"Colony" is a group of twelve dwarves with no way to increase your population via capturing enemies nor via immigration. Once all 12 buy the farm, that's it, game over. It's meant to be more of a challenge than usual. :)
priests are trash, warrior nuns all the way. also, mother superior has the targeted heal, if you have her set to avoid melee and have meat shields it works. wish they could get on mounts tho...
It was good to watch you play! Hope you manage you to summon some demons next time :)
7:00 Warrior Nuns? Okay I'm watching this for 2 hours.
Eggs Benedict is indeed a GOAT breakfast.
Yes another keeper RL. Love it
I hope they improve water flow between vertical levels
What’s the Colony race/faction you could have started as at the game start in your video. Are they a bug race?
"Colony" is a group of twelve dwarves with no way to increase your population via capturing enemies nor via immigration. Once all 12 buy the farm, that's it, game over. It's meant to be more of a challenge than usual. :)
The Colony faction is the dwarves. Unfortunately there is no insect faction yet.
aww. That’s a pitty. Thanks for the reply and info. 👍
Looks decent, but that building noise, nope, can't do it.
Are dark elves normally that OP?
Dark elves are being triggered by the extreme aggression choice at the game set up.
Came so early, no one would have been able to finish watching the video yet.
priests are trash, warrior nuns all the way. also, mother superior has the targeted heal, if you have her set to avoid melee and have meat shields it works. wish they could get on mounts tho...