The “three year cycle” might work if they got all the codexes/battletomes in a year. But it’s just mad to make certain people wait 2 and half years for a book that’s obsolete in 6 months or less. The churn, in the big two, is one thing that sort of drew me to Heresy and Old World.
I was trying to sell a customer on starting 40k. Guy (in his early 30's) had played a tiny bit in his teens and obviously done some research online before coming into the shop to talk to someone. Knew all about power creep and some armies just doninating for months at a time (eldar, iron hands) I explained the balance dataslate and regular rules updates keeping the game balanced and he was happy with that but the silence that followed was embarrassing when I said the €120 of books he was holding (core rule book, sm codex and DA codex supplement) would be out of date in less than two years and that he would have to go home and print off 40+ pages of updates from 3 different Pdf's. He left everything on the shelf and went home to think about it. This is GW's target audience.
It's purely the competitive scene that is driving the three year cycle, if you just play with your mates or are in the hobby for miniatures or lore you can essentially play or buy what you want when you want.
Kind of but the issue is if you go to your local club and want to organise a game with someone chances are they’re trying to keep up with every new change and so if you aren’t it leaves you behind. But that’s kind of also the point we were making. Less people are buying these new big starter sets because they’ll just wait for free core rules to drop and save money.
I'd like to see The Old World get book releases for all of the main armies, and then see some campaign books that release special characters or new armies (like Dark Elves) but otherwise I'd like to see the main rules untouched for 10 years.
@@The_Horned_Rat I've said it once, and I'll say it again, they should do a Battle of Finuval Plain book for the War in Ulthuan that preceded the Great War against Chaos. That would be the ideal time to release Dark Elves for TOW and give us rules for young Tirian and Teclis, and Malekith - maybe give us a foot model of Malekith finally or mount him on his big cold one chariot.
I forgot where I heard it (an interview with Rick Priestly maybe?), but apparently the longevity of 3rd edition 40K (and 6th edition Fantasy) wasn’t planned. The success of LOTRs in the middle of them meant resources were directed to that instead.
If i were to suggest something it would be split the rules and lore/pictures/hobby guide. The rules, points and datasheets are all online and free. Then whenever an army comes out there is a book, it has a lot more hobby and miniature pictures, it could include a lot of player armies (Tale of 4 gamers type just completed versions) A newer hobby section with eavy metal articles and all the lore and art for the army. It would make the books, timeless must-have items that don't instantly go out of data. They wouldnt affect the game. The game and rules can all live online and be free and constantly balanced and updated.
The same thing happened with Dominion, with LGS having to dump stock at half-price some months later. Meanwhile, Indomitus and Leviathan - also on a three-year cycle - sell out so fast that GW has to make reprints. Is it the three-year cycle or that a big box of Sigmarines isn't a big box of Space Marines?
Hah this podcast showed me how old school I am. I wish that the 3 year cycle would just stop. Give us 5 years or 8 the editions just don't have time to sit. Hell it takes some folks a year to get an army painted and to the table so it might as well be a 2 year cycle for them! Then when it comes to special characters I wish it went back to the "ask for permission" rule. I've never been a huge fan of herohammer, it's a war game to me. I want to use troops and tanks and monsters rather than some named dude from the lore. Also if you're making customized armies it doesn't always make sense to field a specific character especially if you want to build up the "lore" of your own faction on the tabletop
While GW has some questionable business tactics, the lack of sales doesn't necessarily mean that people don't want the product, as worldwide inflation impacts us all. Many people may want the 4th edition AOS, but just can't swing the expense.
I think it’s weird/interesting that, apparently, the only way to get the Fire&Jade Spearhead book is in the Skaventide box. Also, really guys, the Skaventide box isn’t overproduced just because it’s not sold out in minutes (like the Kill Team boxes 😡). For Pete’s sake, it’s not even actually out in stores. You see how quickly we’ve been trained to expect the FOMO experience.
I think point is more that less and less people are choosing to buy the starter sets because of the 3 year cycle. Proof in the pudding with old world returning after so much time and still selling out.
If GW released 'beta' rulesets that allowed players an opportunity to try new rules without replacing the current edition it would help immensely with providing player feedback, giving GW an idea of what players want and would take off some pressure to release new editions. An edition released after five years with a two year beta and even beta codexes could be very comprehensive and foster community discussion.
I agree, that's very similar to what Chapter Approved used to do in White Dwarf for 40K - it was essentially a beta test. Ditto the Mordheim and BFG rules that initially got released in White Dwarf
This was the point I was making, it’s what happens with DND they filter out the rules and give more time for testing and for the last edition to breathe.
£128 is a lot of cash to spend on your hobby when there's a cost of living crisis. Especially if you have a family to provide for. Just can't justify that kind of spend!
I think a 4 year cycle makes a lot more sense for both GW and the consumer. Release all the tombes/codexs in two years, then the next game gets it's new edition. A constant World Cup/Euros cycle
Mini I would like to be erased from existence, plus their entry in the 3rd edition Warhammer Armies book, the Pygmies. Rather best forgotten. One mini I would like to see come back is the Empire War Wagon.
Man, I really feel the opposite when it comes to updates to the game. I really like it, it changes up the meta and makes the game more enjoyable for me. In AoS it's quarterly and I think that's fine. What happened before was that some armies were broken and then they just stayed that way for like five years. If you only want to play at home with your friends, you can just ignore the updates and play with the books as written.
This is a point I forgot to bring up actually, a lot of it can be ignored if you don’t need it. I think it’s more just the majority which are casual players barely get going and then a new edition comes out and they can’t play people at there local club because their core rules are already out of date.
@@morehammer for sure, it will be an issue if you play at a club or store. Not in the garage though. I still prefer this. The alternative, that was used before, is comp systems. But that isn't that different from GW updating the game. There's just no way the tournament scene now would accept the kind of horrible balance we saw twenty years ago. But I don't think it's hard to keep up with the updates at all, they're all in the battlescrolls and FAQs. But that's me, and I enjoy keeping up with it. I guess I get it if you play like once every other month, but at a store or something and not with people you know well.
2nd 40k for me, al they had to do was fix the close combat system, that's when game slowed to a crawl. 3rd was good, 5th onwards was 40k for dummies. Just my opinion of course. Gonna try 10th very soon though.
I think the 3 year rules cycle would be better if they didn't release new codex/battletome books close to the launch of the next edition. That said, as much as some grumble about the books, this churn of new stuff has already been around for years and GW just had their most profitable year ever, with over £200m profit for the first time in their long history. So maybe it works for them?
I wouldn't mind editions getting more time to cook, both getting with adjust the current rules and balancing, and testing new future rules for the next edition. I also got that both more pro players and casual players would be used to test the game, I get the feeling that GW like many of us, can get into a vacum and not thing is as the possibilities that people come up to break the game, and to her balance fun vs competitive. Also this doesn't mean we get less models, they can keep repeating me models, and gives people more time to play with their codex if it comes a couple of years after the edition is released
The 3 year cycle has had been too hard on me something has had to give and it was AoS in favour of AoS and Warhammer The Old World. The books are out of date as soon as you walk out of the shop having just bought them. The situation is ridiculous.
If a product sells out then GW are incompetent with supply chain issues and if it does not then sales are poor. If they make enough for stores and for new people to buy the edition 6 months later is that not a good thing? I would love to buy some of the old kill team boxes or leviathan but have to pay way over the odds via ebay. They rarely seem to re-distribute old stuff, even if it is current edition
Oh no absolutely would expect enough. The point we were touching on is more, less people are buying the starter sets now than before because there’s a new one and new books they have to buy before they’ve even base coated the last set.
You just can’t do a full reset every three years, and take three years to get the books out. I’m no big fan of digital only rules, I’m old and just prefer the hardcopy. Maybe just for the look and feel? That said, it’s the community’s own fault that we’re where we are now. Unless a system is in a constant state of flux, it’s declared DEAD and people move on to the new hotness. Kill Team is a perfect example, with the season three release delays. People were in a state of panic because there hadn’t been a new set released in three months. Also, look at Star Wars X-Wing, you’re dealing with a licensed product, there’s only so many ships and characters in the IP. So once you’ve got them done and released, you’re through with the development phase. Now you should be on to just attracting more players to buy the existing product. But you won’t get any new players because the existing fan base, who supposedly love the game, just throw up their hands and wander off as soon as it’s announced that the system won’t be getting updates.
It’s not about releasing new core rules every 3 years though if you just give updates and add one/campaign content. Nobody would be declaring games dead.
My flgs ordered 40boxes from gw. As of now, 5 days after the preorder went live they have sold 12. Gw was asking him the week before to take 100 boxes because he would "definitely sell them". GW reps pushing stock on a shop is a massive red flag. Usually it's the other way around.
If GW wants to update their rules and armies then the rules need to be free or separate from the codices. I would even pay the W+ subscription for total access to all rules, that’s fine it better than $60 for the Tyranids codex that is completely irrelevant at this point in time. My first faction as a new player and the rules are useless. Then I would buy the codex for each army that I own in addition to the sub for rules if the books are worth it. Which they’re not! I bought CSM codex and there’s barely any lore or secondary content.
I don't mind regular updates to keep the game fresh but they HAVE to move to digital rules. Currently codices and rulebooks are a total waste of money from a gaming perspective. At best, they are out of date within weeks of their release. It would be better to just have them as art/lore/painting books. I wouldn't mind if you have to pay (a reasonable price) for them or have them as part of the warhammer+ subscription as long as they are kept up-to-date. Having to buy the physical version to get the digital is absurd. It would also be better for them to not drip-feed faction's rules over the edition. If they can't get them out at the same time as the edition, have them all out within the first 6 months or so then give them room to breathe. Otherwise make any codex released within a year of the next edition work with the new edition, possibly with a few adjustments if needed. As it stands, I will never buy a codex and just get my army rules from one of the many websites where you can get them for free.
if you want digital go play a video game, I want a physical copy. How about they just write GOOD rules to begin with then they don't need constant updates.
@@Adamantios-Alian the game is still played on the tabletop, having all the rules available on their website wouldn't change that. Lots of people look up army rules and stats on their phone while playing. If you really rather use paper, you can print them. GW want people to buy the newest models so they are always going to change things, and people don't want stagnation anyway. The fact is they can't make rules good enough to not need tweaks. They never did, not to the standard that would pass in the internet age for such a popular, complex competitve wargame. I dont think anyone can. Expensive printed books being the expected way access the rules, augmented with sloppily distributed digital updates, simply suck.
I think they may realise as less people buy the starter sets and the books and look for free options. But you’re right they will likely just keep doing it.
I pre-ordered skaventide mostly for spearhead at this point, but plan to stick to 3rd and 4th. Max two versions for systems for me, but I’m a casual, narrative player.
See I would buy it but I only want the skaven models not anything else like the rules and other books cause I just like painting not playing. Ebay could be an option but I'm not shure how it works to selling it
Please go paint something else, you are ruining the hobby. I know its not completely your fault but this is the reason the rules are crap they count on people buying just to paint and collect and not to play it.
I don’t get how people can complain that Skaventide isn’t selling well enough. It’s not even out for another week! Are we really calling it a failure just because it’s not sold out long before release like all of GWs 40k releases? Are we going from blaming them for FOMO to blaming them for over producing?
@josephjustice4553 sales wise it's the harsh truth. After the initial boost made thanks to bretonnia had tk boxes sales have waned and also GW seems to care about TOW as much as any other specialist. Because that's what TOW is no matter how old world fanatics think. Part of the grognards are not happy with the ruleset and went back playing older edition of wh and/or kings of war. Here in Italy all the communities have tried TOW and put it back on the shelves for the 4th edition. And worldwide the majority of people is leaning towards a more quick experience, that doesn't need 3 hours for a single game. That's the sad truth. The true delusional are the ones who belive that TOW will go and replace AOS and become bigger.
The old days were rough, no update to your useless army for a decade, you mate with a broken demon list become uselss to play against for ages. Boring flavourless list? Its going to be a rough decade for you son
The “three year cycle” might work if they got all the codexes/battletomes in a year. But it’s just mad to make certain people wait 2 and half years for a book that’s obsolete in 6 months or less.
The churn, in the big two, is one thing that sort of drew me to Heresy and Old World.
Yeh this is obviously the main point we made is the book churn does not work with a 3 year gap. If you are going to do that make the rules free.
I was trying to sell a customer on starting 40k. Guy (in his early 30's) had played a tiny bit in his teens and obviously done some research online before coming into the shop to talk to someone. Knew all about power creep and some armies just doninating for months at a time (eldar, iron hands) I explained the balance dataslate and regular rules updates keeping the game balanced and he was happy with that but the silence that followed was embarrassing when I said the €120 of books he was holding (core rule book, sm codex and DA codex supplement) would be out of date in less than two years and that he would have to go home and print off 40+ pages of updates from 3 different Pdf's. He left everything on the shelf and went home to think about it.
This is GW's target audience.
Could not have summed the point up any better than this really. Thanks for sharing.
Imagine how poor the sales would be if it didn’t have old world Skaven players boosting the buy in
Haha that’s true actually there are a good number buying it who are back into old world now.
It's purely the competitive scene that is driving the three year cycle, if you just play with your mates or are in the hobby for miniatures or lore you can essentially play or buy what you want when you want.
Kind of but the issue is if you go to your local club and want to organise a game with someone chances are they’re trying to keep up with every new change and so if you aren’t it leaves you behind. But that’s kind of also the point we were making. Less people are buying these new big starter sets because they’ll just wait for free core rules to drop and save money.
One of the reasons I've stepped away from 40k and AoS is the constant changes. Hoping they'll leave ToW alone.
I do agree
Same here, I’d like to see the old world continue to evolve but no refreshes or big changes
I'd like to see The Old World get book releases for all of the main armies, and then see some campaign books that release special characters or new armies (like Dark Elves) but otherwise I'd like to see the main rules untouched for 10 years.
@@90percentgeek That sounds ideal!
@@The_Horned_Rat I've said it once, and I'll say it again, they should do a Battle of Finuval Plain book for the War in Ulthuan that preceded the Great War against Chaos. That would be the ideal time to release Dark Elves for TOW and give us rules for young Tirian and Teclis, and Malekith - maybe give us a foot model of Malekith finally or mount him on his big cold one chariot.
I forgot where I heard it (an interview with Rick Priestly maybe?), but apparently the longevity of 3rd edition 40K (and 6th edition Fantasy) wasn’t planned. The success of LOTRs in the middle of them meant resources were directed to that instead.
Oh that’s interesting. Still worked better though even if they didn’t mean it.
If i were to suggest something it would be split the rules and lore/pictures/hobby guide. The rules, points and datasheets are all online and free. Then whenever an army comes out there is a book, it has a lot more hobby and miniature pictures, it could include a lot of player armies (Tale of 4 gamers type just completed versions) A newer hobby section with eavy metal articles and all the lore and art for the army. It would make the books, timeless must-have items that don't instantly go out of data. They wouldnt affect the game. The game and rules can all live online and be free and constantly balanced and updated.
Books being timeless is bad for business, you can't sell the same product twice that way.
The same thing happened with Dominion, with LGS having to dump stock at half-price some months later. Meanwhile, Indomitus and Leviathan - also on a three-year cycle - sell out so fast that GW has to make reprints. Is it the three-year cycle or that a big box of Sigmarines isn't a big box of Space Marines?
To be fair to Wizards of the Coast after fast releases for 3.5 and 4th ed they responded and 5th Ed has already been out for 10 years
Hah this podcast showed me how old school I am. I wish that the 3 year cycle would just stop. Give us 5 years or 8 the editions just don't have time to sit. Hell it takes some folks a year to get an army painted and to the table so it might as well be a 2 year cycle for them!
Then when it comes to special characters I wish it went back to the "ask for permission" rule. I've never been a huge fan of herohammer, it's a war game to me. I want to use troops and tanks and monsters rather than some named dude from the lore. Also if you're making customized armies it doesn't always make sense to field a specific character especially if you want to build up the "lore" of your own faction on the tabletop
You're only as old as the games you play........ Oh hell....
All very good points. 5 years minimum for me.
Especially when they made it more modular. You could release codeless for 2 years and then new regiments for 2 more to keep it fresh
While GW has some questionable business tactics, the lack of sales doesn't necessarily mean that people don't want the product, as worldwide inflation impacts us all. Many people may want the 4th edition AOS, but just can't swing the expense.
I don’t think it’s that they don’t like the product it’s that they don’t want to spend lots on a new edition when they’ve barely started the last one.
I think it’s weird/interesting that, apparently, the only way to get the Fire&Jade Spearhead book is in the Skaventide box.
Also, really guys, the Skaventide box isn’t overproduced just because it’s not sold out in minutes (like the Kill Team boxes 😡). For Pete’s sake, it’s not even actually out in stores. You see how quickly we’ve been trained to expect the FOMO experience.
I think point is more that less and less people are choosing to buy the starter sets because of the 3 year cycle. Proof in the pudding with old world returning after so much time and still selling out.
GW is releasing a Spearhead Box set, that has all the Spearhead stuff in it.
The launch boxes are generally intended to last till Christmas, which leviathan did and skaventide is likely to
If GW released 'beta' rulesets that allowed players an opportunity to try new rules without replacing the current edition it would help immensely with providing player feedback, giving GW an idea of what players want and would take off some pressure to release new editions. An edition released after five years with a two year beta and even beta codexes could be very comprehensive and foster community discussion.
I agree, that's very similar to what Chapter Approved used to do in White Dwarf for 40K - it was essentially a beta test. Ditto the Mordheim and BFG rules that initially got released in White Dwarf
This was the point I was making, it’s what happens with DND they filter out the rules and give more time for testing and for the last edition to breathe.
£128 is a lot of cash to spend on your hobby when there's a cost of living crisis. Especially if you have a family to provide for. Just can't justify that kind of spend!
Absolutely. I can’t afford a full starter I buy for one half then sell the rest to make it affordable.
I think a 4 year cycle makes a lot more sense for both GW and the consumer. Release all the tombes/codexs in two years, then the next game gets it's new edition. A constant World Cup/Euros cycle
Ahhh very nice I like the comparison. 👏🏻
Mini I would like to be erased from existence, plus their entry in the 3rd edition Warhammer Armies book, the Pygmies. Rather best forgotten.
One mini I would like to see come back is the Empire War Wagon.
Empire war wagon was a cool model that’s a good pick!
Man, I really feel the opposite when it comes to updates to the game. I really like it, it changes up the meta and makes the game more enjoyable for me. In AoS it's quarterly and I think that's fine. What happened before was that some armies were broken and then they just stayed that way for like five years. If you only want to play at home with your friends, you can just ignore the updates and play with the books as written.
This is a point I forgot to bring up actually, a lot of it can be ignored if you don’t need it. I think it’s more just the majority which are casual players barely get going and then a new edition comes out and they can’t play people at there local club because their core rules are already out of date.
@@morehammer for sure, it will be an issue if you play at a club or store. Not in the garage though.
I still prefer this. The alternative, that was used before, is comp systems. But that isn't that different from GW updating the game. There's just no way the tournament scene now would accept the kind of horrible balance we saw twenty years ago. But I don't think it's hard to keep up with the updates at all, they're all in the battlescrolls and FAQs. But that's me, and I enjoy keeping up with it.
I guess I get it if you play like once every other month, but at a store or something and not with people you know well.
2nd 40k for me, al they had to do was fix the close combat system, that's when game slowed to a crawl. 3rd was good, 5th onwards was 40k for dummies. Just my opinion of course. Gonna try 10th very soon though.
10th is simpler but almost to simplified I think, went a bit to far in the other direction.
I think the 3 year rules cycle would be better if they didn't release new codex/battletome books close to the launch of the next edition. That said, as much as some grumble about the books, this churn of new stuff has already been around for years and GW just had their most profitable year ever, with over £200m profit for the first time in their long history. So maybe it works for them?
Money is the reason pure and simple.
I wouldn't mind editions getting more time to cook, both getting with adjust the current rules and balancing, and testing new future rules for the next edition. I also got that both more pro players and casual players would be used to test the game, I get the feeling that GW like many of us, can get into a vacum and not thing is as the possibilities that people come up to break the game, and to her balance fun vs competitive. Also this doesn't mean we get less models, they can keep repeating me models, and gives people more time to play with their codex if it comes a couple of years after the edition is released
Yeh great points absolutely agree.
Old world sells well. They should push more of that.
Simon, are you from Burnley? UTC
No, not too far though, I’m from Westhoughton which is just outside Bolton
The Claret and blue mic on the logo fooled me.
The 3 year cycle has had been too hard on me something has had to give and it was AoS in favour of AoS and Warhammer The Old World. The books are out of date as soon as you walk out of the shop having just bought them. The situation is ridiculous.
Yeh sadly this is the issue.
If a product sells out then GW are incompetent with supply chain issues and if it does not then sales are poor. If they make enough for stores and for new people to buy the edition 6 months later is that not a good thing? I would love to buy some of the old kill team boxes or leviathan but have to pay way over the odds via ebay. They rarely seem to re-distribute old stuff, even if it is current edition
Oh no absolutely would expect enough. The point we were touching on is more, less people are buying the starter sets now than before because there’s a new one and new books they have to buy before they’ve even base coated the last set.
You just can’t do a full reset every three years, and take three years to get the books out. I’m no big fan of digital only rules, I’m old and just prefer the hardcopy. Maybe just for the look and feel?
That said, it’s the community’s own fault that we’re where we are now. Unless a system is in a constant state of flux, it’s declared DEAD and people move on to the new hotness. Kill Team is a perfect example, with the season three release delays. People were in a state of panic because there hadn’t been a new set released in three months. Also, look at Star Wars X-Wing, you’re dealing with a licensed product, there’s only so many ships and characters in the IP. So once you’ve got them done and released, you’re through with the development phase. Now you should be on to just attracting more players to buy the existing product. But you won’t get any new players because the existing fan base, who supposedly love the game, just throw up their hands and wander off as soon as it’s announced that the system won’t be getting updates.
It’s not about releasing new core rules every 3 years though if you just give updates and add one/campaign content. Nobody would be declaring games dead.
Its because society pushes CONSOOOOM so if you aren't in a state of constant consuming you feel like you're doing something wrong.
It's not even out yet and you're privy to inside sales info? 😂
Don’t need to be privy the information is available.
@@morehammer do share?
@@Vaul_0991icv2 have already started reporting on it
My flgs ordered 40boxes from gw. As of now, 5 days after the preorder went live they have sold 12. Gw was asking him the week before to take 100 boxes because he would "definitely sell them". GW reps pushing stock on a shop is a massive red flag. Usually it's the other way around.
As an Aston Villa fan i hate Ultramarines because I couldn't paint blue !
Haha makes sense you won’t be keen on the blues 😂
If GW wants to update their rules and armies then the rules need to be free or separate from the codices. I would even pay the W+ subscription for total access to all rules, that’s fine it better than $60 for the Tyranids codex that is completely irrelevant at this point in time. My first faction as a new player and the rules are useless. Then I would buy the codex for each army that I own in addition to the sub for rules if the books are worth it. Which they’re not! I bought CSM codex and there’s barely any lore or secondary content.
From now on I’ll likely be buying for digital code then selling on. Just no need for it.
I miss 3rd edition 40K. My favorite special character was always Eldrad Ulthran.
I had an Eldar Ulthran army around that time too. Eldrad was always great fun to use too!
I don't mind regular updates to keep the game fresh but they HAVE to move to digital rules.
Currently codices and rulebooks are a total waste of money from a gaming perspective. At best, they are out of date within weeks of their release. It would be better to just have them as art/lore/painting books. I wouldn't mind if you have to pay (a reasonable price) for them or have them as part of the warhammer+ subscription as long as they are kept up-to-date. Having to buy the physical version to get the digital is absurd.
It would also be better for them to not drip-feed faction's rules over the edition. If they can't get them out at the same time as the edition, have them all out within the first 6 months or so then give them room to breathe. Otherwise make any codex released within a year of the next edition work with the new edition, possibly with a few adjustments if needed.
As it stands, I will never buy a codex and just get my army rules from one of the many websites where you can get them for free.
Yeh I agree it just doesn’t work.
if you want digital go play a video game, I want a physical copy. How about they just write GOOD rules to begin with then they don't need constant updates.
@@Adamantios-Alian the game is still played on the tabletop, having all the rules available on their website wouldn't change that. Lots of people look up army rules and stats on their phone while playing. If you really rather use paper, you can print them.
GW want people to buy the newest models so they are always going to change things, and people don't want stagnation anyway.
The fact is they can't make rules good enough to not need tweaks. They never did, not to the standard that would pass in the internet age for such a popular, complex competitve wargame. I dont think anyone can. Expensive printed books being the expected way access the rules, augmented with sloppily distributed digital updates, simply suck.
How are you going to convince GW to NOT do 3 years. Just too potential money for them. New edition = new hype = More Money
I think they may realise as less people buy the starter sets and the books and look for free options. But you’re right they will likely just keep doing it.
I pre-ordered skaventide mostly for spearhead at this point, but plan to stick to 3rd and 4th. Max two versions for systems for me, but I’m a casual, narrative player.
Spearhead is looking fantastic. Trying it for the first time tomorrow. Gonna give thoughts on the next episode next week.
See I would buy it but I only want the skaven models not anything else like the rules and other books cause I just like painting not playing. Ebay could be an option but I'm not shure how it works to selling it
You’ll be able to find the Skaven half sold on eBay. Or if you’re happy to wait they will be released as a spearhead box later in the year.
Please go paint something else, you are ruining the hobby. I know its not completely your fault but this is the reason the rules are crap they count on people buying just to paint and collect and not to play it.
I don’t get how people can complain that Skaventide isn’t selling well enough. It’s not even out for another week! Are we really calling it a failure just because it’s not sold out long before release like all of GWs 40k releases? Are we going from blaming them for FOMO to blaming them for over producing?
Our conversation was more around less people buying the starter sets because of the 3 year cycle than it not selling well enough.
Sales and community says the exact opposite. Look at how TOW already has stopped being an important player in the rank and flank game
@@pietrogigliotti8365Does KoW and Conquest actually outsell TOW? Genuinely curious because I do see a lot of the first books now going on sale.
@@SwopetheDope some do, some don't.
@@pietrogigliotti8365You’re absolutely delusional if you believe this.
@josephjustice4553 sales wise it's the harsh truth. After the initial boost made thanks to bretonnia had tk boxes sales have waned and also GW seems to care about TOW as much as any other specialist. Because that's what TOW is no matter how old world fanatics think. Part of the grognards are not happy with the ruleset and went back playing older edition of wh and/or kings of war. Here in Italy all the communities have tried TOW and put it back on the shelves for the 4th edition. And worldwide the majority of people is leaning towards a more quick experience, that doesn't need 3 hours for a single game. That's the sad truth. The true delusional are the ones who belive that TOW will go and replace AOS and become bigger.
The old days were rough, no update to your useless army for a decade, you mate with a broken demon list become uselss to play against for ages. Boring flavourless list? Its going to be a rough decade for you son
If you’re happy spending all the money and keeping up to date for matched play purposes it won’t be an issue.