SECRET Military Seaplane Fighter: SeaWolf Amphibian (SWA)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
    (617) 970-7445
    Republic aircraft whose SeaBee amphibian you saw 007 fly very low under Chinese radar in "The Man with the Golden Gun" 007 movie in 1975 merged with Grumman's legendary amphibious seaplane makers to create the definitive Lake LA-4 Renegade seaplane whose pod-mounted engine and prop sits high above both water spray and land dirt and dust. Extremely safe by its smooth bottom with wheels retracted for any belly landings: often no damage is suffered on a grassy field. These and other design lessons born of the combined Grumman/Republic seaplane-amphibian experience lives on in today's military variant--the SeaWolf.
    The SeaWolf Amphibian (SWA) is a 200 mph, 1, 000 pound payload, 12-hour flight duration, 1, 000 mile range, sensor, missile, rocket and gun-armed Military Seaplane Fighter that can fly over the land and water--as well as put down on the ocean, swamp, river or lake to hunt enemy submarines by dipping sonar, capture belligerent boats--to include boarding--or rescue men in peril in the sea.
    The military potential of future SeaWolf variants is remarkable because its brilliant design solves several problems concurrently--a 2nd safety and payload-speed-increasing, engine could be fitted behind the current pod mounted engine to spin in the opposite direction countering torque without the propeller needing gearing to hand in the other direction and thrust is in-line so if an engine conks out, the remaining engine doesn't cause the plane to spin as befalls twins whose 2 engines are on their wings.
    SeaWolves @ Sea
    Cranes can hoist the SeaWolf onto the water or back aboard even small ships like the SPECTRE hydrofoil-disguised-yacht "Disco Volante" Commander Fleming depicts in "Thunderball"--and potentially submarines if its wings are detached or a folding wing variant were made to fit a waterproof dry shelter aft of the main sail akin to how mini-subs are currently deployed by U.S. Navy SEALs. SeaWolf's Short-Take-Off and Landing (STOL) capabilities on both water and land make it more than just a military grasshopper--its a lethal frog. Small teams of Navy SEAL or Army Ranger/Green Beret/Delta Force commandos could covertly insert-extract by SeaWolves flying under enemy radar, landing offshore for them to fin-swim or rubber boat or kayak ashore or deep inland using its landing gear. As a fixed-wing, small seaplane-amphibian, the SeaWolf flies faster, longer and at only a tiny fraction of the cost--and nearly no maintenance--compared to current overly-complex helicopters that cannot land on water--even in an emergency as the tragic "Perfect Storm" incident in 1991 where a military, fuel-hungry, New York, 106th Rescue Wing of the U.S. Air National Guard, HH-60G Pave Hawk could-not air-refuel and had to ditch into rough seas.
    Even Coast Guard MH-60 JayHawks cannot land on the water due to their non-amphibian design--the single-engined helicopter they replaced--the HH-52 Pelican that can put down in the water as seen in the 1965 James Bond movie, "Thunderball" actually shows we've regressed in capabilities in order to gain a 2nd engine. Why a twin-engined, amphibian rescue helicopter couldn't have been purchased at the time comes from the sad situation of them no longer in production. CH-47 Chinooks can put down safely into calm waters and is used to launch & recover outboard-motor-driven Zodiac F470 rubber boats operated by U.S. Army Rangers, Green Berets and Navy SEALs. Tragically, both the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard today do not have a fixed-wing, seaplane that can land on the ocean and immediately attack or rescue what's spotted below by direct coping--but must instead pass-the-problem bureaucratically to another platform far-away resulting in bad guys getting away and good people dying. At one time, the U.S. Navy was the world's leaders in both small, ship-operated seaplanes as well as larger seaplanes usually operated from shore bases though they, too could operate and be refueled at sea by submarines and seaplane tender surface ships. Today's amphibious ships with flooding well-decks would be ideal to operate small SeaWolf seaplane fighters that can motor from and back in like ducklings after a take-off from the top, dry flight deck. SeaWolf seaplane fighters operating from USN amphibious ships or a container ship with a kit composed of special containers offering a flight deck can perform Sea Control missions to include hunting very quiet, enemy AIP diesel-electric submarines by virtue of their far longer air search reach than ASW helicopters and can land on the water to actively ping sonar instead of tossing expensive sonobuoys that aircraft that can't water land must do-at great tax payer expense, questionable effectiveness.
    Folding, detached-wing SeaWolves are ground mobile, towed by tactical vehicles to operate like UCAVs--but without the 50% loss rate!


  • @annieoakley6310
    @annieoakley6310  8 років тому +11

    SeaWolf Amphibian POC:
    (617) 970-7445

  • @jamesmerkel9442
    @jamesmerkel9442 9 років тому +2

    The other nice feature of the new drop pontoon/fuel pods is when u fly out to some where remote u r leaving then fuel. This way u r lean & efficient on the return trip. Later on when empty all the pods can b flown back out when river ships return or improvement to landing make large planes poss(big plane alone comes every 3 month kind of thing). After see just how bad the land sights can b, I would make the double sized tires all rubber. If when the gear is fully retracted it still stick out a bit the grass & belly landing is even poss, w/certain sea plane hull shapes.

  • @utuber2940
    @utuber2940 8 років тому +8

    very cool airplane....

  • @seaplaneguy1
    @seaplaneguy1 7 років тому +4

    Annie, what, in your view would be the ideal small military "seal team" airplane?
    I am designing an airplane (seaplaneguy) that may work well. I can scale it from a 20 passenger (full scale) to a 1 passenger (1/3 scale). The small one can go 300 mph if need be. The all can drive down the road and wings fold while driving at speed.
    It has three modes of landing: 1) conventional at 60 mph , 2) power on lift at 30 mph, 3) VTOL. The useful load goes down the slower it lands, max 3/4 and 1/2. It can take off conventionally with heavy fuel loads (2400 miles) and then do VTOL at the destination, for example.
    People can walk out the front and can stand up inside, thus allowing people to put on gear, dress as needed. Bunks and toilet in larger versions. Camping "walls" fold down from the wings that are insulated for extreme cold weather camping. Land on a snow covered mountain, camp etc.
    The cockpit max width is 72 inches for the 20 passenger model (full scale) and scales down to 24 inches in 9 size increments. They all fly the same. They use only one engine and different number to allow for cruise speeds of 140 to well over 250 mph.
    Pilot can be in back, up high, and all passengers forward, thus allowing quick exit with the pilot still at full control (great for assaults). Side exists also. Pilot had rear exit too.
    The tires allow extreme rough fields. Gear can allow parachute drop of entire airplane without damage (4-6 feet of stroke). Can land in extreme wave conditions depending on landing modes and size. VTOL can land in water, then silently continue on to beach via aux power that thrusts via water, not noise. Has wheel drive(s) for no prop movement (silent motion on ground.
    Can land on roads. power on lift landing distance is 50 feet at 30 mph. Has many engines. Get one engine damaged or shot up, no big deal.
    So, how many is the idea small team? Useful loads? Interesting in discussion so I can find one or more of the sizes that might be interesting. Instead of having Hummvees or road machine, this would be all. One for five soldier for example. Cheaper to drive than suburban.
    For example, one pilot in back, four soldiers. Drop off four and take off in ultra quiet mode (low power, low prop speed) and loiter at 70-80 with 2 gal/hr with five place. Cruise 10 gal/hr at 160 mph, more power faster, up to 250+. Can have 2- 19 engines depending on size (space inside) and power demands. One engine model runs ALL nine airplanes. Larger sizes have two engine joined to create twice the power per prop, for example. So, support only needs ONE engine to support ALL nine sizes. This cuts spare parts. Loss of engine is not mission critical or logistics critical. Small inventor. An assault group of 10 airplanes could have one spare engine just in case...for example. Can run on few engines if need be, but in conventional mode. Eliminates need for large transports. Small is better. Not target for missiles. Can put ATVs, jet skis, motor cycles and snowmobiles and stuff in larger sizes. Much better than helicopter for medical transport....
    Need to consult with someone who knows what the military needs and who has experience with ops. I once worked as Civilian at AF base.... Bro Lt Col.

  • @SpectrumRob
    @SpectrumRob 8 років тому +16

    Looks like a Lake Renegade in camo.

  • @jamesmerkel9442
    @jamesmerkel9442 9 років тому +1

    If the extra fuel tanks were twice as big n height & length it would hve float pod/ fuel tanks. This would give it 3 pnt landing on water & less draft/drag on take off. If it was over weight on the way n or out it could just boat 1st 50 miles till fuel weight = safe take off weight. N a remote place n bad weather rescuing 3 or 4 ppl at least out of the water could b huge.

  • @jas8256
    @jas8256 8 років тому +1

    Sea Wolf was a Special Warfare Group of heavily armed US Navy Choppers that provided back up for extraction of Navy Seal Teams in Viet Nam ...

    • @annieoakley6310
      @annieoakley6310  8 років тому +2


  • @The67wheelman
    @The67wheelman 8 років тому +2

    what the hell is a hazardous material container??? on the outside pylons ..a bomb?

  • @jamesmerkel9442
    @jamesmerkel9442 9 років тому +1

    PPL should demand a real world time table to but to sea the reserve fleet for every ship. If work the list n reserve like the way u do triage on the battle field,. The least sick or hurt gets priority, & the dying die till the end. See if they can cut the entire fleet down to 3 to 6months. Any thing over a yr is not going to b used n a modern med hot war. Even 2 regional zone hot wars against real foes would b the same, & see 1/2 r fleet damaged(out of the fight) & 20% sunk worst case(modern torpedoes don't play). HERE comes this little plane to the rescue(300+ need just for usa).

  • @annieoakley6310
    @annieoakley6310  9 років тому +3

    Drones Epic Fail @ American SW Border
    "Given that, after 8 years of operations, the UAS program cannot demonstrate its effectiveness, as well the cost of current operations,OAM should reconsider its planned expansion of the program. CBP could put the $443 million it plans to spend to expand the program to better use by investing in alternatives, such as manned aircraft and ground surveillance assets."

  • @annieoakley6310
    @annieoakley6310  8 років тому +1

    SeaWolf Amphibian (SWA): Roles & Missions

  • @edmigol8184
    @edmigol8184 8 років тому +8

    Looks like the old Colonial Skimmer/Lake Amphibian to me. An easy plane to fly.

    • @davidcarter2379
      @davidcarter2379 8 років тому +2

      All of the Lakes ( 180'S thru 270's) were built by Aerofab in Sanford, Maine. I worked there for almost 10 years and was involved in all aspects of production.

    • @davidcarter2379
      @davidcarter2379 8 років тому +2

      The original design team for the Colonial Skimmer were Dave Thurston, Jack Tarbox and Herb Lindblad. I think. Dave started his own company and built the Teal which had no landing gear. The design of the SeaWolf, which was on the drawing board in the mid to late seventies, was mostly done by Jack Tarbox. Jack like Dave, was a aeronautical genius. This design was kind of kept under wraps. But not because it was a secret military project. I think it was more of an attempt to save a sinking ship( which they didn't want knoen) Armand Rivard may have got financially involved at about this time also. .Either Bill Doan (my father-in-law) or Bruce Rivard showed me this video many, many years ago, early eighties.

  • @davidsweeney5938
    @davidsweeney5938 8 років тому +5

    Looks something like the Dornier SeaStar,

  • @jamesmerkel9442
    @jamesmerkel9442 9 років тому +4

    If wish it had the puller & pusher prop to make up for added drag of the support.

  • @Chuck59ish
    @Chuck59ish 8 років тому +3

    So why hasn't the piston engine been replaced by a turbine engine? AVGAS is an expensive fuel and not available every where. With the NAVY landing craft be turbine powered it would seem the way to go.

    • @annieoakley6310
      @annieoakley6310  8 років тому +2

      +Charles Damery Diesel piston engines could use JP-8 and heavy naval ship fuel, too.

    • @Chuck59ish
      @Chuck59ish 8 років тому

      A majority of he world's navies use ships powered by gas turbine engines that will burn everything including the oil from the onboard deep fryers in the ship mess.

    • @annieoakley6310
      @annieoakley6310  8 років тому +3

      Charles Damery
      ITS AN OPTION. What with this defeatist, zero-sum mentality? A diesel piston engine can also burn deep fat fryer oil, too. The problem with turbine engines is YOU CANNOT REPAIR THEM like piston engines. Have to send them to much higher maintenance or the factory to be rebuilt. Is the higher HP output at lighter weight worth the turbine cost/complexity and IR signature? Maybe a diesel piston engine of the same HP but at slightly higher weight with low IR signature and can be repaired is the BEST answer?

  • @jamesmerkel9442
    @jamesmerkel9442 9 років тому +2

    Usually if the pontoon interferes w/ the tail & rudder u need a vtail or twin tail. The twin tail design also means a door could opened/lowered n the back, making loading & unloading easier. Watching building Alaska the planes hve twice as large tires for landing on poor & bad runways. They fly every thing n at 500$ min per trip. Every lb of extra weight or bulk is a GOD send. They don't use the sea planes though, but the private pilots do.

    • @southjerseysound7340
      @southjerseysound7340 7 років тому

      They use all kinds of seaplanes in AK,more so on the coast but they still play a large part.

  • @jamesmerkel9442
    @jamesmerkel9442 9 років тому +1

    This is r real biggest advantage over youger, or newly advanced Navies, r ppl & ships n reserve. This should b given priority over high dollar stealth planes. It put the most ppl back to work to. U can retrain or newly train ppl n 6months, but r manufacture base is pathetic NOW. The ship industry has cut down to only a few big players left standing. New ship from scatch to sea would take twice as long as WW2 days, even w/robot welders & plasma cutters, because great knowledge, skilled ship workers r 60yrs + old NOW(they anti pulling 12hr +shift 6 days a week).

  • @inekemateman273
    @inekemateman273 8 років тому +3

    Just keep it a secret! And power it by a turbine-engine!

  • @seantripp6028
    @seantripp6028 7 років тому +3

    This thing looks like a jeep you can take anywhere.

  • @BlueSky-qv7cd
    @BlueSky-qv7cd 8 років тому +8

    I definitely believe there is a need for flying boats, but this aircraft is generally to small to haul enough men and equipment to meet most military missions, they just need to put the Grumman Albatross or Mallard back into production.

    • @annieoakley6310
      @annieoakley6310  8 років тому +5

      +John doe BETTER THAN NOTHING. Its a small start. BIG ENOUGH to move SEAL teams of 7 men...and with folding wings--perhaps from watertight containers on the back of submarines.

    • @williamthurston5904
      @williamthurston5904 8 років тому +1

      .................... you know...... I think you're right........ what's the AG 600.... is that the new Chinese amphibian aircraft they came out with...?..... the Chinese seem to think that there's a need...... so they built that thing .....there's nothing on that aircraft that hasn't been already designed by Grumman....... they got swivel wheels .......they got the step on the chassis separate it from the water.... into the air...... they got the v body..... and a couple of pontoons...... it's not even as nice as the Catalina pby 5...... there's nothing really Innovative about the shape or design...... nobody has rethought anything.... and improved that......... I'm positive they upgraded the engines and decreased fuel consumption...... and increased capability..... but I believe this aircraft was designed by old Dave Thurston...... who had a piece of the mallard.... the Grumman goose...... the panther ..cougar... and tiger....... and all of Lake amphibians...... that's his baby...... butt so many engineering things...... have shook the world... in the day but time moves on....... and I believe I could improve the design of this aircraft... and once again bring it up to date and make it a viable tool for the future.. not because I'm such an egotist...... but I actually have some talent........Ha ha ha....... I'm just a little short on cash this week...... I think I need about 50 million to get started...... so the very next time I win the lottery..... that'll be my first agenda......

    • @williamthurston5904
      @williamthurston5904 8 років тому

      John doe ......... let me read design it will you...?

  • @dondidykes9507
    @dondidykes9507 7 років тому +2

    did not know the seawolf existed

  • @RocKiteman
    @RocKiteman 8 років тому +1

    The US Coast Guard HH-60 Jayhawk helicopters replaced the HH-3 Pelican helicopters. The HH-52's were replaced by the HH-65 "Dauphin" helicopters.

    • @annieoakley6310
      @annieoakley6310  8 років тому +4

      +RocKiteman And now the Coast Guard CANNOT LAND ON THE WATER. That's REGRESS--not PROGRESS.

    • @RocKiteman
      @RocKiteman 8 років тому +2

      Annie Oakley Well, they DID NOT ask ME about it... «grin»

  • @DrewH789
    @DrewH789 8 років тому +2

    It reminds me of the old Republic Sea Bee amphibian. Some of them oare still flying.

  • @Random-rt5ec
    @Random-rt5ec 8 років тому +2

    Wow what an incredible plane - Is there a civilian version?

  • @jeffthomas7539
    @jeffthomas7539 8 років тому

    that looks like a modded lake renegade or buccaneer

  • @jeoverv
    @jeoverv 8 років тому +1

    What's the deal with the split elevator? Nice plane :)

  • @robertxavierbetancourtjuni8291
    @robertxavierbetancourtjuni8291 8 років тому

    too bad no mention of ICON A5