Fun fact: You can actually defeat the Dream Devourer by healing it. You see, its maximum HP is 32000, which is close to the 16-bit integer limit of 32767. By having it absorb powerful magical attacks in its second phase, the Dream Devourer can be temporarily healed past 32767 HP, which overflows the counter and makes its HP go negative. I suppose there's more than one way to skin an omnipotent dream-devouring space parasite.
Man, Magus just can't get a break. It must be a depressing existence to know no matter what universe you're in, you get screwed over and the closest thing to a "happy" ending you get is you losing your memory.
+lothaw isn't that part of grandfather paradox. you going back in time to change an event, makes you forget why you went back in time in the first place. He doesnt have time traveler immunity
Well, it was supposed to look similar to the Time Devourer. Besides, what are the other new bosses? A gold Ogan. Red and blue flying things. Cyrus if he was an actual boss. ANOTHER fight with Dalton. Crono with strangely- named attacks. Marle with a disappointingly low number of attacks. Lucca with the world's most annoying familiar.
I mean at least its SOMETHING or would you rather play the whole thing over again with no changes at all (I wouldn't mind ) at least be grateful I was happy when I saw the new boss and event it brought
"I am neither Schala or Lavos. I am the one that will destroy all!" Scha-vos. "Mostly because the other way about is La-Ala, which just ain't intimidating enough."
+Stanger_in_the_Alps Hey, nobody ever determined that Magus is that magic character from Chrono Cross. I think his name was Guile or something like that.
+Christian McNellie but is heavily implied, the first concept art for Guile was supposed to be Magus, they changed it into Guile in the end, now we have this new end in the remaster that perfectly explain Guile/Magus new behavior, it's too much coincidence
Once you defeat Lavos, you will unlock the "Dimensional Vortex" dungeons. Beat all three and you will unlock the boss fight with the Dream Devourer. Once you defeat it, you will get the best sword in the game for Crono.
@@cristobalgonzalez324 it has something like a 70% critical hit rate if i remember correctly, i remember the awesomeness of doing basic attacks with that 😅
After this battle. The cinematics will be about how Guardia got destroyed by Porre led by the Once-King Dalton in 1006 AD and the Masamune being lost. Consolation prize is Crono's new Final Weapon Dream Seeker.
Lynx have nothing to do with Magus/Janus. He looks more like Guile to me in CC. But that plan for Magus disguised as Guile was scrapped due to the many characters involved, Magus's story will be hard to represent in the game. That's what the developers think.
I was actually playing it by the time i wrote that commment, i didn't know Schala survived. I really liked Chrono Cross. It's my second favorite game ever, fisrt place is for first is Chrono Trigger.
Yeah Chrono Cross has such a happy ending :D All the original characters com back alive due to time stuff XD and then they all live happily ever after... I think lol
@@alster724 Sephiroth lives on in my heart. Seriously, help me. He's a bad roommate, doesn't even pay rent. I need someone to at least make him give me money for it, if not supernatural capabilites.
Magus and Schala story kind of makes me a little depressed and sad. We don't get a happy ending and that's it... nothing we can do... Schala gets a close to her story and suffering by the end of Chrono Cross but Magus... the way things end for Magus just makes me sad.
All these years and I never knew this ending existed. Never thought I'd see closure to the Magus and Schala story, let alone one so chilling yet completely fitting. Chrono Cross was still a total clusterfuck tho.
Chrono Cross involved time travel? I thought it was just a clustery fuck of alternate dimension mumbo jumbo and a lack of good character design from Toriyama Sama
In a way Magus is the elder sibling here. Magus looks as if he's in his late 20's to mid 30's. Where as Schala looks to be in her late teens to mid 20's
The only thing i can't get over about this game, no matter how hard he tried, how many he killed and the amount of power he got, it wasn't meant to be, he could never save his sister, and couldn't live with that fact, so the only exit he found for this depressing reality was to erase his memory and live feeling like he has lost a piece of himself, desperately seeking it until his very end, Magus suffered too much.
Maybe, just MAYBE, he started a paradox. He got thrown into the future, did all that stuff during Glenn's time, joined the party, fought with the Dream Devourer, got thrown into Glenn's time again, erased his own memory, did some stuff prior the stuff we know he did in Glenn's time, restored his memories (except the Dream Devourer part) and restarted the cycle.
Just realized the line "So long as you lean upon the crutch of power, this world's sorrow can know no true end" is a hint on how to get the true ending in Chrono Cross.
Also, Schala was very significant because she was the only one who could control the Mammon Machine which suggests she has ridiculous 1) magic power or 2) compatibility with lavos which both leads to accurate conclusions that her and lavos fused could lead to something like the time devourer.
I always go into this fight with Crono, Magus and Robo for two reasons: 1. It's a solid endgame party both physically and magically, especially if you've been feeding Magic Capsules to Robo as much as possible to maximize his Heal Beam's effectiveness. Electrocute is about as powerful as Luminaire, but is held back by our mechanical friend's abysmal Magic stat. Meanwhile Magus' regular attack isn't terrible, especially if he's using the Dreamreaper and an accessory that boosts his critical hit rate. For the first phase, spam Luminaire, Dark Matter, and Electrocute. Then in the second phase, switch to Robo's Rapid-Fire Fist - preferably backed by Crisis Arm with Robo at max health - and Crono's Frenzy. Magus can be on item duty, or throw in a regular attack if he has nothing else to do. 2. Magus reacts to the hooded person's identity.
"Do not think to meddle here. This enemy is my affair" I have a GREAT idea. LET'S MEDDLE AND SHOVE OURSELVES INTO THIS FIGHT! What could possibly go wrong?
Pretty much everything that could go wrong if you DON’T intervene. Although helping Magus fight the Dream Devourer might actually have been a good idea because it takes time to recover from a fight, so it had to focus on recovering from this fight for a while instead of just gaining power, possibly giving the protagonists of Chrono Cross time to defeat it.
You want a devastating physical attack? Grand Stone is the most powerful enemy tech, physical or magical, in the game. The only enemy that knows it is Lavos Core.
Actually both Grand Stone (Magic Core's most powerful physical) and Dreamless (Most powerful magic) both do less damage than Phantasm, a spell that's probably influenced from Schala.
No one here asked the real question, Which attack is stronger between Ocean Palace Lavos "Destruction Rains From The Heavens." or Dream Devourer's "The End of All and Nothing."
@@3nderoxii615 That is a great question, I'm guessing they're pretty on par with each other but The End of All and Nothing is probably a bit stronger. Idk that Lavos is really fricken pissed off when it wakes up from it's slumber though lol but then this Lavos doing 605 damage to a decked out lvl 99 Marle with star star defense and a Prism Dress is quite terrifying as well.
Pretty sure Heavenly Peal is Lavos oriented, and I thought Phantasm was Shadow, and you forgot SuperNova which is actually probably Schala's lightning, but great list thank you.
11:00 Ah, yes, my favorite RPG trope. "You beat the boss. ...Wait, just kidding, he actually killed you. But if you had died, then you would have been dead."
“It was I, after all, who wished it - wished from the depths of my sadness and despair that all that was would be erased.” I’m finding myself dwelling on this quote tonight. Covid, division, and so much more has me wanting the end to come soon. Not MY end, I’m not going to do anything stupid... just THE end. Let the world burn, drown, freeze or whatever. I know this isn’t a healthy outlook, and I know with time, things will get better. Yet if there were a time for this world to end, now is as good a time as any.
Schala is pretty refreshing even by todays standards i feel, for being an essentially anti-natalist character being portraid in a kind light even though shes wishing for everything to end. We usually get that at the end in a big villian speech or when the writer decides one of their characters has gone insane. But Schala is just so different. She's young, powerful and kind, which are 3 main attributes typically not associated with these sorts of thoughts. Antinatalism in media is usually reserved for: - The old: I'm dying anyway so might as well drag everyone down with me - The weak: This world offered me nothing so it can just burn - Madness and psychopathy: an inexplicably desire to destroy for no particular reason I get why it is like that, antinatalism is unintuitive, but Schala breaking the mold like that is really uplifting to me. I just haven't seen anything like it anywhere else.
Secrets to this world. God of this world left it for all to see. God has created the antichrist to devour the world so He can destroy the world and make it a new.
And instead of resisting the Dream Devourer, Schala just... gives up. And so does the rest of the cast. I now get why it is people dislike the DS remake and Chrono Cross in general. I'm guessing this was a case of "Be Careful What You Wish For" for everybody who wanted a sequel to Chrono Trigger back in the day.
Thanks for the post. I was trying a few other teams that didn't work, then followed what you did (just did Lifeline earlier to be same). Beat him! 10 more endings to go- maybe (wish there were fewer of them *.*)
If I ever learn how, I want to make a Chrono Trigger ROM hack that is an entirely new timeline and not canon at all. It'll star an amnesiac Magus roaming the land to find his memories of Schala once again, and attempt to free her from Lavos.
Schala didn't die. She was taken by Lavos just before the Ocean Palace collapsed and merged with him to become the devourer of time after he was defeated by Chrono. Before she fully loses her mind, Schala sends a part of her soul into the future in the form of a baby wearing her pendant, which Lucca finds and raises, this is Kidd. Eventually Kidd meets up with Serge and they end up travelling to time's eclipse and they defeat the devourer of time and free Schala.
@@doulabruja9485 it would have been really epic if Guile would have been revealed as Magus. He should have been there during that final battle to avenge what happened during this time period, to get his sister back.
So in the end, nothing could stop the being living outside of time, that which will one day consume all thoughts, dreams, and memories... And indeed, even as it's happening, it's already happened. That's a really dark addition to CT.
Oh man, you should. Pretty easy to emulate. Really polarizing game though, you either love it or hate it. It's pretty convoluted, but if you pay attention it ties in and explains some things. Neat battle system I haven't seen done anywhere else. I think part of what turns people off is the lack of time travel. There are time travel shenanigans in the plot, just not for you. You the player get to jump back and forth between two parallel timelines.
I really wish Lavos would've merged with Zeal instead and Schala could've continued her days living with Magus. Poor guy had everything stripped from him...his family...home kingdom...powers...his castle...his chance at 1-on-1 revenge. Vegeta and Magus have a somewhat paralleled character development.
A party of Marle, Robo, and Crono is pretty much invaluable in this boss fight for the Lifeline Triple Tech. The Dream Devourer is extremely capable of wiping your entire party out in one go if you aren't extremely careful (especially towards the end of the battle.) Lifeline nets each character an Auto-Revive.
No the DS came after the game went up on PSN. The PSN version is from what chronicles that got released for the PS1 that came with Final Fantasy IV. They should put the DS version on PSN. I mean Final Fantasy III and VI (DS) is on steam so it can't be that hard to do.
Those are easy to steal I stole 40 to 50 of them BUT since I had Slurp Kiss restore 999 HP on the entire party for 1 MP I had Ayla Frog SPAM it every turn while attempting to trigger Robo's 9999 critical hits only weapon until this boss DIES from it 4x 9999 hits later.
Weirdly enough, I beat this on the first try with my characters in the late 50s. Like, before fighting DD I actually thought it was supposed to be harder than Lavos, but its HP got drained faster than I expected. And even after that, the game just pulls "lol the fight didn't count" on you for a cheap cliffhanger to a game that's not going to leave you satisfied anyway. Meh.
I just beat it on my second try with my party at level 51. And keep in mind this was my first time ever fighting it. I was a bit disappointed, not gonna lie!
I was glad this is how it went down. One of if not the most appealing thing about this story was Magus and Schala. The vagueness of it in the original. You never truly got told, "Hey this happened", and you know what? This is why. Pretty sure this was cut content and for good reason. My poor small brain back then. I would have been ruined. And as for this level of fanservice? Welp, it's still an amazing game and sometimes. You just don't get a happy ending
So wait. When Magus was disguised as the Prophet, he seemed fixated on killing Lavos. He could've tried warning Schala or getting her out of harm's way, or even just enjoying spending time with his sister again, but he didn't, because killing Lavos was more important. But in this ending, he literally has no life outside of obsessing over his sister issues. Eesh, not a fan of this tacked-on ending.
I loved the too many characters, trying all of them was very catchy and trying to find all of their 7th techniques was very awesome.. I have good memories playing cross. And this ending is what connects Magus to Guile in Cross
>Beat the thing to shit and back, throws nukes at party, doesn't work. >Suddenly, party stands still and gets zapped by puny beam. >Instantly defeated. BYE IMMERSION. I ALREADY FORGOT WHAT YOU LOOKED LIKE.
1-Magus and frog 2-Robo 3-Lucca and Marle 4-Crono and Ayla This is my list of most interesting characters, and I think that Magus and the frog might be one of the best characters that Akira Toriyama has ever made. Their are very similar in a way, but their difference is how both approach their trauma. Frog for the longest time thought that was because of his weakness that Cyrus was killed, and until you fixed the masamune, his symbol of power and courage, he acts mostly out of guilt. He was ashamed that he wasn't there when they needed him most, and yet, he didn't go, because he thought that without the masamune he was nothing but that scrawny kid who couldn't stand up to evil. And then, after his symbol of power is restored, he makes a reevaluation of all of his life, of all the things Cyrus taught him and what he had become. From then on, he decides to stop being haunted by the ghosts he himself made, and instead of turning back because of his previous failure, he will found will in himself to never fail again, for himself, for the kingdom, and for Cyrus, and his friends. His arc end with him literally ends with him cleansing the ghost of his past, Cyrus. He stands in front of his grave and demonstrate his new core beliefs. That makes Cyrus soul rest and achieved the ultimate power of the masamune, now proving to even the gods that he is the greatest hero that has ever lived. Between all that, the literal cause of frog's character, Magus was there. A kid that was loved by his sister and his mother, who one day noticed that his mom was going insane with power because of one being, Lavos. Because of him, his entire world was destroyed and he was sent to a place where he is nothing. Raised by a fat goblin, he had just one goal in mind, kill Lavos. Unlike any of the characters, he doesn't fight for anything. His revenge clouds even the possibility of rescuing his sister and his mother. Magus is stuck in the past; his entire life was dedicated to destroy lavos and nothing else. Not moving forward from what happened made so that he repeated the same mistake he did. Nothing changed since he was a child, he still can't change his destiny no matter how far he has come. After zeal is destroyed and the black bird is put down, he confronts the heroes on the edge of the cliff, right before they grab the last possession of his time that he still has, his amulet. He mocks crono for being to weak to survive, which directly links with the fact that all his life was meaningless in the face of failure. He couldn't take his revenge, and it was too late to try ever again. Finally, frog stood up to him, and instead of running away, he decides that he wants this to be his final battle. He wants his meaningless suffering to end. And... Frog doesn't give him what he wants. Killing magus now is meaningless, since his forces were down, the war in his time was over and he didn't had to prove anything to himself anymore. Magus is just a part of frog's life that he had moved away from, while Magus is someone who failed to learn and ended up with no meaning to his life. And thus they part away. I don't think magus would do more for the team other than to tell how to bring crono back, since he doesn't have canon team techs with any of them to validate their partnership, but I do believe he swoops in to fight queen Zeal in the black omen, since it's the only fight that he has special dialogue and his theme starts playing. In short, pretty damn good character.
+Allmotor Kris haha nah well maybe in his personality but the one who has a great resemblance from Vegeta is Glenn/Frog in his human form lol and Magus/Janus as a kid, he looks like Trunks
@@TheKevinKeyblade He actually reminds me of Vegeta a lot. His ruthless and arrogant personality and that both Vegeta and Magus were princes of a fallen kingdom. Both of them also go against their original teams such as Magus turning his back on the mystics and Vegeta betraying the frieza force.
That's what Chrono Cross was trying to get across. By defeating Lavos they erased one future. Everyone they met in the future like Doan and the human survivors were erased and banished to the darkness beyond time. One possibility was replaced with another possibility. Lavos just became more of a monster after his defeat and began to consume space and time itself, merging with Schala to complete its transformation. It was up to Serge to fix what Chrono and team started.
I love Ayla and Falcon hit, and Robo is really strong, but my ultimate team is: Crono, Marle and Lucca. With Crono's Luminaire + Lucca's Flaire + Lucca & Marle's Antipode 3 and Delta force (all of 'em with between 2.400 and 4.000 hp damage)... and with some Megaelixires, i was able to beat all of them: Queen Zeal, Mamon Machine, Zeal and Lavos pretty quickly. - They're the best team, not only are the three main characters, but also, a complete team. Crono is Crono, he's the most satable of all, Lucca's magic is the most powerfull and you always wanna have Marle in a big time situation, for good combinations but specially for her ability to cure all HP at once, or revive with all your HP & MP at once.
Does this mean that Magus existence revolves itself within a time loop ? He was born then various things made him appear in 600AD and since then its just a loop of 600AD and the events of the game. I guess this is the only game in which the NEW GAME + actually makes sense. (Well this and CC, lets say).
No, it's canon, it's just that Chrono Cross takes place in an alternate universe. so there are TWO canon storylines, both were just in different universes.
I remember this boss kicking my rear the first time I encountered it, though I was the victor next time around. Though I found the changed dialog a tad annoying for losing some of my favorite statements, I still love the extra dungeons and bosses added to this game.
They really need to make a real Chrono Trigger sequel, not Chrono Cross. The storyline and character development was bad. even the plot needed a lot of work.
Agonywolf Media Yeah we need something to display his homeworld. Cause im sure the other lavos legion have already taken over other planets or are taking over other planets at the moment.
It writes itself, doesn't it? Such a pity we got Chrono Cross instead. There is Crimson Echoes but it's of course not remotely canon being a fan thing and the writing is pretty mediocre. Game developers seem pretty out of touch with what USA fans want. I could die happy with a current gen proper sequel to CT but I won't hold my breath.
I was in my 70's while fighting this boss and didn't need to heal that much (maybe once or twice), magus chrono and ayla was my team Magus with golden stud to spam the magic in the beginning without wasting mp Ayla and chrono with falcon strike pretty op with low cost of mp beat every boss with this team and chrono has wrath band and rainbow= gg to opponents
So this ending or whole fight is a homage to chrono cross, a special reference i honestly did not understand one single thing here, and i wished it showed more, like where was lavos origins, like his homeworld, and will schala survive and will magus be able to save her, and crono and the gang will come once again to defeat that lavos in that vortex once and for all without any loose end, chrono cross i heard has a different plot and different characters, and that it has a bit of reference to the original chrono trigger, but not really a sequel to it per say, so altogether a different game, i wished there is an ACTUAL sequel to chrono trigger, we can only hope The Dream Team could make it...
He is mentioned in chrono cross, and it's somewhat implied that Guile might be Magus, but one of the directors said it would be too complex to include him in the game, so they left him out. "We thought it was impossible to portray the relationship between Magus and Schala adequately in this game. So we changed tracks, made the colors of the Magus character design paler, and turned him into Guile, the magician. In a way, it's a pity, as I really would like to have seen the valiant figure of Magus come to life again."
Fun fact: You can actually defeat the Dream Devourer by healing it. You see, its maximum HP is 32000, which is close to the 16-bit integer limit of 32767. By having it absorb powerful magical attacks in its second phase, the Dream Devourer can be temporarily healed past 32767 HP, which overflows the counter and makes its HP go negative. I suppose there's more than one way to skin an omnipotent dream-devouring space parasite.
Keep feeding it energy and it blows
What happens if you beat it
Does that also work with Spekkio?
Or just Luminare the crap out of it.
So basically the Dark King with Cure all over again. I would have thought TOSE would smarten up to that.
Man, Magus just can't get a break. It must be a depressing existence to know no matter what universe you're in, you get screwed over and the closest thing to a "happy" ending you get is you losing your memory.
+lothaw isn't that part of grandfather paradox. you going back in time to change an event, makes you forget why you went back in time in the first place. He doesnt have time traveler immunity
lothaw he was the vegeta of the game
DarkGreystone You know Akira Toriyama did the character art. I don't think it's a coincidence.
David Tejeda um... Yeah I know dude.
That's why I used the Vegeta reference 😐
dude... vegeta? more like trunks. almost same coloured-hair, both time travelers... yeah.
"Let's add a new boss!"
"What should it be?"
"Lavos's sprite...Lavos's music..."
"So Lavos, Basically."
Well, it was supposed to look similar to the Time Devourer. Besides, what are the other new bosses?
A gold Ogan.
Red and blue flying things.
Cyrus if he was an actual boss.
ANOTHER fight with Dalton.
Crono with strangely- named attacks.
Marle with a disappointingly low number of attacks.
Lucca with the world's most annoying familiar.
Copy/Paste + Palette Swap... yaaaaay.
I mean at least its SOMETHING or would you rather play the whole thing over again with no changes at all (I wouldn't mind ) at least be grateful I was happy when I saw the new boss and event it brought
"I am neither Schala or Lavos. I am the one that will destroy all!"
Scha-vos. "Mostly because the other way about is La-Ala, which just ain't intimidating enough."
See Chrono Cross.
In the end, a wagon pulls up and asks Magus, "Hey, man, you wanna join my magic show?"
"Hell yeah!" replies Magus.
"Here have this white tux."
+Stanger_in_the_Alps instead of typing all that out, could you replace it with "HERPA DERP DERP DERP!" it would make the same amount of sense
+Stanger_in_the_Alps Hey, nobody ever determined that Magus is that magic character from Chrono Cross. I think his name was Guile or something like that.
+Christian McNellie Magus was supposed to be in CC, but it was deemed too confusing story-wise.
+wheresthebeach As if it wasn´t confusing enought from before? I would love to see him, seeing as all the other main characters appeared
+Christian McNellie but is heavily implied, the first concept art for Guile was supposed to be Magus, they changed it into Guile in the end, now we have this new end in the remaster that perfectly explain Guile/Magus new behavior, it's too much coincidence
so thats what happened to all my hopes and dreams
lordaizen66 lol
Same, they get devoured by a Lavos clone.
Once you defeat Lavos, you will unlock the "Dimensional Vortex" dungeons. Beat all three and you will unlock the boss fight with the Dream Devourer. Once you defeat it, you will get the best sword in the game for Crono.
You should see the power of that sword on NG+…
On the SNES was the rainbow, and damn that sword was to OP xD
@@cristobalgonzalez324 it has something like a 70% critical hit rate if i remember correctly, i remember the awesomeness of doing basic attacks with that 😅
@@kyushirokun yup, just like that
@@cristobalgonzalez324 well dreamseeker is the same but is 90% critical chance
After this battle. The cinematics will be about how Guardia got destroyed by Porre led by the Once-King Dalton in 1006 AD and the Masamune being lost. Consolation prize is Crono's new Final Weapon Dream Seeker.
That was a disturbing ending.
The side quest link Chrono Trigger to Chrono Cross. But I consider it as an "Alternate" Story line.
***** I'm pretty sure that was mention in Crono Cross. And my opinion says Magus became Lynx.
Lynx have nothing to do with Magus/Janus. He looks more like Guile to me in CC. But that plan for Magus disguised as Guile was scrapped due to the many characters involved, Magus's story will be hard to represent in the game. That's what the developers think.
***** Well then what's the point of that little tidbit at the end? Are they going to remake Chrono Cross with something similar?
Shala's story is really sad. She's fantastic, and you always wanna save her, but you can't.
They end up saving her in Chrono Cross then they live happily ever after :D
Gaming Powerz
Sadly, it was a bad game...
Well, i think it's a bad game. I finish it but rarely enjoy it...
You didn't like Chrono Cross? It was a great game
I was actually playing it by the time i wrote that commment, i didn't know Schala survived. I really liked Chrono Cross. It's my second favorite game ever, fisrt place is for first is Chrono Trigger.
Yeah Chrono Cross has such a happy ending :D All the original characters com back alive due to time stuff XD and then they all live happily ever after... I think lol
At the end, "I must find a way to remember, I will." That is Magus for you, stubborn even without memory.
Reminds me of Wolverine
@@TranslatedAssumption And Sephiroth
Sephiroth: I will never be a memory.
@@alster724 Sephiroth lives on in my heart. Seriously, help me. He's a bad roommate, doesn't even pay rent. I need someone to at least make him give me money for it, if not supernatural capabilites.
Who knows where he could've gone after these events.
Magus and Schala story kind of makes me a little depressed and sad. We don't get a happy ending and that's it... nothing we can do... Schala gets a close to her story and suffering by the end of Chrono Cross but Magus... the way things end for Magus just makes me sad.
All these years and I never knew this ending existed. Never thought I'd see closure to the Magus and Schala story, let alone one so chilling yet completely fitting.
Chrono Cross was still a total clusterfuck tho.
Limey Lassen only in the ds version, idk how to get it still XD
Alejandro Figuera u gotta beat the portals that appears after u beat the game once, then look in the bucket in the end of time
I have the opposite opinion. Chrono Cross was an amazing game, it was just a bad sequel.
Chrono Cross involved time travel? I thought it was just a clustery fuck of alternate dimension mumbo jumbo and a lack of good character design from Toriyama Sama
It does, you go back in time to luca her orphanage.
'offensive power incalculable, we are in extreme danger!'
You know it's bad when a Robot tell you that! Gulp!
Schala: "Thanks for saving from this monster. Fuck off now, 'kay?"
:( Man Poor Magus......He Just wants to be with his big sister :( Dammit Queen Zeal!
In a way Magus is the elder sibling here. Magus looks as if he's in his late 20's to mid 30's. Where as Schala looks to be in her late teens to mid 20's
@@jimhuffman9434 Schala is Chronologically still the big sister, Magus is only older now because of time travel paradox.
No need to rub in it
This phrase is scarier than Lavos
Apocalypse arm:Observe
Not until Serge realized his destiny, and how the princess sent forth a clone of herself to find him in the future.
The only thing i can't get over about this game, no matter how hard he tried, how many he killed and the amount of power he got, it wasn't meant to be, he could never save his sister, and couldn't live with that fact, so the only exit he found for this depressing reality was to erase his memory and live feeling like he has lost a piece of himself, desperately seeking it until his very end, Magus suffered too much.
Maybe, just MAYBE, he started a paradox.
He got thrown into the future, did all that stuff during Glenn's time, joined the party, fought with the Dream Devourer, got thrown into Glenn's time again, erased his own memory, did some stuff prior the stuff we know he did in Glenn's time, restored his memories (except the Dream Devourer part) and restarted the cycle.
Just realized the line "So long as you lean upon the crutch of power, this world's sorrow can know no true end" is a hint on how to get the true ending in Chrono Cross.
Indeed, to cast all the elements in the right order without the damn Time Devourer casting his own and fucking up your order!
@@wullahblack6452 It's more of "you can't truly defeat Lavos just by attacking him". That's the crux of Schala's words.
Also, Schala was very significant because she was the only one who could control the Mammon Machine which suggests she has ridiculous 1) magic power or 2) compatibility with lavos which both leads to accurate conclusions that her and lavos fused could lead to something like the time devourer.
I always go into this fight with Crono, Magus and Robo for two reasons:
1. It's a solid endgame party both physically and magically, especially if you've been feeding Magic Capsules to Robo as much as possible to maximize his Heal Beam's effectiveness. Electrocute is about as powerful as Luminaire, but is held back by our mechanical friend's abysmal Magic stat. Meanwhile Magus' regular attack isn't terrible, especially if he's using the Dreamreaper and an accessory that boosts his critical hit rate. For the first phase, spam Luminaire, Dark Matter, and Electrocute. Then in the second phase, switch to Robo's Rapid-Fire Fist - preferably backed by Crisis Arm with Robo at max health - and Crono's Frenzy. Magus can be on item duty, or throw in a regular attack if he has nothing else to do.
2. Magus reacts to the hooded person's identity.
Wait, there's TWO MAGUS'S?
The combination of the World Revolution music with the Ice Sword II effect gives me goosebumps each time. God this game is fucking epic.
Schala oh please
"So long as you lean upon the crutch of power, this world's sorrow can know no true end."
DAMN, Schala.
I always like bringing Magus to meet other Magus to this fight.
"Do not think to meddle here. This enemy is my affair"
I have a GREAT idea. LET'S MEDDLE AND SHOVE OURSELVES INTO THIS FIGHT! What could possibly go wrong?
Pretty much everything that could go wrong if you DON’T intervene. Although helping Magus fight the Dream Devourer might actually have been a good idea because it takes time to recover from a fight, so it had to focus on recovering from this fight for a while instead of just gaining power, possibly giving the protagonists of Chrono Cross time to defeat it.
What's more fucked up than Lavos absorbing Schala is Lavos turning her into a blond prepubescent girl a few years later.
Phase 1's body, phase 2's music, phase 3's backdrop. What does it all mean?
Y O U R . D O O M .
Starfall :Devastating Physical Attack = 297 damage
So that's what passes for devastation these days eh?
You want a devastating physical attack?
Grand Stone is the most powerful enemy tech, physical or magical, in the game. The only enemy that knows it is Lavos Core.
Actually both Grand Stone (Magic Core's most powerful physical) and Dreamless (Most powerful magic) both do less damage than Phantasm, a spell that's probably influenced from Schala.
Devastating if you are not prepared
No one here asked the real question, Which attack is stronger between
Ocean Palace Lavos "Destruction Rains From The Heavens." or
Dream Devourer's "The End of All and Nothing."
@@3nderoxii615 That is a great question, I'm guessing they're pretty on par with each other but The End of All and Nothing is probably a bit stronger. Idk that Lavos is really fricken pissed off when it wakes up from it's slumber though lol but then this Lavos doing 605 damage to a decked out lvl 99 Marle with star star defense and a Prism Dress is quite terrifying as well.
Magic Barrier (Status/M.Protect)
Incinerate (Fire)
Heavenly Peal (Lightning)
Ice Lance (Ice)
Gravity Sphere (Status/Time)
Dream Devourer:
Life Reaver
MP Reaver
Dream Devour
Chaos Zone (Status/Confuse)
Combo Attacks Schala+Dream Devourer:
Starfall (physical)
IceNova (Ice)
Dreambind (Status/Slow)
The End of All and Nothing (Non-Elemental)
Phantasm (Time + Lightning + Fire + Ice)
Pretty sure Heavenly Peal is Lavos oriented, and I thought Phantasm was Shadow, and you forgot SuperNova which is actually probably Schala's lightning, but great list thank you.
11:00 Ah, yes, my favorite RPG trope. "You beat the boss. ...Wait, just kidding, he actually killed you. But if you had died, then you would have been dead."
“It was I, after all, who wished it - wished from the depths of my sadness and despair that all that was would be erased.”
I’m finding myself dwelling on this quote tonight. Covid, division, and so much more has me wanting the end to come soon. Not MY end, I’m not going to do anything stupid... just THE end. Let the world burn, drown, freeze or whatever. I know this isn’t a healthy outlook, and I know with time, things will get better. Yet if there were a time for this world to end, now is as good a time as any.
*gives you a big hug*
Schala is pretty refreshing even by todays standards i feel, for being an essentially anti-natalist character being portraid in a kind light even though shes wishing for everything to end.
We usually get that at the end in a big villian speech or when the writer decides one of their characters has gone insane.
But Schala is just so different. She's young, powerful and kind, which are 3 main attributes typically not associated with these sorts of thoughts. Antinatalism in media is usually reserved for:
- The old: I'm dying anyway so might as well drag everyone down with me
- The weak: This world offered me nothing so it can just burn
- Madness and psychopathy: an inexplicably desire to destroy for no particular reason
I get why it is like that, antinatalism is unintuitive, but Schala breaking the mold like that is really uplifting to me. I just haven't seen anything like it anywhere else.
The Sun shall rise once again.
But we, mayflies, won't live to see the dawn.
Secrets to this world. God of this world left it for all to see.
God has created the antichrist to devour the world so He can destroy the world and make it a new.
And instead of resisting the Dream Devourer, Schala just... gives up. And so does the rest of the cast. I now get why it is people dislike the DS remake and Chrono Cross in general. I'm guessing this was a case of "Be Careful What You Wish For" for everybody who wanted a sequel to Chrono Trigger back in the day.
Chrono Cross was great.
@@SeventhheavenDK As a game of its own. When linked to Chrono Trigger, it was just...disappointing
Thanks for the post. I was trying a few other teams that didn't work, then followed what you did (just did Lifeline earlier to be same).
Beat him!
10 more endings to go- maybe (wish there were fewer of them *.*)
If I ever learn how, I want to make a Chrono Trigger ROM hack that is an entirely new timeline and not canon at all. It'll star an amnesiac Magus roaming the land to find his memories of Schala once again, and attempt to free her from Lavos.
I’m sorry I’m so late, but I’d totally play that
“Janus, thank you. But the girl I was is no more.”
Yeah, no kidding. She even had time to dye her hair to change identities even more fully before CC
Damn poor Magus, Schala's always just warping him away every time...
So, even after the wining the fight, you still technically lose. BS man!
SonJazrin As Schala said when she momentarily regained her normal self, strength alone wouldn't be enough to conquer it.
+JanusHoW yup you need the Chrono cross
dalton and his golem spam all over again
@@PowerCookie1 . Yes!!!!!
but Schala...head schalaaa
One of many endings...I'd rather stick to the good endings. Magus's endings are pretty sad or pretty dark. He's an awesome character.
Schala didn't die. She was taken by Lavos just before the Ocean Palace collapsed and merged with him to become the devourer of time after he was defeated by Chrono. Before she fully loses her mind, Schala sends a part of her soul into the future in the form of a baby wearing her pendant, which Lucca finds and raises, this is Kidd. Eventually Kidd meets up with Serge and they end up travelling to time's eclipse and they defeat the devourer of time and free Schala.
Dolgorath why in CC schala goes looking for serge she should’ve been looking for magus
@@doulabruja9485magus has memory loss and kidd did not have her memory, why would she look for magus
@@doulabruja9485 it would have been really epic if Guile would have been revealed as Magus. He should have been there during that final battle to avenge what happened during this time period, to get his sister back.
So in the end, nothing could stop the being living outside of time, that which will one day consume all thoughts, dreams, and memories... And indeed, even as it's happening, it's already happened.
That's a really dark addition to CT.
+FDJustin at least CC resolves it? somewhat
That's good then. I never did have the chance to play CC.
Oh man, you should. Pretty easy to emulate. Really polarizing game though, you either love it or hate it. It's pretty convoluted, but if you pay attention it ties in and explains some things. Neat battle system I haven't seen done anywhere else. I think part of what turns people off is the lack of time travel. There are time travel shenanigans in the plot, just not for you. You the player get to jump back and forth between two parallel timelines.
If you ended up hypnotizing yourself on the transition effect before the fight with the Dream Devourer, then my profoundest condolences...
I really wish Lavos would've merged with Zeal instead and Schala could've continued her days living with Magus. Poor guy had everything stripped from him...his family...home kingdom...powers...his castle...his chance at 1-on-1 revenge. Vegeta and Magus have a somewhat paralleled character development.
A party of Marle, Robo, and Crono is pretty much invaluable in this boss fight for the Lifeline Triple Tech. The Dream Devourer is extremely capable of wiping your entire party out in one go if you aren't extremely careful (especially towards the end of the battle.) Lifeline nets each character an Auto-Revive.
Is this asmr in disguise... i love the battle bgm, helps me fall asleep lol
Lavos absorbs her so hard that she loses her blue hair.
This game Had some existential themes abounds 🎉
I think they should have added this to the PSN versions .... this actually gives a major link between CT and CC
Maybe they hadn't thought of this at this point. I have to admit, though, I really wish you fought Schala after you beat him.
No the DS came after the game went up on PSN. The PSN version is from what chronicles that got released for the PS1 that came with Final Fantasy IV. They should put the DS version on PSN. I mean Final Fantasy III and VI (DS) is on steam so it can't be that hard to do.
***** If the DS came after the PSN version, then it wouldn't have been around for the PSN version.
Ok... that's why they remake the psn version to add this into it.
***** ... I have no idea where you said that in the original post, but OK.
I had three Megaelixirs for this fight.
It was horrible. And then he used Phantasm. That was horrible too.
I could have 99 and still lose because I never use hard to get items
Those are easy to steal I stole 40 to 50 of them BUT since I had Slurp Kiss restore 999 HP on the entire party for 1 MP I had Ayla Frog SPAM it every turn while attempting to trigger Robo's 9999 critical hits only weapon until this boss DIES from it 4x 9999 hits later.
Every time Ice Sword II is used it looks like he's directly attacking Schala...
I love the old style RPG a lot more than the RPG of these day!
magus is the most tragic character in this game
Weirdly enough, I beat this on the first try with my characters in the late 50s. Like, before fighting DD I actually thought it was supposed to be harder than Lavos, but its HP got drained faster than I expected. And even after that, the game just pulls "lol the fight didn't count" on you for a cheap cliffhanger to a game that's not going to leave you satisfied anyway. Meh.
I just beat it on my second try with my party at level 51. And keep in mind this was my first time ever fighting it. I was a bit disappointed, not gonna lie!
And I didn't even need to use auto life on top of that.
I was glad this is how it went down. One of if not the most appealing thing about this story was Magus and Schala. The vagueness of it in the original. You never truly got told, "Hey this happened", and you know what?
This is why. Pretty sure this was cut content and for good reason. My poor small brain back then. I would have been ruined. And as for this level of fanservice?
Welp, it's still an amazing game and sometimes. You just don't get a happy ending
So wait. When Magus was disguised as the Prophet, he seemed fixated on killing Lavos. He could've tried warning Schala or getting her out of harm's way, or even just enjoying spending time with his sister again, but he didn't, because killing Lavos was more important. But in this ending, he literally has no life outside of obsessing over his sister issues. Eesh, not a fan of this tacked-on ending.
I loved the too many characters, trying all of them was very catchy and trying to find all of their 7th techniques was very awesome.. I have good memories playing cross. And this ending is what connects Magus to Guile in Cross
>Beat the thing to shit and back, throws nukes at party, doesn't work.
>Suddenly, party stands still and gets zapped by puny beam.
>Instantly defeated.
1:09 the part where you enter the portal and hear the heartbeat instead of the usual sound is very creepy.
This is a much better design for the Time Devourer than that puny, fragile thing at the end of Chrono Cross.
Unfortunately they didn't have the seventh element to save Schala....
The Chrono Cross?
1-Magus and frog
3-Lucca and Marle
4-Crono and Ayla
This is my list of most interesting characters, and I think that Magus and the frog might be one of the best characters that Akira Toriyama has ever made. Their are very similar in a way, but their difference is how both approach their trauma.
Frog for the longest time thought that was because of his weakness that Cyrus was killed, and until you fixed the masamune, his symbol of power and courage, he acts mostly out of guilt. He was ashamed that he wasn't there when they needed him most, and yet, he didn't go, because he thought that without the masamune he was nothing but that scrawny kid who couldn't stand up to evil. And then, after his symbol of power is restored, he makes a reevaluation of all of his life, of all the things Cyrus taught him and what he had become. From then on, he decides to stop being haunted by the ghosts he himself made, and instead of turning back because of his previous failure, he will found will in himself to never fail again, for himself, for the kingdom, and for Cyrus, and his friends. His arc end with him literally ends with him cleansing the ghost of his past, Cyrus. He stands in front of his grave and demonstrate his new core beliefs. That makes Cyrus soul rest and achieved the ultimate power of the masamune, now proving to even the gods that he is the greatest hero that has ever lived.
Between all that, the literal cause of frog's character, Magus was there. A kid that was loved by his sister and his mother, who one day noticed that his mom was going insane with power because of one being, Lavos. Because of him, his entire world was destroyed and he was sent to a place where he is nothing. Raised by a fat goblin, he had just one goal in mind, kill Lavos. Unlike any of the characters, he doesn't fight for anything. His revenge clouds even the possibility of rescuing his sister and his mother. Magus is stuck in the past; his entire life was dedicated to destroy lavos and nothing else. Not moving forward from what happened made so that he repeated the same mistake he did. Nothing changed since he was a child, he still can't change his destiny no matter how far he has come.
After zeal is destroyed and the black bird is put down, he confronts the heroes on the edge of the cliff, right before they grab the last possession of his time that he still has, his amulet. He mocks crono for being to weak to survive, which directly links with the fact that all his life was meaningless in the face of failure. He couldn't take his revenge, and it was too late to try ever again. Finally, frog stood up to him, and instead of running away, he decides that he wants this to be his final battle. He wants his meaningless suffering to end. And... Frog doesn't give him what he wants. Killing magus now is meaningless, since his forces were down, the war in his time was over and he didn't had to prove anything to himself anymore. Magus is just a part of frog's life that he had moved away from, while Magus is someone who failed to learn and ended up with no meaning to his life. And thus they part away.
I don't think magus would do more for the team other than to tell how to bring crono back, since he doesn't have canon team techs with any of them to validate their partnership, but I do believe he swoops in to fight queen Zeal in the black omen, since it's the only fight that he has special dialogue and his theme starts playing.
In short, pretty damn good character.
Magus = Vegeta...kinda
+Allmotor Kris haha nah well maybe in his personality but the one who has a great resemblance from Vegeta is Glenn/Frog in his human form lol and Magus/Janus as a kid, he looks like Trunks
+Allmotor Kris More like Andorid 17 plus Vegeta plus Piccollo…
@@TheKevinKeyblade He actually reminds me of Vegeta a lot. His ruthless and arrogant personality and that both Vegeta and Magus were princes of a fallen kingdom. Both of them also go against their original teams such as Magus turning his back on the mystics and Vegeta betraying the frieza force.
That's what Chrono Cross was trying to get across. By defeating Lavos they erased one future. Everyone they met in the future like Doan and the human survivors were erased and banished to the darkness beyond time. One possibility was replaced with another possibility.
Lavos just became more of a monster after his defeat and began to consume space and time itself, merging with Schala to complete its transformation.
It was up to Serge to fix what Chrono and team started.
Haven't made it this far yet, but I can't wait. They picked a great song to fight to.
I love Ayla and Falcon hit, and Robo is really strong, but my ultimate team is: Crono, Marle and Lucca.
With Crono's Luminaire + Lucca's Flaire + Lucca & Marle's Antipode 3 and Delta force (all of 'em with between 2.400 and 4.000 hp damage)... and with some Megaelixires, i was able to beat all of them: Queen Zeal, Mamon Machine, Zeal and Lavos pretty quickly.
They're the best team, not only are the three main characters, but also, a complete team. Crono is Crono, he's the most satable of all, Lucca's magic is the most powerfull and you always wanna have Marle in a big time situation, for good combinations but specially for her ability to cure all HP at once, or revive with all your HP & MP at once.
Arise won't restore your MP. But the team I used war Crono+ Marle+ Robo because they can use Cure Wind and Lifeline.
i use crono magus and ayla
I'm making it snow on your videos! ^.^ Merry Christmas!
Information about it is on the wiki for this game.
And thus, Magus is Guile from Chrono Cross xD
yup! loved guile
Even more exciting fight :-D
Even with all the time travel powers at their disposal, they can’t save Schala. I find that quite sad :(
She is saved later in Cross, anyway.
Nah, Belthazar has it
Does this mean that Magus existence revolves itself within a time loop ? He was born then various things made him appear in 600AD and since then its just a loop of 600AD and the events of the game.
I guess this is the only game in which the NEW GAME + actually makes sense. (Well this and CC, lets say).
No, it's canon, it's just that Chrono Cross takes place in an alternate universe.
so there are TWO canon storylines, both were just in different universes.
Isn’t this boss fight and ending supposed to somehow connect with Chrono Cross? I think I heard something like that, tho I might be wrong.
I remember this boss kicking my rear the first time I encountered it, though I was the victor next time around. Though I found the changed dialog a tad annoying for losing some of my favorite statements, I still love the extra dungeons and bosses added to this game.
The extra dungeons are horribly designed
This is kinda like the devils machine in earthbound.
They really need to make a real Chrono Trigger sequel, not Chrono Cross.
The storyline and character development was bad.
even the plot needed a lot of work.
The characters from Chrono Trigger need to reunite and go fuck up Lavos' home world!
Agonywolf Media Yeah
we need something to display his homeworld.
Cause im sure the other lavos legion have already taken over other planets or are taking over other planets at the moment.
It writes itself, doesn't it? Such a pity we got Chrono Cross instead. There is Crimson Echoes but it's of course not remotely canon being a fan thing and the writing is pretty mediocre.
Game developers seem pretty out of touch with what USA fans want. I could die happy with a current gen proper sequel to CT but I won't hold my breath.
chrono cross is great
Earth, strangely enough, is Lavos original homeworld. He is actually implied to be a super-evolved human who physically embodies all things evil
I was in my 70's while fighting this boss and didn't need to heal that much (maybe once or twice), magus chrono and ayla was my team
Magus with golden stud to spam the magic in the beginning without wasting mp
Ayla and chrono with falcon strike pretty op with low cost of mp beat every boss with this team and chrono has wrath band and rainbow= gg to opponents
Dtar316 is your over 80 chronic trigger was made in. 1995
@@voyatoran6872 levels, not years
Chaos23gamer lmao this comment as made 1 year ago
@@voyatoran6872 In 1 year you would've probably understood he meant levels then
I heard it was possible to defeat Dream Devourer instantly by healing him.
Wasn't the Dream Devour also the final boss for Chrono Cross?
The final boss of Crono Cross was the Time Devour and this is it’s earlier form
Schala: Janus, leave me, you can never win.
Janus: Okay.
*The End*
This is by far the BEST version of the game, I remember playing it back in 2009
You can kill him easily by spamming magic in it phase 2 and heal him over the 16-bit interger limit
Sounds like a real challenge
Kind of interesting to see this done more 'legit' with Robo in your party.
Me, I did the Apocalypse Arm + Dragon Fang. Game's over! =D
The DS version of chrono trigger does have all the movies from the psone version.
Imma need the name of the song pls cause whoever was in charge of the music really killed it
Agreed. I mean, it adds stuff, but what does it actually change?
they really need a sequel where magus is the main character.
do i need to deafet lavos and do something to fight this boss
Interestingly, this ending also exists in the PC version as well.
@Vanky20000 Dream Devourer is essentially its precursor stage
If only they make some sequel which is better to see if they manage to save the sister of Janus be for he make kid ask clone
So this ending or whole fight is a homage to chrono cross, a special reference i honestly did not understand one single thing here, and i wished it showed more, like where was lavos origins, like his homeworld, and will schala survive and will magus be able to save her, and crono and the gang will come once again to defeat that lavos in that vortex once and for all without any loose end, chrono cross i heard has a different plot and different characters, and that it has a bit of reference to the original chrono trigger, but not really a sequel to it per say, so altogether a different game, i wished there is an ACTUAL sequel to chrono trigger, we can only hope The Dream Team could make it...
I should've kept this for the DS, but I didn't have the time or the patience to complete it.
"This is so sad..."
It is a sequel but not a direct sequel if you understand, meaning that it takes place in the same world but doesn't follow the same characters.
wow, is this the true finale of the remake? as in the actual TRUE ending!?
Yes, it carries directly into the sequel, Chrono Cross.
Can u tell me of Janus/Magus is mentioned or appears in Chrono Cross? I dont even remember him being in Chrono Cross =(
He is mentioned in chrono cross, and it's somewhat implied that Guile might be Magus, but one of the directors said it would be too complex to include him in the game, so they left him out.
"We thought it was impossible to portray the relationship between Magus and Schala adequately in this game. So we changed tracks, made the colors of the Magus character design paler, and turned him into Guile, the magician. In a way, it's a pity, as I really would like to have seen the valiant figure of Magus come to life again."
Tales RNS Thank you, me and a friend are analising the two games, and this was helpful as to ensure a thing.
Wait, I never saw this before... You mean to tell me that Chrono Cross actually makes sense now???
Obious Question, but how do you get here in NDS version? Some1 tell me from either End of Time/Distorted Space or wherever this is. Tnx!
I've played both versions and they're pretty much exactly the same only the DS version has bonus content. What's not to like?
She's from an alternate future, Magus hint's at that at the beginning of the scene.
Play Chrono Cross and it will make a lot more sense.
@Zoppicon Yes and no. Dream Devourer is the proto-form of Time Devourer (the final boss of Chrono Cross)
Al final Schala queda con Serge o no?