ER Doctors, What Are Your DUMBEST EMERGENCY Stories?

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @hxissgurl3773
    @hxissgurl3773 6 місяців тому +60

    My sister was in college living alone in a second story apartment when one day she had terrible chest pain that radiated down her left arm. Thinking she was having a heart attack she called 911. The EMTs got her laid down and carried her down the stairs and into the ambulance. All the movement cause her to let out the loudest and longest fart of her life. She the realized the pain was gone and felt so mortified with embarrassment. She apologized to the guys and explained what was going on. They offered to still take her to the hospital but she turned them down knowing it wouldn't be necessary at that point. The EMTs had a good laugh about it all while reassuring her that gas is natural and is more commonly the cause of these types of calls than people realize and she has nothing to be embarrassed about. It did not stop her embarrassment though.

    • @caitb7089
      @caitb7089 6 місяців тому +8

      Honestly gas pain gives me crazy heart palpitations you can really convince yourself you’re dying 😭

    • @Zuginator
      @Zuginator 6 місяців тому +3

      That's a GREAT story. It's way better than one of my friends, her little sister got high. Got paranoia and thought he couldn't breathe. Called an ambulance and got everyone arrested.

    • @danniellesloane
      @danniellesloane 5 місяців тому +4

      While it's probably a little frustrating at some points, I'm sure for them to find out that they *aren't* dealing with a patient with a serious condition like a heart attack would be always good news ❤️

    • @monroerobbins7551
      @monroerobbins7551 5 місяців тому

      …how can gas affect your arm? Like, heart palpitations makes some sense, chest pain maybe (cause bloating can affect the rest of your guts, especially if it gets bad enough), but your arm?

  • @jackgibsxxx0750
    @jackgibsxxx0750 6 місяців тому +17

    Cactus boy... Those fine/small needles are the bad part. Got a half dozen in the side of my hand one time. Used tweasers to get them out. Wish I had known about using glue.

    • @DavidRichardson153
      @DavidRichardson153 6 місяців тому +6

      Just a half dozen? I had about two dozen (maybe three) jammed in the back of my heel down to their roots. Why? Because I was a particularly stupid kid, even at the age of 4 or 5, and without paying attention whatsoever, I sped-walked backwards and slammed my bare heel into a little cactus my parents were keeping.
      I was really screaming from the pain as my mom pulled them out one by one with tweezers. I absolutely would have appreciated the glue method.
      One silver lining to the whole ordeal: that spelled the end of keeping any cactus plants around the house, mine or relatives.

  • @marrsings7131
    @marrsings7131 6 місяців тому +5

    I was once rollerblading and was almost hit by a car. I jump back and land on my right arm awkwardly and hear a snap. Obviously I cry out in pain and some of my friends come and grab me and take me home. My dad (an old school Jamaican) looked at my arm and asked me to move my fingers, which I do…painfully.
    He states that since I can move my fingers it’s not broken. He makes a sort of splint around my arm and sends me on my way. I spent the next two days in pain as my arm slowly gets more and more painful and I can’t move my fingers.
    After two days of this and me complaining they finally decide to take me to “urgent care” which is different from the ER. They give me an X-ray and sure enough it’s broken so they cast me.
    Not the end of the story though! So I think about 3-4 weeks later I need to go in and get it checked to make sure it’s healing up alright. But this time we go to a different hospital. The big teaching hospital in our city. Anyways they do the scan and see that the urgent care hadn’t set my arm properly and had to RE BREAK IT while I as awake.
    Moral of the story, I spent the entire summer when I was 12 in a cast because my dad assumed it was a sprain and not a break….

  • @mugglecatful
    @mugglecatful 6 місяців тому +4

    Story 13. That sounds exactly like what my mom describes. Broke all the tarsals in her foot, healed wrong, it's a long story. Ended up developing a pain disorder, CRPS. The slightest touch hurts like needle stabs and anything beyond that is just fire, according to her. It's forced her into early retirement and she's on strong pain pills probably for the rest of her life. Not a log of research into a cure since it's a kinda niche disorder and a lot of the health professionals she's dealt with have no idea what she's dealing with.

  • @chrisrohloff4375
    @chrisrohloff4375 6 місяців тому +3

    When I was an infant, I somehow managed to get a coat hanger stuck in my throat. Every doctor and nurse in the hospital in Conroe, TX had to come by and take a look. That was over 30 years ago, but I like to think I left a lasting impression on them for longevity.

  • @NightingaleSpica
    @NightingaleSpica 5 місяців тому +1

    The druggie and the ashes of the neighbor reminded me of a case where my friend was "babysitting" (more like not told about it until she found herself alone with the kids, who 15 to 17yrs old by the way) and she calls me panicking wanting to know what to do in terms of first aid. Apparently, the kids looking to get high mixed pool chemicals together and inhaled. They were complaining of unable of breathing and insane burning. I told her to call 911 immediately and make sure they get fresh air. They basically inhaled mustard gas. Luckily they didn't do too much damage but they were hospitalized for awhile for being idiots.

  • @FriendofFantasy
    @FriendofFantasy 6 місяців тому +19

    So, not a stupid story, but I made a doctor disappointed once. So I do HEMA(Historical European Martial Arts) and in one fight I got hit on the side of my left pinky, catching it between the blunt sword and the grip of my own sword. Well, I take off my glove and the force of the hit broke the tip of my finger AND knocked the nail clean off. I get it cleaned and bandaged but the bleeding isn't stopping and Urgent Care was closed, so I go to the E.R. and explain to the receptionist what happened. They write it down as a sword injury and so when the Doctor finally sees me she was disappointed to find it was only blunt force trauma.

    • @GipsyDangerfan
      @GipsyDangerfan 6 місяців тому +2

      YOU didn't disappoint the doctor. Also, ow and holy sh*t.

    • @BoudicaJ
      @BoudicaJ 5 місяців тому

      Why do you use present tense for things that have already happened?

    • @FriendofFantasy
      @FriendofFantasy 5 місяців тому

      @@BoudicaJ Because I do not care about time. It is an illusion, like pants.

  • @thatonecubchoo1541
    @thatonecubchoo1541 6 місяців тому +4

    Okay, I overheard this back when I lived at my previous college's dorms.
    One of my roommates had a friend (her name slips my mind, I'll call her Brianna) and a contact got stuck under or around her eyeball. An ambulance was called, and as Brianna retold the story in the living room (I was in my room working), I overheard her mention how she was just laying there in front of the dorms building, crying. I don't remember all the details, but I think they flushed out the contact somehow.
    So yeah, that's part of why I continue wearing my glasses instead of contacts, aside from me just not wanting to put ANYTHING near my eyes.

  • @russlehman2070
    @russlehman2070 6 місяців тому +4

    I feel for the cactus boy. I fell on a prickly pear on a weekend hike while I was in college. Not as bad as in the story; most of the spines were in my butt and thigh. I didn't seek medical attention, just pulled out the bigger ones, and left the little ones to work their way out on their own. Far from the worst injury I ever had, but quite painful.

    • @Shaun_Jones
      @Shaun_Jones 6 місяців тому

      I remember seeing an identical incident on “True Stories from the ER.” In that, it was a little girl, and they had to buy a waxing kit from the nearby pharmacy to remove the finest needles.

  • @transsnack
    @transsnack 6 місяців тому +19

    I feel... so bad for the girl that got horse kicked in the nards.

    • @sandycarroll7656
      @sandycarroll7656 6 місяців тому +1

      I got kicked in the butt by a pony about a year and a half ago. My tailbone has been broken from a roller skating fall for 42 years and that kick caused another fracture in a different spot in my tailbone.

    • @barbaraleighty4583
      @barbaraleighty4583 5 місяців тому

      Lady Parts!!!

  • @EddieM1994
    @EddieM1994 6 місяців тому +6

    Nasty-tasting boogers can be a symptom of a sinus infection. I hope the booger guy got tested.

  • @porcelainboy264
    @porcelainboy264 6 місяців тому +5

    Story 11: dont worry about choking on a hot dog as long as you don't fucking deep throat it. Chew your food, kids

  • @mirawind9126
    @mirawind9126 6 місяців тому +4

    The motorcycle story: first off not my direct advice as I'm a big believer in having a roll cage even an aluminum one. But I know a lot of people who have bikes, every single one of them will tell you "there will come a time when you have to lay your bike down. You don't know when that time will come and you may be just fine, but the day WILL come. You don't believe anyone who tells you to dress for laying your bike down until you've laid your bike down, then you'll never dress inappropriately again."

  • @michaeltelson9798
    @michaeltelson9798 5 місяців тому

    My older brother and I were running around our front yard. My grandmother was helping my mom with the gardening including trimming the roses. I believe that my brother tripped me (he was punished) and I “deep throated” a pruned rose bush. I immediately spit out blood and thorns, but it was just minor. Some salt water gargling was enough to help .

  • @spirityder52
    @spirityder52 6 місяців тому +6

    Can someone please tell me what, if any, game is playing in the background?? Trying to concentrate on stories s, but getting caught up watching the cat….

    • @LotusRBLX
      @LotusRBLX 6 місяців тому +4

      It’s Stray

  • @GillianBergh
    @GillianBergh 6 місяців тому +11

    The following is a transcript of a conversation in the staff room between me (health care assistant) and a staff nurse . We were talking about strange cases. Me - Do you remember the 16 year-old with the torn foreskin? He said it happened when he was having sex. I wonder if that's what really happened , or he was too embarrassed to say his zipper got caught. Nurse - It would be more likely he's be too shy to admit he had sex, and make up the zip story. Me - You are thinking like a teenage girl. If she got an injury that way - she might worry about being judged. But to a boy it's proving he has become a man. On the other hand - not being able to dress himself would make him feel awkward.

  • @danniellesloane
    @danniellesloane 5 місяців тому

    An ex coworker almost died from a papercut.
    She was a breast cancer survivor, and had had her lymphnodes removed. A tiny papercut was enough that her immunse system couldnt fight it, she got an infection and was lucky to make it through. Medical history is important ❤️

  • @shanelenham8736
    @shanelenham8736 6 місяців тому +7

    I love to know how anyone whose allergic to oxygen managed to survive? 😮

  • @missnobody8480
    @missnobody8480 5 місяців тому

    I impressed the doctor I saw when I was 12 because I slipped on wet grass while running and managed to tear the first ligament in my left big toe along with managing to break a small bit of what’s most likely the proximal bone

  • @sunnyscott4876
    @sunnyscott4876 5 місяців тому +1

    The horse thing...yeah. It hurts.

  • @shrimpbisque
    @shrimpbisque 6 місяців тому +1

    My mom had to take me to the hospital twice as a baby because I had a tendency to shove food up my nose. One time I had somehow filled my sinuses with scrambled eggs.

  • @barbaraleighty4583
    @barbaraleighty4583 5 місяців тому

    OMG.... Stop hitting yourself! It's after midnight, everyone WAS asleep, until Stop Hitting Yourself and I yelled HA!

  • @baliyae
    @baliyae 6 місяців тому +1

    Doctors see a lot of things in their career and don’t get paid enough for it.

    • @lexjasmin
      @lexjasmin 5 місяців тому +1

      I thought doctors gets paid a good salary..

  • @errantwinds-up8uu
    @errantwinds-up8uu 5 місяців тому

    Honestly the poor fart guy may have been having bad constipation.

  • @lawrenceeytcheson1317
    @lawrenceeytcheson1317 6 місяців тому +2

    What is the name of the cat game in the background?

  • @rebeccamount50
    @rebeccamount50 6 місяців тому +2

    Not surprising, really. Ox tail stew is delicious.

  • @GipsyDangerfan
    @GipsyDangerfan 6 місяців тому +1

    In story 4, dude could've ate something that disagreed with him.

  • @The_Hyena_Queen
    @The_Hyena_Queen 5 місяців тому

    What is depilatory cream and why should you not have it near your bits

  • @georgiamoyse1857
    @georgiamoyse1857 6 місяців тому

    Why not ask us patients about ER visit. I was so missed diagnosed in the ER, was also told that because I have CHF and fluid overload they could help me. Excuse me for thinking you could help. My PCP set me to a different hospital and I was diagnosed as well as the cardiac issues helped.

  • @sheriwolkins8685
    @sheriwolkins8685 6 місяців тому

    Hold on hold on hold on! What do you mean he was awake while doing compressions? No healthcare professional would do that. If he coded he wouldn’t be conscious. If he was comcious you would be doing compressions. What the fluff you trying to pull?

    • @Shaun_Jones
      @Shaun_Jones 6 місяців тому +1

      I think the guy was saying that he was only conscious during compressions, then would go unconscious as soon as they stopped. I don’t know enough about anatomy to say whether that’s possible, but it’s not the most unbelievable thing I’ve heard.

  • @danielrawson465
    @danielrawson465 6 місяців тому +1

    What’s the gameplay in the background?

  • @kalebs6201
    @kalebs6201 5 місяців тому


  • @sooskevington6144
    @sooskevington6144 6 місяців тому

    The op says her mum was a Registrar. My question is, why was a DOCTOR/SURGEON being wasted doing admin work???

    • @danniellesloane
      @danniellesloane 5 місяців тому +1

      They are still required to complete some paperwork....

    • @sooskevington6144
      @sooskevington6144 5 місяців тому

      @@danniellesloane I know, but going by the context this doctor was actually doing a receptionist'job - what a waste!

  • @VenusOnP4wz
    @VenusOnP4wz 6 місяців тому

    Dang some of them are scary

  • @floatingcloud9106
    @floatingcloud9106 6 місяців тому

    What is the game in the background?

    • @Shaun_Jones
      @Shaun_Jones 6 місяців тому

      Stray; cyberpunk post-apocalypse, but you play as a stray cat.

  • @cantear5516
    @cantear5516 6 місяців тому +1

    Why is there videogame BG in these stories?

    • @ericb3157
      @ericb3157 6 місяців тому +5

      oh, it's better than one video i saw:
      imagine a drone flying above a street corner, pointing the camera straight down, and slowly spinning around CONTINUOUSLY.
      made me dizzy in a minute!
      at least THIS one has a game i recognize, it's called "Stray".

  • @DumbAsh00
    @DumbAsh00 5 місяців тому

    Ur avatar is cute

  • @mariekristensen6079
    @mariekristensen6079 5 місяців тому
