"Why is it still raining? I did what i was supposed to." It shows us that sometimes when you fail, you just fail. Whether you gave it everything you had or not, you still ended up staying under the rain.
This song doesn’t even make you feel sad, it makes you feel utter defeat, like you already lost and it got even worse, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
it feels like thinking of all of the good things crumble into pieces and u have nothing and it has gotten to the point where your broken and never getting fixed
Like everything you like and love faded away as you feel utter defeat as you fall into in a endless void of lies,sadness,defeat,pain wanting to end it and live normally but it never happens and you give up trying as your happiness go away into the painful world acting like everyone else with no hope in you and having a sad face and looking down on earth wonder why you live as you try to end it and all ways failing to because every time you try the world doesn’t let you end it all…. Having no hope Why do you live in a world of pain and suffering Wanting a end to it Waiting And waiting And waiting And wai… I don’t want to have a world of pain no more And wanting to ec-leave out of the world hoping to never come back to the world But The World Won’t Let You Leave Here Thinking about all the lovely thing faded away into the void I want a change… Why do I live….. Why do I want an end….. It never works out for me….. And thinking all of that as fall in void of the deep…. Dark…….. world Hoping it works out….. But it never will I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I Want A change please And you trip and fall off a cliff and as you fall you wonder all the bad stuff again and again and when you fell….. You felt died and as you now have no pain but you get sucked back into your body and keep on living and on and on and on and you lay down and waking up on the streets wondering how you got thousand of miles and now you woke up back where you were and thinking how and you walk back and act like the other people as you lay down for the last time and saying I want to be normal……
(LYRICS) "See the rain nice but... I-I don't like getting wet.. .... What.. What in the world.. No I went under the awning.. It's still raining.. Why is it still raining..? I did what i was supposed to.. that's not fair...."
Take these 9 minutes and think: Did I make the right choice? Did I make the wrong choice? Did I make the normal choice? Did I make the weird choice? How many choices have I taken in the past that have shaped my future to now? What are the choices I’ll make in the future that will continue to shape my future? Will I shape it for the better? Will I shape it for the worse? The choice is up to you and I. We are both humans. Living, walking and talking beings capable of emotion, and we’re stuck here on this hunk of rock we call Earth. Will our choices get us off this said rock, or will we stay on it? No one truly knows except you and I.
"I've always felt alone my whole life, for as long as I can remember. I don't know if I like it... or if I'm just used to it, but I do know this: Being lonely does things to you, and feeling shit and bitter and angry all the time just... eats away at you."
Y'know i like this.Being alone with this is the background makes me feel more at peace even though i hate myself for things i didnt do and i blame myself for things that weren't my fault.that is what this reminds me of and i like it :D
Un dia estaba escuchando tiktoks y me aparecio este audio y creo que me dormi El audio seguia en mi compu y soñe cosas tristes y horribles asta que desperte en la mañana
this song.. something about it. It just shows that when you try your hardest, you can still fail. If you fail, that's okay. Everyone makes mistakes, if you feel depressed, don't be. Be happy that you are alive and well today. If you are sick, you'll get better. I hope to whoever sees this that.. that they have a truly great day.
You were always the one. The one who made things brighter. So much brighter….. But now… That brightness. It disappeared. Because you disappeared. They didn’t appreciate your Brightness. So you took it away. By taking yourself away. Then only then they realized. How bright you truly were. But it was too late. Because the lights. The lights were already turned off when they tried to save you. Saddest thing is. Your family were the ones. To betray you. Worst thing is. You were just a kid. Now it’s all over you can rest. Finally.
(LYRICS - ENG/ESP/BRA) ENGLISH: “See.. t-the rain is nice but.. i-i don't really like getting wet..” “What..?” “What in the world!?” “No i.. i went under the awning and it's still raining!” “why it's still raining!?” “I did what i was supposed to!” “Thats Not Fair >:(” “Thats Not Fair :( ...” ESPAÑOL: “Mira, la lluvia es Buena pero... No me gusta mojarme...” “que...” “Que Demonios!?” “N-No Yo... estoy debajo de un techo y sigue lloviendo!” “Porque sigue lloviendo!?” “Hice lo que debía hacer!” “No es justo!” “no es justo...” Brasilian: “Olha.. A chuva e legal mais... Eu no gosto de estar molhado...” “que...” “Mas que diabos!?” “Não... eu... eu fui para baixo de um teto e ainda está chovendo” “Por que ainda está chovendo!?” “Eu fiz o que tinha que fazer!” “Isso Nao e Justo!” “Isso Nao e justo...” --------------------- Thanks For Reading Gracias por leer Obrigado por Ler
Yknow, I always say "Be happy" But i forget to be happy myself. I always tend to look at the sad thing. i always look on the dark side of things instead of being happy, i cant really explain why. Maybe im too hard on myself, Or im just too shocked at other people being happy. so, Be happy.
I just feel so empty, its like i’m emotion less. I just don’t feel i belong where i do here on this earth, everything that i’ve gained has been lost and i don't feel important anymore. Its just. Empty, and i feel i have no one to talk to. Thanks for your time if you’ve read this.
Pov: you feel numb when you think your voice is annoying, you think people think you're too loud, you think that your jokes aren't funny anymore and you think that no one will be your boyfriend/girlfriend.. I think these
I have created an image of myself that laughs and jokes all the time but inside it hurts and I feel like I have a dark hole inside my chest. Some nights are harder than others so I have accepted the truth that if sleep doesn’t come, I will wait until she arrives and give me two minutes of silence
18/10/23 Não posso comentar esse erro Não posso passar por aquilo Não posso viver aquilo novamente Não posso voltar Não posso repetir esse erro Não posso deixar que isso me corrompe Não posso fazer mais nada. Pois tudo que fiz não foi o suficiente ☹️
Эта песня заставляет тебя осознавать то, что ты проиграл, потерял время, и ,как максимально беспомощное создание, ничего не можешь с этим сделать или что-то исправить…
You can change, i'm still fighting against depression and that's the reason i'm again here, but we all can try to change our lifes, step by step, and little by little I am managing to change small things in my life, we all can, we will get out of this, God let us be born with the right to be happy and that is how it will be, we just have to fight for it, cheer up.
In a quiet, forgotten town by the sea, there lived a young woman named Lila. Lila had a passion for painting and would spend her days capturing the beauty of the ocean and the melancholy of the old, crumbling buildings that lined the shore. Her paintings were filled with vibrant colors, but her life was marked by shades of gray. Lila had fallen in love with a sailor named Thomas. They met one summer evening when he docked his ship in the town's harbor. Their love was instant and deep, filled with dreams of a future together. Thomas promised Lila that he would return from his next voyage, and they would start a new life together, far away from the lonely town. With each passing day, Lila waited by the shore, her heart filled with hope and longing. She painted the sea, imagining Thomas's ship appearing on the horizon. But days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and there was no sign of Thomas. The townsfolk whispered that his ship had been lost in a terrible storm, but Lila refused to believe it. She clung to the hope that he would return. Years went by, and Lila's paintings became darker, reflecting the sorrow that had taken root in her heart. Her once bright eyes grew dim, and her laughter faded. She continued to wait by the shore, her love for Thomas unwavering, but the hope that had sustained her began to wane. One cold winter's day, Lila's frail body could no longer withstand the weight of her grief. She passed away quietly in her sleep, her final breath a whisper of Thomas's name. The townsfolk found her the next morning, her last painting unfinished, a haunting image of a ship lost in a storm. Lila was buried on the cliff overlooking the sea, her grave marked by a simple stone. The town mourned the loss of the woman who had once brought color to their lives. Her paintings, filled with both beauty and sorrow, were all that remained of her. And so, the sea continued to whisper its secrets, the waves crashing against the shore, a constant reminder of the love and loss that had defined Lila's life. The town by the sea remained quiet and forgotten, much like the love story of Lila and Thomas, lost to time but never truly forgotten.
I gave it everything for my group from school and sometimes they just...bully me and I feel like tired of give everything for everyone if they just bother me every single day of my life, Im tired, Im really tired but I cant do anything about it, the only thing I can do there is just to cry about it
Toda vez que volto a escutar está música o seguinte pensamento me vem a cabeça. Eu estou olhando para a estrada que eu estou caminhando. Eu escolhi está estrada, entre todos as outras. Me pergunto enquanto caminho "será a escolha certa?". Começa a chover. A rua que era de terra desaparece se tornando parte de um grande campo. Não há mais caminhos. Não sei para onde estou indo, pra onde eu vou? A onde irei chegar? Que insatisfação. A rua era tão ensolarada, e agora está tão nublada. Me pergunto se um dia vai voltar a brilhar novamente. Apenas sigo em frente, com as dúvidas e inseguranças caindo sobre mim.
Así suena mí vida ahora, hace poco descubrí que mí ex me engañaba con una virtualita, mis notas están bajando, mí salud mental está hecha mierda, mis amigos no son los mismos de antes, mí "mejor amigo" me cambió, y ahora una de mis amigas se está alejando... Si algún día me doy por vencido, solo quiero decir que espero que éste mundo que a mi me trató como la mierda, en algún momento cambie... Publiqué éste comentario hace ya un año. Hoy, 22 de octubre del 2024, estoy en la mejor etapa de mi vida. Mis calificaciones están mejorando bastante, ahora tengo amigos nuevos y mejores, salgo de casa y paso el día con ellos. Comencé a jugar voley y además estoy en una relación hermosa con la chica más linda de este mundo, y mañana 23 cumplimos tres meses juntos. Lo mejor que pude hacer fue no rendirme y seguir luchando, obviamente aún tengo problemas, pero siempre dejo que el tiempo haga lo suyo. No se rindan, el tiempo y las personas que te quieren realmente sanan muchas heridas.
Te recomiendo visitar un psicólogo, realmente pueden ayudar un consejo que te puedo dar es que NUNCA le mientas a un psicólogo, porque solamente te perjudicara a ti mismo todavia somos jovenes, tenemos un monton de vida por delante y somos todos capaces de cambiar nuestra vida por completo para bien en cualquier momento, buena suerte en tu vida bro, siempre habra gente ahi afuera que querra y podra ayudarte y apoyarte, solamente tienes que encontrarla
Bro no te riandas,más bien en esta vida hay errores.Pero auque te sientas mal intenta estudiar ver buenas cosas no darte por vencido y si tu ex te engaño dejala a esa fea y si no tenes amigos tranquilo se podra conseguir bro🥺🥺
Probablemente no sirva la "ayuda" que dicen todos. Se entiende lo que se siente, pero es lo único que puedes leer porque no hay otra mejor opción para salvar tu vida y que puedas experimentar cosas buenas. Tengo muchas cosas en la mente para esto, pero, no puedo explicarlo...
This kinda feels like if you just lost someone or something huge, and you're sat in a bar where there's background conversations and none of them interest you. In fact, they piss you off. But you know that the only reason you feel that way is because you aren't as happy as they are. You just feel lonely.
this reminds me of the time when you're at your family's funeral, you see your mother, then in the coffin you stand up and cry you think about the time that you had the things that you thought about and then you think of the life that you're going to have and how one day that will be you and the exact same coffin the way that the cycle will go on and on until the heat death of the universe and just think about how many years in generations that will one be there and then there again, the fact that it's a never ending cycle until one day that you will see in the generations before you will also see, remembering that you were one of the beginning of 1 million
Ben bu yaşadığım hayatda her şeymi kaybedib de yine yaşayan bir ölü gibi yürüyorum sonsuzluğa sevdiğim kız, benim sessiz biri olduğum için sıkılıb gitti, aileme olan bütün saygım ve onurum bitti, arkadaşlarım hep beni çıkılmaza getrib sattı yada dövdü tek bana inanan kişi büyük babam öldü eskiden diyip gülen kişi şimdi sokaklarda sigara içib ağlamaktan başka bişey yapmıyor bazen bağırıyorum ölmek istiyorum sanki eskiyi hatırlayınca kalbimi biri sıkıyormuş ciyerlerim ağrıyormuş nefes almayı brakmış gibi sanki damarlarımda akan kan durmuş gibi oluyorum sabahlara kadar uyumamaktan gören bana madde kullanıyormusun diyor şimdide bu hüzünle sessizliğin terk edilmiş bir evin balkonunda bu mesajı size yazıyorum merak etmelik bi durum yok sadece hayatın kanuna göre yürümeyi saf olmamayı karanlıkdan korkmayıb ışığa doğru yürümeyi sözler altında boğulmayı önneyin bi gün ölürsem buda burada kalsın belki diğer dünyada mutlu olurum umuduyla
“I’m sorry i’m utterly sorry what I’ve done to you can you please forgive me? I’m sorry I really am so please don’t take this personally and let’s become friends again. please?….” - the friend that texted me saying sorry after she talked sh** abt me
I'm tired of everything, I'm tired of my family members who just keep criticizing me, pointing out my mistakes, calling me ugly and that I'll never find someone who truly loves me...
Bro, keep doing what you love, keep fighting for it, don't lose hope and don't listen what they say about you, you'll find someone that will love you one day, but don't be desperate, wait for it, not all the time there is sunshine and rainbows I know, but everything will be fine as long as you keep fighting for it. Stay safe
Living sadness: those days of melancholy, sadness took hold of me every day, lying on a soft bed, my blankets draining my energy as if I were a sleepy commoner traveling in a vague flash, old as hard iron and cold as ice.
i slept to this before and i cried for some reason and it wasn't because i was sad, it was because i was depressed, depressed of what happened in my life..
I feel like everything I do is annoying. I don’t feel comfortable being myself anymore. Even alone. I get addicted too easily, talk too much, don’t talk enough, get too mad and get too excited. You name it, I feel like whatever I do it’s never enough. I thought having a girlfriend was supposed to make you happy. It seems that way with others. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I regret everything I do. Is this feeling normal? It doesn’t feel fair.
Im hearing to this song because one of my dogs is dead now...just because...some insects gave her an extrange feeling and now she is...dead...she is just dead...I feel sad for it because I loved her so much
A moral da história que esse personagem tenta contar, “tentamos concertar algo em nossa vida, e as vezes, fazemos isso errado, ficando decepcionado ao se sentir derrotado”;(
Perdi meu padrasto.... Que me dava tudo do bom e do melhor era ingressado fazia uma pessoa ri msm estando com depressão quando ele estava com minha mãe era um legria e uma sessão de paz sabe ? Ninca vou esquecer do último dia que avi indo trabalhar dando um beijo na minha mãe quando ele saio minha mãe foi me deixa na escola e quando agente voltou fui tomar banho tava pensando oque eu ia fazer quando meu padrasto chegar quando terminei o banho percebi que ele demorava de chegar em casa ai a tia dele correu dizendo que ele a tinha partido paracia que na quele momento começei a lembra que ele ficava no trabalho ate tarde para conseguir o dinheiro para comer minha mãe na sala de casa começou a grita chorar dizendo que não era verdade tudo que eu podia fazer ver o céu escurecendo e au msm tempo vendo ele partindo sem mim e sem minha mãe........
"Why is it still raining? I did what i was supposed to."
It shows us that sometimes when you fail, you just fail. Whether you gave it everything you had or not, you still ended up staying under the rain.
"that's not fair"
Simple but effective
Stolen comment....
@@chidieberenwadike4165 yea
At least there’s still hope
This song doesn’t even make you feel sad, it makes you feel utter defeat, like you already lost and it got even worse, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Like you just lost and now have to watch everything crumble.
it feels like thinking of all of the good things crumble into pieces and u have nothing and it has gotten to the point where your broken and never getting fixed
like you just feel void
it just feels like a void.
Like everything you like and love faded away as you feel utter defeat as you fall into in a endless void of lies,sadness,defeat,pain wanting to end it and live normally but it never happens and you give up trying as your happiness go away into the painful world acting like everyone else with no hope in you and having a sad face and looking down
on earth wonder why you live as you try to end it and all ways failing to because every time you try the world doesn’t let you end it all….
Having no hope
Why do you live in a world of pain and suffering
Wanting a end to it
And waiting
And waiting
And wai… I don’t want to have a world of pain no more
And wanting to ec-leave out of the world hoping to never come back to the world
Thinking about all the lovely thing faded away into the void
I want a change…
Why do I live…..
Why do I want an end…..
It never works out for me…..
And thinking all of that as fall in void of the deep…. Dark…….. world
Hoping it works out…..
But it never will
I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change I want a change
I Want A change please
And you trip and fall off a cliff and as you fall you wonder all the bad stuff again and again and when you fell…..
You felt died and as you now have no pain but you get sucked back into your body and keep on living and on and on and on and you lay down and waking up on the streets wondering how you got thousand of miles and now you woke up back where you were and thinking how and you walk back and act like the other people as you lay down for the last time and saying I want to be normal……
"See the rain nice but... I-I don't like getting wet..
What.. What in the world..
No I went under the awning..
It's still raining.. Why is it still raining..?
I did what i was supposed to..
that's not fair...."
the real video made me cry. i just find it oddly relatable.
@@vidakuzmanovic1580yeah same blood different man
@@vidakuzmanovic1580Me too. Only people who’ve experienced it understand it
Take these 9 minutes and think:
Did I make the right choice?
Did I make the wrong choice?
Did I make the normal choice?
Did I make the weird choice?
How many choices have I taken in the past that have shaped my future to now?
What are the choices I’ll make in the future that will continue to shape my future?
Will I shape it for the better?
Will I shape it for the worse?
The choice is up to you and I.
We are both humans. Living, walking and talking beings capable of emotion, and we’re stuck here on this hunk of rock we call Earth. Will our choices get us off this said rock, or will we stay on it?
No one truly knows except you and I.
I'm 14 and this is deep
idk why but i feel empty most of the time
real real
@@PhonkITB real.
@@_4bb1_v1nnY real.
Me too bro 😢
why can’t people be kind to each other?
yeah i also wondering this
"I've always felt alone my whole life,
for as long as I can remember.
I don't know if I like it... or if I'm just
used to it, but I do know this:
Being lonely does things to you, and feeling shit and bitter
and angry all the time just... eats away at you."
Y'know i like this.Being alone with this is the background makes me feel more at peace even though i hate myself for things i didnt do and i blame myself for things that weren't my fault.that is what this reminds me of and i like it :D
Bro is in emo state
@@obiobiru4167I'm in my emo arc lol
Slide 2
This is under rated 😔😞
The end of a friendship/relationship can hurt.. but not as much as losing a loved one.
why when i hear this i feel like i'm at my own funeral?
yeah girl
No es una buena opción escuchar estás canciones, pero, despierta tu lado reflexivo. Siento que algo se activa
Un dia estaba escuchando tiktoks y me aparecio este audio y creo que me dormi
El audio seguia en mi compu y soñe cosas tristes y horribles asta que desperte en la mañana
@@omarssj579so sad bro😢😢😢😭😭😭
"I did what I was supposed to, that's not fair" Hits hard...
this song.. something about it. It just shows that when you try your hardest, you can still fail. If you fail, that's okay. Everyone makes mistakes, if you feel depressed, don't be. Be happy that you are alive and well today. If you are sick, you'll get better. I hope to whoever sees this that.. that they have a truly great day.
You were always the one. The one who made things brighter. So much brighter….. But now… That brightness. It disappeared. Because you disappeared. They didn’t appreciate your Brightness. So you took it away. By taking yourself away. Then only then they realized. How bright you truly were. But it was too late. Because the lights. The lights were already turned off when they tried to save you. Saddest thing is. Your family were the ones. To betray you. Worst thing is. You were just a kid. Now it’s all over you can rest. Finally.
This doesnt make me sad it just gives me chill serene vibes
and also odd nostalgia
This feels like when you messed up really bad that you can't even do something or find a way to fix it.
I hate that, i hate it so much…
When ur situation so bad this starts playing
It's not even a feeling, it's knowing that you've lost at that point...
“See.. t-the rain is nice but.. i-i don't really like getting wet..”
“What in the world!?”
“No i.. i went under the awning and it's still raining!”
“why it's still raining!?”
“I did what i was supposed to!”
“Thats Not Fair >:(”
“Thats Not Fair :( ...”
“Mira, la lluvia es Buena pero... No me gusta mojarme...”
“Que Demonios!?”
“N-No Yo... estoy debajo de un techo y sigue lloviendo!”
“Porque sigue lloviendo!?”
“Hice lo que debía hacer!”
“No es justo!”
“no es justo...”
“Olha.. A chuva e legal mais... Eu no gosto de estar molhado...”
“Mas que diabos!?”
“Não... eu... eu fui para baixo de um teto e ainda está chovendo”
“Por que ainda está chovendo!?”
“Eu fiz o que tinha que fazer!”
“Isso Nao e Justo!”
“Isso Nao e justo...”
Thanks For Reading
Gracias por leer
Obrigado por Ler
I think I lost everything 💔🚬How cruel is life 😢❤
Yknow, I always say "Be happy" But i forget to be happy myself. I always tend to look at the sad thing. i always look on the dark side of things instead of being happy, i cant really explain why. Maybe im too hard on myself, Or im just too shocked at other people being happy. so, Be happy.
muito boa essa melodia, ela fica melhor quando é slowed
Simm, da uma sensação estranha
This is bringing back my child good memories 😟😟😟😟
You mean nostalgia?
Sometimes I see it as a reminder of, things only go one specific way that can not be changed despite how hard you try to do so.
This music is breathtaking.
I just feel so empty, its like i’m emotion less. I just don’t feel i belong where i do here on this earth, everything that i’ve gained has been lost and i don't feel important anymore. Its just. Empty, and i feel i have no one to talk to. Thanks for your time if you’ve read this.
This song started to make me feel my heart broken again...
you all made it to the end of 2023! congratulations :)
Friend, I wish I didn't, I wish my friend failed to save me
I made it to August 2024
This is the first Jack Stauber video
that got me into is stuff
Pov: you feel numb when you think your voice is annoying, you think people think you're too loud, you think that your jokes aren't funny anymore and you think that no one will be your boyfriend/girlfriend..
I think these
Bro, feeling out of place is fine, don't think that way, you are you in a special way.
I have created an image of myself that laughs and jokes all the time but inside it hurts and I feel like I have a dark hole inside my chest. Some nights are harder than others so I have accepted the truth that if sleep doesn’t come, I will wait until she arrives and give me two minutes of silence
Não posso comentar esse erro
Não posso passar por aquilo
Não posso viver aquilo novamente
Não posso voltar
Não posso repetir esse erro
Não posso deixar que isso me corrompe
Não posso fazer mais nada. Pois tudo que fiz não foi o suficiente ☹️
Эта песня заставляет тебя осознавать то, что ты проиграл, потерял время, и ,как максимально беспомощное создание, ничего не можешь с этим сделать или что-то исправить…
You can change, i'm still fighting against depression and that's the reason i'm again here, but we all can try to change our lifes, step by step, and little by little I am managing to change small things in my life, we all can, we will get out of this, God let us be born with the right to be happy and that is how it will be, we just have to fight for it, cheer up.
@@Arnix1605thanks 😢😭
no ,, You Can Do Any Thing in This Dumb Live
In a quiet, forgotten town by the sea, there lived a young woman named Lila. Lila had a passion for painting and would spend her days capturing the beauty of the ocean and the melancholy of the old, crumbling buildings that lined the shore. Her paintings were filled with vibrant colors, but her life was marked by shades of gray.
Lila had fallen in love with a sailor named Thomas. They met one summer evening when he docked his ship in the town's harbor. Their love was instant and deep, filled with dreams of a future together. Thomas promised Lila that he would return from his next voyage, and they would start a new life together, far away from the lonely town.
With each passing day, Lila waited by the shore, her heart filled with hope and longing. She painted the sea, imagining Thomas's ship appearing on the horizon. But days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and there was no sign of Thomas. The townsfolk whispered that his ship had been lost in a terrible storm, but Lila refused to believe it. She clung to the hope that he would return.
Years went by, and Lila's paintings became darker, reflecting the sorrow that had taken root in her heart. Her once bright eyes grew dim, and her laughter faded. She continued to wait by the shore, her love for Thomas unwavering, but the hope that had sustained her began to wane.
One cold winter's day, Lila's frail body could no longer withstand the weight of her grief. She passed away quietly in her sleep, her final breath a whisper of Thomas's name. The townsfolk found her the next morning, her last painting unfinished, a haunting image of a ship lost in a storm.
Lila was buried on the cliff overlooking the sea, her grave marked by a simple stone. The town mourned the loss of the woman who had once brought color to their lives. Her paintings, filled with both beauty and sorrow, were all that remained of her.
And so, the sea continued to whisper its secrets, the waves crashing against the shore, a constant reminder of the love and loss that had defined Lila's life. The town by the sea remained quiet and forgotten, much like the love story of Lila and Thomas, lost to time but never truly forgotten.
I gave it everything for my group from school and sometimes they just...bully me and I feel like tired of give everything for everyone if they just bother me every single day of my life, Im tired, Im really tired but I cant do anything about it, the only thing I can do there is just to cry about it
Esta canción sonara como si perdieses todo...
Toda vez que volto a escutar está música o seguinte pensamento me vem a cabeça.
Eu estou olhando para a estrada que eu estou caminhando.
Eu escolhi está estrada, entre todos as outras. Me pergunto enquanto caminho "será a escolha certa?".
Começa a chover.
A rua que era de terra desaparece se tornando parte de um grande campo.
Não há mais caminhos.
Não sei para onde estou indo, pra onde eu vou? A onde irei chegar?
Que insatisfação.
A rua era tão ensolarada, e agora está tão nublada.
Me pergunto se um dia vai voltar a brilhar novamente.
Apenas sigo em frente, com as dúvidas e inseguranças caindo sobre mim.
Complicado mn
La vida puede ser dura el pasado puede ser duro pero con el tiempo eso se va mejorando y si ese no es el caso solo toca fingir felicidad..
do que adianta a pessoa fingir felicidade no final sempre irá sobrar aquele vazio imenso no peito
Así suena mí vida ahora, hace poco descubrí que mí ex me engañaba con una virtualita, mis notas están bajando, mí salud mental está hecha mierda, mis amigos no son los mismos de antes, mí "mejor amigo" me cambió, y ahora una de mis amigas se está alejando... Si algún día me doy por vencido, solo quiero decir que espero que éste mundo que a mi me trató como la mierda, en algún momento cambie...
Publiqué éste comentario hace ya un año. Hoy, 22 de octubre del 2024, estoy en la mejor etapa de mi vida.
Mis calificaciones están mejorando bastante, ahora tengo amigos nuevos y mejores, salgo de casa y paso el día con ellos. Comencé a jugar voley y además estoy en una relación hermosa con la chica más linda de este mundo, y mañana 23 cumplimos tres meses juntos.
Lo mejor que pude hacer fue no rendirme y seguir luchando, obviamente aún tengo problemas, pero siempre dejo que el tiempo haga lo suyo. No se rindan, el tiempo y las personas que te quieren realmente sanan muchas heridas.
Te recomiendo visitar un psicólogo, realmente pueden ayudar
un consejo que te puedo dar es que NUNCA le mientas a un psicólogo, porque solamente te perjudicara a ti mismo
todavia somos jovenes, tenemos un monton de vida por delante y somos todos capaces de cambiar nuestra vida por completo para bien en cualquier momento, buena suerte en tu vida bro, siempre habra gente ahi afuera que querra y podra ayudarte y apoyarte, solamente tienes que encontrarla
@@SillyFunnyDummy bro..................
Bro no te riandas,más bien en esta vida hay errores.Pero auque te sientas mal intenta estudiar ver buenas cosas no darte por vencido y si tu ex te engaño dejala a esa fea y si no tenes amigos tranquilo se podra conseguir bro🥺🥺
Probablemente no sirva la "ayuda" que dicen todos. Se entiende lo que se siente, pero es lo único que puedes leer porque no hay otra mejor opción para salvar tu vida y que puedas experimentar cosas buenas. Tengo muchas cosas en la mente para esto, pero, no puedo explicarlo...
This made me realize that I’m alive, I live on earth, I have an age, I have friends, I have a house, and that other people exist
Im added this To sleeping Playlist :P
the song felt like a loved one you met, died in such a depressing way...
good music for saying that "its over..." for ur life
This kinda feels like if you just lost someone or something huge, and you're sat in a bar where there's background conversations and none of them interest you. In fact, they piss you off. But you know that the only reason you feel that way is because you aren't as happy as they are.
You just feel lonely.
no pense q este dia llegaria pero...
asi fue....
siempre lo recordare
la extraño hermano
this reminds me of the time when you're at your family's funeral, you see your mother, then in the coffin you stand up and cry you think about the time that you had the things that you thought about and then you think of the life that you're going to have and how one day that will be you and the exact same coffin the way that the cycle will go on and on until the heat death of the universe and just think about how many years in generations that will one be there and then there again, the fact that it's a never ending cycle until one day that you will see in the generations before you will also see, remembering that you were one of the beginning of 1 million
Got a Burger King ad right before this😢
Whopper whopper
The song is very good and praise is sad
Ben bu yaşadığım hayatda her şeymi kaybedib de yine yaşayan bir ölü gibi yürüyorum sonsuzluğa sevdiğim kız, benim sessiz biri olduğum için sıkılıb gitti, aileme olan bütün saygım ve onurum bitti, arkadaşlarım hep beni çıkılmaza getrib sattı yada dövdü tek bana inanan kişi büyük babam öldü eskiden diyip gülen kişi şimdi sokaklarda sigara içib ağlamaktan başka bişey yapmıyor bazen bağırıyorum ölmek istiyorum sanki eskiyi hatırlayınca kalbimi biri sıkıyormuş ciyerlerim ağrıyormuş nefes almayı brakmış gibi sanki damarlarımda akan kan durmuş gibi oluyorum sabahlara kadar uyumamaktan gören bana madde kullanıyormusun diyor şimdide bu hüzünle sessizliğin terk edilmiş bir evin balkonunda bu mesajı size yazıyorum merak etmelik bi durum yok sadece hayatın kanuna göre yürümeyi saf olmamayı karanlıkdan korkmayıb ışığa doğru yürümeyi sözler altında boğulmayı önneyin bi gün ölürsem buda burada kalsın belki diğer dünyada mutlu olurum umuduyla
Here you have Instagram, brother.
Its literally dejavu i literally remember an event and this dong playing years ago
you mean dejavu?
@@vibethecat4194he said that and even then it’s deja-vu
"And still i failed"ahh song😢
This video show how the life can be unfair with good person
“I’m sorry i’m utterly sorry what I’ve done to you can you please forgive me? I’m sorry I really am so please don’t take this personally and let’s become friends again. please?….”
- the friend that texted me saying sorry after she talked sh** abt me
I'm tired of everything, I'm tired of my family members who just keep criticizing me, pointing out my mistakes, calling me ugly and that I'll never find someone who truly loves me...
Bro, keep doing what you love, keep fighting for it, don't lose hope and don't listen what they say about you, you'll find someone that will love you one day, but don't be desperate, wait for it, not all the time there is sunshine and rainbows I know, but everything will be fine as long as you keep fighting for it. Stay safe
i have a strange felling like nostalgia or smt , yes thats it , its nostalgia ....
Living sadness: those days of melancholy, sadness took hold of me every day, lying on a soft bed, my blankets draining my energy as if I were a sleepy commoner traveling in a vague flash, old as hard iron and cold as ice.
This song make me feel sad
the original one is unfair but this one is just sad
I left youtube on autoplay during the night fell asleep and woke up with sleep paralysis to this
Was your sleep paralysis demon a troubled sweetheart wronged by life?
The first version sounds empty but this one is just straight up sad 😅
You lose, You can't win now, That's right, You are all alone, and you can't change it, You'll be there, Forever.
i slept to this before and i cried for some reason and it wasn't because i was sad, it was because i was depressed, depressed of what happened in my life..
the fact that life is just this short it sad
Then live your life well
This is not fair
See, the rain is nice. But, gee I don't like to get wet.
🇼 🇭 🇦 🇹 ... 🇼 🇭 🇦 🇹 🇮 🇳 🇹 🇭 🇪 🇼 🇴 🇷 🇱 🇩
It's raining..Why is it still raining?...that's not fair. I did what I was supposed to... that's not fair :(
@@yourcarsextendedwarranty609Why it's still raining, why it's still raining...
Why is it still raining😞?
I feel like everything I do is annoying. I don’t feel comfortable being myself anymore. Even alone. I get addicted too easily, talk too much, don’t talk enough, get too mad and get too excited. You name it, I feel like whatever I do it’s never enough. I thought having a girlfriend was supposed to make you happy. It seems that way with others. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I regret everything I do. Is this feeling normal? It doesn’t feel fair.
why im crying.?
pov: perdiste a la persona que mas querias en tu vida....
its sound oddly nostalgic
I fill like I’m gonna lose something in my life I will will be really crying so hard I’m crying right now.
Volition is shutting down....
Its sad when you see someone you love then it fades away like a real death
Maybe our dreams will come true, who knows?
Maybe one day, it’ll all make sense.
damn emotional...
it also kind of makes me feel like you've died and this is you looking at your body and hearing the music play at your funeral
"That's not fair."
slay=you will make the devil happy
slay queen=its mean kill queen .......
This feels like when u try so hard at something but you still fail or a relationship that was really good until she found “someone else”
Why does this song destroy me completely?
real (I'm quickly losing my mind)
Quando eu ouço Essa música , Eu Lembro Dos Meus Avós Que Já Partiram, Ainda Dói Só de Lembra 😥
Sorry for your loss 🙏🕊️🕊️
@@Nah-._Thank you bro 🙂
5:29 best part😔
Parece que empezó a llover....
The Sound of deep depression
this song makes me feel like glazed donuts spinning in microwaves
"The rain is nice but i dont really like wet. What in the world. Why is it still raining? I did what i was supposed to..... this isnt fair"
POV: guys when they shower quietly and randomly at 2 am
Im hearing to this song because one of my dogs is dead now...just because...some insects gave her an extrange feeling and now she is...dead...she is just dead...I feel sad for it because I loved her so much
at 1.75 hears normal
i went under the awning its its still raining...
me hizo ultra llorar
Im crying
A moral da história que esse personagem tenta contar, “tentamos concertar algo em nossa vida, e as vezes, fazemos isso errado, ficando decepcionado ao se sentir derrotado”;(
"Não há vergonha em ser fraco, há vergonha em continuar fraco"
The 2021 me:had an iphone 6 football kid goelkipper
Me now: alright just try to get an iphone
This just feels like you failed life and you just watch everything crumble like a useless piece of paper.
Perdi meu padrasto.... Que me dava tudo do bom e do melhor era ingressado fazia uma pessoa ri msm estando com depressão quando ele estava com minha mãe era um legria e uma sessão de paz sabe ?
Ninca vou esquecer do último dia que avi indo trabalhar dando um beijo na minha mãe quando ele saio minha mãe foi me deixa na escola e quando agente voltou fui tomar banho tava pensando oque eu ia fazer quando meu padrasto chegar quando terminei o banho percebi que ele demorava de chegar em casa ai a tia dele correu dizendo que ele a tinha partido paracia que na quele momento começei a lembra que ele ficava no trabalho ate tarde para conseguir o dinheiro para comer minha mãe na sala de casa começou a grita chorar dizendo que não era verdade tudo que eu podia fazer ver o céu escurecendo e au msm tempo vendo ele partindo sem mim e sem minha mãe........