THE PROMISED LAND - Who Did God Promise it to?

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • In the later part of the 19th century and early to mid-20th century, the major selling point for Zionists to convince Western nations to grant them the lands of Canaan revolved around the ancient promise that God had made to Abraham. Zionism insisted that the victors of both World Wars had to acknowledge and believe as well that the lands of Palestine were rightfully theirs as it was written in the holy book. Zionist used and vested their narrative in beliefs and religion as it was uncontentious by both the Jewish nation and guilt-ridden Western nations. God had spoken. No one argue with that!
    This video sets out the various angles that Zionists used to justify the Jews’ self-pronounced entitlement of the Palestinian territories regardless of who had inhabited them for many, many centuries. We look at the two main arguments that shape the Zionist narrative, entitlement based on faith and genetic link to the beneficiaries of God’s bequethal.
    Please join the Chronicles as we attempt to retell and document important elements of Middle Easter culture, heritage and history.
    في الجزء الأخير من القرن التاسع عشر وأوائل القرن العشرين وحتى منتصفه، كانت نقطة الجذب الرئيسية للصهاينة لإقناع الدول الغربية بمنحهم أراضي كنعان تدور حول الوعد القديم الذي قطعه الله لإبراهيم. أصرت الصهيونية على أن المنتصرين في الحربين العالميتين يجب أن يعترفوا ويؤمنوا أيضًا بأن أراضي فلسطين هي حقهم كما هو مكتوب في الكتاب المقدس. استخدم الصهيونيون روايتهم في المعتقدات والدين وأسندوها لأنها كانت غير مثيرة للجدل من قبل كل من الأمة اليهودية والدول الغربية المثقلة بالذنب. لقد تكلم الله. لا أحد يجادل في ذلك!
    يوضح هذا الفيديو الزوايا المختلفة التي استخدمها الصهاينة لتبرير حق اليهود المعلن في الأراضي الفلسطينية بغض النظر عمن سكنها لعدة قرون. نحن ننظر إلى الحجتين الرئيسيتين اللتين تشكلان الرواية الصهيونية، الاستحقاق المبني على الإيمان والارتباط الجيني بالمستفيدين من توريث الله.
    يرجى الانضمام إلى "الكرونكلز" حيث نحاول إعادة سرد وتوثيق العناصر المهمة لثقافة وتراث وتاريخ الشرق الأوسط
    #nakba #palestine #zionism #israel #torah #promise #land #chosen #people #arab #jew #muslim #christian #abraham #covenant #middleeast #history #faith #genetics #ancestry #isaac #jacob #entitlement #canaan #religion #rights #inhabit
    Instagram: tareqkandari
    Twitter: tareqkandari


  • @Silverfiddha
    @Silverfiddha 9 місяців тому +21

    This was an EXCELLENT analysis. I literally had to stop it midway because my adrenaline started pumping. If the land was "promised" to Abraham's seeds, then Ismail/Ishmael (Abraham's son and father to Arabs) also has a claim.
    Wonderful video! Thank you.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +6

      That’s is totally awesome. I’m so grateful for the passion you bring to the content. The Zionist narrative is extremely weak and all it needs is a little scratching of the surface and it crumbles. Thanks so much again!

    • @FunTimeGhz
      @FunTimeGhz 9 місяців тому +2

      The land is so massive the 400 millions plus Arabs can barely fill.
      How would 15 millions Jews including the European Jews, who are clearly not of Abraham dependents, fill that land?

    • @zeroonetime
      @zeroonetime 7 місяців тому

      BIG MAYBE, just AAA narrative

    • @zeroonetime
      @zeroonetime 7 місяців тому

      It was a concise lie@@user-xj1nk7ru5s

    • @zeroonetime
      @zeroonetime 7 місяців тому

      ~~ "Also has claim" yes PEACEFULLY.

  • @JafferManiar
    @JafferManiar 4 місяці тому +5

    Wonderful Presentation, You got me to open the Bible and verify myself. And then I just kept reading into the Book of Genesis.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  4 місяці тому +2

      Thank you Jaffer and I am happy that you went through it to verify and hopefully if something was misstated to correct my content. Its all about having a dialogue and sharing each others knowledge!

    • @johnalexander4940
      @johnalexander4940 2 місяці тому +1

      As a Christian ✝️ your balanced perspective on Jewish claims to the Land is clearly a misread by sides who fail to see the bigger picture of the Lords redemption of all mankind.
      As we see in the first promise to Abraham began with making a great Nation subsequent to blessing ALL the Families of the Earth. Genesis 12:1-3
      And all for one one for All kind of deal.
      Unfortunately there is too much me me still in our spiritual DNA that divides us as brothers.
      Thank you and may God bless you.❤

  • @indianahon5087
    @indianahon5087 9 місяців тому +9

    Meanwhile the founder of zionism is atheist and people bring the narrative the promise land by God from the atheist 😂
    Herzl was not religious, certainly not a rabbi…indeed, he was barely even a Jew until a bunch of rabid antisemites reminded him that he was one, and, in their eyes, always would be.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +2

      Very well put. The irony of a secular person driving the biggest theological narrative is beyond belief. Thanks for your great feedback!

  • @stormyflores6496
    @stormyflores6496 7 місяців тому +5

    So glad I found your channel, binge watching now 😁. 👍

  • @Mo3Taz3eMad
    @Mo3Taz3eMad 9 місяців тому +8

    You said it all, well done and great work
    Free Palestine 🇵🇸

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      Thank you sir. Appreciate your commentary and as always would like to hear more about what you’d like to see in the future from our channel. Please do subscribe if you haven’t already. 🙏🏼

    • @zeroonetime
      @zeroonetime 7 місяців тому

      Originally the LAND was never named Palestine. THINK / remember!!

  • @OMARSALEH1414
    @OMARSALEH1414 9 місяців тому +5

    Your Deep voice cures my short attention span.
    الله يوفقك.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +3

      That’s a wonderful comment. 😁 I am glad your attention span issues have been resolved.

  • @BA-mv8pp
    @BA-mv8pp 9 місяців тому +9

    Palestine 🇵🇸 from the river to the sea

  • @yacoubX
    @yacoubX 9 місяців тому +15

    well done and EXCELLENT report. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 💪

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      Thank you so much for watching and the wonderfully kind words of support. 🙏🏼

    • @ShaneOsborne
      @ShaneOsborne 8 місяців тому

      Philistines are free...
      They need to Leave Israel

  • @ariefboed
    @ariefboed 9 місяців тому +7

    Abraham (Ibrahim) have two sons, Isaac (Ishaq) and Ishmael (Ismail). From Isaac comes Jews , from Ishmael comes Arabs. Both share same genetic pools, both are Semitic. So both have rights. And they do live in peace in Holy Land, until Zionist came.
    On the other hand, to be a Zionist, you don't have to completely direct Jews descendants. 25 % of Jewish blood, one of four from your grandparents, is enough.
    That's why we see now Zionist Jews have blue eyes and blond hair, while original Jews doesn't. Original Jews look alike their Arab cousins, not look alike European people.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +1

      I doubt any Zionist comes close to 25%. More likely the 8-10% based on the many studies that have been released. But thank you so much for sharing a lot of valuable insight. Greatly appreciated! 🙏🏼

    • @ShaneOsborne
      @ShaneOsborne 8 місяців тому

      Except Abraham had a wife named Sarah
      The handmaiden whom he had an affair with was the mother of the Arabs. An illegitimate union.
      So Sarah's descendants deserve the inheritance. In other words...the Jews.

  • @Yahya-qg2ne
    @Yahya-qg2ne 9 місяців тому +7

    Promised land to the descendants of Ibrahim
    Muslim, Jews and Christians are the descendants of Ibrahim!

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      You put it in a simple and effective way. But the book Genesis does go to a certain length to clarify this point. It makes a distinction between all descendants of Ibrahim to then only the descendants of Ishaaq. Meaning that Ismail and all his seed ended up being excluded.

    • @Yahya-qg2ne
      @Yahya-qg2ne 9 місяців тому +1

      Are you saying that the Torah is wrong and the Genesis is right

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +2

      Hi Yahya. Not at all. First, let let me clarify. The Book of Genesis and the Torah are one and the same. Genesis is the first book of the Torah. Second, the only thing that is wrong is the Zionist misinterpretation and misrepresentation of biblical scripture to feed their narrative. Thanks for your feedback.

    • @Yahya-qg2ne
      @Yahya-qg2ne 9 місяців тому +3

      Then I agree ☝️
      Zio is a Political group not religious group

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +1

      Exactly! Remember the first words. Secular Jews…

  • @IslenoGutierrez
    @IslenoGutierrez 7 місяців тому +5

    Excellent video. I’m new to this channel and I enjoy the content. The claim made in this video in regard to Israel/Palestine that the descendants of Isaac and Jacob likely didn’t stay Jewish (meaning all didn’t) with many likely being Christian, Muslim or agnostic today holds weight and is the most likely outcome based on the evidence.
    I run DNA tests on world population samples regularly. The DNA of two Iron Age ancient DNA samples (ABM I2201 & MEG I4517) from ancient Human remains unearthed in Israel (the DNA samples are from the time period of the ancient Kingdom of Israel) when compared to the DNA of people groups common in Israel/Palestine that include Jews, Palestinians and Samaritans, the results show that Samaritans and Palestinian Christians have the highest percentages of that ancient ancestry being almost entirely made up of that ancient ancestry, Palestinian Muslims being predominantly of that ancient ancestry and Jews showing to be partially of that ancient ancestry (Jews have heavy amounts of foreign admixture from the host nations is which they came).
    There is historical documentation of continuous habitation in Israel/Palestine since ancient times. The Roman era, the Byzantine era, the Muslim eras and the British era all have documented continuous inhabitants in the land. Continuity. There is also documented evidence of large scale conversions to both Christianity and Islam (at different periods), both forced and voluntary. The evidence that the Palestinians are just the indigenous population of Israel/Palestine that converted to Christianity then to Islam (with some remaining Christian as a minority) is overwhelming. Just like much of the Middle East and North Africa, Palestinians adopted Arab identity, religion, language, names and writing system since the 7th century spread of Islam. Even the existing Samaritans today (most Samaritans in the past likely converted as well), who are known Israelite descendants, had adopted Arabic language even when they were the only group in Palestine to resist conversions to religion. They even have Arabic first names with Israelite last names.
    The evidence is clear.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  7 місяців тому +2

      Love this comment/report!!! I really appreciate the time and effort you’ve made in sharing your vast knowledge. Further convinced me that the commentators made here are so worthwhile as it’s a real practice of knowledge migration. Thank you so much!

    • @IslenoGutierrez
      @IslenoGutierrez 7 місяців тому +1

      @@thekandarichronicles Absolutely! Matter of fact, on the day I saw this video, I had ran some DNA test samples of modern Egyptians (Christians and Muslims), comparing them to various ancient Egyptian DNA samples and it’s the same exact pattern as with the Palestinians…the ancient Egyptian people were eventually conquered by western powers and converted to Christianity, only to later be conquered by eastern powers and converted to Islam (with a minority remaining Christian) during the spread of Islam in the 7th century. The Egyptian Christians (Egyptian Copts) being nearly entirely of ancient Egyptian ancestry and Egyptian Muslims being predominantly of ancient Egyptian ancestry is the same exact scenario of fully indigenous Christians and mostly indigenous Muslims as found among Palestinians (due to the effects produced by Muslim beliefs and actions). The same scenario played out in other places in the region as well so this phenomenon was common for the region at the time and being that it was common, gives more evidence to the case that Palestinians are indigenous people to the land that is today Israel/Palestine and just converted to the religions we see among Palestinians today along with Arab identity and all that comes with that.
      Another thing that DNA has solved, is the mystery of exactly who the Israelites were. Israel/Palestine was first called Canaan and its native inhabitants were the Canaanites. Well a group of people known as the Habiru (Hebrews), left Egypt and settled/invaded Canaan, made war on the Canaanites, conquered them but allowed them to remain in Canaan. The Kingdom of Israel was then formed in Canaan and the two groups (Hebrews and Canaanites) intermarried and produced descendants over thousands of years. When the Kingdom of Israel was formed, its inhabitants became known as Israelites. When comparing Samaritans, Palestinians and Jews to Canaanite samples from different eras, we find that they all have the same type of ancestry as the pre-Israel Canaanites (this is seen from comparing Canaanite DNA samples from before the Kingdom of Israel, with modern samples of Samaritans. Palestinians and Jews). And when comparing pre-Israel Canaanite samples to the two Iron Age samples from the time period of the Kingdom of Israel as well as to modern Samaritans, Palestinians and Jews, we can see all populations show the same ancestry. One big indigenous Canaanite family.
      We know in the story of Abraham, he traveled from southern Iraq (southern Mesopotamia) to Canaan and made a family in Canaan. He was centered on the town of Hebron in southern Canaan (Hebron is in the southern Westbank in Palestine today). His grandson Jacob then moved the family from Hebron to Egypt due to famine, it was a group of about 70 people of his extended family. It’s likely the original family from Mesopotamia intermarried with people from Hebron in Canaan and the Canaanite DNA possibly became dominant. The Hyksos (a warring group from Canaan - in the area of Israel/Palestine today), had already just invaded Egypt and a large amount of Canaanites were in Egypt already (they were mostly in Avaris, a city in the eastern Delta of northern Egypt a.k.a lower Egypt) when Jacob arrived with his family. Jacob and family likely bonded with the Hyksos (Canaanites) and further bred with them. The Hyksos later were expelled by Pharoah Ahmose I (brother of Kamose) and they returned to Canaan. Pharoah then put in a decree that any remaining Hyksos (or anyone of Canaanite origin, there were a very small number remaining after the expulsion of most of them) in the eastern Delta in Egypt were to be used for forced labor. This is where the slave narrative of the Hebrews likely comes in (or it could have come in at an earlier point as there is at least some evidence that points to possibly some people with common Hebrew first names being slaves in small level slavery not large enough to be prominently mentioned in common Egyptian accounts, but still matches with the forced labor story as the dates for the forced labor story line up with the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt). So at some point after that, the group of Hebrews leave Egypt and migrate to Canaan and settle the hill country that is today the Westbank. From there they launched attacks on the Canaanites to begin the start of the path to the Kingdom of Israel.
      So I said all of that to say that DNA has exposed that the Hebrews were of Canaanite origin, not of Mesopotamian origin that is assumed from Abraham’s and thus Jacob’s origin. The DNA that makes up nearly all of the ancestry of the Samaritans and Palestinian Christians, most of the DNA of Palestinians and at least some of the DNA in Jews is of that Canaanite type. The two Iron Age DNA samples unearthed in Israel were from the time period of the Kingdom of Israel. However, Canaanite samples from earlier periods unearthed in Israel matched the DNA of those Iron Age samples and the indigenous DNA in Samaritans, Palestinians and Jews. Thus, we can confidently say that the Hebrews were a group of Canaanites that just adopted a new identity (Hebrew) in Egypt over hundreds of years of mixing with the remaining Canaanite Hyksos in Egypt. The original Canaanites of Canaan who the Hebrews invaded, saw them as a different people because they’ve been gone for over hundreds of years in Egypt and had a different identity called Habiru (Hebrew). Also, any Mesopotamian ancestry from Abraham, Jacob and family would have washed away among a sea of Canaanite Hyksos followers over hundreds of years in Egypt, thus leading to the DNA of modern populations in Israel/Palestine having Canaanite DNA and not Mesopotamian DNA.
      DNA is a powerful tool in the search of the truth.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  7 місяців тому +1

      @@IslenoGutierrez extremely powerful evidence. You should share your knowledge will beyond the commentary of my video. There’s a lot of substance that people would want to hear as well as what some people would not want to hear. Great share Isleno.

    • @IslenoGutierrez
      @IslenoGutierrez 7 місяців тому

      @@thekandarichronicles Hey thanks, Tareq. I do my best to give fair estimations of population demographics based on population genetics, archaeology and historical accounts. I’ve been at this for a very long time and always willing to share knowledge (and not too proud to receive knowledge). Sometimes it’s just what people want to hear, other times not. But what is consistent with my commentary is it will always be based on factual evidence that I can prove and that which suggests likelihood and I adjust my beliefs to align with factual evidence as more becomes available. Don’t hesitate to hit me up about anything!

  • @mrprogamer896
    @mrprogamer896 9 місяців тому +8

    It's criminal how you don't get more views.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +2

      I don’t know what to say other than thank you. Yes I feel the same frustration at times but it’s a long play game for me. It’s about sharing knowledge. If what I have to add has value it will surface. Sooner or later. Later, better than never. I really appreciate your support and kindness. Extremely encouraging.

    • @aidenschwartz3321
      @aidenschwartz3321 9 місяців тому +1

      This makes sense! You did a very good job there!

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      Appreciate the supportive commentary. Thank you.

  • @TheSeljuk7
    @TheSeljuk7 5 місяців тому +2

    Can you please make a few-part series about the three great races of middle east (Iranianic, Turkic and Arab), their roles and their contributions to Islam. ie Piety of Arabs, Wisdom of Persians and Bravery of Turks. How each contributed to specific aspects of Islamic culture and how their relations determine the nature and success of Muslims.
    I know this requires large amount of research and analysis, but it would be very interesting and helpful to raise awareness of religious unity along side racial identity. A balance, rather than one over the other.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  5 місяців тому +1

      Hello The Seljuk 7. Thank you so much for your comment. I love requests because it suggests you are enjoying the content being produced. Your idea is a wonderful idea and i will definitely add it to the list for future content. Maybe it wont be a series that is at once but over a longer period when there will be other content ideas in between. Thanks again and i will definitely touch base with you once i am imminently about to generate their scripts.

  • @greggbisgrove7499
    @greggbisgrove7499 2 місяці тому +2

    I’m ashamed to say it was a Welshman that brought this about Lloyd Gouge he instructed Balfour.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  2 місяці тому

      I don't think we can isolate one person to be honest. It was a movement influenced by a Zionist lobby in favour of injustice. A fact that happened across many a territories during the final days of the Empire.

  • @kevintownsend3840
    @kevintownsend3840 3 місяці тому +1

    If I were a teacher or preacher, your content would definitely be a part of my tools for teaching.

  • @DocRealTalk
    @DocRealTalk 2 місяці тому

    Even though Zionism as a movement from where Ashkenazi Jews started in the late 19th century, the idea of "returning to Zion" has always been part of their religion since the exile from that land. I can't remember the name, but there is a celebration where they remember the exile and hope for the return.

    • @DocRealTalk
      @DocRealTalk 2 місяці тому

      The only right anyone has to any land is the power they have to control it. The land which was renamed Syria Palaestina by the Romans after they destroyed Judea was controlled by them for a long time. Then it was controlled by the Arabs for centuries. Then by the Ottomans. None of their empires considered that area as a state or gave the locals the power to govern themselves.
      In fact, historic Palestine included parts of modern-day Jordan and Syria. It was always just a region of land controlled by different empires.
      And Ironically, the original "Philistines" who the land was renamed after by the Romans, sailed there from the Greek Isles and set up a colony in the coastal region.
      So even those guys were just happened thousands of years ago lol

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  2 місяці тому

      @@DocRealTalk I’m not sure that’s applicable to all Jews necessarily. For example Jews in the US at the time didn’t automatically emigrate to Israel upon its establishment. In the same way there were many Jews attempting to immigrate to the USA and the UK in that same moment in time but were prevented by the respective nations and their ships turned away. So there was an urge to leave Eastern Europe of course but it wasn’t a comprehensive and collective move to Zion and applicable to all the Jews nation.

    • @DocRealTalk
      @DocRealTalk 2 місяці тому

      I think you missed most of my points. I never said anything about Jews migrating.
      And OBVIOUSLY, Jews in the US didn't automatically immigrate to Israel, because the holocaust didn't happen in America.
      But Jews started moving there as far back as the Ottoman Empire. And there were Jews still there at the time of the Arab conquest of the region. Also, you're only looking at Ashkenazi Jews. After the establishment of Israel in 1948, Muslim nations all around the Middle East drove out the Jews, and they fled to Israel. Which is why most Jews living in Israel today are Sephardim, of Middle Eastern origins.

  • @zoezoom110
    @zoezoom110 9 місяців тому +2

    The most important thing which many people missed is,,THE CONDITION FOR THE COVENANT,if am not wrong

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +1

      Hi Zoezoom110. Do you mean the conditions of obedience to God that predicate any rightful claim to the Promised Land? If so then you are absolutely right. God commanded for the Jews to wander the desert due to their lack of loyalty. Hence proving your point. Only when they returned to their faith in God did he allow them the fruit of their promise.
      Thanks for watching and sharing.

  • @KA-vr4uu
    @KA-vr4uu 2 місяці тому +1

    Excellent ❤

  • @christinamackenzie3492
    @christinamackenzie3492 9 місяців тому +2

    Very interesting take on this topic. I like how you managed to condense it into only 7 minutes, great video as always

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      Thank you so much Christina for viewing and commenting. Yes conceding loss of info in a short video is a challenge. There’s always this dilemma of including the appropriate level of material resulting in an extended video and risking losing people’s attention and interest.

  • @kamilgamaleldin8431
    @kamilgamaleldin8431 9 місяців тому +2

    So well presented Tareq, and raises valid questions that need to be answered.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      Thank you sir! More than questions. Accusations of misrepresentation and misinterpretation.

    • @zeroonetime
      @zeroonetime 7 місяців тому

      GOD I.S. but promised Idea by Abraham of Ur. Islam came, like a bomb shell Millennia latter, only to confuse the collective human mind. Timing T.E.N.

  • @aminrehmani3400
    @aminrehmani3400 5 місяців тому +2

    Mushallah wonderful work brother

  • @kathyhammoud492
    @kathyhammoud492 3 місяці тому

    Well done

  • @shahrizalabdrahman5534
    @shahrizalabdrahman5534 5 місяців тому +1

    Its sound like the 3rd person tells the story of “promised land”its not the word of god even not the word of abraham …for example..”The lord have said to abraham”and “The lord appeared to abraham and said” and many else ..if this the word of god and his promise it should be”And I have said to abraham”and “I has Appeared to abraham and said” this is someone else word put in the bible and claim it was promises by god and this is not the cases

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  5 місяців тому

      I am not sure it matters. This narrative was indeed used and confirmed by the West as justification for the creation of a new nation out of thin air.

  • @OmarAlikaj
    @OmarAlikaj 10 днів тому

    The Injil is the teachings of Jesus/I'sa (AS), not the compilation of Christian gospels (the Bible). This is causing confusion to Islam's opponents out there.

  • @karlscher5170
    @karlscher5170 5 місяців тому

    I would say God gave the land to those who he granted victory in battle FOUR times the last 70 years.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  5 місяців тому +1

      True Karl, but that theory can then apply to many injustices that have taken place around the world.

    • @karlscher5170
      @karlscher5170 5 місяців тому

      @@thekandarichroniclesLike the conquest of the Arab muslims of the middle east?

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  5 місяців тому +1

      When are we talking? Which conquest?

    • @karlscher5170
      @karlscher5170 5 місяців тому

      @@thekandarichroniclesEvery land of the middle east. From the levante in 8th century to North Africa and Constantinople in 1453. All of them were Christian lands of Greek and Aramaic speaking people

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  5 місяців тому +4

      So if someone comes and says to you well actually, they weren't Christian lands, they were Sumerian, Canaanite, Mesopotamian or others, what then? Also we seem to forget that many of these lands you mention, that were Christian were converted to Islam. Are we speaking of religion or ethnicity. Religions change drastically, ethnicity doesn't. So I still don't really agree with your premise.

  • @user-qw3on4wq5b
    @user-qw3on4wq5b 9 місяців тому +2

    Молодец Тарик❤️🌺💥

  • @HussainFahmy
    @HussainFahmy 3 місяці тому +1


  • @Als83
    @Als83 9 місяців тому +1

    God create all people and love them all equally ...if you believe that choose some people more that mean you admit GOD as injustice which is not correct ...the one who promise jewish the land is there king called uhaudha against other jewish kingdome that time bothe were fighting !! God give all people equal rights...

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +1

      Hi @Als83. Thanks for the commentary. I think there is a mixup. I don't say. any of this. This narrative is the narrative of secular Zionist Jews. who attempted to use the holy books to justify their actions and ramp up. emotional and theological support for their unjust cause. It is their intentions that should be held up for judgement. I agree with the fact that all are equal and in the video, the dialogue challenges this exclusive concept of a Chosen People. The chosen people are righteous and just people, period.

  • @GregariousAntithesis
    @GregariousAntithesis 8 місяців тому +1

    The Torah/Old Testament is clear and no where does it say the Jews were to preemptively return from exile.
    In chapter 29 the Book of Jeremiah says: 14. And I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will return your captivity and gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will return you to the place whence I exiled you.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you GA. Could you shed light on how this impacts the Zionist narrative claim that the Jews have the sole right to the Lands of Canaan?

  • @islamdo
    @islamdo 9 місяців тому +1

    When you think about the universe and how vast it is
    Billion of galaxies and stars
    And then a little tiny being
    In insignificant planet called earth
    Comes people said we are gods people the chosen one
    Chosen for what? Anytime a big asteroid can hit the earth everybody dies
    What a nonsense this people using

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +1

      Nonsense is a very applicable word in the narrative of Zionism. You are also very right, we are nothing in the grander scheme of things.

  • @qualityman1965
    @qualityman1965 9 місяців тому +1

    Regardless of what you believe. Or the details of the promise. The land promised was conveniently changed. The promised land is actually in Yemen and south of present day Saudi Arabia.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +2

      It’s not about what I believe. It’s about what is found in the religious texts, changed or unchanged. And it’s also about how the Zionists used this specific narrative to serve their purpose. But I’m intrigued by what you present. Would be great to point me towards any source that can shed extra light. Would love to research and gain more knowledge. Thank you 🙏🏼.

    • @qualityman1965
      @qualityman1965 9 місяців тому +1

      Try looking searching under, the imagined Israel.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      Thank you so much!

  • @zeroonetime
    @zeroonetime 7 місяців тому

    The of Israel, promised to Abraham, to Adam, to Noah and all all the animal kingdom stashed into floating cubicle = Infinity Squared

  • @rimacalid6557
    @rimacalid6557 9 місяців тому +2

    I am Jewish Chinese, I believe in Israel and I have the right to return and take a house there. Why you ask, because of the persecutions of Mao.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +1

      You have more rights than someone who had lived there for a millennia, generation after generation.

  • @user-ul5pt1yb8z
    @user-ul5pt1yb8z 9 місяців тому +1

    Thanks a lot

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      You’re most welcome. Appreciate your time in watching and giving positive feedback.

  • @StephenSLR
    @StephenSLR 15 днів тому

    You mean to say 'ashkenazi' instead of secular jews. Once you stop believing in god and torah you are no longer a jew.

  • @acesilver2227
    @acesilver2227 9 місяців тому +2

    To no one because God isn't real.

  • @Atilla963
    @Atilla963 8 місяців тому +1

    The promised lands are given to Turks. Not jews or semites. It is only for the seed of Abraham. And God blessed us Turks above all families on earth, the Oğuz Turks of Kanturah. Not jews or semites. Abraham is a Turk, not jew or semite.
    Bereshit (Genesis) - Chapter 13
    15 For all the land that you see I will give to you and to your seed to eternity.
    he Children of Keturah as the Realization of God’s Blessing to Abraham
    Gen. 26 lists the six children that Keturah bore to Abraham: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah, to which the midrash applies the verse (Ps. 1:3): “and whatever he does prospers” (Gen. Rabbah 61:1). These offspring express the fulfillment of the blessing given by God to Abraham in Gen. 12:3: “and all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you,” for thirty families came from Abraham: the twelve chieftains from Ishmael, the sixteen descendants of Keturah, and (Gen. 25:23) “two nations are in your womb” (Tanhuma [ed. Buber], Hayyei Sarah 8). The Rabbis further learn from Abraham that even if a man has children while he is young, he should still take another wife in his old age and beget further offspring (Gen. Rabbah 61:3). All of Keturah’s sons were the heads of nations (Gen. Rabbah 61:5).
    The Meaning of the Name “Keturah”
    The name Keturah lends itself to a number of Rabbinic interpretations. She was perfumed (mekuteret) with commandments and good deeds (Gen. Rabbah 61:4); she was (through her good deeds) more savory (mekuteret) than all manner of spices (Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer [ed. Higger], chap. 29); her deeds were as fine as incense (ketoret-Tanhuma, Hayyei Sarah 8). An additional explanation gives this word the meaning of binding or sealing (keshurah). When a person secures his valuables with his seal, they are still shut when he opens his treasury. Thus, even though Abraham sent Hagar forth and she wandered in the wilderness, when he brought her back she remained chaste and no other man had known her, for which she was known as Keturah (Gen. Rabbah 61:4).

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  8 місяців тому +2

      Hi Atilla963. That is proper commentary and I thank you tremendously for sharing. I have never been exposed to the perspective that Turks were a potential candidate for the Promised Land. Forgive my limited knowledge of the nuances of the Book of Genesis but further on in its content, God does indeed focus the promise to the seed of Isaac and then onwards to the seed of Jacob. But regardless of this detail, your comment reflects the fact that God didn't promise anything to any one religion but to the descendants of a historic figure. Regardless of what religions or evolved mixed ethnicity the descendants ended up becoming. So as much as I enjoyed your biblical analysis, I still find it hard to believe that any one people is deserved over another of any land. There are holy lands for sure, but a rightful possession of those lands by anyone is insignificant.

    • @Atilla963
      @Atilla963 8 місяців тому

      @@thekandarichronicles I am not judging you and this is not personnaly against you. I am just adding up information to direct people to the truth. Because i like the truth. You and i now both contributed to the truth. So i thank you also😁

    • @Atilla963
      @Atilla963 8 місяців тому

      @@thekandarichronicles It is for the seed of Abraham. So 12 families of Ishmael. Many arabs are just Turks they don't know it. 16 families of Kanturah, Oğuz Turks. And 2 families of Sara. Turks!, not jew or semites. Just Turks, the people of the thora.
      Smart semites owned it.

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  8 місяців тому

      We all originated from a converged genetic source that's for sure. But to define one ethnicity of Turks and then amalgamate many others into the Turks is a bit harsh. If we are talking ancestry or genealogy that's one thing, but there are many other elements to the identities of peoples that go beyond colocation. Regardless, Turk history and identity is wonderful and rich. I am not displeased by its association to Arabs, a simple fact is that Arabs were under Turk governance for many, many centuries. Thats an indisputable fact, so in many ways we are similar.

    • @Atilla963
      @Atilla963 8 місяців тому

      @@thekandarichronicles It's the truth. Read this book:
      - Gene D. Matlock - What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?

  • @zeroonetime
    @zeroonetime 7 місяців тому

    The BRIT

  • @zeroonetime
    @zeroonetime 7 місяців тому

    GOD I.S. but promised Idea by Abraham of Ur. Islam came, like a bomb shell Millennia latter, only to confuse the collective human mind. Timing T.E.N.

  • @theVofT
    @theVofT 9 місяців тому +1

    💯 correct. 1+1=2. bingo

  • @a5r2g9j4
    @a5r2g9j4 5 місяців тому


    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  5 місяців тому

      Loud you mean technically from an audio perspective or that the message needs to be louder?

    • @a5r2g9j4
      @a5r2g9j4 5 місяців тому

      @@thekandarichronicles SOMETIMES TOO FAR AWAY FROM THE MIC!
      I LOVE THEM!

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  5 місяців тому +1

      @@a5r2g9j4 Apologies on the technical ineptitude of the video. It's the first time someone has mentioned such an audio issue with this video. Thank you for your wonderful words of support! Indian accent? That is classic! Never been told that before either.

    • @a5r2g9j4
      @a5r2g9j4 5 місяців тому +1


  • @zeroonetime
    @zeroonetime 7 місяців тому


  • @ShaneOsborne
    @ShaneOsborne 8 місяців тому


    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  8 місяців тому

      Thank you Shane for your input but ad literum, God promised a Promised Land only to Abraham's, then Isaac's, then ultimately Jacob's seed. That was it.

  • @dng6121
    @dng6121 9 місяців тому

    we own the moon

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      Might as well think so. Why not.

    • @dng6121
      @dng6121 9 місяців тому

      @@thekandarichronicles hamas needs to surrender

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      @@dng6121 And then what?

    • @dng6121
      @dng6121 9 місяців тому

      @@thekandarichronicles lets have fun

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому

      @@dng6121 Hamas not surrendering is what limits us from having fun?

  • @nahm0002
    @nahm0002 9 місяців тому

    You find it easy to lie. If Zionism was secular how did it base itself on a religious promise ? Saying the Jewish Kingdom came and went, as if the Jews were not indigenous to the land itself. Why do you think Nablus is sitting on the mountains of Judea ?

    • @thekandarichronicles
      @thekandarichronicles  9 місяців тому +5

      Hello. You highlighted some great points for discussion that were unfortunately preceded by your accusation of my lying. Would have been a much better approach to share our knowledge but maybe that’s not what you’re into.
      But I shall answer your points nonetheless. It is common knowledge that secular Jews did indeed establish the Zionist movement and utilised the religious angle to facilitate and “emotionalise” the mission.
      The Jewish Kingdom you mention is NOT the Kingdom of Israel which i mention in the video. And it’s a reference to when Jews were indeed the rulers of the land. Other kingdoms that were not Jewish were indeed ruling for much longer times. This statement does not discount the fact that there were indigenous Jews there.
      Nablus is a city on a mountain. Jewish, Christian, pagan, and Muslim.

  • @Truth1991
    @Truth1991 2 місяці тому

    Great explained