Lenora’s Story: Osteoporosis and Fractures | Osteoporosis Program | Video



  • @vivianspringer5142
    @vivianspringer5142 Місяць тому

    I'm wondering, just surgey for Lenora? Im researching what to do after jyst finding out an Osteoporosis diagnosis. My Endocrinologist ordered Prolia shots for me to start through an Oncologist. That alone scared me. But, just a few weeks later, Im dealing with pain in my neck and spine. I gyess ill call back and go for the 1st shot now. Then try to join an exercise group...doing my version. I feel just getting out will start a better outcome. Then I will go swimming this summer with my Sister in her community pool for that kind of exercise. A little natural Vitamin D too. But, i hope ti get on the proper supplements too. Not sure my body absorbs after a Gastric Bypass years ago, then also been on Ozempic for a couple of years. So, much for being thin! My A1C stays good, but could this all have contributed to cause my Osteoporosis? Too late now. I'll just have to pray I can keep getting up daily to take care of my Husband who is a 100% Disabled Veteran. I'm 70 & and he's 75. My Parents are 92! We'll see... 🙏

  • @proudmarinemomma827
    @proudmarinemomma827 4 роки тому +3

    I am 49 with osteoporosis. I had a full hysterectomy in my early 30’s and because of a huge cancer risk, I was only on estradiol for a year. I have asthma and MS and have had to take large amount of steroids. Hence, why I have osteoporosis. I had taken fosamax but my orthopedic surgeon stated that my primary doctor should have put me on something else because I had already had osteoporosis. I’m starting on tymlos, so I guess we will see how it works for me. I’m a little concerned about it causing tachycardia, as I’m on metoprolol for tachycardia already. Maybe my meds will help keep my heart rate down.....not sure but I guess we’ll see. These meds can also cause bone cancer, so it’s all a bit scary. Not sure what else to do though. I’ve also had many, many ortho surgeries on bilateral knees (including TKA), Achilles’ tendon and cervical spine. I have falls sometimes because of the MS and all of the knee problems.

    • @sheezdaone
      @sheezdaone 4 роки тому +1

      Lori, I’m curious, have you started on the Tymlos yet? Today is 1/27/20 I was diagnosed osteoporosis in 2003 when I was 40, it has progressed and is extremely painful, today my rheumatologist wants To start me on Tymlos, Big scare for me also was ‘bone cancer?! like SERIOUSLY!? hope you get this and let me know if you Have experienced any side effects? Thx .

    • @sheezdaone
      @sheezdaone 4 роки тому +1

      Lori, I’m curious, have you started on the Tymlos yet? Today is 1/27/20 I was diagnosed osteoporosis in 2003 when I was 40, it has progressed and is extremely painful, today my rheumatologist wants To start me on Tymlos, Big scare for me also was ‘bone cancer?! like SERIOUSLY!? hope you get this and let me know if you Have experienced any side effects? Thx .

    • @sheezdaone
      @sheezdaone 4 роки тому

      Hey Lori! Thx for replying ! Dear Lord! You are certainly going thru allot😕I’m so sorry Lori 😔I truly am. Your already experiencing Bone Pain!? Yes, when I was shockingly diagnosed with,I’ll call it in short, OP ;/ in 2003 I was put on a biphosphinate’ Actonel’ caused me severe tummy issues, so I discontinued it, wasn’t on it for long! I was being told I had all kinds of discouraging things, while grieving the quick loss of my mother at the same time. My hands and eyes[ iritis) are killing me today , have Osteoarthritis and neuropathy(tho not diabetic) Is it ok to maybe contact you in another form? Easier for me, or I can chat on here tomorrow?

    • @sheezdaone
      @sheezdaone 4 роки тому

      Lucia Pille hi Lucia! I myself have decided against this medication, is too dangerous for me, when you see on the label first thing bone cancer, something to definitely stay away from, you were diagnosed around the age I was, takes decades to develop osteoporosis, it has reached a point to where it’s become extremely painful presently because it is progressing, degenerative joint disc disease and other issues with my bones etc., then Sjogren’s disease( which I never heard of) autoimmune disorder in 2018, My numbers are 4.5 at this point, when diagnosed it was 3.5 already in the red, do you know your numbers?

    • @merewoman8205
      @merewoman8205 3 роки тому +1

      Hi Lori,
      I am an active 77 gal, super active, just started Tymlos in preparation for complete remodel of my vertebra (rib cage to S1) in the Spring at Mayo
      I went off milk, sugars and went on strict Keto diet. In three weeks have had amazing results. My eye checkup test results,, reading 2 lines better than last year,, I can see better. They also took my BP (I was late, no parking, had to run 1/2 block away), 132/70, had been off BP med for 10 days.
      I am off reflux meds with no issues. I eat 70% fat, 20% protein, 10 (Keto) carbs. I am very suspicious of Big Pharma,, and may Not continue Tymlos as it an unnatural bone builder in favor of Great Nutrition Keto style. Cut Processed Foods and Oils. Bad processed oils are better used in your car engine and not your body. Diann

  • @lisamarie9823
    @lisamarie9823 Рік тому +1

    How are you doing in 2022?