Aubrey Marcus , my deep gratitude and respect to you for being open hearted to bringing a wide range of guests to your show. Seeing this interview with Paul made me appreciate more what you are all about. I respect your humility. Any chance you can incorporate spiritual diplomacy or conscious diplomacy for authentic peace building in your show, as well as more quantum physics? Just curious. Thank you much, man.
this was pretty real.... little skeptic at first but was captivated by his words and legit gosebumps through his first channeling umm never thought I would buy into it but now Im' gonna say this left me little mind blown.
Aubrey Marcus being mindful of the feeling of wholeness and the feelings of the eternal moment. I Am Divine consciousness. Thanks for sharing 🙏 para el bien de todos
First of all, I can’t wait to meet you Aubrey! Second, Paul is speaking of what should be common sense, but is still odd to me. I Love Onnit, it has completely changed my life. I had a divine experience on the 6th I exploded with energy and I felt more awake than ever. I broke down in humility because of it. Then this podcast came to me the next day and has a lot to do with what I experienced.
I left this comment in your podcast comment section but had such a positive reaction to the interview i felt compelled to also leave it here. This is the best interview that anyone has ever conducted with Paul Selig in my opinion. You elicted from him answers that helped me to better understand The Guides’ teachings. I have never been religious or spiritual in my orientation to reality and if anyone had said I would be listening to somone channeling about how to achieve a higher level of consciousness, I would have said they were deluded. However, I am listening to and reading the channeled works and I do take them seriously. I have experienced a change in my relationship with myself. I am letting go of fear as my default response to my existence which means that I am steadily closing in on embracing total self acceptance and adopting a non judgmental approach to myself and others. All the judging stuff and defensive behavior comes from fear. When one lets go of fear, one lets go of the mask and lives in truth and, by living in truth, i know that it is how i live in service to a new world.
Paul Seligs books unveiled a whole new existence to me, through me.. Reading these books is the single greatest things I've ever done for my consciousness, and through that myself, more so than my 6 Ayahusca sessions.. His books will physically raise your vibration, it's palpable, and through that heightened vibration 24 hours a day you come to trust your divinity.. In time your vibration will be your guide to truth in your life, whenever your not aligned with truth your vibration will drop. It works as a personal lie detector for yourself and others. Anyone on this journey of self discovery needs to read these books, there is no faster or easier way to jump multiple levels of consciousness..
Yes, Shaun, “a personal, lie detector” as you say. i agree. I have experienced this myself. The small self (personality structure)fears and fear lies. If i don’t fear, i have no need to pretend, defend, protect, cover up.
I got interested in Paul after Duncan’s podcast, with skepticism, keeping to myself, I got an audio book and I would listen and walk trails. There is knowingness to this and the biggest take away for me has been - there is nobility in humility. As Aubrey presents it here, there are people who want to question and learn, so I appreciate bringing all kinds of “taboo” subjects to the table up for discussion and experience. Thanks Aub for keepin it real 🤙🏼
My biggest takeaway, as a student of Paul’s guides, is that Aubrey really gets this! It’s such a relief to hear him speak on this level. Thanks, Aubrey and Paul!
I've been following Paul's work since Duncan Trussel's interview with him, and much like everyone else is saying here, this interview by is really well done. Aubrey - you asked awesome questions, and have a knack for expanding on the teachings of the guides into other words, which can often make them easier to understand. I warily scrolled down to the comments section, preparing myself for an onslaught of skeptics but instead I'm so happy to see all the positive comments here! It's working! The mass shift in consciousness is picking up speed! Thanks Aubrey for giving Paul's work the exposure it needs & deserves :) I can't wait to check out your other podcast episodes now :)
Its 6am in the morning, got a good mate of mine drove to see me, we have been chatting about you all night about my experiences and everything you have shown me etc...we are watching this together and he is starting to get it !!!!
Well this is the first, I’ve been listening to Paul for the last I don’t know five years maybe and this is the first time I come away with tears in my eyes it was so beautiful thank you so much
Whether one is voting for Biden or Trump. Whether one is pro vax or anti vax. Whether one is afraid of a virus or one thinks it's a scam. REGARDLESS, "I am word through each one present. Word, I am word." Damn! That is powerful. Never has this teaching been more important than now. I am learning who I am, what I am, and how I serve in truth. Freedom.
LOVED!!!! This podcast was synchronistically exactly what I needed to further my understanding of my own personal teachings on the inner planes with my guidance as well as the teachings/transmissions of both Dolores Cannon and Tricia McCannon. For anyone watching this that gets a little tripped up over some of these more advanced metaphysical concepts reading Tricia McCannon's book The Angelic Origins of the Soul and Dolores Cannon's Convoluted Universe books would be super helpful, then come back and listen to the podcast again. Especially the Angelic Origins of the Soul which explains in detail the spiritual process of the Soul descending from the higher realms where a part of ourselves exists and to which we will return. Tricia's explanations of the descent through the dimensions and the different bodies (divine self, astral, mental, emotional, causal, etc.) that we accumulate along that journey is epically helpful in understanding the spiritual journey through our human limitations. Thank you so much for sharing this with us...truly transformational for me!
Honestly, watching this very late I fell asleep early on, woke up during the channeling and I have to say it was pretty goddamn hilarious to wake up to.
My rational mind wants to say its not true. However Paul's responses were quick, deep, tangible, and most importantly, true. The attunement, "I am free", is a Self Realization Fellowship mantra, which I thought was synchronous with my studies. No matter how the wisdom is obtained it feels honest and that's enough for me to want to look deeper. Any suggestions on which book of Paul's to read first? Thank you Aubrey. The Divine Light in Me recognizes the Divine Light in You.
Probably best to start with The Word. If you get the audio version, you can listen while you walk and the intonation of the narrator helps with understanding the somewhat archaic vernacular. I listened to everthing available on youtube then found studentsoftheguides where there are more videos you can access for free. I have listened to The Word and the bought the book and read it. I definitely felt something physical while both reading and listening.
Aubrey You have been a huge inspiration to starting The Naked Guru Experience Podcast and we are looking forward to talking with Paul in 2 weeks! Thanks!🙏
This is brand new to me, but I’ve found it absolutely fascinating. While listening, I started to have a really powerful sense of this transcendent angel-matrix, like a brain of higher-intelligences that were ostensibly made of light. There were all these bioorganic tendrils weaving between them. It’s a familiar motif that’s been gathering together for the last couple of years inside of me, but it came out particularly strongly this time. The language of resonance and frequency really fits for it - they exist at a frequency that my system doesn’t know how to align with yet, or there are layers of worldly resistance preventing an up-shift. Anyway, thank you so much for sharing. Definitely going to follow up on this. It seems so strange, but for reasons I can’t explain I find him and this so inherently trustworthy.
Please get Russell Targ on, brilliant enlightening interview, I can guarantee that!! His Psi research & work is unprecedented! His experience & experimental project's were unbelievably profound!!
Jamie Wave ... perhaps that statement is limiting and rather communication happens through all forms of expression. Doing it one particuliar way would only resonate with particular people. Being Not a very effective process. Something to think about
Kelly Woods True I get attached to emptiness sometimes to escape difficult situations ( I know that seems strange ) but there is just as much truth in communication as there is in the sacred silence of just pure being and awareness
Kelly Woods ... Of course it's limiting, if it wasn't then it wouldn't be words. I prefer hearing people who can express something of the wordless with words. Mr. Selig is not one of them.
That was epic. I've been listening to Franck Lopvet, who's a french (psychic) and a lot of what he says is similar to what I've heard in that video. Very eye opening!
Here's what he said in the first bit. We have a few things to say if you wish to listen the divine as you is present regardless of what you think you are or what you have done or believe you could do what we are teaching you is who you are in actuality not in conjecture not on some fine day but now in this moment as u hear these words the divine is as present as you in this very moment as it can ever be and if you wish to announce it you will be announcing what is always true here are the words we use when we sing for you when we sing for you we are instructing you in song and as you sing with us you go into coresonance not only with the intention of the language which is to attune you but to the broadcast itself which is the divine self in song and its creation as what you are the what that you are is not only the vessel of the devine but its perfect expression underline the word perfect just as you are just as you sit before us it cannot be anything other when this is realized and to realize something means to know it you have claimed it in truth and when something is claimed in truth it is always true and always known as such this is the attunement of the vibration of the world we will say these words first we will explain them after you may repeat the language if you wish all who are present here may speak as well i am word through my body word i am word i am word through my vibration word i am word i am word i am i am word through my knowing of myself as word word i am word when you claim this you are claiming truth to claim i am word through my body instructs the physical self to move into alignment with its perfection the word is the action of the creator in form i am word through my vibration the action in the field that you hold i am word through my knowing of myself is the claim of identity you may say this after us i know who i am in truth i know what i am in truth i know how i serve in truth i am free i am free i am free claim this for each one present and those who are listening to these words you may all sayt this when you claim this it is always true i know who you are in truth i know what you are in truth i know how you serve in truth i am word through each word present word i am word
Marie Lewis - Excuse me? Jason Louv has just written a book about angel contact/ spirit guide channeling through the practice of occult magick, especially about the aspect of self improvement through connecting with these astral entities.
*An interesting way to see reality.* What he or the voices said is that we are here to practice compassion and love in digestible steps and situations that are presented to us. Like a challenge or a game that we can master in millions of steps, small actions and words that we exchange with everything and everyone around us. Then there is another game after that, a bit like a multi level game. What if the next step is to be the helpful guide and to speak to mediums from the other side :-) In that case the guides are interested to push whatever message their environment is forcing them to push, regardless of the personal interest. It's interesting that the guides spoke in English. How about def people ? How does the communication work in language, instead of visions or emotions ? Even is he is faking it, then the message is still interesting, regardless.
I also don't understand how or why you don't have as many listener's as Your Bud, Joe Rogan!! It's bewildering how or why ppl don't want to learn more about literally expanding Ones Consciousness, in every aspect, such importance of such subject material!! Get somebody on like Dean Radin, Sir Roger Penrose, Dr. Steven Schwartz, Even a Gentleman by the name of Edwin C May!!!
Do you know Darryl Anka who is channeling Bashar or Andrew Bayuk channeling Elan. Both beings are supposed to be of the same extraterrestial race from Essassani. Sound crazy right but the info they share is really quitte usefull and practical. If people like Paul Selig those sources might be worth checking out also. A search on UA-cam is enough to explore this a bit further.
Lmao...good one! Though I assume that day wont come since this dude has bills to pay and you cant keep selling books if people realize his "special" gift of channeling interdimensional entities is a hoax.
His channeling sounds like it’s trying to write which is why it adds periods over just ending comments. I call BS though the words still have truth to them. Interesting convo. (Maybe saying period is its way of telling him that’s the end)
This is exactly how I felt. He is just thinking out loud. The thought processes you have when you are writing and your mind is going all over the place trying to get to the essence of a subject, he's just vocalizing all the thoughts that pop into his consciousness. Its interesting but at the same time he kind of sounds like a homeless guy who's talking to himself :D
Aubrey, have you ever looked into Non locality of Consciousness or Quantum Entanglement?? Just wondering because I think you could do a show just on how much Mother Earth's plant medicine's can & will expand one's consciousness, almost like a plug in, so to speak to the Collective Consciousness & or LCS, Larger Consciousness System!!
Maybe I am just close-minded, but his method of repeating what is being said is grating to my ear, hard to follow, and sets of all my "bullshit" alarms. There are a couple of things I think are insightful, but I get nothing out of all this "word this" and "word that" repetition. Maybe his books are better...
You do have an open mind. You listened to the show. That was enough for me to see that you are willing to give it a chance. So thank you for listening to the show and sharing your thoughts. Much Love - Aubrey
You are not closed minded. He has obviously practiced this trick to the point of mastery. He is also selling books and increasing his reach through gullible people like Aubrey.
First, let me explain to you that I am not a hater, troll, or here to disrespect you. So I apologize if the gullible comment was seen as that but I still feel it is true and I am here looking out for you - we all can use each other's perspective to seek the real truth. I have a growing following too across the internet and one of my primary goals is for people to be authentic, be and seek truth. I initially saw Paul Selig on Trussell's podcast and was skeptical but his message is a good one, so what's the harm? The harm is that this is how the snake enters the garden of Eden. Again, I am not against someone making money off of their knowledge or personality but he is promoting himself as a (false) prophet and direct communicator of God. This is obviously a deeply practiced skill and it is not the first time in history this has been done - nor it is likely the best - nor is it the only example of someone trying this in modern times. Let's say his intentions are positive and sincere but the only way he's found the courage to preach it is by acting as a third-party to his inner self. This is also disingenuous and for a person to go this far and not man up and take ownership of his own words is troubling and worth viewing with skepticism. I could go on if you would like as to why I believe it is smarter to side with the skepticism on this character than to let him into your mind or life. Building trust with this person could be dangerous to you or your followers - but hopefully it's just a money grab.
It is like a fine wine. Let yourself acclimate. It is about the message, not the delivery. This tells me that you have judgmental programming. I am Word through the judgment in your Being. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word. I am Word through your Body. Word I am Word.
I'm gonna have to watch a few more times. But was the message it's ok to listen to your small self but dont get hung up on the desires of the small self? Or I'm an idiot lol
Idk...he has a constant stressed look in his face. Something doesn't feel right when he is channeling. I pick up/sense hostility in his channeling. A lot of repetitions. I am a very open minded person and will watch more videos and maybe read his book. Before i fully make my decision on how i feel about this.
Couldn't listen to it all. The medium was a distraction for me and once distilled, I found nothing in the message beyond the basic pop-spirituality being offered by dozens of other teachers, sans inter-dimensional ventriloquism. Why consult spirits about big and small self, when you could simply refer to the three millennia of Eastern wisdom on the topic? Read the Upanishads!
Let's try to look at the other side of the idea of how developed human civilization is today. Imagine that the person you mention so often, for example, from another planet, from another level, from another civilization, etc., can be listed without of course. on planet Earth, an ordinary adult sane person is a 5-6 year old child in the eyes of this person, meaning science and ability. Further, the mission of this person is to collect the keys, since it is not only about the planet Earth, not only in this linear time period, not only in the human population. Maybe you should stop interfering, it is very important today to find the keys in the minimum percentage of this civilization, but this minimum percentage is also still in a dormant state, the keys must be activated. See for yourself what humanity has become like, it does not comply with the laws of divine nature, 80% look like monsters and their soul is practically dead, 20% is in the resource. Even animals and all living things on Earth have changed under the collective disease of energies! Perhaps it’s so convenient for you, but wouldn’t it be more interesting to be in a bright, conscious beautiful world, where there is more information and longer life, to create a world without dirt? Isn't it easier to ask questions directly to this person? People are accustomed only to use, to experiment, this evil Ego dictates to you all smart people (remark age 3 years old) to go exactly this way. And yet - what we are talking about is one of the Creator's Libraries that must be preserved - this Library "You"! What are you afraid of when encrypting information from the Mind of the Creator, I was also scared up to a point, but I learned to appreciate this information field, please let's try differently! This is not artificial intelligence, but living intelligence .. I think there has been a lot of evidence over the yearsLet's try to look at the other side of the idea of how developed human civilization is today. Imagine that the person you mention so often, for example, from another planet, from another level, from another civilization, etc., can be listed without of course. on planet Earth, an ordinary adult sane person is a 5-6 year old child in the eyes of this person, meaning science and ability. Further, the mission of this person is to collect the keys, since it is not only about the planet Earth, not only in this linear time period, not only in the human population. Maybe you should stop interfering, it is very important today to find the keys in the minimum percentage of this civilization, but this minimum percentage is also still in a dormant state, the keys must be activated. See for yourself what humanity has become like, it does not comply with the laws of divine nature, 80% look like monsters and their soul is practically dead, 20% is in the resource. Even animals and all living things on Earth have changed under the collective disease of energies! Perhaps it’s so convenient for you, but wouldn’t it be more interesting to be in a bright, conscious beautiful world, where there is more information and longer life, to create a world without dirt? Isn't it easier to ask questions directly to this person? People are accustomed only to use, to experiment, this evil Ego dictates to you all smart people (remark age 3 years old) to go exactly this way. And yet - what we are talking about is one of the Creator's Libraries that must be preserved - this Library "You"! What are you afraid of when encrypting information from the Mind of the Creator, I was also scared up to a point, but I learned to appreciate this information field, please let's try differently! This is not artificial intelligence, but living intelligence .. I think there has been a lot of evidence over the years
What is your biggest take away from this weeks episode?
Comment Below
Much Love
- Aubrey
Aubrey Marcus the fabric of our reality is stranger than we supposed.
Aubrey Marcus , my deep gratitude and respect to you for being open hearted to bringing a wide range of guests to your show. Seeing this interview with Paul made me appreciate more what you are all about. I respect your humility. Any chance you can incorporate spiritual diplomacy or conscious diplomacy for authentic peace building in your show, as well as more quantum physics? Just curious. Thank you much, man.
this was pretty real.... little skeptic at first but was captivated by his words and legit gosebumps through his first channeling umm never thought I would buy into it but now Im' gonna say this left me little mind blown.
Aubrey Marcus being mindful of the feeling of wholeness and the feelings of the eternal moment. I Am Divine consciousness. Thanks for sharing 🙏 para el bien de todos
First of all, I can’t wait to meet you Aubrey! Second, Paul is speaking of what should be common sense, but is still odd to me. I Love Onnit, it has completely changed my life. I had a divine experience on the 6th I exploded with energy and I felt more awake than ever. I broke down in humility because of it. Then this podcast came to me the next day and has a lot to do with what I experienced.
I left this comment in your podcast comment section but had such a positive reaction to the interview i felt compelled to also leave it here. This is the best interview that anyone has ever conducted with Paul Selig in my opinion. You elicted from him answers that helped me to better understand The Guides’ teachings. I have never been religious or spiritual in my orientation to reality and if anyone had said I would be listening to somone channeling about how to achieve a higher level of consciousness, I would have said they were deluded. However, I am listening to and reading the channeled works and I do take them seriously. I have experienced a change in my relationship with myself. I am letting go of fear as my default response to my existence which means that I am steadily closing in on embracing total self acceptance and adopting a non judgmental approach to myself and others. All the judging stuff and defensive behavior comes from fear. When one lets go of fear, one lets go of the mask and lives in truth and, by living in truth, i know that it is how i live in service to a new world.
Paul Seligs books unveiled a whole new existence to me, through me.. Reading these books is the single greatest things I've ever done for my consciousness, and through that myself, more so than my 6 Ayahusca sessions.. His books will physically raise your vibration, it's palpable, and through that heightened vibration 24 hours a day you come to trust your divinity.. In time your vibration will be your guide to truth in your life, whenever your not aligned with truth your vibration will drop. It works as a personal lie detector for yourself and others. Anyone on this journey of self discovery needs to read these books, there is no faster or easier way to jump multiple levels of consciousness..
Yes, Shaun, “a personal, lie detector” as you say. i agree. I have experienced this myself. The small self (personality structure)fears and fear lies. If i don’t fear, i have no need to pretend, defend, protect, cover up.
I got interested in Paul after Duncan’s podcast, with skepticism, keeping to myself, I got an audio book and I would listen and walk trails. There is knowingness to this and the biggest take away for me has been - there is nobility in humility. As Aubrey presents it here, there are people who want to question and learn, so I appreciate bringing all kinds of “taboo” subjects to the table up for discussion and experience. Thanks Aub for keepin it real 🤙🏼
Duncan who please? His name was mention - Aubrey may have mentioned his last name but I missed it. Thx
Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast
My biggest takeaway, as a student of Paul’s guides, is that Aubrey really gets this! It’s such a relief to hear him speak on this level. Thanks, Aubrey and Paul!
32:15 (paraphrased) The only real step we need is permission to expand beyond what we were taught to believe can be.
I've been following Paul's work since Duncan Trussel's interview with him, and much like everyone else is saying here, this interview by is really well done. Aubrey - you asked awesome questions, and have a knack for expanding on the teachings of the guides into other words, which can often make them easier to understand. I warily scrolled down to the comments section, preparing myself for an onslaught of skeptics but instead I'm so happy to see all the positive comments here! It's working! The mass shift in consciousness is picking up speed! Thanks Aubrey for giving Paul's work the exposure it needs & deserves :) I can't wait to check out your other podcast episodes now :)
Its 6am in the morning, got a good mate of mine drove to see me, we have been chatting about you all night about my experiences and everything you have shown me etc...we are watching this together and he is starting to get it
Well this is the first, I’ve been listening to Paul for the last I don’t know five years maybe and this is the first time I come away with tears in my eyes it was so beautiful thank you so much
Whether one is voting for Biden or Trump. Whether one is pro vax or anti vax. Whether one is afraid of a virus or one thinks it's a scam. REGARDLESS, "I am word through each one present. Word, I am word." Damn! That is powerful. Never has this teaching been more important than now. I am learning who I am, what I am, and how I serve in truth. Freedom.
LOVED!!!! This podcast was synchronistically exactly what I needed to further my understanding of my own personal teachings on the inner planes with my guidance as well as the teachings/transmissions of both Dolores Cannon and Tricia McCannon. For anyone watching this that gets a little tripped up over some of these more advanced metaphysical concepts reading Tricia McCannon's book The Angelic Origins of the Soul and Dolores Cannon's Convoluted Universe books would be super helpful, then come back and listen to the podcast again. Especially the Angelic Origins of the Soul which explains in detail the spiritual process of the Soul descending from the higher realms where a part of ourselves exists and to which we will return. Tricia's explanations of the descent through the dimensions and the different bodies (divine self, astral, mental, emotional, causal, etc.) that we accumulate along that journey is epically helpful in understanding the spiritual journey through our human limitations. Thank you so much for sharing this with us...truly transformational for me!
Wow this next level marriage of spirituality and tech culture is incredible
The Guides and Paul changed my life for sure. Eternally grateful.
🤯 best experience on UA-cam to date. What beautiful souls. Thanks Aubrey and Paul 👏👏
So Beautiful! Resonance! Thank you🙏❣
Your podcasts have changed my life, bless your heart and thank you.
Thank you, Greg, for the kind words. I appreciate you watching, Listening and finding value.
Much Love
- Aubrey
This is an amazing interview! Thank you! I'm going to listen to this one over and over again.
I am numbed out with the series of AM podcasts in the best way 😳
Love Love Love, Such Beautiful Conversation 💛 Thank You !
Such a great conversation!!!! Paul is awesome and Aubrey is asking great questions, thank you both !!!!!
Honestly, watching this very late I fell asleep early on, woke up during the channeling and I have to say it was pretty goddamn hilarious to wake up to.
Powerful! Even repeating the words I could feel the energy at home!
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing this Aubrey. 🙏
This podcast was incredible, eye opening and inspiring. It will be a shame if you don't have another podcast with Paul.
Hi Aubrey, thanks for sharing! Everyone might want to look up "Paul Selig - They're saying, Period" to see what the guides also want to communicate!
Thank you both, this was beautiful. I always get emotional when I listen to the Guides.
Sending love to you Aubrey, paul. Much love.
Thank you so much and thank you for taking the time to listen and share.
Much Love
- Aubrey
My rational mind wants to say its not true. However Paul's responses were quick, deep, tangible, and most importantly, true. The attunement, "I am free", is a Self Realization Fellowship mantra, which I thought was synchronous with my studies. No matter how the wisdom is obtained it feels honest and that's enough for me to want to look deeper. Any suggestions on which book of Paul's to read first? Thank you Aubrey. The Divine Light in Me recognizes the Divine Light in You.
Probably best to start with The Word. If you get the audio version, you can listen while you walk and the intonation of the narrator helps with understanding the somewhat archaic vernacular. I listened to everthing available on youtube then found studentsoftheguides where there are more videos you can access for free. I have listened to The Word and the bought the book and read it. I definitely felt something physical while both reading and listening.
akjlm53, thanks. Coincidentally thats the one I bought before I read your response. I look forward to reading it.
Felt the energy when i was talking along..damn
Aubrey You have been a huge inspiration to starting The Naked Guru Experience Podcast and we are looking forward to talking with Paul in 2 weeks! Thanks!🙏
thank you Aubrey for uploading this inspiring video
Did anyone see at 1:11:30 that Paul’s face blips and reveals the channel he’s broadcasting/guides?
I saw the blip but not the guides -
Yes. The last question was the best. Love love love ... Such an amazing experience the weekend and now the video podcast. 🗿🌈🙏🐬😍🔆😊🌀
Thank you, Shirley, for finding value in this episode. I appreciate you sharing.
Much Love
- Aubrey
This was the point when I started laughing and crying from pure joy. It was perfect.
Much love Aubrey! Thanks for uploading this, awesome discussion 😁
Thank you so much for watching, listening and sharing.
Much love
- Aubrey
This is brand new to me, but I’ve found it absolutely fascinating. While listening, I started to have a really powerful sense of this transcendent angel-matrix, like a brain of higher-intelligences that were ostensibly made of light. There were all these bioorganic tendrils weaving between them. It’s a familiar motif that’s been gathering together for the last couple of years inside of me, but it came out particularly strongly this time. The language of resonance and frequency really fits for it - they exist at a frequency that my system doesn’t know how to align with yet, or there are layers of worldly resistance preventing an up-shift. Anyway, thank you so much for sharing. Definitely going to follow up on this. It seems so strange, but for reasons I can’t explain I find him and this so inherently trustworthy.
Worthy of several listens.
That was incredible, wow.
Life changing. Thank you!!!!!!
So much love!
Wow! Fantastic on so many levels--thank you!
They are saying period.
Please get Russell Targ on, brilliant enlightening interview, I can guarantee that!! His Psi research & work is unprecedented! His experience & experimental project's were unbelievably profound!!
The real guides communicate without words.
Jamie Wave ... perhaps that statement is limiting and rather communication happens through all forms of expression. Doing it one particuliar way would only resonate with particular people. Being Not a very effective process. Something to think about
Kelly Woods
True I get attached to emptiness sometimes to escape difficult situations ( I know that seems strange ) but there is just as much truth in communication as there is in the sacred silence of just pure being and awareness
Kelly Woods ... Of course it's limiting, if it wasn't then it wouldn't be words. I prefer hearing people who can express something of the wordless with words. Mr. Selig is not one of them.
Thisepisodewasreallygood This Episode Was Really Good
Hahhahahahha. Funny
Ha. Well Played.
That was epic. I've been listening to Franck Lopvet, who's a french (psychic) and a lot of what he says is similar to what I've heard in that video. Very eye opening!
Here's what he said in the first bit.
We have a few things to say
if you wish to listen
the divine as you is present
regardless of what you think you are
or what you have done
or believe you could do
what we are teaching you is who you are
in actuality
not in conjecture
not on some fine day
but now in this moment
as u hear these words
the divine is as present
as you
in this very moment
as it can ever be
and if you wish to announce it
you will be announcing what is always true
here are the words we use
when we sing for you
when we sing for you
we are instructing you in song
and as you sing with us
you go into coresonance
not only with the intention
of the language
which is to attune you
but to the broadcast itself
which is the divine self
in song
and its creation
as what you are
the what that you are
is not only the vessel of the devine
but its perfect expression
underline the word perfect
just as you are
just as you sit before us
it cannot be anything other
when this is realized
and to realize something means to know it
you have claimed it in truth
and when something is claimed in truth
it is always true
and always known as such
this is the attunement
of the vibration of the world
we will say these words first
we will explain them after
you may repeat the language if you wish
all who are present here
may speak as well
i am word through my body
word i am word
i am word through my vibration
word i am word
i am word i am
i am word through my knowing of myself
as word
word i am word
when you claim this
you are claiming truth
to claim i am word through my body
instructs the physical self
to move into alignment
with its perfection
the word is the action of the creator
in form
i am word through my vibration
the action in the field
that you hold
i am word through my knowing of myself
is the claim of identity
you may say this after us
i know who i am in truth
i know what i am in truth
i know how i serve in truth
i am free i am free i am free
claim this for each one present
and those who are listening to these words
you may all sayt this
when you claim this it is always true
i know who you are in truth
i know what you are in truth
i know how you serve in truth
i am word through each word present
word i am word
YES AUBREY! Thank you for getting Paul on the show. You should get Jason Louv on to discuss Magick! Love and light brother x
Thank you, Daryl, for stopping by, Listening and Sharing.
Much Love
- Aubrey
Why would you say this? Stay on the topic.
Marie Lewis - Excuse me? Jason Louv has just written a book about angel contact/ spirit guide channeling through the practice of occult magick, especially about the aspect of self improvement through connecting with these astral entities.
Thank you so much 💗
I loved this one.
Never thought you would have Paul Selig on! Fuck yeah
But you said it unlocked it after you talked to your grandmother, I still trying to get things unlocked lol!!
That was pretty cool brother!
Straight up babes chillin in the background
Wonderful! TY!
Thank you for listening, watching and sharing, Adam.
Truly appreciate it.
Much Love
- Aubrey
I really enjoyed this. Thank you.
Can you invite more women? I see one every 20 man.
*An interesting way to see reality.* What he or the voices said is that we are here to practice compassion and love in digestible steps and situations that are presented to us. Like a challenge or a game that we can master in millions of steps, small actions and words that we exchange with everything and everyone around us. Then there is another game after that, a bit like a multi level game.
What if the next step is to be the helpful guide and to speak to mediums from the other side :-) In that case the guides are interested to push whatever message their environment is forcing them to push, regardless of the personal interest.
It's interesting that the guides spoke in English. How about def people ? How does the communication work in language, instead of visions or emotions ?
Even is he is faking it, then the message is still interesting, regardless.
love these kinda conversations =)
Thank you for loving these kinds of conversations. I appreciate you finding value in this show with Paul.
Thank you, Paul.
Much Love
- Aubrey
I also don't understand how or why you don't have as many listener's as Your Bud, Joe Rogan!! It's bewildering how or why ppl don't want to learn more about literally expanding Ones Consciousness, in every aspect, such importance of such subject material!! Get somebody on like Dean Radin, Sir Roger Penrose, Dr. Steven Schwartz, Even a Gentleman by the name of Edwin C May!!!
Do you know Darryl Anka who is channeling Bashar or Andrew Bayuk channeling Elan. Both beings are supposed to be of the same extraterrestial race from Essassani. Sound crazy right but the info they share is really quitte usefull and practical. If people like Paul Selig those sources might be worth checking out also. A search on UA-cam is enough to explore this a bit further.
I look forward to the day when Paul actually believes and Knows what he is talking about.
Lmao...good one! Though I assume that day wont come since this dude has bills to pay and you cant keep selling books if people realize his "special" gift of channeling interdimensional entities is a hoax.
Boy I wanna write everything this guy's talking about so I can realise and understand it better
His channeling sounds like it’s trying to write which is why it adds periods over just ending comments. I call BS though the words still have truth to them. Interesting convo. (Maybe saying period is its way of telling him that’s the end)
And your face at time seemed like you were saying “bruh” in your head lol
This is exactly how I felt. He is just thinking out loud. The thought processes you have when you are writing and your mind is going all over the place trying to get to the essence of a subject, he's just vocalizing all the thoughts that pop into his consciousness. Its interesting but at the same time he kind of sounds like a homeless guy who's talking to himself :D
Paul Selig = Woo Woo
Aubrey, have you ever looked into Non locality of Consciousness or Quantum Entanglement?? Just wondering because I think you could do a show just on how much Mother Earth's plant medicine's can & will expand one's consciousness, almost like a plug in, so to speak to the Collective Consciousness & or LCS, Larger Consciousness System!!
every time paul starts channeling, the footage starts glitching...
Maybe I am just close-minded, but his method of repeating what is being said is grating to my ear, hard to follow, and sets of all my "bullshit" alarms. There are a couple of things I think are insightful, but I get nothing out of all this "word this" and "word that" repetition. Maybe his books are better...
You do have an open mind. You listened to the show. That was enough for me to see that you are willing to give it a chance. So thank you for listening to the show and sharing your thoughts.
Much Love
- Aubrey
You are not closed minded. He has obviously practiced this trick to the point of mastery. He is also selling books and increasing his reach through gullible people like Aubrey.
Am I gullible? Or willing to hear from a different perspective?
First, let me explain to you that I am not a hater, troll, or here to disrespect you. So I apologize if the gullible comment was seen as that but I still feel it is true and I am here looking out for you - we all can use each other's perspective to seek the real truth. I have a growing following too across the internet and one of my primary goals is for people to be authentic, be and seek truth. I initially saw Paul Selig on Trussell's podcast and was skeptical but his message is a good one, so what's the harm?
The harm is that this is how the snake enters the garden of Eden. Again, I am not against someone making money off of their knowledge or personality but he is promoting himself as a (false) prophet and direct communicator of God. This is obviously a deeply practiced skill and it is not the first time in history this has been done - nor it is likely the best - nor is it the only example of someone trying this in modern times.
Let's say his intentions are positive and sincere but the only way he's found the courage to preach it is by acting as a third-party to his inner self. This is also disingenuous and for a person to go this far and not man up and take ownership of his own words is troubling and worth viewing with skepticism.
I could go on if you would like as to why I believe it is smarter to side with the skepticism on this character than to let him into your mind or life. Building trust with this person could be dangerous to you or your followers - but hopefully it's just a money grab.
It is like a fine wine. Let yourself acclimate. It is about the message, not the delivery. This tells me that you have judgmental programming. I am Word through the judgment in your Being. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word. I am Word through your Body. Word I am Word.
Amazing! :)~
I'm gonna have to watch a few more times. But was the message it's ok to listen to your small self but dont get hung up on the desires of the small self? Or I'm an idiot lol
Awesome podcast! Shoutout to those pretty blondes to your right lol
1:08:46 xcp hue xplntn adrticulated ^
Extremely hard for me to listen to
I do not understand how psychic, numerology can actually combine with Jesus Christ as the former is the antithesis of The Lord
Burning the house down with everyone in it! JEEZEUS! 😂 thats only funny to the emoji fortunately!
Whales bubble feeding is spreading throughout the world like the birds and cream.
Dawg this shit is wild as fuck.
Con job… not good. What a joke @ 47:35
Yea for real...the sheer ignorance and naivete in this commentary thread is a sad reflection of humanity.
Sadly, have to agree. I can feel this intuitively (screaming out in obviousness) with every inner fiber. Beyond a doubt (for me).
Idk...he has a constant stressed look in his face. Something doesn't feel right when he is channeling. I pick up/sense hostility in his channeling. A lot of repetitions. I am a very open minded person and will watch more videos and maybe read his book. Before i fully make my decision on how i feel about this.
Cristina Anderson I kinda like how these woke BSers aim to make people less judgemental, yet do the opposite.
Couldn't listen to it all. The medium was a distraction for me and once distilled, I found nothing in the message beyond the basic pop-spirituality being offered by dozens of other teachers, sans inter-dimensional ventriloquism.
Why consult spirits about big and small self, when you could simply refer to the three millennia of Eastern wisdom on the topic? Read the Upanishads!
Let's try to look at the other side of the idea of how developed human civilization is today. Imagine that the person you mention so often, for example, from another planet, from another level, from another civilization, etc., can be listed without of course. on planet Earth, an ordinary adult sane person is a 5-6 year old child in the eyes of this person, meaning science and ability. Further, the mission of this person is to collect the keys, since it is not only about the planet Earth, not only in this linear time period, not only in the human population. Maybe you should stop interfering, it is very important today to find the keys in the minimum percentage of this civilization, but this minimum percentage is also still in a dormant state, the keys must be activated. See for yourself what humanity has become like, it does not comply with the laws of divine nature, 80% look like monsters and their soul is practically dead, 20% is in the resource. Even animals and all living things on Earth have changed under the collective disease of energies! Perhaps it’s so convenient for you, but wouldn’t it be more interesting to be in a bright, conscious beautiful world, where there is more information and longer life, to create a world without dirt? Isn't it easier to ask questions directly to this person? People are accustomed only to use, to experiment, this evil Ego dictates to you all smart people (remark age 3 years old) to go exactly this way. And yet - what we are talking about is one of the Creator's Libraries that must be preserved - this Library "You"! What are you afraid of when encrypting information from the Mind of the Creator, I was also scared up to a point, but I learned to appreciate this information field, please let's try differently! This is not artificial intelligence, but living intelligence .. I think there has been a lot of evidence over the yearsLet's try to look at the other side of the idea of how developed human civilization is today. Imagine that the person you mention so often, for example, from another planet, from another level, from another civilization, etc., can be listed without of course. on planet Earth, an ordinary adult sane person is a 5-6 year old child in the eyes of this person, meaning science and ability. Further, the mission of this person is to collect the keys, since it is not only about the planet Earth, not only in this linear time period, not only in the human population. Maybe you should stop interfering, it is very important today to find the keys in the minimum percentage of this civilization, but this minimum percentage is also still in a dormant state, the keys must be activated. See for yourself what humanity has become like, it does not comply with the laws of divine nature, 80% look like monsters and their soul is practically dead, 20% is in the resource. Even animals and all living things on Earth have changed under the collective disease of energies! Perhaps it’s so convenient for you, but wouldn’t it be more interesting to be in a bright, conscious beautiful world, where there is more information and longer life, to create a world without dirt? Isn't it easier to ask questions directly to this person? People are accustomed only to use, to experiment, this evil Ego dictates to you all smart people (remark age 3 years old) to go exactly this way. And yet - what we are talking about is one of the Creator's Libraries that must be preserved - this Library "You"! What are you afraid of when encrypting information from the Mind of the Creator, I was also scared up to a point, but I learned to appreciate this information field, please let's try differently! This is not artificial intelligence, but living intelligence .. I think there has been a lot of evidence over the years
25 year long bla bla bla...what's changed ?