Brixton Dead Zone - Network Rail; Corporate Fascism

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • Brixton Dead Zone: Rashid Nix takes us on a tour of the Brixton Dead Zone (BDZ); an area or zone of the famous Brixton market, where the remaining traders are left void of bumper takings in the week leading up the Christmas, due to a decision by Network Rail to close down the arches in their continued plan of gentrification for the zone.


  • @Nicole-fg1gr
    @Nicole-fg1gr 7 років тому +5

    Thank you for spreading the knowledge, we need real news and documentaries like this!

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому +1

      Thanks for the encouragement. :0)

  • @j_thom
    @j_thom 7 років тому +11

    I like the phrase that one guy said: "When Brixton was bad, we were good. Now that Brixton is good, we are bad." Tells quite a story and the modern story of Brixton succinctly!

  • @jaza457x8
    @jaza457x8 6 років тому +2

    Great video my brudda. Lambeth born & raised, those streets & markets are full of my earliest memories, so sad to see the gentrification killing the business community. Like the brudder said "When Brixton was bad, we were good. Now Brixton is good we are bad". The working classes need to remember these time, for when the corporate controlled government request the help of the masses to help out with World War 3, to further served a global imperialistic ends, we the working classes should tell them to stick it that they stuck it to our local Communities and businesses. Peace brudda.

  • @Man-go6ri
    @Man-go6ri 6 років тому +4

    I remember when norbury, Croydon and all them areas were full of whites in the 80s, now you go up there, it comes in like Brixton. See all faces that I used to see, and more are getting shipped out even further.

    • @Isleofskye
      @Isleofskye 6 років тому

      Just like Whites were shipped out in Kennington/Brixton/Stockwell/Parts of Clapham/Streatham/Norbury/Thornton Heath/Croydon etc and that is just one area. Seen it since the early 1960's/What goes round comes round if you live long enough and now whites are returning as 90%+ of the time they are the only ones who can afford gentrified prices.NOW Black people are losing THEIR Culture likes Whites did for the previous 60 years. Black people rely more on social housing (44%) than other racial groups so have few areas to live now as little social housing is being created.

  • @damajah
    @damajah 7 років тому +3

    Thanks 4 putting this out!!

  • @kesyoung6690
    @kesyoung6690 7 років тому +4

    Well said, but what can we do?

  • @peterbrown3944
    @peterbrown3944 5 років тому +1

    Great work and well put over.

  • @DeanOkaiSenior
    @DeanOkaiSenior 7 років тому +10

    Brother this my worst year in seven years, it's no just the closing down of things, although Brixton is 100% corporate facsim.
    There is no money on the road, I'm down 60+%. A local authority has to decorate the road guiding consumers to businesses for trade to be buoyant.
    The problem is we pay business rates, which is how local authority survives and receive nothing for it year on year. If I had the inclination, I would have set up a local business association, but opted to put my energies in to my people instead, with Transition of the Black Pound.
    We have to be very smart next year and I hope my people have clarity that we are by ourselves and therefore must do what benefits.
    We need to invest in ourselves and our own infrastructure and then no one can take it from us.

    • @rashidnix4098
      @rashidnix4098 7 років тому

      drop me a call. i'll come find u in the next few days!

    • @thebestoflondon
      @thebestoflondon 6 років тому

      This is what iv been saying for years. I don't understand how 3rd generation Caribbean people did not invest in themselves and why did they not create their own cooperation or movement to buy out the high street buildings while people was selling to move out. Cause you can't tell me the system shut down one street and a hole area is dead and they crying when they should be working on making two more streets better up the road or down the road.

  • @OnlyIfYourReady
    @OnlyIfYourReady 7 років тому +1

    Thank you kindly

  • @ninamarie4492
    @ninamarie4492 7 років тому +4

    same thing happened to Ladbroke Grove its sad boy..

  • @Man-go6ri
    @Man-go6ri 6 років тому +2

    It's a plan ting. We have no talk. Can't you see how nuff Brixton residents are getting moved out of their homes and further out..

  • @EliteXtasy
    @EliteXtasy 7 років тому +2

    We should save the high street and support small business owners, not punish them! The people in the middle are being left out of every party's policies.

  • @grahamt5924
    @grahamt5924 5 років тому +1

    The high street is closing everywhere. I like most consumers is buying more and more online.

  • @gstar30001
    @gstar30001 7 років тому +10

    brixton is being destroyed

  • @talijah007
    @talijah007 7 років тому +12

    Brother, u have been there for 18 year, selling on a make-shift stall. Where is your sense of climbing up the ladder. It it an Asian man, they would have socially mobilised to a big proper store... Shame on us, we never own the place that we are. We our occupy ourselves in blaming others for our own misery...

  • @JuanRomero
    @JuanRomero 7 років тому +1

    The railway arches are owned by Network Rail. Network Rail doesn't make a profit - every pound they earn is put back into the railway service - and is arguably one less pound of government subsidy.
    Since the trashy shops have gone, the area has been cleaned up. I'm looking forward for their replacements - where I will *actually* spend my money in.

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому

      "Network Rail doesn't make a profit - every pound they earn is put back into the railway service"… Where is your proof of this?… Do you know this for a fact, or are you just talking stuff?
      Local residents were already spending money in what you refer to as "trashy shops" Who needs another frothy-coffee hipster-bate shop? Market Row is full of them; surely these kinds of eateries cannot be sustainable for the area in the long term.

  • @malarki5
    @malarki5 7 років тому +1

    To those who want to economics begins with intact families....then it is extended, quite literally, to the extended family. What you then find happening is that most of one's ethnic group (again, starting with their immediate families) is doing pretty much the same thing.
    This amounts to real group or collective economics. It cannot be done successfully any other way.

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому +1

      Hmm… I think our understanding of what constitutes Group Economics might tend to be a bit romantic. Economics always operates within groups, however, those groups are not defined by skin colour, they are arranged around social leaning and mindset.
      What group are we in? There are various groupings within black family circles, that don't think alike, and end up being quite separate entities from each other. Grouping black people together because we share the same skin colour, to me, is like saying Chelsea and Man City should get along and do business because they both wear blue.
      Well, Chelsea and Man City don't get along; they don't do business; in fact they battle for supremacy in their own group called the Premier League, which makes a truck load of money every season. That's what I call Group Economics.

    • @malarki5
      @malarki5 7 років тому +1

      Group or family economics is essentially socialistic since the members of that group or family spread the wealth among its members. The analogy of Man City and Chelsea is an example of dog-eat-dog capitalism in which the strongest survive.
      I think my example of group economics is both factual and practical since each of the major ethnic business groups i.e Asians and Jews operate economically first within their respective families and this is extended outwards to the rest of their respective groups.
      Moreover, I made absolutely no mention of skin color or race in my original comment above so I'm not sure your comment is address to me.

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому +1

      I agree, I added the skin colour part, because that is what I hear people refer to when talking about group economics. Asians have many different groups that do not interact with each other, as do Jews, and there are zionist as well as religious lines to consider also. The word family is an interesting word to use regarding group economics, as people in different "groups" use that word differently too. The Mafia for example.

    • @ckzckw
      @ckzckw 7 років тому +3

      The problem is a bunch of men and women that keep trying to force all the different groups to fake the brotherlyness.
      certain forein organisatins took money to say "no slavery in sudan" and to this day just a couple of weeks back still slandering Malcolm X. All the while trying to export a USA victim hood woe is me pity party mindset that has them verging on back to 1930.
      We have covert jihadis practicing Muruna because men and women keep tryign to force fake brotherlyness on everyone. Then they wonder why Asians are doing okay never mind the economic jihadis told you their allegiance is to another culture and its mindset, 'but we are one'
      I swear some people think this is Lion King 2 theatre production.
      Church goers get ostracised by rude people because they are mid way through an interested book with new info for them ergo most of the IT literate, business admin and accounting literate talent pool.
      Rastas polite and hospitable and the selfish groups take advantage. Then you have the judgemental infamous afrocentricst group that everyone knows that just judges everyone for things they imagined based on absolutely 0.
      I rather all the different communities committed to a code of conduct with each other, plus shared their major event dates so no more 2/3 events on the same date. And everyone do their thing. But we know that won't happen not when others are only in it for the show.

    • @sannhall3887
      @sannhall3887 7 років тому

      ckzclw...i live in the usa the state of indiana. one thang for sure we as in people of color do not work well together as other races which is a sad thing. i worked at k-marts before they kinda got overtaken by wal-marts. and they would do as you have just stated. we would run our ads for all the little town i live in to share the revenue with each of the other stores like a hills store etc. all were able to share in the profit because it was made conducive for each to survive.
      k-mart would have certain days to gather all the wealth and than step back so the other stores could have their turn in the market. but black people everywhere you do yourself no favor pretending that race is not always a factor of whom exceed, and for how long they will allow you to be a part of getting the largest fish.
      we can go all over the world and find this is happening to people of color and than we want to say we're the problem because we did not cross our t's and dot our i's!!!
      there are people who control every part of our lives and for us to blame ourselves as others do is crazzzzzy. one must ask how do the gov't continue to feel okay without any shame, to bail out corporations? how do white people, and others, except blacks get loans to open a business to build them selves into buildings and not stands on the side of the road? the mindset of a good ole black person is to blame themselves first and hope they will be rewarded by those who hold us down!
      there is not another race of people who hate themselves like people of color, they all get alone to handle their business. we will help others hold us down because we have a mind set like no other. i wanted to get close to africans and they pushed me away talking about blacks in america was lazy etc. using that same narrative that whites has spin about us. white people will always win because their concept is to support those who look like them. we will always lose because we are still doing the divide and hold each other down!! when one crab try to get out of the basket, the the others pull them back and never work as a group for all to get out. if you do not love yourself, my black people, the most beautiful, talented, smartest creative, wise and much more to celebrate your many gifts... no matter what corner of the world we come from...who will?
      before you continue to find fault within oneself, seek a deeper reason as to why others can soar to the top with little or no skills and we continue at the bottom with a world-wide gifts of blessings god has given...find that out first and than we can move on to tear down those blocks that have been placed there for generations...look deep past the surface and stop helping others hold us down...look up and lets get started to conquer the wealth that god intended for us to share in also, and stop thinking we should feel bad about making sure we get what belong to us as others!!!! i promise you this, whites have no shame or blame for their race in making sure they steal, kill, and destroy those in their way from making a rich life for them and their children!! the hype is you blacks should be shame of yourselves for asking for hand outs, while the gov't makes sure that keep it for the wealthy, and corporations...whew! take what part is ours by force, using our skills and changing our guilty mind-sets!!! i do not respond to the hateful trolls who comment because you're non-matter of factor to me, plus this is only for my people!! i buy nothing you are selling or believe what you're telling.

  • @jamescrossdale6659
    @jamescrossdale6659 6 років тому +1

    gawn king

  • @McSliksOnline
    @McSliksOnline 7 років тому +3

    Welcome 2 Agenda21 - The Rich Vs The Poor

  • @Isleofskye
    @Isleofskye 6 років тому +1

    In South East London the whites used to, for example,love Kennedys Sausages which had 26 branches and opened nearly 100 years before but they were forced to close as Caribbeans moved in who, understandably, had their OWN Culture.No consolation to Whites who eventually saw that nearly all the stores catering to THEIR Culture have closed as their custom base was going or gone altogether, so there was nothing left for whites so they took "White Flight"..

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  6 років тому +1

      Isleofskye. When I moved to Brixton in mid 70's I remember white people used to complain about the changing face of the area. Now I'm doing the same... I know how they felt. I don't supose the new influx of people care, just like we didn't care. Thanks for the info.

    • @Isleofskye
      @Isleofskye 6 років тому +1

      Thanks, my friend. I lived just 3 miles from Brixton and Peckham and in 1965 * ( approximately ) a Black Guy walked down The Walworth Road and was pointed out by the adults I was with, such was the rarity. More recently it has been the other way round so it is fascinating to re-visit my beloved South-East London and see how Lewisham/Deptford/Kidbrooke/Peckham/Camberwell and Brixton are changing to name a few places.
      Good Luck :)

  • @AmenIamHotepRA
    @AmenIamHotepRA 7 років тому +5

    *"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."* Albert Einstein
    *What we need to create is a "National Black Economic Development Fund," backed by one million employed Black Americans (or Brits); to generate capital to fund new Black businesses and other socioeconomic programs without remuneration!* #EconomicSelfSacrefice
    *Just imagine If we had 1 million employed Blacks pledging $1.25 towards creating capital to fund new Black businesses and each funded business, in return, pledges $50 a week. Just imaging the type of exponential economic success we'll be able to have, when 1 million Black businesses are contributing $50 to $100 towards funding even more Black businesses etc.*
    *The only solution against white supremacy racism, is the invariable practice of True Black Group Economics:*
    *One million Blacks for Economic Empowerment (2.5% of the current Black population)*
    First layer: *one million employed blacks pledging $1.25 a week to create Capital to fund new and existing black businesses in every State. 20,000 employed blacks per State is all that's needed to begin.*
    Second layer: *all funded black businesses donate $100 a week to generate more Capital to fund larger manufacturing companies, provide transport, create our own sport leagues, vocational schools, health centers, livestock, farms, whole food stores, bakeries, farmers markets, groceries, delis, even medical marijuana grow operation, credit unions, gas stations, import and export, etc. etc.*
    Third layer: *politics, take total control of city (or State) government where we have the majority population*

    • @JuanRomero
      @JuanRomero 7 років тому +1

      All this does is provoke racism. Let's not bring Brixton back to its terrible 90's.

    • @sannhall3887
      @sannhall3887 7 років тому +2

      why would you say that changing our mindset would cause racism...joe we are not listening to your theory anymore, it has not worked for us. if we can help white people keep shoes on their children's feet, and a nice large home in the berbs, certainly it's time to make sure we get the same by keeping our money in our hood and stop bringing it to yours!!!

    • @cband1909
      @cband1909 7 років тому +1

      +sann hall lol...So true well said

    • @JuanRomero
      @JuanRomero 7 років тому

      sann hall because that's exactly how you create shit holes like the ghettos of Chicago. Change your mindset for the good of your people, for the good of your community, and the good of your country. Don't help promote gangs and don't help promote racism.

  • @F4TiMA.
    @F4TiMA. 5 років тому


  • @grahamt5924
    @grahamt5924 5 років тому +1

    I came to uk in 1994 and in those days you could get cheap accomodation all over london. Roll forward to today and 10million migrants later and the pressure on housing is now immense. Poor areas where going to be purchased due to lack of choice and those that are now truly poor need to leave those areas. Why do you think the white working class overwhelmingly voted brexit?
    What i couldnt understand is why Londoners did not vote brexit? . I am a foreigner but still had the sense to realize that more migrants coming in would only exasperate the problem
    Homelessness is rising accross England and if migration increases so will tension as there is now not enough housing for everyone.
    Those that own property benefit from this but they tend but not the poor.

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  5 років тому +1

      If you get rid of all the immigrants in London, there would still be housing crisis. Cheap accomodation is not being built. In fact cheap accomodation is being bulldozed in place of High rent accomodation. Londoners didn't vote Brexit, because Londoners understand the trick, that is being put across. London is being sold off to the rich, and all those working class people, who reminisc about the so-called "good old days", still won't be able to get accomodation here after Brexit. Europe may be corrupt, but you wait till Parliament runs things with no holds barred. We'll be back to the days of Upstair-Downstairs in next to no time, where servant had no rights, and existed only to serve the rich, and those that run parliament.

    • @grahamt5924
      @grahamt5924 5 років тому

      @@jetblakink I disagree with your assessment. If all migrants left London (Distribution of foreign-born population, 2017. In 2017 nearly 1.5 million foreign-born people were living in Inner London and nearly 1.9 million were living in Outer London.), there would be a property crash in London. This would affect other areas and because the economy is tied to property prices, there would be a recession. Do you think my assessment is incorrect.
      I arrived in London in 1994. This happened to be just at the end of a five year recession and the lifestyle in London was far easier than it is now. Property was cheap. A 4 bedroom house in Maida Vale London overlooking Lords court cricket ground cost £70 000. I worked as a waiter in those days and could earn £500- £700 a week. I stupidly turned down a mortgage on this property. I never imagined the meteoric rise in property that was to happen in London. Very few did. Housing depends on new people wanting this property. Only a property shortage, can produce these prices. Supply and demand is key to prices as people will, due to shear desperation spend more and more of their salary on this basic need.
      I hope the British Parliament turns out to be better than your assessment, Time will tell. I cant imagine us really going back to the upstairs downstairs days, but it would be good to get back to the days when an average job, could afford the basics of a decent home. I live near Cambridge now. The poor are being priced out and it is only going to get worse as the tech firms continue their expansions.
      Those cheap houses being bulldozed where way out of the price range of the poor. They where also not the type of property that the wealthy wanted to live in. This means that they will be pulled down, so that once redeveloped they become desirable to the current market clientele. Simple market economics. Painful for those communities pulled apart by this development, as the new properties are not for them(really adds salt to the wounds as they are turfed out).
      Life is a competition for resources and there will always be looser's with our present system. I just can't think of a better model than our current one, sad as that sounds.

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  5 років тому

      @Graham, I half hope for everyone's sake that I am wrong with my prediction, because that romantic notion of the "good old days" that Brexit voters are pinning their hopes on, weren't good at all. As for Parliament, they want to trash basic Human Rights for your average poor person, but the EU stopped them. Wait till the shackles are off. It'll be zero hours employment, with no sick pay for those living in servant quarters in rich peoples houses in affluent areas, and no one will be able to do anything about it.

    • @grahamt5924
      @grahamt5924 5 років тому

      @@jetblakink Workers depend on supply and demand. If there is excess demand for your hours, that rate goes up, if there are too many workers chasing too few jobs then wages go down. It is going to depend on the market after Brexit.
      I agree the rich are never interested in the plight of the poor. They live in a world where they enjoy the status quo think everything is fair and are therefore not willing to change. They think they deserve everything they have(and in a lot of cases they have worked extraordinarily hard) and if they employ staff(who willing applied for the job) who struggle on the meager income, they do not feel pity, in fact they feel they are doing the person a service. My point is they are never going to change.
      The rich do understand that their lives improve by having more people around. Wages go down due to competition and the price of everything goes up, due to competition. I will give an example from history that illustrates my point- When the Black Death swept over Europe and wiped out a third of its population, it also dismantled Feudalism. Serfs were free to leave the lands of the lords to seek higher wages with the vast labour shortages. The land that had usually been the primary source of wealth was now worthless://
      The EU has created a system where labor can move freely. This labor has congregated in wealthy countries and ironically this has made those countries wealthier still as their economies have expanded. The people that have paid the price of this are the working classes. They have had an endless stream of semi skilled workers to compete against. It does not benefit the working classes to have competition increase thus wages falling, whilst all the time commodities and housing increase in price due to ever increasing shortages. If you want to get back to the days of Upstairs Downstairs all you need to do is have a steady stream of unskilled workers entering the UK.
      You cannot however, uplift the poor by pulling down the rich. We need the rich, the trail blazers, etc. The government only needs to create an environment of equal opportunity. This can be done through free education and easy access to financial instruments such as loans at low interest rates. When education is free, unskilled people( that have ambition) can access skills that their time more marketable. If everyone has the opportunity to borrow money to start business, the economy can expand.
      For a society to thrive politicians need to be creating laws that benefit everyone and not just the wealthy. I do think that we have some politicians who are good like this in the UK. There may be some corruption but it is not awful here. It is not socially acceptable in the UK for a politician who has been charged with corruption to stay in office and there is certainly not a culture of corruption amongst politicians in England.
      As for people in the UK not being able to do anything about. That again I doubt. If the average English man got to the point of disliking their government and started to protest, the government would fall. No government can stand that long if they are not supported by the people and this country is no exception. The guys in this country are a volatile bunch if they become disgruntled. I think the climate has something to do with it.

  • @debradeesimmons2663
    @debradeesimmons2663 6 років тому +1

    Same thing happening in the United States. Everything he's talking about sounds very familiar. 😡.

  • @madedigital
    @madedigital 7 років тому +2

    Its a shame ...brixton is no more. big up ratchet

  • @ckzckw
    @ckzckw 7 років тому +9

    No excuses why did these people who been there so much not join their councils. I am tired of this constant whinning. You like to talk in front of the TV but you won't sit in the council you won't run for council seats then complain that you had no say.
    Please jetblakink start a petition or something that at least has the council putting up large signs that say business as usual shops and market open with arrows.
    The reason these things happen is most of our community leaders think their way or the high way. I have been to community groups and the ego over nothing is ludicrous. At this stage all I see is someone likely 25 years older than me who has experienced the same thing at different levels or seen it happen in other ares and done nothing about it.
    Soon as that starbucks opened ALL the local businesses should have created an association. And before that they should have already had a local businesses association with a representativ on the council.
    All these business need to petition the council for swift action to put up banners advertising the shops and market as still open, with cartoon image of people walking into the shops or market. And get compensation for business rates when they are so blatantly causing a reduction in business flow. If councils had to move telephone boxes away from shop doors then they can lower your rates too.

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому

      ckzckw... Yep you said it, and we all know it's true; but in truth it seems to me that people aren't even whinning, they are just reacting to us coming around with a camera. Brixton was there for the taking, and is being took as we speak! When Rashid stood for Greens in the Election against Labour who seem to be behind what is happening to the traders in the area, most local people didn't seem to even know anything, or didn't seem to care.

    • @ckzckw
      @ckzckw 7 років тому +1

      I get so upset when I see this. Why did Rashid not campaign more publicly. A set of leaflets through the door, people do read them just picking key points that matter to people and have a direct effect on them or their children. The best campaining is talking to people, if people didn't know then the problem was Communication.
      So they need to address it, I mean I know people aren't going to go to many meetings but.... that doesn't stop the Green Party from going to the people. Like seriously if people didn't know, then you know the Greens didn't do enough to be heard.
      They could win tons of votes on fracking policy alone but their campainging strategy is subpar. Plus the Greens have lost many supporters when you discuss migration with them they try to force people to go for this mass immigration of others. When will they learn to accept that people have heard their case for this global citizen agenda and are frankly not interested.
      I will never understand why so certain groups think it's okay for the country to continue on the same path even though they know it is causing problems. Tired of this abused child wanting to abuse others mentality. They need to have a published paper newspaper that is concise - the socialist party has one I have never seen a green party member giving one out anywhere.
      If you ever get in touch with him again, please send him feedback. This was a good cover but he didn't mention what changes he and the Green Party want to see made, how soon they ought to be made and what they as a Green Party would do differently. I've also seen him in other talks, I love uncles' humbleness but let him know we need him to remind us what changes he would see made and why they would be better.

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому

      I don't know how more publicly Rashid could have campaigned. I mean he was on street; he held hustings; he was on radio; we went to colleges; community meetings; social events, he put out videos... The Greens are just a group of people who are fleshing out what they stand for, but their main stance is the environment. They don't have all the answers, but then none of the Parties do. I don't believe it is possible to agree with everything a political party stands for, however, if you want to make a change, or a stance in your locality, then you have to engage politics in some shape or form.

    • @ckzckw
      @ckzckw 7 років тому +1

      Bonjour! :) YES The only solution is getting involved, I do wonder how sincere the Greens are about the environment though because if they truly wanted that change to happen with environment being a priority then they'd work out some kind of compromise. On the issues that are preventing them getting more seats. It's the same everywhere people don't get involved but they have time always amazes me when adults who know what they can do to make changes but don't follow through. I think sometimes it's about asking the right questions, I mean if people didn't know then find out where they get their info from we did that in a group I volunteer with and the change was enormous.
      Anyways they may stand a better chance going forward afterall we all get to improve on the past. Keep up the good works Jetblakink.

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому +4

      I can't answer whether the Greens are sincere, what I do feel about them though, is that they expect to NOT win. They seem happy to just run in elections and come second or third; they lack the vigor to fight a good fight, and go above and beyond.
      I followed Rashid on his campaign and went to plenty meetings where we'd be the only two black people there. Because of this, the Greens seem to have absolutely no idea how, or any kind of strategy for that matter, to reach out to black people, or people who are what they see as out of their demographic.
      The idea that Greens are tree-hugging hippies, or nowadays, thirtysomething white hipsters with disposable cash, is what I believe is holding them back, and the Greens do absolutely NOTHING to breakdown that stereotype, and let the public know who and what they really are.
      Thanks for your comments, it's hard to get constructive comments so I appreciate everything you have said, and no doubt Rashid will read them too.

  • @vidaquantica5114
    @vidaquantica5114 6 років тому

    serious and sad tin man. I wish I were there. Positive vibrations and resitance. Send me tracks name please broda.

    • @MsDarkvision
      @MsDarkvision 6 років тому

      jehru the damaja- the prophet

  • @jamiegregory2912
    @jamiegregory2912 6 років тому

    whats that jeru the damaja track?

  • @hermonbrowne5217
    @hermonbrowne5217 7 років тому +3

    its all right pointing it all out you must take action too much sitting about and talking if we dont put our money together to buy well death

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому

      This is happening across London, and the old old 1970's-80's residents of Brixton were too complacent and failed to see the signs, which meant they failed to take appropriate action when election time came around, and are now suffering the consequences. The majority of the residents, and particularly Black folk, traditionally vote Labour, and hence Labour took their vote and position for granted. This video is really a warning and an attempt to wake up those sleep-walkers in surrounding areas who might be next; Brixton is basically done.

    • @hermonbrowne5217
      @hermonbrowne5217 7 років тому

      yes yes i hear what your saying man well if we want to do something we need group economics now 20000 of us with 100 quid will buy out nuff tingz u see mi

    • @hermonbrowne5217
      @hermonbrowne5217 7 років тому +1


    • @hermonbrowne5217
      @hermonbrowne5217 7 років тому +1

      Its hard to wake the living dead fam

    @NRWFISHER 6 років тому

    Calvin Harris @2.50

  • @sosaruhinda4160
    @sosaruhinda4160 6 років тому

    we1fare is f0r the square mi1e i.e city 0f 10nd0n

  • @ishmealoj
    @ishmealoj 7 років тому

    why are so many people who are opposed to development nevertheless in favour of "redevelopment"??

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому

      Profit margin!

    • @ishmealoj
      @ishmealoj 7 років тому

      maybe, but i was thinking in the lines of development...this involves decisions made in the market by large numbers of people in the general population, in their own personal interests, while redevelopment involves taking decisions out of the hands of the population at large and putting the power to make those decisions in the hands of elites

    • @ishmealoj
      @ishmealoj 7 років тому +1

      people also forget that developers who build housing to sell to the public are the focus of many denunciations by elites in south london areas, hackney as well...but developers would not even exist if there were not vastly larger numbers of people ready to buy or rent what they build

  • @c.things1624
    @c.things1624 7 років тому +6

    Learn from your mistakes Brixton was never yours....

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому +3

      Tell that to the Chinese in China town

    • @c.things1624
      @c.things1624 7 років тому +2

      The name speak for itself China Town...

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому +3

      China Town is not the original name of the area; That is the name it becomes based upon the people who practice group economics, buy up property in en-mass, then decide that this area is now mine!

    • @c.things1624
      @c.things1624 7 років тому +3

      Exactly buying property...
      I will say it again Brixton was never Black people's area just a place where Black people lived...

    • @jetblakink
      @jetblakink  7 років тому +4

      Wrong again; Black people bought property in Brixton en-masse in the 60's and 70's. They began to cash-in on the housing price boom from Thatcher in the 1980s onwards. Some took the money and left to go back to the Caribbean to build their homes, most left and bought cheaper places in Norwood, and Croydon.

  • @redflag8970
    @redflag8970 6 років тому

    the residents of brixton didnt care about brixton an sed an abused it nevet tried to stop crime or spend money on there properties an know someone else is showing them how good it can be their not happy. u had your chance. an i from the area an i actually am not keen on the new people either