Madness Or Nirvana? The Psychedelics Paradox

  • Опубліковано 22 вер 2024


  • @lovesmirror5565
    @lovesmirror5565 7 місяців тому +366

    It is strange to think about how the transcended experience of egolessness then eventually returns to the ego and the ego believes that it happened to me, when the whole experience was the absence of me. It leaves me trying to grasp the ungraspable, trying to remember the unrememberable, and trying to convey the unconveyable. It truly is humbling.

    • @jamesdailey2476
      @jamesdailey2476 7 місяців тому +7

      I’ve tried to understand this , 🤔 after ayahuasca my mind was totally different, an even my health problems gone. Lasting 7 months then it came back . My ego it holding on to something maybe 🤔 idk 🤷‍♂️ 🤯🤯

    • @Pikachu-qr4yb
      @Pikachu-qr4yb 7 місяців тому +4

      Yes this is how I describe Ayahuasca. There' always a component that feels so home, so nostalgic, and when i'm on the medicine I'm aware that I will forget this feeling. I now just have a fraction of what that is

    • @BaderSoma
      @BaderSoma 6 місяців тому +3

      Well, we do have a real ego. The dissolution of the false ego is possible, but we will always remian eternally an individual. We just wake up to our real identity, which is sat-chit-ananda, part of God.

    • @Yellowfellow48
      @Yellowfellow48 6 місяців тому

      @@BaderSoma what is false ego?

    • @BaderSoma
      @BaderSoma 6 місяців тому +2

      @@Yellowfellow48 It is when we identify with our body and mind, thinking this is me. It is a temporary and false identification.

  • @RyanTucker-r5d
    @RyanTucker-r5d 7 місяців тому +790

    I used psychedelics like shrooms and lsd while chanting Hindu mantras to different deities. My results were - within only a few mantras with my eyes closed and sometimes when open my entire field of vision changed as if I was tuning my vibration to the said deities vibration, often seeing one of the animals associated with said deity or the deity themselves. A few times even having telepathic communication with the deity and in all these cases the deity asked if I would “like my blockages removed” which would then follow with a warning that it will probably feel unpleasant for a few seconds but after that I would feel great - while this happened my sinus’ would go haywire, my ears popping constantly with one case the deity put something up to my nose to trigger this. After the few seconds unpleasant pressure in whichever chakra was blocked in each case I would go straight into an ecstatic state of bliss which I noticed would be more intense the longer I had gone without ejaculating prior to the ceremony/ritual/offering. It felt as every cell in my body orgasmed at once while continuing to have dialogue with the deity. These were truly life changing and eye opening experiences and were a small glimpse at what our ancient ancestors were doing in their rites and in the mystery schools

    • @iveseenemall
      @iveseenemall 7 місяців тому +15

      That's awesome!!!!!!!!!

    • @iveseenemall
      @iveseenemall 7 місяців тому +4

      @Victoria-rl6ot right on right on 🤙

    • @WelcomeToDERPLAND
      @WelcomeToDERPLAND 7 місяців тому +46

      I- not using drugs, but sleepless-ness and trance induced via music, violent gameplay, and various prayers to the goddess Athena- was able to achieve a similar result...

    • @worldlycashmoneyenterprises
      @worldlycashmoneyenterprises 7 місяців тому +92

      psychedelics turned me from a hardcore atheist to a spiritually minded person- your mileage may vary though there are a lot of people who should steer clear of psychedelics

    • @DialedIn.
      @DialedIn. 7 місяців тому +25

      I’ve had likewise experience but make sure to keep a certain level of discernment for what your brain manifests due to what it is seeking

  • @solarpoweredafricanvegansp178
    @solarpoweredafricanvegansp178 7 місяців тому +103

    Makes sense now.
    The psychedelic experience or the psychonaut, fast tracks the mystical experience. They go straight to the source, in that experience, if they go deep enough, they will know everything there is to know about consciousness but they will forget most of it on the way back to sobriety.
    Buddhism, they look to get that same experience but in a slow methodical way, which allows you to embody that experience and live it day by day, so that you never forget.

    • @abundantharmony
      @abundantharmony 7 місяців тому +17

      Meh, I've never found any esoteric wisdom or knowledge from breakthrough trips, and I've had mindblowing, psychic, precognitic trips, yet never any occult wisdom. I've seen the little mayan looking machine elves running around my room, yet no wisdom from them. I've traveled through 5D alex grey paintings while on DMT yet still no occult wisdom. I've lived entire lifetimes outside of my body on certain psychedelics, yet still no occult wisdom. I've definitely acquired all of my knowledge while sober or soberish, and not tripping balls. I think many people ascribe meaning to where there is none; Some kind of apophenia. People see visual constructs and attach meaning to them based off of the ideas they had prior to the trip. Bubble go pop.

    • @mfurdizzle17
      @mfurdizzle17 7 місяців тому +6

      I saw a lot and learned a lot expanded a lot but also forgot a lot contact source often for daily downloads!

    • @Unfamous_Buddha
      @Unfamous_Buddha 7 місяців тому +1

      Under LSD and the title of Alan Watts' book, "This Is It" unexpectedly traipsing through my head 3 or 4 times in 1971 changed everything for me. My "self" did not end at my skin.
      And I "know" (but not like Knower & Object known, Duality) it's still "IT" whether I'm aware or not.

    • @yodamaged2703
      @yodamaged2703 7 місяців тому +4

      ​@@abundantharmonyYou are right that people do that, but your experiences are yours alone. There are many who genuinely do find occult wisdom. I will say though that it doesn't come to all. Everyone's time is different. Maybe the time for you is later. Most people who find occult things in these experiences already have a soul that's predisposed to these things and already were a seeker of truth, but didn't know that. My whole life, I looked for truth. I rejected mainstream religion quite young and always knew somethings that others were oblivious to. It's like my whole life was guided to this ego loss experience and then from there, I started the mystical path. I recommend Initiation into Hermetics. It's a book. The thing is, you have to put psychedelics down at one point. Go for the highest and once you get the message, put it down. It also helps to set intentions and to also have spiritual knowledge on your own. Not everyone gets ego losses. Not everyone gets occult truths. Doesn't make anyone better than the other. It just is what it is.

    • @solarpoweredafricanvegansp178
      @solarpoweredafricanvegansp178 7 місяців тому

      I understand what you mean, I have the same issue with DMT and mushrooms. All of my deep insights come from LSD.
      Some entheogens open up to certain people, other entheogens don’t.
      If one isn’t working, try another one, if that doesn’t work, entheogens just aren’t for you. You will need to find another means.

  • @WyAndL
    @WyAndL 7 місяців тому +243

    I awakened through the use of mushrooms. I then depended on mushrooms to sustain these new perspectives of reality and unity. However after 2 years of regular use of mushrooms, I let go of the use of substances all together and turned mostly to Buddhism and Hinduism to guide me on my journey. I know that in the state I lived in before Mushrooms I never would have been able to accept or follow the teachings of the east. Mushrooms were medicine that, while dependant on for sometime, I eventually no longer needed as I was healed to a state where I could walk the spiritual path without them. These compounds are medicine. Thank you for another wonderful upload

    • @matthewmaguire3554
      @matthewmaguire3554 7 місяців тому +3

      When in a movie theater the studios have designed the previews to be louder and the colors to be sharper and faster so you really get the message…Psychedelics are like this…You get the message then go see the real movie.
      You are right on schedule.
      If not for psychedelics the eastern traditions would never have made such big move to the west…They knock psychedelics but if it weren’t for psychedelics they would be out of business…Big money in those monasteries…Like all organized religions.
      In the future there will be a melding of the two.
      Psychedelic training will be like boot camp (preparation for war…it’s a intense short trip)…then a spiritual path you take to (like real wars where not much happens interrupted by intense chaos and loss…then seeming nothing again) and work your way to what the psychedelic preview promised.
      You’re right on schedule.🦞

    • @731-l3o
      @731-l3o 7 місяців тому +7

      thanks for being honest, i’m currently in the state where i’m trying to weave off of the psychedelics but j feel as tho i keep needing to return to them, almost like i’m reading the next chapter, but i know i will need to leave them behind to get to the next level

    • @poor_impulsive
      @poor_impulsive 7 місяців тому +8

      stop looking for guides to follow and start to believe in yourself - no one knows anything - so don't expect others to fulfill your lost emptiness - you need to fill that with your own purpose. FUNGI FUCK YEAH!>?

    • @slimonaly5418
      @slimonaly5418 7 місяців тому

      do you ever want to get back into using them ?

    • @hiddentreasures3038
      @hiddentreasures3038 7 місяців тому

      What type of mushrooms u used

  • @dreaminez472
    @dreaminez472 7 місяців тому +106

    I remember my first mushroom trip 16 years ago like it was yesterday. I had discovered Buddhism three years prior and has been meditating ever since. My experience with meditation was paramount during my trip and I used it heavily, especially during the onset and peak when things got intense.
    At the time I was battling deep depression and hopelessness. But the walk I took in the forest was the sweetest experience of my life. I remember the colors becoming richer than I'd ever seen before and a sense of profound peacefulness took over me. After that I remember finding a tree to sit under as the trip started to reach full intensity. I drifted away for what felt like 10,000 years, remaining in a state of meditation the whole time. I remember my mind bifurcating, one half was my same depressed lonely self and the other half was pure infinite love. I understood there is no "I", that all there is is oneness. I realized there is nothing to be afraid of and even unpleasant emotions are beautiful because they give us an opportunity to experience reality differently and understand our minds in a deeper way.
    The second half of the trip was pure heaven... I had a surge of energy and hiked for another 2 hours in a state of joy that cannot be described in words.
    However without a solid foundation in regards to meditation I imagine my experiences with psychedelics would have been much rockier. I've never had a "bad trip" but have had plenty of very intense moments where breath meditation is crucial to keeping the experience on the rails. If anyone is interested in psychedelics you should absolutely practice meditation first!

    • @escobar8617
      @escobar8617 7 місяців тому +1

      How does breathing and meditation keep it on rails can you please elaborate

    • @Muhammadawlohpedopil
      @Muhammadawlohpedopil 7 місяців тому +1

      I agree.

    • @samlanelives
      @samlanelives 7 місяців тому

      @@escobar8617I’ll take the reins here. I think it’s crucial to keeping a headspace of detachment from your thoughts, so you don’t get wrapped up in them during the trip. One who does not meditate may grasp tightly onto the thoughts that come up during the trip, and since such thoughts are magnified intensely, can produce strong negative resistance from the mind.

    • @prophez23
      @prophez23 7 місяців тому +3

      No next time you take shrooms meditate on the concept of the first thought of god. Not thought's but the singular thought the very first one. The first thought was "I".. There is only "I" and the oneness you feel is you and only you. And I am you and you are me and all of us are "I" and there is only "I".. Enjoy the awakening and don't fear the big sleep..

    • @Muhammadawlohpedopil
      @Muhammadawlohpedopil 7 місяців тому +1

      @@prophez23 it isn’t a thought, it is awareness itself.
      Om Namah Shivaya🙏🏻

  • @MrJamesdryable
    @MrJamesdryable 7 місяців тому +346

    Memories create the illusion of the self.

    • @ilikestarsun
      @ilikestarsun 7 місяців тому +37

      Often i see myself romanticizing the story of my life, and how It unfolded into the spiritual path, and I realize, I keep holding on to those memories, even the slightest attatchment to the “story” is also an illusion

    • @ilikestarsun
      @ilikestarsun 7 місяців тому +13

      It can keep us from going forward if we always look back just to reminisce instead of look back to learn and continue foward.

    • @masterofpain120
      @masterofpain120 7 місяців тому +10

      If it's all an illusion then what is the thing perceiving said illusion if it's not you but only the illusion of you?

    • @brianbak6405
      @brianbak6405 7 місяців тому +1

      The robot just keeps going.! It’s all a play

    • @GizzyDillespee
      @GizzyDillespee 7 місяців тому +3

      It's not only memories. It's the seemingly continuous thread of ALL the chatter and images and feelings that happen moment to moment. It's called an illusion because it isn't really continuous. If you pay attention, it's really more like a sequence of disconnected ideas, observations, reactions, memories - there actually isn't any continuity between them, if you really look closely. You were thinking about the dog, and then you looked at the TV, and got engrossed in that, and saw an ice cream commercial, and then you were thinking about cake, and then the dog moved and drew your attention, and... that stream of attention to thoughts and stimuli, and the stuff contained in the skin, is what people usually identify as self.
      Then there's an awareness that's independant of that thought stream, that's still there in between the individual thoughts. Then there's a reality that's even more basic, and it's turtles all the way down. Most people seem to identify as the body and the thought stream. Eastern languages have words for the awareness behind all of that, but what's the use of listing a bunch of labels from another language? People will try to understand them from within the thought stream, which is academic, and this isn't an academic video - it's a practitioner vid.

  • @EffectiveINenglish
    @EffectiveINenglish 5 місяців тому +2

    I convinced a 25-year Theravada forest (meditation) Buddhist monk and meditation teacher to try Ayahuasca three times.
    He understood that this was not a prohibited drug, because Aya promotes clear seeing not blindness.
    First ceremony was ok. Second ceremony was his "best night of meditation ever".
    After the third ceremony he told me, "Every sincere Buddhist practitioner should try Ayahuasca once, so they can understand the goal of Buddhism."
    An excellent video. ❤

  • @Jalopezlag
    @Jalopezlag 5 місяців тому +4

    The time I tried mushrooms I had an absolutely life changing experience that has positively improved my life and relationships. It left me a message I have taken to heart and have continuously tried to understand it through meditation after.

    • @shaggy6005
      @shaggy6005 4 місяці тому

      What’s the message

  • @Raviolli
    @Raviolli 7 місяців тому +45

    Psychedelics open your mind to the idea that our perception of reality isn’t as fine tuned as originally thought and can induce new perspectives that can very much influence your life in base reality
    It doesn’t always have to be some mystical polarity and sometimes it can just be a mind altering molecule that has a time and a place and that the intellectually minded person can benefit much from with the proper understanding

    • @manuelkohpei3719
      @manuelkohpei3719 7 місяців тому

      I agree, and I also find that even with lower dosage psychedelic trips, that they can promote getting from "I know there is no reason to not forgive me my errors" to actually feeling that way. Psycs often tend to enhance my self-reflection, while also amplifying my emotions connected to my thoughts. Many tears involved, and afterwards I managed to "build some lighthouses" that are emotionally relatable in my mind to orient myself to and found a new way of dealing with my sadness.
      While thats all still neither psychoanalysis nor therapy, I can't deny it's helpfulness in thinking and feeling about life and oneself. If you know yourself just enough, and have a little experience with meditation, psychedelics and the concept of "I am not my thoughts", they can be a great tool in many ways. To always stay mindful about the use is of most importance

    • @Raviolli
      @Raviolli 7 місяців тому +2

      @@manuelkohpei3719 we’re playing those mind games
      Lots of love your way
      The world needs more psychedelic people
      Raise the vibration
      Feel free to be free
      Together we can change the world

    • @manuelkohpei3719
      @manuelkohpei3719 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Raviolli Always glad to see I'm not alone. Powert to you! Power to all of you!

    • @johnthreesixteenlookitup
      @johnthreesixteenlookitup 5 місяців тому +1

      John 3:16
      King James Version
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  • @ericfogle4965
    @ericfogle4965 6 місяців тому +26

    It amazes me how many “egoless” people become these holy then tho narcissistic egomaniacal shamans it’s incredibly common

    • @nothanks9503
      @nothanks9503 5 місяців тому +1

      Yeah I’m still getting the ego thing figured out but I think it’s basically a format structure for incoming stimuli so you don’t get overwhelmed by stimuli and can make sense of the information you’re receiving from your senses your body takes the incoming info and runs it through the format of ego

    • @nightfears3005
      @nightfears3005 4 місяці тому +2

      Don't forget the sex abuse

    • @PancakeDiaries
      @PancakeDiaries 27 днів тому

      ​@@nightfears3005first thing that came to mind

  • @FTW_666
    @FTW_666 7 місяців тому +27

    To each their own, but I’ve found that cannabis and yoga practice is a winning combination. Who gets to decide what constitutes “external” means and “internal”? You do. Do you what works for *you* and ignore other people’s projections and biases.

    • @clawthe
      @clawthe 7 місяців тому +2

      I’ve been doing those two separately, I don’t know why I haven’t thought much about combining them, haha. Thanks for the idea, definitely will try (:

    • @dailyabundance
      @dailyabundance 7 місяців тому

      Thank you. 🙏🏽

    • @MengzisDisciple
      @MengzisDisciple 7 місяців тому +2

      It is because THC numbs the amygdala and rewards center of the brain. Where meditation and diet are meant to calm down this system as well (less dopamine). Doing so allows you to become aware of the contentment center of the brain (the insula center--and serotonin). The insula center being the aware center connected with manic-depression and schizophrenia (due to the DMT in this area...). Just brain chemistry and hormones.

    • @johnthreesixteenlookitup
      @johnthreesixteenlookitup 5 місяців тому

      John 3:16
      King James Version
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  • @JavierD92
    @JavierD92 7 місяців тому +44

    It's nice to imagine psychedelics will always dissolve ego but I have had an experience with a friend where his ego was reenforced rather than dissolved.

    • @hanzfest8660
      @hanzfest8660 7 місяців тому +16

      Some egos doesnt like it. There are very sensitive egos which you have to take care first. I had this experience. My first use of psychedelics really helped me. But the more I used them, the more my Ego got "aggressive". The problem with tripping alone is you misinterpret the messages you receive. Unlike guided ones or even just a sitter. Its for everyone, yes, but gotta have supervision or backed up by researching about the entheogen. Peace, bliss and blessings brother ❤

    • @Evanderyg
      @Evanderyg 7 місяців тому +2

      maybe u should take it alone

    • @dgodiex
      @dgodiex 7 місяців тому

      @@Evanderyg This 100000%

    • @scottlopez9822
      @scottlopez9822 7 місяців тому +1

      Never do serious medicine work alone …

    • @cheesemongering109
      @cheesemongering109 6 місяців тому +2

      it does both, you can build a ego from being so egoless, but the fact youre egoless is now both diminishing and boosting your ego at the same time. thats normal

  • @telvanni3651
    @telvanni3651 5 місяців тому +2

    I took three tabs one night and ended up falling asleep. I had the strangest dream that felt more real than anything in my life. I was greeted by two figures in front of what seemed to be a door or gateway. Something asked what the meaning of life was, and when I somehow said it, it was incomprehensible. After that, I felt flung through some unfathomable tunnel, where I began to literally lose myself. I could feel the voice I use to think, my consciousness fading. I truly felt like I was losing myself. It was like my body had a natural reaction to try and stop what was happening because I started to feel fear. I woke up after this and couldn't stop talking about it for months. I still think about it from time to time.

  • @infiniity5529
    @infiniity5529 7 місяців тому +13

    One thing I realised when I was high is that our awareness is constant, it can’t be created or destroyed. You can’t kill remove our consciousness. It’s always existed and always will it’s infinite. You can trap it, block it, but can’t get rid of it. Realised how that’s what existence is, it’s being aware having awareness. Making us gods. We create shape reality with our consciousness.

    • @kritix6080
      @kritix6080 7 місяців тому +1

      Nirvana in Buddism is destroyed consciousness. There is nothing, not even consciousness. It is the ultimate goal of Buddhism. But I just had an interesting shower thought about it. What if nirvana is like a junkyard, if we take simulation theory into account. What if we’re all simulation programs for a higher race, and they would retire us when we stop doing anything interesting, stop functioning?

    • @johnthreesixteenlookitup
      @johnthreesixteenlookitup 5 місяців тому +3

      John 3:16
      King James Version
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    • @nightfears3005
      @nightfears3005 4 місяці тому +2

      Anesthesia easily proves your new age gibberish wrong.

    @VELVETPERSON 5 місяців тому +3

    I did meditation with Sadhguru (online course).
    I can say that deep meditation is 0.01% similar to what you can experience while on a mushroom trip.
    And the biggest difference is in the process. If you imagine the dissolution of the ego as climbing to the top of a mountain, then meditation is a planned climb from the base to the top through long practices and a long time, and a mushroom trip is when you take a helicopter straight to the very top

    • @YoutubeVideoViewerDEL
      @YoutubeVideoViewerDEL 4 місяці тому +1

      If we get back what we put in; which one would be more rewarding?

      @VELVETPERSON 4 місяці тому +1

      @@UA-camVideoViewerDEL hard to say. It is about point of view. Someone like when things can be done quickly. But someone likes to grow their intentions

  • @fk-hi6gs
    @fk-hi6gs 7 місяців тому +17

    I did Ayahuasca almost 10 years ago. Have been meditating prior and had some intellectual understanding of the mind.
    It was enough for me with one journey beyond the ego to elevate my practics of meditation/mindfulness, insight and further realizations there after.

  • @pjelvis22
    @pjelvis22 7 місяців тому +43

    Miserable people think Happy people are crazy. Miserable people are the craziest. They fear things that don’t exist yet, and get angry at things that don’t exist anymore. Then they cry about last week and last week doesn’t exist anymore. People including me must learn to be In the now.. psychedelic can only do so much.

    • @sarahhunter1114
      @sarahhunter1114 7 місяців тому +1

      Well said.

    • @single_dad_of3
      @single_dad_of3 7 місяців тому +3

      happiness describes only 25% of 20 different emotions. If you chase happiness and can not sit, with other emotions then 75% of the time you will be miserable

    • @pjelvis22
      @pjelvis22 7 місяців тому +3

      @@single_dad_of3 you can’t chase happiness 😆 happiness comes from within and can be accessed at any time. Being happy all the time doesn’t mean you can’t sit with other emotions. There is a time for everything.. but There is absolutely nothing wrong with being happy as much as possible. Only when you pretend to be happy is when you become miserable. When you accept you are miserable and realize you don’t need to be is when you can be happy. The many different emotions are just aspects of happiness and misery. When you’re angry you’re not happy you’re miserable. When you’re sad you’re not happy but miserable. When you are scared you are not happy but miserable. You are either at ease or not. If you spend 90% of your day being miserable that is poison for the body and mind. We can either be victims of our own memory or we can transcend and be happy.

    • @bobhope4949
      @bobhope4949 7 місяців тому +1

      Happy people are good at looking the other way, something’s ya can’t look past, all relative, lol you may have had a better life than someone who has not, just because you didn’t experience the pain doesn’t mean their pain shouldn’t be valid

    • @bobhope4949
      @bobhope4949 7 місяців тому

      Happy people are good at looking the other way, something’s ya can’t look past, all relative, lol you may have had a better life than someone who has not, just because you didn’t experience the pain doesn’t mean their pain shouldn’t be valid

  • @MichaelSplatkins
    @MichaelSplatkins 7 місяців тому +25

    Having experienced Satori sober and ego death on different entheogens, I can say that the transcendental state is largely the same once you go deep enough. The paths taken there have their own nuances, though.
    What appears mad is actually reality. But that's only because we're basically just children trying to understand the most alien, complex, higher dimensional structure in existence from inside of one of its lowest tiers.

    • @prajwalneupane5094
      @prajwalneupane5094 7 місяців тому +1

      there is no we. there is no understanding. the buddha never taught anything to anyone.

    • @alena-qu9vj
      @alena-qu9vj 7 місяців тому +2

      @@prajwalneupane5094 But there is somebody who reminds us of it EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    • @fmone7878
      @fmone7878 7 місяців тому +2

      Fractals my friend!

    • @tomb613
      @tomb613 7 місяців тому

      well said.

    • @manuelkohpei3719
      @manuelkohpei3719 7 місяців тому

      Exactly where im at right now! Also, in philosophical logic, oftentimes youre bound to run into problems or paradoxes when beginning to self relate from within the given system. Stepping out of the usual system can help the understanding, even if the conclusion is not translatable into words or the usual system. Kinda like quantumphysics and special relativity

  • @PhilipPedro2112
    @PhilipPedro2112 7 місяців тому +2

    Set is everything. The more you have going in, the more you have coming out.
    Seek out all knowledge of the natural world, the human world and of your self. Connections will be revealed.All are parts of the whole.

  • @shiv.seeking
    @shiv.seeking 5 місяців тому

    Beautiful body of work. As an American 🇺🇸 Advaita Vedanta practitioner this was a fantastic integration of the duality I face from my Eastern roots and Western upbringing. ❤

  • @khileshjairamdas8410
    @khileshjairamdas8410 7 місяців тому +1

    This video proves that this channel is carrying us on the trajectory towards Truth.

  • @mfurdizzle17
    @mfurdizzle17 7 місяців тому +2

    All this happened to me without me realizing it until it rooted very thankful for my experience here as a ptsd and addict ❤

  • @blaabbb1
    @blaabbb1 7 місяців тому +1

    I went on a binge with psychedelics to understand some thoughts of mine. I was depressed before, after these experiences and understandings I haven’t been since. I get sad sometimes when circumstances happen, but never the random seasonal depression

  • @be12sogreat
    @be12sogreat 7 місяців тому +6

    U guys are literally making me overjoyed and surprising me ❤❤❤❤love u guyss❤❤❤ thanks alot❤❤❤

  • @KristyTurner-m3w
    @KristyTurner-m3w 7 місяців тому +1

    A closed mind is a closed heart. May our hearts and minds be open to all the love we can receive. However u find the path. All roads lead to home

  • @Ratkwad
    @Ratkwad 7 місяців тому +3

    Trippin out is great, what you do with it is what makes it even greater, its up to you.

  • @Luciaonlinee
    @Luciaonlinee 6 місяців тому +7

    Had a bad 25i nbome trip, which was ny most profound. Died, saw my life flash before my eyes, and like that movie everything everywhere, I lived simulations or simultaneously occurring life's and I could go to any dot on this web of lives and live there briefly before bring brought back to the stream of my own consciousness. I saw a vortex of faces of my ancestors, starting with my parents and friends and families and then warping into their parents and etc. I heard a voice telling me when I'm ready I'll be back here. I saw it all and knew it all and I was calm. I eventually came down and remember bits and pieces. I read about the oracle of Tibet and got really into Buddhism after. The only thing I can say is that it was so similar to the experience described in the book of the dead. Mind you this was 2013 and I was 19. I had zero spiritual understanding but after I just seemed to know things about Hinduism and Buddhism and I would shock myself when i knew these concepts already. I definitely would describe it as my first ego death.

    • @johnthreesixteenlookitup
      @johnthreesixteenlookitup 5 місяців тому

      John 3:16
      King James Version
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    • @EffectiveINenglish
      @EffectiveINenglish 5 місяців тому

      What's "25i"?

  • @ericgouw
    @ericgouw 7 місяців тому +14

    I have met numerous people who use psychedelics as a way of "getting rid of ego" (momentarily) and that means, in the long term, they use it just to add more experiences to their egos. Conclusion: they keep inside the samsara wheel.

    • @jonnylevy1181
      @jonnylevy1181 7 місяців тому

      And you used your ego to make that statement so you’re right there with us 😂

    • @ericgouw
      @ericgouw 7 місяців тому +3

      @@jonnylevy1181 yes you are right. My ego chose to analyse the way out and avoid traps. But I'm still in the trap.

    • @jonnylevy1181
      @jonnylevy1181 7 місяців тому +1

      @@ericgouw you needa integrate your shadow 😎

    • @jonnylevy1181
      @jonnylevy1181 7 місяців тому +1

      I think psychedelics are a tool for reaching nirvana. Certainly not a shortcut to enlightenment. Still have to put the work in but if used for a proper intended purpose they can be beneficial just like any other method that can be abused too!! Just my opinion. Speaking from experience as I’ve hurt myself, helped myself, with psychedelics but in the end I like to think I still have an “essence”. And I’ve tried many methods. Psychedelics sparked an interest in me but definitely didn’t cause me to reach enlightenment by any means. But where would I be without it?? I wouldn’t knock it just if it’s not for me. We’re here to live and learn. Don’t think I’ll ever reach a moment and say ahhh I’m enlightened now there’s no work to do spiritually anymore. Therefore I question if you can even escape the wheel in the first place. I believe in reincarnation but I admit everything I know about it is just really in theory. Hope that helps from my ❤️ to yours. Peace

    • @ericgouw
      @ericgouw 7 місяців тому +1

      @@jonnylevy1181 yes, thank you

  • @SONUYADAV-mo3ng
    @SONUYADAV-mo3ng 7 місяців тому +6

    Description of enlightenment in last part of video is really amazing. Much appreciated.

  • @Lightemerging
    @Lightemerging 6 місяців тому +1

    Best video about that topic I have ever seen and I have seen a lot!

  • @TBaroon
    @TBaroon 7 місяців тому +46

    We do not need external means to reach internal conclusions

    • @TheAlpineAddict
      @TheAlpineAddict 7 місяців тому +21

      Drugs or no drugs, it does not matter if you reach the same conclusion. It's like taking a flight instead of a bike. Taking a flight will be faster, and perhaps the bike will be more rewarding, but that's not a given. And without taking the flight, perhaps you'd never gotten on the bike in the first place.

    • @DMTmates
      @DMTmates 7 місяців тому +5

      Internal conclusions are one thing. Higher dimensional entities and what they show is not the same. There's a difference in states and what they are capable of and what's the point for the individual. I've never seen anyone with their knees knocking in terror with what their next meditation might hold

    • @TBaroon
      @TBaroon 7 місяців тому +2

      @@DMTmates we agree

    • @TheAlpineAddict
      @TheAlpineAddict 7 місяців тому +8

      @@DMTmates Internal conclusions are ultimately all we have. You cannot prove or know beyond all resonable doubt that higher dimensional entities are actually real. They could simply be a figment of your own mind, which could be the only mind for all you know. At the end of the day, all you are left with are your own internal conclusions and the choice to create your own beliefs based on your experience.

    • @poor_impulsive
      @poor_impulsive 7 місяців тому

      @@DMTmates 😶‍🌫🤪🤣🤐🥸😎👹👺🤘🤟

  • @rinkypatnaik1990
    @rinkypatnaik1990 7 місяців тому +64

    For me chasing nd being obsseseed for possesing something which has no permanent existence is complete madness..materlism is completely baseless nd i really wonder how pepl cant see nd realise a small thing tht d effort what one puts for any materlistc attainment can be snatched at any spiritual path of seeking truth nd love all d seekers of truth..

    • @metasamsara
      @metasamsara 7 місяців тому +5

      the permanence is rooted in ego gratification. it becomes a problem only to transcend the ego. and propaganda encourages ego-driven opinions to divide and conquer the minds. with too much respect and cooperation, we can't be put against each other anymore. ego is only a problem when trying to live in harmony really. it is a bonus for predators. the self is part of oneness in the sense you can not breathe without an atmosphere, you can't through evolution develop a human without gravity and the laws of physics. the observer bias is a phenomenom that modern science is unaware of because einstein wasnt getting the full picture on relativity. it isn't general, it is local and relative. the self is a byproduct of existence just like mass is. schrodinger would have solved his theory problems if einstein didn't believe in a single, set plane of existence. what led him in error was using newtonian equations which induced falsified truths in modern mathematics as it was found using a play on numbers, numbers which are a human construct, like words, to make sense of simplified reality (not quantum accurate), and are using linearity as a property of their construct, instead of properly accounting for relative velocity and mass in a logarithmic exponential way. Sure you can convert numbers, but you can't multiply different vectors just like adding 2 potatoes and 4 carrots amounting to 6 doesn't mean anything at the quantum level. You have to ask the right questions, and not pollute the answers through assumptions in order to awaken. that's where losing the ego comes into play, you forget everything you think you know in favor of true, vivid, observation for what actually is there right before your eyes. not your memory of it 2 seconds ago, not what you think it will do in 2 seconds, or 2 years, but what it is in the present moment, without judgement or opinion other than neutral reporting and reacting.

    • @Jumpyexponent45
      @Jumpyexponent45 7 місяців тому +18

      Is half decent and proper grammar madness too?

    • @Ch0sen1NE776
      @Ch0sen1NE776 7 місяців тому +4

      ​@@metasamsaraIm high of Mushrooms right and its not meant to be permanent😂 Its meant for enlightenment 👁️

    • @aceiam4370
      @aceiam4370 7 місяців тому +1

      The same way you don't realise how being materialistic is a form of worship in its confined way. I think you are under the shroud of spiritual ego , which means you will either elevate from here or stay drowned in its ramifications. I pray that you don't ever face the later, hoping you will pray the same for me.

    • @rinkypatnaik1990
      @rinkypatnaik1990 7 місяців тому +1

      @@aceiam4370 i really dont realise how materlism can be worshipped? Nd dear,seeking truth and spiritual ego can't go together..cos,when u r seeking something,u already know tht u r tht helpless and tht ignorant of everything,which is going in d universe..nd u r jst a living entity under d grip of something very strong,over which u dont hve any control or question of ego is again a question mark for a helpless seeker?..Anyways,m happy tht u r praying for me..thanks

  • @Lebensbalsam
    @Lebensbalsam 7 місяців тому +10

    High quality video, amazing work❤❤❤

    • @johnthreesixteenlookitup
      @johnthreesixteenlookitup 5 місяців тому

      John 3:16
      King James Version
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  • @charliehackett3514
    @charliehackett3514 7 місяців тому +23

    Fantastic, Om Namah Shivaya!!!

    • @rylee1395
      @rylee1395 6 місяців тому

      Atleast remove my data from everything

  • @crestfallenraven
    @crestfallenraven 7 місяців тому +2

    Just brilliant. Deepest gratitude for this video.

    • @johnthreesixteenlookitup
      @johnthreesixteenlookitup 5 місяців тому

      John 3:16
      King James Version
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  • @T1000-f8v
    @T1000-f8v 7 місяців тому +3

    I was 18 when I think I had a ego death experience, the 2nd time I had shrooms, at some point during the trip I was standing in front of a heater holding a beer, then it started getting dark and boom I'm just floating in space, before fear could set in, it had already disappeared, i said what to myself then it lost all meaning and all I could see was a faint light that grew into a bright ring just floating, nothing had meaning, I was completely there but not, then my friend asked if I was ok because I was just looking out into nothing like a zombie. Was like I literally got shot off the planet, 15 yrs of trips and nothing like it, lots of other things but not that.

  • @MengzisDisciple
    @MengzisDisciple 7 місяців тому +2

    Just taping into the insula of the brain (background feeling--contentment center). This is not "enlightenment." Just a minor "glimpse" (can do the same with meditation and diet)--where they tap into DMT (which is a drug found in the insula). Most people are caught up in the Rewards Center of the brain--the amygdala (the ego center), where the hormone dopamine plays a major role.
    The problem with using drugs and not following the normal path of just meditation and diet (to lower dopamine counts) is two-fold. One is that the "insula" center is connected with schizophrenia and manic-depression. Many people in the comments below mention depression after using LSD, Mushrooms, or DMT itself. This is just the coming down from the mania (too much serotonin--the hormone found in the insula). Marijuana can also numb the amygdala, so that one experiences the "bliss" and contentment found in the insula.
    The bigger danger is that you actually damage your amygdala (and find no pleasures in life), which taps you directly into the insula and its DMT reservoir, leading to schizophrenia. This is what many people think is "Enlightenment"---but it isn't, it is just kensho (a minor step on the Path) that prepares you for the much longer and harder path of satori. But if you cheated, then once the drug wears off, you are just going to go back to following your amygdala. Also, the emotion pride causes this system to hey-wire--leading to mania, and then depression.
    Lastly, why would any young person want to reach Satori? It is for old people, a way for them to learn to let go of life and everything in it. Where their hormones have worn out and they no longer experience pleasures. Unless you are over the age of 60--you should be out having sex, enjoying life to the fullest, and experiencing everything life has to offer. Nothing wrong with a little meditation and diet to take the edge off (or a little THC)--but save seeking for enlightenment when your hormones have lost their edge. Buddhists monks are fools if they are young and trying to be celibate (just to try and regulate their desires--the dopamine system).

  • @Hermesthizzmegistus
    @Hermesthizzmegistus 7 місяців тому +9

    The exogenous taught me it's all endogenous

  • @captainalex157
    @captainalex157 7 місяців тому +1

    From my experience psychedelics are mainly uselful to create initial desire to transcend the ego. Psychedelics are never a real permanent solution, they can give you a glimpse but thats it. Also it can be dangerous to combine psychs and spiritual practises that will overload your system and mess you up, perhaps permanently. A dedicated daily spiritual practise that works on body and mind is the most foolproof way i think.

  • @ShovelGuitarist
    @ShovelGuitarist 7 місяців тому +5

    Without thr discipline i find these substances pointless...
    Especially when trying to integrate experience
    Self observation/reflection and meditation are the true path no external things outside ones self.
    Theres a fine line between complete insanity and something your tapping into with no guidance of what one is expecting
    Syd Barrett
    Charles Manson are some typical examples

  • @WelcomeToDERPLAND
    @WelcomeToDERPLAND 7 місяців тому +19

    I've tapped into deeper levels of consciousness by staying awake and listening to various forms of music while in deep contemplation about the nature of humanity and the self.
    Staying awake for multiple days on end, can allow one to enter these states without the use of drugs.

    • @Mimi-zk8rq
      @Mimi-zk8rq 7 місяців тому

      Not sleeping at all? For how many days?

    • @WelcomeToDERPLAND
      @WelcomeToDERPLAND 7 місяців тому

      @@Mimi-zk8rq I've reached 5 days a few times- this I know, but once I may have made it to 6 or 7 days, but I started to lose the capacity to track time.
      After 24 hours of no sleep, not much changes, infact I've done this level hundreds if not thousands of times throughout my life as a life-long insomniac. After the sun comes back up, having something to eat or drink or simply washing the face or moving around or seeing the sun usually grants me a 2nd wind that allows me to continue throughout the rest of the 2nd day awake with little to no difficulty or changes.
      Upon reaching the 3rd day of no sleep however, changes begin- especially if I had been purposely trying to tap into a deeper level of subconsciousness through trying to enter into a trance-like state through music and deep contemplation.
      When achieved-minor visual and audio hallucinations as some would call them can occur- such as seeing something at the corner of your eyes, the music changing/warping the words or sounds- the longer you go on and the better you enter this trance like state, the more these effects will be felt.
      Eventually, I was able to refine this- or perhaps made some kind of deeper connection that allowed me to 'talk' to a... entity or something else in my head akin to a subconsciousness which I had no control over- almost like talking psychically to some being besides myself with my own inner monologue which I usually use to think about things, read, or have conversations with myself- however this was different, like I said- talking to another entity in my mind which I had little control over- which at first only commented on things with singular concepts, words- but evolved to be able to convey entire sentences then have dialogue back and forth- all while feeling like I had been speaking to someone or something else.
      My experience didn't end there but I will mention one thing that made it feel... more real- that is, after a time, I'm fairly certain I was able to feel this 'entity' touching my nervous system across various parts of my body, from lighting up various places to gentle touches as if caressed by a ghost- or having a gentle taser light up an entire region all at once- it was quite the time- It's been awhile since I've done it, and I'm not sure everyone can achieve it- but I think it helped me understand the universe and my place in it far better.
      Mind you- since no drugs were involved, I was able to keep my wits about me and while I was pretty much alone secluded in my home the whole time- I was able to go about my days doing this while being completely normally and functional. (thanks wireless headphones and my own willpower) Interacting with family when they came over normally and still getting tasks and chores done all while listening to music and gaming. (but distractions can break the trance, so outside of music or games you truly get immersed in, I recommend avoiding them)

    • @Lupo.nero.selvaggio
      @Lupo.nero.selvaggio 7 місяців тому +21

      I think that' s worse than using drugs

    • @WelcomeToDERPLAND
      @WelcomeToDERPLAND 7 місяців тому

      @@Lupo.nero.selvaggio depends on the drug- for your health I mean.
      Also, since I have insomnia- sleepless nights come naturally to me, and I assume since I've pulled multi-day sleepless periods since I was a child, my body has adapted to it quite well- or at least my ability to power through them has been refined quite a bit.
      But yes- its not exactly healthy to do, especially if you forget to eat & drink, or dont get enough sunlight, and bags will form under your eyes.
      I did study the effects on it long term insomniacs and apparently, depending on the degree of sleep deprivation it can be very harmful- for instance in the worst cases some people have been identified to have a unique genetic disorder which can kick in and leave them completely inable to sleep whatsoever- until they die, apparently a horrific death according to the familial accounts of such admitted extremely rare cases. While minor sleep-deprivation can lead to headaches, low energy, pale skin, bags under the eyes- ect. but nothign too life threatening or very harmful- its only extended periods of prolonged lack of sleep that is truly harmful.
      However, getting back to a normal sleep pattern or just catching back up on it can be extremely difficult, even for me- I've never really had a 'normal' sleep schedule, not even as a child, living homeless and having a occasionally violent upbringing with tons of chaotic life upheaval events throughout childhood into my early adult life did that for me- and the best I ever had it was when I had a schedule to keep to for my college- and naps in between classes, but so far- so good- I'm still fairly fit, and with the proper breaks inbetween the multi-day long sleepless-trance inducing experiments I've managed to keep the side effects to a minimum with a decent control over said trance like effects.

    • @MK-lz1bx
      @MK-lz1bx 7 місяців тому +2

      About 80 hours and the hallucinations will stop, finally

  • @SarathNair007
    @SarathNair007 7 місяців тому +5

    One of the best videos on UA-cam

    @LIQUIDSNAKEz28 7 місяців тому +6

    18:19 I don't buy this. Nothing is permanent and nothing is static. 🤨 No matter how "awake" you are, there will ALWAYS be fluctuations and experiences that kn0ck you off balance, just by virtue of being an organism that's trying to survive.

    • @omtheta1821
      @omtheta1821 7 місяців тому +2

      Ya but part of that spiritual awakening is opening up to everything being Transient and non dual. And as an organism one much accept death.

    • @rinkypatnaik1990
      @rinkypatnaik1990 7 місяців тому matter how awake one is,a slight fluctuation ,will make one knock offbalance..💯

      @LIQUIDSNAKEz28 7 місяців тому

      @@omtheta1821 I'm aware of that. This doesn't contradict anything I said.

  • @TheInfiniteVoid
    @TheInfiniteVoid 7 місяців тому +1

    Fantastic video, definitely a new perspective, thank you for reminding me, I forgot.

  • @harishkumaru589
    @harishkumaru589 5 місяців тому

    There were people in India and Tibet who disappeared out of thin air without taking any psychedelics in their entire lifetime. They had a rainbow body leaving behind just water,hair,nails that's the true path rather than chasing experiences gross,subtle of grandeur through a mirage with entheogens. Moral of the story: One cannot quench thirst from a mirage

  • @omx3x
    @omx3x 7 місяців тому +9

    Hey, please do a video on jewish mysticism e.g kabbalah, hasidism.

    • @TBaroon
      @TBaroon 7 місяців тому +1


  • @adamnaperty
    @adamnaperty 6 місяців тому

    I think that psychedelics are the easiest and quickest way to experience mystical experience.However I don’t think they should be taken regularly because ego,that which we are trying to remove will create a habit and get attached to the experiences themselves.Therefore hindering progress on the path.It’s one of
    the reasons why a lot of people these days got hung up on regular ayahuasca trips.The best and safest way to slowly and firmly chip the ego away is just sitting and questioning the appearance of every thought.So called Atma Vichara.

  • @kenetik13
    @kenetik13 7 місяців тому +5

    The pic on the left of the thumbnail is a good representation of how it feels like during a bad shroom trip

    • @velvia7880
      @velvia7880 7 місяців тому +1

      Bad trips are just good trips, but bad.

    • @kenetik13
      @kenetik13 7 місяців тому

      @@velvia7880 exactly

    • @kenetik13
      @kenetik13 7 місяців тому

      @@velvia7880 they are good once you wake up the next morning

  • @ainslie187
    @ainslie187 7 місяців тому +9

    Mushroom tip: the species _panaeolus cyanescens_ and _panaeolus tropicalis_ (very similar) produce far superior effects compared to the standard psilocybe cubensis to the point it almost seems like a different substance altogether- greater potency, much cleaner feeling, way more blissful. They are relatively easy to cultivate too, however their yield is about 1/4 that of cubensis........ Quality > Quantity

    • @solarpoweredafricanvegansp178
      @solarpoweredafricanvegansp178 7 місяців тому

      On paper it’s stronger but subjectively it’s almost completely a different experience. The closed eye visuals are almost non existent but the body sensations can be intense depending on the dosage.
      My first time, I ate 5g of dried pan cyan. One of the happiest, chillest days of my life lol

    • @bobbellendovich6825
      @bobbellendovich6825 7 місяців тому

      Talking with a group of people who had for several weeks been taking the same batch of panaeolus, sharing our insights, we all learned that even though at different times and locations we had all experienced the same peak experience where when talking with other people they had a visible third eye one nose and two mouths stacked one on top of the other(not double vision, as only one mouth moved) Super strong strain. Less than 2 grams would render you temporarily paralyzed where all you could do was lay there and let it flow!!!!

    • @timwatson3337
      @timwatson3337 7 місяців тому

      subaeruginosa for me. from mu aka nz

    • @hoidoei941
      @hoidoei941 7 місяців тому +1

      I like the visuals, body high alone is dead annoying to be fair..

  • @bhuvanyk
    @bhuvanyk 5 місяців тому

    Beautiful video! Couldn’t be more accurate 👏🏻

  • @nicksothep8472
    @nicksothep8472 7 місяців тому +1

    I've been using psycho active substances for spiritual growth since I was a teen, m first acid at 13, Christmas day, I still remember that night very well, I wondered around the empty streets of Venice with my then best friend. I had no idea what I was doing, but it definitely changed both my life, or the way you look at it

  • @jameswalsh2427
    @jameswalsh2427 4 місяці тому

    Thanks for sharing. Greetings from Irish, James J Walsh now in Marrakech, North Africa.

  • @YeshuaSavesTheLost
    @YeshuaSavesTheLost 7 місяців тому +2

    Is that nikola jokic

  • @Twisted_Cabage
    @Twisted_Cabage 7 місяців тому +1

    Look up Lama Mike Crowley and his books Secret Drugs of Buddhism and Psychedelic Buddhism. This video downplays the history of psychedelics in Asia. Maybe out of ignorance or due to some other factors. Either way, get in the know...check out those books mentioned above.

  • @DGMVK
    @DGMVK 7 місяців тому +7

    There is no need for any substances. You are already enlightened. We all are. It’s a matter of realization.

    • @emit3338
      @emit3338 7 місяців тому +2

      Lol this is pretty funny it takes knowledge to become enlightened about life

    • @TheStonedPhilosopher47
      @TheStonedPhilosopher47 7 місяців тому

      @@emit3338it takes knowledge, yes, but psychs are not the only way to receive it

    • @infiniity5529
      @infiniity5529 7 місяців тому

      These substances make you see more and realise more than you ever could being sober. It completely changes perception increases consciousness and intellect where you realise this reality is an illusion. Ppl throw around enlightenment not knowing the real meaning, what it truly means is knowing that this world reality is an illusion deception we’re trapped in it away from the real world base reality

    • @sapientia_et_virtus
      @sapientia_et_virtus 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@emit3338He's not wrong.

    • @GHETTOE1M1
      @GHETTOE1M1 6 місяців тому

      hes not wrong @@emit3338

  • @syrupwhnotvyrogssecondacco4338
    @syrupwhnotvyrogssecondacco4338 6 місяців тому +1

    you've got a beautiful voice

  • @engelbertus1406
    @engelbertus1406 7 місяців тому +1

    only the ego can believe that there is such a thing as the ego

    @SOLIDSNAKE. 6 місяців тому +1

    I accidentally took a heroic dose by accident my first time of shrooms, I saw it all. I've taken subsequent trips and I've been processing them every day ever since the first almost 2 years ago
    I am going on another set of trips and I plan to document all this and preety much reveal the truth about everything
    Even tho I already know

  • @zivotshonzou
    @zivotshonzou 6 місяців тому

    I have got spontanneous experiences of awakening from my childhood, then in adultness and then I have also tried psychedelics for some time. I have also meditated.
    I feel accordance with this video. Yeah, the spontanneous experiences gives me(:D) extensive and profound insights. Problem is how to A) sustain them in "normal" life or B) how to root them in normal life.
    Then we have meditation practice. Slow, kinda steady, kinda not delivering, tedious approach to reality. The most of people who meditate for several years have not experience any "awakening".
    Thing is, the meditation really helps with normal life. Rooting the meditation in normal life is far more possible than profound, but also distant from "I" experiences.
    The problem of these experiences as I feel it is that "distance" of "ego-self, I" and "one-ness"
    Meditation is the discipline. Profound insights then "maybe destination".
    Meditation means steps which helps me to connect those experiences with normal life.

  • @joeblow6872
    @joeblow6872 7 місяців тому +1

    I would just like to say to you
    You have one of the most wonderful channels
    And your video's content narrators And video editing are just as amazing
    I've learned a lot from you guys Thank you so much ❤

  • @universalbeing1289
    @universalbeing1289 7 місяців тому +1

    Thank you!

    • @skyler_0175
      @skyler_0175 7 місяців тому

      i can't believe I finally got my hands on it, I got to purchase it. Look up mycobronde

    • @skyler_0175
      @skyler_0175 7 місяців тому

      On Instagram for best service and products

  • @michaelfrusciante4923
    @michaelfrusciante4923 7 місяців тому +3

    You can achieve Realization, You don't need the substance. Know that Nothing is Something, Just close your eyes and look inward there 🙏💙🐲

    • @Netbro678
      @Netbro678 6 місяців тому

      Exactly dude, these guys just want a reason to be addicted to substances...

  • @somebody2468
    @somebody2468 7 місяців тому +6

    If you dont get permament awakening from psychedelic experience, when is the awakening supposed to fade away? Its been 6 years and I still have no thoughts. Choiceless awarness. I can still think with thoughts, I just need manually start process. I'm at present moment every waking hour. My time used to fly, and now its so slow.

    • @afcomics7184
      @afcomics7184 7 місяців тому

      Sounds peaceful.

    • @valkonaama2
      @valkonaama2 7 місяців тому

      Bro! Exact same. It is indeed peaceful. Now it’s time to dream a good dream. Unless you like nightmares.

    • @somebody2468
      @somebody2468 7 місяців тому

      @@valkonaama2 I get dreams that might be by setting nightmares, but its not scary anymore.

    • @infiniity5529
      @infiniity5529 7 місяців тому

      Use this focus in the present to manifest your reality.

    • @somebody2468
      @somebody2468 7 місяців тому

      @@infiniity5529 I am.

  • @JuanDeag228
    @JuanDeag228 7 місяців тому +2

    Never had any revelations on psychedelics but I had some crazy out of body ego death experiences on DXM and PCP. I’ve seen the digital machinery that keeps the fabric of reality running; I’ve lived in other people’s bodies, experienced being water, experienced the birth and death of the universe: I’ve seen and been it all. Those experiences were literal bliss.

    • @SwitchTTS
      @SwitchTTS 7 місяців тому +1

      Read your first sentence again ;) than the rest, there is deep gnosis in your story.

    • @infiniity5529
      @infiniity5529 7 місяців тому

      What do you mean digital machinery? A simulation?

    • @JuanDeag228
      @JuanDeag228 7 місяців тому

      @@infiniity5529 the maintenance department of existence

    • @mysticassam102
      @mysticassam102 7 місяців тому

      Dxm is harmful?

    • @lunacrt2012
      @lunacrt2012 6 місяців тому

      @@infiniity5529 We derive from a machine mind. That's what I've seen at the core after pealing away all realaties (also can interpret as simulations).

  • @user-lu9hq6jv4v
    @user-lu9hq6jv4v 7 місяців тому +2

    Bravo; very clear!

  • @mcpuffenstuff6213
    @mcpuffenstuff6213 6 місяців тому

    Psychedelics give you a sense of knowing through feeling

  • @sirtom3011
    @sirtom3011 7 місяців тому +1

    Hahaha! He showed the picture of women doing “yoga” when he said that “some meditate over long periods with no effect” 🤣

  • @paradigmshift9951
    @paradigmshift9951 6 місяців тому

    Well, this one is a hard one. In the end, if you take a mystical ("spiritual individualistic") approach to understand the divine, it depends highly on personal prepositions. Psychedelics may be poison for one person, medicine for an other one. Like the famous mythologist Joseph Campbell said: "The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight."

  • @tjs10212
    @tjs10212 7 місяців тому +3

    It's all about ur vibe aka (emotional wavelength if it's high or getting higher u'll b good but low vibes cause bad trips

  • @GabrielP_s_y
    @GabrielP_s_y 7 місяців тому +1

    I used to like tripping often until one day I realised the entities where honest - I could enter the same space by a different technique.
    Because there's no body load I prefer Light Travelling using Mind Machines - its basically just like a DMT trip for real for real🎉

  • @jhavoncoca7078
    @jhavoncoca7078 7 місяців тому +1

    The line between a mad man and a genius is very thin.

  • @brofessormex
    @brofessormex 7 місяців тому +1

    Making things. But freed me from nightmares

  • @AllieWherrity
    @AllieWherrity 7 місяців тому

    I am not the body...I am not even the mind...AUM....peace and love to my Guru and to all beings 🙏🙈🙉🙊

  • @PsychedelicActualization
    @PsychedelicActualization 7 місяців тому

    Great conclusion!

  • @joraldthewizard2327
    @joraldthewizard2327 7 місяців тому +2

    IDK, i've used psychedelics for some time, havent seen anything "spiritual", nothing similar to the actual spiritual expirences i had in a proper meditation. And now, i dont see anything "spiritual" in any of the psychonauts out there, only different forms of egoism and delusion

  • @danjajeff1404
    @danjajeff1404 7 місяців тому +1

    I cant take shrooms anymore. Every time i do i have the worst most anxiety inducing trips. It literally feels like i am going to die and it is absolute terror. I still do it from time to time cause i think it helps me to realize how everything will be ok. Much like the tough times we all face m, we often see those difficult times tend to pass with time. Still feels like im gonna self delete myself though. Hella scary.

    • @raymo2089
      @raymo2089 7 місяців тому

      This has been my experience lately. It's actually what brought me here. I've started this journey to obtain the experience without the substance.
      I personally tend to gain more from the bad trips than the good, but at this point in my life, I think I'm ready for something different.
      Let's see where it goes!

    • @texanarchy666
      @texanarchy666 7 місяців тому +1

      Be careful. I ended up very violent during my last shroom trip and I didnt mean to. I assaulted a family member because I was scared and confused. Be VERY careful with psychedelics. They are powerful tools, not recreational drugs.

  • @IndestructibleMandelbrot
    @IndestructibleMandelbrot 4 місяці тому

    "If you are enjoying this video on psychedelics..."
    Me: "hell yeah, y'know it."
    "..., spritual practices and awakening..."
    Me: "..."

  • @mikehemens9359
    @mikehemens9359 7 місяців тому

    The drugs give you real spirituality for a short while which makes it more crushing then never getting it perhaps.

  • @tearsintherain6311
    @tearsintherain6311 6 місяців тому

    Small correction, anatta is the doctrine of non-self, not the ego. The ego is also called ahamkar

  • @makiisbro1129
    @makiisbro1129 7 місяців тому

    Thank you

  • @IdoSchacham
    @IdoSchacham 7 місяців тому

    Brilliantly explained

  • @richardbond4496
    @richardbond4496 7 місяців тому

    The Light Within
    When one shares light that cannot dim,
    Why quarrel in darkness' whim?
    Those filled with light have no need for war,
    Dark sees its void and can soar no more.
    Where light prevails darkness flees in fright,
    For light and dark share not the same plight.
    United as one, division decays,
    Hatred and fear lose power always.
    Standing as beacon for all souls to find,
    Peace flows, as conflict can't cloud clear mind.
    Light - Higher awareness, consciousness of oneness
    Darkness - State of ignorance, illusion of separation
    This poem explains that an enlightened being filled with the light of unity and non-dual awareness has no need to fight perceived darkness or forces of separatism. Darkness cannot endure the light and automatically dissolves when one stands firmly rooted in remembrance of our shared, singular essence beyond divisions. True spiritual awakening transcends the dualism that breeds conflict.
    Closing Thought
    When you reside in transcendent light, battling shadows is but students' plight. Be the illumination that darkness can't dim - this is the essence of those who know Him.

  • @TheBaphomet-6
    @TheBaphomet-6 7 місяців тому

    Put that advertisement at the end and I would have Been alot more likely to check it out but I'm enjoying the video im not gonna pause it 2 mins in to look at books

  • @gloaming4247
    @gloaming4247 7 місяців тому

    There's no way the vedics attained such insight into the nature of consciousness without psychedelics. So while there might not be a religious tradition of their use, psychedelics were certainly the spark that kindled the fire. Unless you believe people just started practicing meditation for years just for the lulz and accidentally came to these realizations by themselves. It's also a well known story that when the venerable Neem Karoli Baba was given LSD by Richard Alpert, he said that it was just like the ancient yogi medicine that used to grow in the mountains.

  • @Schlingelkind
    @Schlingelkind 7 місяців тому +1

    Psychedelics can and will show you that there is something beyond the Ego, but that is best explored sober 😊

  • @sidefliprim
    @sidefliprim 7 місяців тому

    Well structured video! However, when it comes to claims of becoming psychologically dependent on this substance, I say it’s false, whoever had psychedelics before I think can agree that the intensity of the experience is so overwhelming, that you need a break from it, whenever I have my experiences I would not touch psychedelics for at least a month or more, because I feel like there is no need, it takes time to process the stuff you witness during psychedelic experience. Unless you choose to micro-dose, which many people do, then maybe in that case some people might become psychologically dependent, however I wouldn’t see a problem with it since there is no harm to your health when micro-dosing and only benefits.

  • @CoachSpongeLoL
    @CoachSpongeLoL 7 місяців тому +1

    good video

    • @skyler_0175
      @skyler_0175 7 місяців тому +1

      On IG he's a specialist... That I am certain of.

  • @light_rays_rigpa
    @light_rays_rigpa 5 місяців тому +2

    I practice buddhism from many years and I can assure you that no Guru or Lama or teacher will tell you to use psychedelics to attain "enlightenment".. what is called illumination and discovering nature of the mind is not related to psychedelic visions in any way.
    meditation is not about getting some kind of "visions", but discover how our mind works and how to be in a non-dualistic state, unaffected by arising thoughts.
    that said, what I have found with my research is that psychedelics like ayahuasca or mushrooms can act as a door to enter the subconscious and discover hidden traumas that you need to elaborate or resolve to live better with yourself (example, a forgotten episode of violence or other stuff..) but once you removed your main trauma, it is much better to abandon psychedelics and focus on a real meditation and contemplation path. Psychedelics are not a solution, nor a short-cut to enlightenment.
    In buddhism grasping to pleasure, or substances or visions it's considered an error in the path, error that will keep you in samsara: because you are getting dependent on something external, you create grasping for something.
    for certain people the use of psychedelics could help remember a trauma, but isn't a rule. different medicines for different problems.

    • @light_rays_rigpa
      @light_rays_rigpa 5 місяців тому

      @Spookie23JOTA of course you can practice meditation without religious beliefs about something, that is called Zen. eheh jokes apart, meditation as intended in the path of buddhism is the way to exit from the cycle of samsara (suffering). So if it's your aim, it is better to follow instructions given by someone who realized that (example the Buddha). otherwise you are free to spin on the Wheel of Existence. 🙏

  • @nickelz_1237
    @nickelz_1237 7 місяців тому

    I can’t be the only person that noticed this dude’s accent fading in and out throughout this video

  • @sheepshark
    @sheepshark 6 місяців тому

    I wish books were free. Especially digital books.

  • @fuct9569
    @fuct9569 6 місяців тому

    If you stop these entities to live vicariously through you, they will hunt you down.
    There’s only one name to cast them off. I will not convince you, you must see/feel for yourselves. What do you have to lose?

  • @dieodd9866
    @dieodd9866 7 місяців тому +1

    hell yeah!

  • @Luizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    @Luizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 6 місяців тому

    I dont know if its all real or not but especially dmt and mushrooms infind very helpfull to become a better and smarter person.

  • @herlyn9485
    @herlyn9485 5 місяців тому

    Proud to be an indian ❤

  • @scottlopez9822
    @scottlopez9822 7 місяців тому

    I believe Psychedelics are necessary and welcomed tools and technologies for those living in a sensory overloaded Internet modern society … in 2024 it is nearly impossible to seclude one’s self (literally and figuratively) from the outside world. Congratulations to the monks and dedicated spiritual practitioners of eastern philosophy. Unfortunately, most don’t have the ability or circumstance to disconnect like that. In fact, I believe the 3D Earthwalk is actually an amazing gift of self discovery and exploration … all leading back to continual growth and evolvement. God is all reality experiencing and expressing itself. Enjoy. Great video by the way.

  • @davidmireles9774
    @davidmireles9774 7 місяців тому

    This was great thank you ❤

  • @gaspol6124
    @gaspol6124 7 місяців тому +1

    I used to take dxm , abd experience weird stuff, as if i find the truth , i feel united with universe with anything . When i watch a youtube vidio i fell like deja vu . And the i feel after that i feel i am about to die . , but God give second chance , and then God give me a choice between power or happiness for my next part of live . I choose happiness .
    I wonder is this a spuritual awakening or just . Psycological thing. Because many people become suffering schizophrenia becsuse of dxm .
    Or spiritual just a mental disorder.
    Hope you discuss this sometime later.

  • @asheskai
    @asheskai 7 місяців тому

    I like that your add was for your stuff

  • @matthewmaguire3554
    @matthewmaguire3554 7 місяців тому +1

    Madness first, then enlightenment… There must be endarkenment before enlightenment.

    • @depletable
      @depletable 7 місяців тому

      Endarkenment lololol

  • @nightfears3005
    @nightfears3005 4 місяці тому

    What?! Do you think there is something profound about the drug addicts on the streets of kensington ave philadelphia??