Find out what you could be missing If you don’t practice these important 3 points before getting in a fight. Share your insights below about this video.
Very impressive & educative, Dan! Staying rock solid calm.... sans blinking nor flinching.... under crazy mad fury & pressure is eye opening. Especially... how still & nonchalant you keep yourself !!
Dan MY MONEY SIFU Lok This is exactly why the speed bag can help one from flinching by standing so the bag comes near the peripheral side near shoulder. Also, light sparring only mouth piece, wraps, and gloves helps learning slips to avoid punches with comfort. There is a fellow Capt. Chris from NJ, who had an incident with his family and was brutally attacked, and he froze, though he was a black belt. He got beat up severely. He analyzed what went wrong and determined finesse movements do not work under high adrenaline encounters. One's body will shake. Gross movements are more sure in those high adrenaline situations. Krav Magar was also shaped by this thought in mind of high adrenaline encounters. Thanks Nick Mirante NY
it works I knocked guy tooth out years ago when I was a kid accident when he flinched and we was arguing, I didn't think it was over. But we stayed friends
I watched this vid 2 months ago and I have a bullying cousin because I’m short and because of these tips I controlled my fear and punched him in the mouth and he hasn’t bullied me since! Thanks
I don't know about ya'll, but I blink and flinch precisely because I expect to get hit! lol I would add to think big picture. A trained friend of mine was telling me about a guy who was triggered at the bar and coming at him (not sure why, but he was with an attractive woman and that tends to trigger some guys... maybe some words exchanged). Anyways, he told me he decided to take one hit in order to set up a take down to control the guy. It is about winning the altercation, not about avoiding any given element of contact. Cost vs. benefit. The cost of a blow is much less than than the cost of being beaten and at the mercy of someone else. It is also a good idea to know how to minimize the impact of a blow, too.
Don't think about what may happen, only think about what you are going to do. It eliminates nervousness by focusing on a plan of action. And remember action is quicker than reaction. Your welcome.
good advice. yes the fear that paralyses you when starting a fight is the fear of getting hit in the face mainly, particularly the nose, as those the soft vulnerable parts of the face. nobody is that afraid of being punched in their side or stomach. So in other words, decide on a move, and make the first move and make it super quickly before you have time to think about any damage you may sustain from the opponent. i think once the fear of being hit, or hurt is gone, it frees you up to fight really good. even if you still lose the fight, you can admit you lost to the better fighter, or the guy whose stronger/powerful than you are, but you can hold your head up high and know you were not conquered by your own fear and gave a good account of yourself. when i look at like the records of heavyweight boxing greats, i dont care if they've lost fights. mohammed ali lost i think 4 fights. doesnt matter. even those losses, all those blows he took conditioned him, hardened him. and ali avenged every defeat he ever suffered. i am a tennis fan, and ive followed nadal and seen him avenge pretty much every one of his defeats.
If someone comes up to you and youre afraid of him, maybe pretend that this guy is going to hurt someone defenseless or someone or some thing you love, and that it is not you that he's really out to get. it the other things that concern you more than yourself. Then you want ever be affraid of getting hurt,because now you are thinking of something beside yourself
@@davidstevenson747 You are very right about that !!! never think of that ! because if my family, girlfriend was in danger i would be very tough in fight !
There was this bully in school. We crossed paths one day. Even though I was with my friend, we were both scared. I said, "keep walking just ignore him"...but I was ready. As we passed he grabbed my arm spinning me around and my rear leg automatically threw a roundhouse snapping to his head just stopping short. I'll never forget the look on his face. Nothing was said nothing more was done we kept walking.....the bully never bullied me or my friend again. Whew......
1. do not blink or flinch. relax. expect to get hit instead 2. train under realistic stress. do not freeze up. 3. do not think, feel. let your body react automatically. almost as if you didnt know what you did after your body reacted in defense.
Nono he is right. The first time I hit a guy that was looking for trouble I gave him a KO and I felt like that. My body reacted, I did not think NOTHING. When he was on the floor I started thinking. There are two types of reaction in our primitives mind: Think > Action Action > Think First one serves to fit in the society, Second one serves for danger. Prepare yourself, train, train and train. When the situation arrives, don’t think. When you act you don’t think, when you don’t think, you can be scared or frozen.
@@simf0r0s0 my opinion is you must think because thinking and action is related. Just like Bruce lee said empty your mind and focused and adapt with current situation or wake up your mind to face. The problems is when you think about others things in current situation you especially negative things like fear. So i think you just make sure your mind take full control on yourself
Yes, but with respect fear is usually your brain's way of letting you know that you are in a potentially lethal situation... So a very real danger usually accompanies fear, and it would be foolhardy to totally dismiss it. Fear keeps you sharp, almost all great fighters experienced it... But it was/is how you acknowledge, face and deal with fear (particularly in a violent confrontation) that will set you apart and allow you to survive/win.
When confronted by a bigger guy or a bully then use your fear against them and strike first and fast and don't stop until their down, learn how to read people like a book 👊🏻
having been in many fights i can say i agree with neo outdoors. if you think its going to happen and theres no way out.... initiate. always initiate. youll be infinitely better off
Excellent tips. Thanks! I have definitely "frozen" when being intimidated by bullies and attackers. I have also over-thought the situation, like, "If I hit him, and I don't get him good, he's gonna kill me!" I like how you say strike while his mind is fully on offense & not defense. I think you're an excellent instructor!
I remember I would freeze up when it came to real confrontations. Though only after a short time learning and practicing martial arts had taught me one thing -- breath control. It's not only important to breathe when you throw a punch or kick or go for takedowns.. You've got to breathe during that entire ordeal, before, during, and after. So every time a confrontation comes, I still get that instinctive urge to freeze up or be afraid, but all I have to do is keep my eyes on my opponent, and breathe. This has allowed me to successfully defuse many confrontations before they start, because I was able to have a clear mind without clutter or fear. During the confrontation, just me focusing on breathing has allowed me to react instinctively, and far more quickly than when I don't breathe (albeit, this also came with years of experience and training with a multitude of martial arts). And even better, it keeps you in the fight should it last beyond the usual 10 to 30 seconds most real fights last. So, in conclusion, from my personal experience, in addition to the things discussed in this video, learn to control your breathing. It'll make all of the difference.
HighPhoenix1754 The other night I had my first boxing sparring and was a bad experience for me because I forgot to breathe. All I focused on was to punch my target and totally forgot about breathing. I barely sparred for 3 or 4 minutes before getting completely gassed out and only then knew the importance of breathing.
Good for you Nuck chorris, keep at it!! i remember my first boxing session and it was terrifying haha. My advice is spar with someone who generally cares about you so you can practice your technique and breathing without getting smashed. good luck to you!! :)
@@keepingitreel...8037 I learned the hard way at wing chun school. I looked down when I bowed and got a glove with uppercut right in my face. He said it was a "joke".
For someone who rarely gets into confrontations, being able to overcome the fear and the anxiety of being faced with an abnormal situation is paramount for besting/surviving that confrontation. This lesson was so very helpful in realizing that calmness and being able to keep my wits about me is so important. I will make it a point to practice that.
What you call FEAR is actually the way your body prepares for battle. BUTTERFLIES: in battle you don't need to digest food so blood flowing to your stomach lessens and goes to vital organs and muscles to give more oxygen. SWEATING: Your body will be getting hot quickly and to cool it down you sweat. It also help to be slippery to Your opponent. BREATGING HEAVY/FAST: Muscules need oxygen and the blood gets oxygen from the lungs so you take in more oxygen. You may feel tingly after fighting. This would be bc you're full of blood. Also we release heat from breathing similar to dogs panting. We loose water this way as well. With this being said know that it's not that you fear the situation, you're preparing for it. So be calm, and if the attacker is threatening from more than an arms length away, get your hands up guarding you face but palms facing your attacker 👐 but not so close together, stating that you feel threatened and u will defend yourself. Know that saying this will probably provoke them. So when he/She gets within arms length from you, attack. No hesitation, just Fire and disable them. Keeping a distance of 3 ft is the law, so warning about defending yourself is optional. Just attack to disable then call 911 or however but get away while they are on the floor or screaming from a broke wrist, leg, finger, eye hanging out or badly bleeding from a bite wound. Never worry about who's watching or how you look in The fight. It is a survival situation, so just get it done and get home. The best defense is a great offense.
Fight or flight reaction! Our eyes and our ears send a signal to our hypothalamus that sends a signal to our adrenal glands that makes them freak out. Growing up I'd run miles around my town at night and always got a pump from my neighbors pit bulls yanking on their chains after me on the last quarter mile. Sinuses opened, body had an instant energy jolt and I kicked it in to high gear all the way home. Loved that shit, freaking myself out lol
Not get bitten in the ear? I guess they will still have a plan if they knock out their opponent before they can bite their ear like Buster Douglas did.
Im a young student that fortunately im in 11th grade, through my experince in past schools I have been bullyed( i dont know if i spelled that correctly) but the first time i watched this video and started practicing muay thai and wing chun, I came to a mindset of PERSONALLY changing my psicology and use it in favor. Technically releasing my inner beast and trying to not think things through. I encourage and exhalt you young people who had been bullyied or threatened to atleast practice one martial art to get some dicipline and build up confidence. But the main important thing in learning is having GOOD INTENTIONS, thanks to all of you and specially Dan Lok, peace out.
This was always a missing lesson when I was learning and training. Over the years, I had to learn, on my own, how to control my fear in order to be able to even be able to move. My fear was being hit or worse. It took me several fights, not of my time or choice, to learn I could take a punch so I took control from there. Learning in the street is a very bad thing for many reasons that I found out the hard way. Your mind is your friend AND your enemy. When confronted, don't think, just react or even attack. Learn to conquer your fear by full contact sparing with no protective gear while using boxing gloves. You will learn to control your fear by taking hits, kicks, and punches without fear of being killed.
Jon Heckendorf thank you. Because this one kid is somehow a bully to me yet Ik I can win in a fight. I’m taller and stronger and way more athletic but everyone thinks I’m scared because of my great fear of getting hit
@@jayhardikar1563 I'm sorry you are being bullied. I was bullied too when growing up. The reason I started to studied Martial Arts. Back then, effective fighting techniques weren't very well understood and I had to suffer through using poor and ineffective techniques to discover the truth. Now that I've done nearly everything and studied nearly everything, I now know what works and what doesn't. In today's world, we now know how to fight. You just need to find the right school who is willing to teach you. There still is a lot of bad out there. The more you get punched in the face the easier it will be to control your fear. Do it not with bare knuckles but with someone you trust using boxing gloves to start with. While you are getting punched learn to block and deflect the blows too. Start out easy and slow then work up. Good luck and I know you will conquer this emotion of fear. If I could, you can too.
Jon Heckendorf thank you so much man and hey on the bright side that will never happen to you again and u safe now. U worked for it and u earned every last of bit for no one to mess with you. And even if they do they learn the consequences
This is also incorporated into military training (Army in my experience). You are taught to stay focused, whether you are being yelled at, crawling through mud with gunfire and explosions, staying quiet for hours in all conditions, etc. The best instructors I ever had always said the same thing "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast"
starting in 1959. I was taught this very early. was taught to keep my hands in my pocket. real life full contact control sparing, learn how to deflect and take control, no thoughts, open calm and in control, not to be intimidated is to intimidate
I would agree. Was banging on about this years ago. The levels it was going to was insane. It’s there now after a evil plan. Years of being set up. House, cars, computers. Playing along to catch up. Then trapped.
This scenario happened to me many times in my life, and I was ashamed. Thanks for bringing it up. At the same time, you wanna keep your hands up. Staring a guy down without putting your own hands up - is asking to get knocked out.
I found meditation techniques to be very helpful with this... I remember my second degree black belt test... A handful of the best students were selected to attack me & I wasn’t allowed to fight back or defend myself until my sensei gave the command to do so... Needless to say I got the crap beat out of me & I was dazed, physically exhausted & VERY SORE! Without even realizing it at the time, I used a meditation technique I had been practicing to cool down & relax after workouts to block everything completely out & just focused on the flow of the attacks... In reality, I didn’t really “use” it, so much as it just automatically “switched itself on” Practicing meditation itself can be boring to people, but that really woke me up to some of the benefits it can offer...
i’ve researched fear and defeating it from actual karate classes to books and this is the best ive ever seen explained in physical form. “expect to get cut in a knife fight expect to get hit in a fist fight”. “fighters get hit. GOOD fighters don’t get much”. thank you for video sir. -m
I got hit in the mouth earlier this week and I didn’t know what to do I was panicked scared and nervous so I’m really glad I watched this video thank you so much
in school I had to fight a lot due to my size and I seen boxing saved me and kick boxing but I believe people should study martial arts more often it frees your mind and keeps fear away from a fighter and how to harness it
I can testify to that “don’t think it”....I realized I always lose my confidence when I think it “what if he beat me up”,”what if I wasn’t strong enough “ etc ,but the moment I act on impulse,it’s A for me
i was assualted publically yesterday by a mob of around 5 people, but only one guy attacked me. Me and all my friends were intimidated having never been in a situation like that. We are musicians. I wanted to hit the person attacking me but I couldn't I froze. I looked around and found no one was standing for me. I feared I was thinking too much, and that was the problem. I workout have a better than average physique. BUT I FROZE because I was looking for support of my friends in defending myself. I know now that it doesn't work that way. YOU ONLY HAVE YOU. YOU ONLY HAVE TO BE AND PROTECT YOU FIRST. YOU HAVE TO EXPECT TO GET HIT. YOU HAVE TO HIT!
That is wrong of your friends. My friends would be throwing hands straight up lol. But yeah always defend yourself, don't focus on no one else keep it cool & do what you can to defend yourself 💪
Southern Rockers dont have that problem...move down south.....find a new band....( i cant believe i said that ...Yankees are sinking Florida as it is. ;-) ).
Mr Dan Loc . It's so true what you say. There are people who train for many years. Then the day when they confront someone with a knife they freeze. Because they never practice to face fear. Good point. Thank you.
I fear a lot when I meet people who wanna fight me I be brave alone but when enemy comes and talks to me I fear my heart starts beating faster and think he's deffinately gonna beat me
you perfect your psychology, then you also perfect your techniques, both offense and defense. your game must be complete, or else, you sleep on the ground.
Thanks for the lesson Mr. Lok. Braveness is in the coward; and cowardice is in the brave. Indeed, if we are to succeed, we must be prepared afore time; especially in our mind. Pride is also an issue. I am what and who I am, no more or less. If I feel a fight brewing, I tell myself I don't choose to fight; therefore the choice is theirs. I only react. This relieves a lot of stress for me.
Marty Stogner some time you just spit dead in their eyes that will buy 2 3 seconds you can destroy or run i always carry my keys on a long cord to hit em in the eyes.
This moment of freezing with fear actually happened to me after 10 years practicing karate. I taught myself how not to show any fear and stay calm. It’s confuses your would be attacker. Being calm works like a charm. I am retired now and I was bullied for 18 years at my place of work. Nothing has changed
Several bullies (3 Tough Guys) throughout 7th and 8th grade were messing around with some of the classmates. The bullies were going down the line to find out who was who in the class. When they walked up to me, they tried intimidation tactics to show just how tough they were. One sucker punched me on the left side of my face, while the other tried to punch me on the right side as well. As it turned out, I managed to stop the second punch from landing on my face and the third guy was approaching me from behind and grabbed me with both of his arms and he got taken down with a hip toss and a punch to his face. The second guy approached me from my blind side and wasn't expect me to kick him in the groin. As for the first guy, he watched his buddies get taken down by little o' me. That piece of chicken shit ran out of the school and didn't return at all! When the principal heard this, he got all four of us in his office along with extra help. He brought in two other people to help him sort out this whole mess. When the smoke cleared, I went back to class and the three bullies got transferred to another school for picking on me and some of the guys in the classroom. The principal awarded me with a merit of certificate in self defense. Since receiving that award, it gave me the inspiration to join the martial arts training academy in high school. This incident occurred back in 1971-72 and that was something I'll never forget!
I have been a fan of Bruce Lee all of my life. It is so awesome to see someone sharing his techniques and philosophies. He was one of the first real mixed martial artist in the world.
I had that problem when I was a kid. I leaned to turn on and off the violence switch. You have to be able to bring extreme violence in the blink of an eye.
I've been doing martial arts for about 12 years now and all I can say to that is Aggression is not fighting. Sure u need to switch to Violence but u also have to respect ur opponent even if he wants to beat you. Fighting doesnt mean throwing punches and kicks until he goes down. Its to STOP someone. Yeah sometimes to stop someone u have to knock him out but its also enough to fear them.
The most important thing in every fight I've been in and every fight I saw when I was growing up was who got hit first. The person who connects with that first punch or strike almost always comes out on top. If you know there is going to be a fight and it's unavoidable then you must go ahead and hit the person first.
I don't think it's realistic to expect no fear. But to condition the fear response, alike what you are saying. The military uses constant harassment on new recruits to keep their adrenaline going and they learn to adapt but of course it takes weeks of this. I think it's the panic response that causes problems (freezing) and that has to be ironed out. But again, I don't think there is a way to get no fear out of anyone. We're always going to feel something when threatened. Great video.
yes there is training your state is not that hard just have a freezing cold shower and then train yourself to not flinch blink move it's the same thing. You can't remove fear..butyou can remove your reactions completely. You can become completely unreactive and the fear stays inwards it doesn't show.
youtubasoarus this is what separates us from military. Martial artists specialize in physical combat more than the use of firearms. I can understand what you are saying but you have to understand, the whole using fear is for long term fighting such as shooting. When one has learned to allow fear to slide off of you, it’s all in an instant. We don’t use other sources to define us unlike those who go to military or to use a gun. But what you said about fear conditioning is not bad either. It’s best to explore all possible options and see what’s for you. I’m not dissing you man nor am I supporting you fully. Because there are differences yet similarities in such things.
youtubasoarus I can give more examples on how it’s different since I realized I didn’t really lost how. But I’ll wait for your request instead of listing it now.
But fear is good too, when you feel fear you know when to run, and how to survive. Everything is about situation. The most important thing to strike is to express.
youtubasoarus meditation can reduce fear even on a physical level as a part of the brain responsible for fear (amygdal?) has been shown to shrink with meditation. fear is good for ignorance (like children needing to fear falling from tall heights instinctively) but with intelligent reasoning abilities there's no real need for fear anymore, even the chemicals involved in dangerous situations can be will fully released by people with a high enough level of self mastery
Im a big guy with some background hands on controlled training ...But when shit is real I think i panic and freeze up no matter who it is or wimpy they are because I always go back in my head to when my frightening father would unpredictably attack me as a little kid and I would just have to be quiet and take it. ..paralyzed before during and moments after...and thats where I still go to in my head 40 years later.
Your story about being one of three Chinese in your school reminded me of a time I lived on the Mexico boarder and I was one of the only white children in my school, in my town. I got into many fights because of it, as a child of like 8-9 years old. It wasn't an easy situation at all being a minority but in the end it taught me a lot about racism and not to be racist. I've seen a couple of your videos now, very informative! I was looking at the comments below and noticed someone said you can't expect no fear, their correct; but correct me if I'm wrong, you're teaching to have more control of your fear correct?
Yes but also train, you can get into 100 fights and lose all of them if you don’t train Edit: actually don’t get into fights just spar don’t be a dick and go looking for trouble
First love your videos Sir your absolutely awesome. I can relate to your bullying story I was 13 the only Polish kid in my school when my family immigrated to Canada. To overcome that fear of being helpless. I decided to train in JKD because I wanted to be like Bruce Lee my idol, unfortunately in my town there were no martial arts schools. So I decided to train from all Bruce Lee's movies and his book. I am a self tought martial artist I am in my late 40s now but after 3 years of training every day by copying every move from all Bruce Lee movies I was ready to defend myself at 16. I confronted the bully told him that he will never push or kick me again and I'm ready to defend myself, I said in calm voice just let me stretch, I did one of Bruce's stretching kicks and sequences that's all it took , he walked oway and ever since that day he respected me, and from that day on I have never started a fight but I had to defend myself on many occasions and in one occasion 2 men at one time. As you say fear is deadly some can control it more than others. I always get scared before a fight but ones I commit the fear always washes oway and than it's just conditioned muscle response, you don't even think half of the time you just react. As I got older and over the years I studied karate and taekwondo to understand martial arts more but found them to be to ridgit and stiff. Now in my older years I only find myself practicing Wing Chun and jkd. Bruce Lee and jkd made me who I am today Jkd saved my life on many occasions, it has conditioned my brain to analyze and react very quickly under any circumstance Jkd is not just for fighting it is a tool to be used in many applications of every day life. Thank you Bruce Lee.
That was me 2 years age I was in a fight in the bathroom at school and I was so scared not knowing what to do but this video helped me faces this fear thank you
Or get hit in the face and let your anger flow through you like water in a stream. Control it and let it flow and use it for power. Don't let it take over let it power your attack's and heal your pain and then strike without mercy. Remember your technique and hit as controlled as possible while also wanting to punch your targets head off. Be strong be calm and strike without mercy.
@@owengames3630 who cares about detention. He called his brother that means he's scared of you. Don't be afraid of pain invite it. I myself hit walls and heavy bags till my knuckles bleed. So don't fear pain or detention invite it and be proud you stood up.
@@swainstormh i got you bro and damn you are a beast i just wanna beat him up cause he just won't shut up i am one of the type which don talk in school alot thats why
@@owengames3630 yo dawg I understand. You should get a pair of gloves and start going to the gym(MMA gym). Go and be a beast show him whose boss. Beat his ass. Also keep your posture and always keep your hands up.
It is true that intimidation takes you off your game. When I was young , I would have to remember my Karate training after I was already in the fight. The intimidation period does wipe your mind out of the game for a period of time. Thank you for that training.
Sifu great lesson. I can see where I need to Improve in HTC with heart racing, paralyzed, overthinking to get my rp right. Thank you for the lesson. I see I have a longer way to go than I thought but I'm not giving up.
All you have to do is knee the guy on his groins and that's it. and you must protect your face and your chest, if you get punched on your chest hard your going to go down guaranteed!! Keep training!!!
Hey dan, when I was 17 I had this problem with like 5 guys that was my age that wanted to beat me, and I wasn’t training nothing,so before I met them in my home town, I was training my mind that if something happens I’ll use theirs fear to beat them. So when I met them at first I was scared, than one them started asking me if I want to fight them so I said no, I was a little afraid, the next moment I got punched in the the neck, and when that happened I started screaming at them that I’m sick of them annoying me, and in the same time punch them and hit them one by one, as I started screaming like a scyco, they froze and just let me beat the shit out of them. So my thechnic was, so what’s unexpected in a drastic way so that your opponent will get scared.
you smelled blood and that’s your killer instinct. That happens to me whenever I’m fighting in the ring. But then again fighting is different from killing.. so there’s an in between type of aggression
There is a way how I learned to do it. Erase all u learned from ur mind. Every single technique. Concentrate on nothing. Focus on nothing. I'm not talking about in the middle of the fight. I'm talking about everytime. Nothing. Nada. He will regret attacking you
Man you probably keep thinking about how he’s going to beat you up, about how he’s stronger and bigger than you. get that outta ur mind, i. the moment dont think about that, train, become a fucking beast, then when the times come, show them who’s the big man
Thats natural, deep breathing stops that to a degree. My instructor would recommend getting your friends to come at you unexpected in an intimidating manner Shouting screaming surrounding you With time you get used to that high stress situation. We are not used to hostile behaviour so its a shock to us.
@@PardeepSingh-ex5oc boxing is good bro but mixed martial arts is beneficial as you are put in real street fight scenarios against multiple opposition. The fear factor can only be dealt with in trying to replicate real life scenarios Look onto krav maga its helped me develop.
I like how all these clowns be talking about Bruce like he couldn't handle his sht in the ring. B, he was a freakin Titan! Every Legend recognizes Bruce's greatness!
Great advice! I actually think that kind of technique helped me detour a fight with a bigger fella than myself. It seemed to reverse the intimidation from myself to the other guy. I didnt show any emotion to him even though I was really nervous. It seemed to make him less aggressive and actually made him fear what might happen.
the one thing i remember is when i got to a fight in college. when someone tell the man that im gossiping him. even if its not true. is i think i activate my fight or flight response to FIGHT MODE. its automatically i got the mindset of "i dont care whatever the reason i just want to protect myself" i just dont listen to his thrashtalk and start applying my Aikido and wing chun everytime he attack and end up I WON. without knowing what i did. i just didnt put my emotions into a fight cause my master said that. and i UNCONSCIOUSLY did it! training every week makes u adopt at fights. and after what happen, i end up suspended in school. because i broke his left arm and need to put a titanium metal to his elbow. my mother was angry that time because its expensive. but it turns out ok now. i never see him in years now. btw. my height is 5'3 and he is i think 5'6 or 5'7... P.S. sorry for my english.
Fear is what keeps you on your toes, don't Flinch move and counterpunch. Do not allow them to even get close to you the second they are in your space do what you must to drop them with the intentions of hurting them a hundred percent
i don't think the guy in the glasses ever been in a fight..but over all that is good but he need to get surprised jumped as a simulation form his class buddies to train that fight or flight and apply the situational awareness. good video..
Fighting instinct is a hard thing to develop. Some martial artists train their whole lives just to freeze up in an actual street fight. I think the best way to overcome it is to continue to experience the fear ( which can not be done in a dojo or ring). The brain will eventually grow accustomed to this feel and improve your subconcious reflex and instinct.
Audie Herron driving a bus in Miami with the constant harassment and threats have thought me how to remain calm and master this technique yes once in a while the heart takes over but you're right exposure it's the real training
This is really good thank you. I once got attacked by someone. He was watching me and I knew something wasn't right. Then I heard him screaming behind me and headed towards me. I stood my ground and waited while he continued to run towards me. I took a deep breath and in that instant I knew this man was going to attack and I moved away from his punches. I am learning Kung Fu again after many years and had a great teacher. Great tips on this video to take away - thank you.
Enjoy watching Dan Lok's videos. Find it very interesting n practical, especially in STREET FIGHTING situations. Keep showing rhe videos Dan n we will keep watching n applying your advice/ techniques.
Find out what you could be missing If you don’t practice
these important 3 points before getting in a fight.
Share your insights below about this video.
Very impressive & educative, Dan! Staying rock solid calm.... sans blinking nor flinching.... under crazy mad fury & pressure is eye opening. Especially... how still & nonchalant you keep yourself !!
This is exactly why the speed bag can help one from flinching by standing so the bag comes near the peripheral side near shoulder.
Also, light sparring only mouth piece, wraps, and gloves helps learning slips to avoid punches with comfort. There is a fellow Capt. Chris from NJ, who had an incident with his family and was brutally attacked, and he froze, though he was a black belt. He got beat up severely. He analyzed what went wrong and determined finesse movements do not work under high adrenaline encounters. One's body will shake. Gross movements are more sure in those high adrenaline situations. Krav Magar was also shaped by this thought in mind of high adrenaline encounters.
Nick Mirante NY
it works I knocked guy tooth out years ago when I was a kid accident when he flinched and we was arguing, I didn't think it was over. But we stayed friends
When I was listening to your video it sounds like you know what you're talking about. I'm going to practice that thank you.
Dan Lok Thank You so much! I aprechiate! It is actualy important to be fearless in a fight!
I boxed at university. Sparing is the key. Getting hit and realizing you’re not dead, that you can still move makes you more conditioned.
First time you get hit with a rear hook is a beautiful thing
@@duainemeriweather9011 ahahahaha yes its like you expect do die but then you realize you can take it
Ayy Lmao That nice little head rattle, gotta do that little “It didn’t hurt” jog
Duaine Meriweather Yep!!! 👍
Hey, everybody is the guy in the glasses at some point in their life, but he's still standing there doing it, so big props, man.
Well said mate.
Could you please turn it around so we could see their arms. You're blocking our view.
Not me I'm an ex gang banger. Not , I do have pictures. Thanks for the reminder..
I watched this vid 2 months ago and I have a bullying cousin because I’m short and because of these tips I controlled my fear and punched him in the mouth and he hasn’t bullied me since! Thanks
weeeeelll donee. kudos!
Good lad ! ✊✊💪
thats freaking awesome man
And when your cousin watches this
"You're doomed"
Fear has two meanings
Forget everything and run
Face everything and rise
not face everything and run
True..... But for the trained fighter
what a great answer
Forget Everything And Remember,
For Everything A Reason
You got the Fear
I always act! Never fearing an opponent that's trying to intimidate me! Look them strait in their eyes and bust that move!!
1) Do Not Blink, EXPECT to get hit
2) Train in stress environment
3) Learn NOT to think
If you do think try to either forget, or try to think about winning
Ultra instinct
I don't know about ya'll, but I blink and flinch precisely because I expect to get hit! lol
I would add to think big picture. A trained friend of mine was telling me about a guy who was triggered at the bar and coming at him (not sure why, but he was with an attractive woman and that tends to trigger some guys... maybe some words exchanged). Anyways, he told me he decided to take one hit in order to set up a take down to control the guy. It is about winning the altercation, not about avoiding any given element of contact. Cost vs. benefit. The cost of a blow is much less than than the cost of being beaten and at the mercy of someone else. It is also a good idea to know how to minimize the impact of a blow, too.
@@coco10023 bro lol
Thinking is the worst thing
Don't think about what may happen, only think about what you are going to do. It eliminates nervousness by focusing on a plan of action. And remember action is quicker than reaction. Your welcome.
I was looking through street fight videos because I thought I was being to cocky thinking about my fights. This is good advice though
Heres Johnny “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” -Mike tyson
good advice. yes the fear that paralyses you when starting a fight is the fear of getting hit in the face mainly, particularly the nose, as those the soft vulnerable parts of the face. nobody is that afraid of being punched in their side or stomach. So in other words, decide on a move, and make the first move and make it super quickly before you have time to think about any damage you may sustain from the opponent. i think once the fear of being hit, or hurt is gone, it frees you up to fight really good. even if you still lose the fight, you can admit you lost to the better fighter, or the guy whose stronger/powerful than you are, but you can hold your head up high and know you were not conquered by your own fear and gave a good account of yourself. when i look at like the records of heavyweight boxing greats, i dont care if they've lost fights. mohammed ali lost i think 4 fights. doesnt matter. even those losses, all those blows he took conditioned him, hardened him. and ali avenged every defeat he ever suffered. i am a tennis fan, and ive followed nadal and seen him avenge pretty much every one of his defeats.
Heres Johnny you’re so right
Heres Johnny everyone has a plan until they get punched
Every warrior faces fear before a fight because in our hearts we do not want to fight we just want to be strong.
Jay Gee not true some peopl I made to fight and want to
But what if you're a nuckel head and you wanna hit
J Not every Warrior.
Warrior have no fear!!.. only cowards! Real warrior ready to die, training hard as this man said to conquer his fear, and have no time for fear.
J Nah that's just you, A warrior's heart seeks out battles. *Puss Boi!*
When Bruce lee came to states he realized its more than technique
It’s confidence and experience
“The coward and hero both feel the same. It’s what they do that makes them different” Cus
Ok Tyson trainer😂😂😂😂
Dan B Facts! :D
"Champions get up..when they can't" Jack Dempsy
Bruce lee said. If u feel secure in yourself u hav no fear of your opponent!
If someone comes up to you and youre afraid of him, maybe pretend that this guy is going to hurt someone defenseless or someone or some thing you love, and that it is not you that he's really out to get. it the other things that concern you more than yourself. Then you want ever be affraid of getting hurt,because now you are thinking of something beside yourself
@@davidstevenson747 You are very right about that !!! never think of that ! because if my family, girlfriend was in danger i would be very tough in fight !
@@DanLok that dont happend to me but when i about to fight someone i kind sceary and my power get weak
There was this bully in school. We crossed paths one day. Even though I was with my friend, we were both scared. I said, "keep walking just ignore him"...but I was ready. As we passed he grabbed my arm spinning me around and my rear leg automatically threw a roundhouse snapping to his head just stopping short. I'll never forget the look on his face. Nothing was said nothing more was done we kept walking.....the bully never bullied me or my friend again. Whew......
Well done.
Well done👍👍
Great response
I remember that day...
1. do not blink or flinch. relax. expect to get hit instead
2. train under realistic stress. do not freeze up.
3. do not think, feel. let your body react automatically. almost as if you didnt know what you did after your body reacted in defense.
yes go watch dragon ball super
Nono he is right.
The first time I hit a guy that was looking for trouble I gave him a KO and I felt like that.
My body reacted, I did not think NOTHING. When he was on the floor I started thinking.
There are two types of reaction in our primitives mind:
Think > Action
Action > Think
First one serves to fit in the society,
Second one serves for danger.
Prepare yourself, train, train and train. When the situation arrives, don’t think. When you act you don’t think, when you don’t think, you can be scared or frozen.
@@simf0r0s0 my opinion is you must think because thinking and action is related. Just like Bruce lee said empty your mind and focused and adapt with current situation or wake up your mind to face. The problems is when you think about others things in current situation you especially negative things like fear. So i think you just make sure your mind take full control on yourself
There's nothing to fear but fear itself. Death is a certainty, we don't worry about that everyday.
Some do. Lol
Funny Valentine?
We all know it logically, the stuggle is to undo the fact patterns of our parents of fear as Dan Peña would say.
Fear God Only. Everyone else no worries.
Yes, but with respect fear is usually your brain's way of letting you know that you are in a potentially lethal situation... So a very real danger usually accompanies fear, and it would be foolhardy to totally dismiss it.
Fear keeps you sharp, almost all great fighters experienced it... But it was/is how you acknowledge, face and deal with fear (particularly in a violent confrontation) that will set you apart and allow you to survive/win.
the guy in glasses is having a very hard time being convincingly intimidating....
The nerd look
It’s hard to be intimidating
disagree....types like him ARE tough......look silent n nerdy but actually crazy n fearless wen in a rage.
Its the accent
When confronted by a bigger guy or a bully then use your fear against them and strike first and fast and don't stop until their down, learn how to read people like a book 👊🏻
Or the nose
having been in many fights i can say i agree with neo outdoors. if you think its going to happen and theres no way out.... initiate. always initiate. youll be infinitely better off
Neanderthal Outdoors but what if you’re in school and you want to avoid as much consequence as possible and you don’t want to punch first
Jus whoop his ass and tell your parents sorry
Excellent tips. Thanks! I have definitely "frozen" when being intimidated by bullies and attackers. I have also over-thought the situation, like, "If I hit him, and I don't get him good, he's gonna kill me!" I like how you say strike while his mind is fully on offense & not defense. I think you're an excellent instructor!
8:40 "How dare you betray our friend"
Best line ever
Hahahahahahahahahahhaa im crying
You want something
Hahahahahahahahahaha so cringey
Hahahahahhahahahahaha yesssss
@@niighaag "Betray!"
i spent 5 minutes trying to figure out was the dude in the back wearing a hat or was that his hair.
same xD
At what minute ?
Cant look away now that I know its hair....fuckin thanx.
Tell him to his face when you see him.
SWF I would?
I strike before I have a chance to fear.
The more you think, the more you 'll sink.
Fact....just jump in the waters warm
first punch usually wins the fight.
Absolutely... Hit first, hit HARD.
Said the Germans, after losing the first World War and starting the second.
@@edwhite7475 Not always lol
I love this very important to know that it's not just about fighting its about having self control
You're $exy Yvette! 😍🔥💓
@@crownedlegendzmuzik down bad foo , that’s a dude
@@nelofrmokc6086 😂
@@nelofrmokc6086 yoo 😂😂😂
If you are in fear and or being intimidated... it's times to start handing out fades.
Plain and simple.
I remember I would freeze up when it came to real confrontations.
Though only after a short time learning and practicing martial arts had taught me one thing -- breath control.
It's not only important to breathe when you throw a punch or kick or go for takedowns.. You've got to breathe during that entire ordeal, before, during, and after.
So every time a confrontation comes, I still get that instinctive urge to freeze up or be afraid, but all I have to do is keep my eyes on my opponent, and breathe. This has allowed me to successfully defuse many confrontations before they start, because I was able to have a clear mind without clutter or fear.
During the confrontation, just me focusing on breathing has allowed me to react instinctively, and far more quickly than when I don't breathe (albeit, this also came with years of experience and training with a multitude of martial arts).
And even better, it keeps you in the fight should it last beyond the usual 10 to 30 seconds most real fights last.
So, in conclusion, from my personal experience, in addition to the things discussed in this video, learn to control your breathing. It'll make all of the difference.
The other night I had my first boxing sparring and was a bad experience for me because I forgot to breathe. All I focused on was to punch my target and totally forgot about breathing. I barely sparred for 3 or 4 minutes before getting completely gassed out and only then knew the importance of breathing.
+Nuck chorris Don't give up, everyone great was once a beginner
Good for you Nuck chorris, keep at it!! i remember my first boxing session and it was terrifying haha. My advice is spar with someone who generally cares about you so you can practice your technique and breathing without getting smashed. good luck to you!! :)
HighPhoenix1754 thx I have a fight coming tomorrow and this can make all the difference
+Nuck chorris happens to every one at first first time i ever sparred in kickboxing i cried
Bruce once said “ don’t think, feeeeeel”
He also said, "Never take your eyes off your opponent. Even when you bow."
@@keepingitreel...8037 I learned the hard way at wing chun school. I looked down when I bowed and got a glove with uppercut right in my face. He said it was a "joke".
@@theovanrossum8652 He said it was a joke...
For someone who rarely gets into confrontations, being able to overcome the fear and the anxiety of being faced with an abnormal situation is paramount for besting/surviving that confrontation. This lesson was so very helpful in realizing that calmness and being able to keep my wits about me is so important. I will make it a point to practice that.
What you call FEAR is actually the way your body prepares for battle. BUTTERFLIES: in battle you don't need to digest food so blood flowing to your stomach lessens and goes to vital organs and muscles to give more oxygen.
SWEATING: Your body will be getting hot quickly and to cool it down you sweat. It also help to be slippery to Your opponent.
BREATGING HEAVY/FAST: Muscules need oxygen and the blood gets oxygen from the lungs so you take in more oxygen. You may feel tingly after fighting. This would be bc you're full of blood.
Also we release heat from breathing similar to dogs panting. We loose water this way as well.
With this being said know that it's not that you fear the situation, you're preparing for it. So be calm, and if the attacker is threatening from more than an arms length away, get your hands up guarding you face but palms facing your attacker 👐 but not so close together, stating that you feel threatened and u will defend yourself. Know that saying this will probably provoke them. So when he/She gets within arms length from you, attack. No hesitation, just Fire and disable them.
Keeping a distance of 3 ft is the law, so warning about defending yourself is optional. Just attack to disable then call 911 or however but get away while they are on the floor or screaming from a broke wrist, leg, finger, eye hanging out or badly bleeding from a bite wound. Never worry about who's watching or how you look in The fight. It is a survival situation, so just get it done and get home.
The best defense is a great offense.
I think it prepares for running 🐇
Wow i never thought of it that way, thank you i think that has helped a lot
Fight or flight reaction! Our eyes and our ears send a signal to our hypothalamus that sends a signal to our adrenal glands that makes them freak out. Growing up I'd run miles around my town at night and always got a pump from my neighbors pit bulls yanking on their chains after me on the last quarter mile. Sinuses opened, body had an instant energy jolt and I kicked it in to high gear all the way home. Loved that shit, freaking myself out lol
Its fucking awesome what the human body can do
*from a broken (past-tense term for "broke")
Everyone has a plan until they got bite in the ear.😂
If they have any balls left....worked for me twice. Kinda hard to get a solid blow on you, when you are twisting his balls with an iron grip.
Not get bitten in the ear? I guess they will still have a plan if they knock out their opponent before they can bite their ear like Buster Douglas did.
Amen to that friend.
Yea I froze up before..... my mind goes blank and after like long after I think of all the stuff I could've done
bro i feel the same... theres time where i wish time rewinded and the things i learned was with me
Im a young student that fortunately im in 11th grade, through my experince in past schools I have been bullyed( i dont know if i spelled that correctly) but the first time i watched this video and started practicing muay thai and wing chun, I came to a mindset of PERSONALLY changing my psicology and use it in favor. Technically releasing my inner beast and trying to not think things through. I encourage and exhalt you young people who had been bullyied or threatened to atleast practice one martial art to get some dicipline and build up confidence. But the main important thing in learning is having GOOD INTENTIONS, thanks to all of you and specially Dan Lok, peace out.
This was always a missing lesson when I was learning and training. Over the years, I had to learn, on my own, how to control my fear in order to be able to even be able to move. My fear was being hit or worse. It took me several fights, not of my time or choice, to learn I could take a punch so I took control from there. Learning in the street is a very bad thing for many reasons that I found out the hard way. Your mind is your friend AND your enemy. When confronted, don't think, just react or even attack. Learn to conquer your fear by full contact sparing with no protective gear while using boxing gloves. You will learn to control your fear by taking hits, kicks, and punches without fear of being killed.
Jon Heckendorf do u think this will take away my fear of getting hit by doing the things u said?
Jon Heckendorf thank you. Because this one kid is somehow a bully to me yet Ik I can win in a fight. I’m taller and stronger and way more athletic but everyone thinks I’m scared because of my great fear of getting hit
@@jayhardikar1563 I'm sorry you are being bullied. I was bullied too when growing up. The reason I started to studied Martial Arts. Back then, effective fighting techniques weren't very well understood and I had to suffer through using poor and ineffective techniques to discover the truth. Now that I've done nearly everything and studied nearly everything, I now know what works and what doesn't. In today's world, we now know how to fight. You just need to find the right school who is willing to teach you. There still is a lot of bad out there. The more you get punched in the face the easier it will be to control your fear. Do it not with bare knuckles but with someone you trust using boxing gloves to start with. While you are getting punched learn to block and deflect the blows too. Start out easy and slow then work up. Good luck and I know you will conquer this emotion of fear. If I could, you can too.
Jon Heckendorf thank you so much man and hey on the bright side that will never happen to you again and u safe now. U worked for it and u earned every last of bit for no one to mess with you. And even if they do they learn the consequences
Thx you i appreciate it
This is also incorporated into military training (Army in my experience). You are taught to stay focused, whether you are being yelled at, crawling through mud with gunfire and explosions, staying quiet for hours in all conditions, etc. The best instructors I ever had always said the same thing "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast"
Crystal clear
My acting teacher used to say " no thinking, action"
and " actions speak louder than words"
Thank you Dan
my vocals teacher used yo say. imagine you are the water of the lake 4 am in the morning before you start singing. glass before you start singing...
Somebody cheeks getting beat in the background
That actually happen in the mma gym but mostly get beat on the abs. It prepare you to take pain when you fight.
Guy with Glasses: You want something!!
Me: Yeah, I'm looking for grilled sandwich with a cup of hot coffee.
Uhh just bc someone has glasses doesnt mean they cant be strong? How does eye sight have anything to do with fighting/skill
@@aCeRRii Nah live that out...they just say he doesn't look intimidating and doesn't make us think he's any less strong though
Big Mac Bruce Lee 🤣😂🤣
Yo that no thinking thing really makes sense. That is clever man good shit.
starting in 1959. I was taught this very early. was taught to keep my hands in my pocket. real life full contact control sparing, learn how to deflect and take control, no thoughts, open calm and in control, not to be intimidated is to intimidate
I feel fear but it never stops me.
Fear is: False
I would agree. Was banging on about this years ago. The levels it was going to was insane. It’s there now after a evil plan. Years of being set up. House, cars, computers. Playing along to catch up. Then trapped.
Fear is just a part of us.👍
@@DanLok i was also bullied like u. Someone broke my tooth and fight scares me... Wish me luck.
Nice video, we train the same way in Systema. One extra point is to keep breathing to stay relaxed. (Don't hold breath)
These guys seriously need to work on their intimidation voice.
The Asian nerd look
Christopher Smith "hey"
Like in boot camp, the privates learn to shout with confidence.
Hahaha He needs better guys to train.
The one with less bark is more intimidating. From my experience, the loud mouth alpha guy is overcompensating.
This scenario happened to me many times in my life, and I was ashamed. Thanks for bringing it up. At the same time, you wanna keep your hands up. Staring a guy down without putting your own hands up - is asking to get knocked out.
I found meditation techniques to be very helpful with this...
I remember my second degree black belt test...
A handful of the best students were selected to attack me & I wasn’t allowed to fight back or defend myself until my sensei gave the command to do so...
Needless to say I got the crap beat out of me & I was dazed, physically exhausted & VERY SORE!
Without even realizing it at the time, I used a meditation technique I had been practicing to cool down & relax after workouts to block everything completely out & just focused on the flow of the attacks...
In reality, I didn’t really “use” it, so much as it just automatically “switched itself on”
Practicing meditation itself can be boring to people, but that really woke me up to some of the benefits it can offer...
Thanks for real life techniques and psychology of a real fight.
when he said 'learn not to blink' i couldnt stop blinking lol
i’ve researched fear and defeating it from actual karate classes to books and this is the best ive ever seen explained in physical form.
“expect to get cut in a knife fight expect to get hit in a fist fight”.
“fighters get hit. GOOD fighters don’t get much”.
thank you for video sir.
I got hit in the mouth earlier this week and I didn’t know what to do I was panicked scared and nervous so I’m really glad I watched this video thank you so much
You are a very humble man ... very likeable human being .. excellent video
I appreciate that.
in school I had to fight a lot due to my size and I seen boxing saved me and kick boxing but I believe people should study martial arts more often it frees your mind and keeps fear away from a fighter and how to harness it
Keep it up.
CAMARO CHRIS s3fvyuuuoh8i6y5%u76
I can testify to that “don’t think it”....I realized I always lose my confidence when I think it “what if he beat me up”,”what if I wasn’t strong enough “ etc ,but the moment I act on impulse,it’s A for me
Somebody clapping cheeks in the background 😂😂
The Spartan dude 4:30 in the gym CRACKIN sh8t.
Hahaha hoo hoo hoo hoo
I thought that
i was assualted publically yesterday by a mob of around 5 people, but only one guy attacked me. Me and all my friends were intimidated having never been in a situation like that.
We are musicians. I wanted to hit the person attacking me but I couldn't I froze.
I looked around and found no one was standing for me.
I feared I was thinking too much, and that was the problem.
I workout have a better than average physique.
BUT I FROZE because I was looking for support of my friends in defending myself.
I know now that it doesn't work that way.
You need to train.
That is wrong of your friends. My friends would be throwing hands straight up lol. But yeah always defend yourself, don't focus on no one else keep it cool & do what you can to defend yourself 💪
Lyonpulse true. In dangerous situations, all you got is yourself.
Your friends are bitches. Get in a boxing gym with a good trainer and spar eventually.
Southern Rockers dont have that problem...move down south.....find a new band....( i cant believe i said that ...Yankees are sinking Florida as it is. ;-) ).
Mr Dan Loc . It's so true what you say. There are people who train for many years. Then the day when they confront someone with a knife they freeze. Because they never practice to face fear. Good point. Thank you.
"How Dare You attack My friend?!"
"just one technique*"
"How Dare You attack My friend?!"
"just one technique*"
now I know why they say "I'm dead" when laughing..... this is crazy. had an heartattack.
Lmao 😭
I think he said how dare you betray our friendshi.. lol which makes this comment even funnier
I fear a lot when I meet people who wanna fight me I be brave alone but when enemy comes and talks to me I fear my heart starts beating faster and think he's deffinately gonna beat me
same 😬
Ok i calmed down
Ok i didn't blink
He hits me
I was knocked out cold…😂
Tnx, it did helped me to sleep on the ground 😂
That's a ninja move I call hiding in death.
So anyway.
That’s a charge lol
you perfect your psychology, then you also perfect your techniques, both offense and defense. your game must be complete, or else, you sleep on the ground.
Should have gone into "LORENA BOBBITT MODE".....
He didn't ask u to act like a stone, be water my friend.
U not getting the msg.
Thanks for the lesson Mr. Lok. Braveness is in the coward; and cowardice is in the brave. Indeed, if we are to succeed, we must be prepared afore time; especially in our mind. Pride is also an issue. I am what and who I am, no more or less. If I feel a fight brewing, I tell myself I don't choose to fight; therefore the choice is theirs. I only react. This relieves a lot of stress for me.
Marty Stogner some time you just spit dead in their eyes that will buy 2 3 seconds you can destroy or run i always carry my keys on a long cord to hit em in the eyes.
This moment of freezing with fear actually happened to me after 10 years practicing karate. I taught myself how not to show any fear and stay calm. It’s confuses your would be attacker. Being calm works like a charm. I am retired now and I was bullied for 18 years at my place of work. Nothing has changed
Several bullies (3 Tough Guys) throughout 7th and 8th grade were messing around with some of the classmates. The bullies were going down the line to find out who was who in the class. When they walked up to me, they tried intimidation tactics to show just how tough they were. One sucker punched me on the left side of my face, while the other tried to punch me on the right side as well.
As it turned out, I managed to stop the second punch from landing on my face and the third guy was approaching me from behind and grabbed me with both of his arms and he got taken down with a hip toss and a punch to his face. The second guy approached me from my blind side and wasn't expect me to kick him in the groin. As for the first guy, he watched his buddies get taken down by little o' me. That piece of chicken shit ran out of the school and didn't return at all!
When the principal heard this, he got all four of us in his office along with extra help. He brought in two other people to help him sort out this whole mess. When the smoke cleared, I went back to class and the three bullies got transferred to another school for picking on me and some of the guys in the classroom.
The principal awarded me with a merit of certificate in self defense. Since receiving that award, it gave me the inspiration to join the martial arts training academy in high school. This incident occurred back in 1971-72 and that was something I'll never forget!
Good story. Shows you don't need to be big to defend yourself.
U must have had all the ladies in the class....😊
Now they suspend everyone even if you defended yourself
This story sounds like bs :) maybe its real.
Sis snapped
I'm always terrified and amused and angry whenever anyone wants to hurt me. Those are a lot of emotions to get through before I'm ready to fight.
Now you know how to TurnItAround, brother :) 😽 ⚡ 🙏
7:36 dude I'm sorry I was dying when he asked him "do you want something"
Jordan Nelson ong
Yeah only your money😁😂
I have been a fan of Bruce Lee all of my life. It is so awesome to see someone sharing his techniques and philosophies. He was one of the first real mixed martial artist in the world.
I had that problem when I was a kid. I leaned to turn on and off the violence switch. You have to be able to bring extreme violence in the blink of an eye.
I've been doing martial arts for about 12 years now and all I can say to that is Aggression is not fighting. Sure u need to switch to Violence but u also have to respect ur opponent even if he wants to beat you. Fighting doesnt mean throwing punches and kicks until he goes down. Its to STOP someone. Yeah sometimes to stop someone u have to knock him out but its also enough to fear them.
The most important thing in every fight I've been in and every fight I saw when I was growing up was who got hit first. The person who connects with that first punch or strike almost always comes out on top. If you know there is going to be a fight and it's unavoidable then you must go ahead and hit the person first.
I don't think it's realistic to expect no fear. But to condition the fear response, alike what you are saying. The military uses constant harassment on new recruits to keep their adrenaline going and they learn to adapt but of course it takes weeks of this. I think it's the panic response that causes problems (freezing) and that has to be ironed out. But again, I don't think there is a way to get no fear out of anyone. We're always going to feel something when threatened. Great video.
yes there is training your state is not that hard just have a freezing cold shower and then train yourself to not flinch blink move it's the same thing. You can't remove fear..butyou can remove your reactions completely. You can become completely unreactive and the fear stays inwards it doesn't show.
youtubasoarus this is what separates us from military. Martial artists specialize in physical combat more than the use of firearms. I can understand what you are saying but you have to understand, the whole using fear is for long term fighting such as shooting. When one has learned to allow fear to slide off of you, it’s all in an instant. We don’t use other sources to define us unlike those who go to military or to use a gun. But what you said about fear conditioning is not bad either. It’s best to explore all possible options and see what’s for you. I’m not dissing you man nor am I supporting you fully. Because there are differences yet similarities in such things.
youtubasoarus I can give more examples on how it’s different since I realized I didn’t really lost how. But I’ll wait for your request instead of listing it now.
But fear is good too, when you feel fear you know when to run, and how to survive. Everything is about situation. The most important thing to strike is to express.
youtubasoarus meditation can reduce fear even on a physical level as a part of the brain responsible for fear (amygdal?) has been shown to shrink with meditation. fear is good for ignorance (like children needing to fear falling from tall heights instinctively) but with intelligent reasoning abilities there's no real need for fear anymore, even the chemicals involved in dangerous situations can be will fully released by people with a high enough level of self mastery
Im a big guy with some background hands on controlled training ...But when shit is real I think i panic and freeze up no matter who it is or wimpy they are because I always go back in my head to when my frightening father would unpredictably attack me as a little kid and I would just have to be quiet and take it. ..paralyzed before during and moments after...and thats where I still go to in my head 40 years later.
Your story about being one of three Chinese in your school reminded me of a time I lived on the Mexico boarder and I was one of the only white children in my school, in my town. I got into many fights because of it, as a child of like 8-9 years old. It wasn't an easy situation at all being a minority but in the end it taught me a lot about racism and not to be racist. I've seen a couple of your videos now, very informative! I was looking at the comments below and noticed someone said you can't expect no fear, their correct; but correct me if I'm wrong, you're teaching to have more control of your fear correct?
I have definitely experienced that kind of fear.😢
Keep growing.
So has everybody else too
Guide to be fesrless or less fearful:
Step 1: get into fights.
Best teacher is experience.
Yes but also train, you can get into 100 fights and lose all of them if you don’t train
Edit: actually don’t get into fights just spar don’t be a dick and go looking for trouble
First love your videos Sir your absolutely awesome. I can relate to your bullying story I was 13 the only Polish kid in my school when my family immigrated to Canada. To overcome that fear of being helpless.
I decided to train in JKD because I wanted to be like Bruce Lee my idol, unfortunately in my town there were no martial arts schools. So I decided to train from all Bruce Lee's movies and his book. I am a self tought martial artist I am in my late 40s now but after 3 years of training every day by copying every move from all Bruce Lee movies I was ready to defend myself at 16.
I confronted the bully told him that he will never push or kick me again and I'm ready to defend myself, I said in calm voice just let me stretch, I did one of Bruce's stretching kicks and sequences that's all it took , he walked oway and ever since that day he respected me, and from that day on I have never started a fight but I had to defend myself on many occasions and in one occasion 2 men at one time. As you say fear is deadly some can control it more than others. I always get scared before a fight but ones I commit the fear always washes oway and than it's just conditioned muscle response, you don't even think half of the time you just react.
As I got older and over the years I studied karate and taekwondo to understand martial arts more but found them to be to ridgit and stiff. Now in my older years I only find myself practicing Wing Chun and jkd.
Bruce Lee and jkd made me who I am today Jkd saved my life on many occasions, it has conditioned my brain to analyze and react very quickly under any circumstance Jkd is not just for fighting it is a tool to be used in many applications of every day life. Thank you Bruce Lee.
That was me 2 years age I was in a fight in the bathroom at school and I was so scared not knowing what to do but this video helped me faces this fear thank you
Or get hit in the face and let your anger flow through you like water in a stream. Control it and let it flow and use it for power. Don't let it take over let it power your attack's and heal your pain and then strike without mercy. Remember your technique and hit as controlled as possible while also wanting to punch your targets head off. Be strong be calm and strike without mercy.
One of my classmate wants to fight me and he callled his brother too im in high school im not afraid of fighting them but i don want detention
@@owengames3630 who cares about detention. He called his brother that means he's scared of you. Don't be afraid of pain invite it. I myself hit walls and heavy bags till my knuckles bleed. So don't fear pain or detention invite it and be proud you stood up.
@@swainstormh i got you bro and damn you are a beast i just wanna beat him up cause he just won't shut up i am one of the type which don talk in school alot thats why
@@owengames3630 yo dawg I understand. You should get a pair of gloves and start going to the gym(MMA gym). Go and be a beast show him whose boss. Beat his ass. Also keep your posture and always keep your hands up.
@@owengames3630 also don't get cocky
It is true that intimidation takes you off your game. When I was young , I would have to remember my Karate training after I was already in the fight. The intimidation period does wipe your mind out of the game for a period of time. Thank you for that training.
Sifu great lesson. I can see where I need to Improve in HTC with heart racing, paralyzed, overthinking to get my rp right. Thank you for the lesson. I see I have a longer way to go than I thought but I'm not giving up.
All you have to do is knee the guy on his groins and that's it. and you must protect your face and your chest, if you get punched on your chest hard your going to go down guaranteed!! Keep training!!!
Teacher you answered a question i 've been asking for years about fear .
Good Troy.
Hey dan, when I was 17 I had this problem with like 5 guys that was my age that wanted to beat me, and I wasn’t training nothing,so before I met them in my home town, I was training my mind that if something happens I’ll use theirs fear to beat them.
So when I met them at first I was scared, than one them started asking me if I want to fight them so I said no, I was a little afraid, the next moment I got punched in the the neck, and when that happened I started screaming at them that I’m sick of them annoying me, and in the same time punch them and hit them one by one, as I started screaming like a scyco, they froze and just let me beat the shit out of them. So my thechnic was, so what’s unexpected in a drastic way so that your opponent will get scared.
you smelled blood and that’s your killer instinct. That happens to me whenever I’m fighting in the ring. But then again fighting is different from killing.. so there’s an in between type of aggression
Beware the fury of a patient man - john Dryden
David.....Mace is a good way to gain the upper hand but make sure the wind is not blowing in your direction or else it will get in your eyes instead.
Lucky Tzekov Thats some anime shit lol
There is a way how I learned to do it. Erase all u learned from ur mind. Every single technique. Concentrate on nothing. Focus on nothing. I'm not talking about in the middle of the fight. I'm talking about everytime. Nothing. Nada. He will regret attacking you
Man you are Absolute a genius, Dan Lok Thanks is a small word to appreciate you. very helpful video.
I'm ready
X Ravia lmao
Bro ur literally amazing lol
The greatest quote ive ever heard!
Hahaha underrated comment
You want something ? 🤣😭😭😭😭😭 who else was cryin while watching this
Y u r crying man?
I would ask "What do you have to offer that I might want?"
@@theovanrossum8652 lmao
am 25 but still am afraid of all that i want to overcome with that
My problem was whenever a bully intimated me, my legs would shake, and feel like spaghetti. Never understood why
Man you probably keep thinking about how he’s going to beat you up, about how he’s stronger and bigger than you. get that outta ur mind, i. the moment dont think about that, train, become a fucking beast, then when the times come, show them who’s the big man
Thats natural, deep breathing stops that to a degree. My instructor would recommend getting your friends to come at you unexpected in an intimidating manner Shouting screaming surrounding you With time you get used to that high stress situation. We are not used to hostile behaviour so its a shock to us.
now. you do ;)
@@arifrafique1439 Good advice bro do boxing training helps you to overcome fear in street fight? Boxing is all about attack and fear
@@PardeepSingh-ex5oc boxing is good bro but mixed martial arts is beneficial as you are put in real street fight scenarios against multiple opposition. The fear factor can only be dealt with in trying to replicate real life scenarios Look onto krav maga its helped me develop.
Dude, when Dan actually didn't even blink! Savage
I like how all these clowns be talking about Bruce like he couldn't handle his sht in the ring. B, he was a freakin Titan! Every Legend recognizes Bruce's greatness!
Great advice! I actually think that kind of technique helped me detour a fight with a bigger fella than myself. It seemed to reverse the intimidation from myself to the other guy. I didnt show any emotion to him even though I was really nervous. It seemed to make him less aggressive and actually made him fear what might happen.
I don't really get scared but I do loose myself to the anger and adrenaline. At the point I don't think I just go on instinct I guess.
Pretty much everyone
LOLOL Who talks like that!! LMAO!
Great vid! Great guys!! But need acting classes!!
Yeah, you could prepare flash cards in your practice session and choose a different insult at random each time, to keep the element of surprise.
Actually that sounded just like a lot of karate movies I've seen.
After saying "be a good actor" hahaha
the one thing i remember is when i got to a fight in college. when someone tell the man that im gossiping him. even if its not true. is i think i activate my fight or flight response to FIGHT MODE. its automatically i got the mindset of "i dont care whatever the reason i just want to protect myself" i just dont listen to his thrashtalk and start applying my Aikido and wing chun everytime he attack and end up I WON. without knowing what i did. i just didnt put my emotions into a fight cause my master said that. and i UNCONSCIOUSLY did it! training every week makes u adopt at fights. and after what happen, i end up suspended in school. because i broke his left arm and need to put a titanium metal to his elbow. my mother was angry that time because its expensive. but it turns out ok now. i never see him in years now. btw. my height is 5'3 and he is i think 5'6 or 5'7...
P.S. sorry for my english.
If true, you went overboard. In college it is unlikely someone is trying to seriously hurt or kill you.
Steven seagal mode.
There are surprisingly many people in the world who like to fight.
Fear is what keeps you on your toes, don't Flinch move and counterpunch. Do not allow them to even get close to you the second they are in your space do what you must to drop them with the intentions of hurting them a hundred percent
i don't think the guy in the glasses ever been in a fight..but over all that is good but he need to get surprised jumped as a simulation form his class buddies to train that fight or flight and apply the situational awareness. good video..
Mr Grow
Just learn
Fighting instinct is a hard thing to develop. Some martial artists train their whole lives just to freeze up in an actual street fight. I think the best way to overcome it is to continue to experience the fear ( which can not be done in a dojo or ring). The brain will eventually grow accustomed to this feel and improve your subconcious reflex and instinct.
Audie Herron driving a bus in Miami with the constant harassment and threats have thought me how to remain calm and master this technique yes once in a while the heart takes over but you're right exposure it's the real training
Audie Herron agree
Visualization can help if you're able to use it effectively, desensitization therapy essentially. Still wont mirror the real thing exactly though
This is true but this one girl on my wrestling team is a all American so when we spar I cant do anything. She is the only person that scares me now.
This is really good thank you. I once got attacked by someone. He was watching me and I knew something wasn't right. Then I heard him screaming behind me and headed towards me. I stood my ground and waited while he continued to run towards me. I took a deep breath and in that instant I knew this man was going to attack and I moved away from his punches. I am learning Kung Fu again after many years and had a great teacher. Great tips on this video to take away - thank you.
My sifu taught me some of this in Wu taiji, by attacking me with a spear in the face, as I learned to defend w/ broadsword & body.
Enjoy watching Dan Lok's videos. Find it very interesting n practical, especially in STREET FIGHTING situations. Keep showing rhe videos Dan n we will keep watching n applying your advice/ techniques.
The best thing to overcome fear is to never think you are weak than your opponent. That's it.
This is super valuable for all people. From self defense on the street to even competitors. I'm definitely going to practice this.
you said that right.
i have experienced it and eventually lost my sleep
I never realised how much your own mind can work against you in a fight
This is the best video i have seen ever on this topic ...
Nabeel, awesome. Continue to watch and apply my videos.
I've always thought fear was what gave me the edge. Fear is knowing how precious life is. I love my life, I want to live.
Fear responses : Fight, flight or freeze. There are goats that go completely stiff and fall over when scared even in mid jump or while running away.
Another tip...
Practice mindfulness.
Be in the moment, expect the worst and be formless, prepared for anything.