SRV was impressed. This was in '92. I happened to meet him in '89 after a concert. He did not see this performance, oviously. But he did see some of the preparatory work that I did. And I gave him a tape. It's a long story, but suffice it to say that the hand of SRV was present. Sorry for the guitar being out of tune, but this was the 48th song that we played that night.
Sure wasn’t expecting that, you guys rocked it SRV Hendrix would be proud!! Most excellent
SRV was impressed. This was in '92. I happened to meet him in '89 after a concert. He did not see this performance, oviously. But he did see some of the preparatory work that I did. And I gave him a tape. It's a long story, but suffice it to say that the hand of SRV was present. Sorry for the guitar being out of tune, but this was the 48th song that we played that night.
sounds good
thank god you're not wearing a hat