This insight and perspective is vital for us to understand that we are not responsible to fix all the problems, but to focus on your immediate sphere of influence. I love the phrase "CARING SMALL." That captures it beautifully. I started to realize in my 50's that I really couldn't make a difference at a federal or even state level (of course I can vote), but I could be a part of change in my community and neighborhood. So, now at 77 I can see some of the fruit of sowing seeds locally and watering, nurturing, and growing with a community. Currently, I focus my energy and resources in my neighborhood, church, and manage Stephen MInistry and Hope Community, which is creating and developing a teaching farm and community center in an African-American neighborhood that needs revitalizing. I believe we as a community can see change that will impact generations to come. Thank you for this wonderful interview!
This insight and perspective is vital for us to understand that we are not responsible to fix all the problems, but to focus on your immediate sphere of influence. I love the phrase "CARING SMALL." That captures it beautifully. I started to realize in my 50's that I really couldn't make a difference at a federal or even state level (of course I can vote), but I could be a part of change in my community and neighborhood. So, now at 77 I can see some of the fruit of sowing seeds locally and watering, nurturing, and growing with a community. Currently, I focus my energy and resources in my neighborhood, church, and manage Stephen MInistry and Hope Community, which is creating and developing a teaching farm and community center in an African-American neighborhood that needs revitalizing. I believe we as a community can see change that will impact generations to come. Thank you for this wonderful interview!
I loved this so much!! for so many different reasons. I don't know Sharon, but she sounds amazing!!
Thank you both for sharing your stories and how little things impact and grow greater outcomes!
Such a beautiful conversation. So encouraging! Thank you!