@@atransarcticfox You have to start the black spring path as soon as possible. The moment it becomes available, cancel what you're doing and start it. This should probably let you take Krasnoyarsk, but if you still don't take them in time, you can bypass the focuses and go for someone else, like the PRC.
Omg yes, same here. Whenever folks ask me who they should play first, I always recommend the SBA; it's a simple Russian uni with basic mechanics but a really banger story & some possible deviation.
The war against the WRRF is nothing short of brutal, you have only one or two chances of encircling and destroying them, if you fail, they will grind you down until you run out of manpower. Equipment and fuel aren't much of a problem though, with all those factories you get you should be making every manpower point in your service count.
Somehow, when I heard this, it did feel good but it wasn’t at all the best. The one that I’ll always remember is when I, a major Hoi4 noob, reunited Russia with Sablin. Now that, that felt like the right ending.
What I love about this song for the SBA in TNO is so many other songs for unifiers, even the more blessed ones, have a forceful, prideful, or somber tone. This one however is nothing but pure, unadulterated joy. Nothing about an prideful movement or the despair which Russia would now face, but merely this is a Russia where people are just happy to be able to live in the moment with happiness, freedom, and dignity, expressed with a simple love song.
The Siberian Free Territory did *NOT* bring me here, I came here purely of my own free will and without any coercion from a state apparatus to be in solidarity with my anarchist brothers and sisters.
No it's not. It's a niche mod for a niche game, and the devs have stated that multiple times. TNO is in no way popular, and it's mostly the same people spamming the comments with "IM FROM TNO WHOLESOME 100 SABLERINO!11!"
English Transliteration: Chy ye v sviti molodytsya, Yak ta Handzya bilolytsya? Okh, skazhite, dobri lyudy, Shcho zi mnoyu teper bude? Okh, skazhite, dobri lyudy, Shcho zi mnoyu teper bude Handzya dushka, Handzya lyubka, Handzya myla, yak holubka. Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka, Handzya tsyatsya-molodychka. Yak na mene shchyro hlyane I yak stane shchebetaty Serdtse zh moe yak tsvit v'yane Sam ne znayu shcho diyaty Serdtse zh moe yak tsvit v'yane Sam ne znayu shcho diyaty Handzya dushka, Handzya lyubka, Handzya myla, yak holubka. Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka, Handzya tsyatsya-molodychka. Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka, Handzya tsyatsya-molodychka. Handzya moya, Handzya myla, Chym ty mene napoyila? Chy lyubystkom, chy charamy, Chy solodkymy rechamy? Chy lyubystkom, chy charamy, Chy solodkymy rechamy? Handzya dushka, Handzya lyubka, Handzya myla, yak holubka. Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka, Handzya tsyatsya-molodychka. Chy ye v sviti molodytsya, Yak ta Handzya bilolytsya? Okh, skazhite, dobri lyudy, Shcho zi mnoyu teper bude? Okh, skazhite Shcho zi mnoyu teper bude? Handzya dushka, Handzya lyubka, Handzya myla, yak holubka. Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka, Handzya tsyatsya-molodychka. Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka, Handzya molodychka. English Lyrics: Is there another young girl in this world With the face as pale as Handzya? Oh kind people tell me, What will be with me now? Oh kind people tell me, What will be with me now? Handzya my dear, Handzya my love, Handzya my sweet, how you are my dove. Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird, Handzya my demoiselle. When she looks at me sincerely - My heart wilts, like a flower. And when she talks I do not know what to do... And when she talks I do not know what to do... Handzya my dear, Handzya my love, Handzya my sweet, how you are my dove. Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird, Handzya my demoiselle. Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird, Handzya my demoiselle. My Handzya, my cute Handzya, What did you give me to drink? Love, magic, Or your sweet words? Love, magic, Or your sweet words? Handzya my dear, Handzya my love, Handzya my sweet, how you are my dove. Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird, Handzya my demoiselle. Is there another young girl in this world With the face as pale as Handzya? Oh kind people tell me, What will be with me now? Oh kind people, What will be with me now? Handzya my dear, Handzya my love, Handzya my sweet, how you are my dove. Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird, Handzya my demoiselle. Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird, Handzya my demoiselle.
I don't know why TNO chossed this song as the one for anarchist route. As far as I know, it's an ukranian folk song of the 1880s about a man who falls in love with a girl and wants her to love him back.
There are two different anthems you can get for the Siberian Black Army. You chose the libsoc path, the alternative is the despotist path where you give too much power to the Black Army. When you go down that route, you get "mother anarchy loves her sons". I would assume they chose this one due to it's very cheery attitude, concluding what is one of the most wholesome ways you can reunify Russia.
@@spaceboi231 I don't think so. Because then they would have added an even cherrier song for when Amur reunfies Russia! As that's one of the best endings.
1x: Nice little Russian tune 1.25x: Man I'm glad my Yeltsin game is going pretty well 1.5x: Why is that ominous black state in Russia growing? 1.75x: Who's this Makhno guy and why do I hear boss music? 2x: S I B E R I A N F R E E T E R R I T O R Y
This is a very popular Ukrainian folk song "Gandzya" (Gandzya is one of more than 70 Ukrainian variants of the female name Anna). There is no exact information about the authorship of the song. Perhaps the melody was written by the poet and composer Denis Bonkovsky in the mid-19th century. He was born on April 16, 1816 in the town of Voronovytsia, Bratslav district, Podillya province (now the village of Vinnytsia district, Vinnytsia region). Lived in Podillya. Bonkovsky's poetic and musical works were published in the 19th and 20th centuries. Author of the article "On the Music of Folk Songs" (1869), in which he described the peculiarities of Ukrainian musical folklore. Died in 1881 in Bogusav town of Kyiv province. The later melody of the song went up to the composition of the Soviet march “Cavalry Trot” by Bolshevik composer and organiser of Soviet military bands Semyon Chernetsky (1938).
I don't speak Ukrainian, but I do know the Cyrillic alphabet to some extent, and the lyrics posted in Ukrainian do not match up with the song. It took me a while but I think I found the correct lyrics...correct me if I'm wrong : Чи є в світі молодиця, Як та Гандзя білолиця? Ох, скажіте, добрі люди, Що зі мною тепер буде? Ох, скажіте, добрі люди, Що зі мною тепер буде Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка, Гандзя мила, як голубка. Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка, Гандзя цяця-молодичка. Як на мене щиро гляне І як стане щебетати сердце ж мое як цвіт в'яне Сам не знаю що діяти сердце ж мое як цвіт в'яне Сам не знаю що діяти Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка, Гандзя мила, як голубка. Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка, Гандзя цяця-молодичка. Гандзю моя, Гандзю мила, Чим ти мене напоїла? Чи любистком, чи чарами, Чи солодкими речами? Чи любистком, чи чарами, Чи солодкими речами? Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка, Гандзя мила, як голубка. Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка, Гандзя цяця-молодичка. Чи є в світі молодиця, Як та Гандзя білолиця? Ох, скажіте, добрі люди, Що зі мною тепер буде? Ох, скажіте Що зі мною тепер буде? Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка, Гандзя мила, як голубка. Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка, Гандзя цяця-молодичка. Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка, Гандзя молодичка.
Чи є в світі молодиця, Як та Гандзя білолиця? Ох, скажіте, добрі люди, Що зі мною тепер буде? Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка, Гандзя мила, як голубка. Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка, Гандзя цяця-молодичка. Гандзю моя, Гандзю мила, Чим ти мене напоїла? Чи любистком, чи чарами, Чи солодкими словами? Важка ж моя гірка доля, Знать, такая божа воля, Щоб ніченьки я не спав, За тобою пропадав! Чи я мало сходив вітру? Чи я мало бачив цвіту? Чим калина найкрасніша? Чому Гандзя наймиліша? Як на мене щиро гляне - Серце моє, як цвіт в'яне, А як стане щебетати - Сам не знаю, що діяти... Де ж ти, Гандзю, вродилася? Де ж ти чарів навчилася? Шо, як глянеш ти очима, - Аж заплачу, як дитина! Гандзю, серце-молодичко! Яке ж в тебе гарне личко. І губоньки, і оченьки, І ніженьки, і рученьки! Гандзю, котку, не цурайся Та на волю божу здайся, Пригорнись до серця мого Та не вважай ні на кого! Коли ж така твоя воля, Щоб ти мене не любила, Лучче ж мені така доля, Щоб злюбила мя могила.
I do not currently speak good Cyrilic and Slavic (Russian), but I am native Greek. And as the Cyrillic comes from the ancient Greek Alexandrians' reform, I can easily get it I feel!! My grandmo was speaking as she came from Russia but she had just taught a few words since she died when I was young :(
Oh I thought it did not sound Russian... Ukrainian it is... well... Still understand perfectly, even though Russian is not even my native language. ^^;
Those are some lyrics i found but i can't translate them and nor can google translate apparently. It doesn't seem to be about Staling killing his troops and it is an Urkainian folk song. ҐАНДЗЯ Чи є в свiтi молодиця, Як та Гандзя бiлолиця? Ой скажiте, добpi люди, Що зi мною тепеp буде? Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка, Гандзя мила, як голубка, Гандзя pибка, Гандзя птичка, Гандзя - цяця молодичка! Гандзю моя, Гандзю мила, Чим ти мене напоїла: Чи любистком, чи чаpами, Чи солодкими словами? Важка моя, гipка доля, Знать, такая божа воля, Щоб нiченьки я не спав, За тобою пpопадав! Чи я мало сходив свiту, Чи я мало бачив цвiту, Чом калина найкpаснiша, Чому Гандзя наймилiша? Як на мене щиpо гляне, Сеpце моє, як цвiт, в’яне, А як стане щебетати, Сам не знаю, що дiяти! Де ж ти, Гандзю, вpодилася, Де ж ти чаpiв навчилася, Що як глянеш ти очима, То заплачу, як дитина! Гандзю, сеpце-молодичко, Яке ж твоє гаpне личко, I губоньки, i оченьки, I нiженьки, i pученьки! Гандзю, котку, не цуpайся Та на божу волю здайся, Пpигоpнись до сеpця мого Та не зважай нi на кого. Коли ж така твоя воля, Щоб ти мене не любила, Лучче ж менi така доля, Щоб злюбила мя могила!
True. Both are based off the original Church Slavonic language, so I guess if I learn Slavonic, I can easily learn almost any Eastern European language.
Where can i find this image you have on your video? I know this is the Proletariat Planet of the Soviet Union but i never find it like this i really like it please tell me.
Is there another young girl in this world With the face as pale as Handzya? Oh kind people tell me, What will be with me now? Handzya my dear, Handzya my love, Handzya my sweet, how you are my dove. Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird, Handzya my knob-demoiselle. My Handzya, my cute Handzya What did you give me to drink Loveage tee, your charm, Or your sweet words? My bitter fate is heavy, It must be God’s will for me not to sleep nights I love and suffer for you! Or was I not wandering around for long enough? Or I haven’t seen enough of the world? Isn't viburnum berries the reddest ones Isn't Handzya the cutest one? When she looks at me sincerely - My heart wilts, like a flower. And when she talks I do not know what to do...1 Where were you born Handzya? Where did you learn how to charm? Oh, how you look at me with your eyes - I start crying like a child! Handzya, my moonlit heart! Handzya, your face is the most beautiful one And your lips, and your face And legs, hands, and arms and feet! Handzya, don’t be a shy cat But God decided to give up on freedom, He bent down upon my heart And don’t believe anyone else but me! If your will, is not to love me, Then my fate would rather be, To my own grave lyricstranslate.com/uk/gandzia-gandzia.html
I mean we need more nice people like you, didn't mean anything rude, was trying to complement you on your behavior, also ignore my username, I have no idea how this got this way.
My first game in TNO was with siberian black army. Best experience ever. This song will always remain in my head as the absolute victory
How the hell do you win as them? In my game Tomsk always declares war on what I need to, and I just can't take anything over.
@@atransarcticfox You have to start the black spring path as soon as possible. The moment it becomes available, cancel what you're doing and start it. This should probably let you take Krasnoyarsk, but if you still don't take them in time, you can bypass the focuses and go for someone else, like the PRC.
Omg yes, same here. Whenever folks ask me who they should play first, I always recommend the SBA; it's a simple Russian uni with basic mechanics but a really banger story & some possible deviation.
Also people's nuke
@@squifftopher also people clapping to the song in the end
2:05 If youre here for Siberian free territory
We're all here for that companion.. it looks like anarchy mother really loves her sons, huh?
@@VolkorelArgili Indeed, it does indeed look like it.
Congratulations on your victory
What is that?
When you defeat Tukhachevsky's WRRF with an anarchist militia by running around his army with a swarm of motorised cavarly.
The war against the WRRF is nothing short of brutal, you have only one or two chances of encircling and destroying them, if you fail, they will grind you down until you run out of manpower. Equipment and fuel aren't much of a problem though, with all those factories you get you should be making every manpower point in your service count.
@Podlasianin 303 if you don't mind leaving sections of the frontline unmanned, it is viable
Lol, if Tukh reunite West Russia in my games, I just restart it again and again
This exact scenario happened w/ me and I obliterated him. He Only had ~40 units
if tukhachevsky united west russia id probably tag switch to him because damn i aint gonna fight my man tukhachevsky
Companions, I have but one request.
"Please clap!"
2:08 if you hear this after uniting Russia as the SBA it feels like you have achived the perfect ending
Somehow, when I heard this, it did feel good but it wasn’t at all the best. The one that I’ll always remember is when I, a major Hoi4 noob, reunited Russia with Sablin. Now that, that felt like the right ending.
You mean 2:05
@@glist000 I don't speak Russian
@@glist000 Ah, I see
@@unknownentity3383 everyone knows that Humanist Tomsk is by far the best ending, though Sablin and the Black Army come close
The Siberian Free Territory brought me here
Good job comr..companion
No Gods No Masters
Hmmmmm, today i will coup the free territory to install a military dictatorship.
G’morning and g’night to you Companion! Have a nice day.
@@SherbertHusky the best ending sentence.
This song is such a banger tho
What I love about this song for the SBA in TNO is so many other songs for unifiers, even the more blessed ones, have a forceful, prideful, or somber tone. This one however is nothing but pure, unadulterated joy. Nothing about an prideful movement or the despair which Russia would now face, but merely this is a Russia where people are just happy to be able to live in the moment with happiness, freedom, and dignity, expressed with a simple love song.
What is it, literally free SBA and kadets Vlad that actually just have a purely happy song?
@@gandzia1555I’d like to think this is the people within the SBA singing a love song about life under their new “regime” so to speak
Sablin's is a lot like this one when it comes to mood too IMO.
@@ricebro7044 not really, that one has some somber undertones
In this harsh and tough world, yes love only love can be the oaths on the common charter.
No gods or master
Mother anarchy truly love her son!!!
The Siberian Free Territory did *NOT* bring me here, I came here purely of my own free will and without any coercion from a state apparatus to be in solidarity with my anarchist brothers and sisters.
Hmmm, are you *SURE* about that
@@shukshinite 𝗪𝗛𝗢 knows
@@Green-impostooorr i'm *REALLY* sure it was that
Hahaha 😆😁😂👍
Communism is not anarchy though
wait a second
*shukshin what are you doing here*
The best ending of Russia.
Its ukrainian song about love, nothing related with communism. The guy just sings about how is his girlfriend is perfect, attractive, cute, etc.
Those clap are too perfect.
Blessed ending
I have a feeling that TNO is famous now...
I hope I was right, it's a great mod
The Russian Reunification Video alone has close to 200k views
@@matcauthon9669 Make that 430k not including the updated version lol
No it's not. It's a niche mod for a niche game, and the devs have stated that multiple times. TNO is in no way popular, and it's mostly the same people spamming the comments with "IM FROM TNO WHOLESOME 100 SABLERINO!11!"
@@ziongarner4485 this aged well
English Transliteration:
Chy ye v sviti molodytsya,
Yak ta Handzya bilolytsya?
Okh, skazhite, dobri lyudy,
Shcho zi mnoyu teper bude?
Okh, skazhite, dobri lyudy,
Shcho zi mnoyu teper bude
Handzya dushka, Handzya lyubka,
Handzya myla, yak holubka.
Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka,
Handzya tsyatsya-molodychka.
Yak na mene shchyro hlyane
I yak stane shchebetaty
Serdtse zh moe yak tsvit v'yane
Sam ne znayu shcho diyaty
Serdtse zh moe yak tsvit v'yane
Sam ne znayu shcho diyaty
Handzya dushka, Handzya lyubka,
Handzya myla, yak holubka.
Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka,
Handzya tsyatsya-molodychka.
Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka,
Handzya tsyatsya-molodychka.
Handzya moya, Handzya myla,
Chym ty mene napoyila?
Chy lyubystkom, chy charamy,
Chy solodkymy rechamy?
Chy lyubystkom, chy charamy,
Chy solodkymy rechamy?
Handzya dushka, Handzya lyubka,
Handzya myla, yak holubka.
Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka,
Handzya tsyatsya-molodychka.
Chy ye v sviti molodytsya,
Yak ta Handzya bilolytsya?
Okh, skazhite, dobri lyudy,
Shcho zi mnoyu teper bude?
Okh, skazhite
Shcho zi mnoyu teper bude?
Handzya dushka, Handzya lyubka,
Handzya myla, yak holubka.
Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka,
Handzya tsyatsya-molodychka.
Handzya rybka, Handzya ptychka,
Handzya molodychka.
English Lyrics:
Is there another young girl in this world
With the face as pale as Handzya?
Oh kind people tell me,
What will be with me now?
Oh kind people tell me,
What will be with me now?
Handzya my dear, Handzya my love,
Handzya my sweet, how you are my dove.
Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird,
Handzya my demoiselle.
When she looks at me sincerely -
My heart wilts, like a flower.
And when she talks
I do not know what to do...
And when she talks
I do not know what to do...
Handzya my dear, Handzya my love,
Handzya my sweet, how you are my dove.
Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird,
Handzya my demoiselle.
Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird,
Handzya my demoiselle.
My Handzya, my cute Handzya,
What did you give me to drink?
Love, magic,
Or your sweet words?
Love, magic,
Or your sweet words?
Handzya my dear, Handzya my love,
Handzya my sweet, how you are my dove.
Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird,
Handzya my demoiselle.
Is there another young girl in this world
With the face as pale as Handzya?
Oh kind people tell me,
What will be with me now?
Oh kind people,
What will be with me now?
Handzya my dear, Handzya my love,
Handzya my sweet, how you are my dove.
Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird,
Handzya my demoiselle.
Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird,
Handzya my demoiselle.
big ups to u
thank u
Thank you for translation, companion
@Kameraad - did you use lyricstranslate.com to look it up? The website has it completely wrong and most of the verses aren’t mentioned in this video.
thank you for this english transliteration of Gandzia by Red Army Choir
Thank you!🖤
Seems like Mother Anarchy loves her sons
Indeed comrade
such a happy sounding song.
At long last, true freedom
I don't know why TNO chossed this song as the one for anarchist route. As far as I know, it's an ukranian folk song of the 1880s about a man who falls in love with a girl and wants her to love him back.
There are two different anthems you can get for the Siberian Black Army. You chose the libsoc path, the alternative is the despotist path where you give too much power to the Black Army. When you go down that route, you get "mother anarchy loves her sons". I would assume they chose this one due to it's very cheery attitude, concluding what is one of the most wholesome ways you can reunify Russia.
@@spaceboi231 I don't think so. Because then they would have added an even cherrier song for when Amur reunfies Russia! As that's one of the best endings.
@@directorsupremodelriodelap6422 cringe
@@vwem1237 That's not a very nice thing to say.
@@directorsupremodelriodelap6422 stfu fash boy
The most beautiful song I’ve ever heard
Every positive anarchy state in HOI4 mod: exist
Its super event music: Gandzya
Also that one leftist futurist Ukraine path in Red Flood
What a beautiful love song ^^
1:42 *Atlast, Siberia is free from centralized government tyranny.*
Mother Anarchy loves her sons
2:08 - the reunification of the Russia,with Siberian anarhists in TNO
Authority? Obilterated
Russia? Decentralised
Security Council? Pacified
Yep, it's Gandzia time
The plap plap plap sounds make the song even better
1x: Nice little Russian tune
1.25x: Man I'm glad my Yeltsin game is going pretty well
1.5x: Why is that ominous black state in Russia growing?
1.75x: Who's this Makhno guy and why do I hear boss music?
2x: S I B E R I A N F R E E T E R R I T O R Y
its so blissfull in terms of pacing and composition I love it so much
Yuri is proud of you!
This is a very popular Ukrainian folk song "Gandzya" (Gandzya is one of more than 70 Ukrainian variants of the female name Anna).
There is no exact information about the authorship of the song. Perhaps the melody was written by the poet and composer Denis Bonkovsky in the mid-19th century.
He was born on April 16, 1816 in the town of Voronovytsia, Bratslav district, Podillya province (now the village of Vinnytsia district, Vinnytsia region). Lived in Podillya.
Bonkovsky's poetic and musical works were published in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Author of the article "On the Music of Folk Songs" (1869), in which he described the peculiarities of Ukrainian musical folklore.
Died in 1881 in Bogusav town of Kyiv province.
The later melody of the song went up to the composition of the Soviet march “Cavalry Trot” by Bolshevik composer and organiser of Soviet military bands Semyon Chernetsky (1938).
Clap clap clap clap clap!!!!!
1:42 porn for ears has started
Very nice. Have that particular collection. Big fan of their music, and I'm American.
Mother Anarchy Loves Her Sons
Glory to the Siberian Free Territory.
TNO is the best Hoi4 mod without doubt.
Man, that guy has a nice set of pipes!
I once had a dream where a Siamese cat sang this.
All your dreams have meanings
The Siberian Black Army has unified Russia!
I don't speak Ukrainian, but I do know the Cyrillic alphabet to some extent, and the lyrics posted in Ukrainian do not match up with the song. It took me a while but I think I found the correct lyrics...correct me if I'm wrong :
Чи є в світі молодиця,
Як та Гандзя білолиця?
Ох, скажіте, добрі люди,
Що зі мною тепер буде?
Ох, скажіте, добрі люди,
Що зі мною тепер буде
Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка,
Гандзя мила, як голубка.
Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка,
Гандзя цяця-молодичка.
Як на мене щиро гляне
І як стане щебетати
сердце ж мое як цвіт в'яне
Сам не знаю що діяти
сердце ж мое як цвіт в'яне
Сам не знаю що діяти
Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка,
Гандзя мила, як голубка.
Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка,
Гандзя цяця-молодичка.
Гандзю моя, Гандзю мила,
Чим ти мене напоїла?
Чи любистком, чи чарами,
Чи солодкими речами?
Чи любистком, чи чарами,
Чи солодкими речами?
Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка,
Гандзя мила, як голубка.
Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка,
Гандзя цяця-молодичка.
Чи є в світі молодиця,
Як та Гандзя білолиця?
Ох, скажіте, добрі люди,
Що зі мною тепер буде?
Ох, скажіте
Що зі мною тепер буде?
Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка,
Гандзя мила, як голубка.
Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка,
Гандзя цяця-молодичка.
Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка,
Гандзя молодичка.
Спасибо большое!!
Is this song about a girl! That's what it makes me think of, of being young and in love.
Спасибо большое! Я это искал!
My grandpa who came from serbia taught me the cryllic alphabet. So I can read it unlike everyone here in canada
@@Aaron.T2005 not Serbia, Yougoslavia ✊🏻 (did u understand the joke?)
Чи є в світі молодиця,
Як та Гандзя білолиця?
Ох, скажіте, добрі люди,
Що зі мною тепер буде?
Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка,
Гандзя мила, як голубка.
Гандзя рибка, Гандзя птичка,
Гандзя цяця-молодичка.
Гандзю моя, Гандзю мила,
Чим ти мене напоїла?
Чи любистком, чи чарами,
Чи солодкими словами?
Важка ж моя гірка доля,
Знать, такая божа воля,
Щоб ніченьки я не спав,
За тобою пропадав!
Чи я мало сходив вітру?
Чи я мало бачив цвіту?
Чим калина найкрасніша?
Чому Гандзя наймиліша?
Як на мене щиро гляне -
Серце моє, як цвіт в'яне,
А як стане щебетати -
Сам не знаю, що діяти...
Де ж ти, Гандзю, вродилася?
Де ж ти чарів навчилася?
Шо, як глянеш ти очима, -
Аж заплачу, як дитина!
Гандзю, серце-молодичко!
Яке ж в тебе гарне личко.
І губоньки, і оченьки,
І ніженьки, і рученьки!
Гандзю, котку, не цурайся
Та на волю божу здайся,
Пригорнись до серця мого
Та не вважай ні на кого!
Коли ж така твоя воля,
Щоб ти мене не любила,
Лучче ж мені така доля,
Щоб злюбила мя могила.
I do not currently speak good Cyrilic and Slavic (Russian), but I am native Greek. And as the Cyrillic comes from the ancient Greek Alexandrians' reform, I can easily get it I feel!! My grandmo was speaking as she came from Russia but she had just taught a few words since she died when I was young :(
Oh I thought it did not sound Russian... Ukrainian it is... well... Still understand perfectly, even though Russian is not even my native language. ^^;
I love that song. It's in Ukrainian
When you realise this is actually Ukrainian, but you comment "Spacibo!" On a comment with the lyrics...
Then comment it "dyakuyu" :)
Thank you friend, it means alot! If well all did learn something about eachother, we may make this world better.
2:05 TNO moment
TNO Anarkiddie moment
A bright future, not only for Russia but for the world.
This is a Ukrainian song!
@@mysticallightning2655 и что?
Сомневаюсь что "мать анархия" сможет победить Германию в TNO
@@glist000 Germania will probably collapse on its own.
Hello, what is your favorite faction in 40k?
No Gods! No Masters!
We have to watch an ad before listening to this? Or pay to not have ads? Lenin would NOT be happy.
100% made by one of Mother Anarchy’s beloved sons.
Makhno isn't pleased
It is understandable that our anarchist friends here are a little on the edge.
@@tzeentchnianexaltedsorcero2041 Statist fools
@@matthewssilva4781 as long as you are not "an" cap, all anarchists are based.
References aside, this is a fun song
Jakie to kurwa dobre
chuje z nieba lecą !!!!!
bo to Gandzia xD Smoke Weed Every dDay 420
I'm slovak, but even though ur speaking polish I understand you. You said this song is "f****** good
Ja myślałam że gdzieś zabłądziłam jak tytuł zobaczyłam
@@hamulcowa heh ja też, ale fajna piosenka
1:42 best part
I just love to listen to this song when I’m feeling blue. After listening, I feel very happy and, well... Красный…
Russia Free territory's moment!
It feels weird without the claps
Long live mother and her sons
feeling happy though respect from assyria
I am Russian, and I could not find any lyrics online. Ukranian is very similar to Russian, and I can make out most words, it's not what's online.
whats does mean gandzia? by the way?
Just a name
+KhanGirey a female name or masculine?
KhanGirey same here
Those are some lyrics i found but i can't translate them and nor can google translate apparently. It doesn't seem to be about Staling killing his troops and it is an Urkainian folk song.
Чи є в свiтi молодиця,
Як та Гандзя бiлолиця?
Ой скажiте, добpi люди,
Що зi мною тепеp буде?
Гандзя душка, Гандзя любка,
Гандзя мила, як голубка,
Гандзя pибка, Гандзя птичка,
Гандзя - цяця молодичка!
Гандзю моя, Гандзю мила,
Чим ти мене напоїла:
Чи любистком, чи чаpами,
Чи солодкими словами?
Важка моя, гipка доля,
Знать, такая божа воля,
Щоб нiченьки я не спав,
За тобою пpопадав!
Чи я мало сходив свiту,
Чи я мало бачив цвiту,
Чом калина найкpаснiша,
Чому Гандзя наймилiша?
Як на мене щиpо гляне,
Сеpце моє, як цвiт, в’яне,
А як стане щебетати,
Сам не знаю, що дiяти!
Де ж ти, Гандзю, вpодилася,
Де ж ти чаpiв навчилася,
Що як глянеш ти очима,
То заплачу, як дитина!
Гандзю, сеpце-молодичко,
Яке ж твоє гаpне личко,
I губоньки, i оченьки,
I нiженьки, i pученьки!
Гандзю, котку, не цуpайся
Та на божу волю здайся,
Пpигоpнись до сеpця мого
Та не зважай нi на кого.
Коли ж така твоя воля,
Щоб ти мене не любила,
Лучче ж менi така доля,
Щоб злюбила мя могила!
ASDF it is kind of though, it was written as a satire of the stalinistic period, but of course after he was six feet under ;)
It's a love song. Although well... "what are you going to feed me with - love, magic or sweet words?"
Satiric, but a love song.
Man they got good music back then
We need more people like you, kind friendly, not hating people for having their own opinion (
I came here to support the free territories everywhere.
POV: Siberian Black Army shown everyone what REAL communism is
Toto je moje nejoblíbenější verze písně, spolu s provedením Kvitky Cisyk. Ale je také mnoho jiných krásných verzí, každý máme odlišný hudební vkus.
Sensacional esse som
Espetacular coral do exército vermelho
Ninguém liga pro exército vermelho o bagulho é o exército negro da Sibéria
Marry christmas
Чертовски хорошо
TNO superevent music
Это просто здорово. Теперь мои уши болят!
@@BlokStraregy4 много раз слушал видимо
@@BlokStraregy4 а может из-за украинского
@@luden6794 может
thats my song when i go working morning
Am I only who isn't here because of TNO, but because of good music?
I'm from total war mod
TBH it sounds like some music from a Christmas movie.
True. Both are based off the original Church Slavonic language, so I guess if I learn Slavonic, I can easily learn almost any Eastern European language.
Where can i find this image you have on your video? I know this is the Proletariat Planet of the Soviet Union but i never find it like this i really like it please tell me.
You can take a screenshot.
@@user-uy4om4vt5l 😂😂 ladies and gentlemen, the comment of the year 😂👏🏻
The cruel world took them, but history hard to hide these days. Xx
Shut the fuck up boomer
Well done !!
Russian Free Territory Gang
0:00 to 0:01 would make a pretty good sound effect
I live down the street from a Ukrainian neighborhood, I'm sure this was played at a festival. Could be wrong, though.
I just looked on lyrics zoo. Both songs are the same according to it. so someone screwed up.
Fun fact: there are more anarchists than communists here.
Good, no vanguards nor parties, only free people!
clapping is missing
I am like that, friend!
This song fits perfectly with a disney movie song xD
And the lyrics too!! A beautiful love song
1:20 "She wees"
Is there another young girl in this world
With the face as pale as Handzya?
Oh kind people tell me,
What will be with me now?
Handzya my dear, Handzya my love,
Handzya my sweet, how you are my dove.
Handzya my fish, Handzya my bird,
Handzya my knob-demoiselle.
My Handzya, my cute Handzya
What did you give me to drink
Loveage tee, your charm,
Or your sweet words?
My bitter fate is heavy,
It must be God’s will
for me not to sleep nights
I love and suffer for you!
Or was I not wandering around for long enough?
Or I haven’t seen enough of the world?
Isn't viburnum berries the reddest ones
Isn't Handzya the cutest one?
When she looks at me sincerely -
My heart wilts, like a flower.
And when she talks
I do not know what to do...1
Where were you born Handzya?
Where did you learn how to charm?
Oh, how you look at me with your eyes -
I start crying like a child!
Handzya, my moonlit heart!
Handzya, your face is the most beautiful one
And your lips, and your face
And legs, hands, and arms and feet!
Handzya, don’t be a shy cat
But God decided to give up on freedom,
He bent down upon my heart
And don’t believe anyone else but me!
If your will,
is not to love me,
Then my fate would rather be,
To my own grave
but in the lyrics i looked up it called Stalin a brute, the red army choir wouldn't do that even under de-stalinization, would they?
they are not for this song
I mean we need more nice people like you, didn't mean anything rude, was trying to complement you on your behavior, also ignore my username, I have no idea how this got this way.
This is like the Red army version of the Troll song :D
The troll song actually originated in Russia
Sounds like "March Trot - Trabmarsch"
My friend! I believe it's true they simply borrowed the lyrics from THIS song.
Я ничего не понимаю, но мне нравится
How can I say, they may or not do that things.