Bill Johnson - Friendship with God

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024
  • Bill shares about being best friends with Holy Spirit, getting to know His heart, and just being in His presence. Power must flow out of intimacy.
    "It's difficult to expect the same fruit of the early church when we value a book they didn't have, more than the Holy Spirit they did have... It's not Father, Son and Holy Bible"
    "If I do not stay conscious of the God who invades the impossible, then I will reduce ministry to my ministry gifts."
    Buy the whole Open Heavens Conference at or here:
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  • @GuardianoftheGoldenStool
    @GuardianoftheGoldenStool 8 років тому +7

    I loved when he said,'s Father, Son, Holy Spirit,.......not Father, Son, Holy Bible. The Holy Spirit is actually a living source, outside of mechanics or conjuring in anyway,......He's alive, enlightenment to the bible, and continues to thrust us into greater works(power) of Jesus, and beyond this!!!!! John 14:12

    • @thebothlandproject2416
      @thebothlandproject2416 5 років тому +2

      Guardian of the Golden Stool yet Bethel continues to conjure all sorts of lies and deceit covering it up with cute half truths.
      This statement does nothing other than make it okay for Christians to live outside of what the bible says. It denigrates the Word of God in a totally inexcusable way. This is Montanism, a known heresy in the early church, redressed with a more charismatic leader.
      People get all kinds of flack for coming “against” Bill Johnson and Bethel, but honestly, as someone who used to be caught in the throes of it all, I can honestly say that if you test his work against the Word of God, and let the Word of God speak for itself instead of reading your own (or Bill’s) presuppositions into the text, you’ll find that Bill is not preaching the true gospel, but rather a get spiritual quick diet that amounts to nothing more than damnable heresy.
      I urge you to seek the Lord in this, and don’t just take my word for it, and don’t dismiss me as just another hater, because I’m not. Earnestly seek the Lord that He would show you whether Bill is speaking truth, or whether it is lies. Use your bibles and discern the truth. It is the revealed word of God profitable for all manner of instruction and rebuke so that the people of God can be readily equipped for every good work.
      The Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead, but God gave us scripture as a means of revealing His will to us.
      Also, they did have the whole Torah, the Talmud and various other writings. Sooooo, there’s that.
      I don’t say these words lightly, because if I am wrong, then it is I who am speaking damnable heresy, and the consequences of such are extraordinary.
      I’m also not one of those “conservative Christians” who doesn’t believe in any sort of Charismatic expression”, yet it is crucial that we view them through the proper lens of the bible.

    • @sunithagirish2139
      @sunithagirish2139 5 років тому

      Guardian of the golden stool... Yes!!!

  • @jackpullen3820
    @jackpullen3820 7 років тому +16

    It really starts getting interesting when you trust God enough to approach Him as a friend seeking closeness, there is so much God wants to give us now!

  • @charlesmangum3108
    @charlesmangum3108 9 років тому +11

    God becomes the rewarder of the ones diligently seeking to find Him.

  • @rogerbahakel
    @rogerbahakel 12 років тому +2

    he's right we need to be friends with God and do things because we love Him and we have relationship with him.

  • @lifestyleisa
    @lifestyleisa 2 роки тому +2

    My goodness, this message is still so good to this day. What a blessing this evening to hear this message

  • @CaneSugarShane
    @CaneSugarShane 10 років тому +11

    I pray that all of us will experience this kind of intimacy with the Father! Lord, show us that we can be your friend. Show us that you love us as you love your Son.

  • @bshocks
    @bshocks 10 років тому +17

    Bill just dropped some BOMBS! Whoa. So convicting

  • @bloomanroo
    @bloomanroo 11 років тому +2

    Amazing. Bill Johnson is a man who hears the voice of God. I am thankful that he is obedient.

  • @starlyle90
    @starlyle90 13 років тому

    How many revelations like this has anyone had without the Spirit of God -including Bill Johnson? none.

  • @SkeeterMcClusky2012
    @SkeeterMcClusky2012 12 років тому +6

    Psa. 138:2 I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word.
    2Tim. 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
    The Apostles had the OT Scriptures and many had early writings of the Gospel or the Words of Jesus in the hearts...twisted concept as foundation for this sermon.

    • @sunithagirish2139
      @sunithagirish2139 5 років тому

      Stop twisting Bills words. You are no better than those Pharisees that stalked Jesus pouncing on each word and action of His. Go and listen to what feeds your spirit and let those who are blessed by this be so. Let God decide in His time who are the goat and the sheep.

    • @mikemckee1188
      @mikemckee1188 5 років тому


  • @alansmlth7989
    @alansmlth7989 3 роки тому


  • @catnc1
    @catnc1 12 років тому +2

    This teaching is so good!!! Friendship with God- the ultimate goal. To be like David- a man (or woman) after God's own heart.

  • @irendelle
    @irendelle 13 років тому

    A friend of mine shared this link to me ... thank you. If Christians the world over would only dedicate their lives in living "the heart of the law" rather than endlessly arguing over "the letter of the law", we wouldn't have over 33,000 to a million conflicting sects, denominations and NON-denominational churches around. Too bad these days, people still base their judgments on the outward appearance of things, a book by its cover and a man by his color. Beauty is within! God Bless everyone!

  • @nanmarhill2203
    @nanmarhill2203 11 років тому

    We are part of the body of Christ what ever Church you go to as long as Jesus Christ is in our hearts.

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    Like you said it is about focusing on Christ, and not focusing on not sinning that makes a Christian right with him. It is like making not sinning or following the law an idol to be worshiped. I prayed about it, the Lord led me to some scriptures like you said he would and my eyes were opened. Thank you brother, God bless you.

  • @look2jesus777
    @look2jesus777 13 років тому +1

    Lord, forgive me for wanting to be filled with you so that I can be a big deal before man. Teach me to want you for you and you alone.

  • @sandrews2011
    @sandrews2011 11 років тому +1

    Glory to God. Love you pastor Bill, timely word.

  • @momcat2011
    @momcat2011 11 років тому +9

    i needed this now.. because my priorities have been based on "doing" instead of being

    • @MadeinHisimageMiHi
      @MadeinHisimageMiHi 3 роки тому +1

      Since you commented here seven years ago how has your walk with the Lord been on becoming the word?

  • @teslafabregas
    @teslafabregas 11 років тому +1

    Friendship with God is huge, but works are essential in that friendship. We get to be friends with God by earning more of His favor through good works as we mature in our calling; it is misleading to say that simply abiding in His presence is sufficient for friendship. It is true, but only as we follow Him to do good works, for truly faith without works is dead. Thus, a relationship without fruit is weak...true friendship with God is inseparable from works of maturity done through the Spirit.

    • @thebothlandproject2416
      @thebothlandproject2416 5 років тому

      Respectfully, this is utter heresy. You can't earn more of His favour through good works. Read Ephesians 1:3-14 and tell me if you honestly think that you could LACK the favor of God. If you are saved, you've received more favour than you could ever possibly deserve, let alone comprehend. The idea that you could earn more of his favour through good works is completely ridiculous. If you don't see how close this comes to the heresies of the Catholic Church (namely the treasury of merit, and the purchase of indulgences), then I would urge you to seriously take time and do some intensive self-examination, because you're treading on some seriously dangerous ground when you start to propogate that we can earn more of God's favor by doing good works.
      To your idea that faith without works is dead - the writer isn't saying what you're inferring into the scripture. What he's saying is that true faith is accompanied by works. You are talking about earning more of God's favor through your good works, when the true biblical understanding of this doctrine is that we do our good works BECAUSE we have received the favor of God through His son Jesus Christ. Our good works are a response, not a first cause.

    • @CarnivoreChristian777
      @CarnivoreChristian777 3 роки тому

      James 2:14-26 NKJV
      Faith Without Works Is Dead
      14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
      18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe-and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. 24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.

  • @sebajo82
    @sebajo82 15 років тому

    It´s easy, man. He has the gift of teaching. He has the capacity to brings God´s mind. Be blessed.

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    You are right brother. I once thought that all it took to know God was just to pray and seek him, however all I did was get filled up all by myself and didn't utilize it for anyone else. I take the example of Christ to heart. He prayed, sought what the spirit would do, then he went work the miracles. After that, he went back, and prayed. Prayer and seeking then action. Seeing the spirit and then doing the good works. Bless God and bless you.

  • @stayroxy
    @stayroxy 12 років тому

    THE WORD AND THE SPIRIT NEEDS TO COME TOGETHER IN ONE CHURCH BEST OF BOTH WORLDS .... the protestants and charasmatics think the other put too much emphasis on word without spirit and the other its vice versa you guys wake up we need balance of both lets come together !!

  • @Kaff231
    @Kaff231 10 років тому +13

    Wow! So much revelation in this message. Love it

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому +1

    What he said about it not being Father, Son, book... It is so true. If it were true the professor I had in my secular religious studies classes I took in college would be saved. Them knowing the word, reading several ancient languages and seeking to know the letter has only killed off their belief. They are completely absent of the spirit and they are atheists. They believe not the truth because the have studied themselves out of belief. If only I could have told them that, God forgive me.

  • @nick13022
    @nick13022 10 років тому +4

    A very profound teaching by Bill Johnson. I never thought about this concept yet now I know to be a lover of his presence and it is in that will I be accepted by God our Father.

  • @OneDollarApologist
    @OneDollarApologist 13 років тому

    "The Letter kills" that paul wrote in 2 Cor. 3:6 is the "handwriting of requirements that was against us, which Jesus took out of the way having nailed it to the cross" - Colossians 1:14
    Somehow bill Johnson in his dialog contexts it with the 'the book'

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    I understand what you are saying now, I may be free from outward sins, however I have wicked on the inside because it is me who is thinking that by my own ability I am saved. Instead of putting my focus on Christ, I am prideful in that I think it is me who is submitting when in fact it is the spirit through Christ that allows me to abstain from sin. Also, the heart of man is wicked. The spirit needs to sift me out and keep revealing to me what sins I have inside so that I can grow in him.

  • @joannerobertson4865
    @joannerobertson4865 11 років тому +2

    I can't believe it! The Christian Church has been debating what Christian Ministry is for CENTURIES, and in 9 MINUTES a very good definition!! Its too easy!

  • @drdennisramdinmawia1508
    @drdennisramdinmawia1508 5 років тому

    Bill Johnson- One of the greatest people of God in our generation...I was privileged to hear him live at PA(I forgot the exact place),and have him pray over me and my assistant, and click a pic with him🙂

  • @johnlove7026
    @johnlove7026 5 років тому

    There has to be a supernatural element for whatever God has told us to do.

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому +1

    In order to grow I need to be tested and like you said about the vines, if the branch bears no fruit it is cast out, torn off, thrown away. However, the branch on the vine that bears fruit will be pruned so that it can bear more fruit. I get what you were saying now. It wasn't clear before but after the messages on here and the PM I realized what you were trying to tell me. It will be under testing, in the flame, by the fiery darts of the devil that I will be tested and my faith tried.

  • @catharsisish
    @catharsisish 12 років тому

    love is the movement

  • @GodsCommunity
    @GodsCommunity 6 років тому +1

    *Many blessings.* 🖌🖌

  • @sparkfire22223
    @sparkfire22223 12 років тому +1

    @irendelle - I heartily agree, I came happened across this sermon by chance, I know very little of Bill Johnson, only that I'm startin to think he may be one of the best teachers I've heard, because he teaches us to be humble and intimate in our relationships with God. I'm really, really exhausted and weary of the divisions all around, if only we could all remember what it really means to relate with the kind of compassion this man is oviously familiar with. God bless everyone!!

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    Yeah, completely agree. Did I say I was relying on my ability not to sin to save me. No, sir did not. I was saying that Christians who sin only deceive themselves thinking they are saved. It is like walking a fence between heaven and hell. My sufficiency is in the Spirit of God who give me the ability to remain sin free, it is because I abide in the Spirit that I'm not in sin, but walk in the light as he is in the light. Peace out brother. I think you just thought I was focusing on sin.

  • @onepsalmist
    @onepsalmist 9 років тому +2

    very good information

  • @TheScruph
    @TheScruph 12 років тому

    The word is life and life is in the word but without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit it is just a book. With the Holy Spirit it becomes revelation!

  • @IamaFreeWillOffering
    @IamaFreeWillOffering 11 років тому

    I've listened to Bill quite a bit and find your remarks not applicable BUT I'll give you all the "benefit of the doubt" that I can and remind you that surely, if you understand that true Gospel, then surely you also see that ALL men DO exactly as the Scriptures speak and err with our tongues. The wisest and simplest reference to dealing with that issue I've heard is: "Have the sense of an old cow. Chew up the hay and spit out the sticks."
    Let's be gracious to imperfections since we want that.

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    If I am coming off that way, I'm sure doing a bad job at explaining myself. If your are in full submission to Christ then one isn't sinning, one is submissive to the will of the spirit. To be in sin is not being open to the spirit, and not having the spirit will cause you to remain in sin. Taking up our cross for Christ, having the flesh die, brings about spiritual continual renewal. I think we are saying the same exact thing. Either way, God bless you brother.

  • @talmidlee
    @talmidlee 14 років тому

    Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
    this verse adds some more depth and perspective on this lesson =D

  • @MtelH
    @MtelH 14 років тому

    Amazing!! "Prostituting the relationship." I have to listen to this again!!

  • @fuliaj
    @fuliaj 10 років тому +1

    Wow. This video makes me feel so at peace.

  • @smileforme5383
    @smileforme5383 4 роки тому

    Speechless 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  • @kathaj8
    @kathaj8 11 років тому

    my brother in Christ, i see your point. But please speak the truth in LOVE. Ephesians 4:15. God bless :)

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    Is that what you think, I am boasting in myself. I am boasting in God, in his power, in his majesty. I'm not bragging on myself. I'm admiring God's ability to keep me from the devil. Is there temptation, of course. We will always be tempted. The holy spirit gives me the will to resist. Please brother, don't act as if you know my heart or know my ways. God knows the heart and my ways I was delivered from a lot of issues in my life and I prayed and fasted until I was no longer a slave to them

  • @s33ds1
    @s33ds1 12 років тому

    bill said (talking about the bible) "it is the spirit of god that makes it living. paul warned us he said the letter kills." he was using 2 cor 3:6 to justify that first sentence. i was just saying that paul's intention in 2 cor 3:6 was not to show how the spirit of god makes the word alive. which is true of course. it was meant to show how we are dead because of the law and our need to be made alive in christ. it is twisting of scripture.

  • @kreigalm1723
    @kreigalm1723 3 роки тому

    Lovers always outwork workers. Slaves are rewarded. Friends receive a reward and a relationship.

  • @sailingonwaves
    @sailingonwaves 11 років тому +1

    Be filled with the holy spirit and stop your quarells!

  • @Alandix
    @Alandix 11 років тому

    What is never expressed clearly is that obedience is possible and easy between friends, also lovers. The injunction to love God and obey him smashes the verbs together, since one leads to the other, and one cannot properly be understood, fleshed out, without the other. That part of our nature which opposes the idea of obedience is evidence of the presence of love that knows Love. To control one's tongue is said to be maturity. To love being controlled by love, mature obedience.

  • @fearlesschanges_Marcie
    @fearlesschanges_Marcie 13 років тому

    The difference between a servant and a friend is that a friend is task oriented---concerned with completing a list of assignments. wowowowowwowoww

  • @adambomb312
    @adambomb312 12 років тому


  • @Blinddogjax
    @Blinddogjax 13 років тому

    This is beautiful. I was given a positive lead; there was a mix-up in identity which lead 2 this site. God at work. I require assistance regarding some scientifically verifiable neuro-psychiatric; spiritual-emotional physical circumstances I am under. Spiritual religious & medical academics should be involved; as it IS directly linked 2 Anthropological Histories. Including; yet not exclusively Anglo/Judeo-Christian. Thank you 4 assistance attaining consultation & assistance~Jackson James Warren

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    Speaking of which, I need to delete all the unnecessary and foolish things off my page so that it may be a place of life not a place of death. Thank you lord for you are good.

  • @OneDollarApologist
    @OneDollarApologist 13 років тому

    @TheRubberDuck01 Thank you. It's just that I get nervous when Evangelists come out with 'classical quotes' that can sound misleading. If you read the old stuff (Jonathan Edwards, C.H Spurgeon or John Owen etc) they held the Bible in high esteem, not as some idol, but as the authoritative word of God, and never for a moment made comparisons like this. It may have to do with the level of wisdom people had to know the difference. Surely todays preaching is so much watered down than those days.

  • @SantaCruz-tr8qy
    @SantaCruz-tr8qy Рік тому

    The individual who has put his trust in Jesus Christ as his Savior is in personal fellowship with Him all the time. Jeremiah 23:23 The problem with God is not that He's so far away that we can't see Him. Rather, He is so close that we overlook Him. That means, you can have an Conversation with GOD anytime anywhere . The eternal purpose of God in Jesus Christ is to give us this new relationship with God (John 3:16; 6:37, 39; 2 Corinthians 5:14-21). 1Corinthians 3:16-20 Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple.

  • @mikemckee1188
    @mikemckee1188 5 років тому

    We love it when a "minister" takes the writing of 2 Corinthians speaking of the Old Covenant an applies it incorrectly. Sounds like someone has never heard of the Council of Carthage. Praise Bethel and the almighty McDonalds of Theology, but hey, its all okay, ive still got God as my best friend WWJD.
    PS: Jesus totally didnt say that that he came to fulfill and uphold the Letter (Matthew 17-19) GLORY CLOUDS FOR EVERYONE

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    I don't know if we are misunderstanding each other or what. My point during this whole time was that is someone is in sin, like the sin in Galations 5:19-21 they will not inherit the kingdom of God. They are only fooling themselves that they are a Christian. My point is that purity doesn't come from us anyway. It comes from the Spirit. Without the Spirit we are dead in our lusts and will be slaves to it. But putting on the spirit bring us freedom from sin, not being in sin anymore.

  • @Zola777
    @Zola777 5 років тому


  • @jhepting7321
    @jhepting7321 11 років тому

    I fully understand your concern and think it's very wise of you to be always cautious. However, hearing other of Bill's sermons, and/or reading any of his books would alleviate this concern.....he is fully aware of and promotes the Full Gospel...Not just the traditional "read the Word and you'll be secure in your walk...." point of view taught by many...but in that, PLUS relationship. Being saved doesn't make on a lover, just a child who is elligible for much more.

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому


  • @TheRubberDuck01
    @TheRubberDuck01 13 років тому

    @raxorules Cont...
    This is the only place I caution on because if you come across too strongly you can become like Peter with the servant of the high priest... Malchus I think is his name. Peter cut off his right ear with the sword. We can also do this with the word, which is also described as the sword as I'm guessing you already know from the scriptural knowledge you have displayed. Jesus healed Malchus because He loved him. We in our flesh can come across as arrogant and also with the need..

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    I believe Ephesians 4:20-32 is for you. If we are misunderstanding each other here, then I apologize. However, what I get from what you are saying is that holiness is not required. I think 1 Thessalonians 5:16-28 is also for you. Please clarify yourself as to why you went on a rampage about me saying that that light cannot dwell with darkness? How is that not true and evident in the word. Please, once again clarify yourself so that we may understand each other. Bless you brother.

  • @walkerpaul
    @walkerpaul 7 років тому

    so good!!!!!!!!

  • @chuckles1954
    @chuckles1954 8 років тому +3

    Reading some comments here, it seems Bill Johnson has become the idol, not the God they profess to love. After 2000 years and many martyrs dying for their beliefs, Bill Johnson has a new revelation no one else could see. I was in a "Bethel" clone church for over a year and had to finally leave. There are many things that show it a cult. Like quoting Johnson and not Paul, Jesus, Peter, Mathew, ect from the pulpit. Like no repentance, like calling anyone saying you shouldn't be a fornicator, a Pharisee, not allowing talk of homosexuality or abortion, calling it "politics" and divisive. Jesus said I didn't come to bring peace, but a sword. They do have pretty good music.For me, this is the end time church that tickles ears and has fallen away.

    • @calebbonny8848
      @calebbonny8848 7 років тому +3

      chuckles1954 dude I've heard bill speak on all of those issues. Every single one of them

    • @chuckles1954
      @chuckles1954 7 років тому +2

      I was in a church for about 3 years when the pastor left. The search committee didn't really look for someone other than a Bethel clone. Some had sent their kids to the Supernatural school in Redding for about $4500 per year. The guy they picked to pastor our church immediately strong armed the church, changing the by laws so no one could boot him out. After that, the non biblical teachings crept into the services. Just like what you just heard in this video, God isn't always God, Jesus hasn't always been God, ect. When God threatened to kill the Jews and Moses intervened, do you really believe God didn't know that He had released them from Egypt and had made them His people? Do you believe Moses had to remind God what He did and promised? Blasphemy!
      Look up grave sucking, look up gold dust, look up feathers falling. The teachers would teach the people didn't need to repent because grace covered it. We had over 100 youth. Today, about 10. Anyone saved over 10 years and reads their Bible,...gone. They preach something close enough to Gospel to fool younger Christians, but eventually something comes out that no one can swallow. It's New Age gobblty goop that preaches error.

  • @steve3150
    @steve3150 7 років тому +4

    his talks and teaching is all about us, you. funny I thought it was all about God.

    • @aprilm1866
      @aprilm1866 6 років тому

      Harpoman about how to Please God

    • @thebothlandproject2416
      @thebothlandproject2416 5 років тому

      What's truth? My goodness. The Bible is literally all about God. Read Isaiah, Romans, and John - or any other book for that matter. Anyone who thinks he can please God with his purity or religiosity is a fool. All of our righteousness is as useful as filthy rags. And there is none who seeks after God, no not one. The only righteousness we get is the righteousness imputed to us by Christ’s work on the cross. I’m pretty sure that Harpoman would agree with what I’m saying. It’s also an absolute shame that you stoop to the level of personal insult because he drew attention to the fact that this sermon is baked in a purely myopic paradigm and comes forth in a way that portrays our bibles as an elementary and useless tool.

  • @RayHurl
    @RayHurl 12 років тому

    @s33ds1 He didn't say that reading the Bible without the Spirit will bring death... The word "death"never came out of his mouth. In fact, he was saying that The Spirit brings "life" to the written word.. He quoted part of 3:6 to illustrate the importance of the new covenant... relationship with God through the HS.. The point here was: don't substitute Bible knowledge for a relationship with The Holy Spirit. When most of the world didn't have a Bible, how did they have a relationship w/ God? ...

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    If a man is in Sin then he cannot have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I experienced the gift of speaking in tongues at a youth retreat when I was 8 years of age. However, when I became 12-13, I started battling with lust, perversion, and pornography. This leads to a roller coaster of destruction and an absence of the Spirit. You may have a gift, however you are dead, and dead to Christ, against Christ, and of the house of Satan. I had to completely give it all up in order to know Christ.

  • @TheRubberDuck01
    @TheRubberDuck01 13 років тому

    @raxorules & @machandxb
    but then if we all did these things at all times then the Christian world would be a completely different place... Ephesians 4:11-16 would have already happened. But it hasn't. these are the small opportunities that we have to bring that time closer and closer, so that we "the body of Christ" can become fitly jointed together. Notice this passage of scripture I quoted ends in the words "in love". God is love (1John 4:8,16). All this needs to happen with God in the midst.

  • @TheRubberDuck01
    @TheRubberDuck01 13 років тому

    @raxorules Cont...
    to be accepted by the person we are talking to. In doing this we kill some of their Holy cows or beliefs & cut off their ears to receive the words of correction (which is also supposed to be love). I am not aiming this specifically at you bro =) please dont take it that way, as this could be for others also. Passion for defending the word is all well & good, but passion without love, just like all knowledge is nothing. We bring Jesus & he is love. We are to represent Him!

  • @s33ds1
    @s33ds1 12 років тому

    @RayHurl and i do apologize to anyone that saw me put words in bills mouth. obviously i will repent of that. when i put death there i was just giving my interpretation of what i thought bill was saying. good rebuke sir. also how can you divorce bible knowledge and the relationship with the holy spirit. it is one and the same. the problem is when people like bill tell us to go off the map in our bible knowledge. that is when false doctrines and problems arise.

  • @jel.3738
    @jel.3738 6 років тому


  • @IamaFreeWillOffering
    @IamaFreeWillOffering 12 років тому

    I've never yet seen a person who promoted the Bereans who had a relationship with God that I coveted.
    I suppose that's coincidence, but the people whose understanding and insight into God's Spirit and His Word I value and appreciate don't happen to mention the Bereans. The ones who always mention the Bereans are those who seem to not have an ear to the Spirit of God.
    Bill Johnson has that ear. It's a shame that you don't. BTW, 2Tim2:15 doesn't say "study." Look at the Greek, and read Matt 10:8

    • @thebothlandproject2416
      @thebothlandproject2416 5 років тому

      Are you saying that you wouldn't covet the relationship that the Apostle Paul had with the Lord? He seemed pretty fond of the Bereans if you ask me. I could be wrong though... ;)
      God bless you, man.

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    Yes, I love Roman's 2 especially 12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.
    Now I must ask, I don't really understand what point you are making in your above comment. Only God can Judge and he will judge righteously. If anyone be in sin they are damned.

  • @s33ds1
    @s33ds1 12 років тому

    also the repentance thing was good. this was 4 months ago. i am still drawing nearer to him and learning. but you are right it made no sense to say that lol!

  • @ranelferguson007
    @ranelferguson007 14 років тому

    @geiroffenberg - I always wondered about that. Not having the written New Testiment.

  • @TheSunShinesbyGrace
    @TheSunShinesbyGrace 13 років тому

    @machandxb In the paraphrased words of Charles Spurgeon, "You can be sound, but be sound asleep."
    The point He's making is that you can know Scripture and not know God. The Bible should always lead us to a personal experience with God. I agree that the Bible goes hand in hand with the Holy Spirit. But it's "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" we worship, just be careful the Holy Bible doesn't replace the Holy Spirit.

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    As oil and water do not mix, so does sin and the Spirit not mix. If a light comes on darkness must flee. Where light is no darkness can have habitation. If there is darkness there, we know there is no light. Sin must die, we must die in order to be made into the perfect bride/church/son/daughter of Christ. Sin will leave you desolate, powerless, empty, dry, lonely, broken, and useless to Christ. Only if the spirit invades can you walk in the liberty with which Christ has set us free.

  • @heisforever
    @heisforever 14 років тому

    awesome teaching!

  • @geberel8
    @geberel8 13 років тому

    Can translate into Spanish. Listen to only one part and I was interezado the message. Thanks.

  • @TheScalesHaveFallen
    @TheScalesHaveFallen 11 років тому

    If a Christian is in Sin they are only lying and deceiving themselves that they know the Lord. The will go to Church, seek God's face, and probably get a touch, however as soon as they sin the Spirit leaves, and you go dry again. In order for your temple, your body, your soul to be filled, remain filled, and be overflowing with God, it all must die and be giving up. Only by letting the spirit invade, giving up religion and what you think or want can you do this.

  • @OneDollarApologist
    @OneDollarApologist 13 років тому

    @TheSunShinesbyGrace I agree with everything you've said, but I would like to add that 'the Holy Spirit does not replace the Bible either'. This is what I mean - today, too many christians rely on a 'special revelation from the Holy Spirit' but don't take time to read the Word of God which IS God's word revealed to us (John 16:5-15). The Word of God is given to us that we may know God and His will for our lives. No 'extra' revelation is required. The Bible is complete - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

  • @s33ds1
    @s33ds1 12 років тому +1

    Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 5:13 for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. ,.....(romans 3:23 shows ALL have sinned) (romans 5:13 shows there can be no sin if there is no law) how have all sinned if the law was only given to israel? hope that clears that up. also this is my brothers account. he is an atheist so you should have seen more than 2 videos that were off lol.

  • @TheRubberDuck01
    @TheRubberDuck01 13 років тому

    Believe me I know what it's like to come from a Galatia type church. Paul was forthright with them as he called them "stiffnecked!" I mean how much more out there and in their face could he get. I don't disagree with anything that you said at all, and am not just agreeing to avoid an argument. The only thing I cautioned on and I can see that you received my point was in loving the other person. Now commenting and correcting in love over youtube comments can be a VERY difficult thing.

  • @TheTriumph777
    @TheTriumph777 13 років тому

    1Ti 4:16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.

  • @sparkfire22223
    @sparkfire22223 12 років тому

    @theKpen How would you use it out of interest?

  • @betsyross2696
    @betsyross2696 4 роки тому +3

    "Heal the sick" - Matt 10 - This was a command given only to the 12 apostles before Jesus's death and resurrection when they were preaching exclusively to the Jews. This was not the great commission, nor the gospel. Miracles did confirm it in Acts, but the gospel does not call for physical healing in this life. Rather it is a promise for forgiveness of sins and an eternal life with God. John 3:16-18
    "We value a book they didn't have more than the Holy Spirit they did have" - All Jesus and the apostles preached was based upon God's Word. Matt 26:56 says all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.
    "the letter kills" - 2 Cor 3:6 - Paul refers to the condemnation of sins under the law of Moses. God's law demanding righteousness convicts us all. The Spirit available under the new covenant gives us life, but how is the Spirit available? Acts 2:38-39 says "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”
    "the spirit of is what makes it [the Bible] living" - According to Hebrews 4:12, it simply is living and active, without conditions -- sharper than any sword.
    "How many wars have been fought with this book, not just because of it?" - in Matt 10:34-39 Jesus says he has come not to bring peace, but a sword to divide the world between those that will give up their life for His and those that will not. In truth, the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. Eph 6:17
    "We have the privilege of the Word becoming flesh in us" - Only Jesus was the Word become flesh, for while the Word was there in the beginning, both with God and being God, he came to dwell among us that we might receive Him. John 1:1-14
    "You'll have a lid on where you can go [in ministry]" - In Matt 28:18-20 Jesus followers are told to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all he has commanded. Similarly in Acts 1:8, his followers are to witness to the end of the earth.
    "How does a man win that place in the heart of the father?" & "Moses says wait they're your people, not mine..." - According to Hebrews 8, these events were prototype and foreshadow all pointing to Jesus, who is both God and Man - His son that lived a sinless life and gave himself up for us as a sacrifice for our sins. Moses is a picture of Jesus as our mediator and high priest to the Father who makes it possible for us to be justified and adopted as His children. David represented what Jesus would be as Son and king of God's people.
    "Servants aren't expected to do that ... their entire focus is on completing a list of commands." In Romans 1, Paul calls himself a servant or slave of Christ Jesus. Are we not called by the same gospel? That is not to say our salvation is one of works, but grace through faith. Eph 2:8.
    Yes, Jesus calls us friends in John 15 because he has made all known to us, and how did he do that? By giving us his Word. The Bible contains all the "secret knowledge" that we need per Romans 16:25-27. It is complete, and Revelation 22:18-19 warns about adding or removing from it.
    This man is very, very skillful at weaving a net of truth and lies together, but who does he say who Jesus is? Man, not God and Man. Example, not Sacrifice. Model, not Mediator. I have seen other videos where he calls Jesus just a "normal christian" that was also "born again".
    1 John 4. "This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."

  • @justintaylor9002
    @justintaylor9002 9 років тому

    Wow 😕😕😕

  • @TheRubberDuck01
    @TheRubberDuck01 13 років тому

    @machandxb What he's saying is scripturally sound. Also what you're saying is scripturally sound but you are looking at the conclusion with the wrong paradigm.
    The word made flesh was Jesus (John 1:1,14) & the word is written in our hearts(2 Cor 3:3) & is also written by inspiration from the Spirit (2 Tim 3:16). So Jesus dwells in our hearts. God is a spirit (John 4:24) all are one in the same, he doesn't discount that at all. they live within so its a relationship. look at it all like that!

  • @s33ds1
    @s33ds1 12 років тому

    @RayHurl When most of the world didn't have a Bible, how did they have a relationship w/ God? ... by gods grace they had his truths planted in their hearts. most of false doctrines come from places where people have the bible. why is that ? because we choose not to show ourselves approved by our study of the word. and noone wants to be like the bereans. because of this fast paced country. noone has time for god. we add god to our routines and not our routines around our time with god.

  • @dennishudson1
    @dennishudson1 13 років тому

    I tried to find the full version on but couldnt find it. Anybody know the like to get the whole sermon or how to find it? Thanks.

  • @Megz0510
    @Megz0510 14 років тому

    @raxorules Todd Bentley is no different than u & I.Are u walking in perfect holiness at all times?No,& neither am I.We have the Spirit of Living God inside of us & we are seen in the image of Christ, but we still have the fallen nature running through our soul & body.That's why it is so important 4 us to renew our minds in Spirit and in Truth so we impart to the fallen nature & bring it into alignment so we may walk in spirit as Paul commands us to.Bill did what was biblical Gal6:1-3God Bless u!

  • @IamaFreeWillOffering
    @IamaFreeWillOffering 11 років тому

    your limited understanding is hindering your hearing.
    MANY Christians reject the Lord's truth from one of His servants because of ignorance and pride.
    If you think you're going to keep growing in God, then it should be OBVIOUS that you don't know today what you'll know next year.
    SLOW DOWN on condemning what you don't understand. You don't know it all and Bill has been a Believer since childhood and is something like a fourth generation preacher. He's got a good deal of insight and wisdom.

  • @ranelferguson007
    @ranelferguson007 14 років тому

    @raxorules - Many are seeking Jesus through Todd Bently's ministry. So was it Todd who did that or the Holy Spirit? Todd fell because he had weaknesses and Satan found them but his annointing was real. Stop looking at the man. All men are falliable. Believe me Todd is being humbled! He lost everything but I believe he will be all the better for it. I doubt he will ever be restored and I doubt he wants it. I am not going to be Todd's judge because I don't want to be judged.

  • @aqhorton
    @aqhorton 12 років тому +1

    Jesus was the living Word. This message is deceptive. Too many references to what others say or his spin o things. Read more than one verse and get the true meaning of the text. This makes me sad. We do need a relationship with God but I can't receive much of this...

  • @tribulationtruth
    @tribulationtruth 6 років тому +4

    Pastor Johnson teaches blasphemy. Jesus said, “You are my friends if you do what I command you (John 15:14).” Pastor Johnson says we’re not His friends if we do the commandments (4:30). I wonder who we should listen too? 🤔🐺🐑👔

    • @JohnSmith-xl4sx
      @JohnSmith-xl4sx 6 років тому

      Izzy Quesada you completely mistook what he said and put your own thoughts there...he said that obedience is always easier for a friend than a servant. A servant is obedient and task oriented and finds their worth and identity in their strict obedience for obedience sake. A friend obeys because it is their joy to obey. Example and implications: you go evangelize and behave right and morally because Jesus commanded you too (but without a zealous heart and passion), VS a friend who is on fire or in love with God who obeys merely from that pleasure and friendship and authentically shares that experience in their obedience and does so cheerfully. What is easier for someone to do, DO NOT LUST, so you sit there and with all your strength fight against your flesh not to lust but still desire it inside...or you grow so close to Jesus you’d gladly lay down other passions or desires to follow and obey his commands cheerfully and easily.

    • @JohnSmith-xl4sx
      @JohnSmith-xl4sx 6 років тому

      Izzy Quesada you can sit there all day and “do” things and be busy for the kingdom and feel puffed up that your doing gods work and your a pastor or disciple in the lord...but Jesus always values those who abide and in friendship remain in his presence over those who “work and do” Mary vs Martha because he’s always been about intimacy and friendship

  • @tinashemujokoro1342
    @tinashemujokoro1342 5 років тому

    What's the title of the full sermon?

  • @IamaFreeWillOffering
    @IamaFreeWillOffering 12 років тому

    It wasn't a twisted concept; you're just hard of hearing. He did not denigrate the Bible; he exalted God.
    Apparently, you have a hard time seeing that most of Christendom, though they HAVE the Bible, they don't know, hear or obey God. You've got a huge problem is you can't see that.
    Bill was emphasizing the God of the Bible to counter the multitude of people who CLAIM they know God but are just like the Pharisees -- they don't recognize Him when He shows up because THEY DON'T KNOW HIM.

    @BIGDADDYDUKE2 12 років тому

    @geiroffenberg He speaks with God. =)

  • @OneDollarApologist
    @OneDollarApologist 13 років тому

    @raxorules I have to question your theology: How can you say the Bible is not 'that Word'???? Please read John 1:1-5, 14, John 14:15-25. I think I've got my theology right and I don't worship the bible. Neither do I 'worship' evangelists. My final authority is the Word of God, not what slick talking evangelists says.
    Listen to Preachers like Paul Washer, John Piper or John MacArthur and you will find no confusion in their theology (or doctrine).

  • @angeriod
    @angeriod 12 років тому

    im a son of the king