Do you think that Beach Head was an improvement over Stalker in any way as a Ranger character? Flash vs Sci Fi? Gung ho Vs Leatherneck? Torpedo vs Wetsuit? Do you think any of the newer Joes were better characters/toys than their OG counterparts? 🤔
I don't like how you say improve because I like both. Although, it is odd that Stalker is a ranger and wearing a green beret. That's special forces. He should have had a black beret. I will admit I probably do like Beachhead a little more than Stalker....but it is more like Beachhead was A- and Stalker is B+. Depending how invincible/ninja Snake-eyes (less is better) is Stalker is my favorite of the original 13.
@cheeseburger12 well improve is very vague as we could have varying reasons for our choice yeah? Like I can recognize that Stalker is the more iconic character, but still prefer Beach Head's overall look/design 👍👍👍
Thanks! Glad I'm not the only one that thought that way 😅 in fact for me there was something specifically bad ass about a cloth know like the Balaclava. I mean helmets like airtight and BBq were cool and all but it was the cloth masks that was where it was at for me 😅
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf cloth mask n ninja masks are the best for me! Though one wonders which is more badass... the cloth mask of Cobra Commander or the metal mask? Personally I love both! 💪❤️
My favorite Beachhead story was the DDP issue where he takes a group of Joe recruits on a mission. He is demanding, hard , and uncompromising towards the recruits.
I bought their album Deluxe when it came out. My parents loved it too, but for years couldn't understand that the name of the band was Better than Ezra and the album was Deluxe, instead of the other way around.
@ardyer3 yeah you would think deluxe would make more sense 🤔 my favorite album would be their second one...friction baby. But generally I've been a fan of all their stuff! Can you believe I threw in that joke last minute??? Thought of it in my final edit and went back to specifically record that line 😅 you're appreciation makes that extra effort worth it 👍👍👍 thanks!
Great summary of this iconic character! Growing up I did not believe the cartoon version of Beach Head did the character any justice. The comic book version nailed him almost perfectly!! Regardless he is not the friendliest character but one one you always want alongside you in a firefight!
Thanks! Yup i agree with you as I always thought of Beach Head as the LAST Joe you'd want to hang out with..but the FIRST one you'd want to go into battle with 👍👍👍
I liked the disck-ish Beachhead. He adds drama and humor. I see him being a bit more ruthless than the other Joe leaders. He is still cool played more like the file card too, but my headcannon is he is the jerk that gets the job done and doesn't care if he's liked.
@cheeseburger12 I also prefer that version than the intense dude in the filecard. I mean cartoon beach head still is intense...just with a little more flavor 👍👍👍
I can imagine. While I never joined the military or grew up in a military family I can see how GIJoe can mean so much to children like yourself growing up in that setting. Thanks for sharing! 👍
Same! I find masked characters instantly cool. Especially the masked non-ninja characters like Firefly, Barbecue, Beachhead, Matt Tracker, Shockwave, etc. Definitely bad-ass if they had identities to hide. Come to think of it... I don't have a classified Beach Head...
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf The G. I. Joe Special Missions Preview in G. I. Joe #50 has the Joes responding to a hijacked Russian airliner that has the US Chess team en route to Moscow. This was one of the few times the comic went by the book in terms of personnel as Hawk orders Flint, Beach-Head & Lady Jaye deal with the hijackers. Larry Hama never stated who was in command of the rescue itself. It might've been Lady J as Hawk gave her the mission execute order, though she freezes/hesitates when its given. James Bond wouldn't have; neither John (Rainbow Six) Clark. (See For Special Services by John Gardner & Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy.)
I'm now 40 years old...I have 2 g.i.joes left...relics from my childhood...Dusty...and BeachHead with Tunnel Rat's head....they are technically the oldest toys I still own
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf yeah mate, if the O-ring snapped I'd unscrew them to replace it, and one time I just decided to add TR's head to the battleforce beachhead body and he's stayed that way ever since 😂
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf lol yeah sweet I watched your video, there would have been a good few g.i.joes that'd make for some great wrestlers too..I like watching videos like yours cause I find myself smiling with absolute nostalgia, keep it up mate I for one appreciate your effort
@CaptainKiLL83 thanks! Appreciate it! Yup these may be "my" stories but in reality we all share the same nostalgic goodness with these amazing toys 👍👍👍
Nice! I read somewhere that writer Larry Hama made it a point to make sure Joes came from as many parts of the US as possible....really making the team representative of the country 👍
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf that was always one of the most fun parts for me, seeing where everyone was from. Blaster was born about an hour from where I grew up. But, he was never animated. Scarlett has always been my favorite Joe because most of my mom's family is in Atlanta.
@CobbicusPrime I can imagine how cool that was. As a kid growing up in Asia I didn't have that but I was cool seeing fellow Asians Quick Kick and Storm shadow in the Joes team 👍
Beachhead was/is my favorite Joe. I remember not liking how they portrayed him in the cartoon after getting the figure, even as a then 7 year old, I preferred the personality on his cardback. I have to admit though, in the movie I think Law had the better joke during his introduction. "Law and Order's a theme man, he finds the bombs, I drive the car. We tried it the other way but it didn't work."
Yeah highly underrated exchange between law and beach head 😅 he may have been a. Bit of a let down in the cartoon but he was cool enough in my book 👍👍👍
I remember all of that. The devil fish in that comic was green, and I never understood why the toy was orange. I mean, when I'd go deer hunting with my dad, I knew we wore orange so the other hunters would SEE us. (The comic cover matched the toy color though.)
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf I can't think of anyone else?. There's another idea for ya thou, 'Joe's of the Special Forces'. Rangers, Green Berets, SEALs, Night Stalkers/SOAR, Raiders/Force RECON, AF Combat Controllers, AF Special Operations Weathermen. Yo Freaking Joe!
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf Ya.. and some would be hard to assign with the modern terminations. Like Spirit would probably be considered 'Force RECON' while DialTone might be an 'Air force special Op Weatherman' and so on. Would be a little MindBender. Yo Freaking Joe!
A great figure which I liked at the time but absolutely love now. The details are freakin' amazing on this fig-the camo scheme, the applied unit patch, down to the beret stuck in his epaulet.
You know, I never thought of it that way. I think you're onto something with regards to why Masked characters are more appealing to most. Great insight! Thanks! 👍
I liked Beachhead but his toy came out right after I stopped collecting so I never had one. Really neat look and accessories. It doesn't sound like the writers of his origin knew what a Beachhead actually is though.
Yeah there was a sort of disconnected between Hamas original description in the filecards and what we saw in the cartoon. But for me it's all good as he was entertaining enough in the cartoons. Which I think made him more appealing to the younger audience. 👍 Do you collect Joes now as an adult?
I always wanted to be Stalker or Beach Head when me and my friends played GI Joe at recess. Have you checked out the Hiya Toys 1:18 Joes? They are really great. The Beach Head figure is the best of the bunch so far.
I haven't actually handled them but yeah they look awesome especially given their size. Can't justify getting into another 1:18th linenthoigg after going all in on 25th Anniversary and now Classified 😅
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf they shrink the classified down basically. they are a bit larger in dimension compared to 25th Anniversary. I mix my GI Joe, Star Wars TVC, and 1:18 Hiya in my collection and head cannon.
@morganwolfe4342 yeah considering their scale they really do look amazing! Even the TVC star wars stuff is way better than where it was at the time of the 25th Anniversary the Hiya jies aren't compatible with 25th Anniversary size wise?
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf they are slightly taller and bulkier so I worry about vehicle compatability mostly. Like how my 25th Stalker is a tight squeeze in the Bumblebee AWE Striker over the o-ring figure it came with.
@morganwolfe4342 OK but even the 25th Anniversary figs were bigger than the original O rings. In that they couldn't completely fit in most of the original vehicles yeah?
I have to agree with you about Beach Head looking cool AF. I think I got my first one from a yard sale along with a bunch of other Joes. I got my Classified a few months ago and I think he's awesome and in the old school packing I almost didn't open him up to play with him lol. Great video as always my friend and I hope you and your family are doing well but I'm going to see you in the next one brother.
I caught up with Larry Hama a while back and asked him why he made my college town ( Auburn AL) the home town for Beachhead. He was stationed at Fort Benning in Georgia during Vietnam and said if they ever wanted to hit on cute college girls, they'd go to right down the interstate to Auburn. He said he thought about his drill instructor and connected it to his happy thoughts about the near by Auburn campus. War Eagle and Yo Joe!
That's a real cool story 👍 love just how much thought Hama put into his characters and how much personal real world experience he drew from. We need more of that! Thanks for sharing your story too! 👍👍👍
Beach Head has one of the best looks in the lineup- and his 1986 version is superior to the 1992 update which lifts inanities from the cartoon (ie: he shuns using deoderant). One thing never clarified was the basis for his codename as Beach-Head denotes the initial area of enemy territory seized by US Marines. Beach Head gets lots of screen time in DDP's G. I. Joe Reloaded (think G. I. Joe in the Tom Clancy universe) where he's paired with... Snake-Eyes.
Yes I definitely prefer the OG look over the 92 update. You got me as well in his codename. No idea myself. Although I guess IDW did give a pretty on the nose reason for it which works for me 😅 I have heard of reloaded. Should check it out one of these days 👍 is it worth the read?
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf Reloaded is definitely worth reading & keeping. Its a more serious take on G. I. Joe. No fake countries, no ninja overuse/overkill, & and Cobra Commander is not only seen as competent, but he now guns after strategic targets. No "Citizens of the World" speeches here. Snake-Eyes still has feelings for Scarlett but its an unrequited relationship. The Joe Team is smaller and more realistic, and one will be revealed as a traitor. Reloaded consists of 14 issues with 2 double sized prologue one shots- Cobra Reborn, then G. I. Joe Reborn.
Never owned a Beach Head figure until the 25th anniversary of the figure as mentioned earlier inspired by the 2002 version and the comic-pack because of Mainframe. I'm still not yet into Classifieds though. I like your Joe stories, keep 'em coming.
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf Still mulling over it because the price is almost like a deluxe-class transformer. In any case, I might get the versions of my first three Joes that I had in my youth. The latest one I already saw in a store in GH makes me hope I can still find it.
Absolutely 💯% True! The cartoon showrunners tend to grossly underestimate the audience, thinking they can arbitrarily change relationships and that nobody would notice. Larry Hama never encouraged the nonsense pairing of Duke with Scarlett; in fact, his comic stories has Duke acknowledging that Snake-Eyes & Scarlett are an item.
The guy who doesnt use deodorant 😅😅. My guess is ryt after all. My vintage is missing might replace it and i got the hall of heroes 25th anniversary of this guy
That's a good idea although I'm more of a Duke-lett shipper 🤣 but thanks for the suggestion. Will definitely keep that on my radar...maybe a love triangle episode 😬😬😬
My bad fellas apparently the universe that I just slipped in from he died, but not here I guess. I could’ve swore I saw a year ago or so that he had passed away. My deepest apologies.
Beachhead is a great character and action figure. However, his greatest flaw was that for some reason, his crotch piece was very fragile. That is why I have 4 copies.
Nice one although that fragile crotch was a common flaw of the o ring figs in general. I broke off a lot of crotches back in the day...makes me sound like a badass don't you think? 🤣
The showrunners hardly Cared to get the characters right- yet Story Editor Buzz Dixon dared claim in G. I. Joe Yearbook #'s 2 & 3 that the characters 'would be true to Larry Hama's'. Yeah. Right- then they do the nonsense of Beach-Head being angry (Larry presents him as Disciplined & Patient); Lady Jaye afraid of heights (she's Airborne qualified, and one Volunteers for Airborne training); the likes of Quick Kick able to beat Storm-Shadow (Read G. I. Joe #52); G. I. Joe HQ on the surface, and other nonsense.
@dinomonzon7493 I mean at the end of the day both comics and cartoons were created for two different age groups of fans. I mean we're free to like both or one more than the other but I don't think that one was wrong or better over the other. Just my 2 cents 👍👍👍
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf I read the comics, but my friends in school only watched the cartoon. I always felt like this gave me something over on them--where I was getting a more "unfiltered" version than they were. (And in my play- I sometimes incorporated elements of both the comic and cartoon for my "universe." ). It was also interesting how Hama would focus more on characters that the cartoons would avoid, creating two separate "universes" going on at the same time for GI Joe. Besides, when the first mini-series premiered, Duke was there, but there was no Duke action figure yet, and no Hawk appeared in the story for years, even though a blonde, buzz-cut Colonel Hawk was very much in charge of the comic team. And the MASS device was more Star Trek than GI Joe. And of course, there were lasers.
@TurtleTrackin yup exactly. If you were older and more into the military and ninja had the comics. But if you were into the more fantastical elements, then the cartoons were it. Not to say the cartoons were inferior, or silly, although there was a bit of that too...they were just different and had some amazing and memorable episodes as well. 👍
I love and like it the character beach head but the toy itself the mid section always breaks off every figures i had of him that parts breaks off easily don't know why i have 2 of them non broken
Are you referring to the original figure? The o-ring? Cuz those rubber rings keeping the figs together do deteriorate over time. So that's normal. There are replacement rings available 👍👍👍
@apocaplysedarkside3250 ah yeah sorry misunderstood. My Joe crotches always broke as well...but that's because I used to make them wrestle and that camel clutch or Boston crab submission holds really busted up those crotches 😬😬😬
Have you ever had a cute idea, so you beat it like an old horse you haven't been able to kill yet? I swear, one more unrelated "visual pun" and I'm gonna block this channel...
I get that my storytelling style isn't for everyone. But at the end of the day I'm not forcing anyone to watch. I appreciate it though. And if you choose not to watch again. That's completely fine 👍
Do you think that Beach Head was an improvement over Stalker in any way as a Ranger character? Flash vs Sci Fi? Gung ho Vs Leatherneck? Torpedo vs Wetsuit? Do you think any of the newer Joes were better characters/toys than their OG counterparts? 🤔
A definite improvement for me, but I never cared for Stalker and his baggage. I'm in the minority.
I don't like how you say improve because I like both. Although, it is odd that Stalker is a ranger and wearing a green beret. That's special forces. He should have had a black beret.
I will admit I probably do like Beachhead a little more than Stalker....but it is more like Beachhead was A- and Stalker is B+. Depending how invincible/ninja Snake-eyes (less is better) is Stalker is my favorite of the original 13.
I definitely gravitated towards beachhead as well, and definitely a fan of stalker but beachhead was that much cooler with that balaclava.
@CollaborativeDataAccounts no prb with being in the minority. I mean objectively speaking I also prefer Beach Head's look over Stalker 👍
@cheeseburger12 well improve is very vague as we could have varying reasons for our choice yeah? Like I can recognize that Stalker is the more iconic character, but still prefer Beach Head's overall look/design 👍👍👍
Beach Head, Storm Shadow and Fire Flt are all badasses with masks! Totally agree with you bro! ❤
Thanks! Glad I'm not the only one that thought that way 😅 in fact for me there was something specifically bad ass about a cloth know like the Balaclava. I mean helmets like airtight and BBq were cool and all but it was the cloth masks that was where it was at for me 😅
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf cloth mask n ninja masks are the best for me! Though one wonders which is more badass... the cloth mask of Cobra Commander or the metal mask? Personally I love both! 💪❤️
@LowellLucasJr. I personally prefer the metal one....I know that sounds contradictory to what I just said 😅 but for me it's more iconic 👍👍👍
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf no you're fine! I do enjoy Chrome dome CC! "Now Follow my orders!!!!"
@@LowellLucasJr. chrome dome Coco 🤣
My favorite Beachhead story was the DDP issue where he takes a group of Joe recruits on a mission. He is demanding, hard , and uncompromising towards the recruits.
Yup I think I read that one :) 👍👍👍
I love the "better than Ezra" reference!
Love that band! Thanks!
I bought their album Deluxe when it came out. My parents loved it too, but for years couldn't understand that the name of the band was Better than Ezra and the album was Deluxe, instead of the other way around.
@ardyer3 yeah you would think deluxe would make more sense 🤔 my favorite album would be their second one...friction baby. But generally I've been a fan of all their stuff! Can you believe I threw in that joke last minute??? Thought of it in my final edit and went back to specifically record that line 😅 you're appreciation makes that extra effort worth it 👍👍👍 thanks!
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf I'm glad you did, here in the USA, there's not a lot to make me laugh at the moment and that sure did
@ardyer3 glad I could help! Hope things get better on your side of the world for you!
Great summary of this iconic character! Growing up I did not believe the cartoon version of Beach Head did the character any justice. The comic book version nailed him almost perfectly!! Regardless he is not the friendliest character but one one you always want alongside you in a firefight!
Thanks! Yup i agree with you as I always thought of Beach Head as the LAST Joe you'd want to hang out with..but the FIRST one you'd want to go into battle with 👍👍👍
I liked the disck-ish Beachhead. He adds drama and humor. I see him being a bit more ruthless than the other Joe leaders. He is still cool played more like the file card too, but my headcannon is he is the jerk that gets the job done and doesn't care if he's liked.
@cheeseburger12 I also prefer that version than the intense dude in the filecard. I mean cartoon beach head still is intense...just with a little more flavor 👍👍👍
Being a child living on a ranger base ( Hunter Army Airfoeld Savannah GA) and my father being attached to them made Beach head a desirable character.
I can imagine. While I never joined the military or grew up in a military family I can see how GIJoe can mean so much to children like yourself growing up in that setting. Thanks for sharing! 👍
Ironically I got a beach head figure as a kid when I was playing at the beach and while playing in the sand found it buried deep in the sand 🤷🏻♂️
Seriously? Thats an awesome story! I lost quite a few toys in the beach myself...buried alive and never to be found again 🤣
Same! I find masked characters instantly cool. Especially the masked non-ninja characters like Firefly, Barbecue, Beachhead, Matt Tracker, Shockwave, etc. Definitely bad-ass if they had identities to hide.
Come to think of it... I don't have a classified Beach Head...
You want one? I have an unopened one 😅
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf Let's PM on that one. I really planned to get one anyway but haven't yet. And I'm not really digging red beret Beach Head.
@gall_blader_works sure !message ya later 👍
He was always one of my favorites . His classified figure is a perfect update.
Do you prefer the Cobra island or retro version?
@ retro easily .
@@TheToyOdyssey same here!
I always loved the story in GI Joe #50. The second story with Beachhead, Flint, and Lady Jay. A good anti terrorist story.
Hmmm I'm pretty sure I read that but can't recall....time to re read 👍
The one time Lady Jaye really went covert. And where Beach-Head showed his ruthless side.
The G. I. Joe Special Missions Preview in G. I. Joe #50 has the Joes responding to a hijacked Russian airliner that has the US Chess team en route to Moscow.
This was one of the few times the comic went by the book in terms of personnel as Hawk orders Flint, Beach-Head & Lady Jaye deal with the hijackers.
Larry Hama never stated who was in command of the rescue itself. It might've been Lady J as Hawk gave her the mission execute order, though she freezes/hesitates when its given. James Bond wouldn't have; neither John (Rainbow Six) Clark.
(See For Special Services by John Gardner & Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy.)
@dinomonzon7493 nice! Thanks for the quick summary. Definitely plan to check it out 😅😅😅
@@dinomonzon7493 Yeah. I'm no gentleman, and I have no compuntions. Best line in that story
Thanks for the story and information
You're very much welcome :) 👍👍👍 thank you for the watch! Much appreciated:)
I haven’t had an opportunity to find that beachhead yet on the retro card. What do you not have that you would like?
Can you believe I already found a taker? But thanks for offering! I hope you find one soon! Just checked on Amazon, there's one more left 👍👍👍
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf& that folks is why the Internet & fandoms are awesome
@@sstrykert fellow fans gotta help each other out! 👍👍👍
@@23miked Dr Mindbender
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf I agree 100 percent
I'm now 40 years old...I have 2 g.i.joes left...relics from my childhood...Dusty...and BeachHead with Tunnel Rat's head....they are technically the oldest toys I still own
Nice! Funny how you managed to hold on to Tunnel Rats head. Did you take apart and mix and match your joes as a kid?
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf yeah mate, if the O-ring snapped I'd unscrew them to replace it, and one time I just decided to add TR's head to the battleforce beachhead body and he's stayed that way ever since 😂
@ nice! I used to take apart my Joes and turn them into professional wrestlers 🤣
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf lol yeah sweet I watched your video, there would have been a good few g.i.joes that'd make for some great wrestlers too..I like watching videos like yours cause I find myself smiling with absolute nostalgia, keep it up mate I for one appreciate your effort
@CaptainKiLL83 thanks! Appreciate it! Yup these may be "my" stories but in reality we all share the same nostalgic goodness with these amazing toys 👍👍👍
I always thought he was cool because he was the animated Joe born closest to where I grew up.
Nice! I read somewhere that writer Larry Hama made it a point to make sure Joes came from as many parts of the US as possible....really making the team representative of the country 👍
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf that was always one of the most fun parts for me, seeing where everyone was from. Blaster was born about an hour from where I grew up. But, he was never animated. Scarlett has always been my favorite Joe because most of my mom's family is in Atlanta.
@CobbicusPrime I can imagine how cool that was. As a kid growing up in Asia I didn't have that but I was cool seeing fellow Asians Quick Kick and Storm shadow in the Joes team 👍
Beachhead was/is my favorite Joe. I remember not liking how they portrayed him in the cartoon after getting the figure, even as a then 7 year old, I preferred the personality on his cardback. I have to admit though, in the movie I think Law had the better joke during his introduction. "Law and Order's a theme man, he finds the bombs, I drive the car. We tried it the other way but it didn't work."
Yeah highly underrated exchange between law and beach head 😅 he may have been a. Bit of a let down in the cartoon but he was cool enough in my book 👍👍👍
I remember all of that. The devil fish in that comic was green, and I never understood why the toy was orange. I mean, when I'd go deer hunting with my dad, I knew we wore orange so the other hunters would SEE us. (The comic cover matched the toy color though.)
Yeah color aside it even looked different. I'm guessing the artist only had really early concept art for reference?
Love the pop cultures refrences.
Thank you! I know the style isn't for everyone but glad you liked it! 👍👍👍
Its Crime fightin time.
I do love lore that connects Joes to other franchises
Yeah really cool easter eggs there 👍👍👍
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf I assume your aware of the Transfomers/joe crossovers
@restionSerpentine yup! Very aware and there have been LOTS, varying in quality. Do you have a favorite? 👍
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf The "Old Snake" Episode of Transformers "They just don't make terrorists like they use to... COB..*Hack Cough cough*"
@@restionSerpentine oh yeah! I forgot about that episode!
You were really channeling your 8 year old self with all the...Ummm...Richard jokes that are in this...🥸 Great episode!
Richard jokes? Sorry you lost me there 😅 either was I will always channel my 8 year old self whenever I can 🤣 glad you enjoyed it!
Wayne always strived to be all he could be and leave no Joe behind, This he defended. 😉 Go Army Rangers!.
Yo Freaking Joe!
I find it odd that Stalker and Beach Head are the only Rangers on the team. Or did I miss anyone?
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf I can't think of anyone else?. There's another idea for ya thou, 'Joe's of the Special Forces'.
Rangers, Green Berets, SEALs, Night Stalkers/SOAR, Raiders/Force RECON, AF Combat Controllers, AF Special Operations Weathermen.
Yo Freaking Joe!
@retrojoe8290 thanks for the idea but that sounds like a lot and being non military, I might embarrass myself mightily trying to explain all that 😬😬😬
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf Ya.. and some would be hard to assign with the modern terminations. Like Spirit would probably be considered 'Force RECON' while DialTone might be an 'Air force special Op Weatherman' and so on. Would be a little MindBender.
Yo Freaking Joe!
A great figure which I liked at the time but absolutely love now. The details are freakin' amazing on this fig-the camo scheme, the applied unit patch, down to the beret stuck in his epaulet.
Which figure is this one? 🤔
@ Beach Head.
@CollaborativeDataAccounts yup I know but which version are your referring to? 👍
@ The original '86 version.
@@CollaborativeDataAccounts nice! Classic 👍👍👍
He was always a member of my Joe Team.
Nice! Who were your other go to members?
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Ally Viper, Boba Fett, and Jinx
@@UnnameableGreviance NICE! A bounty hunter is ALWAYS useful 👍👍👍
Masked characters were me. There wasn't a face so I pretended it was me. Probably why I liked Cobra most
You know, I never thought of it that way. I think you're onto something with regards to why Masked characters are more appealing to most. Great insight! Thanks! 👍
Ironically, Beach Head's concerns at the beginning of "Arise" was vindicated by their near defeat, being rescued at the last minute by Sgt. Slaughter.
True. Very true. I just found it funny how Slaughters timely arrival most likely knocked Beachhead down another postion on the leadership ranking 😅
I liked Beachhead but his toy came out right after I stopped collecting so I never had one. Really neat look and accessories.
It doesn't sound like the writers of his origin knew what a Beachhead actually is though.
Yeah there was a sort of disconnected between Hamas original description in the filecards and what we saw in the cartoon. But for me it's all good as he was entertaining enough in the cartoons. Which I think made him more appealing to the younger audience. 👍 Do you collect Joes now as an adult?
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf No, I just wistfully remember my time collecting Joes in my youth.
@joninterglad that's A LOT of money saved 😅👍👍👍
I always wanted to be Stalker or Beach Head when me and my friends played GI Joe at recess. Have you checked out the Hiya Toys 1:18 Joes? They are really great. The Beach Head figure is the best of the bunch so far.
I haven't actually handled them but yeah they look awesome especially given their size. Can't justify getting into another 1:18th linenthoigg after going all in on 25th Anniversary and now Classified 😅
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf they shrink the classified down basically. they are a bit larger in dimension compared to 25th Anniversary. I mix my GI Joe, Star Wars TVC, and 1:18 Hiya in my collection and head cannon.
@morganwolfe4342 yeah considering their scale they really do look amazing! Even the TVC star wars stuff is way better than where it was at the time of the 25th Anniversary the Hiya jies aren't compatible with 25th Anniversary size wise?
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf they are slightly taller and bulkier so I worry about vehicle compatability mostly. Like how my 25th Stalker is a tight squeeze in the Bumblebee AWE Striker over the o-ring figure it came with.
@morganwolfe4342 OK but even the 25th Anniversary figs were bigger than the original O rings. In that they couldn't completely fit in most of the original vehicles yeah?
I have to agree with you about Beach Head looking cool AF. I think I got my first one from a yard sale along with a bunch of other Joes. I got my Classified a few months ago and I think he's awesome and in the old school packing I almost didn't open him up to play with him lol. Great video as always my friend and I hope you and your family are doing well but I'm going to see you in the next one brother.
Thanks brother! Always a pleasure to hear from you!
I did? What did I do? 😅
I caught up with Larry Hama a while back and asked him why he made my college town ( Auburn AL) the home town for Beachhead. He was stationed at Fort Benning in Georgia during Vietnam and said if they ever wanted to hit on cute college girls, they'd go to right down the interstate to Auburn. He said he thought about his drill instructor and connected it to his happy thoughts about the near by Auburn campus.
War Eagle and Yo Joe!
That's a real cool story 👍 love just how much thought Hama put into his characters and how much personal real world experience he drew from. We need more of that! Thanks for sharing your story too! 👍👍👍
Pls make a video for Flint.... thanks 🙏🙏🙏
Definitely on the shortlist 👍👍👍
Beach Head has one of the best looks in the lineup- and his 1986 version is superior to the 1992 update which lifts inanities from the cartoon (ie: he shuns using deoderant).
One thing never clarified was the basis for his codename as Beach-Head denotes the initial area of enemy territory seized by US Marines.
Beach Head gets lots of screen time in DDP's G. I. Joe Reloaded (think G. I. Joe in the Tom Clancy universe) where he's paired with... Snake-Eyes.
Yes I definitely prefer the OG look over the 92 update. You got me as well in his codename. No idea myself. Although I guess IDW did give a pretty on the nose reason for it which works for me 😅
I have heard of reloaded. Should check it out one of these days 👍 is it worth the read?
Reloaded is definitely worth reading & keeping.
Its a more serious take on G. I. Joe. No fake countries, no ninja overuse/overkill, & and Cobra Commander is not only seen as competent, but he now guns after strategic targets. No "Citizens of the World" speeches here.
Snake-Eyes still has feelings for Scarlett but its an unrequited relationship.
The Joe Team is smaller and more realistic, and one will be revealed as a traitor.
Reloaded consists of 14 issues with 2 double sized prologue one shots- Cobra Reborn, then G. I. Joe Reborn.
@dinomonzon7493 OK cool will definitely check it out. What I so know of the series is that Duke turned out to be a traitor 😬
True. Odds are, cartoon fans were royally annoyed at that.
@dinomonzon7493 ha ha I didn't mind, and I'm. A Duke fan 😅
Never owned a Beach Head figure until the 25th anniversary of the figure as mentioned earlier inspired by the 2002 version and the comic-pack because of Mainframe. I'm still not yet into Classifieds though. I like your Joe stories, keep 'em coming.
Hey Mark great to hear from you again brother! Do you have any plans of getting into Classified? 😬
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf Still mulling over it because the price is almost like a deluxe-class transformer.
In any case, I might get the versions of my first three Joes that I had in my youth. The latest one I already saw in a store in GH makes me hope I can still find it.
@MarkCerbo it's a slippery slope 😅 what wete your first three joes?
I have both the new BEACH Heads as well as being nicknamed after him for our similarities. We both believe in getting even.
Nice! I do subscribe to his getting mad is a waste of time and energy. Remind me never to cross you 😅
Scarlett is supposed to be with Snake Eyes. Period.
Nooooo....agree to disagree 😅
Absolutely 💯% True! The cartoon showrunners tend to grossly underestimate the audience, thinking they can arbitrarily change relationships and that nobody would notice.
Larry Hama never encouraged the nonsense pairing of Duke with Scarlett; in fact, his comic stories has Duke acknowledging that Snake-Eyes & Scarlett are an item.
@dinomonzon7493 well to be fair, Hama was never a fan of Duke 😅
@dinomonzon7493 right on!
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf To be even more fair the comic was out before the TV show.
The guy who doesnt use deodorant 😅😅. My guess is ryt after all. My vintage is missing might replace it and i got the hall of heroes 25th anniversary of this guy
The hall of heroes is would say is the ultimate classic rendition of beach head in the 25th Anniversary line 👍
For Valentine's Day week... Why not a video on the relationship between Snake-Eyes & Ms. Scarlett, or Destro and the Baroness?
That's a good idea although I'm more of a Duke-lett shipper 🤣 but thanks for the suggestion. Will definitely keep that on my radar...maybe a love triangle episode 😬😬😬
RIP FLEA ( I was mistaken or time tripping)
Nooooooo FLEA LIVES!
Flea isn't dead.
@CollaborativeDataAccounts I know right? I had to do a quick Google search to confirm 😬😬😬
My bad fellas apparently the universe that I just slipped in from he died, but not here I guess. I could’ve swore I saw a year ago or so that he had passed away. My deepest apologies.
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf 🤯my bad I must’ve Mandela’d no disrespect one of my favorites
Beachhead is a great character and action figure. However, his greatest flaw was that for some reason, his crotch piece was very fragile. That is why I have 4 copies.
Nice one although that fragile crotch was a common flaw of the o ring figs in general. I broke off a lot of crotches back in the day...makes me sound like a badass don't you think? 🤣
@@StoriesFromTheToyshelf Some more than others. You must have had some very difficult missions!
@blackmaggot5046 actually I made them wrestle 😅 those submission holds like the Cobra clutch and Boston Crab really killed those crotches 🤣
I liked comic book BH better than the obnoxious BH from the cartoon.
A lot of the comic characters were better than their cartoon counterparts. But I actually liked cartoon beachhead as I felt he ad more personality 😅
The showrunners hardly Cared to get the characters right- yet Story Editor Buzz Dixon dared claim in G. I. Joe Yearbook #'s 2 & 3 that the characters 'would be true to Larry Hama's'.
Yeah. Right- then they do the nonsense of Beach-Head being angry (Larry presents him as Disciplined & Patient); Lady Jaye afraid of heights (she's Airborne qualified, and one Volunteers for Airborne training); the likes of Quick Kick able to beat Storm-Shadow (Read G. I. Joe #52); G. I. Joe HQ on the surface, and other nonsense.
@dinomonzon7493 I mean at the end of the day both comics and cartoons were created for two different age groups of fans. I mean we're free to like both or one more than the other but I don't think that one was wrong or better over the other. Just my 2 cents 👍👍👍
@StoriesFromTheToyshelf I read the comics, but my friends in school only watched the cartoon. I always felt like this gave me something over on them--where I was getting a more "unfiltered" version than they were. (And in my play- I sometimes incorporated elements of both the comic and cartoon for my "universe." ). It was also interesting how Hama would focus more on characters that the cartoons would avoid, creating two separate "universes" going on at the same time for GI Joe. Besides, when the first mini-series premiered, Duke was there, but there was no Duke action figure yet, and no Hawk appeared in the story for years, even though a blonde, buzz-cut Colonel Hawk was very much in charge of the comic team. And the MASS device was more Star Trek than GI Joe. And of course, there were lasers.
@TurtleTrackin yup exactly. If you were older and more into the military and ninja had the comics. But if you were into the more fantastical elements, then the cartoons were it. Not to say the cartoons were inferior, or silly, although there was a bit of that too...they were just different and had some amazing and memorable episodes as well. 👍
I love and like it the character beach head but the toy itself the mid section always breaks off every figures i had of him that parts breaks off easily don't know why i have 2 of them non broken
Are you referring to the original figure? The o-ring? Cuz those rubber rings keeping the figs together do deteriorate over time. So that's normal. There are replacement rings available 👍👍👍
Nope talking about the croch not the the 0 ring always the croch breaks off the beachhead
@apocaplysedarkside3250 ah yeah sorry misunderstood. My Joe crotches always broke as well...but that's because I used to make them wrestle and that camel clutch or Boston crab submission holds really busted up those crotches 😬😬😬
Thank you! 👍👍👍
Have you ever had a cute idea, so you beat it like an old horse you haven't been able to kill yet? I swear, one more unrelated "visual pun" and I'm gonna block this channel...
I get that my storytelling style isn't for everyone. But at the end of the day I'm not forcing anyone to watch. I appreciate it though. And if you choose not to watch again. That's completely fine 👍
Or you could just listen to the audio version on no need to see any unrelated visual puns 😅👍👍