Key points: Relentless Solution Focus - RSF "Within 60 seconds, replace all negative thinking with solution focused thought." "What have I done well in the past 24 hours?" Challenge: "For one month, I want you to take one minute, minimum of three times a week, and write down on paper three things you've done well. You don't have to cure cancer for it to qualify as a done well. Anything that promotes personal or professional health even by one inch counts." Thank you, Dr Selk.
Key points:
Relentless Solution Focus - RSF
"Within 60 seconds, replace all negative thinking with solution focused thought."
"What have I done well in the past 24 hours?"
"For one month,
I want you to take one minute,
minimum of three times a week,
and write down on paper three things you've done well.
You don't have to cure cancer for it to qualify as a done well.
Anything that promotes personal or professional health even by one inch counts."
Thank you, Dr Selk.
Great stuff