Since there's no rev counter, and that procedure is aimed at warming up the engine and circulating the oil, I’ll just wait ten minutes after turning off the bike following a ride. This will give the oil time to settle, allowing me to check and top it up if necessary, keeping the level between the two marks, all while the bike is on the center stand. I don't have a manual, but that's my approach. I've always done maintenance according to manuals, and I feel this video is somewhat misleading.
How do we know that engine reached 3K rpm ?
Exactly. There is no tachometer in the vehicle.
What is the purpose of the MIN oil level mark?
What amount of oil is between the minimum and maximum marking?
Since there's no rev counter, and that procedure is aimed at warming up the engine and circulating the oil, I’ll just wait ten minutes after turning off the bike following a ride. This will give the oil time to settle, allowing me to check and top it up if necessary, keeping the level between the two marks, all while the bike is on the center stand. I don't have a manual, but that's my approach. I've always done maintenance according to manuals, and I feel this video is somewhat misleading.