Jungle and Support Not for any other reason other than if something bad happens to anyone, they're more than likely to blame one of those two. They have to put up with more shit than anyone else, which is funny, because more often or not, they're the ones you should be thanking.
Then fair enough, but even then, sometimes you're in the middle of rotating, sometimes you simply can't due to low health or no mana, etc. You still get bm for the stupidest of reasons.
Ryan Pavey Supporting is hard because other people make it hard, I wouldn't mind playing Guardian every game if I got some sodding payoff for it rather than getting screamed at every time I don't hit a pull as sylvanus
Support is hardest. If you rotate your ADC gets mad for not helping since he doesn't know what mini map is, if you stay they get mad for taking exp. Also no matter what you do the moment your team starts losing it is "your" fault (cause assist don't count for anything apparently). And if you get a massive 5 man ult, who ever follows up gets ALL the glory.
Crixon warrior rules to support: always duo queue with the ADC, or else the ADC will flame you, the mid will always flame you, regardless, because 3 people in mid and because you took all Kills (despite Carl missing the f*cking Kraken! really... 2 oponents on the Air and he misses the Kraken, but its my fault he didnt get the kills)... In the end, those who became the shot callers, are also the ones who are easily more flamed and having a good teammate, who keeps a support confident, os vital for good shot calling. But yes, 0-5-15 counts has mutch has 0-5-0, when your team is looking for someone to blame.
A Salty Lapis The mantra once you reach the late game teamfight phase is do what you support does. He initiates, you initiate. He wants left Phoenix after taking mid Phoenix, then you follow. He calls for a retreat, then you run like your life depends on it. If you die from trying to put just one more auto on a target, it's your damn fault. The support is and should be the leader of the team. It's easy to blame a support, but if you critically analyze your play, it's almost always your own damn fault. If you can accept that, you can learn and grow into your role. If you like winning, swallow your pride and learn from your mistakes. You won't become a better player by making excuses.
Jungle - Takes the most crap Support - Gets a kill with someone beside them, that person loses it ADC - They call me a DC because once Im behind, I just leave. Solo - Get out of my lane you stupid Jungler Mid - VG2 VG2 VG2 VG2 VVP
In order from Hardest to Easiest: 1) Jungle - Positioning is key and you can be the main reason that your team begins to snowball or falls behind. With this season having a much heavier weight on early game, I find that the jungler has the most stress on his shoulders. Also, late game picks are essential to getting an advantage. 2) Support - Whether its engaging or counter-engaging, a support being useless or out of position could easily determine a game. If you push too far up and let someone effortlessly dive your back line and kill you late game carries then the fight may already be lost. 3) Mid Lane - Farming efficiently after your jungler leaves while not getting caught out position makes it not the easiest role to play. Falling behind in Mid and/or feeding the enemy jungler or midlaner could cause the game to get out of hand early. 4) Solo Lane - Being able to box effectively and not getting soloed by the opponent is key. But as long as you are farming well enough you are not going to make or break a game unless you are an excellent player. However, getting ahead in solo can mean earlier, unpredicted rotations that lead your team to get an early lead. 5) Carry - The hunter is left alone for the most part in this meta to farm. Yes you can be better at it than others and box the opposing hunter and get ahead. If you do that's great, and, as per usual, it will be up to this player to put out the mid to late game damage. However, since the carry is left alone for a majority of the time to farm, I find it to be the least stressful position. Edit: P.S. I am a Mid-Laner, and maybe there is some bias, so feel free to disagree.
as a support main gotta agree, although i don't get enough opportunities to try jungle yet so often i see them fall behind within 1st 5min and become useless most the game
its funny tho. i agree with ur list but! if the adc or solo get solo'd then well... teams in for trouble. where as if that happens to mid his still killable coz his squeshy
swamidude the only problem I have with that mentality is that your main strategy there is that it is essentially waiting until your opponent to make a mistake and then capitalizing. Often it will work, but I think there is merit in being able to flex your strategy when your opponent doesn't show any sign of bad positioning or being able to be caught out. Sometimes you are forced to create your own advantage, instead of abusing their disadvantage. I believe a blend of these mentalities creates a good team. Adapting for instance puts himself in risky situations (because he trusts in his mechanical skill, and furthermore his team) and once he pokes the enemy out or denies them farm, yammyn will usually make up the difference damage wise.
The part that you bringed up the ''whats the hardest role for you'' was amazing,it felt like it was from a movie or something,this is why you have my sub duke :P
I love this outlook on the issue. There isn't a "hardest role" blanket statement. We all play with a different mentality and one role that is easier for me, might be the hardest for someone else. Thanks so much for putting it like this! Keep being awesome.
Jungle and Mid Jungle- has to be on point with camps, make precise ganks and must be moving around everywhere supporting all the lanes in general while making sure they are ahead or on par with the enemy jungler. Almost they have to be aware no one on their team is getting farmed. Mid- are always expected to do the most player damage, is a main part of a team fight, their lane is the main target for everyone, they have to deal with ganks from left AND right. The early game flow of your team depends on the mid and jungle start because they lose lane they could lose camps from left to right. Their positioning HAS to be on point because they are frail as hell, the most fights happen in mid and towers and Phoenix from the middle really do hold more weight than the towers from left and right.
narutouzimaki101rule easy, as a jungle start mid, take side harpies and FG minions, rotate left and help solo get blue and get ur speed and continue to rotate between the two till maybe mid
H H He as an enemy jungler, would just steel ur speed camp, every jungler after first wave should go to his speed, or enemy speed (if u cleared the wave first)
I'm a Support main and I can play jungle as well because they feel very similar. I do not play jungle very often though because I don't ever try to beat people out of their comfortable roles. Wish there was a role que system though
It could have something like LoL, it has a main role and a secondary, it then shows you where you go. It would stop afk'ing, intentional feeding for getting the wrong role and fighting in lobby
Jonah Poyser only for adc and mid picks would the queue times go up. Support mains like myself would have no issue getting a game as wr are the rarest role mains.
zaperzero THANK YOU! IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR AN APT DESCRIPTION FOR HER SITUATION. I GET SO ANNOYED AS A SKADI MAIN CUZ ITS ALWAYS THE PEOPLE WHO DONT PLAY HER THAT SAY "ITS KALDR THATS THE GOD, NOT SKADI". NOW I HAVE A RESPONSE. on another note, anyone else think the current meta is too forgiving for her. i see so many people pick her up just because shes popular, and then not get their shit kicked in even though they only use kaldr for the ult. so many times ive seen a skadi whose bad mechanically and still does well. its sad since shes my main, but she needs a nerf. a tiny one. please not one that makes her as usefull as a minion in a fight.
this topic is a super fluid and dynamic question which also comes down to not just the role bht the gods you play in said role. so for example Susano can be seen as a very 'easy' god due to how much damage he has potential for and that his auto attack cancle mechanics are easy once you know how. the area of skill for a susano is not how he applies his damage but WHEN to insure a safe disengage and to make sure that he has the support of his team if needed. does this make jungle an easier role because of playing this god? same thing for neith. 1 the wave, slap out the 2, if you aim nicely then you get some poke out too. now what? well you can try and push up your wave but a smart hinter will know that they have to conceded a bit of pressure to a neith or potentially get killed and lose lane even harder. And that's where neith goes from easy 'i just clear wave' to, I put pressure over 2 different lanes due to my ability to dip out of lane easily and have my ult for across map support. the role itself is only half the story and that's why we've seen a variety of different gods in different positions. The Morrigan has played 3 different roles in spl all with different core ideas which are influenced by the role itself but each one offers its own challenges and benefits. That's why I Dont like people who said "oh I'm an X main" because playing 1 type of God or even just one God limits your expansion for development. take a role and learn as many gods in that role as possible, get to taking the gods and the roles hand in hand and you have near unlimited potential for development and growth as a smite player :)
A true mismatch of skill/counter picking in any position can feel like it's the hardest position. Ever had your solo/carry get solo'd 3 times and have the enemy who solo'd rotate too mid and curb stomp your whole team? Min-maxing can be hard in the side lines, but finding farm while not shorting your team can be even harder for a support/jungle. I'm a support main, but feel like I can play every position effectively. I just find it awesome and hilarious when I can cc chain someone, or even pick up a few kills (only to immediately get flamed by every other player in the match) I do dislike playing solo the most. While I'm playing carry/jungle/mid it's hard for me to find last hits and get kills, but my play style is ultra aggressive, and I love initiating fights, often having top, or near top damage with a handful of kills.
I don't bother with conquest to begin with because of the sheer fact that I can really only play one role (solo), but I play it sub-par at best. Another thing is that, I'm a casual player keep this in mind, the characters I play the most don't play well in that role, my most played characters are Ratatoskr, Chronos, Fenrir, Rama, and Ymir who usually don't have a good time in solo. The issue that keeps me from learning to play Jungle or ADC for example is that I don't have the confidence to learn and play those roles out of the fear that I will preform poorly and have to suffer from toxicity of my teammates, which is another reason I don't play conquest, and as a result prevents me from learning a different role.
As a person who only plays casuals, I don’t know how much weight my opinion has. But I tend to main Mid. I’ve always had a neurotic tendency to check my mini map from my old FPS days on Halo, and I feel like this role requires this skill the most. Plus, as a cancerous Anubis Diamond main, area control and damage output are his best suits. What I need to be a successful MID is just a jungler that wards often and communicates regularly. If they can, even if they aren’t getting kills, that allows me to clear waves confidently and know what sides I need to watch. It keeps me from holding back on a push I should make because I’m worried about an enemy jungler taking me out due to my low health.
Listening to your descriptions I conclude Support is objectively the hardest role to play. You said: You need high map awareness and rotations, like a jungler, you need to counter build and tank damage, like solo, and on top of that you need to constantly watch your team mates to make sure they're alright (or if they need peel and/or heals). While each role has his individual challenges and requires its own mind set, the fact that as a support you need two characteristics from other roles plus your own unique one, proves it's objectively more challening.
I mostly play solo, support and mid because it seems easy enough. Jungle is a difficult one for me so I typically shy away from it unless no one likes it then I bite the bullet. Thor is secretly my guilty pleasure when playing assassin. His Barbarian skin is soo awesome love the voice pack!
Hardest to easiest: 1. Jungle: Jungle is solely responsible for like 65% of the map, s/he needs to have excellent map awareness and keep a tab on everyone's health in order to see where a gank could lead to kills, a good jungle will steal from the enemy jungle, ward, collect kills, and snowball the lanes. A bad jungle will lead to an F6 at 10, jungle can also be used to counter enemy teams, do they have a lot of leaps? Pick Awilix, do they have bad movement with some heal? Get Serqet, go they have a Thor/Rat? Pick Rat/Thor, do they have a really tanky team? get Nemesis. 2. Mid: If your mid is bad you have no team fight period. A mid essentially works as the jungler's possy early on which leads to invades and ganks until the jungle gets farmed enough to go into the wilderness alone. Late game if your mid is always getting caught then you will lose the game. 3. Support: If your support can effectively peel for his carries/jungle then he's fine. Supports acts like a ghetto jungle leading into the mid game by taking slow rotations and usually leeching off the jungle. 4. ADC: All you have to do is hit your autos, if you can;t do this then play another role. No mana? No problem, your damage source comes from autos and they're free. Low on life? no problem, ADCs usually buy lifesteal so they can heal off of 500 flat damage hits. 5. Solo: Did your solo feed? Who cares, focus your other lanes and let him feed. Did the enemy solo take his tower? Who cares, let the solo free farm. mid/late game rolls around and you're in a team fight? As long as this guy can soak up damage he's fulfilling his role, bonus points if he can provide some CC to get a kill.
ArcaneTricks I have to disagree about the adc's. In this meta the ability hunters are more popular and for them it's the combination of hard hitting abilities and basic attacks that makes them usefull. Also most hunters have abilities that help them a both in the offensive and the defensive departament. So even as a full hp hunter, fighting without mana can easily lead to your death. Also a bad solo laner means that the enemy solo laner will be fed and will probably be unkillable until the lategame. He would be able to dive the backline of your team without much of a punishment and this will lead to very hard teamfights for your team.
hey I mean I saw herc solo the whole enemy team before late game solo isn't to be f***ed with and I went 19/0 with a Bellona and the retards had 2 mages on my lane but I killed them over and over again. key was runic shield after that I snowballed xD
roles: (easiest to hardest) 5. SUPPORT - do some hardcore healing early game. after that, build rod of tahuti after you got shoes of focus. 4. JUNGLER - dude. you take camps. you build all damage. 3. MID - you lane. just get some last hits, and youre good to go for late game. 2. ADC - you do the exact same thing as mid, but you have to be very careful with your life. better to be 0-0 than 2-13. remind teammates to protect you.malso, be salty everytime you die. build all damage. when you go back to base, make sure a teammate is still in your lane. 1. SOLO - you do he exact same thing as adc, but while taunting the other guy. and remember, the less times you go back to base in mid, the better you are. smite to me in a nutshell
I main support but I find mid to be my second best role. I'm actually horrible at jungle because despite my high amount of game knowledge, getting kill as an assassin is difficult for me. I'm really bad at 1v1 fights that can be decided quickly, which jungler's need to be good at
My List in Order: Jungle (If they do bad everybody is at a disadvantage, has to rotate everywhere and set up kills/place wards) Support (Same as jungle but harder to mess up, has to know how to peel) Carry (If doing bad then enemy carry can rotate and feed teammate kills, can become an unstoppable monster, can secure gold easier, or push lane and give everybody gold but not as important as jungle and support) Mid ( Has to trust the jungle to do well and has to always watch for ganks. If they do bad then usually just means you have to watch out for a couple ganks every now and again. May cause jungle loss) Solo ( Only has to trust for the most part their own skill and jungle to grab their buff early game or deter ganks. If he does bad then usually creates an unstoppable monster and can shut down mid but not the end of the game)
I have a question on Athena, while It seems relatively strong to build aura items on her, a lot of the builds I've seen online build other things. Is Athena a good god for auras or should I focus more on tanking items for myself.
Always coming back to this topic. I think I decided that every roll is difficult in their own regard. Everyone on the team is equally important and play a crucial part in winning the game. If one starts to go down, it can be hard to pick back up. So essentially everyone needs to know what the heel they;re doing, else you'll just start falling apart. The thing i've always said to people instead is "what roll is the most important?" And like you said, "which roll is harder for you?" Always an interesting topic to discuss. Fun facts! My most difficult roll might be solo. My builds are fine, I like to think, I just know entirely what to do when. And my best roll, i'd say, is jungle. Though I think it's funny, because my favorite roll is actually mid. Don't know why I don't ever play it though.
Support is the hardest because you can't do anything if your team doesn't deal damage well. I have no problem with playing support but I always choose not to because I can't depend on my team to damage well. When you physically put a kill into a hunters mouth and they have an early lead and they get fed and still do nothing late game then what am I supposed to do?
Also duke could you make a video or idk if you already have but make a video of when supports should leave duo lane and start becomming a second jungler
I agree with you sloth. Another thing that should be considered is that smite is a team effort game and you should be able to help each other when a team mate falls off.
Yo I liked this Video, For me Support is the easiest followed by Jung I have extremely high map awareness and the only reason support is easier than jung to me is that no one really expects me to rotate and slay people the way I do when I am support, so there is just not the same pressure also having no lane to truly claim makes it nice no real responsibility, where as a Jung people expect me to do what I need to do. Solo Lane i am in charge of a lane and basically becomes harder because of that, followed by being the Archer I have a lane and it is basically a race to the most gold and xp with the other one, followed by mid being the hardest I have my lane I like to make the sweet rotations, but you never know when the whole team might show up unannounced to gank you.
As someone who's mained ADC, Jungler and played a decent amount of support I have to say Jungle and Support are harder for me to deal with. With those roles you have to be everywhere at once and if you're not helping out everyone else then any deaths your team gets is instantly thrown on you. Say you're a support and you've gone to help your mid get a buff while duo has their ADC and support in it, your ADC decided to try to 2v1 them early game (like level 5 or so) then them getting deleted is your problem. As a jungler if you are helping your solo with a buff and your mid gets ganked it's thrown on you. Jungle and support get the most shit thrown at them which gets so fucking annoying very quickly. The worst for me is playing support with a suicidal ADC, your lane is going to get deleted and it's all on you according to the ADC. Not saying the other roles aren't hard but in terms of actually being able to do anything without getting your team bitching at you there's nothing worse than support or jungle
I know I'm a little late to this video but didn't find your channel till after I got back into smite (yea that's an understatement lol) but in all honesty, I've played all 5 roles. It is DEFINITELY tailored to experience than it is to objectivity. In my opinion, support (even though I love playing as Athena) and adc is the hardest roles for me. I don't think I'm doing enough as a support and am not a person that is well supportive. Adc is a problem for me cause I don't play hunters.. like.. at all.. I don't really know what it is about them but I'd much rather be jg, solo, or mid cause it's what I'm used to and I have a main in those 3 roles.
Support was my main role when I played, but Jungle was my worst. It felt downright arcane; I never knew where to be. My other main role was Solo, which always felt like more of a match for a natural support even as I played decidedly non-supportive gods. I find it easier to make problems for the enemy as a tank.
I main jungle with support as my go to of I get out called. those 2 rolls come rather easily to me tbh. ADC is where I struggle the most, abilities are easy for me to hit but the consecutive autos are a struggle for me
Support is most complicated: 1. You have to keep alive your (often brainless) ADC 2. You have to ward 3. In team fight you have to keep everybody alive 4. If it isn't junglers fault when is your score is 0-4 in 3 minutes of the game it's supports 5. Your (often brainless) mid laner tells you suck, but 2 mins earlier you saved his ass from 3 man gank and made him triple-quadra-pentakill and he spams [VEG] I'm the greatest! 6. Somebody calls for gank and you are on other side of map baiting three people so your ADC and jungler can get other two, and dude dies and in chat says something like this: WTF where is support? 7. If somebody is going 1v5 with 20hp and you don't come in he is like:WTF DUDEE I GOT THIS EZZ PENTA YOU SUCK!!! 8. You have HUGE impact on game and nobody recognise it. 9. If you take ONE KILL your ADC/mid/solo/jungler spams in chat: [VER] You rock! 10. You have to have A LOT ingame knowledge to play support, how to counerbuild, which aura item does what, POSITIONING in team fights, what which ability does, and you have to know at least basics of other roles.
I am a support main, but I can play every role pretty efficiently. For me the hardest role is jungle, mainly because knowing rotations/farm/calling out other lanes/counter jungling really takes alot of multi-tasking.
I really don't like it when the solo laner or mid gives the jungler shit for them getting ganked and then the jungler goes on suicide missions trying to help them and dies with them. I feel like everyone should get a feel of every role so they can have an understanding of the whole match instead of just their lane.
just my opinion, i main support so i'm a little biased. support is the easiest to pick up but hardest to play at a high level. it's no big thing to pick a tanky god and coast on your protections making sure you don't die and most have a fair amount of CC so you don't often get caught out as much. But, as a support your goal is to keep your team alive and make sure they can get kills, which becomes exponentially harder the better your opponents become. A GOOD support has to keep his eye on basically everything, where your team is, where the enemy is, who is low, who needs a little more help, how built am I vs my ADC if I want to tank some tower shots to get a kill or knock it over but minions are nowhere in sight. it's almost an anti-jungle role. Meanwhile i think jungle is one of the hardest to pick up at least for me i suck at assassins. not ashamed of that my khepri or baccus will fuck you up but unless i'm on bastet who is kind of cheese mode i can't assassin for shit. The jungle role i personally feel has the highest barrier to entry but if your team is all playing really well and pressuring the enemy team you basically get a field day of free ganks. jungle has to worry about a large area of the map but it's more of a reactive role while support is proactive. again just my opinion having almost never played it. Mid is tough, you have to worry about ganks from both sides but you also usually have the support and jungle rotating to you alot because mid tends to be an important lane. ADC is objective murder late game but a fed mage can blow your doors off and nothing is less effective than a weak mid. solo i tend to think of as not THAT hard in so far as your goal is mostly to sustain and not loose lane right. I mean if you saw the last world championships the only game the champs lost was because of a baller fed solo. but most of the time weather the solo laner is ahead or behind doesn't affect the rest of the team AS MUCH, obviously a weak team member brings people down but if you can freeze your lane and not give too much ground then by late game there isn't much the enemy solo can do to help. obviously by the name you are on your own more than the other lanes but it's less likely that a monster solo makes the difference over a fed adc or mid or jungler. ADC i have done quite a bit but as i settled into the guardian role more and more my autos have kind of gotten worse so i do it less now. in casual play adc get's focused pretty hard in my experience they think if they keep your level low you'll be useless later. i've noticed the pro-play that doesn't happen so much the ADC's tend to have a bit more of a 1 on 1 than what i've experienced in my play, maybe it's just console. This has been my experience with smite personally.
I'm a support main by heart, or more specifically, front line tanks. It's the role I main when I started at the end of season 1 and still maining it today.
mechanically ADC is the most forgiving without a doubt lol. 300-700 damage autos being pumped out around twice a second means you got a lot of opportunity. along with you know, they have range so everyone has to first get to them, typically have an escape so you have to get to them again and most have life steal or fatalis so it's really a joke. every other role is fairly equal in terms of difficulty (if played properly). Solo (classic bruiser solo i should say) has to frontline and get kills without the defence or offence needed to do either of those easily. Mid has to watch out for ganks from either side and is also typically dies the fastest. Support has to set up plays while being the defensive half of the frontline. Jungler can cause a team to lose point blank. they have the most to deal with yet also the easiest kits typically. I thought this video was quite far off honestly, there was no mention of control and zoning (a major part of mid and solo), juking (props to frontline junglers that can not get popped), the difference of frontline and backline responsibility and hardships, etc Beyond ADC who get carried through their weak portion and get a constant ally up until the point they are giving exponentially higher DPS and boxing capabilities over every other role, it's tuff all around.
i think solo laners have more pressure because one little error can give you ennemy 1-2 levels ahead (plus if your jungler is not in control of his/her jungle and the ennemy solo is doing every camps with the ennemy jungler) and then theres just nothing you can do but stay under your tower crying
so if you can remember about 10 items, suck at hitting abilities, have no map awarness and can hold your left mouse-button, you should go adc :) The hardest roles are absolutely support and jungle - and they are also the most important ones.
I would say Jungle just because of how dynamic it is, not that other roles aren't but I feel like jungle there is a lot more decision making in regards to when to farm and when to gank.
I'm differently one of those people that isn't great at support and jungle. I have really good mechanical skill' good positioning and near perfect map awareness but knowing were and when to be places have never been my forte. Always been really good in mid. At least in casual matches ii find that most of the time don't need to ward unless i plan on venturing to other lanes alot and am afraid of the enemy jungler trying to punish that. Find solo pretty boring and can get tilted pretty fast if i start losing waves,so i always pick early game warriors. Allways raging at my support when im adc so while i think i'm good at the role, having to work so closely with someone else buggs me out.
ADC and Jungle I can play ADC but only on Cupid & Neith (the ez gods) Jungle is just plain hard because you need to follow exact rules for items and postioning early game to get a good start.
2 hardest roles are mid/adc... mid can get shit on and snowballed really easily especially with a shit jungler, adc is hard because hunter basics require a decent amount of skill and finesse also you're squishy and once you get behind you're going to fail the whole game
where are my solo main player at?? the best role is the solo lane. you are most of the time alone (unless u get babysitted or your opponent) u have to outplay your oppinent to even get a kill for example he is all the time camping under tower and u have to dive him/her to get a lead or die and give the opponent the lead
I can't jungle for shit. If you ask me to jungle, then you're going to have a shitty time. Solo lane is perfect for me because I like to 1v1. When either Jungler shows up I get mad. Leave us be in the small corner of the map and duke it out. If both Junglers show up at the sand time, then I have mixed feelings. I see it as a test for the Jungler. How well can you contribute to this fight and are you going to follow-up? If we get 2, then nice job. If we get 1, then that's ok. If 1 us dies with no trade, then that's bad. If I die, but you kill the Solo, then I'm cool with that. If we get them both, then you get a nice spam of "You Rock" followed by "Nice Job."
playing support is hard for me too but only in the situation where you get bad teammates and you are playing well because theres pretty much nothing you can do to carry the game
I don't play Conq really but a lot of this can be translated into Joust etc. i find Support actually quite easy you just need to have a god that syngerises well with your team.Having a Kephri into a team that doens't have high burst immadtley is kinda bit useless for example
lol conquest and joust are not the same thing know if your talking about the solo lane in conquest and compare to joust then yeah it get very similar but not the the same still. So no matter what your comment is kinda ?????????
I wouldn't say it's the hardest, just that support has more responsibilities throughout the game, imo. They have a heavier emphasis on warding, have to have the awareness and knowledge of where to rotate, provide peel, and even in their build they should be looking at items that would benefit their team in a fight. Not saying its the most difficult, just feel like they have a little more check off their "To Do List" than other roles.
While I agree with DukeSloth (I'm a terrible ADC, but decent support and Solo) I would say support has the hardest role. As a support you generally have to be the lowest level of the team with the least gold, spending the most on wards. You also have to keep an eye on your entire team and protect them all (except solo usually). I cant tell you the number of times I get blasted for going 2-7-13 (or whatever) because I had to dash in as Athena and taunt the enemy team cos one of my team went all LEEROOOOY JEEEENKINS. In uncoordinated ranked teams you rarely get thanked and often get blamed as a support.
Something I can't understand about myself is how I'm (arguably) decent at playing support but when it comes to jungle I'm complete trash. I've always struggled to play jungle properly, even though I've watched a lot of tutorials on how to play it and how to build junglers. I guess it just comes down to experience as well?
smh I hate when they blame me for a lose because I main support especially when they talk about GOOD JOB YOU SHOULDVE WARDED I'm like ummm sorry you wanted me to put the wards somewhere else a few seconds ago soooooooo whatever but when I first started I main mid and I just tried out support because I play support in so many mmo and other games. never like being the one who's expected to get x amount of kills and brag about it idk
I main support so you would think I know how to jungle a little but nope. I just think jungling is harder having to rotate for the camps and farm while also being there to gank is so much to keep up with.
I mostly play support, because some random dude always steals my ADC, jungle is always picked before the lobby even starts, I dont like solo as much as I used to anymore and I never play mid, because somebody always wants to be there and if I see it open, I rather go for support, because I have pretty much no experience in the mid in the first place...
In order from hardest to easiest Jungle is the hardest role he has to control the whole map enough said there, 2 support he is a mini jungler he needs to rotate out of duo so the adc can get more farm so this roll requires a lot of map awareness, 3 is all the other rolls because they're all the same thing sit in lane and farm and every once in awhile get a buff or rotate out.
I find Support and Solo the funnest roles to me since I always worry about my matchups. ADC is the toughest since I'm a bad shot, but on the flipside I love gods that have excellent boxing potential
Excuse my Smite ignorance, but what do you mean by mechanically? Do you mean landing your basic attacks, and fine aiming skills? Love the videos DukeSloth!
Anybody know why ill play bakasura and have the most kills on the team with a lead of around +5 or +6 more kills, yet have less player damage than others on my team. Is this just because its bakasura? Like one game i was leading in kills and even got a penta i was doing great yet didnt get most player damage. Is baka just like that?
TheStacked Gamer If you're talking about the end game stat screen don't worry, nuking some adc/mid for 1800 ish health AND getting the kill is better damage then poking them for 5 minutes and dealing 3-4k damage. That's what's happening, it might look weird but 100 poke damage at a time adds up.
Honestly, Conquest isn't hard, it is just people on your own team can make it harder than it needs to be, and it does not help that it applies to both sides. So really, it is just a "It depends on the quality of those around you."
I play support normaly,and in my opinion it is the hardest role to play, having played other roles. Paying attention to your adc, making sure they dont die, ect
I main Solo, ADC and Support and I think mid can be very hard because you must do a loooot of things in the game, farm, share gold and exp, rotate a lot, jungle... Mid has a bit of solo, a bit of support and a bit of jungle.
"Which is the hardest role for you?" I agree that this is the real question. I have really hard time at being adc. One of my friends is really good at being an ADC, but he is not good at being a mid. So it depends on the person.
coming from ps4, i just fill, though i know my weakest role is jungle, for me i would say that role difficulty changes more with being counter picked, and enemy team comp vs yours, rather than what you are good at, but, just me,
Support is the hardest for me. I can't stand feeling like I'm doing nothing but trying to become a guardian adc is a quick way to be both a shitty adc and support at the same time. I simply couldn't be the team mama bear, more so when I'm still in early elo and everybody is asking to be punch repeatedly in the face. adc would be the easiest: stick to your damn lane, follow this build, kill all of the minons & do not feed by dying = automatically doing good. It is the most brain dead role to play. Getting the power/attack speed buffs, helping out on camps, reporting enemy missing & so on while extremely useful isn't exactly required, more so when early elo and literally no one else does those things.
For me, the hardest role is jungle (tho I am a support main :P ), I just seem to fall behind on exp and gold no matter how much I try to clear those camps :/
Hardest for me personally because i struggle with geb and sylvanus and other guardians of that type. I really only used xing ting, khepri and terra the others i personally have trouble.
Here's my top 5 Roles for me from hardest to easiest: 5.Solo, 4.Support, 3.Mid, 2.ADC, 1.Jung... im more of a Jungler and ADC, and i use Mid kinda often.
Jokes on you Duke, every role is the hardest for me because I'm trash.
Git gud.
Jungle and Support
Not for any other reason other than if something bad happens to anyone, they're more than likely to blame one of those two.
They have to put up with more shit than anyone else, which is funny, because more often or not, they're the ones you should be thanking.
Ryan Pavey unless you've got no idea what the hell your doing and don't know how to rotate .-.
Fat = Power, guardians rule all. Fuck your carry. Pave is the Carry now.
Then fair enough, but even then, sometimes you're in the middle of rotating, sometimes you simply can't due to low health or no mana, etc.
You still get bm for the stupidest of reasons.
Then you try and help when you've got no health/mana and die. Then get flamed for getting killed.
Ryan Pavey Supporting is hard because other people make it hard, I wouldn't mind playing Guardian every game if I got some sodding payoff for it rather than getting screamed at every time I don't hit a pull as sylvanus
Support is hardest. If you rotate your ADC gets mad for not helping since he doesn't know what mini map is, if you stay they get mad for taking exp. Also no matter what you do the moment your team starts losing it is "your" fault (cause assist don't count for anything apparently). And if you get a massive 5 man ult, who ever follows up gets ALL the glory.
Crixon warrior rules to support: always duo queue with the ADC, or else the ADC will flame you, the mid will always flame you, regardless, because 3 people in mid and because you took all Kills (despite Carl missing the f*cking Kraken! really... 2 oponents on the Air and he misses the Kraken, but its my fault he didnt get the kills)... In the end, those who became the shot callers, are also the ones who are easily more flamed and having a good teammate, who keeps a support confident, os vital for good shot calling.
But yes, 0-5-15 counts has mutch has 0-5-0, when your team is looking for someone to blame.
A Salty Lapis The mantra once you reach the late game teamfight phase is do what you support does. He initiates, you initiate. He wants left Phoenix after taking mid Phoenix, then you follow. He calls for a retreat, then you run like your life depends on it. If you die from trying to put just one more auto on a target, it's your damn fault. The support is and should be the leader of the team. It's easy to blame a support, but if you critically analyze your play, it's almost always your own damn fault. If you can accept that, you can learn and grow into your role. If you like winning, swallow your pride and learn from your mistakes. You won't become a better player by making excuses.
Outside of the game itself, supports brings down personal morale if you have to play it because you're filling
Play Ymir man, your Support life is about to change
I like now being in the glory
That way if I play bad I can always get away with it
Jungle - Takes the most crap
Support - Gets a kill with someone beside them, that person loses it
ADC - They call me a DC because once Im behind, I just leave.
Solo - Get out of my lane you stupid Jungler
Mid - VG2 VG2 VG2 VG2 VVP
Most underrated comment I have ever seen!
Mid has an exception. If their Jungle is our performing yours (rotation wise like ganking mid) then you have a reason to be pissed.
Wolvien Yeah thats true, but just try not to take the comment too seriously. xD
I'm an Xbox player, but I'm guessing that's 4 "You Rock!"s followed by a "Cancel that!" Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
Its 4 gank middle lanes followed by please lol
In order from Hardest to Easiest:
1) Jungle - Positioning is key and you can be the main reason that your team begins to snowball or falls behind. With this season having a much heavier weight on early game, I find that the jungler has the most stress on his shoulders. Also, late game picks are essential to getting an advantage.
2) Support - Whether its engaging or counter-engaging, a support being useless or out of position could easily determine a game. If you push too far up and let someone effortlessly dive your back line and kill you late game carries then the fight may already be lost.
3) Mid Lane - Farming efficiently after your jungler leaves while not getting caught out position makes it not the easiest role to play. Falling behind in Mid and/or feeding the enemy jungler or midlaner could cause the game to get out of hand early.
4) Solo Lane - Being able to box effectively and not getting soloed by the opponent is key. But as long as you are farming well enough you are not going to make or break a game unless you are an excellent player. However, getting ahead in solo can mean earlier, unpredicted rotations that lead your team to get an early lead.
5) Carry - The hunter is left alone for the most part in this meta to farm. Yes you can be better at it than others and box the opposing hunter and get ahead. If you do that's great, and, as per usual, it will be up to this player to put out the mid to late game damage. However, since the carry is left alone for a majority of the time to farm, I find it to be the least stressful position.
Edit: P.S. I am a Mid-Laner, and maybe there is some bias, so feel free to disagree.
as a support main gotta agree, although i don't get enough opportunities to try jungle yet so often i see them fall behind within 1st 5min and become useless most the game
BallisticRiot I couldn't agree more with you.
BallisticRiot retweet
its funny tho. i agree with ur list but! if the adc or solo get solo'd then well... teams in for trouble. where as if that happens to mid his still killable coz his squeshy
swamidude the only problem I have with that mentality is that your main strategy there is that it is essentially waiting until your opponent to make a mistake and then capitalizing. Often it will work, but I think there is merit in being able to flex your strategy when your opponent doesn't show any sign of bad positioning or being able to be caught out. Sometimes you are forced to create your own advantage, instead of abusing their disadvantage. I believe a blend of these mentalities creates a good team.
Adapting for instance puts himself in risky situations (because he trusts in his mechanical skill, and furthermore his team) and once he pokes the enemy out or denies them farm, yammyn will usually make up the difference damage wise.
I play the hardest role Spectator
If you main support you are a god we love you so fucking much I want to say thank you.
You sir get a free Geb shield.
Thanks :)
For those wondering, he doesn't actually answer the question.
The part that you bringed up the ''whats the hardest role for you'' was amazing,it felt like it was from a movie or something,this is why you have my sub duke :P
I love this outlook on the issue. There isn't a "hardest role" blanket statement. We all play with a different mentality and one role that is easier for me, might be the hardest for someone else. Thanks so much for putting it like this! Keep being awesome.
Jungle and Mid
Jungle- has to be on point with camps, make precise ganks and must be moving around everywhere supporting all the lanes in general while making sure they are ahead or on par with the enemy jungler. Almost they have to be aware no one on their team is getting farmed.
Mid- are always expected to do the most player damage, is a main part of a team fight, their lane is the main target for everyone, they have to deal with ganks from left AND right. The early game flow of your team depends on the mid and jungle start because they lose lane they could lose camps from left to right. Their positioning HAS to be on point because they are frail as hell, the most fights happen in mid and towers and Phoenix from the middle really do hold more weight than the towers from left and right.
Hey duke can you do a video on jungle rotations? Wanna learn how to play jungle but no idea what the rotations are.
Well how to rotate.
narutouzimaki101rule easy, as a jungle start mid, take side harpies and FG minions, rotate left and help solo get blue and get ur speed and continue to rotate between the two till maybe mid
i would invade your speed if i saw you doing mids + fg minions
battlehotdog as in, your starting mid as well or solo pls define ?
H H He as an enemy jungler, would just steel ur speed camp, every jungler after first wave should go to his speed, or enemy speed (if u cleared the wave first)
I'm a Support main and I can play jungle as well because they feel very similar. I do not play jungle very often though because I don't ever try to beat people out of their comfortable roles. Wish there was a role que system though
eggsmoo same, though I suck at jungle, which is funny because it was my main role before support
eggsmoo A role que system would be cool but i would imagine that would increase the que time alot
It could have something like LoL, it has a main role and a secondary, it then shows you where you go. It would stop afk'ing, intentional feeding for getting the wrong role and fighting in lobby
Jonah Poyser only for adc and mid picks would the queue times go up. Support mains like myself would have no issue getting a game as wr are the rarest role mains.
Fuck yeah to both support main AND role based ques
Kaldr is the god, not Skadi. Like if you agree.
Flare™ No change would still be good in joust with the rabbit, no the same in any game mode for skadi
nah nah nah grover, not sylvanus
Flare™ I say otherwise, because Kaldr can do massive damage as Chang'e's bunny doesn't do much
That was true at one point. Now it's more like "Skadi is the adc and Kaldr is the support and the support is just another Kaldr" imo.
zaperzero THANK YOU! IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR AN APT DESCRIPTION FOR HER SITUATION. I GET SO ANNOYED AS A SKADI MAIN CUZ ITS ALWAYS THE PEOPLE WHO DONT PLAY HER THAT SAY "ITS KALDR THATS THE GOD, NOT SKADI". NOW I HAVE A RESPONSE. on another note, anyone else think the current meta is too forgiving for her. i see so many people pick her up just because shes popular, and then not get their shit kicked in even though they only use kaldr for the ult. so many times ive seen a skadi whose bad mechanically and still does well. its sad since shes my main, but she needs a nerf. a tiny one. please not one that makes her as usefull as a minion in a fight.
Yes! Great analysis on it being more about what is hardest for you.
this topic is a super fluid and dynamic question which also comes down to not just the role bht the gods you play in said role. so for example Susano can be seen as a very 'easy' god due to how much damage he has potential for and that his auto attack cancle mechanics are easy once you know how. the area of skill for a susano is not how he applies his damage but WHEN to insure a safe disengage and to make sure that he has the support of his team if needed. does this make jungle an easier role because of playing this god? same thing for neith. 1 the wave, slap out the 2, if you aim nicely then you get some poke out too. now what? well you can try and push up your wave but a smart hinter will know that they have to conceded a bit of pressure to a neith or potentially get killed and lose lane even harder. And that's where neith goes from easy 'i just clear wave' to, I put pressure over 2 different lanes due to my ability to dip out of lane easily and have my ult for across map support. the role itself is only half the story and that's why we've seen a variety of different gods in different positions. The Morrigan has played 3 different roles in spl all with different core ideas which are influenced by the role itself but each one offers its own challenges and benefits. That's why I Dont like people who said "oh I'm an X main" because playing 1 type of God or even just one God limits your expansion for development. take a role and learn as many gods in that role as possible, get to taking the gods and the roles hand in hand and you have near unlimited potential for development and growth as a smite player :)
A true mismatch of skill/counter picking in any position can feel like it's the hardest position. Ever had your solo/carry get solo'd 3 times and have the enemy who solo'd rotate too mid and curb stomp your whole team? Min-maxing can be hard in the side lines, but finding farm while not shorting your team can be even harder for a support/jungle. I'm a support main, but feel like I can play every position effectively. I just find it awesome and hilarious when I can cc chain someone, or even pick up a few kills (only to immediately get flamed by every other player in the match) I do dislike playing solo the most. While I'm playing carry/jungle/mid it's hard for me to find last hits and get kills, but my play style is ultra aggressive, and I love initiating fights, often having top, or near top damage with a handful of kills.
I don't bother with conquest to begin with because of the sheer fact that I can really only play one role (solo), but I play it sub-par at best. Another thing is that, I'm a casual player keep this in mind, the characters I play the most don't play well in that role, my most played characters are Ratatoskr, Chronos, Fenrir, Rama, and Ymir who usually don't have a good time in solo. The issue that keeps me from learning to play Jungle or ADC for example is that I don't have the confidence to learn and play those roles out of the fear that I will preform poorly and have to suffer from toxicity of my teammates, which is another reason I don't play conquest, and as a result prevents me from learning a different role.
Awesome video! I remember needing this kind of info badly back when i first installed Smite.
As a person who only plays casuals, I don’t know how much weight my opinion has. But I tend to main Mid. I’ve always had a neurotic tendency to check my mini map from my old FPS days on Halo, and I feel like this role requires this skill the most. Plus, as a cancerous Anubis Diamond main, area control and damage output are his best suits.
What I need to be a successful MID is just a jungler that wards often and communicates regularly. If they can, even if they aren’t getting kills, that allows me to clear waves confidently and know what sides I need to watch. It keeps me from holding back on a push I should make because I’m worried about an enemy jungler taking me out due to my low health.
season 3 jungle, season 4 probably solo or support imo
can you mention some of the hunters that aren't as reliant on basic attacks?
Listening to your descriptions I conclude Support is objectively the hardest role to play. You said:
You need high map awareness and rotations, like a jungler, you need to counter build and tank damage, like solo, and on top of that you need to constantly watch your team mates to make sure they're alright (or if they need peel and/or heals).
While each role has his individual challenges and requires its own mind set, the fact that as a support you need two characteristics from other roles plus your own unique one, proves it's objectively more challening.
It's the easiest
I mostly play solo, support and mid because it seems easy enough. Jungle is a difficult one for me so I typically shy away from it unless no one likes it then I bite the bullet. Thor is secretly my guilty pleasure when playing assassin. His Barbarian skin is soo awesome love the voice pack!
Hardest to easiest:
1. Jungle: Jungle is solely responsible for like 65% of the map, s/he needs to have excellent map awareness and keep a tab on everyone's health in order to see where a gank could lead to kills, a good jungle will steal from the enemy jungle, ward, collect kills, and snowball the lanes. A bad jungle will lead to an F6 at 10, jungle can also be used to counter enemy teams, do they have a lot of leaps? Pick Awilix, do they have bad movement with some heal? Get Serqet, go they have a Thor/Rat? Pick Rat/Thor, do they have a really tanky team? get Nemesis.
2. Mid: If your mid is bad you have no team fight period. A mid essentially works as the jungler's possy early on which leads to invades and ganks until the jungle gets farmed enough to go into the wilderness alone. Late game if your mid is always getting caught then you will lose the game.
3. Support: If your support can effectively peel for his carries/jungle then he's fine. Supports acts like a ghetto jungle leading into the mid game by taking slow rotations and usually leeching off the jungle.
4. ADC: All you have to do is hit your autos, if you can;t do this then play another role. No mana? No problem, your damage source comes from autos and they're free. Low on life? no problem, ADCs usually buy lifesteal so they can heal off of 500 flat damage hits.
5. Solo: Did your solo feed? Who cares, focus your other lanes and let him feed. Did the enemy solo take his tower? Who cares, let the solo free farm. mid/late game rolls around and you're in a team fight? As long as this guy can soak up damage he's fulfilling his role, bonus points if he can provide some CC to get a kill.
ArcaneTricks I have to disagree about the adc's. In this meta the ability hunters are more popular and for them it's the combination of hard hitting abilities and basic attacks that makes them usefull. Also most hunters have abilities that help them a both in the offensive and the defensive departament. So even as a full hp hunter, fighting without mana can easily lead to your death. Also a bad solo laner means that the enemy solo laner will be fed and will probably be unkillable until the lategame. He would be able to dive the backline of your team without much of a punishment and this will lead to very hard teamfights for your team.
Valery Benkin Fine, switch Adcs with solos then.
This seems more like a ranking of game impact rather than difficulty.
hey I mean I saw herc solo the whole enemy team before late game solo isn't to be f***ed with and I went 19/0 with a Bellona and the retards had 2 mages on my lane but I killed them over and over again. key was runic shield after that I snowballed xD
roles: (easiest to hardest)
5. SUPPORT - do some hardcore healing early game. after that, build rod of tahuti after you got shoes of focus.
4. JUNGLER - dude. you take camps. you build all damage.
3. MID - you lane. just get some last hits, and youre good to go for late game.
2. ADC - you do the exact same thing as mid, but you have to be very careful with your life. better to be 0-0 than 2-13. remind teammates to protect you.malso, be salty everytime you die. build all damage. when you go back to base, make sure a teammate is still in your lane.
1. SOLO - you do he exact same thing as adc, but while taunting the other guy. and remember, the less times you go back to base in mid, the better you are.
smite to me in a nutshell
the difficulties of supports you explained are things ive done automatically for almost two years xD love gaurdians
I main support but I find mid to be my second best role. I'm actually horrible at jungle because despite my high amount of game knowledge, getting kill as an assassin is difficult for me. I'm really bad at 1v1 fights that can be decided quickly, which jungler's need to be good at
My List in Order: Jungle (If they do bad everybody is at a disadvantage, has to rotate everywhere and set up kills/place wards) Support (Same as jungle but harder to mess up, has to know how to peel) Carry (If doing bad then enemy carry can rotate and feed teammate kills, can become an unstoppable monster, can secure gold easier, or push lane and give everybody gold but not as important as jungle and support) Mid ( Has to trust the jungle to do well and has to always watch for ganks. If they do bad then usually just means you have to watch out for a couple ganks every now and again. May cause jungle loss) Solo ( Only has to trust for the most part their own skill and jungle to grab their buff early game or deter ganks. If he does bad then usually creates an unstoppable monster and can shut down mid but not the end of the game)
I have a question on Athena, while It seems relatively strong to build aura items on her, a lot of the builds I've seen online build other things. Is Athena a good god for auras or should I focus more on tanking items for myself.
Always coming back to this topic. I think I decided that every roll is difficult in their own regard. Everyone on the team is equally important and play a crucial part in winning the game. If one starts to go down, it can be hard to pick back up. So essentially everyone needs to know what the heel they;re doing, else you'll just start falling apart. The thing i've always said to people instead is "what roll is the most important?" And like you said, "which roll is harder for you?" Always an interesting topic to discuss.
Fun facts! My most difficult roll might be solo. My builds are fine, I like to think, I just know entirely what to do when. And my best roll, i'd say, is jungle. Though I think it's funny, because my favorite roll is actually mid. Don't know why I don't ever play it though.
Support is the hardest because you can't do anything if your team doesn't deal damage well. I have no problem with playing support but I always choose not to because I can't depend on my team to damage well. When you physically put a kill into a hunters mouth and they have an early lead and they get fed and still do nothing late game then what am I supposed to do?
smh, so you saying adc's arent responsible for warding their lane? That's bs
I'd say the hardest role for me is solo and support. I can never fully grasp how much damage I can take 90% of the time
Also duke could you make a video or idk if you already have but make a video of when supports should leave duo lane and start becomming a second jungler
I agree with you sloth. Another thing that should be considered is that smite is a team effort game and you should be able to help each other when a team mate falls off.
Yo I liked this Video,
For me Support is the easiest followed by Jung I have extremely high map awareness and the only reason support is easier than jung to me is that no one really expects me to rotate and slay people the way I do when I am support, so there is just not the same pressure also having no lane to truly claim makes it nice no real responsibility, where as a Jung people expect me to do what I need to do. Solo Lane i am in charge of a lane and basically becomes harder because of that, followed by being the Archer I have a lane and it is basically a race to the most gold and xp with the other one, followed by mid being the hardest I have my lane I like to make the sweet rotations, but you never know when the whole team might show up unannounced to gank you.
I get so easily distracted by the background gameplay that I have to rewind the video multiple times and watch it again.
As someone who's mained ADC, Jungler and played a decent amount of support I have to say Jungle and Support are harder for me to deal with. With those roles you have to be everywhere at once and if you're not helping out everyone else then any deaths your team gets is instantly thrown on you. Say you're a support and you've gone to help your mid get a buff while duo has their ADC and support in it, your ADC decided to try to 2v1 them early game (like level 5 or so) then them getting deleted is your problem. As a jungler if you are helping your solo with a buff and your mid gets ganked it's thrown on you. Jungle and support get the most shit thrown at them which gets so fucking annoying very quickly. The worst for me is playing support with a suicidal ADC, your lane is going to get deleted and it's all on you according to the ADC. Not saying the other roles aren't hard but in terms of actually being able to do anything without getting your team bitching at you there's nothing worse than support or jungle
I know I'm a little late to this video but didn't find your channel till after I got back into smite (yea that's an understatement lol) but in all honesty, I've played all 5 roles. It is DEFINITELY tailored to experience than it is to objectivity.
In my opinion, support (even though I love playing as Athena) and adc is the hardest roles for me. I don't think I'm doing enough as a support and am not a person that is well supportive. Adc is a problem for me cause I don't play hunters.. like.. at all.. I don't really know what it is about them but I'd much rather be jg, solo, or mid cause it's what I'm used to and I have a main in those 3 roles.
Support was my main role when I played, but Jungle was my worst. It felt downright arcane; I never knew where to be.
My other main role was Solo, which always felt like more of a match for a natural support even as I played decidedly non-supportive gods. I find it easier to make problems for the enemy as a tank.
I main jungle with support as my go to of I get out called. those 2 rolls come rather easily to me tbh. ADC is where I struggle the most, abilities are easy for me to hit but the consecutive autos are a struggle for me
Support is most complicated:
1. You have to keep alive your (often brainless) ADC
2. You have to ward
3. In team fight you have to keep everybody alive
4. If it isn't junglers fault when is your score is 0-4 in 3 minutes of the game it's supports
5. Your (often brainless) mid laner tells you suck, but 2 mins earlier you saved his ass from 3 man gank and made him triple-quadra-pentakill and he spams [VEG] I'm the greatest!
6. Somebody calls for gank and you are on other side of map baiting three people so your ADC and jungler can get other two, and dude dies and in chat says something like this: WTF where is support?
7. If somebody is going 1v5 with 20hp and you don't come in he is like:WTF DUDEE I GOT THIS EZZ PENTA YOU SUCK!!!
8. You have HUGE impact on game and nobody recognise it.
9. If you take ONE KILL your ADC/mid/solo/jungler spams in chat: [VER] You rock!
10. You have to have A LOT ingame knowledge to play support, how to counerbuild, which aura item does what, POSITIONING in team fights, what which ability does, and you have to know at least basics of other roles.
12 minute video to say Whatever role you are bad at is the hardest role...
I am a support main, but I can play every role pretty efficiently. For me the hardest role is jungle, mainly because knowing rotations/farm/calling out other lanes/counter jungling really takes alot of multi-tasking.
I really don't like it when the solo laner or mid gives the jungler shit for them getting ganked and then the jungler goes on suicide missions trying to help them and dies with them. I feel like everyone should get a feel of every role so they can have an understanding of the whole match instead of just their lane.
just my opinion, i main support so i'm a little biased. support is the easiest to pick up but hardest to play at a high level. it's no big thing to pick a tanky god and coast on your protections making sure you don't die and most have a fair amount of CC so you don't often get caught out as much. But, as a support your goal is to keep your team alive and make sure they can get kills, which becomes exponentially harder the better your opponents become. A GOOD support has to keep his eye on basically everything, where your team is, where the enemy is, who is low, who needs a little more help, how built am I vs my ADC if I want to tank some tower shots to get a kill or knock it over but minions are nowhere in sight. it's almost an anti-jungle role.
Meanwhile i think jungle is one of the hardest to pick up at least for me i suck at assassins. not ashamed of that my khepri or baccus will fuck you up but unless i'm on bastet who is kind of cheese mode i can't assassin for shit. The jungle role i personally feel has the highest barrier to entry but if your team is all playing really well and pressuring the enemy team you basically get a field day of free ganks. jungle has to worry about a large area of the map but it's more of a reactive role while support is proactive. again just my opinion having almost never played it.
Mid is tough, you have to worry about ganks from both sides but you also usually have the support and jungle rotating to you alot because mid tends to be an important lane. ADC is objective murder late game but a fed mage can blow your doors off and nothing is less effective than a weak mid.
solo i tend to think of as not THAT hard in so far as your goal is mostly to sustain and not loose lane right. I mean if you saw the last world championships the only game the champs lost was because of a baller fed solo. but most of the time weather the solo laner is ahead or behind doesn't affect the rest of the team AS MUCH, obviously a weak team member brings people down but if you can freeze your lane and not give too much ground then by late game there isn't much the enemy solo can do to help. obviously by the name you are on your own more than the other lanes but it's less likely that a monster solo makes the difference over a fed adc or mid or jungler.
ADC i have done quite a bit but as i settled into the guardian role more and more my autos have kind of gotten worse so i do it less now. in casual play adc get's focused pretty hard in my experience they think if they keep your level low you'll be useless later. i've noticed the pro-play that doesn't happen so much the ADC's tend to have a bit more of a 1 on 1 than what i've experienced in my play, maybe it's just console.
This has been my experience with smite personally.
Great video and an amazing way to turn this question into a metacognative experience. 👏👏👏👏👏
why are your keybinds how they are?
I'm a support main by heart, or more specifically, front line tanks. It's the role I main when I started at the end of season 1 and still maining it today.
i suck at the support role can you maybe help me I want to learn it
mechanically ADC is the most forgiving without a doubt lol. 300-700 damage autos being pumped out around twice a second means you got a lot of opportunity.
along with you know, they have range so everyone has to first get to them, typically have an escape so you have to get to them again and most have life steal or fatalis so it's really a joke.
every other role is fairly equal in terms of difficulty (if played properly). Solo (classic bruiser solo i should say) has to frontline and get kills without the defence or offence needed to do either of those easily. Mid has to watch out for ganks from either side and is also typically dies the fastest. Support has to set up plays while being the defensive half of the frontline. Jungler can cause a team to lose point blank. they have the most to deal with yet also the easiest kits typically.
I thought this video was quite far off honestly, there was no mention of control and zoning (a major part of mid and solo), juking (props to frontline junglers that can not get popped), the difference of frontline and backline responsibility and hardships, etc
Beyond ADC who get carried through their weak portion and get a constant ally up until the point they are giving exponentially higher DPS and boxing capabilities over every other role, it's tuff all around.
i think solo laners have more pressure because one little error can give you ennemy 1-2 levels ahead (plus if your jungler is not in control of his/her jungle and the ennemy solo is doing every camps with the ennemy jungler) and then theres just nothing you can do but stay under your tower crying
Interesting topics... I have really enjoyed watching your recent videos
so if you can remember about 10 items, suck at hitting abilities, have no map awarness and can hold your left mouse-button, you should go adc :)
The hardest roles are absolutely support and jungle - and they are also the most important ones.
I would say Jungle just because of how dynamic it is, not that other roles aren't but I feel like jungle there is a lot more decision making in regards to when to farm and when to gank.
I'm differently one of those people that isn't great at support and jungle. I have really good mechanical skill' good positioning and near perfect map awareness but knowing were and when to be places have never been my forte. Always been really good in mid. At least in casual matches ii find that most of the time don't need to ward unless i plan on venturing to other lanes alot and am afraid of the enemy jungler trying to punish that. Find solo pretty boring and can get tilted pretty fast if i start losing waves,so i always pick early game warriors. Allways raging at my support when im adc so while i think i'm good at the role, having to work so closely with someone else buggs me out.
how do you move your icons? I would love to know when I'm debuffed lol
+Alice Grey press escape in game (jungle practice) and click HUD editor.
ADC and Jungle
I can play ADC but only on Cupid & Neith (the ez gods)
Jungle is just plain hard because you need to follow exact rules for items and postioning early game to get a good start.
Dr. Bacon smoothbraining it
the hardest role in smite is whatever role you play aphrodite in
2 hardest roles are mid/adc... mid can get shit on and snowballed really easily especially with a shit jungler, adc is hard because hunter basics require a decent amount of skill and finesse also you're squishy and once you get behind you're going to fail the whole game
where are my solo main player at?? the best role is the solo lane. you are most of the time alone (unless u get babysitted or your opponent) u have to outplay your oppinent to even get a kill for example he is all the time camping under tower and u have to dive him/her to get a lead or die and give the opponent the lead
I can't jungle for shit. If you ask me to jungle, then you're going to have a shitty time. Solo lane is perfect for me because I like to 1v1. When either Jungler shows up I get mad. Leave us be in the small corner of the map and duke it out. If both Junglers show up at the sand time, then I have mixed feelings. I see it as a test for the Jungler. How well can you contribute to this fight and are you going to follow-up? If we get 2, then nice job. If we get 1, then that's ok. If 1 us dies with no trade, then that's bad. If I die, but you kill the Solo, then I'm cool with that. If we get them both, then you get a nice spam of "You Rock" followed by "Nice Job."
I main solo lane because i love the constant pressure?
Why didn't u do anything for 50k tho?
playing support is hard for me too but only in the situation where you get bad teammates and you are playing well because theres pretty much nothing you can do to carry the game
I don't play Conq really but a lot of this can be translated into Joust etc. i find Support actually quite easy you just need to have a god that syngerises well with your team.Having a Kephri into a team that doens't have high burst immadtley is kinda bit useless for example
lol conquest and joust are not the same thing know if your talking about the solo lane in conquest and compare to joust then yeah it get very similar but not the the same still. So no matter what your comment is kinda ?????????
hardest role for for me is jungle because I don't know when to gank or how to farm right
I play hunter mainly but I can play support really well, but jg is very difficult for me.
I wouldn't say it's the hardest, just that support has more responsibilities throughout the game, imo. They have a heavier emphasis on warding, have to have the awareness and knowledge of where to rotate, provide peel, and even in their build they should be looking at items that would benefit their team in a fight. Not saying its the most difficult, just feel like they have a little more check off their "To Do List" than other roles.
While I agree with DukeSloth (I'm a terrible ADC, but decent support and Solo) I would say support has the hardest role. As a support you generally have to be the lowest level of the team with the least gold, spending the most on wards. You also have to keep an eye on your entire team and protect them all (except solo usually). I cant tell you the number of times I get blasted for going 2-7-13 (or whatever) because I had to dash in as Athena and taunt the enemy team cos one of my team went all LEEROOOOY JEEEENKINS. In uncoordinated ranked teams you rarely get thanked and often get blamed as a support.
TBH im really good with hunter and mage im pretty good with assasins but i really suck with warrior and guardians
Having always played support, I don't find it that hard, but I can agree fully on Jungle being the hardest, I cannot play it for the life of me
Dyno612 I find the opposite true, jungle comes naturally to me but i seem to compromise my team most of the timr
Something I can't understand about myself is how I'm (arguably) decent at playing support but when it comes to jungle I'm complete trash. I've always struggled to play jungle properly, even though I've watched a lot of tutorials on how to play it and how to build junglers. I guess it just comes down to experience as well?
A Salty Lapis Thank you, I'll keep it in mind!
with sylv in supp u should always put a point in the 1 at lvl 1
smh I hate when they blame me for a lose because I main support especially when they talk about GOOD JOB YOU SHOULDVE WARDED I'm like ummm sorry you wanted me to put the wards somewhere else a few seconds ago soooooooo whatever but when I first started I main mid and I just tried out support because I play support in so many mmo and other games. never like being the one who's expected to get x amount of kills and brag about it idk
I main support so you would think I know how to jungle a little but nope. I just think jungling is harder having to rotate for the camps and farm while also being there to gank is so much to keep up with.
I mostly play support, because some random dude always steals my ADC, jungle is always picked before the lobby even starts, I dont like solo as much as I used to anymore and I never play mid, because somebody always wants to be there and if I see it open, I rather go for support, because I have pretty much no experience in the mid in the first place...
i actually think you gave the best answer possible
In order from hardest to easiest Jungle is the hardest role he has to control the whole map enough said there, 2 support he is a mini jungler he needs to rotate out of duo so the adc can get more farm so this roll requires a lot of map awareness, 3 is all the other rolls because they're all the same thing sit in lane and farm and every once in awhile get a buff or rotate out.
I find Support and Solo the funnest roles to me since I always worry about my matchups. ADC is the toughest since I'm a bad shot, but on the flipside I love gods that have excellent boxing potential
4:09 that kali blink tho, frealing outplayed
Excuse my Smite ignorance, but what do you mean by mechanically? Do you mean landing your basic attacks, and fine aiming skills?
Love the videos DukeSloth!
Anybody know why ill play bakasura and have the most kills on the team with a lead of around +5 or +6 more kills, yet have less player damage than others on my team. Is this just because its bakasura? Like one game i was leading in kills and even got a penta i was doing great yet didnt get most player damage. Is baka just like that?
TheStacked Gamer If you're talking about the end game stat screen don't worry, nuking some adc/mid for 1800 ish health AND getting the kill is better damage then poking them for 5 minutes and dealing 3-4k damage. That's what's happening, it might look weird but 100 poke damage at a time adds up.
He's a single target god and has no aoe poke abilities. Same thing as arachne, ravana, loki, kali etc
Honestly, Conquest isn't hard, it is just people on your own team can make it harder than it needs to be, and it does not help that it applies to both sides.
So really, it is just a "It depends on the quality of those around you."
I play support normaly,and in my opinion it is the hardest role to play, having played other roles. Paying attention to your adc, making sure they dont die, ect
I main Solo, ADC and Support and I think mid can be very hard because you must do a loooot of things in the game, farm, share gold and exp, rotate a lot, jungle... Mid has a bit of solo, a bit of support and a bit of jungle.
It feels like when playing a Jungler whatever you do you're gonna upset someone even when your team is winning.
"Which is the hardest role for you?" I agree that this is the real question. I have really hard time at being adc. One of my friends is really good at being an ADC, but he is not good at being a mid. So it depends on the person.
coming from ps4, i just fill,
though i know my weakest role is jungle,
for me i would say that role difficulty changes more with being counter picked,
and enemy team comp vs yours, rather than what you are good at, but, just me,
Support is the hardest for me. I can't stand feeling like I'm doing nothing but trying to become a guardian adc is a quick way to be both a shitty adc and support at the same time. I simply couldn't be the team mama bear, more so when I'm still in early elo and everybody is asking to be punch repeatedly in the face. adc would be the easiest: stick to your damn lane, follow this build, kill all of the minons & do not feed by dying = automatically doing good. It is the most brain dead role to play. Getting the power/attack speed buffs, helping out on camps, reporting enemy missing & so on while extremely useful isn't exactly required, more so when early elo and literally no one else does those things.
for some reason I can't play physical hunters I can play Freya and Sol but I only do ok with one however my best role will always be a mage
How about: If a new player began the game and wanted to main a role which one would take the most practise to get good at?
Calliban999 jungle and support are the 2 hardest roles to learn for new players in my opinion
I'm adc, and I think jungler is the hardest, cuz mid and solo depend on him, he can carry hard or aswell he can fuck up the match
Jungle and support are the hardest but those roles also gets flamed the most.
For me, the hardest role is jungle (tho I am a support main :P ), I just seem to fall behind on exp and gold no matter how much I try to clear those camps :/
I suck at adc, can't hit ranged basics oops. I prefer jungle then supp/solo
Hardest for me personally because i struggle with geb and sylvanus and other guardians of that type. I really only used xing ting, khepri and terra the others i personally have trouble.
Here's my top 5 Roles for me from hardest to easiest: 5.Solo, 4.Support, 3.Mid, 2.ADC, 1.Jung... im more of a Jungler and ADC, and i use Mid kinda often.