Aline, you are so charming and adorable! Thank you for helping us who can't travel to your beautiful country to see these historical places and bringing these treasures from the Bible to life!!! May God bless you and your family ❤
I get excited watching your videos, Aline, knowing Jesus was in those places and will be again, and that all those who love him will be residing with him when he returns to reign for 1000 years. Hallelujah, praise God and maranatha!! Thank you for all your work, Aline, and may God bless you and your family.🥰😘
The mosaic of the zodiac on the synagogue floor could have been a Mazzaroth. Mazzaroth is a Biblical Hebrew word that refers to the zodiac or constellations. It appears in the Book of Job, where God asks Job, “Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?”. The word is Aramaic (Semitic) in origin, and means "the 12 Signs". The mention of Mazzaroth in the Bible is meant to highlight the order and majesty of God's creation in the heavens. The original message of Mazzaroth was about the promised coming of the Redeemer. However, the Bible also forbids the corrupt astrological use of the zodiac signs, as seen in Isaiah 47:12-14.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’ (Numbers 6:24-26)
Haven’t found anyone explaining the biblical history with archaeological evidence so lively like you are doing Ms.Aline!!! Great job & keep going. God bless you.
Jesus was born in 5BC when a Comet travelling for 70 days starting on March the 10th and lasting till May 19th. He attended Temple school around 3 AD and for six years of schooling finishing 9AD . When he turned 12 years old he had to learn a trade being taught by his step father for six years. At 18 he attended Rabbinical School for 12 years becoming a minister of male ritual source Acts . The 15th year of Tiberius was in 27AD and working backwards comes to 5BC and he was 30 years old. The Tiberius reign started from 12AD when two Emperor's ruled Rome and his official reign started on 14AD , the crucifixion was carried out on the 16th year being 30 AD .
@@dawns5458 From documentaries and from Josephus, Tacitus, Philo historians in the first century. Most of the New Testament is coded and in riddles. All the baddies in the New Testament their tombs have been found Herod the Great, Caiphas, and Judas Iscariot. For Judas his tomb was very interesting there were three skeletons of men , several clay vases and one of them having 30 pieces of silver but the most important find was a wooden smoking pipe scientist tested for chemical analysis and they found cannabis resin, so Judas Iscariot was a stoner. Jesus himself was taught alchemy in the Temple school so he knew which plants to use in medicine.
“The Jews therefore marveled, saying, “How is it that this man has learning, when he has never studied?”” John 7:15 What this verse is actually telling everyone is that none of the religious leaders ever even knew that Jesus went to school to study the way they did. When the Jewish leaders say that a man is unlearned, they are not saying that he's stupid. What they mean is that none of them ever saw him in their schools, None of them taught him; none of them Knew anyone else like them Who would have taught him. In other words he was not certified. As far as they were concerned He never went to Rabbinical school. So you're assertion that he studied as would have been the custom for a young Jewish man like him is wrong as far as their own eyewitness testimony Which would have been corroborated by any one of them was concerned. In fact, here we see that what they are Corroborating Among themselves is actually the opposite.
I believe that Jesus said something like, 'you can't be a prophet in your own village', which is one reason perhaps why he started traveling later after getting back from Egypt... .
If you read some of the Psalms they could reflect the “missing” years of Yeshua-Jesus. As in Psalm 55:13-14. There are Psalms relating how the writer was mocked. Yes, the Psalms were written before He walked the earth in human form but they are also prophetic.
Hi from Canada. This is the first of your videos that I have watched, and I recognize you as a dear sister. You made some excellent points and comments, and I am sure Jesus must have preached in Tzipori. He had two ministries? one private and one public? I am going to lean into you and trust you are being led by the Spirit for all us gentile women out there, watching Israel and praying for her. God Bless you Aline.
“Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown. Luke 4:24 I believe this would have been true throughout Galilee, which may explain why the Gospels never mention him preaching/teaching/healing in the capital city of Galilee.
The lord jesus was living in northern Tigray, Axum area, like in mahbere bekru monastry, between the ages 12 and 30. Aline you are intelligent and do a deep research in Axum. You will find the answer.
The Lord didn't go to Tzipori to preach the Gospel there. The Lord already stated the reason why: "For I have come for the lost sheep of the House of Israel." Tzipori probably had a large population of Romans and Greeks.
I have heard it said that people do not heed prophets in their home settings, and I paraphrase that, but I believe it was stated in the Bible. This may be why he preeched elsewhere, where he was perhaps felt to be exotic!
There is mentioned in the gospel that Jesus's preachings was to the Jewish people and not the gentiles. Therefore, he avoided the gentile population. It was only later in his ministry that he included everybody else.
In Ethiopia we have a book named"ተአምረ ኢየሱስ""miracles of Jesus Christ" this book is used by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church it holds some other miracles our Lord has performed which are not included in the Holy Bible.
Hi Aline. Praying all is wonderful with you.❤. Can you please make a vlog on Ark of the Covenant and if possible please capture that Holy Ark in the cam. Love from Pakistani Christians❤🇵🇰.
Yes, I think it's entirely possible. However, maybe Joseph told him to stay at home and work on the local carpentry orders, and keep an eye on the rest of the family. If it was really important, I believe all the particulars would have been made known. Perhaps Jesus didn't talk about those years to anyone for his own reasons, so it could not be reported. It was a very intense time in history, and once Jesus began his ministry, he was very focused on that...the reason why he was on earth.
The Bible says he went to many towns and villages in that area but doesn't name them, so that this city was one of them I am sure he went there being so close to Nazareth.
ALINE, YOU NEGLECTED TO POST YOUR FRIENDS WEBSITE FROM THE DEAD SEA VIDEO. If I were him and I took you out there because of my knowledge of when a crater could open, I would feel sad that you did not post any way for people to find me.
Shalom: Do you think Jesus was married and had children? At the 22:30 mark you ask a question. I submit to you the answer found in Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24
Uh, what about the apocrypha? Jesus' childhood is all in there from the womb to the tomb. It doesn't specify a lot of what you talk about here... Sooooo...
I think it's not written down because you probably wouldn't believe even if it was written down. I definitely think he visited the United States before and spoke to the native Americans. I think he's visiting other countries and cultures before too. I think there's many myths built around him and his visit to these other countries and their cultures.
People are so keen to see how jesus spent his life between 12 and 30 forgetting the fact that he is the son of God whose holy birth itself is to redeem the world. This great mission should have its own time to reach that glorious goal. The divinity of son of God is revealed to people by his great transformation from an ordinary life to the final sacrifice. People accepted him as son of God from the miracles he did. The whole events from birth to resurection thus become a mystery to human reasoning. This is the difference between man and son of God
Yeshua, would you call Jesus, from the age of 12 to 30 he was living in Africa ( Kemet) Remember the angel told his parents to take him down into Egypt. He went to the trouble when he was 12, after that he spent the rest of this time in Egypt until the age of 30.
This is so intertesting..Your video is pretty much following the book I am reading. The book says regarding Galalee, he certainly ministered there, though only to followers inside caves on the bluffs on the Sea of Galalee. The entrances were well camoflouged, due to Roman Soldiers looking him. He posed a threat to the Pharisees and to 'Rome' in Israel. This cannot be fact checked though only felt as credible, common sense for one who is teaching against the Law of Moses. The book is fascinating, and seems factual, it is a coilation of clients who approached Dolores Cannon for Regression Therapy. She recorded the sessions, then researched the data provided by the client under regression or hynosis. Shes transcribed recordings into 2 books with research written on the lives the ckients were speaking about at the time of appointment/s. Jesus and the Essenes They walked with Jesus. One person here, with a greek username?, speaks of a comet passing, this is recorded in Jesus and the Essenes. The person found themselves in the Essene community, the people of the community found themselves on the rooves of the houses to watch the comet pass. The teachers then said, 'He' is coming. Take it or leave it, its interesting, though where we may have been before.
Just because there is no account of Jesus life between 12 & 30 , does not mean he had s secret life, 30 to 33 was the appointed time for his work of salvation, For whom did Jesus come for as orginally envisioned by God when he first cut the Covenant with Abraham? My God, My God why do you forsake me" immediately after which he said " Father, unto thy hands I commend my Spirit " The second Adam echoeing the last words of the First Adam, the only one (s) who walked & talked with God in the garden as a friend, from where coined the phrase " Abraham, friend of God " Even as the Bible states in Geneology " -- Adam , son of God , So did God foresake his son Adam and his seed God is not a respector of persons neither an individual or a group, nor a Tribal God, God is God of all Who is not in the habit of making different covenants for different people, neither a plan A or Plan B, nor dispensations of time for one who has no time, Render unto God what is to God-- FAITH, without which it is not possible to please God but surely not a Leavened/Corrupted Faith as in Protestantism's Faith Only Unto Abraham said he " I will bless them that bless you " -- And your seed shall be like the sands and stars " WHICH SEED ARE THE SEED OF FAITH, Jesus made & used a whip to overturn the TABLES in the temple, the tables of the leavens of the Pharisees (Jews) & Herod (Gentiles) the leavens of LAW/FAITH resp, Regarding the Gnostic Di Vinci painting of the last supper , in truth is not the last supper but the Marriage feast of the Lamb " denoting Our Lord & seated beside him is Our Lady seated around her are her beloved , first fruits of the Lamb revealing Joels Prophecy of the Army of God, in the latter rain of the Spirit, depicting the proof of Redemption,
My dream is to marry a Jewish girl. It's far fetch. However, Biblical story is astonishing. Are you married? Do you know the tribulation period the revelation in the Bible? My heart is heavy for the Jews, the juda tribes and Israel Jacob for Lord is with you but hardened in tribulation period 🙏
The SHEPHERD of ISRAEL The words of the Old Testament refer to God as the Good Shepherd of Israel. 📌Psalms 80: 1 Hear us, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock; you who sit enthroned between the cherubim, shine forth 📌Isaiah 40: 11 He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. Jerusalem had about 10 gates. One was the Sheep Gate. It was near the temple and anyone going to sacrifice in the temple would pass through it with the sheep of sacrifice. There was also a sheep market at the sheep's gate. During Nehemiah's rebuilding of Jerusalem, Nehemiah 3:1, the Sheep Gate was rebuilt by Priests. The REALITY of the sheep and the gate, foreshadowed in the OT is revealed in the NT. In John 10:11,14, Jesus said "I am the Good Shepherd." as King David had aptly said, "The Lord is my Shepherd." In John 10:7, Jesus said, "I am the gate for the sheep." We must enter through Him for us to be saved. It was at the sheep gate an angel of the Lord used to stir water in the pool of Bethesda, John 5:2, signifying God's redemption through Christ following His work as the Lamb of God, John 1:29, as the gate and as the Good Shepherd. Further, Jesus is referred as the Shepherd in; 📌Hebrews 13: 20 May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, 📌1 Peter 2: 25 For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. 📌1 Peter 5: 4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.
Where is the evidence that Jesus lived here or had anything to do with this place and what happened to graphics on the mosiac. It's missing pictures there is no evidence
Cain Descendants sought to do all that was wicked on the land in the sight of the Lord, for they had been marked by him, for the descendants of cain had received unto themselves the Damnation which was the fair portion for cain sin. And God refused to be angered by cains WICKEDNESS for cain was not FORGIVEN. And The descendants of cain practice all manner of evil that Not shall be forgiven of men. So God ignored the line of cain. for they were of no use to him.. in of book. by YAHSHUA
Abraham isaac ismael josef .......and the last prophet jesus or we can say all Messengers THEY ARE MUSLİMS .they believe in islam and they teach People that there is only one god his name is Allah . Allah sent muhammed to teach people what Abraham and his sons taught their people in the past. Allah's messengers are brothers and they are teaching the same thing.
Jesus is not name of messiah. Jesus or Yeshua is not israelite hebrew. Yeshua is Jew israelite hebrew mixed with aramaic but in israelite hebrew name translated is YaHaWasHi in יְהוֹשֻׁעַ name same to Joshua or Jeshua in Ophirian translation found in 17 ancient letter can converted to hebrew.
Aline, you are so charming and adorable! Thank you for helping us who can't travel to your beautiful country to see these historical places and bringing these treasures from the Bible to life!!!
May God bless you and your family ❤
I get excited watching your videos, Aline, knowing Jesus was in those places and will be again, and that all those who love him will be residing with him when he returns to reign for 1000 years. Hallelujah, praise God and maranatha!! Thank you for all your work, Aline, and may God bless you and your family.🥰😘
Thank you 😊 this has become my favorite channel. I hope to one day walk the streets Jesus walked.
Luke 4:24 “Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown."
That’s why He couldn’t do many miracles, because of their lack of faith, that He was truly God.
Turin shroud and the sudarium of oviedo 🎉 Great bible info
The mosaic of the zodiac on the synagogue floor could have been a Mazzaroth. Mazzaroth is a Biblical Hebrew word that refers to the zodiac or constellations. It appears in the Book of Job, where God asks Job, “Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?”. The word is Aramaic (Semitic) in origin, and means "the 12 Signs".
The mention of Mazzaroth in the Bible is meant to highlight the order and majesty of God's creation in the heavens. The original message of Mazzaroth was about the promised coming of the Redeemer. However, the Bible also forbids the corrupt astrological use of the zodiac signs, as seen in Isaiah 47:12-14.
I think he went wherever the Father ❤ directed him and then some we may never know 🎉
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’
(Numbers 6:24-26)
Same to you, my favourite prayer.
Thank you Aline amazing praise Abba, bless you and all of Israel
Haven’t found anyone explaining the biblical history with archaeological evidence so lively like you are doing Ms.Aline!!! Great job & keep going. God bless you.
Aline we just love you and your tours ❤ Thank you Daughter 💕
I love your videos and thank you for showing us places that some of us will never be able to visit. Well done and informative, thank you Aline
Thank you sister Aline for bringing interesting thoughts about my Lord JESUS. May the LORD bless your work abundantly
Great and Amazing.... Thanks a lot Aline...❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ (India).
Thank You!
I have watched a few of your films, and have enjoyed very much but this film I think is the best one yet. Thank you very much
Thank you for your insight!🙏🏾
Jesus was born in 5BC when a Comet travelling for 70 days starting on March the 10th and lasting till May 19th. He attended Temple school around 3 AD and for six years of schooling finishing 9AD . When he turned 12 years old he had to learn a trade being taught by his step father for six years. At 18 he attended Rabbinical School for 12 years becoming a minister of male ritual source Acts . The 15th year of Tiberius was in 27AD and working backwards comes to 5BC and he was 30 years old. The Tiberius reign started from 12AD when two Emperor's ruled Rome and his official reign started on 14AD , the crucifixion was carried out on the 16th year being 30 AD .
Where did you get that information from?
@@dawns5458 From documentaries and from Josephus, Tacitus, Philo historians in the first century. Most of the New Testament is coded and in riddles. All the baddies in the New Testament their tombs have been found Herod the Great, Caiphas, and Judas Iscariot. For Judas his tomb was very interesting there were three skeletons of men , several clay vases and one of them having 30 pieces of silver but the most important find was a wooden smoking pipe scientist tested for chemical analysis and they found cannabis resin, so Judas Iscariot was a stoner. Jesus himself was taught alchemy in the Temple school so he knew which plants to use in medicine.
“The Jews therefore marveled, saying, “How is it that this man has learning, when he has never studied?”” John 7:15
What this verse is actually telling everyone is that none of the religious leaders ever even knew that Jesus went to school to study the way they did.
When the Jewish leaders say that a man is unlearned, they are not saying that he's stupid.
What they mean is that none of them ever saw him in their schools, None of them taught him; none of them Knew anyone else like them Who would have taught him.
In other words he was not certified.
As far as they were concerned He never went to Rabbinical school.
So you're assertion that he studied as would have been the custom for a young Jewish man like him is wrong as far as their own eyewitness testimony Which would have been corroborated by any one of them was concerned.
In fact, here we see that what they are Corroborating Among themselves is actually the opposite.
What are you talking about?
Do you the meaning of BC and AD?
What are you talking about?
Do you the meaning of BC and AD?
I believe that Jesus said something like, 'you can't be a prophet in your own village', which is one reason perhaps why he started traveling later after getting back from Egypt... .
love your videos. they are full of knowledge, excitement and mysteries. Thanks a lot and be blessed in the name of Yeshuah ha Mashiach.
If you read some of the Psalms they could reflect the “missing” years of Yeshua-Jesus. As in Psalm 55:13-14. There are Psalms relating how the writer was mocked.
Yes, the Psalms were written before He walked the earth in human form but they are also prophetic.
❤❤❤ sister Aline, Let us believe, how, that Christ died for our sins, he was buried and he rose again the third day, amen. Maranatha🎉🎉🎉
Thank you Aline for your tour
Hi from Canada. This is the first of your videos that I have watched, and I recognize you as a dear sister. You made some excellent points and comments, and I am sure Jesus must have preached in Tzipori. He had two ministries? one private and one public? I am going to lean into you and trust you are being led by the Spirit for all us gentile women out there, watching Israel and praying for her. God Bless you Aline.
Praise Jesus
We Support Israel👍❤️
Love Israel❤️🇮🇳
Easy to grasp the accent.I like it and love to watch each of your content. Good keep it up❤
I think it is very possible Jesus did work there. Thanks Aline for the video!!!
Turin shroud and the sudarium of oviedo 🎉 Great bible info
“Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown. Luke 4:24
I believe this would have been true throughout Galilee, which may explain why the Gospels never mention him preaching/teaching/healing in the capital city of Galilee.
Very informative explain history very well❤ very nice and good work 💯
That is nice story.Thank you Aline.Jesus bless you.
The lord jesus was living in northern Tigray, Axum area, like in mahbere bekru monastry, between the ages 12 and 30. Aline you are intelligent and do a deep research in Axum. You will find the answer.
Pray for me I'm in a huge debt
Fast and pray for three days
Praise the lord Aline lam sudha joseph from india
The Lord didn't go to Tzipori to preach the Gospel there. The Lord already stated the reason why: "For I have come for the lost sheep of the House of Israel." Tzipori probably had a large population of Romans and Greeks.
I have heard it said that people do not heed prophets in their home settings, and I paraphrase that, but I believe it was stated in the Bible. This may be why he preeched elsewhere, where he was perhaps felt to be exotic!
Very good explanation
I am Felix from newzealand
I enjoy your tours .
Good 👍
Occult has conquered all the biblical sites🎉
Well done 👍
❤🎉great news.
There is mentioned in the gospel that Jesus's preachings was to the Jewish people and not the gentiles. Therefore, he avoided the gentile population. It was only later in his ministry that he included everybody else.
Yes, I believe he definitely would have spent some time there, the only question being, how much.
Outstanding video. Thank you.
New subscriber.
New subscriber from india Nagaland
I enjoy your tour alin❤🎉💯🧎
interesting truly
In Ethiopia we have a book named"ተአምረ ኢየሱስ""miracles of Jesus Christ" this book is used by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church it holds some other miracles our Lord has performed which are not included in the Holy Bible.
Hi Aline.
Praying all is wonderful with you.❤.
Can you please make a vlog on
Ark of the Covenant and if possible please capture that Holy Ark in the cam.
Love from Pakistani Christians❤🇵🇰.
Yes, I think it's entirely possible. However, maybe Joseph told him to stay at home and work on the local carpentry orders, and keep an eye on the rest of the family. If it was really important, I believe all the particulars would have been made known. Perhaps Jesus didn't talk about those years to anyone for his own reasons, so it could not be reported. It was a very intense time in history, and once Jesus began his ministry, he was very focused on that...the reason why he was on earth.
perhaps Jesus was with his father long ago helping him for the work being a carpenter and a builder to any place he is hired.
I love you , more ❤
Hi madam good morning
I love israel country
I think we will come to know about complete history in the coming last Millenium... When the earth is going to be filled with God's knowledge..
Jesus quoted that a prophet is dishonored in his hometown
The Bible says he went to many towns and villages in that area but doesn't name them, so that this city was one of them I am sure he went there being so close to Nazareth.
I want to reach to Israel but financial problem.😢😢 Can you help me mam
ALINE, YOU NEGLECTED TO POST YOUR FRIENDS WEBSITE FROM THE DEAD SEA VIDEO. If I were him and I took you out there because of my knowledge of when a crater could open, I would feel sad that you did not post any way for people to find me.
Thanx for nice information, the place name wasn't clear !
Luke 4:24
[24]Then He said, “Assuredly, I say to you, no prophet is accepted to his home town
The gospels do mention Jesus in Galilee.
thanks for your very informative videos. I love them. The verbiage remind me of those old bad Chinese martial arts movies LOL J/K
Jesus seems to relate to the poor not rich towns
Shalom: Do you think Jesus was married and had children?
At the 22:30 mark you ask a question. I submit to you the answer found in Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:24
The video isn't even that long
Your time stamp is inaccurate
Sorry )-: You are correct. Try the 19:20 to 20:01 mark
Uh, what about the apocrypha? Jesus' childhood is all in there from the womb to the tomb. It doesn't specify a lot of what you talk about here... Sooooo...
Did Josephus write anything about Jesus' younger years?
I think it's not written down because you probably wouldn't believe even if it was written down.
I definitely think he visited the United States before and spoke to the native Americans.
I think he's visiting other countries and cultures before too.
I think there's many myths built around him and his visit to these other countries and their cultures.
People are so keen to see how jesus spent his life between 12 and 30 forgetting the fact that he is the son of God whose holy birth itself is to redeem the world. This great mission should have its own time to reach that glorious goal. The divinity of son of God is revealed to people by his great transformation from an ordinary life to the final sacrifice. People accepted him as son of God from the miracles he did. The whole events from birth to resurection thus become a mystery to human reasoning. This is the difference between man and son of God
They even thought Paul one of the apostles was an Egyptian which was a black man.
Yeshua, would you call Jesus, from the age of 12 to 30 he was living in Africa ( Kemet)
Remember the angel told his parents to take him down into Egypt. He went to the trouble when he was 12, after that he spent the rest of this time in Egypt until the age of 30.
You are so beautiful. Thats why the israeli chosen by god so lovely
Is she still mother of one?
This is so intertesting..Your video is pretty much following the book I am reading.
The book says regarding Galalee, he certainly ministered there, though only to followers inside caves on the bluffs on the Sea of Galalee. The entrances were well camoflouged, due to Roman Soldiers looking him. He posed a threat to the Pharisees and to 'Rome' in Israel. This cannot be fact checked though only felt as credible, common sense for one who is teaching against the Law of Moses.
The book is fascinating, and seems factual, it is a coilation of clients who approached Dolores Cannon for Regression Therapy. She recorded the sessions, then researched the data provided by the client under regression or hynosis.
Shes transcribed recordings into 2 books with research written on the lives the ckients were speaking about at the time of appointment/s.
Jesus and the Essenes
They walked with Jesus.
One person here, with a greek username?, speaks of a comet passing, this is recorded in Jesus and the Essenes. The person found themselves in the Essene community, the people of the community found themselves on the rooves of the houses to watch the comet pass. The teachers then said, 'He' is coming.
Take it or leave it, its interesting, though where we may have been before.
He was in Egypt.
did you find the toys of Jesus?
Oh, l want to meet you one day.
Just because there is no account of Jesus life between 12 & 30 , does not mean he had s secret life, 30 to 33 was the appointed time for his work of salvation,
For whom did Jesus come for as orginally envisioned by God when he first cut the Covenant with Abraham?
My God, My God why do you forsake me" immediately after which he said " Father, unto thy hands I commend my Spirit " The second Adam echoeing the last words of the First Adam, the only one (s) who walked & talked with God in the garden as a friend, from where coined the phrase " Abraham, friend of God " Even as the Bible states in Geneology " -- Adam , son of God , So did God foresake his son Adam and his seed
God is not a respector of persons neither an individual or a group, nor a Tribal God, God is God of all
Who is not in the habit of making different covenants for different people, neither a plan A or Plan B, nor dispensations of time for one who has no time,
Render unto God what is to God-- FAITH, without which it is not possible to please God but surely not a Leavened/Corrupted Faith as in Protestantism's Faith Only
Unto Abraham said he " I will bless them that bless you " -- And your seed shall be like the sands and stars " WHICH SEED ARE THE SEED OF FAITH,
Jesus made & used a whip to overturn the TABLES in the temple, the tables of the leavens of the Pharisees (Jews) & Herod (Gentiles) the leavens of LAW/FAITH resp,
Regarding the Gnostic Di Vinci painting of the last supper , in truth is not the last supper but the Marriage feast of the Lamb " denoting Our Lord & seated beside him is Our Lady seated around her are her beloved , first fruits of the Lamb revealing Joels Prophecy of the Army of God, in the latter rain of the Spirit, depicting the proof of Redemption,
My dream is to marry a Jewish girl. It's far fetch. However, Biblical story is astonishing. Are you married? Do you know the tribulation period the revelation in the Bible? My heart is heavy for the Jews, the juda tribes and Israel Jacob for Lord is with you but hardened in tribulation period 🙏
Arab Christian ladies are very pretty.
The words of the Old Testament refer to God as the Good Shepherd of Israel.
📌Psalms 80:
1 Hear us, O Shepherd of Israel,
you who lead Joseph like a flock;
you who sit enthroned between the cherubim, shine forth
📌Isaiah 40:
11 He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.
Jerusalem had about 10 gates. One was the Sheep Gate. It was near the temple and anyone going to sacrifice in the temple would pass through it with the sheep of sacrifice. There was also a sheep market at the sheep's gate.
During Nehemiah's rebuilding of Jerusalem, Nehemiah 3:1, the Sheep Gate was rebuilt by Priests.
The REALITY of the sheep and the gate, foreshadowed in the OT is revealed in the NT.
In John 10:11,14, Jesus said "I am the Good Shepherd." as King David had aptly said, "The Lord is my Shepherd."
In John 10:7, Jesus said, "I am the gate for the sheep." We must enter through Him for us to be saved.
It was at the sheep gate an angel of the Lord used to stir water in the pool of Bethesda, John 5:2, signifying God's redemption through Christ following His work as the Lamb of God, John 1:29, as the gate and as the Good Shepherd.
Further, Jesus is referred as the Shepherd in;
📌Hebrews 13:
20 May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep,
📌1 Peter 2:
25 For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
📌1 Peter 5:
4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.
What interests me is not Jesus, but what Baal god and Ishtar goddes did in Israel, and did Moloch walk on the streets of Judea?😂
Where is the evidence that Jesus lived here or had anything to do with this place and what happened to graphics on the mosiac. It's missing pictures there is no evidence
Cain Descendants sought to do all that was wicked on the land in the sight of the Lord, for they had been marked by him, for the descendants of cain had received unto themselves the Damnation which was the fair portion for cain sin. And God refused to be angered by cains WICKEDNESS for cain was not FORGIVEN. And The descendants of cain practice all manner of evil that
Not shall be forgiven of men. So God ignored the line of cain. for they were of no use to him.. in of book. by YAHSHUA
Oneness with God had not yet occurred. He was a student of God's His entire existence on earth.
Abraham isaac ismael josef .......and the last prophet jesus or we can say all Messengers THEY ARE MUSLİMS .they believe in islam and they teach People that there is only one god his name is Allah .
Allah sent muhammed to teach people what Abraham and his sons taught their people in the past. Allah's messengers are brothers and they are teaching the same thing.
Jesus is not name of messiah. Jesus or Yeshua is not israelite hebrew. Yeshua is Jew israelite hebrew mixed with aramaic but in israelite hebrew name translated is YaHaWasHi in יְהוֹשֻׁעַ name same to Joshua or Jeshua in Ophirian translation found in 17 ancient letter can converted to hebrew.
A whole bunch of nothing 🤦🏾♂️
The English dub is very annoying. I prefer subtitles
Im concerned for your safety