Yoga action to stretch out a stiff back, Tues 3rd Sept, 8am

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • One of the group woke up with a stiff back after sleeping in an odd position, so we worked through a gentle sequence that helps stretch out tension from your back. If you have existing back problems, work with extreme caution in forward bends or in any pose that challenges your condition. We worked through an extended limbering sequence, then padangusthasana, namaskarasana, padahastasana, a m svanasana, rajakapotasana, supta baddha konasana, baddha konasana as a forward bend, restorative surfboard pose.
    As with all online recorded sessions, you practice these sessions at your own risk. If you have any health conditions or injuries, you should consult your GP before commencing any programme of exercise.
    These sessions are taught to a group who are well practised in the basics of the asanas, so we don't cover the real basics of each pose. If you haven't practised yoga before in the past, these sessions might not be for you.
    Injuries and health conditions do not exclude you from practising yoga, but it's advisable to attend live sessions so that whoever is teaching you can accommodate your specific [requirements. If you would like to join in with our morning and afternoon classes, check out the details at
    #hayfever #pranayama #yoga #relievingfatigue #energising #yogaforenergy #energy #exhaustion #asana #asanaforenergy #yogasana #yogabreathing #breath #tadasana #viloma #brahmari #brahmaripranayama