2. Our Differences Regarding the Bible
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- The Rev. Rob Renfroe explains how divergent views about the Bible creates division within The United Methodist Church. This is the second video in a series. It is important to watch video 1 to gain a context for this video. You can access video 1 here • 1. The United Methodis...
"We don't change His Word, His Word changes us"~~ Elizabeth B. Chryst, WCA FL and WCA global council member
Love it.
Excellent. As an Assemblies of God Lead Pastor, our prayers are with you
Love it, thank you.
I stand with you.
Pastor in the Church of God (Seventh Day) praying for our brothers and sisters in the UMC as well.
Means so much when other denominations see the humanistic trends…and offer us spiritual support. Bless you all
I'm not Methodist but it is so heartening to hear someone respectfully and carefully express the Christian faith against the progressive error that is misleading so many in the church. Bless you, brother.
Thank you, there are many of us. Pl pray for us.
I am so sorry this has happened to our denomination. It breaks my heart. Thank you, Rob, for this series. I proudly stand with the Global Methodist Church.
I'm praying to God where to go to church next Sunday.
Rob, thank you for explaining this division within the UMC so clearly. It is critically important to get this word out so that members of the UMC are not blindsided by what is happening. The things being taught to our children in public schools is bad enough and now they are coming after our churches. I believe the Holy Bible is the word of God exactly as it is written.
Thank you Rob for clearly delineating the growing divide between those of us who hold the Holy Bible as the word of God and those who wish to rewrite God’s word to support the culture of today.
Actually the reverse is true. The wird for homosexuality did not appear until the late 1800s! Read what the Desert Fathers believed. All the original thinking was changed by man. No wonder bigotry is acceptable and women are condemned to stupidity.
Thank you so much Rob. I praise God for your leadership.
Thank you Rob for sharing in this video series. So many people think the split is only about sexuality. Many conservative pastors don't realize the basics of what is going on with the split.
Pastor, somewhere you said "the United Methodist Church has gone beyond Wesley and beyond the Bible."
I believe you are right on.
I am a life long Methodist. I never felt I had the right to pick and choose what Scriptures to believe. Some high ranking theologians seem to be making God in their image rather than the other way around. I am sure that I will be leaving the United Methodist Church because I am a Christian first.
Did not Mr. Renfroe do just that by saying he sticks with Paul, encourages women leadership in the church, even though Paul said women should not lead?
Did you contemplate leaving when its was made OK for Methodist pastors to get divorced and remarry or for it to be OK for the Methodist church to sanctify re=marriage after divorce? Matthew 19:9 is very clear on this
No I did not leave. I once had a divorced pastor who was kicked out of the Baptist church. His wife cheated on him, and left with another man. He never remarried. He was one of the best preachers we ever had. Circumstances dictate how I feel.
This actually is one reason I am leaving. F a pastor has committed adultery and remarried, I would oppose that. In the case if my divorced pastor, he did not commit adultery and he did not remarry. I am not going to judge him for what his wife did.
@@ricknelson4721 I was more asking about why you didn't leave when the UMC ignored Matthew 19 when it walk about divorce but are are now willing to leave when it applies an interpretation of verses in that chapter to LGBTQ individuals? The UMC has for years sanctioned re-marriage in cases other than infidelity and allows individuals to become clergy after re-marriage. If an individual cheats on his wife and the re-marries he/she is still allowed to have that marriage sanctioned in the UMC and become a pastor. A clear violating of Matthew 19:9. Seems a lot of those who support leaving have been ok with "making God in their image" until now when the issue of LGBTQ individuals comes up
The original sin began w/ Satan gaslighting Eve by saying, “did God really say?”. Getting us to question God’s instruction & abandon the identity imparted to us by God…
It is so hard to wait for the Global churches to begin!
Great video Rob . I to him sorry it had to come to this but it’s time we move on . I’m hoping as a matter of fact sure the UMC I belong to today will become a Global United Methodist Church. Thank you for all your work. These videos will be very helpful as we move forward.
Thank you for this series.
Thank you for this Rob!
Brother, thank you!!! I'm a relatively new Methodist; long story, and I knew I was stepping into a denominational and theological quagmire - but, wow, little did I know. Your five videos have been a total inspiration for me and I intend to pass them along to some of my new Methodist friends). God bless you, Rob, for making these videos containing GREAT content. Blessings, my brother.
By the looks of the comments, Rev. Rob is preaching to the choir. Interesting Kenyan prayer precedes the hymn "O Word of God Incarnate" in the UMC Hymnal #598: "From the cowardice that dares not face new truth, from the laziness that is contented with half-truth, from the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth, Good Lord, deliver me. Amen."
Thank you for making this needed video.
I was curious about the split because of my upbringing in the UMC. Thanks for explaining.
The last several years I've learned much about the history of socialism. It seems to me that socialism/progressivism has metastasized within the UMC much like it has throughout our culture.
The Scriptures--the BEST Secret in the Church today!!!
Thank you for this message!
This series is so excellent and a wonderful way to share the need for change from the UMC. Thank you 🙏
I have read most of the comments and I will probably restate a couple, but I am questioning both sides. I am a life long Methodist/United Methodist. I recently moved from a church which is going GMC. Not because I wanted to change, but because I moved away from that area. I am now attending one that will stay UMC. Not because I agree totally with them, but because I have found it to be a loving church. I have had many questions about the bible that I have yet to have answered because no one really knows. Mr. Renfroe sounds like a bible literalist. I'm not sure but it was surprising because in my experience, most traditional UMC churches don't see it that way. When he said he would stand with Paul, I was thinking that Paul said that women were not allowed to speak in church. I don't believe GMC will enforce that. When Mr. Renfroe inferred that we cannot pick and choose what we want from the bible, it seems that he is picking and choosing. Everyone does, whether they say the bible should be taken literally or not. We are all human and we don't fully understand the bible and God's word.
The part about women not speaking in the church has been misinterpreted as Paul had to adhere to Roman law, not God's law. Jesus and Paul one to all
@@ricknelson4721 I totally agree. We interpret the bible as we want to, even if understanding that some of what is written is strictly cultural and historical.
Paul was telling the women in the CORINTHIAN CHURCH to sit and be quiet because of what was happening in that church. Not every woman. He was writing a letter to that church. Paul affirms women leadership in the church many times in his letters. Context of what was happening in that church and in Corinth at the time is important.
Agree. Despite the other replies to your comment, hard to "misinterpret" Paul when he says in 1 Timothy 2:11-14:
11 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a wrongdoer.
I was raised in a church that took this, and other biblical positions, very literally (divorce, conservative dress, etc.). My wife was raised Methodist. When we married and started to attend a Methodist church, I joked that it was "religion lite". You get all the God, but a fraction of the guilt of other denominations. I'm pretty impressed people can keep a straight face when they say "we need to leave in order to be more biblical".
I've been putting together a data sheet of the various Methodist/Wesleyan denominations for discussion at our church. Mainly, if someone recommends disaffiliation from the UMC and suggests the GMC, I want to know why the GMC? Why not any of the other denominations?
Here's what I've put together so far: philipstratton.blogspot.com/2023/01/umc-disaffiliation-discussion-data.html
Thank you am not methodist i work for a methodist church but I agree with you my prayers 🙏 ❤
Those leaving the UMC should consider becoming Biblical Christians, because doing so means one can worship God at any time and in any place without denominations and their buildings (John 4:23-24).
Pastor Daniel is the pastor at the UMC Church on MC Cree in Waukegan Illinois.
Thank you for this information.
I grew up in the UMC in Northern New Jersey. My people were all from Texas,Tennessee and Missouri. I couldn’t believe that suddenly an openly Gay Minister suddenly appeared at my Church in New Jersey. I will remain a Methodist but not in the UMC
Do you hate everyone who is different from you?
After watching your videos and Adam Hamilton's, and I wish nothing but the best to you and the rest of the GMC who feel they need to leave to do the lord's work, but for me an myself, I have decided to #StayUMC, our denomination has not fallen due to a few extremists on either side, a majority of UMC's members see themselves statistically as compatibilists, I believe our focus on justice and work while also respecting God's divinity through our heavy emphasis on ecumenicalism is one of our greatest assets and I intend to uphold that till the day I die as a lay servant of the United Methodist Church.
Like Adam Hamilton, I am extremely biblical and evangelical and hold scripture to be the top of the Wesleyan quadrilateral we hold, however, no human interpretation of scripture is perfect, so like with issues of slavery in the bible, we have to continually apply the other 3 parts of the quadrilateral as we read scripture.
Scripture speaks for themselves, but even traditionalists disagree on what seems to be plainly obvious in the bible (ie. Women as pastors, as well as women's submissiveness in society, while the GMC affirms women pastors this is not true of all evangelical denominations)
However this becomes complicated and I rightfully agree with traditionalists that we have to be careful not to insert our own biases and prejudices, and I really do feel that traditionalists should really work on this idea, the same way that the people who heavily focus on the social gospel do, but this isn't to say they aren't immune either.
Methodism was never about dogma (people are even allowed to question the articles of religion! And they've stood the test of time because intense discernment has validated them!) it was always about continual renewal through methodical discernment in making sure Christ reaches every generation, that doesn't require rejecting his divinity nor holding to antiquated literalist views on Romans. Like with the verses regarding slavery, we have to add context and historicity to those hard to read passages.
Excellent !
The progression of unbelieving is truly sad. Unfortunately they are not at the bottom of that slippery slope yet. The UMC has become a Unitarian church. Thankfully there are options.
Is the steepled church in Houston that you refer to, St. Luke's UMC? I would love some transparency on where Houston area UMCs stand.
It was St. Paul's some years back. Most of the large Houston churches inside the loop are going "centrist" which means they will stay UMC. If you have one in mind let me know.
Amen brother! Man can make amendments to the constitution to suit themselves in the modern era of political correctness, but not to the Holy Bible. What was written over 2,000 years ago still stands today and until our Savior returns. How can so called scholars say "no that's not what Jesus meant when he said that"?,????? What?????? May these folks repent for their ill advised theology. Our Jesus will forgive them.
I m.so glad to see a com
ment about prayer. .I.have.nt noticed very many . .In addition to the scriptures , it s another way to.know God s will. , Of course God is well.aware of what.s going on and it s so important to.pray.to.seek God s Guidance before taking a step . Belief/opinion
I will stand with the apostle Paul every time!
Because the Son of God, Jesus Christ, has given the Gospel though Paul to us. This Gospel is all about Christ. It is Gods power to salvation for everyone who believes.
Where can I find this glorious Gospel? In the Bible, in the letters of my Apostel and teacher.
You are 💯 my friend. The Gospel for today was revealed to the Apostle Paul. Its Jesus finished work on the cross- the Gospel…Its not what we do.. it’s What we do with what He did for us. JUSTiFICATION by FAITH!!
Thank you!
Thank you
Sorry you’re going through this. The Catholic Church has a magisterium to authoritatively resolve issues like this.
So since the Global Methodist Church will follow Paul's teachings in every word, will it refuse the ordination of women as well?
I really hope that they can “nut up” and get rid of the ordination of women, but it doesn’t seem like they will
Baptist guy here. Well said.
At Church Sunday, pastor Daniel announced that we are a liberal Church. He also announced that the globalist will be leaving without a building.
At 2:28 mark, you say the bible is inspired. God's word is more than that, it is inerrant.
If you believe the Bible is the truth for all times go to the GLOBAL Methodist church. If you want to make up what you want to believe, be your own god, go to United Methodist church. May I say…sometimes you have to go to the dentist and have a painful procedure done but you do it because you’ll be better for it in the long run. Everything God does is for the good of those who love Him. Sometimes, as we are called to give up our sinful ways (with the help of the Holy Spirit), it pinches or is hard for a while. It gets easier though and we are better for it. We usually see the wisdom in it later. Will you have faith and trust and obey Him now? If you do, you’ll be better for it. Walking in obedience with Him is very fulfilling. Nothing can fill the void like Jesus. Praise Him, enjoy Him and glorify Him forever.
I always go back to Hebrews 13:8. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."
Left Methodist church 6 years ago. Joined the Presbyterian church inAmerica .
Great video!
1Cor 6: 9] Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, [10] Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
"If the bible contains it, it's not our job to correct it."
Is divorce allowed in the GMC? How about wearing multiple textures of cloth, or allowing women to teach, or charging interest on a loan to a fellow Christian?
If so, then you are already correcting the book. You've just chosen to stop doing so when it comes to people you choose to hate.
So glad to see this comment. Thank you.
It is hard to listen when people who say to not interpret the bible, start doing exactly that.
This is my unanswered question, too. There are many things in Leviticus that Christians violate everyday... eating pig meat (bacon & ham), allowing women to go to church while menstruating, wearing clothing woven of two kinds of material, cutting the hair at the sides of your head or clipping off the edges of your beard, putting tattoo marks on yourselves, adulterers and adulteresses are to be put to death, and more.
Priests must not shave their heads or shave off the edges of their beards or cut their bodies, they cannot marry a divorced woman or a widow, priests must marry a virgin, a high priest cannot enter any place that houses a dead body. No man who has any defect may approach the altar: no man who is blind or lame, disfigured or deformed; no man with a crippled foot or hand, or who is a hunchback or a dwarf, or who has any eye defect, or who has festering or running sores or damaged testicles.
I understand that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross removes from us the burden of offerings, but these details are spoken in the same book of Leviticus as the details of sexuality. How can one be justified and another one not? What is the deciding factor? I am not suggesting we throw these out without question, but there should be transparency in evaluation.
Here's where I personally struggle. Yes, I believe a man's body and a woman's body were designed to fit together. I believe they were made by God for each other. However, studies have proven that homosexuality increases substantially in overly populated communities of animals. I believe this is nature's way (or God's way) of reducing or minimizing overly populated areas. If God does not make mistakes, then who am I to question His design? All I know is the Bible was given to us as a guide for righteous living, but He later sent Jesus to clarify some points and to cleanse everyone's sins. Jesus gave us two hard commandments - love God above everything else, and love your neighbor as yourself. The tricky part is knowing the difference between unconditional love and tough love.
Anyway, I would like to see these points addressed... especially the things in Leviticus already being ignored by holy leaders.
@@dedaband1207 Excellent comment. You can't not interpret the bible. Everyone who says that we should not interpret is doing just that.
Did anyone say they hate anyone?
I see conservative Methodists are more centrist rather than fundamentalist or "right wing." The new UMC is definitely progressive not centrist.
When pastor Daniel announced that the church was liberal, I said no. He said I'm in the minority. I said we can agree to disagree.
When you speak, I hear Pharisees, not Jesus. I hear derision, not self-sacrificing love. I was hoping we could all manage to get along within the denomination, but I wish you Godspeed.
No buckets. One story.
The. 2019 General Conference vote on St Louis may well be reaffirmed at next year s General Conference. Impossible? As a reminder , All things are possible with God. Belief/Opinion
What the goal of the liberals seeks to do is make us feel good about sin. After all it’s hard not to sin. And its hard to hate the sin and love the sinner as Christ did.
They just put in a liberal pastor at the UMC here in Waukegan on MC Cree.
I would like to see this in writing. I don't have time to watch these videos - they're too long.
Pastor Daniels sermon is on the internet from last Sunday if you don't believe me.
Thank you…
At 5:32 mark, you make the case for declaring that the bible is inerrant, otherwise fallen man will attempt to recreate the bible in our image.
They are trying to push out the bible-based members. It's not just the pastors.
Seemed to me he wanted to get rid of people that are bible-based, Including members of the church.
Believing The Bible includes all ,includes..all of God s Words.
It's worse than you thought. They're going after bible-based Christians.
The bible never was and never should be a static text. It lacks univocality, and much of its scripture was written in specific, worldly contexts that do not match the world in which we now live and operate. Interpretation, teaching, and discussion are essential to ancient Judaism, Jesus, and the early Christian church upon which Christianity was founded. Holding any one verse as being higher in purpose or standing than the calling to "Love God and love your neighbor as yourself" is going against the words of Jesus.
I want to go to a bible-based church.
If you stand with the Apostle Paul, you probably don't want to hear from me since I am a woman and expected to stay silent. I assume that you won't allow women to speak in church much less be ordained as pastors.
Proof Eucharist is body of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary is his mother.
48I am the bread of life.
49Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died;z
50this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die.
51I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.”a
52The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us [his] flesh to eat?”
53Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.
54Whoever eats* my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.
55For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
56Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.
57Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.b
58This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever.”
Eucharistic miracle..
ua-cam.com/video/soCkftBBsBo/v-deo.html (medical reports-living heart tissue, blood type AB)
ua-cam.com/video/oogJ-cdi7yI/v-deo.html (Rome Reports)
ua-cam.com/video/whbzLYi7cyc/v-deo.html (Lanciano)
ua-cam.com/video/PvxTDAVypxs/v-deo.html (levitating eucharist)
Incorruptible bodies of saints due to the Eucharist - only happens in the Catholic church. No other religion has this miracle
ua-cam.com/video/GSCk0qs-2-M/v-deo.html (Padre Pio)
ua-cam.com/video/XCDBekAQ-FI/v-deo.html (Carlo Acutis)
Apparition of Virgin Mary
ua-cam.com/video/GQnKS7YUE7Q/v-deo.html (Virgin Mary apparition in Ivory Coast)
ua-cam.com/video/0PPGuMmn6TQ/v-deo.html (Virgin Mary statue moving)
ua-cam.com/video/tVU8bhbQInw/v-deo.html (Virgin Mary apparition in Egypt)
ua-cam.com/video/nMEWxRB-1dc/v-deo.html 1968 Egypt
ua-cam.com/video/8YR6INkTK7Q/v-deo.html (Miracle of the sun)
ua-cam.com/video/yF0_ysUivxE/v-deo.html (Miracle of the sun)
ua-cam.com/video/76qAMB3qUpA/v-deo.html Medjugorje Sun miracle on Easter Sunday
ua-cam.com/video/RyYNIulxIbc/v-deo.html Virgin Mary appears in Egypt & Spain-Eye Witnesses
Why not name the Bible "buckets" believing pastor? Adam Hamilton! His rejection of the authority of the Bible tops the list of many questions, though he's written books defining his misleading views, he refuses consider.
Paul called the heretics by name.
The pastor with the largest church in the denomination who had the buckets was Adam Hamilton, yes?
The pastor that wrote the book would be the pastor of the The church of the resurrection a United Methodist church Adam Hamilton stay as far away from there as you possibly can.
I don't disagree with your posotion entirely, but you should've gone further into how you justify the semi-despensationalist position the Methodists have had for 2 centuries, while selectively following Scripture. Female pastors (which I am fine with), for example.
Where were the Watchmen?
EVERY denomination interprets the Bible as they want it! One who says the Bible is "God's word" is entirely misinformed. The writings were of men, many inspired by God, but many are a work of documenting important historical events. Most were written many years after the actual events took place, but hopefully they are mostly accurate. Many of these are not really relevant, but were seen as important by the early Council that chose the writings of the Bible. Many other writings were available, but deemed not relevant enough to be in the Bible. I certainly don't want to be "taught" the Bible as a text. To follow the entirety of the Bible, is to partake in some very sketchy activities. As a Christian, I choose to adhere to the Gospels that relayed how and why Jesus came to the World to save and correct it. As a 30-year United Methodist, I have encountered NO Pastor or Bishop who teaches or preaches that we should not follow the ways of Jesus, who is our Redeemer, the second of the Trinity, and the Light to our world.
Do you still have women preachers in the global Methodist? If so, this is disobedience to the word of God. Most every church that starts down the line of liberlism begins with women preachers. Having women preachers is in total defiance to God's word. 1 Timothy 2:11-12, 1 Corinthians 14:34, 35, 1 Timothy 3:2
Global may not be having women preachers any more. I asked a district office in our area, and they told me an assuredly YES , "we are still having women preachers. "
This is one of the main reasons I cannot go global Methodist. This is total defiance to God's word. If we are going to line up with the WHOLE Word of God, we need to do just that. The entirety of scripture. It is hypocritical to take a stance on homosexuality & not a stance against women preachers. I pray & hope you can tell me Global Methodist is not having women preachers. Please reply with some information please on this issue. If there will be women preachers in Global Methodist, I cannot stay in this denomination any longer. I love our church, & I love the people in our church, but to me, God has given us a way out & time to come clean & line up with scripture on 100% of the issues. This is our time to act and get right, 100% all the way right. If we don't, then it's time to leave all together. We MUST stand on the WHOLE Word of God or in time This House is Going to Fall! Matthew 7:25-27
🙏❤️ All Glory & Praise to Almighty God.
So, I suppose you are calling Paul a heretic, he had women preaching and keeping the Way. The dominance of man passed when Jesus died for our sins, releasing us from the fear of the OT into the dawn of Grace. The woman, whether in marriage or in the pulpit is the "Ezer" of man, given rights to all things in Jesus. Preaching is one of those things. I used to believe in those ole stone throwing days but no more.
Paul writes in 1 Timothy 2:11-15 on this issue. Continue reading in chapter 3.
Overseer, pastor, bishop, elder, presbyter.....all of these titles are the same office- the Pastor (Preacher).
1 Timothy 3 women are disqualified from this office. Truly most men are disqualified from this office as well. The only men who are qualified are the ones who meet this criteria laid out by Paul.
1 Timothy 3:2 , a bishop must be a HUSBAND of one wife. A woman cannot be a HUSBAND.
You can't just look at chapter 3. You must read 1 Timothy chapter 2 , the whole letter that Paul wrote to Timothy. He says in vs 12, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man. God means what He says & says what He means.
The office of elder/overseer/bishop is different from the office of Deacon.
Phoebe was a servant. She did not have a position of authority over a man.
The best interpreter of scripture is scripture itself.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
No women preachers, but your Ok with openly gay preacher's then??
Will there be women pastors in the Global Methodist Church? In 1 Corinthians 14 Paul writes that women are to be silent in church. If women will be pastors in the GMC, how does the GMC reconcile that with 1 Corinthians 14? I really need to understand this....
Yes. The Corinthian church in particular was dealing with chaos and disorder from women priest from other pagan religions in the church particularly during “gatherings or services”. Paul affirms women leadership many times throughout his letters. So either he is contradicting himself OR we need to take a deeper look into the context of what was happening in 1 Corinthians 14 and why he made that comment. From what I have studied I gather he was addressing women within that particular church not every woman within the church of Christ.
I think it took a lot of gall to stay on the pulpit that the UMC is liberal. I'm not.
standing under the authority of the Bible is all well and good but who determines which version of the Bible you use? If you use the king James version you have to look back to the days were king James himself dictated many of the changes in the final version of that. Many of the modern translations are pet projects of evangelists. How do you know which version to look at. I will tell you that the way you look at it resolved is resolved by asking the Holy Spirit to guide you in whatever version you're looking at. .. ultimately your walk with God is a one on one with Jesus. So spending hours deliberating about which version of the Bible to use and which church to go to is utterly pointless. Lord wants us to use these last days to increase the number of people in his fold not argue among ourselves...
You will not find ANY translation that either equivocates about or denies the Deity of Jesus Christ (the Messiah).
Proverbs 16:31
God has not called me to be comfortable. He has called me to be obedient. I believe it is a mistake for myself to give up so easily on the UMC. JESUS DID NOT COME FOR THE HEALTHY. HE CAME FOR THE SICK. Please search your souls individually on this matter. God loves us all. Not all are obedient to the Holy Spirit or their own soul. Patience is encouraged.
Pastor Daniels on the internet, if you don't believe me. UMC-New Hope, Waukegan Illinois
I was the odd man out at church yesterday. Pastor Dan mentioned that up on the pulpit. There's more liberals than you!
You do realize that the problem with rejecting Biblical authority did NOT begin with ordaining homosexuals. It was very evident in ordaining women in even more direct opposition to Biblical commands. If you keep ordained women in the GMC you are just doomed and powerless hypocrites. If you are going to stand for tradition, stand for all of it. Otherwise you still are not Christians following Jesus.
@11:09 and ever since we've tried to return the favor. (of re-creatng God in man's image) Perfect!
What kind of microphone are you using. Our Pastor hates the over the ear-wrap around the face kind. Be specific if you can. thanks
Julie - 11 minutes-
Women of Faith : new name new branded. Not what I think it should continue to be. I in study
Sir...you are unfortunately mistaken ...you make statements that are not an accurate representation of the UMC.
The New Hope UMC church has a big gay pride flag hanging up on the wall as you go up the steps to the chapel.
It's not by the scriptures we apostles know that Jesus is the christ. We can hear his voice. However the people with the scriptures wanted him to go bye-bye. They were idolaters in a book club worshipping a character in their imagination they couldn't hear or see Jesus because they had their head down in a book
The same book Jesus had memorized and commanded his followers to follow, yes?
@@andyearnest449 some can hear his voice. But most are idolaters in a book club
@UA-cam Snaycc oh it's the word of God. It doesn't mean you know what you're doing with it just like the religious people that wanted Jesus to go bye-bye.
@UA-cam Snaycc the true meaning of scripture is only known to God. people only have interpretations
I hear a lot of attacking, and you saying I am the only one. Be careful of your pride, I'm pretty sure Jesus and the trinity is the only way. Next, If you're going to talk about someone then out them completely or don't say anything. Last, how many folks have you literally stoned today. I have sinned and need to learn how to put my rocks down.
Wi t h
First UMC church has a great big gay pride flag as you go up the steps to the chapel.
You can read scripture but can you hear God's voice? Or you just imagining the character in the story in your own imagination?
If you're idolizing the Bible you don't have the proper respect for literature. The gospel is hid to you.
Sounds like a lot of misinformation , so sad