There's Goofs in Them Thar Hills: The West of Loathing Approach to Comedy in Games

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @ai_zj
    @ai_zj 6 років тому +29

    best feat was the stupid walking.

  • @ryanquinn1257
    @ryanquinn1257 6 років тому +9

    This game and Kingdom of Loathing are so great. Silly nonsensical wild rides.
    I hope for a similar space/alien themed one!

  • @ZoidbergForPresident
    @ZoidbergForPresident 6 років тому +2

    22:06 At least I know this one because never heard of the previous one.

  • @dwilliams21
    @dwilliams21 Рік тому

    1: The comments on NPCs are good food for thought for static fiction writers as well! 2: To adaptationally quote Michael Jordan, "Conservatives buy games, too." They definitely follow that rule in the game (which is praiseworthy!) but it's :\ to see the leftist patronizing elitist attitude here in the talk.

  • @MajkaSrajka
    @MajkaSrajka 6 років тому

    Any reason why "Riff's Tips: Misc" changes into "Riff's Tricks: Misc"? :-P

    • @colin-campbell
      @colin-campbell 6 років тому +7

      MajkaSrajka tips and tricks is a widely used expression

    • @MajkaSrajka
      @MajkaSrajka 6 років тому

      yes, but this is the continuation of one list -to me it looks like edit blooper more than planned thing.

  • @Madash023
    @Madash023 6 років тому +10

    I like the idea of not being mean, and I think it was a good decision that they chose not to make fun of things like religion and politics, but the idea that one doesn't choose their own religion or political alignment is ridiculous.

    • @SteelSkin667
      @SteelSkin667 6 років тому +6

      They could, but usually they don't. People tend stick to their parents' religion, and to their family or acquaintances' political alignment.

    • @Madash023
      @Madash023 6 років тому +1

      Admittedly, yes, they tend to stick with what they were raised with. But tending to do something is very different from not having a choice about it. People who were raised under one ideology typically don't think to themselves "I want to be something else, but I can't because I have no choice other than what I was raised with." They choose the same ideology as their parents because it's what they're familiar with.

    • @SteelSkin667
      @SteelSkin667 6 років тому +3

      Often people choose the same ideology as their parents or peers because it's what they were told is "right", and as a consequence they'll tend to dismiss alternatives as "wrong". They might not conceptualize it as as much of a choice, and rather as "that's how it is" or "that's how normal people think".

    • @kells4315
      @kells4315 6 років тому +3

      I really appreciate that he specifies a child, which he assumes is going to be the majority of people playing. His thought being that adults pick their politics, but that mostly children don't find out what "side" they are on until they get older.
      I think if I understood correctly, his belief is he would rather subtly influence a child to become ethical and mature, than to talk about current specific politics, since it may be better long term.
      I also appreciate though that he says this is a very passive and possibly "cowardly" approach. There ARE ways to influence a kids politics, but it takes a LOT of responsibility and understanding to do, and you have to be very committed to the message you are sending.

    • @kells4315
      @kells4315 6 років тому +2

      So basically instead of saying "This label is for bad people" which doesnt actually lead to a lot of growing or understanding, you say "This is behavior that is good and fun, and this is the way people should be valued and treated" and then the kid can access for themselves whether their political stance conflicts with that as they grow up.

  • @XxArtzxGoddessxX
    @XxArtzxGoddessxX 6 років тому +10

    I really liked the Kingdom of Loathing back when I played it as a kid. But I was honestly shocked with the political part of the speech. The way he basically stated being a conservative was "wrong", and that they were assholes. He must have just assumed everyone in the audience held his same politics? I'm just confused why you wouldn't keep that to yourself if you're talking to a crowd.

    • @Epikification
      @Epikification 6 років тому +1

      Creatives are generally more liberal, so he was probably right that the room agreed with him. That bit pissed me off though. Its like they don't like conservatives but don't want to make them not buy their game (sorry, pronouns). I was considering buying but that part made me change my mind.

    • @mahj
      @mahj 6 років тому +11

      Putting Trump in charge was objectively wrong. Denying people healthcare is objectively wrong. Giving handouts to your industrialist friends is objectively wrong.

    • @XxArtzxGoddessxX
      @XxArtzxGoddessxX 6 років тому +3

      1. People vote for who they think will run the country best, and you can vote for whoever you want. I'm from Canada so I don't care about American Politics, but it's not "objectively wrong" for people to vote for who they want. If it was, you guys wouldn't be in a democracy.
      2. In the States you guys have where you pay out of your own pocket for your health care, which has it's advantages and disadvantages. Because you pay for it, your health care provided is way better than what we get in Canada. We still pay through our taxes (we have really heavy taxes), but our health care system is shit. The doctors don't get paid as much, so many Canadians who become doctors go and work in the states. We have many doctors who come from foreign countries instead, and we can't understand them half the time. Our hospitals are usually over crowded (a lot of people go see doctors when they don't need to), and the wait time for getting surgeries is so long that it can be months to a year before someone can get the surgery they need. Would you rather pay for good, immediate health care, or tax paid poor quality and slow health care? I used to work in a veterinarian hospital, and I got to see first hand how cats and dogs received better treatment than humans.
      3. If the liberals were in charge there would be just as much corruption in the government, just biased towards their own interests instead.

    • @naonna1
      @naonna1 6 років тому +1

      I know this post is old, but my personal opinion as to why conservatives may be considered 'wrong' to that room is due to the right-leaning habit of being scared of new things while being resistant to change.(Hence the 'conserve' part of conservative.)
      In a room full of creative people whose job it is to work around problems while focusing on adaptability and the development of ideas/concepts in their games, flexibility is a major aspect of their process. - Saying 'no' just because something is daunting or may change what you expected your vision to be doesn't often create the best games.
      Being rigid in one's thinking doesn't benefit game designers. While holding to one's views (even if outdated) may be complimented by some in society, game creation, by design, is about trying new things: not being afraid of change.
      If you disagree, please, explain your side! I know the above is only my opinion.

    • @johnjackson9767
      @johnjackson9767 6 років тому +1

      @Naonna Sure thing! Changing for the sake of change without being able to explain why that change is necessary is what makes me a conservative individual. I get very annoyed when I'm supposed to just "accept change" and "be progressive" when most of the time the policies ( if any at all ) put forth by the other side are ineffective at best.

  • @johnjackson9767
    @johnjackson9767 6 років тому +5

    "We all think as ourselves as 'right-thinking progressives'..."
    Yeah, okay, buddy.

  • @Epikification
    @Epikification 6 років тому +6

    In the slide about not disparaging people about their politics in your game, you disparage people about their politics. Is it so hard to understand that the other side sometimes has points or it wouldn't exist? You're not just conservative because you were born into it. There's a reason that when you follow a group as it ages, it tends to get more conservative.
    The failure to understand is annoying at the very least.

    • @Epikification
      @Epikification 6 років тому +3

      I stopped a few seconds before the end and then started back. Wow, you guys shot yourself in the foot. I'm never buying anything from these guys. The best thing they can muster to say about a conservative is "they're assholes but they might not know it". Bye GDC. Hosting stuff like this is how you lose viewers.

    • @johnjackson9767
      @johnjackson9767 6 років тому +3

      Yep, it's typical coastal elitism. Nothing new.