My son is now 31 and never been diagnosed despite tests when he was younger, taking him to GP. In the end we've felt we have to stand-alone and help him ourselves. Osteopath, Kinesiology, Nutritionist all hel in some small way but every month he suffers for over 2 weeks and is debilitated. He's non verbal so it's awful for him.
Inspiring to hear Carrie speaking so candidly - beautiful lady - thank you so much!
my daughter also has crohns , i can relate to every word that carrie has said here. such a strong, beautiful woman.
My son is now 31 and never been diagnosed despite tests when he was younger, taking him to GP. In the end we've felt we have to stand-alone and help him ourselves. Osteopath, Kinesiology, Nutritionist all hel in some small way but every month he suffers for over 2 weeks and is debilitated. He's non verbal so it's awful for him.
I have crohn and I just love what your doing.i was diagnosed at the age of 10
shes a stunner.
i have cronh's. got diagnosed at 18
My fiance has chrons. I know the struggle. Love Carrie xx
Am from Algeria and I have crohn's desease
my son has colitis.