Wow i can't believe i was included in this video (jakiro). Thanks Speeed. Ok. first, i know i poorly play lane (and thanks for pointing that out). I know my Laning stage skill are not the best. So a list what should do: -Early Item to dominate a lane. -Emphasize dewarding & warding camp -Make smoke plays with mid(Or anyone strong) If anything missed please add comment. Thanks one more time Speed. Ps: Before Glicko i have same MMR, and David isn't my true name and i will write a comment in two months with new match id to just share my improvement.
You can do it david. We believe in you. A player that is willing to learn instead of being ignorant and defending his gameplay is pretty likely to improve imo.
For the last one, the Glicko system really changed the low ranks a lot. I play pretty casually with a group of friends who were all in herald/guardian. After Glicko we are in crusader/archon overnight. I think your idea on the jakiros rank might have been accurate pre 7.33
Smurfs are creating some extra losses at the lower end of the MMR curve and this is something that has held a lot of people back. Basically you had people smurfing and winning games that were supposed to be unwinnable. It may be one in ten games you get one of these smurf matchups, but the way MMR used to work and still kind of does is that the game is trying to railroad you to a 5-5 record in those 10 games. Now add a smurf game there and you are 4-6 and you are actually losing MMR instead of staying put. The system should be trying to guide the players into a 51% win rate just to give the illusion of progressing and slowly gaining some rank and it would mitigate the smurf effect a little bit as well... But it is what it is. This current system isn't exactly +25/-25. There is a little variation there. A point or two at least when you are not in the smurf mode of rank gain. Then on the other end of the spectrum there is another type of issue as in account buyers. Basically anti smurfs that cause you to lose because they have no business in being in those high skilled games. And again the 50-50 railroading is keeping mmr from rising too far without some sort of cheating. It's a really rough system to handle and get it right with all the human variables on the table. But I feel it is better now than it was before and this is basically the only thing that counts.
@@markermarque9843 there probably are... This is where the smurfing usually loses its luster. What point is having a smurf account that is basically the same level as your real account??? And this is where the system fails again. The smurfs have basically removed the MMR they have gained along the way at this time. When they either stop playing the smurf or sell it off to someone to ruin high skill games. If the account is sold, then the account buyer is essentially giving up free MMR at the high level. MMR that is robbed from the "poor" and given to the "rich". Smurf tax system in place... And this is something that keeps the MMR low.
@@timometsanoja9666 smurfs are mostly used for boosting friends or paying customers... and sometimes when your rank is high enough and queue times take 40 mins, i.e. Miracle era, you need a smurf to play... and i don't get the robbed from the poor and given to the rich, you don't queue with smurfs every game, probably 1/10 games... and if you are truly good enough for your rank, you'll win 5/10 times, so the smurf game is negligible... don't get me wrong, i hate smurfing, but there is absolutely no game without smurfs...
I don't know guys. I haven't played for a year and I had to go through this new calibration. Won 3 games evenly and then I got stomped for 10 games in a row when even enemy sups tryhard while we have dudes that seem genuinely lost and unaware of what they do. I don't say those people were bad, they were pretty adequate and friendly and tried to play as they could. But enemies looked so out of place. I could keep up with them but it felt like playing alone. I used to be 4.9 k and this calibration put me in 2.5k which is stupid. Now I have to play a ton of boring games against guys that can't do anything to me. Literally two green pages in match history without even trying is so damn boring. I can just FP undying, dudes have no Idea that I'm 3pos, then Ursa + cm can't come up to creeps because they don't agro, position is poor, no coordination. The can't even stand against a decay spam... Not to mention their starting items, I saw so many people buying trash like blight stone from the start which is 300 gold and being completely cancelled by ring of protection which is cheaper, just one example. The general idea is that the seem to have no idea what is supposed to happen during Laning stage, no signs of adaptation. Just by looking at their starting items you can tell that they are clueless.
love the series too. "but* you should not only guess rank but also the region. I really dont think archon on EU server is the same like on other regions......
Bro didn't pull agro once during lanening stage. For me it was obvious it was bellow 3k during laning stage... I mean all disruptor, Mag and DS had no clue what to do in lane...
Yes. If it would have been a couple ranks higher he would be doing nothing. And besodes that I was crisader las patch and started playing again and studing gameleap videos and now im ancient xd. Its just a matter of learning fast.
Dark seer: I thought it was crusader based on all the things he was doing wrong. Wasting mana, getting glimpse, etc. Also not vacuuming into wall was a clear indicator he was not high mmr. He used wall first both times he showed. Weird that he said this was better than BB. He probably guessed high on dark seer because he was so off on BB. I thought BB was legend as well but I suppose any rank can dive like idiots when you feel unkillable. 😅
In terms of mmr he was better. That is a fact. He was playing like archon/legend in my opinion. Which is better than dark seer. Spammer or not you have to have some mechanics and game knowledge to have a high rank unless you bought the account.
@@ladderlappen4585if it was "really easy" to get divine by simply playing a tanky hero, every player in dota would be divine. Stop fooling yourself. This seems more like a justification for why YOU are not ranking up than anything else.
ds is definitely not a smurf. just the state of the game honestly. i guessed the rank correctly cuz im currently ~3.2k and i know the average player around that bracket. poeple in the lower brackets know alot of advanced mechanics but use them inconsistently, so its often not a good indicator. instead, i would focus more on how clean the gameplay is. 15:09 dark seer walked back to the melee creep, to attack him for no good reason, even though the disruptor was harassing him. at 19:08 he needed ~3 seconds to realize, that there was a 5 man ult in front of him or he just underestimated his range until he missed the timing. the divine player probably just got boosted by a friend in a party or spammed heroes like bristle/axe/centaur. playing unnecessarily aggressive is a habit that developes with these spammers in the lower brackets because it gets rewarded instead of punished, how it actually should in a more coordinated game. (i got once to 5.5k too this way, so i know, what im talking about here)
I have some idea behind these ranks. When you play your first 10 games some people just got to archon or legend immediately. (My friend) pretty new has this happen to him. Generally even some archons, legend to ancient don’t have the right game sense, item knowledge to know how to counter or be effective. Losing match up they buy offensive items and in winning match up they don’t control the match and get objectives accordingly. It’s very inconsistent. My rank (divine)
These ranks themselves are so incredibly inconsistent i can't believe it. There are players who don't have even basic game knowledge at high legend, and some who have great game sense but extremely poor mechanics at archon. My own experience. Between these brackets the skill gap between individual players is higher than any other bracket imo. Source, ive played and grinded through all of these brackets except herald.
How are we Herald or Guardian? Let me tell you, this is a 5v5 game and lots of people don't have anyone to team up with and playing with randoms can be, well, very random.
Then those noobs should respect the game, respect ranked. If they play rank they should be watching guides on youtube and TRAIN to become BETTER. It's bs if you play for fun only in ranked. Fucking low mmr people
It's almost like some of us truly believe that our teammates are actively screwing us out of what our rank should be... Like a radiance, skadi storm spirit in my last game.
I have accounts from herald to guardian. Herald players shit on meta in try to invent new things or buy meme items. They luck teamfighing and if you try to teach them they dont giva a damn. Guardian players are also similar, but they are more agressive in laning stage than herald players. Crusader players dont know importance of objectives or when to take them. In my one of games one dude was arguing with me over T2 tower and rosh in min around 20 when all enemies were dead. He went for t2 glyph used , enemies respawned no t2 or rosh taken. Archon players like to rush high ground without aegis and end up throwing. Supports are too gready sometimes like when 2 waves diving to carry under tower they demand the carry to trade the offlaners and kill them. I understand they try to do what they watch or learn like getting kills in laning stage is fat better than csin, but it doesnt work out that way. Legend players also throw the games in high ground diving under t4 with aegis and end up dying. Just like other lower brackets cores or another support dont protect the support while he is warding/dewarding. Ancient players contest objectives better than lower ranks but for some reason they tend to give up easier if 2 lanes or midlane gets stomped. Their itemization is not that good either sometimes. I often see arc mid rushing midas with few stats and gets punished. In divine classic divinish games: either side stomps the game. I rarely see long or even games here. Either magnus mid destroys some spirit dude mid denying eveything with 120 damage and q e combo to under tower or sidelanes end up feeding.
I was on guardian 5 before 7.33 after the patch i got to crusader 5 there is something that were missing here, also he plays as support and believe me it's really easy to rank up when u play support, I play mid
20:55 the opponents and pudge doesn't seem to be high rank. My guess was legend or ancient becuz of that. For me atleast with darkseer that person is an ancient atleast I can't put him/her high cuz he definitely playing on a low rank.
I think Speeed it missing the fact that when recalibration happened after 7.33 that a lot of ranks were inflated to help eliminate the trench(Herald). The new average player is now a crusader and just my opinion, but it feels like the ancient/divine brackets have gotten much much easier. There has been a large influx of Immortal players and those middle brackets are very muddled at this point until everybody plays enough games to place them where they need to be.
Actually, from what I observed people who kept playing got up by a rank or two and those who stopped playing and came back got down. At least this is what happened within my friends list and guild. Before patch 7.33 I stopped playing and was Ancient 1, after that I recalibrated at archon 2 and now I’m already at legend 4, considering I only play at the weekends I think I am in a good pace
@@UfjjmmWedwLmao, no. Herald and Guardian - 0 to 1k Crusader and Archon- 1k to 2k Legend and Ancient - 3k to 4.8k Divine - 4.9k to 5.5k Immortal- 5.5k +
Dude we from herald and guardian are playing with large gaps, i cold play 3 games in one day then dont play for 6 months. I have no idea what mmr im anymore its only says 15%... last time i chaked. ill try to push my self to play before job, cuz its summer and i dont wanna waste money anymore on booze and girls. PS Large ty FOR GTR again and ye hello from Croatia
I think you underestimate how bad MMR calibration is. I played a few games with my noob friends before calibration and got calibrated as Guardian V. In 3 weeks I'm up to Crusader IV and I only played 1-2 games a day after calibration.
crusaders in my region in my opinion play better than US immortals but have to deal with high ping ranked matches since our region does not have ranked.
@@лікуючийпротектор I know it's not bad but his old one single handedly made him a viable pos 1 and being predominantly a pos 1 player myself I get to play Bristleback which was my go to offlaner years ago but he was shit for so long I didn't play him there.
I was expecting dark seer to be utmost legend. His early game is so poor, pudge mag disrupt played like $hit as well. It's clear to me that he is a meta follower, having a lot of emphasise on right builds and farming. The consistency is bad and I expect that out of my rank 😂
Bro Speed how you were that off on Dark Seer video haha ? I don't understand. I immediatly thought either archon or low Legend. Darl Seer didn't pull agro once for like 2, 3 min that u have shown of laning stage. Magnus and Disruptor shinanigens were hillarious as well. As 4.5 k player I knew that DS game was way bellow. Maybe it is easier for us to guess if we had our fair time spent with those players. I guessed Ancient5/Divine 1 for Bristle, which is around my mmr, guessed like high Archin for Dark Seer and high crusader for Jakiro. Was pretty close on this one.
just goes to show that ranks dont matter. you can do stupid EE moves and still be top 500. or you can have high cs, good map awareness and still be herald
Yes you can lasthit with quill spray lvl1. Look at it from a different perspective: not trying to kill a creep with a spell alone, but combining it's damage with your right-click. When a creep has a bit more hp to be denied you just hit and quill at the same time. The same goes fore Phantom assassin's dagger and some other.
Hey said that, if you listened though he was talking about the ranged creep secure which if you walk up to right click you take a lot of damage, so the better option is to pre quill spray it so you dont get denied.
@@phunweng962 it depends. From my personal experience people can't do anything to you in most cases. They can't kill you instantly lvl 1, you're being protected by 4 creeps and a support. What's so hard to commit in here, lol. Maybe you guys just don't know that you can pull creep agro and make all your mele creeps get on top of their range?
@@darthbinks5987 Idk what are you argue for. Instead of use 2 quill spray safely and get away healthy you want to contest unnecessary. That's really inefficient thing to do, you might not die but your enemy take advantage of that kind of mistake much more as you climb up. As a counterpart of your pull aggro thing, I'm pretty sure 90% of my match the first wave each team pull aggro immediately if possible try to make their range creep die first and try to deny it as fast as possible, especially if they're strong level 2 hero. You want to deny your own range creep while get theirs. Most case support should nuke that creep to secure but low rank player doesn't do that so better do it yourself.
It's very strange to me to see such gameplay and guess immortal or to give high praise about the laning stage, cs, and so on. I'm Crusader 5 and I don't really see anything special or that different about the laning, itemization or the teamfights in these segments and my games. From what I've seen in my games and immortal/pro games is that the biggest differences come from map awareness, understanding timings, positioning in fights, and high level play on some of the harder heroes in the game like arc or tinker. But the biggest difference got to be the support players, by a mile. They usually SUUUCK at my bracket. The people that wanna play the game want to play Core, and they just pretend that they haven't got "Hard Support" under their hero pic. I think some of these Immortal rank players like Speeed have not played low rank games in so long that they think that people in low rank are walking in circles and dying to neutrals 50% of the game. And on a side note, saying that there is no "Crusader" player that has this high KDA and has killed that many creeps.. my friend, that's a letdown in Crusader. It's the land of the snowball over there :))
brah if u really think ur gameplay is not that diferrent from inmortal or high legend and u stuck in crusader then u just capping so hard not all teh fault is on the support players bro or the awarness stop saying stupdi shit
"It's very strange to me to see such gameplay and guess immortal or to give high praise about the laning stage, cs, and so on." "I'm Crusader 5" Theres your answer
Dark seer is not a smurf there are just people that havent played dota a long time and just copy builds from immortal faith guides or d2pt guides its easy to itemize tbh thats not a high rank skill. Also if u just watch gameleap replay of DS and learn how to double shell the wave u will have easy cs . I have a friend who is archon and always builds aura items he has good mechanics and game sense but he does not play match thats why he's always archon/legend. He can even perform in 5 man lobbies with ancients and divine.
about the second one, you are so wrong. The point in crusader player is this is common for people just go random aggressive and you see his good game! in the bad games they just continue and feed. they just pushing boundaries without checking context.
There is 1 thing you are not aware of, probably because of your own rank. Although there are some differences, starting approximately from guardian 5 all the way to archon 5 ppl are the same. Distinction is made mostly by smurfs, bad matchups and some small technical stuff.
Wow i can't believe i was included in this video (jakiro). Thanks Speeed. Ok. first, i know i poorly play lane (and thanks for pointing that out). I know my Laning stage skill are not the best. So a list what should do:
-Early Item to dominate a lane.
-Emphasize dewarding & warding camp
-Make smoke plays with mid(Or anyone strong)
If anything missed please add comment. Thanks one more time Speed.
Ps: Before Glicko i have same MMR, and David isn't my true name and i will write a comment in two months with new match id to just share my improvement.
I believe David keep improving
You can do it david. We believe in you. A player that is willing to learn instead of being ignorant and defending his gameplay is pretty likely to improve imo.
For the last one, the Glicko system really changed the low ranks a lot. I play pretty casually with a group of friends who were all in herald/guardian. After Glicko we are in crusader/archon overnight. I think your idea on the jakiros rank might have been accurate pre 7.33
So that means Archons are the new noobs?
Smurfs are creating some extra losses at the lower end of the MMR curve and this is something that has held a lot of people back. Basically you had people smurfing and winning games that were supposed to be unwinnable. It may be one in ten games you get one of these smurf matchups, but the way MMR used to work and still kind of does is that the game is trying to railroad you to a 5-5 record in those 10 games. Now add a smurf game there and you are 4-6 and you are actually losing MMR instead of staying put. The system should be trying to guide the players into a 51% win rate just to give the illusion of progressing and slowly gaining some rank and it would mitigate the smurf effect a little bit as well... But it is what it is.
This current system isn't exactly +25/-25. There is a little variation there. A point or two at least when you are not in the smurf mode of rank gain.
Then on the other end of the spectrum there is another type of issue as in account buyers. Basically anti smurfs that cause you to lose because they have no business in being in those high skilled games. And again the 50-50 railroading is keeping mmr from rising too far without some sort of cheating.
It's a really rough system to handle and get it right with all the human variables on the table. But I feel it is better now than it was before and this is basically the only thing that counts.
There are more immortals than Herald 1-5...
@@markermarque9843 there probably are... This is where the smurfing usually loses its luster. What point is having a smurf account that is basically the same level as your real account??? And this is where the system fails again. The smurfs have basically removed the MMR they have gained along the way at this time. When they either stop playing the smurf or sell it off to someone to ruin high skill games. If the account is sold, then the account buyer is essentially giving up free MMR at the high level. MMR that is robbed from the "poor" and given to the "rich". Smurf tax system in place... And this is something that keeps the MMR low.
@@timometsanoja9666 smurfs are mostly used for boosting friends or paying customers...
and sometimes when your rank is high enough and queue times take 40 mins, i.e. Miracle era, you need a smurf to play...
and i don't get the robbed from the poor and given to the rich, you don't queue with smurfs every game, probably 1/10 games... and if you are truly good enough for your rank, you'll win 5/10 times, so the smurf game is negligible...
don't get me wrong, i hate smurfing, but there is absolutely no game without smurfs...
Love this series, not only for the guessing but for all the hands on gameplay advice! Thanks and keep it up please Speeed =)
Finallyyyyy the guess the rank series is back....Please continue this and never stop this series.
31:42 "if this is archon, how are you in herald or guardian ?" You need to start watching Jenkins herald review then you will know. You WILL know
I don't know guys. I haven't played for a year and I had to go through this new calibration. Won 3 games evenly and then I got stomped for 10 games in a row when even enemy sups tryhard while we have dudes that seem genuinely lost and unaware of what they do. I don't say those people were bad, they were pretty adequate and friendly and tried to play as they could. But enemies looked so out of place. I could keep up with them but it felt like playing alone. I used to be 4.9 k and this calibration put me in 2.5k which is stupid. Now I have to play a ton of boring games against guys that can't do anything to me. Literally two green pages in match history without even trying is so damn boring. I can just FP undying, dudes have no Idea that I'm 3pos, then Ursa + cm can't come up to creeps because they don't agro, position is poor, no coordination. The can't even stand against a decay spam... Not to mention their starting items, I saw so many people buying trash like blight stone from the start which is 300 gold and being completely cancelled by ring of protection which is cheaper, just one example. The general idea is that the seem to have no idea what is supposed to happen during Laning stage, no signs of adaptation. Just by looking at their starting items you can tell that they are clueless.
If you saw some of the teammates you have to try carrying in Crusader, you'd have trouble sleeping for a year
My man speeeed would be a great TV persona. His expressions and voice tone are hilarious.
I find it annoying af.
How often we gonna get a guess the rank video? Love these
love the series too. "but* you should not only guess rank but also the region. I really dont think archon on EU server is the same like on other regions......
Do guess the rank cooperations with other pro players. could be very funny in a duo scenario
the series is really great in general!
15:47 holy shit speed :O
Guess #2: A smurf for sure. The player statistic is impossible for a non smurf. For that: That counts as right guess
speeed kinda know that it was low rank due to the other players... but he stick in guessing based only on darkseer's gameplay.
Bro didn't pull agro once during lanening stage. For me it was obvious it was bellow 3k during laning stage... I mean all disruptor, Mag and DS had no clue what to do in lane...
Yes. If it would have been a couple ranks higher he would be doing nothing. And besodes that I was crisader las patch and started playing again and studing gameleap videos and now im ancient xd. Its just a matter of learning fast.
@@fedjavuckovic5920yea they were all 3k but ds was a smurf lmao with the signature "?" pfp
People are only going to submit their best games.
31:53 on 7.33 and the ranking system update most people got 200:1600 mmr increase so you could see archons play like heralds
Dark seer: I thought it was crusader based on all the things he was doing wrong. Wasting mana, getting glimpse, etc. Also not vacuuming into wall was a clear indicator he was not high mmr. He used wall first both times he showed.
Weird that he said this was better than BB.
He probably guessed high on dark seer because he was so off on BB.
I thought BB was legend as well but I suppose any rank can dive like idiots when you feel unkillable. 😅
true XD
the BB wasnt better at all. just a tank spammer. really easy, to get to divine like this.
In terms of mmr he was better. That is a fact. He was playing like archon/legend in my opinion. Which is better than dark seer. Spammer or not you have to have some mechanics and game knowledge to have a high rank unless you bought the account.
I guessed high archon, low legend. I think he's NA rank. Yes, there is a huge variation between servers and the players' skill levels.
@@ladderlappen4585if it was "really easy" to get divine by simply playing a tanky hero, every player in dota would be divine. Stop fooling yourself. This seems more like a justification for why YOU are not ranking up than anything else.
ds is definitely not a smurf. just the state of the game honestly. i guessed the rank correctly cuz im currently ~3.2k and i know the average player around that bracket. poeple in the lower brackets know alot of advanced mechanics but use them inconsistently, so its often not a good indicator. instead, i would focus more on how clean the gameplay is. 15:09 dark seer walked back to the melee creep, to attack him for no good reason, even though the disruptor was harassing him. at 19:08 he needed ~3 seconds to realize, that there was a 5 man ult in front of him or he just underestimated his range until he missed the timing.
the divine player probably just got boosted by a friend in a party or spammed heroes like bristle/axe/centaur. playing unnecessarily aggressive is a habit that developes with these spammers in the lower brackets because it gets rewarded instead of punished, how it actually should in a more coordinated game. (i got once to 5.5k too this way, so i know, what im talking about here)
Love this series. It's soo fun 😅
i was expecting speeed to yell at bristle back when he bought aghanim scepter when goo was still level 1.
I have some idea behind these ranks.
When you play your first 10 games some people just got to archon or legend immediately. (My friend) pretty new has this happen to him.
Generally even some archons, legend to ancient don’t have the right game sense, item knowledge to know how to counter or be effective.
Losing match up they buy offensive items and in winning match up they don’t control the match and get objectives accordingly.
It’s very inconsistent.
My rank (divine)
Yes this is true when i play with legend-ancient there is a huge skill gap in game knowledge and mechanics.
These ranks themselves are so incredibly inconsistent i can't believe it. There are players who don't have even basic game knowledge at high legend, and some who have great game sense but extremely poor mechanics at archon. My own experience. Between these brackets the skill gap between individual players is higher than any other bracket imo. Source, ive played and grinded through all of these brackets except herald.
eyes hurt watching the last clip crying when the creep wave walked inside tower cos jakiro aggro literally crying
Thank you Speeed! Love from land down under ❤
God 😂😂😂😂 i have never seen speed so frustrated i kinda enjoyed it😂😂😂
The dark seer one u could see the enemy was very bad so it couldn't be imortal
Really enjoyed this! thanks speed!
Guess the rank is back! Finally... I hope there will be more of these.
He had 4 last hits at 5 mins. I think Archon was high....
He had 15 lh and 3 kills at 5 minutes
How are we Herald or Guardian? Let me tell you, this is a 5v5 game and lots of people don't have anyone to team up with and playing with randoms can be, well, very random.
Then those noobs should respect the game, respect ranked. If they play rank they should be watching guides on youtube and TRAIN to become BETTER. It's bs if you play for fun only in ranked. Fucking low mmr people
Love this series!
About the dark seer game, he might not be a smurf. I am crusader 5 and I am literally almost every game top networth...
Its BACK!!!! YESS!!!!
How did the last one have a tomb of knowledge queued up? That replay is from pre 7.33
Jakiro is Archon on some easy-mode server and Herald on EU. Seriously.
I enjoyed the video and liked the episode.
Speeed for sure, the second clip was really happened in SEA.. I promise you
It's almost like some of us truly believe that our teammates are actively screwing us out of what our rank should be... Like a radiance, skadi storm spirit in my last game.
I have accounts from herald to guardian.
Herald players shit on meta in try to invent new things or buy meme items. They luck teamfighing and if you try to teach them they dont giva a damn.
Guardian players are also similar, but they are more agressive in laning stage than herald players.
Crusader players dont know importance of objectives or when to take them. In my one of games one dude was arguing with me over T2 tower and rosh in min around 20 when all enemies were dead. He went for t2 glyph used , enemies respawned no t2 or rosh taken.
Archon players like to rush high ground without aegis and end up throwing. Supports are too gready sometimes like when 2 waves diving to carry under tower they demand the carry to trade the offlaners and kill them. I understand they try to do what they watch or learn like getting kills in laning stage is fat better than csin, but it doesnt work out that way.
Legend players also throw the games in high ground diving under t4 with aegis and end up dying. Just like other lower brackets cores or another support dont protect the support while he is warding/dewarding.
Ancient players contest objectives better than lower ranks but for some reason they tend to give up easier if 2 lanes or midlane gets stomped. Their itemization is not that good either sometimes. I often see arc mid rushing midas with few stats and gets punished.
In divine classic divinish games: either side stomps the game. I rarely see long or even games here. Either magnus mid destroys some spirit dude mid denying eveything with 120 damage and q e combo to under tower or sidelanes end up feeding.
babe wake up its guess the rank time
hey man sometimes im mid huskar and im just eating my food my mom cooked i think that might affect my guardian rank a bit but the food was worth man
finally guess the rank is back!!
I was on guardian 5 before 7.33 after the patch i got to crusader 5 there is something that were missing here, also he plays as support and believe me it's really easy to rank up when u play support, I play mid
Depends on the Team, when you have the Special ed Dolphins class who goes half Game on a racewar you are just loosing stupid games
@@venomkg9723don't kid yourself. Whatever bracket you're in, you deserve to be there.
@@DanKaschel sometimes, but at times there are completely braindead people.. at last I ranked up a few this week
@@venomkg9723 yes there are braindead people in your team but there is also braindead people in the enemy team too.
Title - "You play like a psychopath!" God this is why I love this series.
20:55 the opponents and pudge doesn't seem to be high rank. My guess was legend or ancient becuz of that. For me atleast with darkseer that person is an ancient atleast I can't put him/her high cuz he definitely playing on a low rank.
I think Speeed it missing the fact that when recalibration happened after 7.33 that a lot of ranks were inflated to help eliminate the trench(Herald). The new average player is now a crusader and just my opinion, but it feels like the ancient/divine brackets have gotten much much easier. There has been a large influx of Immortal players and those middle brackets are very muddled at this point until everybody plays enough games to place them where they need to be.
Was gonna say exactly that. I was 450mmr at herald 5 before the recalibration and now I'm close to 3k at crusader
@@chumbogrosso5133 3k is crusader since when lol?
Since new patch?
Actually, from what I observed people who kept playing got up by a rank or two and those who stopped playing and came back got down. At least this is what happened within my friends list and guild.
Before patch 7.33 I stopped playing and was Ancient 1, after that I recalibrated at archon 2 and now I’m already at legend 4, considering I only play at the weekends I think I am in a good pace
@@UfjjmmWedwLmao, no. Herald and Guardian - 0 to 1k
Crusader and Archon- 1k to 2k
Legend and Ancient - 3k to 4.8k
Divine - 4.9k to 5.5k
Immortal- 5.5k +
Are turbo modes okay for guess the rank? @speeed !!!
Been a while ❤
pls more guess the ranks its the only way i enjoy learning
@speed - what terrain are you using - looks sick.
it's default terrain with high graphics i think
Who where way of with your guesses but spot on with the analysis 💪
Finally thanks man
I loved the vid!
Dude we from herald and guardian are playing with large gaps, i cold play 3 games in one day then dont play for 6 months. I have no idea what mmr im anymore its only says 15%... last time i chaked. ill try to push my self to play before job, cuz its summer and i dont wanna waste money anymore on booze and girls.
PS Large ty FOR GTR again and ye hello from Croatia
Nice haircut Speeed!!!!
I think you underestimate how bad MMR calibration is. I played a few games with my noob friends before calibration and got calibrated as Guardian V. In 3 weeks I'm up to Crusader IV and I only played 1-2 games a day after calibration.
good try man, it was fun to watch
very good this series, where i send my replay ? this is funny.
That was fun to watch lol
Speeed cam pog
20:50 - lol.. here it is.. the skill gap between NA and EU , looks like avg crusader/archon game to me...
i went from archon to guardian by having 2 d/c's and 3 shite pl carries in 8 games for calibration
Good stuff
supps like that jakiro is why we cant get outta crusader and archon XD
What is wrong in Pipe for Abadon ?
That was my game :D
Guess the Rank is back hypeee!!
Bro... Speeed is so high rank that he thinks heralds are low immortals. The archon dark seer was kinda ez to guess.
how do you submit clips to guess the rank?
crusaders in my region in my opinion play better than US immortals but have to deal with high ping ranked matches since our region does not have ranked.
I miss pos 1 Bristleback. I miss his old Aghs 😢
i also miss it but at least new scepeter is not that bad and quite op if you get it early
@@лікуючийпротектор I know it's not bad but his old one single handedly made him a viable pos 1 and being predominantly a pos 1 player myself I get to play Bristleback which was my go to offlaner years ago but he was shit for so long I didn't play him there.
Commenting for algorithm
Where can i submit a clip?
We want more we want more
I was expecting dark seer to be utmost legend. His early game is so poor, pudge mag disrupt played like $hit as well. It's clear to me that he is a meta follower, having a lot of emphasise on right builds and farming. The consistency is bad and I expect that out of my rank 😂
come on #2 is a gameleap subscribe ofcourse he's good
Bro Speed how you were that off on Dark Seer video haha ? I don't understand. I immediatly thought either archon or low Legend. Darl Seer didn't pull agro once for like 2, 3 min that u have shown of laning stage. Magnus and Disruptor shinanigens were hillarious as well. As 4.5 k player I knew that DS game was way bellow. Maybe it is easier for us to guess if we had our fair time spent with those players. I guessed Ancient5/Divine 1 for Bristle, which is around my mmr, guessed like high Archin for Dark Seer and high crusader for Jakiro. Was pretty close on this one.
just goes to show that ranks dont matter. you can do stupid EE moves and still be top 500. or you can have high cs, good map awareness and still be herald
nice one
Yes you can lasthit with quill spray lvl1. Look at it from a different perspective: not trying to kill a creep with a spell alone, but combining it's damage with your right-click. When a creep has a bit more hp to be denied you just hit and quill at the same time. The same goes fore Phantom assassin's dagger and some other.
Hey said that, if you listened though he was talking about the ranged creep secure which if you walk up to right click you take a lot of damage, so the better option is to pre quill spray it so you dont get denied.
The idea is you don't want to hard commit for the range creep. So you don't want to right click it.
@@phunweng962 it depends. From my personal experience people can't do anything to you in most cases. They can't kill you instantly lvl 1, you're being protected by 4 creeps and a support. What's so hard to commit in here, lol. Maybe you guys just don't know that you can pull creep agro and make all your mele creeps get on top of their range?
@@darthbinks5987 Idk what are you argue for. Instead of use 2 quill spray safely and get away healthy you want to contest unnecessary. That's really inefficient thing to do, you might not die but your enemy take advantage of that kind of mistake much more as you climb up.
As a counterpart of your pull aggro thing, I'm pretty sure 90% of my match the first wave each team pull aggro immediately if possible try to make their range creep die first and try to deny it as fast as possible, especially if they're strong level 2 hero. You want to deny your own range creep while get theirs. Most case support should nuke that creep to secure but low rank player doesn't do that so better do it yourself.
It's very strange to me to see such gameplay and guess immortal or to give high praise about the laning stage, cs, and so on. I'm Crusader 5 and I don't really see anything special or that different about the laning, itemization or the teamfights in these segments and my games. From what I've seen in my games and immortal/pro games is that the biggest differences come from map awareness, understanding timings, positioning in fights, and high level play on some of the harder heroes in the game like arc or tinker. But the biggest difference got to be the support players, by a mile. They usually SUUUCK at my bracket. The people that wanna play the game want to play Core, and they just pretend that they haven't got "Hard Support" under their hero pic. I think some of these Immortal rank players like Speeed have not played low rank games in so long that they think that people in low rank are walking in circles and dying to neutrals 50% of the game. And on a side note, saying that there is no "Crusader" player that has this high KDA and has killed that many creeps.. my friend, that's a letdown in Crusader. It's the land of the snowball over there :))
couldn’t agree more
brah if u really think ur gameplay is not that diferrent from inmortal or high legend and u stuck in crusader then u just capping so hard not all teh fault is on the support players bro or the awarness stop saying stupdi shit
"It's very strange to me to see such gameplay and guess immortal or to give high praise about the laning stage, cs, and so on."
"I'm Crusader 5"
Theres your answer
maybe next time add region in replay. coz in sea so different
How can i submit my clip?
Dark seer is not a smurf there are just people that havent played dota a long time and just copy builds from immortal faith guides or d2pt guides its easy to itemize tbh thats not a high rank skill. Also if u just watch gameleap replay of DS and learn how to double shell the wave u will have easy cs . I have a friend who is archon and always builds aura items he has good mechanics and game sense but he does not play match thats why he's always archon/legend. He can even perform in 5 man lobbies with ancients and divine.
about the second one, you are so wrong. The point in crusader player is this is common for people just go random aggressive and you see his good game! in the bad games they just continue and feed. they just pushing boundaries without checking context.
No Divine player get 4 of 4 in beginning and after that for 5 min lose this much cs. sure he is low mmr and just aggression paid of this time
YEAH, CAN CONFIRM!. You will find the Players who dont know how to last hit and just autoattack with the ones that win the TI in the same bracket.
Remember about the new MMR system speeed. It's still not really correct. I get herald bots in my games all the time nowadays.
no way that bristle is divine wtf
Just a note. This jakiro had higher mmr than dark seer.
xd, that bristle as divine, proly NA
how to submit the video
how to send my replay? can u guess my rank? hahaha
could you explain talents too while doing this??? would be awesome
How to send videos?
dark seer suppose to be sea server player and solo player cause 1k match not gonna grow anywhere here when ur solo
Stuck in Guardian :(
I eat food during my matches!
There is 1 thing you are not aware of, probably because of your own rank. Although there are some differences, starting approximately from guardian 5 all the way to archon 5 ppl are the same. Distinction is made mostly by smurfs, bad matchups and some small technical stuff.
I disagree. My friend is herald and has top almost every match. He ONLY play Dark Seer.
"mmr is just a number"