I wrote it down in the winter of 1610. Just a secret under lock and key until then. While collecting the stars, I connected the dots. I don’t know who I am, but now I know who I’m not. I’m just a curious speck that got caught up in orbit. Like a magnet it beckoned my metals toward it. Make my messes matter. Make this chaos count. Let every little fracture in me Shatter out loud. Make my messes matter. Make this chaos count. Let every little fracture in me Shatter out loud.
9 March 2024, i write this down as a reminder when i am defeated. Within me the rage restart, unable to accepts if am being left hanged with no answers. She said no relationship at this time, but i found her in the hands of a man. Was i wrong to love or was i wrong to say? My use to her has been spent unremained, a paper ship that sunken deep after the storm. Perhaps with this i could finally sleeping at last, my body decays, my soul wept, yet my eyes were dry. Knowing that in this universe, how mighty and wealthy and caring i am, i am losing. I will return here whenever i could not hold myself, peace.
The sleeping at last atlas instrumental playlist is amazing for studying
My ballet teacher is using this do our recital
I wrote it down in the winter of 1610.
Just a secret under lock and key until then.
While collecting the stars, I connected the dots.
I don’t know who I am, but now I know who I’m not.
I’m just a curious speck that got caught up in orbit.
Like a magnet it beckoned my metals toward it.
Make my messes matter.
Make this chaos count.
Let every little fracture in me
Shatter out loud.
Make my messes matter.
Make this chaos count.
Let every little fracture in me
Shatter out loud.
I love it
Que bonito 🥰😍
9 March 2024, i write this down as a reminder when i am defeated. Within me the rage restart, unable to accepts if am being left hanged with no answers. She said no relationship at this time, but i found her in the hands of a man. Was i wrong to love or was i wrong to say? My use to her has been spent unremained, a paper ship that sunken deep after the storm.
Perhaps with this i could finally sleeping at last, my body decays, my soul wept, yet my eyes were dry. Knowing that in this universe, how mighty and wealthy and caring i am, i am losing.
I will return here whenever i could not hold myself, peace.
Everything okay there in the end dude?
@@ClayMoffat a mix between chaos and calm, thank you for asking by the way