^^ Siemka , my opinion is that i admire that most of poles i know and my friends speak more than 2 languages,they are good workers and when you have a polish friend ,you have a awesome friendship,i talk from my experience ^^ pozdrowienia amig@s
I tell you what poles are good at: -art: my favourite painter of all time is mr. Beksiński; -writing: there are so many good polish writers; -music: I don't know if you know that, but the polish black metal scene is pretty good and my favourite band right now, Mgła, comes from there. For all these reasons, I fell in love with Poland, want to visit the country and learn the language. It will be hard, but I'll do that. ;)
I think polish people are some of the nicest people I’ve have met in my life! I find polish people are hardworking people, willing to do any jobs given to them and they have a great ability to survive through hardships whenever they face although with a little help from vodka! 😀
Germans too. We have 82 million national coaches and 82 million better chancellors. But maybe it is a European feature. And maybe that is why the EU designed that way... we can always complain at one another....
Allow me to preface my comment by saying that what impresses me most about the polish people is their resiliency. No historical details are necessary here. As to your question, “what are polish people good at ?” Answer: everything, so long as they have the mind to do it.
I have to agree, I have been very successful at navigating life even with dyslexia, I was raised in a Catholic family that gave me a focus an anchor in life. My name is Bialk
That's because polish, russian and sorbian a pretty similar. I for example speak sorbian (Obersorbisch) wich makes it really easy for me to understand and speak russian for example
@@krewetkashrimp The same sounds aren't always written with the same letters. For example, all the vowel sounds in Polish exist in French but some are written differently: "a", "e", (in French it's "è"), "i", "o", "u" / "ó" (in French it's the diphtong "ou"), "y" (in French it's "é"). The Polish sound "j" exists in French, so all the derived sounds like "aj", "uj" etc. exist in French, but are written like this: "aille", "ouille", etc. The Polish "sz", "cz" and "ż" exist in French, but "ś", "ć" and "ź" don't, or should I say they sound the same than first ones to French ears. The Polish "r" is different than in French, and the Polish "h" doesn't exist in French. The nasal sounds "ą" and "ę" kinda exist but are written with diphtongs: "on" and "in" / "ain" / "ein" (there are even more in French). The sound "ł" exists but written "w" or "ou". The Polish sound "ń" kinda exist through the diphtong "gn".
@@oscur_destal and how do you know so much about polish? You mentioned all the similar sounds perfectly. Are you learning polish or are you just interested in languages?
From my experience the guy at 1:51 is spot on. I have found polish people very hard working, autonomous and passionate about finding their own way. It puts the work ethic of lazy english people to shame :P
A Polish friend of mine who has worked in London for 16 years and always felt Polish people worked harder than most other nationalities recently went back to Warsaw. He got a job as a manager of a restaurant and he was shocked at how lazy young Polish people were there. It might turn out that the work ethic of the Poles was greatly influenced by the fight for self-determination, and the younger generation might not be so driven. This isn't to put down the Poles, whom I'm very fond of as a nation. More human nature.
@@LambentIchor yeh that sounds about right. In an age where the break of the soviet union was only a recent memory and the liberties of free movement and new opportunity was a new luxury, and knowledge of the struggles and hardship of the countries history, all of this stuff would certainly give the Poles a hell of a back bone and a drive to succeed. But this was a while ago now, and young poles growing up in the 00's onwards probably experienced similar luxuries to the youth of America and UK... I guess we will see this on a worldwide scale in the future
@@LambentIchor As a young person from Poland, I think we are a bit fed up with sacrificing everything for work. We've seen our parents doing extra hours the whole week also, as we say, "taking the work home" for weekends, and I don't think we want to live this kind of life. Aside from that, many of us are a bit lost in life and this raises motivation issues.
@@CementaryCake I actually agree with you about sacrificing everything for your job. I think that is a real problem when your identity is based around the job you do. Employers will often squeeze as much out of you as they can, and getting you to work extra hours is one way. I think that in the case of my Polish friend it was more about taking wages but leaving the work to everyone else. He has a real sense of solidarity with his workmates, always helping when he can. But if someone shirks work it still has to be done. He was often left in the position of having to stay longer at work finishing up someone else's job because in hospitality you can't leave a mess for the people coming in in the morning. Even in the best work situation there will often be those who have no problem leaving all the work to you if you are the conscientious type.
Nasze polskie zlote rączki Moj tata i moi dziadkowie sa pomyslowi jak Macgyver. Potrafia zrobic cos z niczego. Potrafi podłączyć piec hydrauliczny, napisac samochod, zbudować maszynę na własną potrzebę.. Jak ma się takie osoby w domu ma się tez w domu takie "przydasie" Nigdy nie wiadomo kiedy cos sie przyda. A potrafią wykorzystać cos w nietypowy sposób. Jestem osobą ze wsi i widze ze duzo osob zachowało takie dawne umiejętności i styl gospodarności. Robimy własne przetwory. Mamy takie powiedzenie przyjdzie zima i zapyta nas co robiliśmy w lecie.. Jestemy zaradni, niezależni i do tego dążymy. Może i za dużo kombinujemy czasami ale to dlatego że jesteśmy zdolni do tego aby zrobic cos samemu A nie podlegać tylko na pomocy innych. Wolimy sami cos naprawić niz wzywać kogoś specjalnie do tego. Wolimy zrobic swoje przetwory niz kupować sklepowe, bo wiemy ze nasze bedzie zdrowsze.
O czym Polacy są dobrzy? Pierwsza rzecz, która przychodzi do głowy, to języki obce. Polska wydaje mi się krajem spotkań, a moje jedyne doświadczenie w Polsce było we Wrocławiu, który zdecydowanie jest miastem spotkań. Wszystko było po polsku, po niemiecku, po angielsku. Może być to konieczne dla wielu Polaków, żeby pracować albo podróżować, ale to nie czyni tego mniej imponującym.
Do you polish people say ojeju as the girl with plaited hair says it 5:41? For a moment I thought i was hearing Tamil cause that’s how we say it when we are nervous or a little afraid. 😀
bowling ....being loud ....wife beating ....public drunkeness ..............being accidental comedians braggng about how great poland is , how great polish people are with all non poles ( human beings ) laffing at them
Cześć! You can make the video go slower. In the 3 points on the right top you click 'velocity playback' and you can follow better the subtitles. Actually I watched the video with x 0.75. Sometimes I have to use 0.50 Hope it helps.
Funny how you used English, a language with very inconsistent pronounciation rules, to express that. Would it be really that easier for a foreigner to read a Polish written as: křyvopřyśęstvo stanovi přestępstvo skierovane přecivko vymiarovi spraviedlivośći, polegające na zeznavaniu niepravdy lub zatajaniu pravdy przy skĺadaniu zeznań mających służyć za dovód w postępovaniu sądowym?
@@projetor.m.2353 No, I just gave you an example of Polish written using Czech diacritics instead of Polish digraphs. Was it easier forbyou? I hope you're aware that the supposedly easier Czech writing system utilizes 42 letters, whereas contemporary Polish only 32? Czech has 40 phonemes, while Polish 'only' 39, however the latter has more consonants, 31, which is a mouthful regadless of which writing system you're going to use. As regards Slovenian, it only has 21 consonants. This language's phonology is much simpler than that of Polish or Czech, thus Slovenes are able to make do with only 25 letters... and then have to deal with loads of homonyms. Where they say kopati to mean either 'dig' or 'bathe', we say kopać for the former and kąpać for the latter; two different words, with two different spellings and two different pronounciations.
Zależy od kontekstu, także nie pierdziel Waćpani. Pisze się np. „Statua Wolności znajduje się za granicą”. Puknij się w głowę, zanim szkolisz kompletnymi farmazonami cudzoziemców uczących się naszego trudnego języka. Żenujące.
@@Gr3goriusFaktycznie Twój komentarz jest bardzo żenujący i obcokrajowcy go czytający raczej nie będą mieli dobrego zdania o Polakach. No, ale może zależy Ci na utrwalaniu stereotypu bluzgającego Polaka - cebulaka.
Zależy głównie od kontekstu zdania i jakiej formy używamy. Czy przyimkowej, czy zwykłego rzeczownika. Zagranica, zagranicą (np. Rozmawiam z zagranicą.) - typowe rzeczowniki. Za granicą (np. Mieszkam za granicą.) - wyrażenie przyimkowe zbudowane z rzeczownika i przyimka. Używamy tego raczej intuicyjnie.
I don't have good memories of Poland. I came to Warsaw once but I found people very cold, not willing to meet newcomers, sometimes rude. Further I don't like the way they are behaving in Europe: they take money but don't do anything in exchange. If you don't share the European principles, you can quit. No problem.
I don't know from which country you are from and I think it would be nice if you would tell that in the comment criticising other nationality. For me the Western Europeans are cold (even from the South). According to the politics: yes, our governement is populistic right now and it's not good. According to taking money: there are many nations only taking money from Europe Italians, Greeks, Spanish people and maybe you should get to know more history of Poland: Poland occupied for many, many years by Germany, Austria and Russia gained the independence for 20 years and then was totally destroyed by Germans (look at the pics of Warsaw for example) who murdered many well-educated Poles, aristocrats and the huge and important part of our multicultural society: Jewish people who escaped in the middle ages to Poland from the Western Europe because there people were killing them and they were also a very important in developing our country. After that Russians were destroying our culture and society (communists didn't have enought percents to gain Poland but the Western world allowed Stalin to take Poland). It the 80's Poland was a country that started the libertion from communism in Europe which ended the cold war. Are you still surprised why Europe gave us so much money? In spite of that, populist politics now in Poland are awful and we are protesting a lot. The way Polish people behave is a typicall Eastern way and maybe that's why you didn't understand as I don't understand Western mentality (I was living in France, Spain and also travelling a lot around many countries of Europe).
Hello Kamilla. I expressed my point of view. I didn't feel at home in Poland and dont have good memories. I'm Italian so you dont have to give me the lesson of what happened in all Europe during 2WW. Further Italy sends a lot of money to Bruxelles and only a part of it comes back. But this is part of being part of a club. I'm deeply pro-European and for me the so called Visegrad's countries should freely quit the EU if they dont like the rules. We will survive!
Hi Bella. Politicians that represents Poland now was voted by old and very conservative anty-European people. Many Polish youths are angry because of that and they don't agree with what they say and do. Don't judge whole country by politics, because it's rarely the real "voice" of civils. We have many young people who wants Poland to be in European Union and respect the rules. Many people want the equal rights for everyone and more eco country. What our politicians do today is mainly ridicul us - they show us as closed and backward people - but it's not true. I think that not only Poland has this problem - whole world have some conservative politician that became more and more popular. About this cold - Italians are known as maybe the most easygoing and temperamental nation :) We are much more calm and indrawn as a society. Many people are taught that it's better not to speak with strangers. We haven't got the culture of chatting up with some new people on the street. Foreigners can make some friends in Poland of course, but it's not so easy, as in another countries. So to sum up - We don't like our politician behaviour in EU as well and we are colder than Italians for sure :) If you want make some friends in Poland it takes more time.
In 2035 Poland will be wealthier than France and the UK. But still your comment is irrelevant and I see that you're full of hate. If we British wouldn't leave our world war ally- Poland in hands of communism, Poland's economically would be much better in the present. I still find it extraordinary that Poland's economy is one of the fastest ones growing in the world- and that's due to the hard work of the poles. Warsaw has the most modern and tallest skyscrapers in Europe, and is expected to become European "New York. I as a british person, enjoy living and having my business here, in Poland.
Są bardzo mili! Kocham Polskę! Jestem portugalką i uczę się polskiego (mówię tylko trochę)
Nie bądź taka skromna - jesteś Portugalką.
@@KowalskyLeon nie, to jest prawda, jesteście bardzo miłymi ludźmi :D
życzę szczęścia! :)
@@putin6371 dziękuję bardzo! język Polski jest trudne, to prawda. hehe
Whenever I visited Poland (I always stayed with friends) I was overwhelmed by their friendliness, hospitality and generosity!!!!!
Polish sounds so nice 😍
I love Poland i have beautiful experience with travel to Poland. Greetings from Slovenia.
At least from my experience, polish people are the most fun and have a great sense of humor
Also really smart and like good at everything haha
^^ Siemka , my opinion is that i admire that most of poles i know and my friends speak more than 2 languages,they are good workers and when you have a polish friend ,you have a awesome friendship,i talk from my experience ^^ pozdrowienia amig@s
Siemka Francisco, great to hear you've made good Polish friends, hope they practice Polish with you! :D Pozdrowienia z Katowic ^^
That Polish self irony, amazing:))
I tell you what poles are good at:
-art: my favourite painter of all time is mr. Beksiński;
-writing: there are so many good polish writers;
-music: I don't know if you know that, but the polish black metal scene is pretty good and my favourite band right now, Mgła, comes from there.
For all these reasons, I fell in love with Poland, want to visit the country and learn the language. It will be hard, but I'll do that.
Yes, some great music from Poland, including mgla
I had a polish girlfriend and I think Poland is a beautiful country. I'm looking forward to visit or move to Poland. Greetings from Philippines
hiwalay na kayo o asawa mo na siya?
I think polish people are some of the nicest people I’ve have met in my life! I find polish people are hardworking people, willing to do any jobs given to them and they have a great ability to survive through hardships whenever they face although with a little help from vodka! 😀
Awwwww 🧡🧡🧡
We italians are also very good at complaining🇮🇹🇵🇱
Challenge accepted! 😁
Germans too. We have 82 million national coaches and 82 million better chancellors.
But maybe it is a European feature.
And maybe that is why the EU designed that way... we can always complain at one another....
you are champions in falling down on the floor pretending your knee is hurt when someone just blew air at you (soccer etc)
@@t.terone522 What? Isn't it rather an Italian thing?
Great poets. And masters of theater: Grotowski, Kantor.
Ich verstehe polnisch ganz wenig, aber die Polen sprechen schön)) Besonders Justina))
It is hard to learn it for German people?
@@FEINDKONTAKT. yeah, at least not so easy.
Like pronouncing chcieć even is not so easy and this is just one example.
@@karlheven8328 pronouncing may be intimidating but overall they're similar languages
Music!!! Polish children almost all learn how to play the piano because of Chopin! It’s like a basic skill haha
I was waiting for someone to mention him!
porodowki sa w fortepianach
LOL we are not Koreans or Japanese but it would be nice ;d
bardzo ciekawy i dobrze zrobiony odcinek :D
Allow me to preface my comment by saying that what impresses me most about the polish people is their resiliency. No historical details are necessary here. As to your question, “what are polish people good at ?” Answer: everything, so long as they have the mind to do it.
I have to agree, I have been very successful at navigating life even with dyslexia, I was raised in a Catholic family that gave me a focus an anchor in life. My name is Bialk
Jest dobrzy w chwalaniu. W znaleźnieniu pozytywną stronę rze
Opposite poles attract each other
Русская, никогда не учила польский, всё поняла, спасибо 👍🏻
That's because polish, russian and sorbian a pretty similar.
I for example speak sorbian (Obersorbisch) wich makes it really easy for me to understand and speak russian for example
If she had interviewed me i would probably get as red as the soviet flag
To jest naprawdę bardzo dobry drogę uczeć się poslkiego. Mówię trochę trochę.
In France we also say we're the best at complaining.
I have a question
If you hear polish language does that language have a similar sounds like in french? Sometimes?
@@krewetkashrimp There are similar sounds but also some sounds that exist in only one of these languages.
@@oscur_destal Understood, thank you for answer ☺
@@krewetkashrimp The same sounds aren't always written with the same letters. For example, all the vowel sounds in Polish exist in French but some are written differently: "a", "e", (in French it's "è"), "i", "o", "u" / "ó" (in French it's the diphtong "ou"), "y" (in French it's "é").
The Polish sound "j" exists in French, so all the derived sounds like "aj", "uj" etc. exist in French, but are written like this: "aille", "ouille", etc.
The Polish "sz", "cz" and "ż" exist in French, but "ś", "ć" and "ź" don't, or should I say they sound the same than first ones to French ears.
The Polish "r" is different than in French, and the Polish "h" doesn't exist in French.
The nasal sounds "ą" and "ę" kinda exist but are written with diphtongs: "on" and "in" / "ain" / "ein" (there are even more in French).
The sound "ł" exists but written "w" or "ou".
The Polish sound "ń" kinda exist through the diphtong "gn".
@@oscur_destal and how do you know so much about polish? You mentioned all the similar sounds perfectly. Are you learning polish or are you just interested in languages?
I was waiting for someone to mention The Witcher, lol
At least they didn't mention Cyberpunk :/
Creating good games
𝔥Į𝔦Tгά :3 well, I think the polish have impressed everyone with some of their games recently
I'm sure you mean legendary "Franko: The Crazy Revenge".
Do they have the word "ugly" in the Polish dictionary? Like all of them look good
W narzekaniu... kolejne podobieństwo do nas, Włochów 😁
From my experience the guy at 1:51 is spot on. I have found polish people very hard working, autonomous and passionate about finding their own way. It puts the work ethic of lazy english people to shame :P
A Polish friend of mine who has worked in London for 16 years and always felt Polish people worked harder than most other nationalities recently went back to Warsaw. He got a job as a manager of a restaurant and he was shocked at how lazy young Polish people were there. It might turn out that the work ethic of the Poles was greatly influenced by the fight for self-determination, and the younger generation might not be so driven. This isn't to put down the Poles, whom I'm very fond of as a nation. More human nature.
@@LambentIchor yeh that sounds about right. In an age where the break of the soviet union was only a recent memory and the liberties of free movement and new opportunity was a new luxury, and knowledge of the struggles and hardship of the countries history, all of this stuff would certainly give the Poles a hell of a back bone and a drive to succeed. But this was a while ago now, and young poles growing up in the 00's onwards probably experienced similar luxuries to the youth of America and UK... I guess we will see this on a worldwide scale in the future
@@LambentIchor As a young person from Poland, I think we are a bit fed up with sacrificing everything for work. We've seen our parents doing extra hours the whole week also, as we say, "taking the work home" for weekends, and I don't think we want to live this kind of life. Aside from that, many of us are a bit lost in life and this raises motivation issues.
@@CementaryCake I actually agree with you about sacrificing everything for your job. I think that is a real problem when your identity is based around the job you do. Employers will often squeeze as much out of you as they can, and getting you to work extra hours is one way.
I think that in the case of my Polish friend it was more about taking wages but leaving the work to everyone else. He has a real sense of solidarity with his workmates, always helping when he can. But if someone shirks work it still has to be done. He was often left in the position of having to stay longer at work finishing up someone else's job because in hospitality you can't leave a mess for the people coming in in the morning.
Even in the best work situation there will often be those who have no problem leaving all the work to you if you are the conscientious type.
could you please make more Easy Japanese.last one was long time ago.its fun and good for learning.
Nasze polskie zlote rączki
Moj tata i moi dziadkowie sa pomyslowi jak Macgyver. Potrafia zrobic cos z niczego. Potrafi podłączyć piec hydrauliczny, napisac samochod, zbudować maszynę na własną potrzebę..
Jak ma się takie osoby w domu ma się tez w domu takie "przydasie" Nigdy nie wiadomo kiedy cos sie przyda. A potrafią wykorzystać cos w nietypowy sposób.
Jestem osobą ze wsi i widze ze duzo osob zachowało takie dawne umiejętności i styl gospodarności. Robimy własne przetwory. Mamy takie powiedzenie przyjdzie zima i zapyta nas co robiliśmy w lecie..
Jestemy zaradni, niezależni i do tego dążymy. Może i za dużo kombinujemy czasami ale to dlatego że jesteśmy zdolni do tego aby zrobic cos samemu A nie podlegać tylko na pomocy innych. Wolimy sami cos naprawić niz wzywać kogoś specjalnie do tego. Wolimy zrobic swoje przetwory niz kupować sklepowe, bo wiemy ze nasze bedzie zdrowsze.
O czym Polacy są dobrzy? Pierwsza rzecz, która przychodzi do głowy, to języki obce. Polska wydaje mi się krajem spotkań, a moje jedyne doświadczenie w Polsce było we Wrocławiu, który zdecydowanie jest miastem spotkań. Wszystko było po polsku, po niemiecku, po angielsku. Może być to konieczne dla wielu Polaków, żeby pracować albo podróżować, ale to nie czyni tego mniej imponującym.
Do you polish people say ojeju as the girl with plaited hair says it 5:41? For a moment I thought i was hearing Tamil cause that’s how we say it when we are nervous or a little afraid. 😀
I think she said "o jezu"
We do :)
Yeah we speak ojeju sometimes. But it rather means you are surprised by someone's question and need a moment to think about an answer.
She said "o Jezu"- oh Jesus but we also say "ojeju" or "ojojoj" 😂
Matemaytka 👍👍👍
Poles are good at speaking Polish.
"Nie rozmawiam z ludźmi , którzy nie uczą się polskiego , bo ten Język polski jest bardzo piękny i brzmi dobrze dla kobiet mojego brata "
Polish people are great in solving problems in a pragmatic way.
0:00 Cześć, Justyna!
i think they're good at complicating language
Brawo dla 8:09, to ważne
Visit indonesia pleasee
I think most poles are very clean people
Polacy są świetni w tworzeniu treści na youtube do nauki polskiego.
bowling ....being loud ....wife beating ....public drunkeness ..............being accidental comedians braggng about how great poland is , how great polish people are with all non poles ( human beings ) laffing at them
Nie na Skiejpie tylko na Skyepie
Poland is truly a beautiful country, but why would you list Warsaw as a beautiful city?
lekcje na skejpie? :D
Tak! 😀 (and I swear I'm not the only one who pronounces Skype this way 😛)
Please you make video to share Polish language but you speak very very quickly please slow your speech I want to follow the subtitles Drzękoję
Are you trying to say thank you?
Cześć! You can make the video go slower. In the 3 points on the right top you click 'velocity playback' and you can follow better the subtitles. Actually I watched the video with x 0.75. Sometimes I have to use 0.50
Hope it helps.
For "abroad", understand = England
Znam bardzo piękny klip ua-cam.com/video/XcQdJyo1B-8/v-deo.html. Polacy są dobrzy w rap i ironię! Witam z Ukrainy ❤️
I don't know, but polish could adopt an easier writing system, like Czech and Slovene, I try to read what people are saying, but I definitely can't.
Polish writing system is quite simple and logical ;)
@@kacpersuski4459 Only for a person who was raised with it. It's nothing simple, and it could be better.
Funny how you used English, a language with very inconsistent pronounciation rules, to express that. Would it be really that easier for a foreigner to read a Polish written as: křyvopřyśęstvo stanovi přestępstvo skierovane přecivko vymiarovi spraviedlivośći, polegające na zeznavaniu niepravdy lub zatajaniu pravdy przy skĺadaniu zeznań mających służyć za dovód w postępovaniu sądowym?
@@SzalonyKucharz LOL, is this a joke? It's easy because you were raised using it.
@@projetor.m.2353 No, I just gave you an example of Polish written using Czech diacritics instead of Polish digraphs. Was it easier forbyou?
I hope you're aware that the supposedly easier Czech writing system utilizes 42 letters, whereas contemporary Polish only 32? Czech has 40 phonemes, while Polish 'only' 39, however the latter has more consonants, 31, which is a mouthful regadless of which writing system you're going to use. As regards Slovenian, it only has 21 consonants. This language's phonology is much simpler than that of Polish or Czech, thus Slovenes are able to make do with only 25 letters... and then have to deal with loads of homonyms. Where they say kopati to mean either 'dig' or 'bathe', we say kopać for the former and kąpać for the latter; two different words, with two different spellings and two different pronounciations.
To hole flags high up.
Pole dancing.
,,Zagranicą", nie ,,za granicą". Tak, wiem, że to dziwne, ale to ta pierwsza wersja jest poprawna :p
Zależy od kontekstu, także nie pierdziel Waćpani. Pisze się np. „Statua Wolności znajduje się za granicą”. Puknij się w głowę, zanim szkolisz kompletnymi farmazonami cudzoziemców uczących się naszego trudnego języka. Żenujące.
@@Gr3goriusFaktycznie Twój komentarz jest bardzo żenujący i obcokrajowcy go czytający raczej nie będą mieli dobrego zdania o Polakach. No, ale może zależy Ci na utrwalaniu stereotypu bluzgającego Polaka - cebulaka.
@@Gr3gorius masz racje do za granica lub zagranica ale twoj slownik jest nie do przyjecia. chyba tylko w oberzy
Zależy głównie od kontekstu zdania i jakiej formy używamy. Czy przyimkowej, czy zwykłego rzeczownika.
Zagranica, zagranicą (np. Rozmawiam z zagranicą.) - typowe rzeczowniki.
Za granicą (np. Mieszkam za granicą.) - wyrażenie przyimkowe zbudowane z rzeczownika i przyimka.
Używamy tego raczej intuicyjnie.
Chchiałbym mieszkać w Polsce
Its rather fast...more slower please....
I don't have good memories of Poland. I came to Warsaw once but I found people very cold, not willing to meet newcomers, sometimes rude. Further I don't like the way they are behaving in Europe: they take money but don't do anything in exchange. If you don't share the European principles, you can quit. No problem.
I don't know from which country you are from and I think it would be nice if you would tell that in the comment criticising other nationality. For me the Western Europeans are cold (even from the South). According to the politics: yes, our governement is populistic right now and it's not good. According to taking money: there are many nations only taking money from Europe Italians, Greeks, Spanish people and maybe you should get to know more history of Poland: Poland occupied for many, many years by Germany, Austria and Russia gained the independence for 20 years and then was totally destroyed by Germans (look at the pics of Warsaw for example) who murdered many well-educated Poles, aristocrats and the huge and important part of our multicultural society: Jewish people who escaped in the middle ages to Poland from the Western Europe because there people were killing them and they were also a very important in developing our country. After that Russians were destroying our culture and society (communists didn't have enought percents to gain Poland but the Western world allowed Stalin to take Poland). It the 80's Poland was a country that started the libertion from communism in Europe which ended the cold war. Are you still surprised why Europe gave us so much money? In spite of that, populist politics now in Poland are awful and we are protesting a lot. The way Polish people behave is a typicall Eastern way and maybe that's why you didn't understand as I don't understand Western mentality (I was living in France, Spain and also travelling a lot around many countries of Europe).
Hello Kamilla. I expressed my point of view. I didn't feel at home in Poland and dont have good memories. I'm Italian so you dont have to give me the lesson of what happened in all Europe during 2WW. Further Italy sends a lot of money to Bruxelles and only a part of it comes back. But this is part of being part of a club. I'm deeply pro-European and for me the so called Visegrad's countries should freely quit the EU if they dont like the rules. We will survive!
Hi Bella. Politicians that represents Poland now was voted by old and very conservative anty-European people. Many Polish youths are angry because of that and they don't agree with what they say and do. Don't judge whole country by politics, because it's rarely the real "voice" of civils. We have many young people who wants Poland to be in European Union and respect the rules. Many people want the equal rights for everyone and more eco country. What our politicians do today is mainly ridicul us - they show us as closed and backward people - but it's not true. I think that not only Poland has this problem - whole world have some conservative politician that became more and more popular. About this cold - Italians are known as maybe the most easygoing and temperamental nation :) We are much more calm and indrawn as a society. Many people are taught that it's better not to speak with strangers. We haven't got the culture of chatting up with some new people on the street. Foreigners can make some friends in Poland of course, but it's not so easy, as in another countries. So to sum up - We don't like our politician behaviour in EU as well and we are colder than Italians for sure :) If you want make some friends in Poland it takes more time.
being invaded by Germany and Russia?
Romania, Ukraine, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Czechia, Sweden, Italy... so many migrants rn
@@leonogo8676 yes, too many kurrwas.
Cheap labor for Europe
In 2035 Poland will be wealthier than France and the UK. But still your comment is irrelevant and I see that you're full of hate. If we British wouldn't leave our world war ally- Poland in hands of communism, Poland's economically would be much better in the present. I still find it extraordinary that Poland's economy is one of the fastest ones growing in the world- and that's due to the hard work of the poles. Warsaw has the most modern and tallest skyscrapers in Europe, and is expected to become European "New York. I as a british person, enjoy living and having my business here, in Poland.
@@matthew5556 bu hahahahaha ))) poe bana kurrrwa )))
@@matthew5556 Poland lives thanks to life support provided by Germany. Poland is a corpse with no economy.
@Edgar J Rimkus to jest coś, A Anglicy w czyM? , chyba w niczym
They are good at antisemitism
In wet Jewish nationalists who constantly seek true or imagined "enemy" dreams maybe.
@@damiank1800 is Stepan Bandera the hero of Poland?
Excuse me?
I have some*
Władysław Szpilman does not agree with you.