bring the LOVE smack down to this lost sheep. Andrew, have you guys ever looked into The House of Yahweh in Abilene Texas?
Christ or CHAOS
He’s so close, he just needs to look at the manuscript evidence
“The Miracle of Forgiveness” isn’t our canon
Can you pray for me brother in Jesus Christ I've been going through crazy things and I want to fully change.
Lifting you up before the King.
@@apologiautah thank you brother in christ
Did the gentlemen leading the conversation just say took God's name in vain? Why? 51:20
Gaaaaah not God. Can hear how you think that but it’s not what I said. Grace and Peace.
Revelation 22 11 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."
Your sound quality is horrible
If a physical temple is not needed today, according to the Pastor, why did Isaiah prophecy of one being established in the latter-days? Isaiah Chapter 2-3 says: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.". So from this we know a few things: A physical temple will be established in the last days, or today as it were. Next, There is no current Jewish temple on earth today, but all nations will flow to this temple and all nationalities will enter into it to learn of the Lord and his ways. Interestingly, the US Federal government changed the name of Desseret to Utah. The meaning of the native American word "Utah" ia "in the rops of the mountains". The only building in the whole world that could fit this prophecy today is a Mormon or LDS temple.
I also have something to mention regarding the pastor's use of Deuteronomy 18:22: "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him." He aays rhat Joseph Smith is a false prophet becauase the the building of the temple at Far West didn't happen in "this generation". The Lord, talking to his disiples in Matthew 24 also said regarding the second coming: "And he send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect feom the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." Well if the Lord meant his current disiples' generation, he was a false peophet according to the Pastor. What if what he was meant was a coming generation. Isn't it possible to interperate Joseph's "this generation" as a future one as well. Furthermore, under this pastor's interpretation of Deuteronomy 18:22, we would have to label Eziekel, Isaiah and David as false prophets and teachers because things they prophecied failed to come ro pass. We know Isaiah, for example, was a true prophet. Jesus even quotes Isaiah 61: "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me", etc. Ezekiel had a failed, so called, prophecy in Ezekial 29: "So I will make the land of Egypt a desolation in the midst of desolated lands, and her cities, in the midst of cities that are laid waste, will be desilate for fourty years and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations", etc. This never happened according to historians. Also in Isaiah 13 he prophecies against the Babylonians. He said that the Medes would slay men, women and children and that Babylon would "be as when God overthew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in feom generation to generation.". In 529 BC, Cyrus, king of the Medes and Persians, took Babylon without bloodshed. It remained inhabited for centuries afterword. So this prophecy failed too. There areany other examples, like Moses and Jeremiah. Just because a prophet gets it wrong sometimes doesn't mean hes not a prophet. Dont get sucked in by their lazy arguments. The Bible is way more complex than their single verse "gotchas!"
It seems like Mormons on the mission Mormon videos they all talk about feelings this feelings that, none of they feel is ground on scripture, they just go off feelings, intuition, confirmation.
The Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Chapter 1
1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.
3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.
6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.
7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.
8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.
11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. 13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. Joseph Smith.
We actually have a playlist with videos that actually handle each article of faith from Joseph Smith. These articles are neither scary or intimidating but according to the Old and New Testament they rightly separate JS teachings from the orthodox teachings of the Bible, which makes Mormonism, a cult.
JESUS didn't create LUCIFER; JESUS, LUCIFER, & us, already exist, in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE. We were all, created by our ETERNAL PARENT'S.
No we are not and stop spreading that False Doctrine it’s not biblical Jesus Created you not that Mormon God named Elohim and we are not Satans brother at all.
@@henkaistudio Life didn't start at conception, or birth, & it won't end at death. GOD the FATHER, & HIS WIFE, GODDESS, our HOLY MOTHER, our Oldest Brother JESUS, second, LUCIFER, & US, already exists, in the Pre-Mortal Life, before Earth Life.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 No Christian on earth has ever said that God has a wife and that we are The Brothers of Satan and Jesus that’s not in the Bible that’s something you’re church taught you and you yourself actually believe that God aka Elohim and Mary had sex with each other to make The Mormon Jesus and that is so much blasphemy. Many Mormons then say no we don’t yes you do the problem is that you don’t even know what your own belief is. We are not in The Pre Mortal Existence that’s not biblical neither and we are the children of God only through adoption according to The Bible.
@@henkaistudio Satan must have been related to someone! (lol) As he was one of the high ones (before he fell, son of the morning) So why do people "presume" to know anything about it (unless they were taught) or also that others don't.
Our ETERNAL PARENT'S, JESUS our Oldest Bro., LUCIFER our rebellious Bro. & Us all, already exist, in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE.
Colossians 1:16-17 makes it clear Jesus created Lucifer.
@@mr400meter 3 problems with the Bible, but not the whole Bible; 1st, missing Books. 2nd, forged. 3rd, translation. As a result, contradictions. 1 Colossians 16-17, is contradicting Revelation 12:7-10. Remember, the Bible has been corrupted, But not the whole Bible. JESUS, LUCIFER & US all, already exist, in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE. We were created by our ETERNAL PARENT'S in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE, before Earth Life.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 Colossians 1:16-17 does not contradict Revelation 12:7-10. Not even close. Next, go to your quad at the beginning of Colossians 1. Here is what it says at the beginning: "Redemption comes through Christ-He created all things"
@@mr400meter JESUS was created by GOD the Eternal FATHER and GODDESS the Eternal MOTHER, our Oldest obedient Brother, and LUCIFER our rebellious Brother, second to JESUS, in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE; And, GOD the Eternal FATHER, (Anointed) JESUS in the presence of GODDESS the Eternal MOTHER, to be our SAVIOR. And, how can you not understanding the contradictions between Colossians chapter 1 & Revelation chapter 12? CHRIST is not JESUS'S last name, CHRIST is JESUS Title, means Anointed. JESUS was Anointed by GOD by the authority of the MELCHEZEDIC PRIESTHOOD, by the order of GOD the Eternal FATHER, to do the creation. Have you ever studied the entire Bible and pray about the extreme severe contradictions of the Bible? not the whole Bible. Have you ever think of praying and fasting to our ETERNAL PARENT'S about that? That's why our ETERNAL PARENT'S restored THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS back on earth. Think about it.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 There is no contradiction between Colossians 1 and Revelation 12. They are not discussing opposing issues.
In fact, since Jesus is God (see John 1:1-3) and created all things visible and invisible (ie, Colossians 1:16-17 including Lucifer and the demons as they are invisible), it stands that you are wrong and Scripture is correct.
Also, is Jesus the God of the OT?
Isaiah 43:10 - 13
Carson's theology is a mix of LDS & AA, a very deadly combination
These men doesn't share a drop of sweat in bringing the Bible and talking like they are the Bible, knowing not what really the Bible is teaching.
They tell only what makes them satisfied using the Bible.
2 Timothy 3
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. 10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 "That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
Col. 1:16-17 contradicts Rev. 12:7-10. 3 problems w/Bible, 1st, missing Books, 2nd, forged, 3rd, translation, as a result, contradictions.
The Bible never contradicts itself at all and Mormons have took that out of context.
@@henkaistudio You're just making a fool, out of yourself. You just don't know, what you're talking about, at all. You have the Spirit/Soul of extreme deception, rebellious, and lack of knowledge. The only TRUE CHURCH is, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. Do your homework, meaning counsel with GOD the Eternal FATHER, and HIS WIFE, GODDESS, our beloved HOLY Eternal MOTHER, to reveal to you that, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, is the only, TRUE CHURCH, period.
Cultists going after cultists...
Yes exactly but The Bible is scripture according to The Christian Church and The Baptist Church.
@@henkaistudio JESUS CHRIST told Apostle PETER, you're the ROCK, and on that ROCK, I JESUS CHRIST, build MY, CHURCH; When JESUS CHRIST said HIS CHURCH, meaning, name after HIS NAME, ( THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. You're extremely lacking knowledge, you don't know, what you're talking about, at all. So, do your homework. You're just making a fool, out of yourself.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 no your making a fool of yourself and you do your homework because You believe in The Book of Mormon and I don’t I only believe in The Bible only and also The Book of Mormon that book contracts what The Bible says and it has racism in The Book of Mormon just so you know.
@@henkaistudio Everything you've said in your comments, perfectly reveals lack of knowledge, deceitful, and rebellious. Again, you're obviously making a (fool,) out of yourself, what a shame, wow, you just don't know, what you're talking about, at all. Do your homework.
@@VAATAUSILI4139The things you said to me doesn’t make sense at all and you sound so ignorant too. Plus your a hypocrite Because you tell me that I’m making a fool of myself look at the way you are coming at me your making a fool of yourself by saying a bunch of nonsense like I’m rebellious and I have not done anything wrong to you. Plus in the Bible it says this Ephesians 2:8-9 We are saved by grace through faith and this is not your own doing. It is a gift from god, lest any man should boast. But 2 Nephi 25:23 For all that we know it is by grace that we are saved after all that you can do and that is unbiblical and a false doctrine and based on works and it literally contradicts what Ephesians 2:8:9 says right there and this right here comes to show you that The Book of Mormon does contradicts what The Bible says. Plus In The Book of Mormon it says that Jesus was born in Jerusalem as well while The Bible says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Another Contradiction right there.
If you think of "scriptures" as a chain, you either start on one end or the other as your a-priori axiom, and each end has a "prophet." On one end, you have Moses who ypu hold as a true prophet of G-d. Your base is the Old Testament, in which subsequent subsquent are held to. For Mormons (and I was one for 6 years) ypu start with the axoim that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and everything he said is true. You work backwards. The difference is what is held as the standard that scripture must conform to. As such, you start from two opposing ends.
Don't worry Carson you are on your way to heaven. Stay the path.
Life didn't start at conception or birth; Our ETERNAL PARENT'S, JESUS, LUCIFER, & us already exist, in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE.
Deranged cultist crackpot 🙄
The Bible doesn’t teach one being of God in three persons. That’s the trinitarian, non-biblical, explanation of God. If the Father is greater than the Son, how can they be the same being? John 14:28.
Yet again, apologia so deceptive , tricky, right off the bat. Like Satan is. Secretly recording them. Without their consent.
Holy Spirit was in the mists, and Carson chose to follow Satan 😢
How do we receive justification? The Bible says James 2:24.
Carson is a HOTTIE !
Mormons need to look up the meaning of prelest. It’s good to direct people to the Bible but that’s assuming they even have the right Bible and also that they can accurately interpret the Bible when they read it. You can’t separate the Bible from the Church and traditions that gave us the Bible.
Tate, you gotta read Canon Revisited by Michael Kruger. I think you would benefit from it.
Bible has been corrupted, not the whole Bible. 3 problems w/Bible: 1st, missing books, 2nd, forged, 3rd, translation, results, contradictions.
Do you know that there are thousands of ancient copies of the Old and New Testament that contain the same Hebrew and Greek that we can look at today and read? The problem with the "the Bible is corrupted by translation" issue is that the Bible has not been translated the way that the LDS teaches. For example, the NASB translation (and almost every other modern English translation) was translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek that we have had from the beginning. The LDS teaches that translation is like a game of telephone where Hebrew is translated from language to language to language which would cause discrepancy. However, that is not how Bible translation has been done. At this moment, I can see Hebrew and Greek that have been validated in authenticity by the Dead Sea Scrolls. So, where did this translation failure happen if what we see today is the same that existed from before Christ came to Earth(Old Testament manuscripts) and the same Greek from the letters written by the Apostles in the New Testament?
@@BryanWhite773 problems with Bible, (but) (not) (entire) (Bible,) 1st, missing histories, 2nd, forged, 3rd, translation. Results, contradictions.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 Based on the fact that you just reposted basically the same thing as before, I'm not sure how interested you are in actually learning anything. I just refuted the "problem" of translation and inadvertently refuted the other two "problems". If we have the actual verified copies that existed from old testament times and they are the same Hebrew as we have today, what was "forged" and what is missing? If you are concerned about forgery, look no further than Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. There are many verses of the Book of Mormon that are taken, in many cases, word for word from the King James Version of the Bible. How could that be since the BoM is supposed to be its own original book translated from Egyptian (not Hebrew) and the KJV didn't come into existence until 2000+ years after the events in the BoM are supposed to have taken place? There are many examples of this forgery, but I'll give you one that will blow your mind. Compare 2 Nephi 8:24-25 to Isaiah 52:1-2(KJV). It is exactly the same. Not only is it an exact copy of the KJV, but it's also a part of Isaiah that would not have been written by the time the brass plates were taken from Laban. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Bible has been corrupted, not entire Bible. 3 problems w/Bible: lost books, forged, translation, result, contradictions.
The Bible has not been corrupted and Muslims say that too but man both Mormons and Muslims are so much alike when they say we believe in the Bible and then they say it has been corrupted but Christians do not believe that The Bible has been corrupted at all.
They always claim when they can’t refute that the bible that they themselves carry around to try an get in your front door with is mistranslated. But Joseph smith copied word for word many chapters out of Isaiah an put them in nephi.
The Catholic Church is no better than the Mormon church they are both works based salvation. For straight is the gate an narrow is the way an FEW be that find it
If the catholic church is false (set up only by men, and not divine authority) then all others after would be also false (despite their best efforts). The only way a church would be "true" is if Jesus himelf + God - made it known to reestablish order (and clarify their gospel) amongst 1000s of different christian sects.
You need to keep looking then
Where does the Bible say that good works are the fruit of salvation? I see the Bible teaches the opposite; Matthew 19:7, Matthew 25, 1 John 1:7.
Apologia ask “What’s better than the work of Jesus?” But what about not ignoring his words Matthew 19:17, Matthew 25.
If Christ created all things in heaven and earth, did he create the Father and the Holy Ghost? Did he create planes, boats, trains, cities, etc? There’s always a context for this kind of verse.
Our ETERNAL PARENT'S, restored THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST back on earth, through our Prophet JOSEPH SMITH.
Go back to Genesis ❤
no that is not true the gospel never was unrestored. Jesus said I will build my church and the gates of HELL will not prevail against it, Joseph Smith and other false prophets have sure tried but the word of God will not fall and needs no other testament.
You believe in a false god who will not save you.
@@austinjeschke6383 You just don't know, what you're talking; GOD the Eternal FATHER, and GODDESS our beloved HOLY Eternal MOTHER knows, that you're extremely lacking knowledge, of the mysteries of the eternities.
@@VAATAUSILI4139 you trust the words of conman Joseph Smith over those of Jesus Christ. Mormonism won’t save you. I urge you to know the truth before it’s too late.
41,000 different Christian churches in the world and these guys have no idea how to bring people to Christ. They think rattling off scriptures will do the trick.
What's your idea?
“so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:11
Apologia say there is no amount of striving that we can do that would merit grace. The Bible says 1 John 1:7.
That’s incorrect because The LDS Church started in the 1800s and also there is no pre mortal existence just so you know. Joseph Smith had failed prophecies such as Jesus coming back during his time he did not and predicted that Jesus coming back in 1891 and it was proven false prophecy.
If God was from all eternity why does the Bible speak of “the beginning of his way”? Proverbs 8:22.
So the Bereans, like Apologia, didn’t have the Holy Ghost so they could only refer to the scriptures. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have the Holy Ghost to bear witness of the truth. John 14:26.
They both wrong 😊
Mormonism is Fake Christianity and Fake Christianity isn’t Real Christianity and Christians and Mormons are not the same at all they are both different. Christians believe only what The Bible teaches and Mormons believe The Bible but trust The Book of Mormon more then The Bible and they put Mormon scriptures above The Bible and they add to it and to the word of God and The Bible says not to add to the word of God and The Bible.
So is God like a 3 headed dragan???
Blasphemy. There is one God.
Alike how you are one being in 3 persons. You are a soul. You are a spirit. And you are your flesh. You are not 3 different beings but one being made up of 3 persons. We are made IN THE IMAGE OF GOD.
One God. Exists as Jesus who is God. The Father who is God. The Holy Spirit who is God.
@@user-hn6ld5zb5q so basically I’m not 3 persons but one person made up of 3 persons being in the image of God. Seems confusing.
@anthony magee ;
Well, actually the confusion and unscriptural philosophy gets even worse, because if the one "Being" of God is allegedly "multi-personal" as three distinct "Persons." Then why doesn't it follow that he also has three distinct "Personalities" as well?
Since part of being a distinct person is to have a distinct or unique personality doesn't it?
So does God therefore have multiple personalities too, or he's actually schizoid?
Trinitarians will of course say "no", God only has one personality.
So then now, not only do you have to philosophically separate God's supposed "Persons" from his "Being." But also his alleged "Persons" must each be separated from having a distinct personality.
"Persons separate from Being" and then Persons separate from personality."
Wow, what an absolute and totally unscriptural mess ....
@@antonioterrell354 scripture says there is ONLY ONE GOD. Jesus is referred to as God. Holy Spirit is referred to as God. And the Father is referred to as God. and yet there is ONLY ONE GOD. how do you reconcile this without the trinity?
The earth is flat!
No it’s not
That’s a relief. Apologia are saying Jesus and Lucifer were never brothers but that Jesus is only the creator of the devil; a much more palatable doctrine. 🤪
Apologia always try to dissuade anyone from relying on the Holy Ghost but instead tell people to rely on the scriptures as Apologia interprets them. The Bible says Luke 24:32, John 14:26, John 15:26, John 16:13, Acts 1:2, Acts 5:32, 1 Corinthians 2:10-14, 1 Corinthians 12:3, 2 Peter 1:20,21. 1 John 5:6.
Apologia questions whether we can become perfect or deny ourselves of all ungodliness. The bible says Ephesians 4:13, 1John 1:7. Apologia is a faithless ministry preaching obedience to their interpretation of scripture.
Apologia teach that baptism is not an essential ordinance for salvation, basing all their preaching on things that Paul wrote, but dismissing the teachings of Jesus Christ himself; Mark 16:16, John 3:5. Talk about preaching another gospel; Galatians 1:8.
JESUS was ANOINTED by GOD the FATHER, in the presence of GODDESS the MOTHER in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE.
Pre Mortal Existence and Three Levels of Heaven and The Spirit World and Spirit Paradise and Sprit Prison and Outer Darkness does not exist because it’s made up. Muslims themselves believe that there are 7 levels of Heaven just so you know. But however Christians believe that there is only Heaven and Hell just so you know but Purgatory doesn’t exist because it’s made up.
Are you Christian? Yeah dude, I’ve got the John Calvin beard.
Apologia preach the gospel of idleness, preaching the teachings Paul, but not the teachings of Jesus, James, Peter, or John.
Jesus is fully God but remember John 14:28.
You have been deceived! They are a cult! Glad I was saved from that cult 30 years ago! Praise God!
@@devilsatan2973 Your extreme lack of knowledge and rebelliousness is, obvious. You left CHRISTIANITY, the TRUE CHURCH, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, that started in the PRE-MORTAL LIFE, with your endless excuses, lies, refused to obey some of the commandments, whatever it is. You're showing your misery, I thought you're happy, but now, i see you're not happy. Why? because you can't leave the TRUE CHURCH alone; THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS.
@@VAATAUSILI4139Oh quit that nonsense because you have been deceived and your church is teaching you a False Gospel and a False Christ and a False God and a different message then the one that is taught from The Bible.
I really dont like the fact that you ooze Jeff durbin vibes much.... It just shouldn't happen because you're not him. But, the videos, and evangelism are top notch.
Carson's theology is a mix of LDS & AA, a very deadly combination