5 Simple Rules For PULLING In ZZZ - DON'T Make Mistakes (Zenless Zone Zero)

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @vic123
    @vic123 21 годину тому +55

    I think the most important rule is to be aware that any slight deviation in average luck can catastrophically hurt your plans. For example, I did some pulls for Seth starting at 0 pity, and ended up on an extremely early Jane. This early 50/50 win completely left it to raw RNG for the characters I actually did want
    So whenever you're pulling, even if you're at low pity, be aware that your plans might forcibly change, so if you want 0 risk at all, do not touch that summon button

    • @carlossoto-medina6780
      @carlossoto-medina6780 21 годину тому

      @@vic123 I guess I’m still trying to understand how the pity system works. What are the characters that you wanted? In your case wouldn’t you be starting the S rank pity system again at 0 pity? So if you didn’t pull too many times, let’s say 30-40 pulls, wouldn’t you still have enough polychromes left over to guarantee whichever agent you want to pull for in the future?
      How many pulls did you do before you got Jane early? I just tried pulling 40 times for Jane and I got Seth instead but I had around 17k polychromes. I think I’m going to stop here and I’m hoping I can carry the S rank pity over to Caesar. That’s the part I don’t understand about pity being carried over between banners

    • @beefymario88
      @beefymario88 20 годин тому

      Can you please explain what you mean by 50/50? Why did you not get what you wanted? What’s pity?

    • @iDroiD-Gaming
      @iDroiD-Gaming 20 годин тому +2

      @@beefymario88 Basically when pulling/summoning/signal searching, you have a 50% chance to get the character on banner (right now it's Jane Doe for example). Now being a 50% chance, you also have a 50% chance to lose the banner character, for one of the standard banner characters (Lycaon, Rina, Koleda, etc).
      Pity means that you are always guaranteed to get a S-Rank character within 90 pulls, and reaching pity means getting a S-Rank character and is generally used to indicate how many pulls you did so far too, so if you are at pity 30 that means you have done 30 pulls on a banner.
      Getting back to the subject of 50/50, if you lose (get a standard banner character instead of the character on banner), you are guaranteed to get a banner character next time you end up pulling a S-Rank. This carries over between banners, so getting back to the Jane Doe example, let's assume you were pulling for her and got Koleda instead (like I did a few days ago), you are now guaranteed to get Jane Doe if you reach the pity within her banner time. If you decided to skip Jane Doe and pulled for Caesar or Burnice, you are guaranteed to get what you're pulling for when you reach pity. This rule applies endlessly, so if you decided not to pull for a year for example, you are still guaranteed to get the banner character you're pulling for.
      Once you get the guaranteed character, it resets back to the 50/50 status.

    • @Himomo3
      @Himomo3 20 годин тому

      @@beefymario88 On the limited character banner, you are guaranteed to get an S-rank character within 90 pulls. This is called the "hard pity" - if you pulled 89 times and still didn't get any S-rank, you're guaranteed to get one on the next pull.
      Next comes the 50/50. It means that when you get that S-rank, it has a 50% chance of being the limited character (i.e. Jane on the current banner), and a 50% chance of being a standard character (i.e. Nekomata, Koleda, Grace, etc.). If you lose the 50/50, you are guaranteed to win the next 50/50 (so if you get a standard character, next time you are guaranteed to get the limited one).
      Leftover pity carries over to the next banner (this also includes lost 50/50s). For example, if you pulled 40 times on Jane's banner and didn't get any S-ranks, you will be guaranteed to get an S-rank on Caesar's banner within 50 pulls. Whether that is Caesar or not is up to the 50/50.
      Let's look at another example. If you pulled 40 times on Jane's banner and got Nekomata on the 30th pull (lost the 50/50), that leaves you with 10 pity left over. This means that if you keep pulling on Jane's banner, you are guaranteed to get her within the next 80 pulls. Likewise, if you stop pulling on Jane's banner and wait for Caesar's banner, you are guaranteed to get Caesar within 80 pulls.

    • @F1LT3R_
      @F1LT3R_ 20 годин тому +1

      @@beefymario88 Lets say you're a brand new account. it takes 90 pulls to guarantee a S rank. When you pull your first S rank, there is a 50% chance you get the banner character (Jane) or a 50% chance you get one of the Story banner S ranks. Lets say you get Jane, your next S rank will then be that same 50% chance. This will keep happening if you keep winning the 50/50%. Lets say you lose, You pull 90 and get Nekomata instead of Jane. This means your next S rank will 100% be Jane, and once you do acquire her, youll be back to 50%'s for the limited time characters.
      Pity is how close you are to a S rank. When you pull 30 times in a banner, and lets say Jane ends and Caesar starts. you will be 30/90 for Caesar, as pulls carry over banner to banner. OP above probably had a guarantee S rank that he was saving, and pulled a tiny bit for Seth, but got super lucky and got Jane early, which sucks because now they are back to having to 50% somebody he actually wants to pull for. Hope that helps!

  • @AETHER_17
    @AETHER_17 22 години тому +103

    I only have two rules for pulling.
    1- skip everyone
    2- pull for BIG DADDY

  • @LaggyWolf
    @LaggyWolf 22 години тому +33

    Waifu pulling > Meta pulling. Even if you are only considering what you do have and not chasing the crunched perfect lineups you are still being conscious of a meta, just not the meta. You don't truly need to care about meta at all since there isn't a competitive ranking system with tiers to determine rewards in ZZZ, it's just a matter of how easy you want to make the game or if you just enjoy building synergized teams. (I only have M0 Zhu and M1 Rina as my S ranks and S-ranking Shiyu 7's is not a problem)
    IMO the simple rule is to not pull for someone if you aren't interested in their design.

    • @Franklin_Johanessan
      @Franklin_Johanessan 14 годин тому

      Why not both? You only need 2 single pulls to get the s rank you want

  • @deboyz1014
    @deboyz1014 23 години тому +62

    Pull without care and you will never be disappointed.

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  23 години тому +11

      so freeing

    • @Karomix3
      @Karomix3 20 годин тому +2

      Did that yesterday, only 1 pull was disappointing and it was me getting my only S rank character and it was unfortunatly Koleda. But I got Seth twice, Billy, Lucy, and Soukaku once, Anby and Anton twice, Corin 3 times, so that was pretty neat, it was my first time using Pull too. ^^

    • @newe1555
      @newe1555 19 годин тому +1

      This is my bro, never seen him do a 10 pull only singles

    • @Garp-8
      @Garp-8 29 хвилин тому

      That's the best mentality until they announce an unexpected character that you absolutely liked their design/gameplay

  • @sevadra
    @sevadra 22 години тому +9

    Something I like to consider alongside the "Pull based on your luck" thing as a new f2p gacha player is the benefit of losing a 50/50 with the long term goal in mind of building a single primary character for every Anomaly Element for the potential future. I eventually want an S rank DPS for all 5 anomalies, and teams to be able to slot them into, and maybe an added bonus to be able to mix and match team loadouts as time goes on, to diversify playstyles and keep the game fresh. My big rule ends up revolving around that "have someone for every element" goal so thinking about my account state I have plans for both winning and losing the 50/50 instead of just feeling like I missed out/have to work for the banner to get the guarantee.
    As an example, Ill lay out my account progress and scenario thats been in my head: So far, without getting the 100 bonus pulls from the start of the game (I started with 8 days left on Ellen's Banner) I had hard speedran the levelling to get to pity 50/50 on limited, won and got a second S rank at 2 pity with Koleda, then use guarentee for Zhu Yuan, skipped Qingyi and pulled Jane, won that 50/50, and pulled her weapon in 30 pulls. Life is great here, but I am only filling 3/5 anomaly elements. I dont have a good Fire or Electric dps as my standard S pulls have not given me Soldier 11 nor Grace, and while I have Anton M6 I dont find him fun to play. I plan to pull Burnice as my luck has been fantastic, I dont need another support with the 3 teams I have built and so it makes sense for me to skip Caesar for now, but im also anticipating losing the 50/50 due to my insane luck, and for that I have considered plans for every standard agent long term (Nekomata, Lycaon and Koleda all give mindscape bonuses, whereas Soldier 11 is a great fallback option for fire dps, Grace I wouldnt mind horizontal building for electric dps and Rina slots in well with said eventual Electric team).
    Since Im not sure how later banners will develop, theres really no losing out from my pov, but I'm taking the luck i get in stride while also being meticulous, and I think this kind of critical thinking would do well. It also helps that I like every character I've pulled, so its really an all around win-win.

    • @aidanjackson5084
      @aidanjackson5084 21 годину тому +2

      I certainly get that "have a DPS for every element" thought process.
      For example, the current banner in Star Rail has two Wind units, Feixiao & Black Swan. I currently only have two Wind units, Dan Heng & Sampo. Therefore, very tempted to pull for one or both of the Wind Mommies so I have a viable Wind DPS. Just unsure who to go for first.
      I'm leaning more towards Feixiao first, mainly because I have more FUAs in my account than I do DOTs

    • @iDroiD-Gaming
      @iDroiD-Gaming 20 годин тому +4

      As a veteran gacha gamer, I agree to that, but would like to indicate that as of now, losing a 50/50 is not so bad a thing, due to what you discussed (filling gaps in elemental coverage). Also, due to Hoyoverse techniques in making the game accessible, unless you mindlessly pull for characters, you'll eventually build a respectable roster that can defeat any end game with minimum effort. It's a long-term walk rather than a short-term race, and my Genshin/Star Rail accounts totally agree with that. After a year, we will all get to remember how our account looked like when we started and wonder at the many changes that happened to it.

  • @Just_an_urn
    @Just_an_urn 23 години тому +20

    Great vid as always! Even for years down the line, unless you have a team of each element type, and every type of character in said element, currently we would need a total of 25 characters to have all your bases covered. Pull to cover your bases, and after that you can go nuts!

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  23 години тому +4

      Thanks for the support! All 25 of them lol.

    • @Just_an_urn
      @Just_an_urn 23 години тому +4

      @@AverageLuckGamer lol, yeah it's crazy! And people are getting scared that if they miss a character, it is going to brick their account or something. Just enjoy the game and pull who you want! It's a marathon and limited characters (wether you like them or not) are going to be good in one aspect or another. It's gana take years till we have teams to cover whatever we want (25, being Attack, anomaly, tank, support and stun for times the 5 elements.) we have a LONG way to go, so enjoy the ride and see the view, there is no need to min-max everything, you know.

  • @Sarazoul
    @Sarazoul 21 годину тому +3

    The only golden rule: pull for the characters you like the most. (Design, personality, gameplay style, etc...)
    Meta comes second. Because the truth is, the meta doesn't realy matter. This isn't a competitive game and a meta team is not required to clear the content.
    If you pull a character your not super into to make "the prefect team comp".
    You WILL regret it later, when an actual agent that you like is announced and you don't have any polys left.
    Don't pull for team efficiency. Pull for the characters you REALLY want.
    Building the team? That comes later. Using what ever you have at your disposal.

  • @andreynordron1302
    @andreynordron1302 23 години тому +6

    Oh Lycaon pun returns! Stayd true to yourself this time friend! Much appreciated!
    Thank you for reminding me about 50/50 and general awerness.
    Guys! Don't forget that missing a character is not so bad. Every time there wil be an option to get something new and cool. You just don't know it yet.
    Off course its not bad to support good games, so consider that.
    Great video as always.

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  22 години тому +1

      Keeping you on your toes! And thanks for the support.

  • @KetteiThe7th_
    @KetteiThe7th_ 23 години тому +198

    No I’m going to just swipe my credit card

    • @mitchsz
      @mitchsz 23 години тому +32

      Imagine being rich

    • @WithoutException
      @WithoutException 23 години тому +19

      Nah I’d win ahh moment

    • @lightnatsuki7222
      @lightnatsuki7222 23 години тому +7

      Damn get me a monthly pass 🤡

    • @RobLucciXIII
      @RobLucciXIII 23 години тому +3

      Ayyye that's also the tactic i use

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  23 години тому +74

      Damn it whale, didn't you listen to the start?

  • @dimoseq1291
    @dimoseq1291 23 години тому +48

    1.2 pull everyone 1.3 TOTAL SKIP

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  23 години тому +11

      But 1.3 though...

    • @richcast66
      @richcast66 22 години тому

      Damn, who coming out 1.3???

    • @tmxsb4774
      @tmxsb4774 22 години тому +1

      @@richcast66 probably lighter

    • @zarlom9646
      @zarlom9646 22 години тому +4


    • @schoko.
      @schoko. 22 години тому +6

      Lighter and yanagi for 1.3 and then harumasa or whatever his name is and probably miyabi for 1.4

  • @Bronugget
    @Bronugget 17 годин тому +4

    I'm so glad the wait is almost over. Skipped all of 1.1 to have enough poly to pull Ceasar and Burnice.

  • @Linkophere
    @Linkophere 22 години тому +37

    Nah i went absolutely off the chain for Corin and i dont regret it. Corin Forever

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  22 години тому +11

      You chad.

    • @kiracaos
      @kiracaos 19 годин тому +4

      Good to know there are other Corin enjoyers.

  • @kiteofdark
    @kiteofdark 23 години тому +5

    I was set on Burnice until I realized she would only be good for my already best team, Jane Doe, while I have Zhu Yuan and Ellen with no stunner except Anby. Caeser is going to make my older teams fun again.

  • @pulledporc5334
    @pulledporc5334 21 годину тому +10

    Rule number 6: The more you want a character, the harder it will be to get them. The desire sensor is real.

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  21 годину тому +2

      So true

    • @papacharlie-niner148
      @papacharlie-niner148 18 годин тому

      This is my life. Been Nekomata's #1 fan from the first second I played the game, still haven't been able to pull her after over 200 tries.

    • @cart8909
      @cart8909 2 години тому +1

      ​@@papacharlie-niner148 I like nekomata but I never wished to ever pull for her, and she was my 2nd S rank after only 60 pulls, and I really just want lycaon but he hasn't came home after over 200 pulls 😭

  • @mitchsz
    @mitchsz 23 години тому +12

    I'm legit thinking about pulling for Burnice. I have S11, Seth and Jane :D

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  23 години тому +3

      Seems like she could be pretty use for you!

    • @heartfelt_hero
      @heartfelt_hero 22 години тому +1

      I have all those too, so I was considering pulling burnice, also I really want the Lucy cinema that adds her buff to her chain attack cuz I already have a well built Lucy

    • @mitchsz
      @mitchsz 22 години тому +2

      @@heartfelt_hero good luck for us then 🙏

    • @heartfelt_hero
      @heartfelt_hero 22 години тому +1

      @@mitchsz Thank you, and good luck to you too!

    • @JunaidAnsari-my2cx
      @JunaidAnsari-my2cx 16 годин тому +2

      Whats S11?

  • @AStrayNoName01
    @AStrayNoName01 13 годин тому +1

    I always pull for who I want, pulling for Meta isn’t usually worth it because the Meta will always change, but your fondness for the characters you like will never fade.

  • @KrymsonVerse
    @KrymsonVerse 23 години тому +8

    I'm a bit torn on the 1.2 banners. Caesar looks like she'd be a blast to play, she'll fit into most teams, but doesn't seem tailor-made for any existing (as of 1.2) team. Burnice is super-cute, but doesn't look quite as fun to play. She does, however, fit like a glove into a team with my built Jane and Seth/Lucy.

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  23 години тому +5

      I'm feeling very similar to you right now bud.

    • @LemonRush7777
      @LemonRush7777 22 години тому +2

      Caesar is a safe bet for the future if Mihoyo ramps up too much the difficulty thanks to her shields.

    • @hardtobearit
      @hardtobearit 19 годин тому

      ​@AverageLuckGamer my issue is the a ranks on both. I'm a mainly f2p player with the exception of getting the 30 day card and season pass twice. And i have every limited character and alot of minds cape 6s on the current A ranks. We need more a ranks honestly

    • @CyrilCommando
      @CyrilCommando 19 годин тому +1

      Also consider the fact that her W Engine is potentially the _only_ Impact Defense engine, which is what she wants. Unless they distribute a free weapon there is no decent F2P alternative.

    • @katabwa2172
      @katabwa2172 19 годин тому

      ​@@hardtobearitthen you are a dolphin not an F2P my friend. Just like me.

  • @IdealRukasu
    @IdealRukasu 23 години тому +18

    Burnice or Nothing.
    Then wait for Yanagi
    We are 🦅✌️🎮

  • @SwitchbackCh
    @SwitchbackCh 13 годин тому +3

    I wanted both Jane and Burnice, and while taking a leisurely walk this was my reasoning:
    If I got Jane now I'd have Jane but my chances for any 1.2 characters is shot for a good while
    If I get Burnice, not only do I have extra chromes saved from skipping Caesar, but I can also prepare for future unannounced content. What if Lighter's really good? Or if Pulchra becomes playable? Or BIG DADDY? Way more pros to wait it out than cons for me because the Calydon patch looks amazing so far.

  • @1O1O11
    @1O1O11 19 годин тому +2

    Anby is one of my favorite characters, and I got her up to M6 with Jane's banner. I also got 1 copy of Seth which I don't use, but never hurts to have another character around town to eat noodles with.
    So pretty much best case scenario. Now I have 20 pulls before guaranteed S but am going to sit with that for a year...

  • @richcast66
    @richcast66 22 години тому +4

    Glad Burnice is on the 2nd banner, because Jane took almost 180 pulls from me and I need more time to build pulls

  • @lagrimm9397
    @lagrimm9397 19 годин тому +1

    "Pull for what you want to build around."
    In a perfect world I want to build a nice condo flat for my Rat and Biker queens to share.
    With me.

  • @allachor
    @allachor 23 години тому +27

    Single pulling around 70 to preserve pulls doesn't really make sense tbh, considering if you hit the S-Rank in a 10 pull it still builds pity for any rolls after the S.

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  23 години тому +13

      I suppose I should have clarified, it depends on the value of the banner for you, i.e. if you want the A ranks etc.

    • @WithoutException
      @WithoutException 23 години тому +9

      Pull singles so your limited banner doesn’t constantly say “89 pulls left till next S rank” and ends on a nice even 90

    • @deltahyperbolic
      @deltahyperbolic 23 години тому +7

      I think single pulling around 70 can prevent you from accidentally getting a double 5 star when you don't want it. In a way, it's always optimal to single pull if you are not interested in dupes, but single pulling around 70 can get most of the effect without wasting too much time.

    • @allachor
      @allachor 23 години тому +1

      @@deltahyperbolic true but even if i don't want a dupe of a 5 star on that particular banner i'm certainly not going to complain about 5 or so wishes for another copy of a limited character.

    • @negative2positve380
      @negative2positve380 23 години тому +2

      ​@@deltahyperbolici think the point is some people dont like the risk of getting M1 over saving the pulls for a new character, although i disagree

  • @oyah999
    @oyah999 22 години тому +2

    Another tip is to wait til the last few days of a banner before pulling to see if future characters interest you. Also helps everyone tests out the newly released characters and see what they do. Then again waiting might be too much to ask for because of gacha brainrot.

  • @ayayron8221
    @ayayron8221 12 годин тому +1

    I saw Burnice and tuned out whatever you were saying. Something something don't pull out something something.
    Thanks for the great tips as always!!

  • @vaeiskii
    @vaeiskii 22 години тому +7

    7:54 clearly really imporant lore

  • @goblez5900
    @goblez5900 15 годин тому +1

    The shower scene was unbelievably based and kino from a Hoyo game.

  • @tinyknott
    @tinyknott 17 годин тому +1

    The A-rank calcs are if you only want one of the two a-ranks. Burnice's banner has 2x top tier A-ranks, so for that it becomes 50% per 10 pull + non-guarantee odds. Ofc, this assumes you have a team you want to build Nicole for (zhu yuan), but I'd say pulling for those A-ranks will be a good investment assuming you aren't planning on discarding Burnice completely.

  • @LordStrell
    @LordStrell 22 години тому +4

    I lost the 50/50 for Jean, going to just sit and see how good Cesar or Burnice are with s11 since the game clearly wants me to have her. 😢

  • @N3V3RLookBack
    @N3V3RLookBack 21 годину тому +2

    Thanks for the video. I got Jane after losing my 50/50 and pulling on the guarantee. That left me with m5 Seth so I ended up doing an extra 20 pulls to get him m6, but mostly because I was also totally okay getting m1 jane if I got super lucky (I did not get that lucky).
    It all worked out for me and I got seth's m6, so now I'm sitting 20 pulls in for Caesar's Banner. I'm probably gonna take a 50/50 on Caesar, especially cause I currently use Anton and he's only m2. If I lose that 50/50 I'll probably save my guarantee for Burnice because I want to build Burnice to work with Grace.

  • @Zeis
    @Zeis 17 годин тому +1

    I've gotten every single character within 50-80 pulls so far, except for Jane Doe. She took me ~160 pulls, finally got her yesterday. My strategy so far has been to just do pulls whenever I save up enough for a 10-pull.

  • @videoapollo4044
    @videoapollo4044 23 години тому +3

    After last video, definitely going to use excess pulls (I'm a Miyabi Wanter) for Caesar to pair with Nekomata and Nicole (Defense Shred, Atk Boost, Parrying). Looking forward to 1.2 overall, been needing another Defender that isn't Ben for other team comps. :)

  • @M4N451995
    @M4N451995 17 годин тому +1

    just pull for characters you like and you wont regret it , NEVER META PULL
    biggest reason i quit HSR was when i realized my account is broken but i dont really like most of them and felt my account is "ruined" even tho i could clear all the content

  • @timogul
    @timogul 21 годину тому +1

    The funny thing is, people call gacha gambling, and it is, but because you are guaranteed the character you want at 180 pulls, that itself is not a gamble. The real gamble is when you _don't_ want a specific character, but want to collect A-ranks, you're gambling that you _won't_ get the character you _don't_ want.

    • @Shadenium1
      @Shadenium1 20 годин тому +1


    • @AVAKemicals
      @AVAKemicals 19 годин тому +1

      Me trying to get max mindscapes and wengines for cunning hares T-T

  • @WutheringWavesShorts
    @WutheringWavesShorts 16 годин тому +1

    My Pull plan's at least 1 Each character limited banner but different Role. I already have Zhu Yuan (Attack), Jane Doe (Anomaly). What's Left : deff, support & Stun.
    We will only need 2 teams for the time being.

  • @xEremes
    @xEremes 13 годин тому +1

    Rule number 0: Waifu over meta
    Its a game after all, there's no competition, and with time you can build any character decent enough to do endgame content

  • @carlfishy
    @carlfishy 23 години тому +2

    Single-pulling when you get close to pity is more exciting, but it's not particularly worth it for any other reason. If you just keep ten-pulling, the overwhelming majority of the time you'll just find yourself a handful of pity into the next banner (big deal) and "worst case", you just "wasted" nine pulls to get another S-rank.

    • @Joy_ffa1bd
      @Joy_ffa1bd 22 години тому

      if you get extremely lucky and pull a mindscape of the banner character, you've effectively just wasted what would have been a brand new character on a different banner. thats why you single pull

    • @ThePiesrbest
      @ThePiesrbest 19 годин тому

      ​@@Joy_ffa1bdThat's only true with the very generous assumption that your seed doesn't change while you wait. In reality, the random number generated for the gacha would have only given you that luck in that specific pull at that specific time.

    • @Zindril
      @Zindril 17 годин тому

      @@ThePiesrbest Well still, wouldn't it be better to have that attempt on a character they actually want? Or get closer to getting that new character? Why would he waste extra rolls on a mindscape he doesn't care about?
      Also your argument could be flipped, the rolls you are wasting in that excessive ten pull could be utilised by a new lucky seed that gives you a 5 star on the next banner. Don't be stupid. There is legit 0 point in throwing a ton pull when you are close to pity aside from dumb risk/thrill.

  • @animatedprotootype3450
    @animatedprotootype3450 23 години тому +2

    As someone who has around 15k poly saved up but want both new characters and their weapons, i might end up changing from a low spender to a mid spender and that scares me

    • @V-vision
      @V-vision 22 години тому

      Stay strong. You don't need those weapons (or ya know, get them idc)

    • @N3V3RLookBack
      @N3V3RLookBack 21 годину тому

      I feel this. Currently only a Battle Pass and Monthly Subscription spender but I'm tempted to break that this patch.

  • @Truck-kun11
    @Truck-kun11 23 години тому +4

    About pulling for Ranks A if you already got the S Rank, I would say that it will depend a lot on how good the first Mind Escape of the S Rank on the banner is.
    If the character has a very broken M1 it might be worth more to risk some pulls than if he had a mediocre M1 + Don't go over 30 Pulls since from that point on you will have already build too much Pity to risk it.

    • @AnotherAyushRaj
      @AnotherAyushRaj 17 годин тому +1

      I did it for Zhu Yuan, for Nicole. Got Zhu Yuan M1 in 20 pulls and then got Nicole M6 in next 20.. Got extremely lucky

  • @ferdinandozani1894
    @ferdinandozani1894 9 годин тому +1

    I'm a F2P player and from the start i just pulled Ellen in 90 pulls for mine Mono-ice team.
    My second team is compose by Jane, Seth and Rina M1 but Jane cost me every polychrome that I saved, now i'm broke

  • @aidanjackson5084
    @aidanjackson5084 21 годину тому +1

    I certainly made the mistake on Pulling on Jade's banner in the hopes of getting Seth, but ended up getting Jane and wasting my Guarantee aftet losing 50/50 on Qingyi for another Stun.
    To be fair though, I was in mid-80 pulls to an S-rank and got both her and Seth in a single 10-pull, so I just got extremely lucky at the time.
    Might just be me coping, but I have built her and Seth and have used them together, and have been enjoying her. Now I'm on the fense about if I'll pull for Caesar, Burnice, or neither

    • @CyrilCommando
      @CyrilCommando 19 годин тому

      One thing to keep in mind with Caesar is that her W engine is the _only_ impact defense engine in the game, unless they add an F2P option.

  • @ObliviousNaga
    @ObliviousNaga 17 годин тому +1

    I have a personal rule where I don't pull on a banner when I have an m6 of an A rank in it. It just feels like a waste of poly in my mind so I usually stop pulling once a character hits m6

  • @justmatrix3402
    @justmatrix3402 23 години тому +1

    Thanks for the guide 😊 I’m getting Caesar and Burnice

  • @thegamewoods8473
    @thegamewoods8473 21 годину тому +2

    I got Qingyi M1W1 and im gunning for Burnice at least W1 for one fairly simple reason.
    Both Qingyi and Burnice can be used as Anchors for my teams. Qingyi is great for most if not all Crit dps units, and Burnice is gonna support any and all Anomaly dps going forward. So from now on i can simply make my two team archetypes (Crit and Disorder), and swap out the dps units based on Elemental coverage needs. And since Qingyi and Burnice do solid damage themselves, i only need to cover the last 4 elements per team as opposed to 5.
    Also. Theyre both hot so-

  • @the_uns33n
    @the_uns33n 22 години тому +2

    I can use my guarantee for Jane (I lost my 50/50), but Caesar and burnice both look like fun. I can probably get 2/3 as I have like 18k poly now.

  • @Violet-gi5dr
    @Violet-gi5dr 20 годин тому

    Miyabi not having a release date is by far one of the reasons I am contemplating between getting new characters or saving for her its really tough considering 50/50s and gurantes are hard to come by and its a gacha game its like a roullette where you run out of polychrome in a blink of an eye.

  • @m_j_ox
    @m_j_ox 21 годину тому +3

    Lighter mentioned!

  • @itzmazenn8600
    @itzmazenn8600 22 години тому +2

    i gotta gif every sniffing bangboo meme u make, please keep making them 😂🙏

  • @dalhaval283
    @dalhaval283 16 годин тому +1

    i pulled 10 for seth, coz i love trust events and it gives polys, thankfully got him

  • @azier67
    @azier67 13 годин тому +1

    What I'd give to have an A-Rank equivalent of the Bangboo Focus system on the Standard Banner. 'cause seeing Anby pop up 10 times in a row even outside the Limited Banner is a tad annoying.
    Silver lining...I've almost collected enough for Soldier 11's W-Engine, so...small victories.

  • @AblazeApax
    @AblazeApax 17 годин тому +1

    Didn't know the after 70 pulls your chances get higher. Thanks for the advice!

  • @Azteck9
    @Azteck9 21 годину тому +1

    Im just tryna get 3 good characters for each team.
    Elec is complete, but I still need Koleda/Burnice, Lycaon, Caesar, and whoever the new Ether character will be, and after that, Im done summoning for good. I think team completion and saying screw meta and powercreep is most important. Genshin taught me, I dont need every character and every weapon. And once repeat character element weapons started showing up I was like yeah, its time to quit summoning.

  • @TheEliteDeity
    @TheEliteDeity 17 годин тому +1

    Im not a whale, Im not a dolphin. Im the whole damn ocean, and Im aboutta go crazy

  • @kongyiu
    @kongyiu 12 годин тому +1

    Losing the 50/50 in this stage of the game is not too bad. I still want characters like Grace and Rina.

  • @pandan__
    @pandan__ 18 годин тому

    The A rank odds should be higher because of the guarantee. Every time we pull an off banner A rank, the next will be either of the rate up A rank, meaning it would be 50 50 chance to get the desired A rank after getting an off banner. So it wouldn’t be a flat 25% chance every attempt, it would probably be more accurate if you use the average chance instead.

  • @Edengoldengardens
    @Edengoldengardens 22 години тому +1

    pulling on everyone and skipping any 50/50 i lose (rip jane). i’ll be spending in 1.3 for the homies

  • @angrywhalewatcher
    @angrywhalewatcher 23 години тому +1

    F2P is possible in Zenless Zone you just have to skip banners, plan ahead and stack poly and pity. I missed 50/50 for Ellen and have been stacking poly since. 21k poly 65 pulls away from hard pity, Caesar is a lock for me and Burnice is on the table

  • @davidalleyn4221
    @davidalleyn4221 17 годин тому +1

    I had some rotten luck, I pulled 90 working towards Ellen, on the 90th I got Rina resetting my pity and I had to do another 90 only to be terrified when I saw the S rank appear again, but that time it was Ellen.

  • @mike16apha16
    @mike16apha16 12 годин тому +1

    you missed your chance to have 4 sniffboos pop up at the end there

  • @Shadenium1
    @Shadenium1 20 годин тому

    4-star situation is getting out of hand in many gacha games. Just as pity system was introduced at some point for 5-star characters, some system needs to be introduced for 4-star characters. Genshin situation with 88 characters and people experiencing increasing 4-star character problems rather than having problems with 5-stars is a good indicator of that.

  • @ringobats
    @ringobats 23 години тому +1

    Caesar and Burnice so far look to be “half-pulls” for me.
    I reach the 50/50 once and skip another attempt if I lose. That way I will get at least one of them.
    Ideally I would want both but that’s up to luck to decide.
    The plan might change once we know more about 1.3

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  23 години тому

      Could be a pretty solid plan! As long as you are happy with the coin flip.

  • @kiel200012
    @kiel200012 12 годин тому +1

    Thus far, the ones I want by design is Harumasa and Miyabi, so I'd wanna secure enough for 4 soft pity. Unless other characters are revealed, I might sacrifice Harumasa. I'm really hoping Big Daddy becomes a release. But otherwise, I might try a 50/50 for Caesar or Lighter.

  • @heeho6942
    @heeho6942 17 годин тому +1

    i was gonna ask about your music being the same every time and then now you changed it in to p5 music for a bit lets gooo

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  11 годин тому

      Always has been… I just used it for slightly longer this time.

  • @acuilnos
    @acuilnos 21 годину тому

    1:02 Seth would make sense if you were running Burnice with Jane but for a potential S11 team I'd say Lucy would make more sense in terms of team synergy.

  • @Dietghostscp2107
    @Dietghostscp2107 23 години тому +1

    Pretty much at 39 before hard pity. After i get ceaser im saving for Miyabi.

  • @atelierbohemand9826
    @atelierbohemand9826 22 години тому +1

    Meanwhile Dolphins: I really wanna pull for Caeser but then I wont be able to M6 Burnice

  • @atheerLS
    @atheerLS 10 годин тому

    I'm f2p as well .
    Your videos are very helpful to me cuz i want to build a great meta team in order to make my account very good. So be sure to tell us F2P people when a character is meta and a must pull.❤

  • @gamblerc8602
    @gamblerc8602 17 годин тому +1

    Only need 1 rule, i like you and i want you. I know i will pull ceasar from the trailer where they show all the current faction in action

  • @orkheus
    @orkheus 20 годин тому +1

    I did exactly what you described with Seth, i mean, i got Jane really early
    30 pulls
    So i did 3200 more into the Kittyboy so he would get his c4

  • @LemonRush7777
    @LemonRush7777 22 години тому +1

    I need someone to complement Lucy + S11. I considered Burnice, but I think l'll go with Caesar since she's an all rounder and will fit multiple roles.

  • @garmzai
    @garmzai 16 годин тому +1

    Wanted to pull for Seth as his gameplay looks interesting. Not really interested in Jane Doe since I'm not too into the Disorder gameplay but wouldn't mind getting her. Cost me 70 pulls before I get Seth, 20 more pulls before the guarantee so I was like why not, ended up getting an off banner(dup Grace)... I then build Corin out of spite since I'm only missing Physical team, I'm gonna use my guarantee on Caeser to pair with Corin.

  • @voidhelix99
    @voidhelix99 21 годину тому

    I would argue that if you have a strong 2 line team. Then just pull whenever you want. On whatever you want. At the end of the day, each gachapon pull is a roll of the dice. You might pull the waifu/ husbando of your dreams.

  • @ChillsCat
    @ChillsCat Годину тому

    I got lucky enough to get DOUBLE Jane very early, but i didn't had Seth, so i was going for him and my pity ended up at 44.
    So with that pity i took the risk on Jane banner again with the pollys that i had left, just to see if i could M2 her or lose the 50/50 and guarantee the next character banner. I ended up getting her M2, so she's more busted now as my main physical dps.
    Since i'm not interested in pulling on Caesar banner, that decision was very safe for me, now i will save everything for a future banner.

  • @toupuon698
    @toupuon698 11 годин тому +1

    4:16 that's EXACTLY what happened to me lolll I got Jane in just 20 pulls, spend the rest 60 pulls just to get Seth lol and honestly it broke me. Now I'm at 32 pity and hopefully I can bring home Caesar lol

  • @bebopknux5857
    @bebopknux5857 23 години тому +1

    Well. I'mma get Caesar(For My corrin main team). After that? Uhh well I've heard on the streets Rina can be clutch in speedruns(I own her but I don't have her W-engine), but I wouldn't mind building up a Lucy since I have her at M1 so I am a little tempted depending on how it goes to maybe get her further up, because by the end of my Ellen pulls Sou and Anton were M6 and ever since then. it's been a wild ride.

  • @DaymareTheChamp
    @DaymareTheChamp 12 годин тому +1

    I love watching your videos a lot

  • @friesland24
    @friesland24 11 годин тому +1

    Well, I lost my 50/50 to Lycaon and Subscribe but I continued to pull on the banner get this, only for M6 Anby. I wouldn't mind getting Jane though. I got M6 Anby but no Jane. I'm not mad or sad since I have enough to possibly get Burnice now, yippie :D

  • @LusumiMusic
    @LusumiMusic 9 годин тому

    "pulling characters u wanna build around" but what about pulling a character only because they might work decently with a character u rlllly like even if u don't care about the character itself and would totaly bench them the moment some other character turns out to work better with them? :b

  • @frich2k
    @frich2k 9 годин тому

    Another useful vid! :D
    Unfortunately I failed rule 3 with this banner, still tried to go for mindcapes for Anby and Seth after pulling Jane, and around 45 pulls in, Jane came for the second time ^^'
    Feels bad, if you think about it, it could have been Caesar at that 45th pull on the next banner, so I missed a full S character for pulling for A rank copys.
    Never doing that again, learned my lesson!

  • @soranosterreant
    @soranosterreant 21 годину тому +1

    "No, not that but-"
    Gets a nikke ad 😂

  • @Road_to_Dawn
    @Road_to_Dawn 11 годин тому

    I have a guarantee saved from losing the 50/50 for Ellen (Yes, from all the way back then). Been waiting until they bring out characters that I REALLY want, and with Sons of Calydon as my favorite faction, I finally have that with Caesar and Burnice. You have no idea how excited I am for this patch lol. I feel like it was made for me!
    Here’s my plan: So right now, I’ve got enough polychromes for 157 pulls, so I am absolutely guaranteed to get Caesar. Now, my Piper’s still at C0, unfortunately. (She’s the only A-rank who never once dropped for me through all of my pulls on both the featured and standard banners, so I just ended up having to buy her from the shop when she became available.) So what I’m thinking is, since she’s featured alongside Caesar, I can hope to get at least a couple more Pipers before I get Caesar. And if I get Caesar early, I might go ahead and spend 20-30 more to get to get more Pipers, and I wouldn’t mind potentially walking out of that with a C1 Caesar at all. Even if it takes me all 88 pulls’ worth of pity I have before Caesar, I’ll have 69 very nice tapes leftover, so that’s 21 away from hitting Burnice’s 50/50. I haven’t bought any monochrome packages, but do spend on the monthly membership and the lower-tier battle pass, so with all of that, I imagine I’d probably at least get 100-110 pulls for Burnice, maybe? Hopefully I’m able to get her at that point, but even if I’m not, that’s okay. Caesar’s the one I want more anyway, and Burnice would just be the icing on my Calydonian cake. (Heh. Cake.)
    As far as team comps go, my two main teams are Piper, Nekomata, Lucy for one, and Anby, Grace, Nicole for the other. (I’m not a big fan of single-element teams; I prefer to be able to do multiple types of anomalies in a row for disorders.) Caesar could be a good one to swap in for the first team in Neko’s place, who I could then put in with Anby and Nicole for a Hares team, and she’d be able to do something with the physical anomaly that my level 60 Amillion would be casually building up. Caesar would especially be good for defense in fights where you’re not ranked on speed, but staying alive with minimal deaths. And with Burnice, she could be another good substitute for Nekomata, I suppose, to give Lucy’s fire element some extra juice, and between them and Piper, they’d be pulling out disorders left and right.

  • @sRtAoIrNm
    @sRtAoIrNm 7 годин тому

    A mistake I made recently was going hard for Jane’s weapon since I got super lucky and pulled her very quickly on her banner. I went almost to pity and got Nekomata’s weapon instead, forgetting that other characters’ weapons could eat the pity. 😢

  • @rvegeta
    @rvegeta 23 години тому +2

    Caesar looks awesome, I think I can make her work with a Jane focus team, her buffs are insane! Don't know if I I'll get burnice tho, I'm f2p and I don't think I have anyone that goes with her

  • @acuilnos
    @acuilnos 20 годин тому

    I agree with all your points, but I do think that the arguments when pulling for A ranks can be confusing for a new player. Like you mentioned, it's best to set yourself a hard limit, especially if you are planning to pull on an upcoming banner.

    • @papacharlie-niner148
      @papacharlie-niner148 17 годин тому

      Yeah, I kind of agree. A preface about "IF you care about A-rank Mindscapes ...." might have framed the niche for the rule better. Or address the question of the value of A-rank dupes to a F2P or low-spend account as context for the rule.

  • @khmatrix
    @khmatrix 22 години тому +1

    I think now analyzing where I am currently, pulling in general probably won't be the call. Got to lv50 yesterday and my two teams are barely built with their Disk Drives ontop of farming for more level mats and skill mats as well

  • @chito2701
    @chito2701 20 годин тому

    simple, pull only for the characters you like regardless to that character being strong or not.

  • @gnagflow1001
    @gnagflow1001 22 години тому +1

    I got Jean Doe without wanting her, i just pulled Seth with a ten pull and got her on my third pull... the next 10 Pull attempt was a Seth then so i stopped

  • @Bluzlbee
    @Bluzlbee 20 годин тому

    2:52 excuse me, Queen Lucy needs 6 stack pronto!

  • @XiaZ
    @XiaZ 18 годин тому

    Pull on every limited banner you don't currently have the character and eventually you will end up with an account with all the limited banner character, assuming the time limit is infinite and the character introduced is finite.

    • @papacharlie-niner148
      @papacharlie-niner148 17 годин тому

      Uh, there's the matter of finite money as well.

    • @XiaZ
      @XiaZ 13 годин тому

      @@papacharlie-niner148 The pulling currency can be farmed, 60 a day for F2P, not including the event and quest.

  • @sybaen5931
    @sybaen5931 18 годин тому

    "This video is not for whales and dolphins."
    Instructions unclear, watched anyway.

  • @CombatPandaZenlessZoneZero
    @CombatPandaZenlessZoneZero 22 години тому +1

    Solid tips. Keep em coming

  • @franckvazquez8204
    @franckvazquez8204 17 годин тому +1

    Rule number 3: Don't pull for A Ranks
    Me pulling for Seth 😂 but got 6 Anby's and 1 Nicole😢, and i don't want to win 50/50 for Jane Doe. (34 pulls left for guaranteed 5*)

  • @marcusbullock2753
    @marcusbullock2753 15 годин тому +1

    I like burnice but if I do get her I'll most likely bench her with another more optimal unit in the future. So I'll go for caesar cuz I know I'll use her a lot.

  • @MrMartindad
    @MrMartindad 14 годин тому +1

    For someone who's been screwed over by two Hard pities on Officer Baker and Rat Girl... I heed your advise... I'll stop pulling for Seth copies for I don't find that much value over getting Rat C1... Imma save for Burnice now... Thanks :D

  • @chipsyboi
    @chipsyboi 19 годин тому

    I lost my 75% for Jane's engine and got Neko's instead absolutely devastated, THEN I go on twitch and watch someone not only GET TWO 50/50s, BUT ALSO WIN BOTH they got two copies of Jane's engine 20 pulls in, IN THE SAME 10 PULL BACK TO BACK ☹️

  • @jhonhenry7050
    @jhonhenry7050 22 години тому +1

    I'm pulling on my luck
    I've got all limited characters, except for Ellen (i didn't pull for her)

  • @Law-of-EnTropy
    @Law-of-EnTropy 17 годин тому

    I only learned yesterday my Caesar will actually not be guaranteed. So if i lose the 50/50, i will jump off a cliff in hardcore Minecraft

  • @myrelhunter3430
    @myrelhunter3430 23 години тому +4

    I might skip Burnice Only because I lost 50/50 On Jane banner So i Don't have a team for her
    (Miyabi is coming home 😭)

    • @AverageLuckGamer
      @AverageLuckGamer  23 години тому

      Miyabi gang!

    • @myrelhunter3430
      @myrelhunter3430 23 години тому

      I want to play Brunice but you are right i don't really have everything for her

  • @Noir-mh3es
    @Noir-mh3es 20 годин тому

    in games like zzz that just starting, its really best to save to those worth for the team you want to build

    • @Noir-mh3es
      @Noir-mh3es 19 годин тому

      but damn hoyo, i just want it all.
      an agent that blocks all attack!??
      and an agent that burn all attacks

    • @Noir-mh3es
      @Noir-mh3es 19 годин тому

      for a player like me, that play for free can i just skip their w engines and mindscape

  • @HighFistDujek
    @HighFistDujek 23 години тому +1

    In the 110 pulls on Jane's banner, i got 0 Seth. I'm going for burnice so she doesn't have to go with an under leveled Piper to activate her bonus