Depression awarness check out RubbishinRubbishout Viv is AWESOME!!!!!

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @AlaricDarkvoid
    @AlaricDarkvoid 14 років тому

    I hear you guys. I got Bi-polar disorder. One year I could be trying to take over the world... next year I could be too afraid to leave my house. Spent 7 years hidden in my bedroom... its rough, but.. its life.

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    This is THE GUY I was talking about( the master chief of terrain making!!!!!). Most of us creative types do have some form of condition related to this. Listen to what he has to say he REALLY knows what he's talking about!!!!!! Thanks Steve!!! You are THE MAN!!!!!!!!:) THANK YOU!!!!!!

  • @Sulli2201
    @Sulli2201 14 років тому

    Never would I have imagined my interest in terrain making lead to such an amazing community. You are all as compassionate as you are talented, and if anything comes up where we can help (Im already subscribing to the Kamploopian and Rubbish), Ill be on board to help all of you out. I recently took a test for mental heath, and I may have a few things, but I decided to tough it out... this makes me think I should get help before its too late. Egos can kill.
    Keep it up, everyone.

  • @arafenix70
    @arafenix70 14 років тому

    Thank you for sharing it with us terrainaholic!!!Help me to not feel alone!Grazie

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    Egos frequently do kill unfortunatly. Thanks for giving your self the benifet of the doubt and not the tough guy inside. There is a time for being tough. This isn't one of them! Good man Sean!!!!!

  • @Kamloopian
    @Kamloopian 14 років тому

    Been there - done that.
    Got the t-shirt and video too.
    The meds are often needed to get out of the rut, but you have to do the emotional homework too.
    Problems occur when people externalize things. (Either looking for happiness in other crap or blaming their problems on others.)
    Dude, thanx for the shout out too.
    You guys (and gals) keep on keepin' on, eh.

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    No worries about the english Bro! I work with many people from Mexico and they are all SO NICE to me!!!! The importaint thing is that we're here for each other. Your TO KIND Buddy:)!!!THANKS!

  • @Lazerius68
    @Lazerius68 12 років тому

    I hear where you guys are coming from. I was being treated for depression for years, and a few years back, I was diagnosed with ADD, and was being treated for it. It freakin sucks! I actually found this vid after just subbing from rubbishinrubbishout, and had no clue. Having people who can support you is the strongest treatment you can find for it. After being on Effexor XR (I believe it was) for ~5 years, I finally stopped taking it, and my life has gotten better since I've been off it....

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!! Jason your a Saint Bro!!!!!! The community helping the community!!!!!! I LOVE this about this place!!!!!! Thanks a TOOOOOON Buddy!!!!!!!!

  • @jimeronimo
    @jimeronimo 14 років тому

    You're a real humanitarian Bill. Love you bro. Glad to know you and have people like you in my life in one way or another..

  • @JamesBrowningII
    @JamesBrowningII 14 років тому

    I feel for both you Bill and Viv. I've suffered with depression since I hit puberty. When things go wrong it really makes it bad. I'm going through a divorce right now, I'm out on workman's comp and I'm unsure about having any work to return to when I'm healed. I've been told by my mother and my friends to go seek help professionally and I could through the VA but I'm afraid of taking the meds and having any side effects from them. I'm bad enough now as it is.

  • @JohnGunter_Johnprime
    @JohnGunter_Johnprime 14 років тому

    I gotta say that I find it very important to pay attention to your body. It will tell you, if you are listening, when something is wrong and if you do pay attention, and arent afraid to visit a professional, then youll be better off in the end because they can usually help you.
    Just because you visit a professional, it doesnt signify that youre weak, it just means you need help and are smart enough to go get it!
    Hope you keep yourselves healthy everyone!

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    WOW! You have my simpathy and respect. Its very hard to go on some times but thats what we HAVE to do!!!! I can't even BEGIN to say how proud I am of you!!!!!! If meds help whats out of balance and keep you on an even keel then thats what you have to do Bro. We're ALL important and it dosen't matter whats wrong ALWAYS get help if you need it and if you don't know where to go start asking. SOMEONE'S got the answer for you!!!!!

  • @Lazerius68
    @Lazerius68 12 років тому

    ....(continuing from before). Best of luck to you guys, and I've started getting into terrain making and modeling again here lately to kill all of my free time while I"m unemployed and cannot find work.
    Good luck to you guys, and keep strong!

  • @G0Ri11a
    @G0Ri11a 14 років тому

    This a good cause. Most people believe that depression, ADHD, Bipolar etc diseases aren't really a disease they think people can just stop being that way. I suffered from depression for the majority of my life but it didn't get severe until 2007 when I lost 4 family members and 3 close friends all in 6 months. It got to the point where I was ready to take my own life, but luckily I didn't and I got help Im on meds now and its been the best decision Ive ever made.

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    Wow Bro! Thats a LONG TIME Buddy! I have a friend who is bipolar and I'm farmiliar with his mood swings and how they impact his life. I live out of state now but ya it is REALLY HARD on him Hes on meds but it still has a major hold on his life. I hope your doing better than he is! Alot of GOOD people have one or more aspects of brain chemical imbalances and it really isn't fair to them!!!!!

  • @vassago42
    @vassago42 14 років тому

    Yup, thems the breaks. If I have any sort of issues like that bringing me down, smoke a little weed, and remember how much of an adventure this life really is.

  • @cheech381
    @cheech381 14 років тому

    That info is good to know man... touching.. thanks.

  • @orcoferoz
    @orcoferoz 14 років тому

    What made a person its no how strong his body or how big his wallet is, i think the good actions and a kind soul its what the good man are made of (sorry i am Mexican so my english sucks), god bless u terrain u can handle any test the live trhow ,u are solid like a Dreagnout

  • @AlaricDarkvoid
    @AlaricDarkvoid 14 років тому

    I'm not saying that it isnt a tragedy. Because this is something I've suffered with for a long time. Even the ups have their drawbacks, such as damage to relationships due to ambition.
    What I mean by 'its life' is that no matter what, I'll keep going on. I hope these stages of depression quickly pass for all those who experience it.

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    Your doing THE RIGHT THING!!!!!! Thats what this is ALL ABOUT!!!!! Get it checked out!!!!!! You should pay as much attention to your state of mind as you do your body!!! VERY VERY GOOD!!!!!! I APPLUADE YOU MAN!!!!!

  • @ayurgal
    @ayurgal 14 років тому

    Interesting choice of music to pick some Blade Runner Blues for the back ground theme. Keep the vids coming.

  • @Kamloopian
    @Kamloopian 14 років тому

    No worries. 'sides there is the old "Cut and paste - then click on the "Search options" button" option available to everyone (it's even one handed for ease.)

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    Its easy to put yourself down when you have adhd. DON"T DO IT!!!! Your not worse your just different!!!!! It seems all the adhd people I run across seem to be FANTASTIC ARTISTS. Not that you have to have it to be one. Its just something I have observed. Don't EVER put yourself down Bro! We are all here to make the world a better place. We just do it differently then most others. Respect yourself and respect others. Differences make us stronger. We ALL count BUDDY!

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    Hey Bro!!!! Talk to Viv:) There is a movement he's connected with and like I said I think Its a GREAT idea! Most people who have conditions like these don't talk about it and thus suffer alone. Thats why I tell people about what I have so that it gives them the strength to come out and talk about it. Definetly talk to Viv Bro!!!!! Rock on Buddy!!!!!!:)

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    Thats what we're all here for Bro:)!!!

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    Your TOO KIND BRO:)!!!!!!

  • @MrShodan91
    @MrShodan91 14 років тому

    stay strong man.

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    GOOD FOR YOU BRO:)!!!!!!!!!!

  • @thedarklordellesar
    @thedarklordellesar 14 років тому

    this is a good thing you are doing

  • @terrainaholic
    @terrainaholic  14 років тому

    I'm sorry Bro!:( I'll try to get it right in the future!!!! but just freez frame it on Vivs channel and type it in from there!!!!! Peace!

  • @Kvahran
    @Kvahran 14 років тому

    Bill rulez!