The earlybgothic stone work is beautiful. I walk to old Abbey and cathedral in the UK and its very similar to thevearlybenglish gothic. The big green stone with the four flower designs is the exact same asnivebseen on medieval floor tiles in some of the English abbeys
The statue of St. Augustinian has fallen down now. Its costs too much to look after places like this. This Abbey is oldercthan most countries in the world. Its not right to let something like this go to ruin. Visit Holycross Abbey on the road to Thurles for an idea of how magnificent the cloister at Athassal Abbey actually was.
The earlybgothic stone work is beautiful. I walk to old Abbey and cathedral in the UK and its very similar to thevearlybenglish gothic. The big green stone with the four flower designs is the exact same asnivebseen on medieval floor tiles in some of the English abbeys
The statue of St. Augustinian has fallen down now. Its costs too much to look after places like this. This Abbey is oldercthan most countries in the world. Its not right to let something like this go to ruin. Visit Holycross Abbey on the road to Thurles for an idea of how magnificent the cloister at Athassal Abbey actually was.