@@greybushMEproductionsdo you know this guy? You know what he does in israel? You obviously don't because if you did, you wouldn't say it's all for youtube content... he believes in what he does and so am I.
@@ElectricMusic21 uh...okay. But no, he does this for the content. He's not stupid enough to believe having conversations with people in the US will bring peace to the Middle East. Maybe you think he's that stupid. I guess I respect him more than you do!
@@greybushMEproductions I don't think it's stupid to talk with people about what's important. Maybe you think that an average young American is not relevant, but they are the future of America, if you like it not. They will be one day a part of the congress, and they will make the huge decisions. Well that's my opinion about this. I don't think you respect him that much if you think this guy just cares for his views.
Rudy, youre a remarkable individual. I have learned so much about this conflict by watching your videos. Asking God to heal you from the traumas you witnessed. Much love from Canada ❤
Harsh truth is this: There is no such thing as Palestine or Palestinians, only Levantine Arabs and most with Muslim brotherhood leanings with intent to create a Muslim Arab superstate caliphate. Some minorities may be allowed to stay within the desired caliphate but only within a low caste dimmi system, many would be ethnically cleansed. The Muslim brotherhood ideology emerged in the aftermath of the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire with the 1916/1917 Arab revolt Arabs. It is alive within the whole region as it ever was. This is why there was such glee on October 7th massacre by the terrorists and celebrators of the region. The whole world needs to tackle this problem directly. However, with unilateral organisations like the UN enabling and funding them, it is impossible. Dismantle the UN and start again.
As Golda Meir said, there is no such thing; there are only Arabs. This is why they refused any compromise or possibility of a two-state solution. They told themselves that this way they could win in both worlds: gaining rights as citizens in the State of Israel, surrounding Jewish settlements with Arab settlements, excluding Jews from Jewish settlements in the area, and of course, not allowing Jews to settle in their villages. They receive many benefits and have 6-10 children per family, so their population grows from both sides. On the other hand, they are in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, demanding all the land. Fortunately for the Jews, there are the Haredim and the religious who have many children and prevent a significant demographic change.
but this ideology is a minority view and a extermist one at that should i also believe that the harsh truth is isreal wants to conquer lebnon and all of jordan and syria and part of saudi arabia ?
Yep islam is a biiig part of the problem. Just read their texts and look at the “perfect example” of a man. Mohammed. To be aspired to. He 7 oktobered through life and the jews of medina
Your statement oversimplifies a complex issue. Palestinians have a distinct cultural and historical identity that has evolved over centuries, and the term "Palestine" dates back to ancient times. They are not a monolithic group with a single political agenda. The claim that Palestinians aim to create a Muslim Arab superstate caliphate misrepresents the diverse political aspirations among them. The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928, does not represent all Palestinians or Arabs. Moreover, the characterization of the October 7th incident and the role of the UN is unfair. Many Palestinians and Arabs condemn violence and seek peaceful solutions.
It’s great that you personally love Jews! But that goes against what the Quran teaches. “Don’t take Jews and Christians as your friends or allies…”. The ‘prophet’ of Islam wasn’t keen on Jews before he died either. Isn’t Mohammed your role-model?
my mother is Jewish, and my father is Palestinian. the first time I ever met him, he gave me a rosary - really! there are about 80,000-ish Palestinian Catholics out there - and told me not to be Jewish anymore because Jews are bad. the rest of his family was Muslim... they could not accept me, because my mother is Jewish. I am not bitter or angry ... I love my family and I pray for them. I am just sad. it has been very lonely to be in the middle like this... I struggle to make Arab & Muslim friends. comments like yours give me hope that maybe someday I will find my people in the Arab & Muslim community. thank you for your comment ... I am a half Arab, half Jew, who loves Muslims, who loves Jews. thank you again for your comment. it made my heart feel warm.
The good imam is either ignorant of his own faith, or he is being dishonest, or he is suffering from cognitive dissonance and has become a champion of mental gymnastics, because lets face it, Islam, absolutely allows for the killing of anyone who disagrees with islam or refuses to accept it. Regarding October &th, the Imam says that the taking of lives is not the teachings of muhammad... how then does he reconcile muhammad's massacre of all the men and boys and sexual enslavement of all the women and girls of an entire jewish tribe?? almost a thousand jewish lives were killed in one day, by muhammad and his men, so much that they were exhausted by the end of it all. Muhammad finished the day by raping a jewish 17 yr old (Safiya) whose husband, father and brothers he had just murdered. Was muhammad not as good a muslim as the good imam here?? Its about time, muslims became honest about this reality within their own scriptures and the example of their founder.
@@abdalayegassama326 any one who chooses to believe in and follows a man who married a 6 yr old, had sex with a 9 yr old, kept sex slaves, stole his adopted son's wife, waged war on people who didnt want to believe him and his god, had poets and artists killed, IS NOT a great man
they'll probably do better than the current leaderships! tempting idea! scary - because we don't know theiir ideas about other topics 😅 but in any case the main point seems to be less about choosing leaderships... more about learning to lead ourselves in a responsible, respectful and compassionate way. that's the hard part.
As an atheist I tend to think that so many problems would be moderated if religion was out of the equation. Then I listen to brilliant religious people like these and I remember that goodness comes from so many angles. I wish everyone in the Middle East could listen to this superb conversation.
Remember even atheism can be like a religion, used and manipulated by corrupt people to further their power. Another example is the religion of politics.
Atheism, political parties and ideologies are like religions as well. All can be used by corrupt people to further their power and goals. Religion or rather beliefs are just tools. The goal of any society should be the prevention of these people gaining or staying in power. When you see groups having "militant" wings (like antifa) that is when you should worry, that is when countries start to fall apart. Currently this is happening all over the west and the unity of our people is being fractured.
Thank you for saying this....I'm an atheist as well but got over my "bitter atheist" phase years ago...faith is usually a beautiful and character building aspect of humanity. I tried to hold onto faith but I just can't make myself believe...I'm at peace with that now 🤷♂️
Lol he's incapable of that. It would mean having to persuade all those politicians and billionaires to follow his ideas, especially the people who make all that money off the conflict He's thinks he's got no chance of that and so he doesn't even try. Instead, he tries to change the mindset of 'the ordinary people' by going 'grassroots level' lol and just does 'activism work'
@@eileenvandernoot3867 ok first of all Rudy says that the land is home to the collective of jews.. that is one not true and two not even a fair statement to make.. by that logic anyone could convert to a jew and lay claim to israel… but being jew is not something you become its something you are born. Its a blood line not a religion.. and he is not a member of the blood line… none of the people in israel are members of the blood line. So first and foremost he is wrong about his identity and his right to the land…. 2nd he says that he saw things happen with his own eyes… but he didnt stop anything!? 3rd he claims that idf deleted 15000 terrorist but they wont confirm how they know they were terrorist and they still deleted 15,000 children and that part he never accepets.. he, just like his collective always place the blame of the childrens loss of life on hamas.. if i point a weapon at you and your son is standing between us its not your fault that i pulled the trigger
@@TimesUhave2BA_radicalintellect Converts make up approximately 2% of the entire Jewish nation. Just like adopted children, they are fully embraced within the community. It's also empirically false that none of the people in Israel are descendants of this bloodline. My wife, for example, is a direct descendant of King David, with the family tree to prove it. She was born in Israel. European Jews are the product of the Babylonian exile (the Arch of Titus depicts this event). They settled in Rome/Italy, and modern day Germany generations later furher spreading out, and while some assimilated and married non Jews, usually for self preservation, most maintained their faith. A strong tenet of Judaism is marrying within the faith, and even non religious and non affiliated Jews usually adhere to this tradition. "My parents would kill me if i married a non-Jew." is something youll hear all the time in the modern Jewish dating scene until today.
As a Jew living in Golus in Australia Islam always felt very warming to me. I have always seen a Holiness & felt safe & at home knowing we are Cousin's. After Oct7 there has been a very different feeling after hearing reactions to what happened. Then walking around i see all the people call for our death publicly & call themselves humanitarians, this has made me feel so isolated. I have lost all my friends & it happened quick but continues each day another person turns their hack on me if i continue to be proud of who i am & me love for my people.. im deeply saddened how now i feel very unsafe around the same places i used to feel at home. I know a lot of that is on me & my own fears. I taught my children to be proud Jews & its cost them greatly in their personal life & this breaks my heart. I come from a family shattered by the holocaust & i was taught to be a Jew quietly, in secret. As a father i rebelled against this & im proud i did but this time watching my children suffer it hits me hard! Makes you doubt, which is wrong. Love you all!! Sorry to everyone suffering deeply right now, we wont always hurt like this. We will hold hands & break bread together once again.
All of Israel let the younger generation down leaving them open and totally unprepared to October 7. It was the older people who had a responsibility to prepare and protect the younger generation. This October 7 desert rave was a picture of this complacency naivete and ignorance that permeated Israel. Thinking that Jews could celebrate peace on the literal doorstep to a group of people who want to annihilate them, absent a military presence, is a shocking thing to me. As an American Jew not subject death and violence like Israelis are every moment of every day, it's hard to grasp why this was permitted to happen. And Mossad and SHin bet , they didn't know this was coming? Something is just not right here. One thing is Clear, Bibi is not the protective Hawk he pretended to be and must go once this war is concluded.
Your message saddens me ,I'm sorry that most of your Muslim friend cut the tie with you. As a muslim and Arab I can say we struggle to discuss with people that disagree or have a different vision or priorities. You should never feel bad for raising your kids to be a proud jew at think it's great that you are not being quiet about it . Nobody should make you feel unsafe due to the conflict we are all sad for all the loses but i refuse to cut the tie with my israeli friend i know we are not many like me to be vocal about it, but please don't feel bad stand with your belief and with the time people will heal the wound.
@@rokianadia : Muslims are not encouraged to take Jews or Christians as friends or allies. As a Muslim you would surely know that? Islam is not compatible with the values of freedom that the Judeo-Christian is built on.
Some differences about Nat Turner...for starters, Nat Turner and slvs were at least attacking the direct households/families (at least from my knowledge) doing the oppressing...it made sense for it to happen on an individual level. People captured and held hostage as slvs is a lot different than the quality of living of a whole city "occupied" by another state and then using that as justification to attack random INDIVIDUALS. That's not similar at all. The other thing about Nat Turner is that it happened almost 200 years ago, where people can at least hold it in connection to a larger context and history. Celebrating an active unaliving of random moms and children (regardless of what conflict) cannot be justified.
the comparison to Nat Turner is offensive and inaccurate. Rashad is engaging in standard taqiya. And this is the kind of taqiya that burns my soul because it twists my history as a Black man for the purposes of Islam, a colonizer ass religion.
There are Bedouin being held hostage by Hamas, Druse and Christian Arabs have been killed by the PLO. I haven't heard the part of the show yet if and when that was discussed
Amazing conversation . This is a light of hope that will hopefully be a remedy to a lot of worlds problems. I hope to meet some Muslims and have more dialogue as a jew.
they underestimate the in built islamic hatred of all non believers, and virulent world colonizing force that islam truly is. Their playing with a very dangerous animal and trying to tame it. Guess they will learn, only when they get their hands bitten off or worse. You cant sit down and break bread with something that is by nature, hard wired to eat you alive. Good luck with that. theyre gonna need it and more.
Hands down, best comment yet. We need to get real; these mutual masturbation sessions are meaningless. Rudy I think knows this. He's just making money.
finely 3 gentlemen talking sense without shouting one each other❤ … I guess not in my life time but hope for the next generation people will live peacefully one next each other .
Rudy, I do love your vids, but sometimes the cutting of footage feels a bit excessive. When you’re talking with people naturally, either in an interview or on the street, it’d be nice to see the flow of the conversation rather than having constant action via the cutting of small dead points in the footage.
G-d bless all three of you for the holy work you're doing in this life. If anything has the power to heal, it's this. (And btw, thank you for calling Shaun King on his nonsense, and being so honest in general.)
Jews came to Kerala, India shortly after the destruction of the great temple. Jews and Arabs controlled our spice trade till the Portuguese came to have spices from Kerala for "FREE". Then the Portuguese persecuted Jews in India. They persecuted ancient Indian Christians as well.
lol. He definitely may have a job in the Knesset one day, but these convos will not change a thing, unfortunately. You can't talk to a radicalized generation of nazified Muslims and get them to change. That's just absurd.
1) there should be many more comments, likes and views for this video. 2) Rudy has had skin in the game. Worthy of being heard by all sides. 3) despite his positive views, to effect change Rudy will have to get involved with politics. Changing a few individuals’ perspective is all well and good, but it needs to be engaged with policy and real on the ground efforts. Sending out love unless you are trying to inspire a religious movement like Christianity is not going to work. The world needs political leadership and that means getting involved with day to day politics.
As a Christian I love the Jewish people, because they are God's chosen people. Some days ago I briefly looked into a video of yours, where you had a conversation with a christian (??? how is that possible, that he called himself a christian), who even denied the Shoa - terrible. Hopefully you get to know other Christians. Be blessed 😊
"because they're God's Chosen People" involves a common misconception as to what that actually means and I wish Christians would stop saying that and educate themselves on what it does mean.
As we say in America a swing and a miss The context I know from Chabad was that all the nations were asked if they wanted the Torah and they said what's in it God said rules, they said nope, the Jews said okay after all of the other nations turned it down and here we are, correct me if I'm wrong
@@GreenCanvasInteriorscape pretty much. The way I explain it to people is we're that one nerdy kid in your class who actually asked for extra homework. I'm so tired of Christians treating us like it means we got the Lightning Lane pass to their idea of heaven.
Great video but I really wish you didn't cut out all the breaths and pauses. It makes it feel too choppy and snappy and opens the chance of people think you are editing out what people are saying rather than a complete unedited conversation.
Yes, create great oneness in humanity in the World. Muslims and Jews have peaceful coexisted and flourished throughout history in the Ottoman Empire and in Muslim Rule of Spain and other places. As Muslims we are to work and communicate with anyone you wants to do good on earth. We need to focus on what our core beliefs and values we have in common then work to make this world a better place to live. If we practice the Love of The Creator in action the World would change.
Sadly many chant the genocidal chant of Khaybar Khaybar Khaybar (genocide of Jewish tribes in Medina in the 7th century) following a 7th century Mein Kampf
No geno cide of jewush tribes....they betrayed the arab army and the prophet...they were traitors and the arabs did not want to include them bcos of their traiterous ways
Regarding October &th, the Imam says that the taking of lives is not the teachings of muhammad... how then does he reconcile muhammad's massacre of all the men and boys and sexual enslavement of all the women and girls of an entire jewish tribe?? Was muhammad not as good a muslim as the good imam here?? The good imam is ignorant of his own faith, or he is being dishonest, or he is suffering from cognitive dissonance and has become a champion of mental gymnastics, because lets face it, Islam, absolutely allows for the killing of anyone who disagrees with islam or refuses to accept it. Its about time, muslims became honest about this reality within their own scriptures and the example of their founder.
I think this is a beautiful conversation. And I support this ideal in the long term, of dialogue and unity. Unfortunately, in the short term, we must acknowledge not just our ideals, but the reality of well funded political Islam, states that practice Sharia, Iran funding of Hezbollah and Hamas, ISIS, and other radical groups. Just as most Christians were not participants in the Crusades, it was a Christian movement that wages wars over the course of 3 centuries. If we don’t speak about the damage plainly, and together with not just a strong voice, but strong initiative, Muslims will not be able to alter their trajectory in history.
Except for those weapons that America left behind in Afghanistan Except for America providing cover for Egypt not letting in refugees and providing cover for them violating international law in doing so Except for building a pier to facilitate aid to an enemy of an ally during a war Except for c o g a t Except for arming the PLO after Oslo Except for I could go on and on and on
@@GreenCanvasInteriorscape The weapons left behind in Afghanistan was a mistake not military aid to Hamas Egypt does not let Palestinian refugees into Egypt because the leaders of Egypt do not want Palestinians in their country. Bringing food into Gaze is not military aid for Hamas. I don't know what 'c o g a t' is. The US did not arm the PLO after Oslo.
Great discourse to bring in some "Oneness" as a central theme to this topic. The solution will not be political, I agree. It's going to be psychological, spiritual, and personal.
Regarding October &th, the Imam says that the taking of lives is not the teachings of muhammad... how then does he reconcile muhammad's massacre of all the men and boys and sexual enslavement of all the women and girls of an entire jewish tribe?? Was muhammad not as good a muslim as the good imam here?? The good imam is ignorant of his own faith, or he is being dishonest, or he is suffering from cognitive dissonance and has become a champion of mental gymnastics, because lets face it, Islam, absolutely allows for the killing of anyone who disagrees with islam or refuses to accept it. Its about time, muslims became honest about this reality within their own scriptures and the example of their founder.
This is the consequence of Hadith. In the Qur'an (to my knowledge) there is no punishment for apostasy. I do (personally) do not consider Hadith as something to take knowledge from. Sadly many Muslims cling onto Hadith, and that's why we have apostates getting killed, women's rights being crushed, and so on. Also I'm interested in your source for the claim of Muhammed massacaring an entire Jewish tribe? Have never heard that before.
@@youngcalisthenics Even if you take away the hadith and rely solely on the quran, you are stil left with thoussands of verses that are basically intolerant hate speech towards all non muslims, wife beating, sex slavery and the permissability of marriage/divorce of prepubescent girls to name but a few serious problems within islam. Such verses which are so obviously unjust and contrary to human rights and dignity of women, children and non muslims, cannot possibly be from a true god, hence why islam can only be a false religion invented by the deranged ego of a mentally disturbed 7th century desert arab. I really cannot understand how anyone can defend such terrible ideas and beliefs as supposedly sent by a god, unless they were indoctrinated into it from birth based on the traumatizing fear and terror of hell. Fear based indoctrination at the tender susceptible age from birth throughout childhood, is the most effective form of trauma conditioning and almost impossible to deprogram from, except through incredible bravery and courage.
@@youngcalisthenics Im surprised that you dont know abou the massacre of the jewish tribe of madina, as it is very well known among muslims since the very beginnning of islam, and widely accepted throughout the centuries as a historical fact, that was recorded and spoken about from the very beginning by muslim scholars and followers of muhammad himself. While some muslims today, might feel uncomfortable about this event and the horific nature of their prophet's actions, and consquently try to re-spin it in a more favourable light, or attempt to justify it in numerous ways, there is however, no doubt or question about its happenning. The Sira or biography of muhammad is the main source i think, although it is found in some other islamic books by the early and most reputed islamic scholars. Also, if you search for the story of Banu Qurayza, Im sure a ton of links and information will come up from islamic sources regarding the massacre of this particular jewish tribe and the ethnic cleansing of all jews from madina and eventually from all arabia. Its also worth noting that many muslims today are unapologetic about muhammad's hatred and massacre and ethnic cleansing of the arabian jews, as you will still hear them chant about these incidents with glee during their protests against israel for example.
@@edres7563 I really did not know of that. That is really messed up, I'll definitely do more research on that. I don't like it when people try to spin Muhammad as an infalliable prophet, when it's obvious that he was only a human (also, I believe that everything being falliable just adds and points to God being the only unfalliable thing).
23:30 According to the report by Bituah Leumi, Israel's national social security agency, of the 46 civilians that were killed in Kfar Aza, the youngest was 14 years old. Did the baby Rudy saw get lost along the way? Or was that a really small 14 year old kid?
Beautiful, but that's not Islam according to the Quran nor Hadith though. It's his version of Islam. That is an amrican version of Islam, with western/Christian/Jews thoughts, contextualized in Black american context.
2 Most beautiful Humans men Talking peace. Bless them...... i think as long as their 2 religions practiced as a "sacred-truth", peace has no room. Monotheistic-Religion creates righteousness, that is to protect against other beliefs, leaving the prospect of PEACE, unattainable.
@@donone0750 that is not the purpose of monotheism. It is meant to show us that while we try to devide God by using many different names, everything comes from the same source, all religions are trying to connect us to our greater mission in the world and see the unity in everything.
I'm both Christian and Jewish, so to speak, and I see first and foremost the exact same messages in both, which are, loving and honoring G-d and your fellow humans, practicing forgiveness, helping and giving, and refraining from judgment. In a nutshell.
@@jaykay415 actually Judaism has a lot to say about forgiveness, but it's not the same as Christianity at all. The impetus is on the asking for it, not on any demand or expectation that it must be given.
@@jaykay415 as for the refraining from judgement, sounds like it wasn't your mother who was Jewish LOL 🤣 but more seriously, if you want to talk about refraining from judgement I would basically point out the Church, the Reformation, Puritans, Evangelicals, and the countless ways in which Christians are so keen on judging each other. It's a human thing, not a religious thing.
I'm a muslim and pro palestinian as we can call it these days or should i say pro peace as i disagree with people that want to have israel removed from the map . Rudy you have amazing skills and you speak without raising your voice or being victimized . It is really rare to find your profil in the sioniste side and also on the pro palestinian side thats why most of the debate are useless. Also you said you have some morrocan background i believe morroco has lost a part of their identity when the jews fleed to france and israel. I hope they will return to reconnect with their roots and heritage
I appreciate the point made about the importance of speaking with those who genuinely represent the future and come from a place of love and understanding, rather than hatred. It's essential to recognize that there is no reality where either side disappears; we need to start coming together. Unfortunately, those with this mindset are often not in positions of power, but if they were, we would see a very different world. May this generation create the reality where we can all coexist peacefully. Thank you for sharing this with the world. 🫶🏽✨🕊️
In proper Muslim countries Islam is part of politics, this American version of Islam that as he put himself "we were all Christians" is not the same Islam as in the Middle East. Therefore in my eyes he's not a representative of mainstream Islam. A lot of Imams glorified Hamas actions and said that from a religious point of view what they did is perfectly fine and off course found some verses to support their thesis. Not all Imams support this, but they are a minority on the public scene. Also, the Imam's base assumption that we all want the same basic things is totally wrong. Typical western way of looking at the world. EDIT: I like the effort, but, to have proper conversation that will actually mean anything you need to meet between people from the region. Which is actually an extension to what Rudy said, the real solution has to happen from the bottom up. But the thing is, in todays real politic nobody is going to give it enough time and push resources for it to happen, and from the top down is simply not going to happen, too much corruption and short term "glory projects" to chase to give themselves chances to get re elected. Don't get me wrong, I like the message the Imam & Rudy are trying to convey, but I just think it is not connected to real politics and the current situation on ground. The fact is, if before October 7th you would hear voices of peace from the people on the streets then after October 7th there are none. Majority of Israelis think that these is no choice other then war and that there is no real partner for peace on the other side.
It’s ridiculous and outrageous to compare the treatment of slaves that Nat Turner rebelled against and the plight of the “Palestinians” in Gaza and shame on you for drawing the comparison Mr. Imam.
dear hewhothinkethnotmuch, a little history about who treats whom like “animals” It is often claimed by Zionists that the Arabs were instructed to leave by their own leaders, on the promise that they could return once all of the Jews had been wiped out. The anti-Zionist side alleges that Jewish militias forcibly expelled Arabs from their homes and depopulated their settlements. So which side is telling the truth? Both are. To a certain point, at least. As Benny Morris and others have documented, expulsions did take place. They weren’t nearly as widespread as anti-Zionists claim, and it was never official policy of the Zionist resistance movement (it was more the result of hardline generals with too much power), but they did happen. This is a fact that many in the pro-Israel camp still have trouble admitting. However, the pro-Israel claim that Arab leaders told Palestinians to leave is also true. The 1948 war was waged by 6 Arab armies (the Palestinians included) in the immediate aftermath of Israel’s Declaration of Independence, and was intended to be genocidal. In other words, if Israel had lost the war, every single Jew would have been slaughtered or drowned in the Mediterranean sea (or, at best, driven out of the land entirely), as Arab threats prior to that war made abundantly clear. The first expulsions were against Jews, from the Shimon haTsadiq, Nahalat Shimon, and Siebenbergen Houses quarters in Jerusalem specifically. For instance, Abdul-Rahman Azzam, secretary general of the Arab League, threatened -in the form of a warning of course: “This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongol massacres and the Crusades.” They were driven out between December 1947 and January 1948. Moreover, in the first months of the war, the Arabs had the upper hand in the combat and very frankly boasted of it. That fact too is missed nowadays as is what Jamal Husseini, the Palestinian Arab spokesman, told the Security Council (April 16, 1948): The Arabs “did not deny” that they had “begun the fighting. . . We told the whole world that we were going to fight.” By the end of the war, there were zero Jews left in the Jordanian occupied territories of Judea and Samaria, whereas Israel had (and still has) a substantial Arab population. And that’s without mentioning the historical relations between Jews and Arabs prior to the Zionist movement of return. Those Jews who managed to remain in Israel were subjected to centuries of colonial occupation, apartheid (i.e. “dhimmitude”), desecration of Jewish holy sites (if not outright destruction), and periodic massacres. Their conquest of our land resulted in the displacement of more of our people (most of them to Europe), and culminated in the Arab alliance with Nazi Germany, wherein they pleaded with Hitler to bring the Final Solution to the Middle East (which he agreed to do once the war in Europe was over). These facts are typically omitted from the anti-Zionist narrative. But they are facts nonetheless
this is great and a beatuiful conversation, im not hating, but the algorithmic editing to shorten the time is really annoying. can you not have that on the next podcast or long form conversation?
אני עוקב אחרייך הרבה זמן ויש לא מעט סרטונים טובים שעשית בעבר אבל לצערי אתה מנותק לחלוטין אם אתה רואה את הדברים אותו דבר אחרי ה 7.10, במיוחד עם עם כל העניין הזה של "שני הצדדים". 1. זה ממש לא התפקיד של ישראל לפתור את הסכסוך (שרוב הסיכויים שאין לו פתרון בכלל), רק בגלל שאנחנו כביכול "הצד החזק", אנחנו הצענו להם אינספור הצעות ואת כולם הם דחו ובחרו בטרור. היחידים שיכולים וצריכים לעשות משהו זה הם. 2. החמאס בהחלט מייצג את הפלסטינים ולא משנה כמה תחזור על זה שהוא לא מייצג אותם לא יהפוך את זה לאמת. גם אני וגם אתה יודעים שאם היום יש בחירות ביהודה ושומרון חמאס עולה לשלטון. 3. לא משנה כמה תנסה להתעלם ולהגיד שזה לא מייצג את האסלאם אתה טועה לחלוטין כי זה חד משמעית מייצג את האסלאם וכל המלחמה הזאת היא נטו מלחמת דת בחסות האיסלאם. תוסיף לזה את תרבות השבט הברברית שקיימת אצל הערבים שה "פלסטינים" הם חלק מהם, זה מתכון להרס מוחלט. 4. "הפלסטינים" הם ממש לא בעלי שורשים יהודיים ככה שאני לא יודע מאיפה אתה מביא את ההמצאות האלו, וגם אם יש אחוז קטן מהם שהוא כזה, אין לזה שום משמעות מכיוון שהם רואים את עצמם כחלק מאומת האסלאם כיום. 5. אני לא יודע איפה אתה חי ובאיזה עולם מדומיין נראה לך שחוק השבות לכולם כולל כביכול "לפלסטינים" זה רעיון טוב והגיוני?? הרי אתה יודע שדבר כזה הוא השמדה של המדינה היהודית ושל כל המפעל הציוני. לסיכום: אני מבין שיש לך כוונות טובות ואתה באמת רוצה לעזור לפתור את הסכסוך הזה אבל לצערנו אין לנו שום פריבילגיה לשים את החיים שלנו בסיכון קיומי בזמן שבצד השני הקולקטיב מעוניין להשמיד אותנו ולא עושה כלום על מנת לשנות את עצמו. אני בטוח שיש אינדיבידואלים טובים שאתה פוגש בצד השני אבל הם ממש לא מייצגים את הקולקטיב ואת הרוב בחברה "הפלסטינית" ולכן הפתרון היחיד כרגע הוא כיבוש, גירוש והתיישבות יהודית בכל רחבי הארץ.
الفلسطينيون لديهم جينات يهودية تمثل ١٠٪ من حمضهم النووي وحتى لو فرضا لم يثبت ان لهم جينات تتصل باليهود ما المشكلة اجدادكم وتم تهجير معظمهم من امم اخرى كالسبي بالبلي و مجازر الرومان ومحارق الالمان ما ذنب الفلسطينيين اتظنون ان هذه الارض ملك خاص بكم انا بما اني مصري فمعلوم ان المصريون جاؤوا قبلكم واحتلوا هذه الارض وقبلهم الكنعانيون فاننا كمصريين نطالب بهذه الارض إن لم يطالب بها الفلسطينيين لا علاقة لكم بهذه الارض يا خريجي معازل الجيتو فلا اصل لكم
I think your Muslim neighbours wouldn’t be happy about this suggestion, you should take into consideration the foreign policy too or else it will end in a Desaster…
Amazing episode Rudy. I think the best options are either to create a state in Gaza with a leadership that doesn’t attempt to create a river to the sea Palestinian state without Israel’s existence OR the Palestinian cities in Israel proper as well as Gaza as the West Bank create emirates which have local leadership but are ultimately ruled and protected by Israel as well. If little to no attacks come from these cities, Israel should help them prosper. If that doesn’t work, there will likely be a war which either kills or expels one side and that side will likely be the Palestinians as they are the much weaker side. I think it’s beautiful to see this Muslim imam discussing peace but he also holds Louis Farrakhan to be someone holy which is a dangerous thing to say and Rudy shouldn’t have let that slide. The unfortunate truth about Islamic belief is that it doesn’t believe in Jewish rule over Israel. As long as Muslims in the region are unwilling to accept Jewish rule in the land, there will NEVER be peace and that was not discussed here. As long as there is a continued attempt to overthrow jewish rule and replace it with islamic caliphate, there will never be peace. the jews should never have to forfeit their rule if that is the only way the muslims will accept them. the muslims already attempted to destroy Israel multiple times and it is now on them to accept that this land is in fact a jewish ruled land which gives freedom of religion and speech to all of its citizens. something an islamic state very possibly wouldn't (at least not free press and speech).
@SoothingSemantics "Ishmael will be a wild beast of a man. His hand will be against everyone." - Genesis 16:11-12 Sunni vs. Shia Umayyads vs. Abassids Hamas vs. Fatah Sadaam Hussein vs. Kuwait/Iran/Kurds Ottoman Empire vs. Allied Powers Syrian Civil War Lebanese Civil War Jordanian Civil War Yemeni Civil War Saudi's vs. Houthi's Islamic Conquests of the 7th Century September 11th, 2001 - United States October 7th, 2023 - Israel
Arabs from Arabia Except for a lot of them actually do have Jewish roots Tzfi misanai has videos on Arabs from Judea and Samaria who talk of conversions in the past and secret candle lighting and mezuzah's on the doors and stars of David's on the buildings, remarkable stuff, they've even got a genetic inclination towards Tay-Sachs disease
Brilliant interview, sadly spoiled by these distracting and unnatural pause edits. I understand their intention but it just ruins the natural flow of the conversation. It seems to be the latest trend which will hopefully die off soon!
@@happinin07 Unitarians don't believe in the Trinity, but my point was more about God being ultimate oneness, or panentheism,, which many Christians also believe. But on the Trinity, it is a misunderstanding to characterise Trinitarian theology as polytheism. Just as Rudy mentioned his theology is more like panentheism - so monotheism is inaccurate in the sense that God is not just some being among other beings, this is the same in most orthodox Christian theology. God is one, but not one being amongst other being, but rather Being itself, and Trinitarian belief essentially holds that this ground of Being is ultimately relational in nature - a Oneness in eternal dance. Thus the basic truth about the world is that of love.
@RudyRochman when the imam mentioned israel not being an entity when islam started up, why did you not ask him how to explain why the quran mentions the name Israel many times over, but never does it present that region of the land as Palestine or even any other name?
Anyone who thinks Jews and Muslims are loving "cousins" ought to read Sahih Muslim 2922. Sahih Muslim is a foundational religious text for 85-90% of Muslims.
Plus, jews, as an ethnicity are cousins with arabs, not muslims because muslims can be pakistaniis, indonesians, soudaneses, etc etc. And some arabs are christians or atheist, they are jews cousins too. I really don't understand how a jew can say "muslims are my cousins"......
As a devout muslim and a vehement pro Palestinian advocate. I appreciate what Ruddi ia trying to do and I wish more pro Palestinian could converse with him more. However, Rudi has to realize that Israel is the biggest enemy of Israel. The easy way for Israel to defeat terrorism and hamas is to win over the Palestinians and the way to do that is to show the Palestinians population that they actually care for them and will treat them better than hamas. Its not gona be easy but its about time Israel realizes this.
@@edres7563 By having politicians and knesset members visit those clan leaders Ruddi was talking about asking about their situation the things they need how life can be improved for them. Things like this go a long way it's not rocket science.
@@zacka9438 what about the islamic hatred of jews and all non believers, which is always manifested in eventual their desire for subjugating all non muslims as dhimmis under shariah compliant islamic state? that is a huge variable in this conflict that many seem to be ignoring. Unless you are saying that these clan leaders are not interested in islamic domination of non mbelievers and jews by creating a islamic state? History has shown that non muslims do not fare well in islamic states, so there is that. It wouldnt be rocket science, except for the fact that islam and its in inherent antagonism to all others, especially the jews, is in the mix, which has always been the fundamental driving force in this conflict from the start.
The 25-year track record as a Israeli leader who signed a peace agreements with the Palestinians and is leading an effective and humane war against an inhumane enemy, and supplying them with aid, get your head straight.
I 1000% Agree not to say the US shouldn’t remain an ally but become a true ally let Israel become independent & reach out if they need any support otherwise focus on Us issues I hate that about the US the corruption of the government
On account of [his deed], We decreed to the Children of Israel that if anyone kills a person- unless in retribution for murder or spreading corruption in the land- it is as if he kills all mankind It is to the children of ISRAEL that this is decreed. NOT to muslims. Just FYI
Christian are persecuted in Israel, Christians are persecuted in all middle Eastern countries. No one talks about that. 150,000 Christians were forced out of their homes in Azerbaijan no one said a thing who gave Azerbaijan the wepons to do that Israel. Christians are the most persecuted peope in the world. No one talks about it.
@samuelgoldring9691 walk through Israel preaching the gospel see what happens. The Christians are treated better in Israel only cause they don't have to pay jizya. They would have to allow some Christians in government if they wanted to get along with the Western world. I have nothing against the Jewish people these are just facts.
Israel never claims to be perfect, but Christians are a growing community in Israel. Everywhere else in the Arab world the Christian population is decreasing through persecution, inequality and lack of rights.
Rudy’s ability to stand strongly within the Jewish identity, while crossing the aisle to converse with opposing groups is admirable 🔥
He’s very brave, and gives me hope and confidence in who I am
Yes, but ultimately it's just to create youtube content , it won't lead to anything kind of change happening, unfortunately.
@@greybushMEproductionsdo you know this guy? You know what he does in israel? You obviously don't because if you did, you wouldn't say it's all for youtube content... he believes in what he does and so am I.
@@ElectricMusic21 uh...okay. But no, he does this for the content. He's not stupid enough to believe having conversations with people in the US will bring peace to the Middle East. Maybe you think he's that stupid. I guess I respect him more than you do!
@@greybushMEproductions I don't think it's stupid to talk with people about what's important. Maybe you think that an average young American is not relevant, but they are the future of America, if you like it not. They will be one day a part of the congress, and they will make the huge decisions.
Well that's my opinion about this.
I don't think you respect him that much if you think this guy just cares for his views.
Please have more conversations with muslims. This is the only way we can heal the middle east
It will take only several hundred years
@@user-bo8nb2mithe time will pass anyway
That's if Muslims would be willing to 😢
will not help
These are fake Muslims
Rudy, youre a remarkable individual. I have learned so much about this conflict by watching your videos. Asking God to heal you from the traumas you witnessed. Much love from Canada ❤
Thank you Rudy! I love the work you do for our people. You are my greatest inspiration. 💙
Harsh truth is this: There is no such thing as Palestine or Palestinians, only Levantine Arabs and most with Muslim brotherhood leanings with intent to create a Muslim Arab superstate caliphate. Some minorities may be allowed to stay within the desired caliphate but only within a low caste dimmi system, many would be ethnically cleansed. The Muslim brotherhood ideology emerged in the aftermath of the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire with the 1916/1917 Arab revolt Arabs. It is alive within the whole region as it ever was. This is why there was such glee on October 7th massacre by the terrorists and celebrators of the region. The whole world needs to tackle this problem directly. However, with unilateral organisations like the UN enabling and funding them, it is impossible. Dismantle the UN and start again.
As Golda Meir said, there is no such thing; there are only Arabs. This is why they refused any compromise or possibility of a two-state solution. They told themselves that this way they could win in both worlds: gaining rights as citizens in the State of Israel, surrounding Jewish settlements with Arab settlements, excluding Jews from Jewish settlements in the area, and of course, not allowing Jews to settle in their villages. They receive many benefits and have 6-10 children per family, so their population grows from both sides. On the other hand, they are in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, demanding all the land. Fortunately for the Jews, there are the Haredim and the religious who have many children and prevent a significant demographic change.
And don't allow dictatorships into that reboot
but this ideology is a minority view and a extermist one at that should i also believe that the harsh truth is isreal wants to conquer lebnon and all of jordan and syria and part of saudi arabia ?
Yep islam is a biiig part of the problem. Just read their texts and look at the “perfect example” of a man. Mohammed. To be aspired to. He 7 oktobered through life and the jews of medina
Your statement oversimplifies a complex issue. Palestinians have a distinct cultural and historical identity that has evolved over centuries, and the term "Palestine" dates back to ancient times. They are not a monolithic group with a single political agenda. The claim that Palestinians aim to create a Muslim Arab superstate caliphate misrepresents the diverse political aspirations among them. The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928, does not represent all Palestinians or Arabs. Moreover, the characterization of the October 7th incident and the role of the UN is unfair. Many Palestinians and Arabs condemn violence and seek peaceful solutions.
I am Muslim , Love Jew , May hashem bring peace and jew and Muslim be one ♥♥♥♥
It’s great that you personally love Jews! But that goes against what the Quran teaches. “Don’t take Jews and Christians as your friends or allies…”. The ‘prophet’ of Islam wasn’t keen on Jews before he died either. Isn’t Mohammed your role-model?
my mother is Jewish, and my father is Palestinian. the first time I ever met him, he gave me a rosary - really! there are about 80,000-ish Palestinian Catholics out there - and told me not to be Jewish anymore because Jews are bad. the rest of his family was Muslim... they could not accept me, because my mother is Jewish. I am not bitter or angry ... I love my family and I pray for them. I am just sad.
it has been very lonely to be in the middle like this... I struggle to make Arab & Muslim friends.
comments like yours give me hope that maybe someday I will find my people in the Arab & Muslim community.
thank you for your comment ... I am a half Arab, half Jew, who loves Muslims, who loves Jews. thank you again for your comment. it made my heart feel warm.
If all Muslims were like Imam Rashad, we'd all live in a MUCH better world together!
The good imam is either ignorant of his own faith, or he is being dishonest, or he is suffering from cognitive dissonance and has become a champion of mental gymnastics, because lets face it, Islam, absolutely allows for the killing of anyone who disagrees with islam or refuses to accept it.
Regarding October &th, the Imam says that the taking of lives is not the teachings of muhammad... how then does he reconcile muhammad's massacre of all the men and boys and sexual enslavement of all the women and girls of an entire jewish tribe?? almost a thousand jewish lives were killed in one day, by muhammad and his men, so much that they were exhausted by the end of it all. Muhammad finished the day by raping a jewish 17 yr old (Safiya) whose husband, father and brothers he had just murdered. Was muhammad not as good a muslim as the good imam here??
Its about time, muslims became honest about this reality within their own scriptures and the example of their founder.
He’s a great iman listen to his teachings online and even advise to take his courses
@@abdalayegassama326 any one who chooses to believe in and follows a man who married a 6 yr old, had sex with a 9 yr old, kept sex slaves, stole his adopted son's wife, waged war on people who didnt want to believe him and his god, had poets and artists killed, IS NOT a great man
I like that but we are human, so we allwas have problem dan different each other. That's why we are human.
Why can’t we have men like these three lead our nations? 💔
Because Rudy actually believes in a P. He would give away ancient Judea to them in order to “appear peaceful”. Well we all know that doesn’t work.
they'll probably do better than the current leaderships! tempting idea! scary - because we don't know theiir ideas about other topics 😅 but in any case the main point seems to be less about choosing leaderships... more about learning to lead ourselves in a responsible, respectful and compassionate way. that's the hard part.
Shalom to Israel and Biafrans, Biafrans stands with Israel, watching from tetouan Morocco kingdom
stop bringing religion into it. it makes everything worse
L'chaim. Baruch Hashem ❤🙂😇🫂🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🫂😇😇😇😇🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🫂😇😇🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
هاد غي شي نيجيري ولا من أفارقة جنوب الصحراء عايش في المغرب، ماشي مغربي، شوف السمية.
@@OsonduMoses morocco is arab muslim country go to africa or israheel
As an atheist I tend to think that so many problems would be moderated if religion was out of the equation.
Then I listen to brilliant religious people like these and I remember that goodness comes from so many angles.
I wish everyone in the Middle East could listen to this superb conversation.
Remember even atheism can be like a religion, used and manipulated by corrupt people to further their power. Another example is the religion of politics.
Atheism, political parties and ideologies are like religions as well. All can be used by corrupt people to further their power and goals. Religion or rather beliefs are just tools. The goal of any society should be the prevention of these people gaining or staying in power. When you see groups having "militant" wings (like antifa) that is when you should worry, that is when countries start to fall apart. Currently this is happening all over the west and the unity of our people is being fractured.
Thank you for saying this....I'm an atheist as well but got over my "bitter atheist" phase years ago...faith is usually a beautiful and character building aspect of humanity. I tried to hold onto faith but I just can't make myself believe...I'm at peace with that now 🤷♂️
Rudy plese be our prime minister in Israel !!!
Lol he's incapable of that.
It would mean having to persuade all those politicians and billionaires to follow his ideas, especially the people who make all that money off the conflict
He's thinks he's got no chance of that and so he doesn't even try. Instead, he tries to change the mindset of 'the ordinary people' by going 'grassroots level' lol and just does 'activism work'
This guy is a total moron. He doesn't take into consideration the role of how Islam perpetuates this conflict.
InshaAllah he would be a good leader.
The best discussion all year - thank you all ❤
Rudy Rochman declares his life mission and it inspires. I'm with you Rudy.
OMG! I’m surprised that Rudy is not levitating. The knowledge and information he articulates is light years above all people that converse with him.
the only problem is that he is wrong about so many things
@@TimesUhave2BA_radicalintellect prove it!
@@eileenvandernoot3867 ok first of all Rudy says that the land is home to the collective of jews.. that is one not true and two not even a fair statement to make.. by that logic anyone could convert to a jew and lay claim to israel… but being jew is not something you become its something you are born. Its a blood line not a religion.. and he is not a member of the blood line… none of the people in israel are members of the blood line. So first and foremost he is wrong about his identity and his right to the land…. 2nd he says that he saw things happen with his own eyes… but he didnt stop anything!? 3rd he claims that idf deleted 15000 terrorist but they wont confirm how they know they were terrorist and they still deleted 15,000 children and that part he never accepets.. he, just like his collective always place the blame of the childrens loss of life on hamas.. if i point a weapon at you and your son is standing between us its not your fault that i pulled the trigger
@@TimesUhave2BA_radicalintellect gobbily gook you spew. Rudy is light years ahead of you! Don’t embarrass yourself anymore!
@@TimesUhave2BA_radicalintellect Converts make up approximately 2% of the entire Jewish nation. Just like adopted children, they are fully embraced within the community. It's also empirically false that none of the people in Israel are descendants of this bloodline. My wife, for example, is a direct descendant of King David, with the family tree to prove it. She was born in Israel.
European Jews are the product of the Babylonian exile (the Arch of Titus depicts this event). They settled in Rome/Italy, and modern day Germany generations later furher spreading out, and while some assimilated and married non Jews, usually for self preservation, most maintained their faith. A strong tenet of Judaism is marrying within the faith, and even non religious and non affiliated Jews usually adhere to this tradition. "My parents would kill me if i married a non-Jew." is something youll hear all the time in the modern Jewish dating scene until today.
Love Rudy! Unique and beautiful perspective that can value “other” without nullifying “self”. Very few ppl can do this.
A refreshing conversation at a difficult time
As a Jew living in Golus in Australia Islam always felt very warming to me. I have always seen a Holiness & felt safe & at home knowing we are Cousin's. After Oct7 there has been a very different feeling after hearing reactions to what happened. Then walking around i see all the people call for our death publicly & call themselves humanitarians, this has made me feel so isolated. I have lost all my friends & it happened quick but continues each day another person turns their hack on me if i continue to be proud of who i am & me love for my people.. im deeply saddened how now i feel very unsafe around the same places i used to feel at home. I know a lot of that is on me & my own fears. I taught my children to be proud Jews & its cost them greatly in their personal life & this breaks my heart. I come from a family shattered by the holocaust & i was taught to be a Jew quietly, in secret. As a father i rebelled against this & im proud i did but this time watching my children suffer it hits me hard! Makes you doubt, which is wrong. Love you all!! Sorry to everyone suffering deeply right now, we wont always hurt like this. We will hold hands & break bread together once again.
All of Israel let the younger generation down leaving them open and totally unprepared to October 7. It was the older people who had a responsibility to prepare and protect the younger generation. This October 7 desert rave was a picture of this complacency naivete and ignorance that permeated Israel. Thinking that Jews could celebrate peace on the literal doorstep to a group of people who want to annihilate them, absent a military presence, is a shocking thing to me. As an American Jew not subject death and violence like Israelis are every moment of every day, it's hard to grasp why this was permitted to happen. And Mossad and SHin bet , they didn't know this was coming? Something is just not right here. One thing is Clear, Bibi is not the protective Hawk he pretended to be and must go once this war is concluded.
Your message saddens me ,I'm sorry that most of your Muslim friend cut the tie with you. As a muslim and Arab I can say we struggle to discuss with people that disagree or have a different vision or priorities. You should never feel bad for raising your kids to be a proud jew at think it's great that you are not being quiet about it . Nobody should make you feel unsafe due to the conflict we are all sad for all the loses but i refuse to cut the tie with my israeli friend i know we are not many like me to be vocal about it, but please don't feel bad stand with your belief and with the time people will heal the wound.
The Messiah has to be a person not a generation that's not scripture Jesus is the Messiah.
@@rokianadia thank you!!!
@@rokianadia : Muslims are not encouraged to take Jews or Christians as friends or allies. As a Muslim you would surely know that? Islam is not compatible with the values of freedom that the Judeo-Christian is built on.
Rudy is changing the world one conversation at a time! God bless your work and power! Thank you!!!
The Messiah has to be a person not a generation that's not scripture Jesus is the Messiah.
Thank you for creating this , this is great.
Much needed discussion. God bless Rudy, the Imam, and the host.
The Messiah has to be a person not a generation that's not scripture Jesus is the Messiah.
This is such a great find... Everyone should listen to this exchange of higher minds & deeper truths.
This fortifies my hope & my soul.
Some differences about Nat Turner...for starters, Nat Turner and slvs were at least attacking the direct households/families (at least from my knowledge) doing the oppressing...it made sense for it to happen on an individual level. People captured and held hostage as slvs is a lot different than the quality of living of a whole city "occupied" by another state and then using that as justification to attack random INDIVIDUALS. That's not similar at all. The other thing about Nat Turner is that it happened almost 200 years ago, where people can at least hold it in connection to a larger context and history. Celebrating an active unaliving of random moms and children (regardless of what conflict) cannot be justified.
the comparison to Nat Turner is offensive and inaccurate. Rashad is engaging in standard taqiya. And this is the kind of taqiya that burns my soul because it twists my history as a Black man for the purposes of Islam, a colonizer ass religion.
I’d like to see the full talk instead of the cut version where you can actually see the imam Rashid full explanations.
You 3 are a blessing to humankind! Thanks.
I’d like to know how Arab, Druze Israeli citizens are persecuted. Many are in IDF fighting against terrorism against their citizens
There are Bedouin being held hostage by Hamas, Druse and Christian Arabs have been killed by the PLO. I haven't heard the part of the show yet if and when that was discussed
Because there's racism against them
They aren't persecuted in Israel, who says this?
Love and peace to all my brothers, sisters and people in between. This is the energy we need to heal our world. 🙏
Rudy, you are an exceptional person, thank you for your wisdom and strength
Amazing conversation . This is a light of hope that will hopefully be a remedy to a lot of worlds problems. I hope to meet some Muslims and have more dialogue as a jew.
Nice, beautiful kumbaya discussion. Not sure connected to reality, but still like these type of discussions
they underestimate the in built islamic hatred of all non believers, and virulent world colonizing force that islam truly is. Their playing with a very dangerous animal and trying to tame it. Guess they will learn, only when they get their hands bitten off or worse. You cant sit down and break bread with something that is by nature, hard wired to eat you alive. Good luck with that. theyre gonna need it and more.
Hands down, best comment yet. We need to get real; these mutual masturbation sessions are meaningless. Rudy I think knows this. He's just making money.
finely 3 gentlemen talking sense without shouting one each other❤ … I guess not in my life time but hope for the next generation people will live peacefully one next each other .
Rudy, I do love your vids, but sometimes the cutting of footage feels a bit excessive. When you’re talking with people naturally, either in an interview or on the street, it’d be nice to see the flow of the conversation rather than having constant action via the cutting of small dead points in the footage.
This is the type of conversation that should be on the fore front. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sell as well.
Kumbaya my lord kumbaya, kymbaya my lord kumbaya! Keep singing!
G-d bless all three of you for the holy work you're doing in this life. If anything has the power to heal, it's this.
(And btw, thank you for calling Shaun King on his nonsense, and being so honest in general.)
Jews came to Kerala, India shortly after the destruction of the great temple. Jews and Arabs controlled our spice trade till the Portuguese came to have spices from Kerala for "FREE". Then the Portuguese persecuted Jews in India. They persecuted ancient Indian Christians as well.
Let the forces of light triumph. Loved this interview ☺️
I love Rudy's approach, and I think in a few years, we will see him as a great person in israel government
lol. He definitely may have a job in the Knesset one day, but these convos will not change a thing, unfortunately. You can't talk to a radicalized generation of nazified Muslims and get them to change. That's just absurd.
The Messiah has to be a person not a generation that's not scripture Jesus is the Messiah.
Rudy, we are waiting for you to join the Knesset. We really can use a guy like you!!
Great conversation! This should be happening rather then debates ‚
1) there should be many more comments, likes and views for this video.
2) Rudy has had skin in the game. Worthy of being heard by all sides.
3) despite his positive views, to effect change Rudy will have to get involved with politics. Changing a few individuals’ perspective is all well and good, but it needs to be engaged with policy and real on the ground efforts. Sending out love unless you are trying to inspire a religious movement like Christianity is not going to work. The world needs political leadership and that means getting involved with day to day politics.
Why are there micro-edits all over the place?
Very sus, Rudy, would love to know.
As a Christian I love the Jewish people, because they are God's chosen people. Some days ago I briefly looked into a video of yours, where you had a conversation with a christian (??? how is that possible, that he called himself a christian), who even denied the Shoa - terrible. Hopefully you get to know other Christians. Be blessed 😊
"because they're God's Chosen People" involves a common misconception as to what that actually means and I wish Christians would stop saying that and educate themselves on what it does mean.
@@judeancupcake7553 don't miss your opportunity to educate right here, right now!
@@jaykay415 can't tell if that's sarcasm tbh
As we say in America a swing and a miss
The context I know from Chabad was that all the nations were asked if they wanted the Torah and they said what's in it God said rules, they said nope, the Jews said okay after all of the other nations turned it down and here we are, correct me if I'm wrong
@@GreenCanvasInteriorscape pretty much. The way I explain it to people is we're that one nerdy kid in your class who actually asked for extra homework. I'm so tired of Christians treating us like it means we got the Lightning Lane pass to their idea of heaven.
Great video but I really wish you didn't cut out all the breaths and pauses. It makes it feel too choppy and snappy and opens the chance of people think you are editing out what people are saying rather than a complete unedited conversation.
That makes one of you
@@GreenCanvasInteriorscape So you prefer jumpy skippy video edits?
I'm not even hating on the content, I liked it a lot.
@@FunkyJay barely noticed it, everybody's different with sense input, I do notice intrusive soundtracks
I really enjoyed thank you
Respect 💪 thank you Rudy 🙏🏽
Yes, create great oneness in humanity in the World. Muslims and Jews have peaceful coexisted and flourished throughout history in the Ottoman Empire and in Muslim Rule of Spain and other places.
As Muslims we are to work and communicate with anyone you wants to do good on earth. We need to focus on what our core beliefs and values we have in common then work to make this world a better place to live. If we practice the Love of The Creator in action the World would change.
Sadly many chant the genocidal chant of Khaybar Khaybar Khaybar (genocide of Jewish tribes in Medina in the 7th century) following a 7th century Mein Kampf
No geno cide of jewush tribes....they betrayed the arab army and the prophet...they were traitors and the arabs did not want to include them bcos of their traiterous ways
Regarding October &th, the Imam says that the taking of lives is not the teachings of muhammad... how then does he reconcile muhammad's massacre of all the men and boys and sexual enslavement of all the women and girls of an entire jewish tribe?? Was muhammad not as good a muslim as the good imam here??
The good imam is ignorant of his own faith, or he is being dishonest, or he is suffering from cognitive dissonance and has become a champion of mental gymnastics, because lets face it, Islam, absolutely allows for the killing of anyone who disagrees with islam or refuses to accept it.
Its about time, muslims became honest about this reality within their own scriptures and the example of their founder.
Doesnt mein kampf mean ''my struggle''...and jihad also means struggle? interesting.
@@edres7563 yes you wont understand..
Its a struggle with the nafs....your internal ego more then a holy war
@@edres7563 i would have exolained but not to a hindu paid bot....btw i hear you indians got a bashing from the chinese
I think this is a beautiful conversation. And I support this ideal in the long term, of dialogue and unity. Unfortunately, in the short term, we must acknowledge not just our ideals, but the reality of well funded political Islam, states that practice Sharia, Iran funding of Hezbollah and Hamas, ISIS, and other radical groups. Just as most Christians were not participants in the Crusades, it was a Christian movement that wages wars over the course of 3 centuries. If we don’t speak about the damage plainly, and together with not just a strong voice, but strong initiative, Muslims will not be able to alter their trajectory in history.
Loved this interview. However, that camera is awful. The video jerks like it's constantly clipped.
very nice and respectful
Great conversation.
The US does not provide weapons to Hamas or the PLO.
Except for those weapons that America left behind in Afghanistan
Except for America providing cover for Egypt not letting in refugees and providing cover for them violating international law in doing so
Except for building a pier to facilitate aid to an enemy of an ally during a war
Except for c o g a t
Except for arming the PLO after Oslo
Except for I could go on and on and on
@@GreenCanvasInteriorscape The weapons left behind in Afghanistan was a mistake not military aid to Hamas
Egypt does not let Palestinian refugees into Egypt because the leaders of Egypt do not want Palestinians in their country.
Bringing food into Gaze is not military aid for Hamas.
I don't know what 'c o g a t' is.
The US did not arm the PLO after Oslo.
You're typing on a device that could verify the truth of what I've said yet you choose to argue here
Great discourse to bring in some "Oneness" as a central theme to this topic. The solution will not be political, I agree. It's going to be psychological, spiritual, and personal.
Their voices are so calming... 😌
Regarding October &th, the Imam says that the taking of lives is not the teachings of muhammad... how then does he reconcile muhammad's massacre of all the men and boys and sexual enslavement of all the women and girls of an entire jewish tribe?? Was muhammad not as good a muslim as the good imam here??
The good imam is ignorant of his own faith, or he is being dishonest, or he is suffering from cognitive dissonance and has become a champion of mental gymnastics, because lets face it, Islam, absolutely allows for the killing of anyone who disagrees with islam or refuses to accept it.
Its about time, muslims became honest about this reality within their own scriptures and the example of their founder.
The show is not for you. Go cry somewhere
This is the consequence of Hadith. In the Qur'an (to my knowledge) there is no punishment for apostasy. I do (personally) do not consider Hadith as something to take knowledge from. Sadly many Muslims cling onto Hadith, and that's why we have apostates getting killed, women's rights being crushed, and so on.
Also I'm interested in your source for the claim of Muhammed massacaring an entire Jewish tribe? Have never heard that before.
@@youngcalisthenics Even if you take away the hadith and rely solely on the quran, you are stil left with thoussands of verses that are basically intolerant hate speech towards all non muslims, wife beating, sex slavery and the permissability of marriage/divorce of prepubescent girls to name but a few serious problems within islam.
Such verses which are so obviously unjust and contrary to human rights and dignity of women, children and non muslims, cannot possibly be from a true god, hence why islam can only be a false religion invented by the deranged ego of a mentally disturbed 7th century desert arab.
I really cannot understand how anyone can defend such terrible ideas and beliefs as supposedly sent by a god, unless they were indoctrinated into it from birth based on the traumatizing fear and terror of hell. Fear based indoctrination at the tender susceptible age from birth throughout childhood, is the most effective form of trauma conditioning and almost impossible to deprogram from, except through incredible bravery and courage.
@@youngcalisthenics Im surprised that you dont know abou the massacre of the jewish tribe of madina, as it is very well known among muslims since the very beginnning of islam, and widely accepted throughout the centuries as a historical fact, that was recorded and spoken about from the very beginning by muslim scholars and followers of muhammad himself.
While some muslims today, might feel uncomfortable about this event and the horific nature of their prophet's actions, and consquently try to re-spin it in a more favourable light, or attempt to justify it in numerous ways, there is however, no doubt or question about its happenning.
The Sira or biography of muhammad is the main source i think, although it is found in some other islamic books by the early and most reputed islamic scholars.
Also, if you search for the story of Banu Qurayza, Im sure a ton of links and information will come up from islamic sources regarding the massacre of this particular jewish tribe and the ethnic cleansing of all jews from madina and eventually from all arabia.
Its also worth noting that many muslims today are unapologetic about muhammad's hatred and massacre and ethnic cleansing of the arabian jews, as you will still hear them chant about these incidents with glee during their protests against israel for example.
@@edres7563 I really did not know of that. That is really messed up, I'll definitely do more research on that.
I don't like it when people try to spin Muhammad as an infalliable prophet, when it's obvious that he was only a human (also, I believe that everything being falliable just adds and points to God being the only unfalliable thing).
23:30 According to the report by Bituah Leumi, Israel's national social security agency, of the 46 civilians that were killed in Kfar Aza, the youngest was 14 years old.
Did the baby Rudy saw get lost along the way? Or was that a really small 14 year old kid?
Is this posted anywhere else? Would be helpful for sharing since Rudy’s page is so polarizing.
You are doing an important job
Beautiful, but that's not Islam according to the Quran nor Hadith though. It's his version of Islam. That is an amrican version of Islam, with western/Christian/Jews thoughts, contextualized in Black american context.
Agreed. This is beautiful. But I'm not sure how he arrived to this version of Islam with the Quran or Hadith.
@@christinadelaney9492 All of the violence in Islam can be found in the Bible particularly the old testament. You guys are just in denial.
Jesus is God
2 Most beautiful Humans men Talking peace. Bless them......
i think as long as their 2 religions practiced as a "sacred-truth", peace has no room. Monotheistic-Religion creates righteousness, that is to protect against other beliefs, leaving the prospect of PEACE, unattainable.
Tell us you don't understand Judaism without actually telling us you don't understand Judaism.
@@donone0750 that is not the purpose of monotheism. It is meant to show us that while we try to devide God by using many different names, everything comes from the same source, all religions are trying to connect us to our greater mission in the world and see the unity in everything.
I'm both Christian and Jewish, so to speak, and I see first and foremost the exact same messages in both, which are, loving and honoring G-d and your fellow humans, practicing forgiveness, helping and giving, and refraining from judgment. In a nutshell.
@@jaykay415 actually Judaism has a lot to say about forgiveness, but it's not the same as Christianity at all. The impetus is on the asking for it, not on any demand or expectation that it must be given.
@@jaykay415 as for the refraining from judgement, sounds like it wasn't your mother who was Jewish LOL 🤣 but more seriously, if you want to talk about refraining from judgement I would basically point out the Church, the Reformation, Puritans, Evangelicals, and the countless ways in which Christians are so keen on judging each other. It's a human thing, not a religious thing.
I'm a muslim and pro palestinian as we can call it these days or should i say pro peace as i disagree with people that want to have israel removed from the map . Rudy you have amazing skills and you speak without raising your voice or being victimized . It is really rare to find your profil in the sioniste side and also on the pro palestinian side thats why most of the debate are useless. Also you said you have some morrocan background i believe morroco has lost a part of their identity when the jews fleed to france and israel. I hope they will return to reconnect with their roots and heritage
I appreciate the point made about the importance of speaking with those who genuinely represent the future and come from a place of love and understanding, rather than hatred. It's essential to recognize that there is no reality where either side disappears; we need to start coming together. Unfortunately, those with this mindset are often not in positions of power, but if they were, we would see a very different world. May this generation create the reality where we can all coexist peacefully. Thank you for sharing this with the world. 🫶🏽✨🕊️
Wow! This is so powerful!!!!!! Wow! Wow! Wow!
In proper Muslim countries Islam is part of politics, this American version of Islam that as he put himself "we were all Christians" is not the same Islam as in the Middle East.
Therefore in my eyes he's not a representative of mainstream Islam.
A lot of Imams glorified Hamas actions and said that from a religious point of view what they did is perfectly fine and off course found some verses to support their thesis. Not all Imams support this, but they are a minority on the public scene.
Also, the Imam's base assumption that we all want the same basic things is totally wrong. Typical western way of looking at the world.
I like the effort, but, to have proper conversation that will actually mean anything you need to meet between people from the region. Which is actually an extension to what Rudy said, the real solution has to happen from the bottom up. But the thing is, in todays real politic nobody is going to give it enough time and push resources for it to happen, and from the top down is simply not going to happen, too much corruption and short term "glory projects" to chase to give themselves chances to get re elected.
Don't get me wrong, I like the message the Imam & Rudy are trying to convey, but I just think it is not connected to real politics and the current situation on ground.
The fact is, if before October 7th you would hear voices of peace from the people on the streets then after October 7th there are none. Majority of Israelis think that these is no choice other then war and that there is no real partner for peace on the other side.
It’s ridiculous and outrageous to compare the treatment of slaves that Nat Turner rebelled against and the plight of the “Palestinians” in Gaza and shame on you for drawing the comparison Mr. Imam.
What’s ridiculous about that comparison? A people being treated like animals fighting back? How is it not comparable?
dear hewhothinkethnotmuch,
a little history about who treats whom like “animals” It is often claimed by Zionists that the Arabs were instructed to leave by their own leaders, on the promise that they could return once all of the Jews had been wiped out. The anti-Zionist side alleges that Jewish militias forcibly expelled Arabs from their homes and depopulated their settlements. So which side is telling the truth?
Both are. To a certain point, at least.
As Benny Morris and others have documented, expulsions did take place. They weren’t nearly as widespread as anti-Zionists claim, and it was never official policy of the Zionist resistance movement (it was more the result of hardline generals with too much power), but they did happen. This is a fact that many in the pro-Israel camp still have trouble admitting.
However, the pro-Israel claim that Arab leaders told Palestinians to leave is also true. The 1948 war was waged by 6 Arab armies (the Palestinians included) in the immediate aftermath of Israel’s Declaration of Independence, and was intended to be genocidal. In other words, if Israel had lost the war, every single Jew would have been slaughtered or drowned in the Mediterranean sea (or, at best, driven out of the land entirely), as Arab threats prior to that war made abundantly clear. The first expulsions were against Jews, from the Shimon haTsadiq, Nahalat Shimon, and Siebenbergen Houses quarters in Jerusalem specifically. For instance, Abdul-Rahman Azzam, secretary general of the Arab League, threatened -in the form of a warning of course: “This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongol massacres and the Crusades.” They were driven out between December 1947 and January 1948. Moreover, in the first months of the war, the Arabs had the upper hand in the combat and very frankly boasted of it. That fact too is missed nowadays as is what Jamal Husseini, the Palestinian Arab spokesman, told the Security Council (April 16, 1948): The Arabs “did not deny” that they had “begun the fighting. . . We told the whole world that we were going to fight.” By the end of the war, there were zero Jews left in the Jordanian occupied territories of Judea and Samaria, whereas Israel had (and still has) a substantial Arab population.
And that’s without mentioning the historical relations between Jews and Arabs prior to the Zionist movement of return. Those Jews who managed to remain in Israel were subjected to centuries of colonial occupation, apartheid (i.e. “dhimmitude”), desecration of Jewish holy sites (if not outright destruction), and periodic massacres. Their conquest of our land resulted in the displacement of more of our people (most of them to Europe), and culminated in the Arab alliance with Nazi Germany, wherein they pleaded with Hitler to bring the Final Solution to the Middle East (which he agreed to do once the war in Europe was over). These facts are typically omitted from the anti-Zionist narrative. But they are facts nonetheless
this is great and a beatuiful conversation, im not hating, but the algorithmic editing to shorten the time is really annoying. can you not have that on the next podcast or long form conversation?
אני עוקב אחרייך הרבה זמן ויש לא מעט סרטונים טובים שעשית בעבר אבל לצערי אתה מנותק לחלוטין אם אתה רואה את הדברים אותו דבר אחרי ה 7.10, במיוחד עם עם כל העניין הזה של "שני הצדדים".
1. זה ממש לא התפקיד של ישראל לפתור את הסכסוך (שרוב הסיכויים שאין לו פתרון בכלל), רק בגלל שאנחנו כביכול "הצד החזק", אנחנו הצענו להם אינספור הצעות ואת כולם הם דחו ובחרו בטרור. היחידים שיכולים וצריכים לעשות משהו זה הם.
2. החמאס בהחלט מייצג את הפלסטינים ולא משנה כמה תחזור על זה שהוא לא מייצג אותם לא יהפוך את זה לאמת. גם אני וגם אתה יודעים שאם היום יש בחירות ביהודה ושומרון חמאס עולה לשלטון.
3. לא משנה כמה תנסה להתעלם ולהגיד שזה לא מייצג את האסלאם אתה טועה לחלוטין כי זה חד משמעית מייצג את האסלאם וכל המלחמה הזאת היא נטו מלחמת דת בחסות האיסלאם. תוסיף לזה את תרבות השבט הברברית שקיימת אצל הערבים שה "פלסטינים" הם חלק מהם, זה מתכון להרס מוחלט.
4. "הפלסטינים" הם ממש לא בעלי שורשים יהודיים ככה שאני לא יודע מאיפה אתה מביא את ההמצאות האלו, וגם אם יש אחוז קטן מהם שהוא כזה, אין לזה שום משמעות מכיוון שהם רואים את עצמם כחלק מאומת האסלאם כיום.
5. אני לא יודע איפה אתה חי ובאיזה עולם מדומיין נראה לך שחוק השבות לכולם כולל כביכול "לפלסטינים" זה רעיון טוב והגיוני?? הרי אתה יודע שדבר כזה הוא השמדה של המדינה היהודית ושל כל המפעל הציוני.
לסיכום: אני מבין שיש לך כוונות טובות ואתה באמת רוצה לעזור לפתור את הסכסוך הזה אבל לצערנו אין לנו שום פריבילגיה לשים את החיים שלנו בסיכון קיומי בזמן שבצד השני הקולקטיב מעוניין להשמיד אותנו ולא עושה כלום על מנת לשנות את עצמו. אני בטוח שיש אינדיבידואלים טובים שאתה פוגש בצד השני אבל הם ממש לא מייצגים את הקולקטיב ואת הרוב בחברה "הפלסטינית" ולכן הפתרון היחיד כרגע הוא כיבוש, גירוש והתיישבות יהודית בכל רחבי הארץ.
קול הכבד כהנא צדק.
الفلسطينيون لديهم جينات يهودية تمثل ١٠٪ من حمضهم النووي وحتى لو فرضا لم يثبت ان لهم جينات تتصل باليهود ما المشكلة اجدادكم وتم تهجير معظمهم من امم اخرى كالسبي بالبلي و مجازر الرومان ومحارق الالمان ما ذنب الفلسطينيين اتظنون ان هذه الارض ملك خاص بكم انا بما اني مصري فمعلوم ان المصريون جاؤوا قبلكم واحتلوا هذه الارض وقبلهم الكنعانيون فاننا كمصريين نطالب بهذه الارض إن لم يطالب بها الفلسطينيين لا علاقة لكم بهذه الارض يا خريجي معازل الجيتو فلا اصل لكم
I think your Muslim neighbours wouldn’t be happy about this suggestion, you should take into consideration the foreign policy too or else it will end in a Desaster…
Amazing episode Rudy. I think the best options are either to create a state in Gaza with a leadership that doesn’t attempt to create a river to the sea Palestinian state without Israel’s existence OR the Palestinian cities in Israel proper as well as Gaza as the West Bank create emirates which have local leadership but are ultimately ruled and protected by Israel as well. If little to no attacks come from these cities, Israel should help them prosper. If that doesn’t work, there will likely be a war which either kills or expels one side and that side will likely be the Palestinians as they are the much weaker side. I think it’s beautiful to see this Muslim imam discussing peace but he also holds Louis Farrakhan to be someone holy which is a dangerous thing to say and Rudy shouldn’t have let that slide. The unfortunate truth about Islamic belief is that it doesn’t believe in Jewish rule over Israel. As long as Muslims in the region are unwilling to accept Jewish rule in the land, there will NEVER be peace and that was not discussed here. As long as there is a continued attempt to overthrow jewish rule and replace it with islamic caliphate, there will never be peace. the jews should never have to forfeit their rule if that is the only way the muslims will accept them. the muslims already attempted to destroy Israel multiple times and it is now on them to accept that this land is in fact a jewish ruled land which gives freedom of religion and speech to all of its citizens. something an islamic state very possibly wouldn't (at least not free press and speech).
"Ishmael will be a wild beast of a man. His hand will be against everyone."
- Genesis 16:11-12
Sunni vs. Shia
Umayyads vs. Abassids
Hamas vs. Fatah
Sadaam Hussein vs. Kuwait/Iran/Kurds
Ottoman Empire vs. Allied Powers
Syrian Civil War
Lebanese Civil War
Jordanian Civil War
Yemeni Civil War
Saudi's vs. Houthi's
Islamic Conquests of the 7th Century
September 11th, 2001 - United States
October 7th, 2023 - Israel
Very nice. Respect
Stop calling @rob migrant with a greco-roman ‘Palestina’ that Romans renamed Judea and Samaria, cradle of Jewish civilisation.
Arabs from Arabia
Except for a lot of them actually do have Jewish roots
Tzfi misanai has videos on Arabs from Judea and Samaria who talk of conversions in the past and secret candle lighting and mezuzah's on the doors and stars of David's on the buildings, remarkable stuff, they've even got a genetic inclination towards Tay-Sachs disease
Without lies, islam dies
At least someone is making sense
Rudy is amazing 💪💪🐐
Brilliant interview, sadly spoiled by these distracting and unnatural pause edits. I understand their intention but it just ruins the natural flow of the conversation. It seems to be the latest trend which will hopefully die off soon!
Thank you Rudy ! An amazing young courageous man ! Am Yisrael Chai !🙏🇮🇱♥️
Good souls all around ❤
Christianity also believes in God as oneness (in some expressions at least, not all)
Hm. This is the first time I am seeing this. Which sect of Christianity doesn't believe in the trinity?
@@happinin07 Unitarians don't believe in the Trinity, but my point was more about God being ultimate oneness, or panentheism,, which many Christians also believe. But on the Trinity, it is a misunderstanding to characterise Trinitarian theology as polytheism. Just as Rudy mentioned his theology is more like panentheism - so monotheism is inaccurate in the sense that God is not just some being among other beings, this is the same in most orthodox Christian theology. God is one, but not one being amongst other being, but rather Being itself, and Trinitarian belief essentially holds that this ground of Being is ultimately relational in nature - a Oneness in eternal dance. Thus the basic truth about the world is that of love.
@@saskiascott8181 Very cool. I didn't know about Unitarians.
No...they believe in G-d the son and the holy spirit. They believe in a Trinity.
There’s no peace with Islam. What a waste of time
I fully endorse your skepticism yet I enjoy his conversations with Humanity which often Islam invokes into being inhumane
Troublemaker sonia azam ex muslim go build up your sick channel
but nice podcast :)
Don't let them do taqiya on you.
Haha, this coming from a j 😂😂😂
Thank You HaShem!
@RudyRochman when the imam mentioned israel not being an entity when islam started up, why did you not ask him how to explain why the quran mentions the name Israel many times over, but never does it present that region of the land as Palestine or even any other name?
he’s trying to make nice with them; unlikely us Christians he’s not very kind to us.
Rudy, can I have a debate with you? Please 🙏
We are all brothers and sisters
Good conversation, but please stop with the jumpcuts. Made it unwatchable. Could only listen
Anyone who thinks Jews and Muslims are loving "cousins" ought to read Sahih Muslim 2922. Sahih Muslim is a foundational religious text for 85-90% of Muslims.
for this to not even come up in conversation is wild to me. What's the point of this convo if you're not gonna get real about the religious texts?
Plus, jews, as an ethnicity are cousins with arabs, not muslims because muslims can be pakistaniis, indonesians, soudaneses, etc etc.
And some arabs are christians or atheist, they are jews cousins too.
I really don't understand how a jew can say "muslims are my cousins"......
As a devout muslim and a vehement pro Palestinian advocate. I appreciate what Ruddi ia trying to do and I wish more pro Palestinian could converse with him more. However, Rudi has to realize that Israel is the biggest enemy of Israel. The easy way for Israel to defeat terrorism and hamas is to win over the Palestinians and the way to do that is to show the Palestinians population that they actually care for them and will treat them better than hamas. Its not gona be easy but its about time Israel realizes this.
how do you suggest they win over the palestinian arabs?
@@edres7563 By having politicians and knesset members visit those clan leaders Ruddi was talking about asking about their situation the things they need how life can be improved for them. Things like this go a long way it's not rocket science.
@@zacka9438 what about the islamic hatred of jews and all non believers, which is always manifested in eventual their desire for subjugating all non muslims as dhimmis under shariah compliant islamic state? that is a huge variable in this conflict that many seem to be ignoring. Unless you are saying that these clan leaders are not interested in islamic domination of non mbelievers and jews by creating a islamic state? History has shown that non muslims do not fare well in islamic states, so there is that. It wouldnt be rocket science, except for the fact that islam and its in inherent antagonism to all others, especially the jews, is in the mix, which has always been the fundamental driving force in this conflict from the start.
Where can we watch this full discussion? Is this the full discussion?
Tack Rudy Rockman
Who is going to teach it to netaniahu?
The 25-year track record as a Israeli leader who signed a peace agreements with the Palestinians and is leading an effective and humane war against an inhumane enemy, and supplying them with aid, get your head straight.
@@GreenCanvasInteriorscape noted
@@GreenCanvasInteriorscape do tell them my reminder as well. Jerusalem
Did the British orchestrate, finance, and combat Israel during the War of Independence?
Whoa. I have a glimmer of hope. Baruch Hashem. Now is the time to pray for something to give…it’s looking very bleak today.
Divinely inspired dogma does everything to divide and the compassion of humans does everything to close the gap that religion creates.
My uncle is a Rabbi and hes friends with an Imam
Salute Rudy
I 1000% Agree not to say the US shouldn’t remain an ally but become a true ally let Israel become independent & reach out if they need any support otherwise focus on Us issues I hate that about the US the corruption of the government
How many Muslims think this way? WE all humans - God children - children of ONE God.
Why is there an NBA logo?
josh powell the host used to be an nba player.
50,000,000 igbo jews will be heading that way soon enough. Get ready its in the plans
The Igbo are Not Jews. The Igbo are an older civilization than the Jews.
Exactly, we’ll see how the reaction and love is then.
On account of [his deed], We decreed to the Children of Israel that if anyone kills a person- unless in retribution for murder or spreading corruption in the land- it is as if he kills all mankind
It is to the children of ISRAEL that this is decreed. NOT to muslims. Just FYI
Christian are persecuted in Israel, Christians are persecuted in all middle Eastern countries. No one talks about that. 150,000 Christians were forced out of their homes in Azerbaijan no one said a thing who gave Azerbaijan the wepons to do that Israel. Christians are the most persecuted peope in the world. No one talks about it.
That's true
@samuelgoldring9691 walk through Israel preaching the gospel see what happens. The Christians are treated better in Israel only cause they don't have to pay jizya. They would have to allow some Christians in government if they wanted to get along with the Western world. I have nothing against the Jewish people these are just facts.
Israel never claims to be perfect, but Christians are a growing community in Israel. Everywhere else in the Arab world the Christian population is decreasing through persecution, inequality and lack of rights.