Oh god… it just clicked. It just clicked. I’m brushing the kitchen floor and it just… clicked. A piece I didn’t even know I was missing from my understanding. Thank you to the lady asking this question that led to the conversation. Thank you so much 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Rupert is not awareness. Rupert is consciousness. Rupert is a someone conscious of himself, a person, being, self, living a life. he exists! awareness is a brain muscle.
You´re using words in a different way; Rupert does not refer by awareness to a brain muscle. Context is everything in understanding what somebody means when talking about these matters.
+nimim. Marko Mikkilä he doesnt need to refer awareness to any other shit. awareness is a brain muscle. this is simple neuroscience and FmRI proven. there is nothing we can do about it. What we are is subjective consciousness.
«Nobody has ever, or could ever, experience a feeling of not being aware. Even if you had an experience of not being aware somebody, or something, must be there to recognize it [para-phrased]» This is so true and so awesome. Death, as we are being taught in schools and by our parents, then can not be what we think it is. In other words, I can not *not* have an experience of being dead.
As much as I respect your decision to call others ' Guru ' or any such titles , I also want to bring your attention to the fact that there is some known factor within you that was able to express such feelings ! Who or what that was ?!! That is your Real higher or deeper guide , teacher , guru or whatever ! The outer is always a projection of your inner awareness ! Something in you was able to pick or sort out that which is outside . That ' something ' is your reality !! ( Just sharing my experience ! ) Ravi Pp . I am writing this post at a very weird time ! I was in deep sleep ! suddenly I got up to write ! Sorry , dear friend , am going to sleep ! It is nearly 4 AM ! Wondering which part or who is doing this !! Good morning !!
Amarjit Singh. Dhaliwal. Sir, whatever we pursue ardently, and go deeper, the eternal light guide us; this is a fact that i`ve experienced over a period. What little I know has come through ages and countless lifeforms, a progression over the un fathomable time. Our brain cells need rest for regeneration, we usually get it over sleep. But meditation brings a more sustainable rest for the brain and that helps for minimising sleeping time. Five yrs back , I had considered that waking up and starting day from 4` in the morn, was beyond me. But My quest for reality took me to `Acharya `PRADYUMNA JI MAHARAJ` of the Divya yoga Gurukul at Haridwar, who conduct regular classes over the Upanishads and the insightful literatures of Vedanta. He is an exponent of Sanskrit. And the best available on these days.The live telecast from 4` in the morn, through `Sanskar Channel is a unique one of its type. The best service one can give to humanity is to help one realise the inside story of Life, thats divine and eternal. Those who experience this light is indeed the chosen ones ! Allow me to intrude later !!
Sleep being the absence of thought...the gap, awareness. Perfect analogy of what we are reaching for while awake. The absence of thought between words or thoughts while awake...the gap, awareness.
As painful as this is, this conversation gave me so much understanding!!! How do we know we are sleeping!! That got me! There must be something that knows we are sleeping, otherwise we wouldn't know we were asleep! Consciousness ( awareness) Watches us sleep!
Que clareza extraordinária ❤️🔥💎❤️🔥 Gratidão profunda e eterna, Rupert Spira e a todos que possibilitam ter acesso a está grandiosa sabedoria❤️🔥💎 ❤️🔥 Rupert Spira vem fazendo uma enorme diferença em minha vida num momento crucial❤️🔥💎❤️🔥
I am the witnessing presence of awareness, which is aware of this woman's beautiful English accent. I am aware that this voice is made from awareness and that there is no distance between me, awareness, and this voice, which is also awareness. We are one. What an absolutely beautiful accent this questioner has.
I have had the same thought about awareness and deep sleep. Many thanks for the question. As ever Rupert answers so clearly, it is watching an artist at work
I had the experience of awareness without objects when I got disconnected from this reality. I also remember monitoring my mother's pregnancy while I was in the womb. My awareness used to feel every sensation and feelings of my mother. I knew that I wasn't my body. I still can't find the right word to describe who we really are. Some people call it awareness, soul, consciousness ect. The weird thing about this is how I was completely aware even though I was a baby in my mother's womb.
What Rupert says in the face of this discrepancy that most of us have between the notion of ever present, infinite consciousness, and our apparent experiences of complete loss of consciousness does not put the discrepancy to rest for me. What he says is basically exactly what you would say as a separate, finite being that comes and goes. I have had an experience of becoming aware in the middle of deep sleep once before (suddenly there was of "I am", with apparently no object - no thought, body, identity, or location, but still there was consciousness, and to this day I recall that waking up of pure being within dreamless sleep, despite there having been no thought. So insofar as I have this memory, thought can know about no thought - pure awareness with no object. But mostly, deep sleep and anesthesia is very much the end of consciousness in my experience, and when consciousness returns, it wakes up again from non-being. If that void of awareness is what death is like, then all this talk about consciousness being infinite is meaningless. I am holding onto the faith that my awareness is just not refined enough to retain continuity of being through such subtlety, so it feels to me like the end of all consciousness when really it is not. I am waiting to hear an answer like that from him some day...
12:41 We who are trying to be aware, all face many times a day the experiance of absence of awareness. There are the times when we are lost in thinking. And suddenly awareness returns-Oh I was lost in thoughts. Then again one engages himself in trying to be aware. Again thoughts or emotions come in the way and awareness is lost, witnessing is lost. This goes on with the time. Gradually a stage comes when this awareness of 'Self' becomes permanent. Continuous and uninterrupted knowing of I.
I was going to post a video stating that awareness is listening to sound which is the creator of the universe because sound is the only idea that can't be misunderstood... But this video explains it on such a finer level.
I'm not sold on the idea that "I am" is the basis, but rather "it is". I feel "I" gives an unneeded thought, while "it" sees more like there is a universe which experienced which "I" comes from.
Who or what is going to sleep ? Who wants to know if awareness is real ? My mind , thoughts , beliefs , identity is seeking . Awareness is beyond any needs or seeking .
Without a thought the deep and peaceful awareness is ever present . A thought or thinking is the grace of the awareness to let my doubting limited self rest peacefully . Just sharing my self with you ***** . Take care . Good night my dear friend . Namaste and love . Amar.
I think this is open to criticism something like that: Not having the experience of not being aware doesn't prove that there is no such thing as not being aware. It only shows that not being aware is something a person can't have an experience of by his own. Definition of awareness in the video is like that: existence + knowing the existence. When people are not conscious, (sleeping, passing out etc.) they lack the knowledge of their existence; thus, they aren't aware if we are going to accept that definition. So, not being aware is possible without having the experience of it. It can be even said that this is the only way of not being aware: by having no experience at all while continuing to exist as a living being.
What a good lesson I personally frm belief of My upbringing I'm just the awareness of promiscuity an I'm aware the common of itself . I'm like the object an mindful only in reality of today as experience of Abscence of awareness in.any experience
What a real beautiful.talk of admission . I hav a habit to tell my adult children I know who I am an I know the love of Jesus an love of my Children .they remind me of Gods love
This is brilliant. This is a question that I have been contemplating a lot. Rupert usual answer to this question doesn't resolve my issue, but this answer resolved it. We give thoughts too much power. Even though we know with absolute certainty that the thought which says "there was a gap in awareness in deep sleep" wasn't present in deep sleep we believe its evaluation and judgement of awareness (which is the only thing that knows :) human mind is a mess ... ha ha ha ha
Think of awareness as you and of it as water that is eternal and consciousness (awareness) same thing and now think of everything in the water as mind and matter.
Good explanation. A question though - why are we not aware of awareness during deep sleep ? (like during wakeful state, we are aware of awareness). Thanks.
In analytic idealism, they distinguish between phenomenal consciousness, which is bare experience (“I”), and meta-consciousness, which is the knowing that I experience or experienced (I am or I was or I know that I am). Meta-consciousness is our purpose as human beings. Universal mind is phenomenal consciousness but it knows that it is via meta-consciousness, which is what human beings evolved to produce. We are the way the universe knows that it is.
We often mistake this coming and going of the attention as The I identity not lose and start placing it with the body mind mainly but there’s a lot of turbulence and struggle here it’s tight and very personal with strong beliefs in the thoughts but thoughts contain no awareness of their own neither does body or mind all this is an observed object
Awareness shines through the mind to make us know. When we go to deep sleep, it is the mind that shuts down, so, there is blankness that awareness now shines on. This blankness is the gap that the lady recognizes. Except that awareness being always on, the lady would recognize that she slept well and on waking up, she would say "I had a nice sleep". She would not have noted the nice sleep, if she was not aware during the deep sleep.
My opinion: Everything i see with my gross eyes is coming from within ME. I alone exist. All objects, however large or small ( or no-thing at all) are ME. For example, how can my tiny eyes see such large objects like the majestic Mt Fuji? I believe It's because: ( as Meher Baba once said): "Though the eye is small, the soul which sees through it is greater and vaster than all the things which it perceives. In fact, it is so great that it includes all objects, however large or numerous, within itself. For it is not so much that you are within the cosmos as that the cosmos is within you. - Meher Baba I believe we are all God ( very few Realized,, I 'm not). It's a game of hide and seek that God is playing with Himself. " To attain union is so impossibly difficult because it 's impossible to become what you already are. Union is nothing other than knowledge of oneself as the Only One" --Meher Baba Love and luck to all ( including myself) Al -
cyberageal no, everything you see with your eyes are NOT within or connected to you. they are 'outside' and in front of you. This is a logical and UNDENIABLE fact. If it wasnt you wouldnt need eyes and retina to reflect what is in front anf outside of yourself. therefore your statement is nonsense.
joe dirt : you are correct. Avatar Meher Baba summed it up most eloquently, most Masterfully, when in the 1950s he wrote this brief passage: : “The Lover and The Beloved” God is love. And love must love. And to love there must be a Beloved. But since God is Existence infinite and eternal there is no one for Him to love but Himself. And in order to love Himself, He must imagine Himself as the Beloved whom He as the lover imagines He loves. Beloved and lover implies separation. And separation creates longing; and longing causes search. And the wider and more intense the search, the greater the separation and the more terrible the longing. When longing is at its most intense point, separation is complete, and the purpose of separation, which was that love might experience itself as lover and Beloved, is fulfilled; and union follows. And when union is attained, the lover knows that he himself was all along the Beloved, whom he loved and desired union with; and that all the impossible situations that he overcame were obstacles which he himself had placed in the path to himself. To attain union is so impossibly difficult because it is impossible to become what you already are! Union is nothing other than knowledge of oneself as the Only One. -Meher Baba
I have the experience of disappearing when I fall asleep and I think most people have. I'm uncertain what he means when he says that in full sleep awareness is there although not aware of forms, thoughts or any other object and even if that was the case what added value that conclusion brings along?
Rupert Sir..Greetings !!!! To draw an analogy, can I compare it with any of the sense organs like ear? Our ear may not be hearing anything but it's ability to hear remains and exists except that it can't hear unless associated with mind. Kindly respond.
Rupert is absolutely right, but the questionnaire is relativistically correct. The answer Rupert gave her was unsatisfying because it does not take into account the way the brain, for most persons, fails to register the full spectrum of what happens in sleep. The questioner was on the right track with the word "continuity" but she lost her way in trying to adapt her thinking to Rupert's philosophically sound, but relativistically incorrect and incomplete expression about the nature of awareness and sleep.
Deep sleep not an absence of experience but experience of absence but all arises in the same consciousness you don’t stop being, but mind is just not busy here A.U.M.🕉 waking ,dreaming ,deep sleep /underlying pure consciousness or pure state of Self
I can' t see it myself. It appears that awareness is an emergent property that comes about through an interaction of elements. Those elements being perception and environment. If you could remove all sense thought and feeling but keep something/someone alive they would surely lose awareness. Awareness would perhaps exist as as a potential in this case.
Part of her confusion is in how we understand the word “awareness.” If Rupert said that energy is the same no matter what activity it does, we would easily understand. But because we understand awareness in terms of personal experience, we can’t see that awareness is exactly the same as energy, neither created nor destroyed, unborn, but manifest in infinite forms and functions. Awareness is the essential energy of the entire universe and beyond if such a beyond is.
Granted, I haven't had an experience of no awareness, that is understood intellectually, but how does that lead to knowing there's awereness in deep sleep? My awareness doesn't seem to be able to use language to answer that question.
Awareness,the Knower behind the knowing process.... "Not that which the mind can think, but that whereby the mind can think know that to be Brahman,the Eternal and not what people here adore." the Kena Upanishad. What do we adore, the mind? but mind is simply a collection of thoughts and ideas, Ego, in deep meditation it doesn't exist because there are no thoughts, just Awareness ,Brahman. There is no mind as an entity then, lets not get too intellectual and try to grasp something the mind cannot comprehend. it is beyond the intellect. The mind would love to own Brahman as an object,but it never will because there is no mind,no Ego,no Person ,these are imposters, a mask. The experience in deep meditation is Awareness, Brahman becoming Aware of itself and its nature is essentially very enjoyable, blissful. the thoughts or mind in meditation are like clouds that obscure the Sun, when there are no thoughts therefore no mind the light of the shining SELF becomes the Subject not an object of mind. .
Guru: "Fridge lights are always on. They shine eternally." Seeker: "I'm pretty confident that my fridge light turns off when the door is closed." Guru: "Tell me about a time you noticed that your fridge light was off." Seeker: "Well ... I've never actually seen that because the door has to close for it to turn off." Guru: " _Is it your experience_ that the light goes off when the fridge door is closed?" Seeker: "Er, No." :( Guru: "The fridge owner's mind only thinks in terms of objects and switches and electricity, which is why it thinks that that the light goes off when the door is closed." Seeker: "??? ... I think I understand what you're saying now ..." :( Guru: "Ergo, fridge lights are always on."
In the fridge analogy, the electricity is always on (representative of consciousness). The fridge light is more akin to thoughts which come and go, off and on. But there is always electricity
Why after deep sleep is the body sense not recalled upon awaking? Thoughts may be absent but the body surely isn't. How does one know if the body and its feelings, sensations & emotions are the subject of awareness in deep sleep or not? I suppose, possibly partially answering my own question here now, is that the body cannot possibly be the subject of awareness which would explain why under anaesthetic when surgery takes place there is memory of pain is recalled afterwards. If Mind: Thoughts and Feelings are absent from awareness as a subject this would explain why not only thought is not remembered on waking, but also body senses too. Anyone have anything on the body in deep sleep? I'd be very interested to know your viewpoint.
If thoughts and feeling are absent means they are not the subject but objects. When you wake up you know you slept, you know you were ( existing ) even without memories of any object or of the body senses. You are sure about that 'gap'. So you are cognizing all the time even if there is nothing to cognize. Thats where we rest.
Good point! Thoughts and feelings being the object not the subject makes sense to me. Definitions need to be clarified throughout as to which "you" is referred to, not the body-mind but the subject that is aware throughout sleep. Those who have realised this distinction realise that we exist prior to / beneath all else as the field of Pure Awareness, the Witness.
I'm struggling as Rupert says (unless I'm mistaken) that awareness forever stands in the absence of objective experience ("between two thought" etc) and yet Nisargadatta states that consciousness cannot be (that is to say observe or witness) in the absence of objective experience (because then nothing remains to be witnessed, consciousness being the witness) and that when the mind (a temporary objective experience) dissolves only the absolute ("unawareness") prevails, and always did! (Not consciousness, ie. The "I am") Can someone please address this seeming discrepancy? Notice how Rupert hasn't mentioned Nisargadatta's interpretation in other vids.. Thanks. Namaste. 🙏💟
Perhaps the clarification of the situation seems to come from this: Rupert equates the Absolute with Awareness (more precisely it is the first principle that came out of the Absolute), whereas Nissargadatta distinguishes between (differentiated) consciousness (i.e. Awareness aware of objects/presence/I-Am) and the Absolute ( Awareness aware of awareness or even prior to this; the I-I beyond the I-Am). A good view of cosmogenesis is the following: The Absolute brings awareness which brings life/energy which then brings matter.
Best explainer of nonduality.
Because he explains it so simply and in a straightforward manner.
agreed, absolutely 💗
Oh god… it just clicked. It just clicked. I’m brushing the kitchen floor and it just… clicked. A piece I didn’t even know I was missing from my understanding. Thank you to the lady asking this question that led to the conversation. Thank you so much 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Rupert makes me touch the unlimited sky that I AM. I have no words but love. Thank you for this precious question, bringing such a beautiful answer!
Deep sleep is not the absence of awareness, it is the awareness of absence (of objects).
Rupert is awareness. What a gentleman what wisdom and what a great help!!!
Rupert is not awareness.
Rupert is consciousness. Rupert is a someone conscious of himself, a person, being, self, living a life. he exists!
awareness is a brain muscle.
You´re using words in a different way; Rupert does not refer by awareness to a brain muscle. Context is everything in understanding what somebody means when talking about these matters.
Everyone is awareness:)
+nimim. Marko Mikkilä he doesnt need to refer awareness to any other shit. awareness is a brain muscle. this is simple neuroscience and FmRI proven. there is nothing we can do about it.
What we are is subjective consciousness.
awareness of absence is not related to the body and is prior to it, yet the same awareness is there when the body is there.
THANKS Rupert!!....suddenly you made it so clear to me what Awareness is about....but need to listen to this over and over again.....
«Nobody has ever, or could ever, experience a feeling of not being aware. Even if you had an experience of not being aware somebody, or something, must be there to recognize it [para-phrased]» This is so true and so awesome. Death, as we are being taught in schools and by our parents, then can not be what we think it is. In other words, I can not *not* have an experience of being dead.
Yes... It's true. We can't experience my liveness with out of World knowledge. Body never tells it's alive or dead.
Thank you, Rupert; your experiments with experiencing reality is producing the consequential fruits.I am obliged to call you a `Guru`!!
As much as I respect your decision to call others ' Guru ' or any such titles , I also want to bring your attention to the fact that there is some known factor within you that was able to express such feelings ! Who or what that was ?!! That is your Real higher or deeper guide , teacher , guru or whatever ! The outer is always a projection of your inner awareness ! Something in you was able to pick or sort out that which is outside . That ' something ' is your reality !! ( Just sharing my experience ! ) Ravi Pp . I am writing this post at a very weird time ! I was in deep sleep ! suddenly I got up to write ! Sorry , dear friend , am going to sleep ! It is nearly 4 AM ! Wondering which part or who is doing this !! Good morning !!
Amarjit Singh. Dhaliwal. Sir, whatever we pursue ardently, and go deeper, the eternal light guide us; this is a fact that i`ve experienced over a period. What little I know has come through ages and countless lifeforms, a progression over the un fathomable time. Our brain cells need rest for regeneration, we usually get it over sleep. But meditation brings a more sustainable rest for the brain and that helps for minimising sleeping time. Five yrs back , I had considered that waking up and starting day from 4` in the morn, was beyond me. But My quest for reality took me to `Acharya `PRADYUMNA JI MAHARAJ` of the Divya yoga Gurukul at Haridwar, who conduct regular classes over the Upanishads and the insightful literatures of Vedanta. He is an exponent of Sanskrit. And the best available on these days.The live telecast from 4` in the morn, through `Sanskar Channel is a unique one of its type. The best service one can give to humanity is to help one realise the inside story of Life, thats divine and eternal. Those who experience this light is indeed the chosen ones ! Allow me to intrude later !!
the being of it's being is relating to it's being.
~being and time
(not lying)
He melts my heart with every word.
Great line of inquiry from this woman. Thank you for your questioning! Great job Rupert combing through it.
Sleep being the absence of thought...the gap, awareness. Perfect analogy of what we are reaching for while awake. The absence of thought between words or thoughts while awake...the gap, awareness.
This is truly beautiful
I've had this question for years. Thank you! Amen!
As painful as this is, this conversation gave me so much understanding!!!
How do we know we are sleeping!! That got me!
There must be something that knows we are sleeping, otherwise we wouldn't know we were asleep!
Consciousness ( awareness)
Watches us sleep!
Superbly explained Rupert. Thank you ❤namaste 🙏
Que clareza extraordinária ❤️🔥💎❤️🔥 Gratidão profunda e eterna, Rupert Spira e a todos que possibilitam ter acesso a está grandiosa sabedoria❤️🔥💎 ❤️🔥 Rupert Spira vem fazendo uma enorme diferença em minha vida num momento crucial❤️🔥💎❤️🔥
He explains it with such clarity!, bless this man to spread this to many!. Thank you so much Rupert!
I am the witnessing presence of awareness, which is aware of this woman's beautiful English accent. I am aware that this voice is made from awareness and that there is no distance between me, awareness, and this voice, which is also awareness. We are one.
What an absolutely beautiful accent this questioner has.
Well said Master Spira. What can be said now maybe I am That I am.
So attentive all of these people.
Thank you , Rupert , for your clear explanation of the state of being aware ! It is always a joy listening to you ! Thank you. Amar.
Thank you very much Rupert, so much love.
rohit nikalje ua-cam.com/video/oT6egg6zcSA/v-deo.html 🌷
@@elodiebleuciel5230 Nice. Thank you. so much love
I have had the same thought about awareness and deep sleep. Many thanks for the question. As ever Rupert answers so clearly, it is watching an artist at work
I have watched this a few times and only just understood it. TY both.
Rupert is stillness itself. I can’t be that still 😲
Thank you so much Rupert. Your insights are great contribution to humanity. I am so grateful. Many many thanks!
Beautiful 🙌🏼💗💗💗
That lilac aroma must have been pleasant within Rupert’s awareness of his olfactory experience...🌸🥰🕊
Thank you Rupert for the clarity of explaining!
I had the experience of awareness without objects when I got disconnected from this reality. I also remember monitoring my mother's pregnancy while I was in the womb. My awareness used to feel every sensation and feelings of my mother. I knew that I wasn't my body. I still can't find the right word to describe who we really are. Some people call it awareness, soul, consciousness ect. The weird thing about this is how I was completely aware even though I was a baby in my mother's womb.
Interestingly now that I started thinking I also recall my awareness in my mothers womb….I was aware of….incredible 😮
Well isn't that an amazing coincidence for you! 🤣 wow so did I , just as I read 6268 s comment !!!
You are confused About awareness and about thought or dreaming or memory. Awareness is not related to objective. It is about subject stuff.
I’m so happy and lucky to find this teacher ❤🎉🎉
there are dreams that comes and the awareness grabs them and we start knowing about the things that we experiencing in our dreams
What Rupert says in the face of this discrepancy that most of us have between the notion of ever present, infinite consciousness, and our apparent experiences of complete loss of consciousness does not put the discrepancy to rest for me. What he says is basically exactly what you would say as a separate, finite being that comes and goes. I have had an experience of becoming aware in the middle of deep sleep once before (suddenly there was of "I am", with apparently no object - no thought, body, identity, or location, but still there was consciousness, and to this day I recall that waking up of pure being within dreamless sleep, despite there having been no thought. So insofar as I have this memory, thought can know about no thought - pure awareness with no object. But mostly, deep sleep and anesthesia is very much the end of consciousness in my experience, and when consciousness returns, it wakes up again from non-being. If that void of awareness is what death is like, then all this talk about consciousness being infinite is meaningless. I am holding onto the faith that my awareness is just not refined enough to retain continuity of being through such subtlety, so it feels to me like the end of all consciousness when really it is not. I am waiting to hear an answer like that from him some day...
Your way of teaching one is awesome. I took away a full understanding of awareness. Thank you
Thankyou 🙏🙏
Absolutely loved this video. Thank you so much for this valuable information mate. Lots of love from an Australian 🇦🇺❤
12:41 We who are trying to be aware, all face many times a day the experiance of absence of awareness. There are the times when we are lost in thinking. And suddenly awareness returns-Oh I was lost in thoughts. Then again one engages himself in trying to be aware. Again thoughts or emotions come in the way and awareness is lost, witnessing is lost. This goes on with the time. Gradually a stage comes when this awareness of 'Self' becomes permanent. Continuous and uninterrupted knowing of I.
Much gratitude....amazing pointing to that which can't be described🙏❤️
I was going to post a video stating that awareness is listening to sound which is the creator of the universe because sound is the only idea that can't be misunderstood... But this video explains it on such a finer level.
I'm not sold on the idea that "I am" is the basis, but rather "it is". I feel "I" gives an unneeded thought, while "it" sees more like there is a universe which experienced which "I" comes from.
Priceless!!! 💯👊👊
Beautifully explained ❤🙏
Oh finally found this question and this answer! Thank you!
Could listen to that woman’s voice all night, beautiful, keep asking questions love
Stop making silly comments love.
Clear as sky
Beautiful Practical wisdom.. 😍🙏🇮🇳 Luv you dear Rupert..🙏
Who or what is going to sleep ? Who wants to know if awareness is real ?
My mind , thoughts , beliefs , identity is seeking .
Awareness is beyond any needs or seeking .
Without a thought the deep and peaceful awareness is ever present .
A thought or thinking is the grace of the awareness to let my doubting limited self rest peacefully . Just sharing my self with you ***** .
Take care . Good night my dear friend . Namaste and love . Amar.
This Guy is GOOD 🙂
Funny : it answers the question I was confronted with after listening to several Rupert's talks !
10:48 "The mind cannot recollect a time where there is awareness without objects because the mind can only know an object."
1 million thanks, this is very important fir non duality students
Rupert Though!!!...a real badass!!...
I think this is open to criticism something like that: Not having the experience of not being aware doesn't prove that there is no such thing as not being aware. It only shows that not being aware is something a person can't have an experience of by his own. Definition of awareness in the video is like that: existence + knowing the existence. When people are not conscious, (sleeping, passing out etc.) they lack the knowledge of their existence; thus, they aren't aware if we are going to accept that definition. So, not being aware is possible without having the experience of it. It can be even said that this is the only way of not being aware: by having no experience at all while continuing to exist as a living being.
Adbhut Vishmya WahWahAHAAha thanksgretitude DhanyabadDhanyabadDhanyabad Rupertspira Thanks
Sat chit Ananda
Very good explanation !
Excellent Thanks 👍
Greatest understanding
That lady has the greatest ASMR voice ever! Sounds almost like Johanna Lumley
What a good lesson I personally frm belief of My upbringing I'm just the awareness of promiscuity an I'm aware the common of itself . I'm like the object an mindful only in reality of today as experience of Abscence of awareness in.any experience
I sleep lightly always like never in deep an ever.present an love Peace. I was told of myself always a peacemaker
What a real beautiful.talk of admission . I hav a habit to tell my adult children I know who I am an I know the love of Jesus an love of my Children .they remind me of Gods love
God says I AM
Knight Rider ua-cam.com/video/oT6egg6zcSA/v-deo.html 🌷
Ahhh yes. That landed. Thanks.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
This is brilliant.
This is a question that I have been contemplating a lot. Rupert usual answer to this question doesn't resolve my issue, but this answer resolved it.
We give thoughts too much power. Even though we know with absolute certainty that the thought which says "there was a gap in awareness in deep sleep" wasn't present in deep sleep we believe its evaluation and judgement of awareness (which is the only thing that knows :) human mind is a mess ... ha ha ha ha
she has beautiful voice
Awareness is not an experience , awareness is not a memory .
If she was aware that there were times when awareness wasn't there, she was aware.
Yeah, but you could put a word mind instead of awareness in this case :)
“Thinking” is a process but “Awareness” of thinking is not a process.
Awareness is Consciousness Aware of itself.
Think of awareness as you and of it as water that is eternal and consciousness (awareness) same thing and now think of everything in the water as mind and matter.
Experience is experiencer. Thinker is thought.
That which is aware presupposes that which is.Thus it is that which is that is aware.
Good explanation. A question though - why are we not aware of awareness during deep sleep ? (like during wakeful state, we are aware of awareness). Thanks.
In analytic idealism, they distinguish between phenomenal consciousness, which is bare experience (“I”), and meta-consciousness, which is the knowing that I experience or experienced (I am or I was or I know that I am). Meta-consciousness is our purpose as human beings. Universal mind is phenomenal consciousness but it knows that it is via meta-consciousness, which is what human beings evolved to produce. We are the way the universe knows that it is.
Minblowing, 🤩🤩🤩
The gap....❤
Empti mind is awareness awareness is like an eye open and close it has boath quality together.
I don't seem to have gaps between dreams. It seems I dream a lot and never rest. At least in the last 10 years or so.
We often mistake this coming and going of the attention as The I identity not lose and start placing it with the body mind mainly but there’s a lot of turbulence and struggle here it’s tight and very personal with strong beliefs in the thoughts but thoughts contain no awareness of their own neither does body or mind all this is an observed object
The Gap is absence of thought.
Awareness shines through the mind to make us know. When we go to deep sleep, it is the mind that shuts down, so, there is blankness that awareness now shines on. This blankness is the gap that the lady recognizes. Except that awareness being always on, the lady would recognize that she slept well and on waking up, she would say "I had a nice sleep". She would not have noted the nice sleep, if she was not aware during the deep sleep.
How do you know that?
My opinion:
Everything i see with my gross eyes is coming from within ME. I alone exist. All objects, however large or small ( or no-thing at all) are ME. For example, how can my tiny eyes see such large objects like the majestic Mt Fuji? I believe It's because: ( as Meher Baba once said):
"Though the eye is small,
the soul which sees through it is greater and vaster than all the things which it perceives.
In fact, it is so great that it includes all objects,
however large or numerous, within itself.
For it is not so much that you are within the cosmos
as that the cosmos is within you.
- Meher Baba
I believe we are all God ( very few Realized,, I 'm not). It's a game of hide and seek that God is playing with Himself.
" To attain union is so impossibly difficult because it 's impossible to become what you already are. Union is nothing other than knowledge of oneself as the Only One"
--Meher Baba
Love and luck to all ( including myself)
cyberageal I Hope you are joking.
cyberageal no, everything you see with your eyes are NOT within or connected to you.
they are 'outside' and in front of you. This is a logical and UNDENIABLE fact. If it wasnt you wouldnt need eyes and retina to reflect what is in front anf outside of yourself. therefore your statement is nonsense.
Rise Again we actually are god, because god refers to consciousness. It seems like you don't know the own meaning of your own religion!
joe dirt : you are correct. Avatar Meher Baba summed it up most eloquently, most Masterfully, when in the 1950s he wrote this brief passage:
“The Lover and The Beloved”
God is love. And love must love.
And to love there must be a Beloved.
But since God is Existence infinite and eternal
there is no one for Him to love but Himself.
And in order to love Himself, He must imagine Himself
as the Beloved whom He as the lover imagines He loves.
Beloved and lover implies separation.
And separation creates longing;
and longing causes search.
And the wider and more intense the search,
the greater the separation
and the more terrible the longing.
When longing is at its most intense point,
separation is complete,
and the purpose of separation,
which was that love might experience itself
as lover and Beloved, is fulfilled; and union follows.
And when union is attained, the lover knows that
he himself was all along the Beloved, whom he loved
and desired union with;
and that all the impossible situations that he overcame
were obstacles which he himself had placed in the path
to himself.
To attain union is so impossibly difficult
because it is impossible to become
what you already are!
Union is nothing other than knowledge
of oneself as the Only One.
-Meher Baba
if by ME you mean the Universe, then ok
Isn’t this the most basic of all questions, that we never question?
I have the experience of disappearing when I fall asleep and I think most people have. I'm uncertain what he means when he says that in full sleep awareness is there although not aware of forms, thoughts or any other object and even if that was the case what added value that conclusion brings along?
I do get her. I have the same question.
nice vid
Rupert Sir..Greetings !!!! To draw an analogy, can I compare it with any of the sense organs like ear? Our ear may not be hearing anything but it's ability to hear remains and exists except that it can't hear unless associated with mind. Kindly respond.
Rupert is absolutely right, but the questionnaire is relativistically correct. The answer Rupert gave her was unsatisfying because it does not take into account the way the brain, for most persons, fails to register the full spectrum of what happens in sleep. The questioner was on the right track with the word "continuity" but she lost her way in trying to adapt her thinking to Rupert's philosophically sound, but relativistically incorrect and incomplete expression about the nature of awareness and sleep.
What is the meaning of fainting, falling into a Coma, that is to say losing consciousness from the perspective of Awareness?
he should do some life streams where he talks about consciousness after death
Deep sleep not an absence of experience but experience of absence but all arises in the same consciousness you don’t stop being, but mind is just not busy here A.U.M.🕉 waking ,dreaming ,deep sleep /underlying pure consciousness or pure state of Self
I can' t see it myself. It appears that awareness is an emergent property that comes about through an interaction of elements. Those elements being perception and environment. If you could remove all sense thought and feeling but keep something/someone alive they would surely lose awareness. Awareness would perhaps exist as as a potential in this case.
Part of her confusion is in how we understand the word “awareness.” If Rupert said that energy is the same no matter what activity it does, we would easily understand. But because we understand awareness in terms of personal experience, we can’t see that awareness is exactly the same as energy, neither created nor destroyed, unborn, but manifest in infinite forms and functions. Awareness is the essential energy of the entire universe and beyond if such a beyond is.
Granted, I haven't had an experience of no awareness, that is understood intellectually, but how does that lead to knowing there's awereness in deep sleep? My awareness doesn't seem to be able to use language to answer that question.
Awareness,the Knower behind the knowing process....
"Not that which the mind can think,
but that whereby the mind can think
know that to be Brahman,the Eternal and not what people here adore." the Kena Upanishad.
What do we adore, the mind? but mind is simply a collection of thoughts and ideas, Ego, in deep meditation it doesn't exist because there are no thoughts, just Awareness ,Brahman.
There is no mind as an entity then, lets not get too intellectual and try to grasp something the mind cannot comprehend.
it is beyond the intellect.
The mind would love to own Brahman as an object,but it never will because there is no mind,no Ego,no Person ,these are imposters, a mask.
The experience in deep meditation is Awareness, Brahman becoming Aware of itself and its nature is essentially very enjoyable, blissful.
the thoughts or mind in meditation are like clouds that obscure the Sun, when there are no thoughts therefore no mind the light of the shining SELF becomes the Subject not an object of mind. .
Guru: "Fridge lights are always on. They shine eternally."
Seeker: "I'm pretty confident that my fridge light turns off when the door is closed."
Guru: "Tell me about a time you noticed that your fridge light was off."
Seeker: "Well ... I've never actually seen that because the door has to close for it to turn off."
Guru: " _Is it your experience_ that the light goes off when the fridge door is closed?"
Seeker: "Er, No." :(
Guru: "The fridge owner's mind only thinks in terms of objects and switches and electricity, which is why it thinks that that the light goes off when the door is closed."
Seeker: "??? ... I think I understand what you're saying now ..." :(
Guru: "Ergo, fridge lights are always on."
In the fridge analogy, the electricity is always on (representative of consciousness). The fridge light is more akin to thoughts which come and go, off and on. But there is always electricity
My fridge light is off
Why after deep sleep is the body sense not recalled upon awaking? Thoughts may be absent but the body surely isn't.
How does one know if the body and its feelings, sensations & emotions are the subject of awareness in deep sleep or not?
I suppose, possibly partially answering my own question here now, is that the body cannot possibly be the subject of awareness which would explain why under anaesthetic when surgery takes place there is memory of pain is recalled afterwards.
If Mind: Thoughts and Feelings are absent from awareness as a subject this would explain why not only thought is not remembered on waking, but also body senses too.
Anyone have anything on the body in deep sleep? I'd be very interested to know your viewpoint.
If thoughts and feeling are absent means they are not the subject but objects. When you wake up you know you slept, you know you were ( existing ) even without memories of any object or of the body senses. You are sure about that 'gap'. So you are cognizing all the time even if there is nothing to cognize. Thats where we rest.
Good point! Thoughts and feelings being the object not the subject makes sense to me.
Definitions need to be clarified throughout as to which "you" is referred to, not the body-mind but the subject that is aware throughout sleep.
Those who have realised this distinction realise that we exist prior to / beneath all else as the field of Pure Awareness, the Witness.
00:1:57 do you immagine what Immagine ?
One would have to be Self Realised to know there is no I "When the I shall die ,then I will know who am I" Paramahansa Yoganander
I'm struggling as Rupert says (unless I'm mistaken) that awareness forever stands in the absence of objective experience ("between two thought" etc) and yet Nisargadatta states that consciousness cannot be (that is to say observe or witness) in the absence of objective experience (because then nothing remains to be witnessed, consciousness being the witness) and that when the mind (a temporary objective experience) dissolves only the absolute ("unawareness") prevails, and always did! (Not consciousness, ie. The "I am")
Can someone please address this seeming discrepancy? Notice how Rupert hasn't mentioned Nisargadatta's interpretation in other vids.. Thanks. Namaste. 🙏💟
Perhaps the clarification of the situation seems to come from this: Rupert equates the Absolute with Awareness (more precisely it is the first principle that came out of the Absolute), whereas Nissargadatta distinguishes between (differentiated) consciousness (i.e. Awareness aware of objects/presence/I-Am) and the Absolute ( Awareness aware of awareness or even prior to this; the I-I beyond the I-Am).
A good view of cosmogenesis is the following: The Absolute brings awareness which brings life/energy which then brings matter.